AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2006-12-02Update for version Packard4-5/+37
2006-12-02Fix fc-cat documentation (bug 8935).Peter Breitenlohner2-5/+30
2006-12-02Add space between type and formal in devel man pages (bug 8935)Keith Packard13-57/+62
2006-12-02Use <literal> instead of <sgmltag> when documenting fonts.conf. Bug 8935.Peter Breitenlohner1-44/+43
2006-12-02A VPATH build of fontconfig-2.4.1 fails for various reasons. Bug 8933.Peter Breitenlohner2-6/+10
2006-12-02Segfault scanning non-font files. Disallow scan edit of user vars. (#8767)Keith Packard3-1/+8
2006-12-02Don't use varargs CPP macros in fccache.c. (bug 8733)Kean Johnston1-6/+7
2006-12-02Add FcFreeTypeQueryFace external API. Bug #7311.Keith Packard4-25/+52
2006-12-02Fix grep pattern in makealias to work on non-Gnu grep (bug 8368).Keith Packard1-1/+1
2006-12-02Avoid writing uninitialized structure pad bytes to cache files.Keith Packard1-1/+16
2006-12-02Warn (and recover) from config file without <cachedir> elements.Keith Packard1-0/+19
2006-12-02Use explicit platform/nameid order when scanning ttf files.Keith Packard1-88/+149
2006-11-12FcStrCanonAbsoluteFilename should be static.Keith Packard1-1/+1
2006-11-12Add sparc64 architecture string.Keith Packard1-0/+1
2006-10-27Do not clean cache files for different architecturesMike FABIAN1-0/+9
2006-09-17More fixes for Win32 building (bug 8311)Han-Wen Nienhuys2-1/+9
2006-09-17FcStrCanonFileName buggy for mingw. (bug 8311)Han-Wen Nienhuys2-15/+78
2006-09-17Detect and use available random number generator (bug 8308)Keith Packard2-2/+13
2006-09-17Build fontconfig.def from header files when needed.Keith Packard3-305/+17
2006-09-17Remove documentation for non-existant FcConfigNormalizeFontDir.Keith Packard1-11/+0
2006-09-15Update for version Packard3-4/+13
2006-09-15Reimplement FcConfigAppFontAddDir; function was lost in 2.4.0.Keith Packard3-47/+46
2006-09-13Add warning flags to fc-cache build. Clean up warnings in fc-cache.Keith Packard2-24/+9
2006-09-13Add signatures for m68k and mipsel (thanks debian buildd)Keith Packard1-0/+2
2006-09-11Add ppc64 signature. Bug 8227Keith Packard1-0/+1
2006-09-11Update installation notes for 2.4 base.Keith Packard1-7/+12
2006-09-09Update to version Packard4-5/+42
2006-09-09Split much of the configuration into separate files. Renumber filesKeith Packard25-237/+344
2006-09-09Don't display tests for DESTDIR on make install.Keith Packard1-1/+1
2006-09-09Include cachedir in fonts.dtd.Keith Packard1-3/+4
2006-09-09Fix conf.d directory sorting.Keith Packard1-1/+9
2006-09-09Rename conf.avail to conf.dKeith Packard22-2/+1
2006-09-09Add XML headers to new conf files. Move link make commands to conf.avail dirKeith Packard6-52/+42
2006-09-09Insert newly created caches into reference data structure.Keith Packard1-3/+14
2006-09-09Merge branch 'jhcloos'Keith Packard24-151/+246
2006-09-09Accept locale environment variables that do not contain territory.Keith Packard1-0/+16
2006-09-09Make conf.avail and conf.d workJames Cloos2-0/+53
2006-09-07Attempt to fix makealias usage for build on Mac OS X.Keith Packard2-1/+4
2006-09-07Replace gnu-specific sed command with simple grep.Keith Packard2-2/+2
2006-09-07Replace character discovery loop with simpler, faster version.David Turner1-53/+30
2006-09-07Reference patterns in FcCacheCopySet.Keith Packard1-1/+6
2006-09-07Create fc_cachedir at install time. Bug 8157.Keith Packard1-1/+1
2006-09-06Update for version Packard4-5/+42
2006-09-06Charset hashing depended on uniqueness of leaves.Keith Packard1-2/+2
2006-09-06Parallel build fix for fcalias.h and fcaliastail.hKeith Packard1-1/+3
2006-09-06Update architecture signatures for x86-64 and ppc.Keith Packard1-2/+2
2006-09-05Eliminate .so PLT entries for local symbols. (thanks to Arjan van de Ven)Keith Packard31-12/+145
2006-09-04Correct reference count when sharing cache file objects.Keith Packard1-1/+3
2006-09-04Oops, fc-lang broke when I added cache referencing.Keith Packard1-0/+10
2006-09-04Make cache reference counting more efficient.Keith Packard3-1/+16