Copyright (c) 2005 X.Org Foundation L.L.C. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Copyright (c) Applied Testing and Technology, Inc. 1995 All Rights Reserved. >># Project: VSW5 >># >># File: xts5/XI/stdvcfcs/stdvcfcs.m >># >># Description: >># Tests for XSetDeviceFocus() >># >># Modifications: >># $Log: setdvfocus.m,v $ >># Revision 1.2 2005-11-03 08:42:08 jmichael >># clean up all vsw5 paths to use xts5 instead. >># >># Revision 2005/04/15 14:05:14 anderson >># Reimport of the base with the legal name in the copyright fixed. >># >># Revision 8.0 1998/12/23 23:32:07 mar >># Branch point for Release 5.0.2 >># >># Revision 7.0 1998/10/30 22:52:24 mar >># Branch point for Release 5.0.2b1 >># >># Revision 6.1 1998/09/03 02:06:19 mar >># vswsr212 - avoid conflict with sys/time.h definition of time >># >># Revision 6.0 1998/03/02 05:23:40 tbr >># Branch point for Release 5.0.1 >># >># Revision 5.0 1998/01/26 03:20:12 tbr >># Branch point for Release 5.0.1b1 >># >># Revision 4.0 1995/12/15 09:04:06 tbr >># Branch point for Release 5.0.0 >># >># Revision 3.2 1995/12/15 01:02:15 andy >># Prepare for GA Release >># /* Copyright (c) 1990, 1991 X Consortium Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE X CONSORTIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the X Consortium. Copyright 1993 by the Hewlett-Packard Company. Copyright 1990, 1991 UniSoft Group Limited. Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of HP, and UniSoft not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. HP, and UniSoft make no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. */ >>TITLE XSetDeviceFocus XI void Display *display = Dsp; XDevice *device; Window focus = PointerRoot; int revert_to = RevertToPointerRoot; int time1 = CurrentTime; >>EXTERN XID baddevice; extern ExtDeviceInfo Devs; extern int MinKeyCode; >>ASSERTION Bad B 3 When a window argument does not name a valid Window, PointerRoot or None, then a BadWindow error occurs. >>STRATEGY >>CODE BadWindow if (!Setup_Extension_DeviceInfo(FocusMask)) { untested("%s: No input extension device to focus.\n", TestName); return; } device = Devs.Focus; focus = badwin(display); XCALL; if (geterr() == BadWindow) PASS; else FAIL; >>ASSERTION Good B 3 When the focus argument is None, then all device events are discarded until a new focus window is set. >>STRATEGY If extension available: Create a window and select DeviceKeyPress and DeviceKeyRelease events. Call xname with focus = None. Warp pointer into window and simulate keypress using extension. Ensure no event received. Call xname with focus = window. Simulate key release. Ensure event now received. else report untested. >>CODE Window win; XEvent ev; int n; int dkp, dkr; XEventClass classes[2]; if (!Setup_Extension_DeviceInfo(KeyMask)) { untested("%s: No input extension device to focus.\n", TestName); return; } if (noext(0)) return; else CHECK; device = Devs.Key; DeviceKeyPress(device, dkp, classes[0]); DeviceKeyRelease(device, dkr, classes[1]); win = defwin(display); XSelectExtensionEvent(display, win, classes, 2); focus = None; XCALL; (void) warppointer(display, win, 2, 2); XSync(display, True); /* clear out event queue */ devicekeypress(display, device, MinKeyCode); if (n=getevent(display, &ev)) /* assignment intentional */ { report("Got %d events instead of 0, first was type %s.", n, eventname(ev.type)); FAIL; } else CHECK; focus = win; XCALL; XSync(display, True); /* clear out event queue */ devicekeyrel(display, device, MinKeyCode); if (!XCheckTypedWindowEvent(display, win, dkr, &ev)) { report("Normal event processing not restored."); FAIL; } else CHECK; devicerelkeys(device); CHECKPASS(3); >>ASSERTION Good B 3 When the focus argument is a window, then device events that would normally be reported to the focus window or one of its inferiors are reported as usual and all other keyboard events are reported relative to the focus window. >>STRATEGY If extension available: Create a window tree and select DeviceKeyPress and DeviceKeyRelease events on all. Call xname with focus = window in tree with child (child2, with child grandchild). Warp pointer into all windows, and root, and simulate keypress/release using extension in each. Ensure event.xany.window is focus (child2) in all cases except grandchild, when it should be grandchild. Release any remaining keys. else report untested. >>EXTERN static char *WindowTree[]= { "toplevel", "child1 toplevel (10,10) 30x30", "child2 toplevel (50,50) 30x30", "grandchild child2 (2,2) 20x20", }; static int NWindowTree = NELEM(WindowTree); >>CODE int keycode; XEvent ev; int dkp, dkr; XEventClass classes[2]; int n; Window parent,child2,gchild; Window windows[6]; /* root + 4 + None stopper */ Window root; Window *wp; struct buildtree *tree; char *wname; char *evwname; if (!Setup_Extension_DeviceInfo(KeyMask)) { untested("%s: No input extension device to focus.\n", TestName); return; } device = Devs.Key; DeviceKeyPress(device, dkp, classes[0]); DeviceKeyRelease(device, dkr, classes[1]); if (noext(0)) return; else CHECK; wp = windows; *wp++ = root = DRW(display); *wp++ = parent = defwin(display); tree = buildtree(display, parent, WindowTree, NWindowTree); *wp++ = btntow(tree, "child1"); *wp++ = child2 = btntow(tree, "child2"); *wp++ = gchild = btntow(tree, "grandchild"); *wp = None; for(wp=windows; *wp != None; wp++) XSelectExtensionEvent(display, *wp, classes, 2); focus = child2; XCALL; for(wp=windows; *wp != None; wp++) { /* around 5 times */ (void)warppointer(display, *wp, 0,0); /* use 0,0 as window making stuff keeps away from there on * root. All of our tree windows are not at 0,0 either */ XSync(display, True); /* clear out event queue */ devicekeypress(display, device, MinKeyCode); devicekeyrel(display, device, MinKeyCode); if (!(wname = btwton(tree,*wp))) wname = (*wp == root) ? "ROOT" : ""; if (!(n=XCheckTypedEvent(display, dkp, &ev))) { report("No event received after keypress/release in window %s.", (*wp==focus)?"focus":wname); FAIL; } else CHECK; if (n && !(evwname = btwton(tree,ev.xany.window))) evwname = (ev.xany.window == root) ? "ROOT" : ((ev.xany.window == None) ? "None" : ""); if (*wp == focus || *wp == gchild) { if (n && ev.xany.window != *wp) { report("Event window was %s instead of %s for focus window or child.", evwname, wname); FAIL; } else CHECK; } else { if (n && ev.xany.window != focus) { report("Event window was %s instead of focus window.", evwname); FAIL; } else CHECK; } } devicerelkeys(device); CHECKPASS(1+2*5); >>ASSERTION Good B 3 When the focus argument is PointerRoot, then the focus window is taken to be the root window of the screen the pointer is on at each device event. >>STRATEGY If extension available: Create a toplevel window, select DeviceKeyPress and DeviceKeyRelease events. Select DeviceKeyPress and DeviceKeyRelease events in root window. Call xname with focus = PointerRoot. Warp pointer into window and simulate keypress using extension. Ensure event received and that event.xany.window = window. Warp pointer into root window. Simulate key release. Ensure event received and that event.xany.window = root (focus). If more than one screen: Select DeviceKeyPress and DeviceKeyRelease events in root window of alternate screen. Warp pointer into root window of alternate screen. Simulate KeyPress/KeyRelease. Ensure event received and that event.xany.window = altroot (focus) and event.xkey.same_screen is True and event.xkey.root is altroot. else Issue incomplete testing message and report untested. else report untested. >>CODE Window win, root, altroot; int keycode; XEvent ev; int dkp, dkr, nev; XEventClass classes[2], nevclass; if (noext(0)) return; else CHECK; if (!Setup_Extension_DeviceInfo(KeyMask)) { untested("%s: No input extension device to focus.\n", TestName); return; } device = Devs.Key; DeviceKeyPress(device, dkp, classes[0]); DeviceKeyRelease(device, dkr, classes[1]); NoExtensionEvent(device, nev, nevclass); win = defwin(display); XSelectExtensionEvent(display, win, classes, 2); XSelectExtensionEvent(display, root = DRW(display), classes, 2); trace("Test with toplevel window and PointerRoot."); focus = PointerRoot; XCALL; (void) warppointer(display, win, 2, 2); XSync(display, True); /* clear out event queue */ devicekeypress(display, device, MinKeyCode); if (!getevent(display, &ev)) { report("No event received."); FAIL; } else if (ev.type != dkp && ev.type != dkr) { report("First event was of unexpected type: %s.", eventname(ev.type)); FAIL; } else if (ev.xkey.window != win) { report("First event had unexpected window: 0x%x instead of 0x%x.", (unsigned)ev.xkey.window, (unsigned)win); FAIL; } else CHECK; trace("Test with root and PointerRoot."); (void) warppointer(display, root, 0,0); XSync(display, True); /* clear out event queue */ devicekeyrel(display, device, MinKeyCode); if (!getevent(display, &ev)) { report("No event received."); FAIL; } else if (ev.type != dkp && ev.type != dkr) { report("First event was of unexpected type: %s.", eventname(ev.type)); FAIL; } else if (ev.xkey.window != root) { report("First event had unexpected window: 0x%x instead of 0x%x.", (unsigned)ev.xkey.window, (unsigned)root); FAIL; } else CHECK; if (config.alt_screen != -1) { altroot = RootWindow(display, config.alt_screen); trace("Testing with root of alternate screen as source (0x%x) and PointerRoot.", (unsigned)altroot); XSelectExtensionEvent(display, altroot, classes, 2); (void) warppointer(display, altroot, 0,0); XSync(display, True); /* clear out event queue */ devicekeypress(display, device, MinKeyCode); devicekeyrel(display, device, MinKeyCode); if (!getevent(display, &ev)) { report("No event received."); FAIL; } else if (ev.type != dkp && ev.type != dkr) { report("First event was of unexpected type: %s.", eventname(ev.type)); FAIL; } else if (ev.xkey.window != altroot) { report("First event had unexpected window: 0x%x instead of focus (altroot) 0x%x.", (unsigned)ev.xkey.window, (unsigned)altroot); FAIL; } else if (!ev.xkey.same_screen) { report("same_screen unexpectedly False."); FAIL; } else if (ev.xkey.root != altroot) { report("First event had unexpected root window: 0x%x instead of 0x%x.", (unsigned)ev.xkey.root, (unsigned)altroot); FAIL; } else CHECK; CHECKPASS(4); } else { report("Tested as far as possible with just one screen."); CHECKUNTESTED(3); XSelectExtensionEvent(display, win, &nevclass, 1); XSelectExtensionEvent(display, root, &nevclass, 1); devicerelkeys(device); } >>ASSERTION Good B 3 When the focus argument is FollowKeyboard, then the focus window is taken to be the focus window of the X keyboard. >>STRATEGY >>CODE Window win, sav; XEvent ev; int n, sav_revert; int dkp, dkr; XEventClass classes[2]; if (noext(0)) return; else CHECK; if (!Setup_Extension_DeviceInfo(KeyMask)) { untested("%s: No input extension device to focus.\n", TestName); return; } device = Devs.Key; DeviceKeyPress(device, dkp, classes[0]); DeviceKeyRelease(device, dkr, classes[1]); win = defwin(display); XSelectExtensionEvent(display, win, classes, 2); focus = FollowKeyboard; XCALL; XSync(display, True); /* clear out event queue */ devicekeypress(display, device, MinKeyCode); if (n=getevent(display, &ev)) /* assignment intentional */ { report("Got %d events instead of 0, first was type %s.", n, eventname(ev.type)); FAIL; } else CHECK; XGetInputFocus(display, &sav, &sav_revert); XSetInputFocus(display, win, RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime); XSync(display, True); /* clear out event queue */ devicekeyrel(display, device, MinKeyCode); if (!XCheckTypedWindowEvent(display, win, dkr, &ev)) { report("No event received from focus window."); FAIL; } else CHECK; XSetInputFocus(display, sav, sav_revert, CurrentTime); devicerelkeys(device); CHECKPASS(3); >>ASSERTION Good B 3 When the focus window later becomes not viewable and revert_to is RevertToParent, then the focus reverts to the closest viewable ancestor of the focus window, the revert_to value is changed to RevertToNone and DeviceFocusIn and DeviceFocusOut events are generated. >>STRATEGY Create base window Create child of this window and set focus argument to it. Set revert_to argument to RevertToParent. Call xname. Enable events on windows. Unmap focus window. Verify that focus is the base window. Verify that revert_to is RevertToNone. Verify that Focus events are generated. >>CODE Window base; XDeviceFocusInEvent figood; XDeviceFocusOutEvent fogood; XEvent ev; Window newfocus; int newrevert; Time newtime; int dfi, dfo; XEventClass classes[2]; if (!Setup_Extension_DeviceInfo(FocusMask)) { untested("%s: No input extension device to focus.\n", TestName); return; } device = Devs.Focus; DeviceFocusIn(device, dfi, classes[0]); DeviceFocusOut(device, dfo, classes[1]); base = defwin(display); focus = crechild(display, base, (struct area *)0); revert_to = RevertToParent; if (isdeleted()) return; XCALL; XSelectExtensionEvent(display, base, classes, 2); XSelectExtensionEvent(display, focus, classes, 2); XUnmapWindow(display, focus); XGetDeviceFocus(display, device, &newfocus, &newrevert, &newtime); if (isdeleted()) return; if (newfocus != base) { report("Focus window was 0x%x, expecting 0x%x", newfocus, base); FAIL; } else CHECK; if (newrevert != RevertToNone) { report("New revert_to value was %s, expecting RevertToNone", reverttoname(newrevert)); FAIL; } else CHECK; /* * Event testing. In this case there should be a DeviceFocusOut on the * focus window, followed by a DeviceFocusIn on the base window. */ defsetevent(fogood, display, dfo); fogood.window = focus; fogood.mode = NotifyNormal; fogood.detail = NotifyAncestor; fogood.deviceid = device->device_id; if (getevent(display, &ev) == 0 || ev.type != dfo) { report("Was expecting a DeviceFocusOut event"); FAIL; } else CHECK; if (checkevent((XEvent*)&fogood, &ev)) FAIL; else CHECK; defsetevent(figood, display, dfi); figood.window = base; figood.mode = NotifyNormal; figood.detail = NotifyInferior; figood.deviceid = device->device_id; if (getevent(display, &ev) == 0 || ev.type != dfi) { report("Was expecting a DeviceFocusIn event"); FAIL; } else CHECK; if (checkevent((XEvent*)&figood, &ev)) FAIL; else CHECK; CHECKPASS(6); >>ASSERTION Good B 3 When the focus window later becomes not viewable and revert_to is RevertToPointerRoot, then the focus window reverts to PointerRoot and DeviceFocusIn and DeviceFocusOut events are generated. >>STRATEGY Create base window Create child of this window and set focus argument to it. Set revert_to argument to RevertToPointerRoot. Warp pointer to 0,0 (guaranteed none of our windows are here) Call xname. Unmap focus window. Verify that focus is PointerRoot. Verify that revert_to is RevertToPointerRoot. Verify that Focus events are generated. >>CODE Window base; XDeviceFocusInEvent figood; XDeviceFocusOutEvent fogood; XEvent ev; Window newfocus; int newrevert; Time newtime; int dfi, dfo, nev; XEventClass classes[2], nevclass; if (!Setup_Extension_DeviceInfo(FocusMask)) { untested("%s: No input extension device to focus.\n", TestName); return; } device = Devs.Focus; DeviceFocusIn(device, dfi, classes[0]); DeviceFocusOut(device, dfo, classes[1]); NoExtensionEvent(device, nev, nevclass); /* * Use a non-default display, because we are setting the event mask * on the root window, which would mess up things for the next tests. */ display = opendisplay(); base = defwin(display); focus = crechild(display, base, (struct area *)0); revert_to = RevertToPointerRoot; (void) warppointer(display, DRW(display), 0, 0); if (isdeleted()) return; XCALL; XSelectExtensionEvent(display, base, classes, 2); XSelectExtensionEvent(display, focus, classes, 2); XSelectExtensionEvent(display, DRW(display), classes, 2); XUnmapWindow(display, focus); XGetDeviceFocus(display, device, &newfocus, &newrevert, &newtime); if (isdeleted()) return; if (newfocus != PointerRoot) { report("Focus window was 0x%x, expecting 0x%x", newfocus, PointerRoot); FAIL; } else CHECK; if (newrevert != RevertToPointerRoot) { report("New revert_to value was %s, expecting RevertToPointerRoot", reverttoname(newrevert)); FAIL; } else CHECK; /* FocusOut from focus window */ defsetevent(fogood, display, dfo); fogood.window = focus; fogood.mode = NotifyNormal; fogood.detail = NotifyNonlinear; fogood.deviceid = device->device_id; if (getevent(display, &ev) == 0 || ev.type != dfo) { report("Was expecting a DeviceFocusOut event"); FAIL; } else CHECK; if (checkevent((XEvent*)&fogood, &ev)) FAIL; else CHECK; /* FocusOut on the base window */ fogood.window = base; fogood.detail = NotifyNonlinearVirtual; if (getevent(display, &ev) == 0 || ev.type != dfo) { report("Was expecting a DeviceFocusOut event"); FAIL; } else CHECK; if (checkevent((XEvent*)&fogood, &ev)) FAIL; else CHECK; /* FocusOut on the root window */ fogood.window = DRW(display); if (getevent(display, &ev) == 0 || ev.type != dfo) { report("Was expecting a DeviceFocusOut event"); FAIL; } else CHECK; if (checkevent((XEvent*)&fogood, &ev)) FAIL; else CHECK; /* FocusIn on the root window */ defsetevent(figood, display, dfi); figood.window = DRW(display); figood.mode = NotifyNormal; figood.detail = NotifyPointerRoot; figood.deviceid = device->device_id; if (getevent(display, &ev) == 0 || ev.type != dfi) { report("Was expecting a DeviceFocusIn event"); FAIL; } else CHECK; if (checkevent((XEvent*)&figood, &ev)) FAIL; else CHECK; figood.window = DRW(display); figood.detail = NotifyPointer; /* FocusIn for the pointer */ if (getevent(display, &ev) == 0 || ev.type != dfi) { report("Was expecting a DeviceFocusIn event"); FAIL; } else CHECK; if (checkevent((XEvent*)&figood, &ev)) FAIL; else CHECK; CHECKPASS(12); XSelectExtensionEvent(display, DRW(display), &nevclass, 1); XSelectExtensionEvent(display, base, &nevclass, 1); XSelectExtensionEvent(display, focus, &nevclass, 1); >>ASSERTION Good B 3 When the focus window later becomes not viewable and revert_to is RevertToFollowKeyboard, then the focus window reverts to the focus window of the X keyboard, and DeviceFocusIn and DeviceFocusOut events are generated. >>STRATEGY Create base window Create child of this window and set focus argument to it. Set revert_to argument to RevertToFollowKeyboard. Warp pointer to 0,0 (guaranteed none of our windows are here) Call xname. Unmap focus window. Verify that focus is the same as the X keyboard focus. Verify that revert_to is RevertToFollowKeyboard. Verify that DeviceFocus events are generated. >>CODE Window base; XDeviceFocusInEvent figood; XDeviceFocusOutEvent fogood; XEvent ev; Window newfocus; int newrevert; Time newtime; int dfi, dfo; XEventClass classes[2]; if (!Setup_Extension_DeviceInfo(FocusMask)) { untested("%s: No input extension device to focus.\n", TestName); return; } device = Devs.Focus; DeviceFocusIn(device, dfi, classes[0]); DeviceFocusOut(device, dfo, classes[1]); /* * Use a non-default display, because we are setting the event mask * on the root window, which would mess up things for the next tests. */ display = opendisplay(); base = defwin(display); focus = crechild(display, base, (struct area *)0); revert_to = RevertToFollowKeyboard; (void) warppointer(display, DRW(display), 0, 0); if (isdeleted()) return; XCALL; XSelectExtensionEvent(display, base, classes, 2); XSelectExtensionEvent(display, focus, classes, 2); XSelectExtensionEvent(display, DRW(display), classes, 2); XUnmapWindow(display, focus); XGetDeviceFocus(display, device, &newfocus, &newrevert, &newtime); if (isdeleted()) return; if (newfocus != FollowKeyboard) { report("Focus window was 0x%x, expecting 0x%x", newfocus, FollowKeyboard); FAIL; } else CHECK; if (newrevert != RevertToFollowKeyboard) { report("New revert_to value was %s, expecting RevertToFollowKeyboard", reverttoname(newrevert)); FAIL; } else CHECK; /* FocusOut from focus window */ defsetevent(fogood, display, dfo); fogood.window = focus; fogood.mode = NotifyNormal; fogood.detail = NotifyNonlinear; fogood.deviceid = device->device_id; if (getevent(display, &ev) == 0 || ev.type != dfo) { report("Was expecting a DeviceFocusOut event"); FAIL; } else CHECK; if (checkevent((XEvent*)&fogood, &ev)) FAIL; else CHECK; /* FocusOut on the base window */ fogood.window = base; fogood.detail = NotifyNonlinearVirtual; if (getevent(display, &ev) == 0 || ev.type != dfo) { report("Was expecting a DeviceFocusOut event"); FAIL; } else CHECK; if (checkevent((XEvent*)&fogood, &ev)) FAIL; else CHECK; /* FocusOut on the root window */ fogood.window = DRW(display); if (getevent(display, &ev) == 0 || ev.type != dfo) { report("Was expecting a DeviceFocusOut event"); FAIL; } else CHECK; if (checkevent((XEvent*)&fogood, &ev)) FAIL; else CHECK; /* FocusIn on the root window */ defsetevent(figood, display, dfi); figood.window = DRW(display); figood.mode = NotifyNormal; figood.detail = NotifyPointerRoot; figood.deviceid = device->device_id; if (getevent(display, &ev) == 0 || ev.type != dfi) { report("Was expecting a DeviceFocusIn event"); FAIL; } else CHECK; if (checkevent((XEvent*)&figood, &ev)) FAIL; else CHECK; figood.window = DRW(display); figood.detail = NotifyPointer; /* FocusIn for the pointer */ if (getevent(display, &ev) == 0 || ev.type != dfi) { report("Was expecting a DeviceFocusIn event"); FAIL; } else CHECK; if (checkevent((XEvent*)&figood, &ev)) FAIL; else CHECK; CHECKPASS(12); >>ASSERTION Good B 3 When the focus window later becomes not viewable and revert_to is RevertToNone, then the focus window reverts to None and DeviceFocusIn and DeviceFocusOut events are generated. >>STRATEGY Create base window Create child of this window and set focus argument to it. Set revert_to argument to RevertToNone. Call xname. Unmap focus window. Verify that focus is None Verify that revert_to is RevertToNone. Verify that Focus events are generated. >>CODE Window base; XDeviceFocusInEvent figood; XDeviceFocusOutEvent fogood; XEvent ev; Window newfocus; int newrevert; Time newtime; int dfi, dfo; XEventClass classes[2]; if (!Setup_Extension_DeviceInfo(FocusMask)) { untested("%s: No input extension device to focus.\n", TestName); return; } device = Devs.Focus; DeviceFocusIn(device, dfi, classes[0]); DeviceFocusOut(device, dfo, classes[1]); /* * Use a non-default display, because we are setting the event mask * on the root window, which would mess up things for the next tests. */ display = opendisplay(); base = defwin(display); focus = crechild(display, base, (struct area *)0); revert_to = RevertToNone; (void) warppointer(display, DRW(display), 0, 0); if (isdeleted()) return; XCALL; XSelectExtensionEvent(display, base, classes, 2); XSelectExtensionEvent(display, focus, classes, 2); XSelectExtensionEvent(display, DRW(display), classes, 2); XUnmapWindow(display, focus); XGetDeviceFocus(display, device, &newfocus, &newrevert, &newtime); if (isdeleted()) return; if (newfocus != None) { report("Focus window was 0x%x, expecting None", newfocus); FAIL; } else CHECK; if (newrevert != RevertToNone) { report("New revert_to value was %s, expecting RevertToNone", reverttoname(newrevert)); FAIL; } else CHECK; /* FocusOut from focus window */ defsetevent(fogood, display, dfo); fogood.window = focus; fogood.mode = NotifyNormal; fogood.detail = NotifyNonlinear; fogood.deviceid = device->device_id; if (getevent(display, &ev) == 0 || ev.type != dfo) { report("Was expecting a DeviceFocusOut event"); FAIL; } else CHECK; if (checkevent((XEvent*)&fogood, &ev)) FAIL; else CHECK; /* FocusOut on the base window */ fogood.window = base; fogood.detail = NotifyNonlinearVirtual; if (getevent(display, &ev) == 0 || ev.type != dfo) { report("Was expecting a DeviceFocusOut event"); FAIL; } else CHECK; if (checkevent((XEvent*)&fogood, &ev)) FAIL; else CHECK; /* FocusOut on the root window */ fogood.window = DRW(display); if (getevent(display, &ev) == 0 || ev.type != dfo) { report("Was expecting a DeviceFocusOut event"); FAIL; } else CHECK; if (checkevent((XEvent*)&fogood, &ev)) FAIL; else CHECK; /* FocusIn on the root window */ defsetevent(figood, display, dfi); figood.window = DRW(display); figood.mode = NotifyNormal; figood.detail = NotifyDetailNone; figood.deviceid = device->device_id; if (getevent(display, &ev) == 0 || ev.type != dfi) { report("Was expecting a DeviceFocusIn event"); FAIL; } else CHECK; if (checkevent((XEvent*)&figood, &ev)) FAIL; else CHECK; CHECKPASS(10); >>ASSERTION Good B 3 When the specified time is earlier than the current last- focus-change time or is later than the current X server time, then a call to xname has no effect. >>STRATEGY Create window. Get current X server time with gettime(). Set focus to None using this time. Attempt to set the focus window with a time less than the previous time. Verify that focus is still None. Get current time again. Add amount to get time in the future. Attempt to set the focus window with this time. Verify that focus is still None. >>CODE Window win; Window newfocus; int newrevert; Time newtime; int dfi, dfo; XEventClass classes[2]; if (!Setup_Extension_DeviceInfo(FocusMask)) { untested("%s: No input extension device to focus.\n", TestName); return; } device = Devs.Focus; DeviceFocusIn(device, dfi, classes[0]); DeviceFocusOut(device, dfo, classes[1]); win = defwin(display); time1 = gettime(display); focus = None; XCALL; time1 -= 12; focus = win; XCALL; XGetDeviceFocus(display, device, &newfocus, &newrevert, &newtime); if (newfocus == None) CHECK; else { report("Focus was changed when time was earlier than last-focus-change time"); FAIL; } time1 = gettime(display); time1 += ((config.speedfactor+1) * 1000000); XCALL; XGetDeviceFocus(display, device, &newfocus, &newrevert, &newtime); if (newfocus == None) CHECK; else { report("Focus was changed when time was later than current X server time"); FAIL; } CHECKPASS(2); >>ASSERTION Good A A successful call to xname sets the last-focus-change time to the specified time with CurrentTime being replaced by the current X server time. >>STRATEGY Create toplevel window. Call xname with time = gettime(display) and focus = window. Call XGetInputFocus and verify that focus_return is window. Attempt xname at time just before time with focus = root. Check focus is still window. Attempt xname at time equal to time and focus = root. Check focus is now root. Get time before with gettime(display). Call xname with time = CurrentTime and focus = window. Call XGetInputFocus and verify that focus_return is window. Attempt xname at time before with focus = root. Check focus is still window. Attempt xname at CurrentTime and focus = root. Check focus is now root. >>CODE Time t1,t2; Window win; Window focus_return; int junk; Time junk2; if (!Setup_Extension_DeviceInfo(FocusMask)) { untested("%s: No input extension device to focus.\n", TestName); return; } device = Devs.Focus; win = defwin(display); XSync(display, True); t1 = gettime(display); if (t1 == CurrentTime) { delete("Could not get server time."); return; } else CHECK; time1 = t1; focus = win; XCALL; XGetDeviceFocus(display, device, &focus_return, &junk, &junk2); if (focus_return != win) { report("Failed to change focus with time = 0x%lx.", (unsigned long)time1); FAIL; } else CHECK; trace("Focus set at time 0x%lx.",(unsigned long)time1); time1--; focus = DRW(display); XCALL; XGetDeviceFocus(display, device, &focus_return, &junk, &junk2); if (focus_return != win) { report("Last focus change time set earlier than specified time."); FAIL; } else CHECK; time1 = t1; XCALL; XGetDeviceFocus(display, device, &focus_return, &junk, &junk2); if (focus_return != focus) { report("Last focus change time set later than specified time."); FAIL; } else CHECK; /* last despairing attempt */ time1 = CurrentTime; XCALL; XGetDeviceFocus(display, device, &focus_return, &junk, &junk2); if (focus_return != focus) { delete("Cannot restore focus to perform CurrentTime tests."); return; } else CHECK; XSync(display, True); t1 = gettime(display); if (t1 == CurrentTime) { delete("Could not get earlier server time."); return; } else CHECK; time1 = CurrentTime; focus = win; XCALL; XGetDeviceFocus(display, device, &focus_return, &junk, &junk2); if (focus_return != focus) { delete("Failed to change focus at CurrentTime."); return; } else CHECK; /* now set up OK */ t2 = gettime(display); if (t2 == CurrentTime) { delete("Could not get later server time."); return; } else CHECK; trace("Focus changed at time between 0x%lx and 0x%lx (diff = %d).",t1,t2,t2-t1); time1 = t1; focus = DRW(display); XCALL; XGetDeviceFocus(display, device, &focus_return, &junk, &junk2); if (focus_return != win) { report("Last focus change time set earlier than 0x%lx.",t1); FAIL; } else CHECK; time1 = t2; XCALL; XGetDeviceFocus(display, device, &focus_return, &junk, &junk2); if (focus_return != focus) { report("Last focus change time set later than 0x%lx.", t2); FAIL; } else CHECK; CHECKPASS(10); >>ASSERTION Good B 3 When the focus changes, then DeviceFocusIn and DeviceFocusOut events are generated. >>STRATEGY Create base window. Create two subwindows on base. Set focus to first subwindow. Enable events on all three windows. Call xname to change focus to second subwindow. Verify that focus events are generated. >>CODE Window base; Window ch1; Window ch2; struct area area; XDeviceFocusInEvent figood; XDeviceFocusOutEvent fogood; XEvent ev; int dfi, dfo; XEventClass classes[2]; if (!Setup_Extension_DeviceInfo(FocusMask)) { untested("%s: No input extension device to focus.\n", TestName); return; } device = Devs.Focus; DeviceFocusIn(device, dfi, classes[0]); DeviceFocusOut(device, dfo, classes[1]); base = defwin(display); setarea(&area, 0, 0, 2, 2); ch1 = crechild(display, base, &area); setarea(&area, 20, 20, 2, 2); ch2 = crechild(display, base, &area); focus = ch1; XCALL; XSelectExtensionEvent(display, ch1, classes, 2); XSelectExtensionEvent(display, ch2, classes, 2); XSelectExtensionEvent(display, base, classes, 2); focus = ch2; XCALL; /* FocusOut from old focus window, ch1 */ defsetevent(fogood, display, dfo); fogood.window = ch1; fogood.mode = NotifyNormal; fogood.detail = NotifyNonlinear; fogood.deviceid = device->device_id; if (getevent(display, &ev) == 0 || ev.type != dfo) { report("Was expecting a DeviceFocusOut event"); FAIL; } else CHECK; if (checkevent((XEvent*)&fogood, &ev)) FAIL; else CHECK; /* FocusIn on the new focus window, ch2 */ defsetevent(figood, display, dfi); figood.window = ch2; figood.mode = NotifyNormal; figood.detail = NotifyNonlinear; figood.deviceid = device->device_id; if (getevent(display, &ev) == 0 || ev.type != dfi) { report("Was expecting a DeviceFocusIn event"); FAIL; } else CHECK; if (checkevent((XEvent*)&figood, &ev)) FAIL; else CHECK; CHECKPASS(4); >>ASSERTION Good A When the specified focus window is not viewable, then a .S BadMatch error occurs. >>STRATEGY Create unmapped window. Attempt to set focus to it. Verify that a BadMatch error occurs. >>CODE BadMatch Window base; if (!Setup_Extension_DeviceInfo(FocusMask)) { untested("%s: No input extension device to focus.\n", TestName); return; } device = Devs.Focus; base = defwin(display); focus = creunmapchild(display, base, (struct area *)0); XCALL; if (geterr() == BadMatch) PASS; else FAIL; /* Already done */ >>ASSERTION Bad B 3 When the value of revert_to is other than RevertToParent, RevertToPointerRoot, RevertToFollowKeyboard or RevertToNone, then a BadValue error occurs. >>STRATEGY Set the revert_to argument to an invalid value. Verify BadValue is returned. >>CODE BadValue if (!Setup_Extension_DeviceInfo(FocusMask)) { untested("%s: No input extension device to focus.\n", TestName); return; } device = Devs.Focus; revert_to = -1; XCALL; if (geterr() != BadValue) FAIL; else PASS; >>ASSERTION Good B 3 A call to SetDeviceFocus changes the device focus window to that specified in the focus argument. >>STRATEGY Touch test. >>CODE Window w, nfocus; int nrevert; Time ntime; if (!Setup_Extension_DeviceInfo(FocusMask)) { untested("%s: No input extension device to focus.\n", TestName); return; } device = Devs.Focus; XCALL; XGetDeviceFocus(display, device, &nfocus, &nrevert, &ntime); if (focus == nfocus && revert_to == nrevert) CHECK; else { report("Couldn't set focus to PointerRoot\n"); FAIL; } focus = None; revert_to = RevertToNone; XCALL; XGetDeviceFocus(display, device, &nfocus, &nrevert, &ntime); if (focus == nfocus && revert_to == nrevert) CHECK; else { report("Couldn't set focus to None.\n"); FAIL; } focus = FollowKeyboard; revert_to = RevertToFollowKeyboard; XCALL; XGetDeviceFocus(display, device, &nfocus, &nrevert, &ntime); if (focus == nfocus && revert_to == nrevert) CHECK; else { report("Couldn't set focus to FollowKeyboard.\n"); FAIL; } w = defwin(display); focus = w; revert_to = RevertToParent; XCALL; XGetDeviceFocus(display, device, &nfocus, &nrevert, &ntime); if (focus == nfocus && revert_to == nrevert) CHECK; else { report("Couldn't set focus to a window.\n"); FAIL; } CHECKPASS(4); >>ASSERTION Bad B 3 A call to xname specifying an invalid device results in a BadDevice error. >>STRATEGY Make the call with an invalid device. >>CODE baddevice XDevice nodevice; int ximajor, first, err; if (!XQueryExtension (display, INAME, &ximajor, &first, &err)) { untested("%s: Input extension not supported.\n", TestName); return; } BadDevice (display, baddevice); nodevice.device_id = -1; device = &nodevice; XCALL; if (geterr() == baddevice) CHECK; else FAIL; CHECKPASS(1); >>ASSERTION Bad B 3 A call to xname specifying an invalid revert-to mode results in a BadValue error. >>STRATEGY Make the call with an invalid revert-to mode. >>CODE BadValue if (!Setup_Extension_DeviceInfo(FocusMask)) { untested("%s: No input extension device to focus.\n", TestName); return; } device = Devs.Focus; revert_to = -1; XCALL; if (geterr() == BadValue) PASS; else FAIL;