cairo 1.0.4? bug fixes (I don't know if this release will be needed or not, but I wanted a place to lodge a bug that slipped from 1.0.2 =================================================================== For each bug number XXXX below, see: 4630 Fonts too large when drawing to image surface while printing 4863 stroking problems with wide dashed lines cairo 1.2.0 essential features (targeted for 2006-01-13) The release won't happen without these being complete. ======================================================== A. PS backend ---------- ✓1. Mark PS backend as supported: ✓a. Incorporate into test suite ✓b. Correct output for the entire test suite 2. Image fallbacks at finer-than-whole-page granularity ✓a. Switch to using cairo_paginated_surface_t b. Add analysis and clever replay to cairo_paginated_surface_t B. PDF backend ----------- ✓1. Mark PDF backend as supported ✓a. Incorporate into test suite ✓b. Correct output for the entire test suite (use image fallbacks as necessary). 2. Image fallbacks at finer-than-whole-page granularity ✓a. Switch to using cairo_paginated_surface_t b. Add analysis and clever replay to cairo_paginated_surface_t E. Fix memory leaks ---------------- 1. Ensure 'make check-valgrind' passes with no leaks cairo 1.2.0 desired features (targeted for 2006-01-13) If these aren't ready, they won't be in the release. [There are some bugs that need to be added here, and some bugs that should be bumped up into the essential features section.] ====================================================== C. Win32 backend ------------- ✓1. Incorporate into test suite 2. Correct output for the entire suite a. self-copy b. trap-clip [There is some mailing-list discussion about possible fixes for these.] D. Bug fixes --------- ✓1. Fix dashed splines. 2. Fix some expected failures (XFAIL) in the test suite a. a8-mask ✓b. clip-all c. filter-nearest-offset d. pixman-rotate e. extend-reflect E. API Additions ------------- 1. cairo_begin/end/get_group Status: cworth has a posted a preliminary patch, and keithp, krh, and otaylor answered all the tough questions it raised. There's not much work left to finish this one. Vladimir Vukicevic has taken up the torch on this and has posted an almost-complete set of patches. 2. The pango developers need one or two additions in order to implement pango's hex-box drawing. 5496 Add getters for cairo_scaled_font_t - This looks trivial, and is maybe "enough" for an ugly solution in pango. 5495 Need cairo_scaled_font_text_extents - I think I would actually prefer to add cairo_text_to_glyphs for this fix. F. Performance improvements ------------------------ 1. Cull and trim trapezoids outside clip region bounds 2. Generate more large pixel-aligned, rectangular trapezoids ✓3. Speed up glyph measurement (cache rewrite) ✓4. Speed up gradient computations G. SVG backend ----------- ✓1. Add experimental SVG backend cairo 1.4.0 desired features (Schedule unknown) =============================================== A. Quartz backend (maintainer needed!) ----------------------------------- 1. Mark Quartz backend as supported: a. Incorporate into test suite b. Correct output for the entire suite B. SVG backend ----------- 1. Mark SVG backend as supported a. Incorporate into test suite b. Correct output for the entire suite B. Performance improvements ------------------------ 1. New tessellator (more robust and faster) C. Bug fixes --------- 1. Fix all expected failures (XFAIL) in the test suite a. self-intersecting AKA. Fix depends on [A1].