diff options
2 files changed, 157 insertions, 146 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index aff120e5..eef0456b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -56,6 +56,9 @@ endif
-$(RM) -r cairo-lcov
-$(FIND) -name '*.gcda' -print | $(XARGS) $(RM)
+.PHONY: lcov lcov-perf lcov-clean genlcov
cairo-version.h \
@@ -93,151 +96,6 @@ MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = \
DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = --enable-gtk-doc --enable-test-surfaces
include $(srcdir)/
-# Some custom targets to make it easier to release things.
-# To make real stable releases or devel snapshots, use either:
-# make release-check
-# or make release-publish
-# To make a quick properly named (date and git hash stamped) tarball:
-# make snapshot
- distdir="$(distdir)-`date '+%Y%m%d'`"; \
- test -d "$(srcdir)/.git" && distdir=$$distdir-`cd "$(srcdir)" && git-rev-parse HEAD | cut -c 1-6`; \
- $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) distdir="$$distdir" dist
-RELEASE_OR_SNAPSHOT = $$(if test "x$(CAIRO_VERSION_MINOR)" = "x$$(echo "$(CAIRO_VERSION_MINOR)/2*2" | bc)" ; then echo release; else echo snapshot; fi)
-MANUAL_DATED = cairo-manual-`date +%Y%m%d`
-tar_file = $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz
-sha1_file = $(tar_file).sha1
-gpg_file = $(sha1_file).asc
-$(sha1_file): $(tar_file)
- sha1sum $^ > $@
-$(gpg_file): $(sha1_file)
- @echo "Please enter your GPG password to sign the checksum."
- gpg --armor --sign $^
-# Win32 package zipfiles
-runtime_zip_file = /tmp/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).zip
-developer_zip_file = /tmp/$(PACKAGE)-dev-$(VERSION).zip
-$(runtime_zip_file): install
- -$(RM) $@
- cd $(prefix); \
- zip $@ bin/libcairo-$(CAIRO_VERSION_SONUM).dll
-$(developer_zip_file): install
- -$(RM) $@
- cd $(prefix); \
- zip -r $@ include/cairo lib/libcairo.dll.a lib/cairo.lib lib/pkgconfig/cairo.pc lib/pkgconfig/cairo-*.pc share/gtk-doc/html/cairo
-zips: $(runtime_zip_file) $(developer_zip_file)
-release-verify-sane-changelogs: changelogs
- @echo -n "Checking that the ChangeLog files are sane..."
- @if grep -q "is required to generate" $(CHANGELOGS); then \
- (echo "Ouch." && echo "Some of the ChangeLogs are not generated correctly." \
- && echo "Remove ChangeLog* and make changelogs" \
- && false); else :; fi
- @echo "Good."
- @echo "Checking that the test suite is sane..."
- @cd test && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) release-verify-sane-tests
- @echo -n "Checking that $(VERSION) has an even micro component..."
- @test "$(CAIRO_VERSION_MICRO)" = "`echo $(CAIRO_VERSION_MICRO)/2*2 | bc`" \
- || (echo "Ouch." && echo "The version micro component '$(CAIRO_VERSION_MICRO)' is not an even number." \
- && echo "The version in must be incremented before a new release." \
- && false)
- @echo "Good."
- @echo -n "Checking that no $(VERSION) release already exists..."
- @ssh $(RELEASE_UPLOAD_HOST) test ! -e $(RELEASE_UPLOAD_DIR)/$(tar_file) \
- || (echo "Ouch." && echo "Found: $(RELEASE_UPLOAD_HOST):$(RELEASE_UPLOAD_DIR)/$(tar_file)" \
- && echo "Are you sure you have an updated checkout?" \
- && echo "This should never happen." \
- && false)
- @echo "Good."
- $(RM) $(tar_file) $(sha1_file) $(gpg_file)
-# Maybe it's just my system, but somehow group sticky bits keep
-# getting set and this causes failures in un-tarring on some systems.
-# Until I figure out where the sticky bit is coming from, just clean
-# these up before building a release.
- find . -type f | xargs chmod g-s
-release-check: release-verify-sane-changelogs release-verify-sane-tests release-verify-even-micro release-verify-newer release-remove-old release-cleanup-group-sticky distcheck
-release-upload: release-check $(tar_file) $(sha1_file) $(gpg_file)
- mkdir -p releases
- scp $(tar_file) $(sha1_file) $(gpg_file) $(RELEASE_UPLOAD_HOST):$(RELEASE_UPLOAD_DIR)
- mv $(tar_file) $(sha1_file) $(gpg_file) releases
-release-publish-message: releases/$(sha1_file)
- @echo "Please follow the instructions in RELEASING to push stuff out and"
- @echo "send out the announcement mails. Here is the excerpt you need:"
- @echo ""
- @echo "Subject: $(PACKAGE) $(RELEASE_OR_SNAPSHOT) $(VERSION) now available"
- @echo ""
- @echo "============================== CUT HERE =============================="
- @echo "A new $(PACKAGE) $(RELEASE_OR_SNAPSHOT) $(VERSION) is now available from:"
- @echo ""
- @echo " $(RELEASE_URL_BASE)/$(tar_file)"
- @echo ""
- @echo " which can be verified with:"
- @echo ""
- @echo " $(RELEASE_URL_BASE)/$(sha1_file)"
- @echo -n " "
- @cat releases/$(sha1_file)
- @echo ""
- @echo " $(RELEASE_URL_BASE)/$(gpg_file)"
- @echo " (signed by `getent passwd "$$USER" | cut -d: -f 5 | cut -d, -f 1`)"
- @echo ""
- @echo " Additionally, a git clone of the source tree:"
- @echo ""
- @echo " git clone git://"
- @echo ""
- @echo " will include a signed $(VERSION) tag which points to a commit named:"
- @echo " `git cat-file tag $(VERSION) | grep ^object | sed -e 's,object ,,'`"
- @echo ""
- @echo " which can be verified with:"
- @echo " git verify-tag $(VERSION)"
- @echo ""
- @echo " and can be checked out with a command such as:"
- @echo " git checkout -b build $(VERSION)"
- @echo ""
- @echo "============================== CUT HERE =============================="
-release-publish: release-upload release-publish-message
-doc-publish: doc
- rm -rf ./$(MANUAL_DATED)
- cp -a doc/public/html $(MANUAL_DATED)
- ssh $(RELEASE_UPLOAD_HOST) "cd $(MANUAL_UPLOAD_DIR) && tar xzf $(MANUAL_TAR_FILE) && rm -f manual && ln -s $(MANUAL_DATED) manual && ln -sf $(MANUAL_TAR_FILE) cairo-manual.tar.gz"
-.PHONY: release-verify-even-micro release-verify-newer release-remove-old release-cleanup-group-sticky release-check release-upload release-publish docs-publish lcov lcov-perf lcov-clean genlcov
+include $(srcdir)/
EXTRA_DIST += Makefile.win32
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f710388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+# Some custom targets to make it easier to release things.
+# To make real stable releases or devel snapshots, use either:
+# make release-check
+# or make release-publish
+# To make a quick properly named (date and git hash stamped) tarball:
+# make snapshot
+ distdir="$(distdir)-`date '+%Y%m%d'`"; \
+ test -d "$(srcdir)/.git" && distdir=$$distdir-`cd "$(srcdir)" && git-rev-parse HEAD | cut -c 1-6`; \
+ $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) distdir="$$distdir" dist
+RELEASE_OR_SNAPSHOT = $$(if test "x$(CAIRO_VERSION_MINOR)" = "x$$(echo "$(CAIRO_VERSION_MINOR)/2*2" | bc)" ; then echo release; else echo snapshot; fi)
+MANUAL_DATED = cairo-manual-`date +%Y%m%d`
+tar_file = $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz
+sha1_file = $(tar_file).sha1
+gpg_file = $(sha1_file).asc
+$(sha1_file): $(tar_file)
+ sha1sum $^ > $@
+$(gpg_file): $(sha1_file)
+ @echo "Please enter your GPG password to sign the checksum."
+ gpg --armor --sign $^
+release-verify-sane-changelogs: changelogs
+ @echo -n "Checking that the ChangeLog files are sane..."
+ @if grep -q "is required to generate" $(CHANGELOGS); then \
+ (echo "Ouch." && echo "Some of the ChangeLogs are not generated correctly." \
+ && echo "Remove ChangeLog* and make changelogs" \
+ && false); else :; fi
+ @echo "Good."
+ @echo "Checking that the test suite is sane..."
+ @cd test && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) release-verify-sane-tests
+ @echo -n "Checking that $(VERSION) has an even micro component..."
+ @test "$(CAIRO_VERSION_MICRO)" = "`echo $(CAIRO_VERSION_MICRO)/2*2 | bc`" \
+ || (echo "Ouch." && echo "The version micro component '$(CAIRO_VERSION_MICRO)' is not an even number." \
+ && echo "The version in must be incremented before a new release." \
+ && false)
+ @echo "Good."
+ @echo -n "Checking that no $(VERSION) release already exists..."
+ @ssh $(RELEASE_UPLOAD_HOST) test ! -e $(RELEASE_UPLOAD_DIR)/$(tar_file) \
+ || (echo "Ouch." && echo "Found: $(RELEASE_UPLOAD_HOST):$(RELEASE_UPLOAD_DIR)/$(tar_file)" \
+ && echo "Are you sure you have an updated checkout?" \
+ && echo "This should never happen." \
+ && false)
+ @echo "Good."
+ $(RM) $(tar_file) $(sha1_file) $(gpg_file)
+# Maybe it's just my system, but somehow group sticky bits keep
+# getting set and this causes failures in un-tarring on some systems.
+# Until I figure out where the sticky bit is coming from, just clean
+# these up before building a release.
+ find . -type f | xargs chmod g-s
+release-check: release-verify-sane-changelogs release-verify-sane-tests release-verify-even-micro release-verify-newer release-remove-old release-cleanup-group-sticky distcheck
+release-upload: release-check $(tar_file) $(sha1_file) $(gpg_file)
+ mkdir -p releases
+ scp $(tar_file) $(sha1_file) $(gpg_file) $(RELEASE_UPLOAD_HOST):$(RELEASE_UPLOAD_DIR)
+ mv $(tar_file) $(sha1_file) $(gpg_file) releases
+release-publish-message: releases/$(sha1_file)
+ @echo "Please follow the instructions in RELEASING to push stuff out and"
+ @echo "send out the announcement mails. Here is the excerpt you need:"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "Subject: $(PACKAGE) $(RELEASE_OR_SNAPSHOT) $(VERSION) now available"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "============================== CUT HERE =============================="
+ @echo "A new $(PACKAGE) $(RELEASE_OR_SNAPSHOT) $(VERSION) is now available from:"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo " $(RELEASE_URL_BASE)/$(tar_file)"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo " which can be verified with:"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo " $(RELEASE_URL_BASE)/$(sha1_file)"
+ @echo -n " "
+ @cat releases/$(sha1_file)
+ @echo ""
+ @echo " $(RELEASE_URL_BASE)/$(gpg_file)"
+ @echo " (signed by `getent passwd "$$USER" | cut -d: -f 5 | cut -d, -f 1`)"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo " Additionally, a git clone of the source tree:"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo " git clone git://"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo " will include a signed $(VERSION) tag which points to a commit named:"
+ @echo " `git cat-file tag $(VERSION) | grep ^object | sed -e 's,object ,,'`"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo " which can be verified with:"
+ @echo " git verify-tag $(VERSION)"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo " and can be checked out with a command such as:"
+ @echo " git checkout -b build $(VERSION)"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "============================== CUT HERE =============================="
+release-publish: release-upload release-publish-message
+doc-publish: doc
+ rm -rf ./$(MANUAL_DATED)
+ cp -a doc/public/html $(MANUAL_DATED)
+ ssh $(RELEASE_UPLOAD_HOST) "cd $(MANUAL_UPLOAD_DIR) && tar xzf $(MANUAL_TAR_FILE) && rm -f manual && ln -s $(MANUAL_DATED) manual && ln -sf $(MANUAL_TAR_FILE) cairo-manual.tar.gz"
+if OS_WIN32
+# Win32 package zipfiles
+runtime_zip_file = $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).zip
+developer_zip_file = $(PACKAGE)-dev-$(VERSION).zip
+$(runtime_zip_file): install
+ -$(RM) $@
+ pwd=`pwd`; cd $(prefix); \
+ zip "$$pwd"/$@ bin/libcairo-$(CAIRO_VERSION_SONUM).dll
+$(developer_zip_file): install
+ -$(RM) $@
+ pwd=`pwd`; cd $(prefix); \
+ zip -r "$$pwd"/$@ include/cairo lib/libcairo.dll.a lib/cairo.lib lib/pkgconfig/cairo.pc lib/pkgconfig/cairo-*.pc share/gtk-doc/html/cairo
+zips: $(runtime_zip_file) $(developer_zip_file)
+.PHONY: release-verify-even-micro release-verify-newer release-remove-old release-cleanup-group-sticky release-check release-upload release-publish docs-publish