path: root/src/pulse/proplist.h
diff options
authorLennart Poettering <>2008-05-15 23:34:41 +0000
committerLennart Poettering <>2008-05-15 23:34:41 +0000
commit045c1d602dcba57868845ba3270510593c39480f (patch)
treeb3d61f180e6fa40f97a80aa3e46d7c910ed7c2a6 /src/pulse/proplist.h
parent91f092eadcc5e9075e04ae42df11de28ef5047a8 (diff)
merge glitch-free branch back into trunk
git-svn-id: file:///home/lennart/svn/public/pulseaudio/trunk@2445 fefdeb5f-60dc-0310-8127-8f9354f1896f
Diffstat (limited to 'src/pulse/proplist.h')
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/src/pulse/proplist.h b/src/pulse/proplist.h
index c4cf9ac9..f433ec62 100644
--- a/src/pulse/proplist.h
+++ b/src/pulse/proplist.h
@@ -24,67 +24,176 @@
-#include <pulsecore/macro.h>
+#include <pulse/cdecl.h>
+#include <pulse/gccmacro.h>
/* Defined properties:
- * x11.xid
- * x11.display
- * x11.x_pointer
- * x11.y_pointer
- * x11.button
- *
- * media.title
- * media.artist
- * media.language
+ * "Guns'N'Roses: Civil War"
+ * media.title "Civil War"
+ * media.artist "Guns'N'Roses"
+ * media.language "de_DE"
* media.filename
* media.icon
* media.icon_name
- * media.role video, music, game, event, phone, production
- *
+ * media.role video, music, game, event, phone, production, filter, abstract, stream
+ * button-click, session-login
+ * event.x11.display
+ * event.x11.xid
+ * event.x11.x_pointer
+ * event.x11.y_pointer
+ * event.x11.button
+ * "Rhythmbox Media Player"
+ * "org.gnome.rhythmbox"
* application.version
* application.icon
* application.icon_name
+ *
+ * application.process.binary
+ * application.process.user
+ *
+ * device.string
+ * device.api oss, alsa, sunaudio
+ * device.description
+ * device.bus_path
+ * device.serial
+ * device.vendor_product_id
+ * device.class sound, modem, monitor, filter
+ * device.form_factor laptop-speakers, external-speakers, telephone, tv-capture, webcam-capture, microphone-capture, headset
+ * device.connector isa, pci, usb, firewire, bluetooth
+ * device.access_mode mmap, mmap_rewrite, serial
+ * device.master_device
+ * device.buffer_size
-#define PA_PROP_X11_XID "x11.xid"
-#define PA_PROP_X11_DISPLAY "x11.display"
-#define PA_PROP_X11_X_POINTER "x11.x_pointer"
-#define PA_PROP_X11_Y_POINTER "x11.y_pointer"
-#define PA_PROP_X11_BUTTON "x11.button"
-#define PA_PROP_MEDIA_NAME ""
-#define PA_PROP_MEDIA_TITLE "media.title"
-#define PA_PROP_MEDIA_ARTIST "media.artist"
-#define PA_PROP_MEDIA_LANGUAGE "media.language"
-#define PA_PROP_MEDIA_FILENAME "media.filename"
-#define PA_PROP_MEDIA_ICON "media.icon"
-#define PA_PROP_MEDIA_ICON_NAME "media.icon_name"
-#define PA_PROP_MEDIA_ROLE "media.role"
-#define PA_PROP_APPLICATION_VERSION "application.version"
-#define PA_PROP_APPLICATION_ICON "application.icon"
-#define PA_PROP_APPLICATION_ICON_NAME "application.icon_name"
+#define PA_PROP_MEDIA_NAME ""
+#define PA_PROP_MEDIA_TITLE "media.title"
+#define PA_PROP_MEDIA_ARTIST "media.artist"
+#define PA_PROP_MEDIA_LANGUAGE "media.language"
+#define PA_PROP_MEDIA_FILENAME "media.filename"
+#define PA_PROP_MEDIA_ICON "media.icon"
+#define PA_PROP_MEDIA_ICON_NAME "media.icon_name"
+#define PA_PROP_MEDIA_ROLE "media.role"
+#define PA_PROP_EVENT_ID ""
+#define PA_PROP_EVENT_X11_DISPLAY "event.x11.display"
+#define PA_PROP_EVENT_X11_XID "event.x11.xid"
+#define PA_PROP_EVENT_MOUSE_X "event.mouse.x"
+#define PA_PROP_EVENT_MOUSE_Y "event.mouse.y"
+#define PA_PROP_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON "event.mouse.button"
+#define PA_PROP_APPLICATION_VERSION "application.version"
+#define PA_PROP_APPLICATION_ICON "application.icon"
+#define PA_PROP_APPLICATION_ICON_NAME "application.icon_name"
+#define PA_PROP_APPLICATION_LANGUAGE "application.language"
+#define PA_PROP_APPLICATION_PROCESS_BINARY "application.process.binary"
+#define PA_PROP_APPLICATION_PROCESS_USER "application.process.user"
+#define PA_PROP_DEVICE_STRING "device.string"
+#define PA_PROP_DEVICE_API "device.api"
+#define PA_PROP_DEVICE_DESCRIPTION "device.description"
+#define PA_PROP_DEVICE_BUS_PATH "device.bus_path"
+#define PA_PROP_DEVICE_SERIAL "device.serial"
+#define PA_PROP_DEVICE_VENDOR_PRODUCT_ID "device.vendor_product_id"
+#define PA_PROP_DEVICE_CLASS "device.class"
+#define PA_PROP_DEVICE_FORM_FACTOR "device.form_factor"
+#define PA_PROP_DEVICE_CONNECTOR "device.connector"
+#define PA_PROP_DEVICE_ACCESS_MODE "device.access_mode"
+#define PA_PROP_DEVICE_MASTER_DEVICE "device.master_device"
+#define PA_PROP_DEVICE_BUFFERING_BUFFER_SIZE "device.buffering.buffer_size"
+#define PA_PROP_DEVICE_BUFFERING_FRAGMENT_SIZE "device.buffering.fragment_size"
+/** A property list object. Basically a dictionary with UTF-8 strings
+ * as keys and arbitrary data as values. \since 0.9.11 */
typedef struct pa_proplist pa_proplist;
+/** Allocate a property list. \since 0.9.11 */
pa_proplist* pa_proplist_new(void);
-void pa_proplist_free(pa_proplist* p);
-/** Will accept only valid UTF-8 */
-int pa_proplist_puts(pa_proplist *p, const char *key, const char *value);
-int pa_proplist_put(pa_proplist *p, const char *key, const void *data, size_t nbytes);
+/** Free the property list. \since 0.9.11 */
+void pa_proplist_free(pa_proplist* p);
-/* Will return NULL if the data is not valid UTF-8 */
+/** Append a new string entry to the property list, possibly
+ * overwriting an already existing entry with the same key. An
+ * internal copy of the data passed is made. Will accept only valid
+ * UTF-8. \since 0.9.11 */
+int pa_proplist_sets(pa_proplist *p, const char *key, const char *value);
+/** Append a new string entry to the property list, possibly
+ * overwriting an already existing entry with the same key. An
+ * internal copy of the data passed is made. Will accept only valid
+ * UTF-8. The data can be passed as printf()-style format string with
+ * arguments. \since 0.9.11 */
+int pa_proplist_setf(pa_proplist *p, const char *key, const char *format, ...) PA_GCC_PRINTF_ATTR(3,4);
+/** Append a new arbitrary data entry to the property list, possibly
+ * overwriting an already existing entry with the same key. An
+ * internal copy of the data passed is made. \since 0.9.11 */
+int pa_proplist_set(pa_proplist *p, const char *key, const void *data, size_t nbytes);
+/* Return a string entry for the specified key. Will return NULL if
+ * the data is not valid UTF-8. Will return a NUL-terminated string in
+ * an internally allocated buffer. The caller should make a copy of
+ * the data before accessing the property list again. \since 0.9.11 */
const char *pa_proplist_gets(pa_proplist *p, const char *key);
-int pa_proplist_get(pa_proplist *p, const char *key, const void **data, size_t *nbytes);
-void pa_proplist_merge(pa_proplist *p, pa_proplist *other);
-int pa_proplist_remove(pa_proplist *p, const char *key);
+/** Return the the value for the specified key. Will return a
+ * NUL-terminated string for string entries. The pointer returned will
+ * point to an internally allocated buffer. The caller should make a
+ * copy of the data before the property list is accessed again. \since
+ * 0.9.11 */
+int pa_proplist_get(pa_proplist *p, const char *key, const void **data, size_t *nbytes);
+/** Update mode enum for pa_proplist_update(). \since 0.9.11 */
+typedef enum pa_update_mode {
+ PA_UPDATE_SET, /*< Replace the entirey property list with the new one. Don't keep any of the old data around */
+ PA_UPDATE_MERGE, /*< Merge new property list into the existing one, not replacing any old entries if they share a common key with the new property list. */
+ PA_UPDATE_REPLACE /*< Merge new property list into the existing one, replacing all old entries that share a common key with the new property list. */
+} pa_update_mode_t;
+/** Merge property list "other" into "p", adhering the merge mode as
+ * specified in "mode". \since 0.9.11 */
+void pa_proplist_update(pa_proplist *p, pa_update_mode_t mode, pa_proplist *other);
+/** Removes a single entry from the property list, identified be the
+ * specified key name. \since 0.9.11 */
+int pa_proplist_unset(pa_proplist *p, const char *key);
+/** Similar to pa_proplist_remove() but takes an array of keys to
+ * remove. The array should be terminated by a NULL pointer. Return -1
+ * on failure, otherwise the number of entries actually removed (which
+ * might even be 0, if there where no matching entries to
+ * remove). \since 0.9.11 */
+int pa_proplist_unset_many(pa_proplist *p, const char * const keys[]);
+/** Iterate through the property list. The user should allocate a
+ * state variable of type void* and initialize it with NULL. A pointer
+ * to this variable should then be passed to pa_proplist_iterate()
+ * which should be called in a loop until it returns NULL which
+ * signifies EOL. The property list should not be modified during
+ * iteration through the list. On each invication this function will
+ * return the key string for the next entry. The keys in the property
+ * list do not have any particular order. \since 0.9.11 */
const char *pa_proplist_iterate(pa_proplist *p, void **state);
+/** Format the property list nicely as a human readable string. Call pa_xfree() on the result. \since
+ * 0.9.11 */
char *pa_proplist_to_string(pa_proplist *p);
+/** Returns 1 if an entry for the specified key is existant in the
+ * property list. \since 0.9.11 */
int pa_proplist_contains(pa_proplist *p, const char *key);
+/** Remove all entries from the property list object. \since 0.9.11 */
+void pa_proplist_clear(pa_proplist *p);
+/** Allocate a new property list and copy over every single entry from
+ * the specific list. \since 0.9.11 */
+pa_proplist* pa_proplist_copy(pa_proplist *t);