#!/usr/bin/perl # # A somewhat specialised dependency checker; checks the contents of # gs/base and lib.mak to ensure that lib.mak properly lists all the # dependencies for each .h and .c file. use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq); sub gather_includes { my ($dir) = @_; # First, gather all the #includes. my @rawincludes=`cd $dir;grep include *.h *.c`; # Extract just the #includes that start on a line, and aren't system # ones. my %include=(); foreach $inc (@rawincludes) { if ((my $a, my $b) = $inc =~ /(\S+):\s*#\s*include\s*\"(\S+)\"/) { if (!exists $include{$a}) { $include{$a} = []; } $b =~ s/(\S+)\.h/\$\($1_h\)/; #print "$a:$b\n"; push @{ $include{$a} }, $b; } } return %include; } sub read_makefile { my ($dir, $file) = @_; # Now, run through lib.mak my %depend=(); my %vars=(); open(IN, "$dir/$file") or die "can't open $dir/$file"; LINE: while () { # Reassemble split lines chomp $_; my $line=$_; while (substr($line,-1) eq "\\") { my $nextline = ; chomp $nextline; substr($line,-1) = $nextline; } # Now, we're interested in 2 classes of lines. # Firstly those of the form: file.blah : [dependency | symbol] * if ((my $f, my $deps) = $line =~ /^([A-Za-z0-9_\$\(\)\.]+)\s*:\s*(.*)/) { next LINE if (@deps eq ""); my @deplist = split /\s+/, $deps; if (!exists $depend{$f}) { $depend{$f} = (); } push @{ $depend{$f} }, @deplist; } # And secondly, those of the form: something = filelist elsif ((my $var, $val) = $line =~ /^([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*=\s*(.*)/) { next LINE if (@val eq ""); my @values = split /\s+/, $val; if (!exists $vars{$var}) { $vars{$var} = []; } push @{ $vars{$var} }, @values; } } close(IN); return (\%depend, \%vars); } sub check_vars { (my $include_ref, my $vars_ref) = @_; my %include = %$include_ref; my %vars = %$vars_ref; # Now, check the vars VAR: foreach $var (sort keys %vars) { # We only care about vars of the form: blah_h next VAR if !((my $v) = $var =~ /(\w+)_h/); my @inclist = ( "\$(GLSRC)$v.h" ); if (exists $include{"$v.h"}) { push @inclist, @ { $include{"$v.h"} }; } @inclist = uniq(sort @inclist); @deplist = sort @ { $vars{$var} }; # Compare the dependency lists #print "DEP=".join(', ', @deplist)."\n"; #print "INC=".join(', ', @inclist)."\n"; $a = shift @deplist; $b = shift @inclist; while (defined($a) || defined($b)) { #print ("comparing $a and $b\n"); # We are too crap to properly know the paths of things, so fudge it if (defined($a) && defined($b) && $a ne $b && ($a =~ m/\$\(.*\)(\S+).h/) && ($b =~ m/\$\(.*\)$1.h/)) { print "$v.h: accepting $a ($b expected)\n"; $a = shift @deplist; $b = shift @inclist; } elsif (defined($a) && ($a lt $b || !defined($b))) { print "$v.h: extra dependency on $a\n"; $a = shift @deplist; } elsif (defined($b) && ($a gt $b || !defined($a))) { print "$v.h: missing dependency on $b\n"; $b = shift @inclist; } else { $a = shift @deplist; $b = shift @inclist; } } #print "==\n"; } } sub check_depend { (my $include_ref, my $depend_ref) = @_; my %include = %$include_ref; my %depend = %$depend_ref; # Now, check the depends VAR: foreach $dep (sort keys %depend) { if ((my $path,my $d) = $dep =~ /^(\S+?)([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\.\$\(OBJ\)/) { # $(GLOBJ)file.$(OBJ) my @inclist = ( "\$(GLSRC)$d.c" ); if (exists $include{"$d.c"}) { push @inclist, @ { $include{"$d.c"} }; } @inclist = uniq(sort @inclist); @deplist = sort @ { $depend{$dep} }; # Compare the dependency lists #print "DEP=".join(', ', @deplist)."\n"; #print "INC=".join(', ', @inclist)."\n"; $a = shift @deplist; $b = shift @inclist; while (defined($a) || defined($b)) { #print ("comparing $a and $b\n"); # We are too crap to properly know the paths, so fudge it if (defined($a) && defined($b) && $a ne $b && ($a =~ m/\$\(.*\)(\S+).h/) && ($b =~ m/\$\(.*\)$1.h/)) { print "$d.\$(OBJ): accepting $a ($b expected)\n"; $a = shift @deplist; $b = shift @inclist; } elsif ($a eq "\$(AK)") { # Silently accept the AKs $a = shift @deplist; } elsif ($a eq "STDDIRS") { # Silently accept the STDDIRSs (should probably insist on # these!) $a = shift @deplist; } elsif (defined($a) && ($a lt $b || !defined($b))) { print "$d.\$(OBJ): extra dependency on $a\n"; $a = shift @deplist; } elsif (defined($b) && ($a gt $b || !defined($a))) { print "$d.\$(OBJ): missing dependency on $b\n"; $b = shift @inclist; } else { $a = shift @deplist; $b = shift @inclist; } } #print "==\n"; } } } # Main. my %include, %depend, %vars; my $depend_ref, $vars_ref; %include = gather_includes("gs/base"); ($depend_ref, $vars_ref) = read_makefile("gs/base", "lib.mak"); %depend = %$depend_ref; %vars = %$vars_ref; check_vars(\%include, \%vars); check_depend(\%include, \%depend);