/* Copyright (C) 1989, 1995, 1997 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved. This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript. Aladdin Ghostscript is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. No author or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it, or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he or she says so in writing. Refer to the Aladdin Ghostscript Free Public License (the "License") for full details. Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License, normally in a plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you the right to copy, modify and redistribute Aladdin Ghostscript, but only under certain conditions described in the License. Among other things, the License requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on all copies. */ /*$Id$ */ /* Miscellaneous operators */ #include "errno_.h" #include "memory_.h" #include "string_.h" #include "ghost.h" #include "gscdefs.h" /* for gs_serialnumber */ #include "gp.h" #include "oper.h" #include "ialloc.h" #include "idict.h" #include "dstack.h" /* for name lookup in bind */ #include "iname.h" #include "ipacked.h" #include "ivmspace.h" #include "store.h" /* bind */ private int zbind(os_ptr op) { uint depth = 1; ref defn; register os_ptr bsp; switch (r_type(op)) { case t_array: case t_mixedarray: case t_shortarray: defn = *op; break; case t_oparray: defn = *op->value.const_refs; break; default: return_op_typecheck(op); } push(1); *op = defn; bsp = op; /* * We must not make the top-level procedure read-only, * but we must bind it even if it is read-only already. * * Here are the invariants for the following loop: * `depth' elements have been pushed on the ostack; * For i < depth, p = ref_stack_index(&o_stack, i): * *p is an array (or packedarray) ref. */ #define r_is_ex_oper(rp)\ ((r_btype(rp) == t_operator || r_type(rp) == t_oparray) &&\ r_has_attr(rp, a_executable)) while (depth) { while (r_size(bsp)) { ref *tp = bsp->value.refs; r_dec_size(bsp, 1); if (r_is_packed(tp)) { /* Check for a packed executable name */ ushort elt = *(ushort *) tp; if (r_packed_is_exec_name(&elt)) { ref nref; ref *pvalue; name_index_ref(packed_name_index(&elt), &nref); if ((pvalue = dict_find_name(&nref)) != 0 && r_is_ex_oper(pvalue) ) /* Note: can't undo this by restore! */ *(ushort *) tp = pt_tag(pt_executable_operator) + op_index(pvalue); } bsp->value.refs = (ref *) ((ref_packed *) tp + 1); } else switch (bsp->value.refs++, r_type(tp)) { case t_name: /* bind the name if an operator */ if (r_has_attr(tp, a_executable)) { ref *pvalue; if ((pvalue = dict_find_name(tp)) != 0 && r_is_ex_oper(pvalue) ) ref_assign_old(bsp, tp, pvalue, "bind"); } break; case t_array: /* push into array if writable */ if (!r_has_attr(tp, a_write)) break; case t_mixedarray: case t_shortarray: if (r_has_attr(tp, a_executable)) { /* Make reference read-only */ r_clear_attrs(tp, a_write); if (bsp >= ostop) { /* Push a new stack block. */ ref temp; int code; temp = *tp; osp = bsp; code = ref_stack_push(&o_stack, 1); if (code < 0) { ref_stack_pop(&o_stack, depth); return_error(code); } bsp = osp; *bsp = temp; } else *++bsp = *tp; depth++; } } } bsp--; depth--; if (bsp < osbot) { /* Pop back to the previous stack block. */ osp = bsp; ref_stack_pop_block(&o_stack); bsp = osp; } } osp = bsp; return 0; } /* - serialnumber */ private int zserialnumber(register os_ptr op) { push(1); make_int(op, gs_serialnumber); return 0; } /* - realtime */ private int zrealtime(register os_ptr op) { long secs_ns[2]; gp_get_realtime(secs_ns); push(1); make_int(op, secs_ns[0] * 1000 + secs_ns[1] / 1000000); return 0; } /* - usertime */ private int zusertime(register os_ptr op) { long secs_ns[2]; gp_get_usertime(secs_ns); push(1); make_int(op, secs_ns[0] * 1000 + secs_ns[1] / 1000000); return 0; } /* ---------------- Non-standard operators ---------------- */ /* getenv true */ /* getenv false */ private int zgetenv(register os_ptr op) { char *str; byte *value; int code; int len = 0; check_read_type(*op, t_string); str = ref_to_string(op, imemory, "getenv key"); if (str == 0) return_error(e_VMerror); if (gp_getenv(str, (char *)0, &len) > 0) { /* key missing */ ifree_string((byte *) str, r_size(op) + 1, "getenv key"); make_false(op); return 0; } value = ialloc_string(len, "getenv value"); if (value == 0) { ifree_string((byte *) str, r_size(op) + 1, "getenv key"); return_error(e_VMerror); } code = gp_getenv(str, (char *)value, &len); /* can't fail */ ifree_string((byte *) str, r_size(op) + 1, "getenv key"); /* Delete the stupid C string terminator. */ value = iresize_string(value, len, len - 1, "getenv value"); /* can't fail */ push(1); make_string(op - 1, a_all | icurrent_space, len - 1, value); make_true(op); return 0; } /* .makeoperator */ private int zmakeoperator(register os_ptr op) { op_array_table *opt; uint count; ref *tab; check_type(op[-1], t_name); check_proc(*op); switch (r_space(op)) { case avm_global: opt = &op_array_table_global; break; case avm_local: opt = &op_array_table_local; break; default: return_error(e_invalidaccess); } count = opt->count; tab = opt->table.value.refs; /* * restore doesn't reset op_array_table.count, but it does * remove entries from op_array_table.table. Since we fill * the table in order, we can detect that a restore has occurred * by checking whether what should be the most recent entry * is occupied. If not, we scan backwards over the vacated entries * to find the true end of the table. */ while (count > 0 && r_has_type(&tab[count - 1], t_null)) --count; if (count == r_size(&opt->table)) return_error(e_limitcheck); ref_assign_old(&opt->table, &tab[count], op, "makeoperator"); opt->nx_table[count] = name_index(op - 1); op_index_ref(opt->base_index + count, op - 1); opt->count = count + 1; pop(1); return 0; } /* - .oserrno */ private int zoserrno(register os_ptr op) { push(1); make_int(op, errno); return 0; } /* .setoserrno - */ private int zsetoserrno(register os_ptr op) { check_type(*op, t_integer); errno = op->value.intval; pop(1); return 0; } /* .oserrorstring true */ /* .oserrorstring false */ private int zoserrorstring(register os_ptr op) { const char *str; int code; uint len; byte ch; check_type(*op, t_integer); str = gp_strerror((int)op->value.intval); if (str == 0 || (len = strlen(str)) == 0) { make_false(op); return 0; } check_ostack(1); code = string_to_ref(str, op, iimemory, ".oserrorstring"); if (code < 0) return code; /* Strip trailing end-of-line characters. */ while ((len = r_size(op)) != 0 && ((ch = op->value.bytes[--len]) == '\r' || ch == '\n') ) r_dec_size(op, 1); push(1); make_true(op); return 0; } /* .setdebug - */ private int zsetdebug(register os_ptr op) { check_read_type(op[-1], t_string); check_type(*op, t_boolean); { int i; for (i = 0; i < r_size(op - 1); i++) gs_debug[op[-1].value.bytes[i] & 127] = op->value.boolval; } pop(2); return 0; } /* ------ Initialization procedure ------ */ const op_def zmisc_op_defs[] = { {"1bind", zbind}, {"1getenv", zgetenv}, {"2.makeoperator", zmakeoperator}, {"0.oserrno", zoserrno}, {"1.oserrorstring", zoserrorstring}, {"0realtime", zrealtime}, {"1serialnumber", zserialnumber}, {"2.setdebug", zsetdebug}, {"1.setoserrno", zsetoserrno}, {"0usertime", zusertime}, op_def_end(0) };