/* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved. This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript. Aladdin Ghostscript is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. No author or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it, or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he or she says so in writing. Refer to the Aladdin Ghostscript Free Public License (the "License") for full details. Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License, normally in a plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you the right to copy, modify and redistribute Aladdin Ghostscript, but only under certain conditions described in the License. Among other things, the License requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on all copies. */ /* Stand-alone halftone/transfer function related code */ #include "memory_.h" #include "gx.h" #include "gserrors.h" #include "gsstruct.h" #include "gsutil.h" /* for gs_next_ids */ #include "gxfmap.h" #include "gzstate.h" #include "gzht.h" #include "gshtx.h" /* must come after g*ht.h */ /* * Procedure to free the set of components when a halftone is released. */ private void free_comps( gs_memory_t * pmem, void *pvht, client_name_t cname ) { gs_ht *pht = (gs_ht *) pvht; gs_free_object(pmem, pht->params.ht_multiple.components, cname); gs_free_object(pmem, pvht, cname); } /* * Stub transfer function, to be applied to components that are not provided * with a transfer function. */ private float null_closure_transfer( floatp val, const gx_transfer_map * pmap_dummy, /* NOTUSED */ const void *dummy /* NOTUSED */ ) { return val; } /* * Build a gs_ht halftone structure. */ int gs_ht_build( gs_ht ** ppht, uint num_comps, gs_memory_t * pmem ) { gs_ht *pht; gs_ht_component *phtc; int i; /* must have at least one component */ *ppht = 0; if (num_comps == 0) return_error(gs_error_rangecheck); /* allocate the halftone and the array of components */ rc_alloc_struct_1(pht, gs_ht, &st_gs_ht, pmem, return_error(gs_error_VMerror), "gs_ht_build" ); phtc = gs_alloc_struct_array(pmem, num_comps, gs_ht_component, &st_ht_comp_element, "gs_ht_build" ); if (phtc == 0) { gs_free_object(pmem, pht, "gs_ht_build"); return_error(gs_error_VMerror); } /* initialize the halftone */ pht->type = ht_type_multiple; pht->rc.free = free_comps; pht->params.ht_multiple.components = phtc; pht->params.ht_multiple.num_comp = num_comps; for (i = 0; i < num_comps; i++) { phtc[i].cname = gs_ht_separation_Default; phtc[i].type = ht_type_none; } *ppht = pht; return 0; } /* * Set a spot-function halftone component in a gs_ht halftone. */ int gs_ht_set_spot_comp( gs_ht * pht, int comp, gs_ht_separation_name sepname, floatp freq, floatp angle, float (*spot_func) (floatp, floatp), bool accurate, gs_ht_transfer_proc transfer, const void *client_data ) { gs_ht_component *phtc = &(pht->params.ht_multiple.components[comp]); if (comp >= pht->params.ht_multiple.num_comp) return_error(gs_error_rangecheck); if (phtc->type != ht_type_none) return_error(gs_error_invalidaccess); phtc->cname = (pht->params.ht_multiple.num_comp == 1 ? gs_ht_separation_Default : sepname); phtc->type = ht_type_spot; phtc->params.ht_spot.screen.frequency = freq; phtc->params.ht_spot.screen.angle = angle; phtc->params.ht_spot.screen.spot_function = spot_func; phtc->params.ht_spot.accurate_screens = accurate; phtc->params.ht_spot.transfer = gs_mapped_transfer; phtc->params.ht_spot.transfer_closure.proc = (transfer == 0 ? null_closure_transfer : transfer); phtc->params.ht_spot.transfer_closure.data = client_data; return 0; } /* * Set a threshold halftone component in a gs_ht halftone. Note that the * caller is responsible for releasing the threshold data. */ int gs_ht_set_threshold_comp( gs_ht * pht, int comp, gs_ht_separation_name sepname, int width, int height, const gs_const_string * thresholds, gs_ht_transfer_proc transfer, const void *client_data ) { gs_ht_component *phtc = &(pht->params.ht_multiple.components[comp]); if (comp >= pht->params.ht_multiple.num_comp) return_error(gs_error_rangecheck); if (phtc->type != ht_type_none) return_error(gs_error_invalidaccess); phtc->cname = (pht->params.ht_multiple.num_comp == 1 ? gs_ht_separation_Default : sepname); phtc->type = ht_type_threshold; phtc->params.ht_threshold.width = width; phtc->params.ht_threshold.height = height; phtc->params.ht_threshold.thresholds = *thresholds; phtc->params.ht_threshold.transfer = gs_mapped_transfer; phtc->params.ht_threshold.transfer_closure.proc = (transfer == 0 ? null_closure_transfer : transfer); phtc->params.ht_threshold.transfer_closure.data = client_data; return 0; } /* * Increase the reference count of a gs_ht structure by 1. */ void gs_ht_reference( gs_ht * pht ) { rc_increment(pht); } /* * Decrement the reference count of a gs_ht structure by 1. Free the * structure if the reference count reaches 0. */ void gs_ht_release( gs_ht * pht ) { rc_decrement_only(pht, "gs_ht_release"); } /* * Verify that a gs_ht halftone is legitimate. */ private int check_ht( gs_ht * pht ) { int i; bool have_default = false; int num_comps = pht->params.ht_multiple.num_comp; if (pht->type != ht_type_multiple) return_error(gs_error_unregistered); for (i = 0; i < num_comps; i++) { gs_ht_component *phtc = &(pht->params.ht_multiple.components[i]); if ((phtc->type != ht_type_spot) && (phtc->type != ht_type_threshold)) return_error(gs_error_unregistered); if (phtc->cname == gs_ht_separation_Default) { if (have_default) return_error(gs_error_rangecheck); else have_default = true; } } return have_default ? 0 : gs_error_rangecheck; } /* * Load a transfer map from a gs_ht_transfer_proc function. */ private void build_transfer_map( gs_ht_component * phtc, gx_transfer_map * pmap ) { gs_ht_transfer_proc proc; const void *client_info; int i; frac *values = pmap->values; if (phtc->type == ht_type_spot) { proc = phtc->params.ht_spot.transfer_closure.proc; client_info = phtc->params.ht_spot.transfer_closure.data; } else { proc = phtc->params.ht_threshold.transfer_closure.proc; client_info = phtc->params.ht_threshold.transfer_closure.data; } for (i = 0; i < transfer_map_size; i++) { float fval = proc(i * (1 / (double)(transfer_map_size - 1)), pmap, client_info); values[i] = (fval <= 0.0 ? frac_0 : fval >= 1.0 ? frac_1 : float2frac(fval)); } } /* * Allocate the order and transfer maps required by a halftone, and perform * some elementary initialization. This will also build the component index * to order index map. */ private gx_ht_order_component * alloc_ht_order( const gs_ht * pht, gs_memory_t * pmem, byte * comp2order ) { int num_comps = pht->params.ht_multiple.num_comp; gx_ht_order_component *pocs = gs_alloc_struct_array( pmem, pht->params.ht_multiple.num_comp, gx_ht_order_component, &st_ht_order_component_element, "alloc_ht_order" ); int inext = 1; int i; if (pocs == 0) return 0; pocs->corder.transfer = 0; for (i = 0; i < num_comps; i++) { gs_ht_component *phtc = &(pht->params.ht_multiple.components[i]); gx_transfer_map *pmap = gs_alloc_struct(pmem, gx_transfer_map, &st_transfer_map, "alloc_ht_order" ); if (pmap == 0) { int j; for (j = 0; j < inext; j++) gs_free_object(pmem, pocs[j].corder.transfer, "alloc_ht_order"); gs_free_object(pmem, pocs, "alloc_ht_order"); return 0; } pmap->proc = gs_mapped_transfer; pmap->id = gs_next_ids(1); if (phtc->cname == gs_ht_separation_Default) { pocs->corder.levels = 0; pocs->corder.bit_data = 0; pocs->corder.cache = 0; pocs->corder.transfer = pmap; pocs->cname = gs_ht_separation_Default; comp2order[i] = 0; } else { pocs[inext].corder.levels = 0; pocs[inext].corder.bit_data = 0; pocs[inext].corder.cache = 0; pocs[inext].corder.transfer = pmap; pocs[inext].cname = phtc->cname; comp2order[i] = inext++; } } return pocs; } /* * Build the halftone order for one component. */ private int build_component( gs_ht_component * phtc, gx_ht_order * porder, gs_state * pgs, gs_memory_t * pmem ) { if (phtc->type == ht_type_spot) { gs_screen_enum senum; int code; code = gx_ht_process_screen_memory(&senum, pgs, &phtc->params.ht_spot.screen, phtc->params.ht_spot.accurate_screens, pmem ); if (code < 0) return code; /* avoid wiping out the transfer structure pointer */ senum.order.transfer = porder->transfer; *porder = senum.order; } else { /* ht_type_threshold */ int code; gx_transfer_map *transfer = porder->transfer; porder->params.M = phtc->params.ht_threshold.width; porder->params.N = 0; porder->params.R = 1; porder->params.M1 = phtc->params.ht_threshold.height; porder->params.N1 = 0; porder->params.R1 = 1; code = gx_ht_alloc_threshold_order(porder, phtc->params.ht_threshold.width, phtc->params.ht_threshold.height, 256, pmem ); if (code < 0) return code; gx_ht_construct_threshold_order( porder, phtc->params.ht_threshold.thresholds.data ); /* * gx_ht_construct_threshold_order wipes out transfer map pointer, * restore it here. */ porder->transfer = transfer; } build_transfer_map(phtc, porder->transfer); return 0; } /* * Free an order array and all elements it points to. */ private void free_order_array( gx_ht_order_component * pocs, int num_comps, gs_memory_t * pmem ) { int i; for (i = 0; i < num_comps; i++) gx_ht_order_release(&(pocs[i].corder), pmem, true); gs_free_object(pmem, pocs, "gs_ht_install"); } /* * Install a gs_ht halftone as the current halftone in the graphic state. */ int gs_ht_install( gs_state * pgs, gs_ht * pht ) { int code = 0; gs_memory_t *pmem = pht->rc.memory; gx_device_halftone dev_ht; gx_ht_order_component *pocs; byte comp2order[32]; /* ample component to order map */ int num_comps = pht->params.ht_multiple.num_comp; int i; /* perform so sanity checks (must have one default component) */ if ((code = check_ht(pht)) != 0) return code; /* allocate the halftone order structure and transfer maps */ if ((pocs = alloc_ht_order(pht, pmem, comp2order)) == 0) return_error(gs_error_VMerror); /* build all of the order for each component */ for (i = 0; i < num_comps; i++) { int j = comp2order[i]; code = build_component(&(pht->params.ht_multiple.components[i]), &(pocs[j].corder), pgs, pmem ); if ((code >= 0) && (j != 0)) { gx_ht_cache *pcache; pcache = gx_ht_alloc_cache(pmem, 4, pocs[j].corder.raster * (pocs[j].corder.num_bits / pocs[j].corder.width) * 4 ); if (pcache == 0) code = gs_note_error(gs_error_VMerror); else { pocs[j].corder.cache = pcache; gx_ht_init_cache(pcache, &(pocs[j].corder)); } } if (code < 0) break; } if (code < 0) { free_order_array(pocs, num_comps, pmem); return code; } /* initialize the device halftone structure */ dev_ht.rc.memory = pmem; dev_ht.order = pocs[0].corder; /* Default */ if (num_comps == 1) { /* we have only a Default; we don't need components. */ gs_free_object(pmem, pocs, "gs_ht_install"); dev_ht.components = 0; } else { dev_ht.components = pocs; dev_ht.num_comp = num_comps; } /* at last, actually install the halftone in the graphic state */ return gx_ht_install(pgs, (gs_halftone *) pht, &dev_ht); } /* ---------------- Mask-defined halftones ---------------- */ /* * Create a halftone order from an array of explicit masks. This is * silly, because the rendering machinery actually wants masks, but doing * it right seems to require too many changes in existing code. */ private int create_mask_bits(const byte * mask1, const byte * mask2, int width, int height, gx_ht_bit * bits) { /* * We do this with the slowest, simplest possible algorithm.... */ int width_bytes = (width + 7) >> 3; int x, y; int count = 0; for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) { int offset = y * width_bytes + (x >> 3); byte bit_mask = 0x80 >> (x & 7); if ((mask1[offset] ^ mask2[offset]) & bit_mask) { if (bits) gx_ht_construct_bit(&bits[count], width, y * width + x); ++count; } } return count; } private int create_mask_order(gx_ht_order * porder, gs_state * pgs, const gs_client_order_halftone * phcop, gs_memory_t * mem) { int width_bytes = (phcop->width + 7) >> 3; const byte *masks = (const byte *)phcop->client_data; int bytes_per_mask = width_bytes * phcop->height; const byte *prev_mask; int num_levels = phcop->num_levels; int num_bits = 0; int i; int code; /* Do a first pass to compute how many bits entries will be needed. */ for (prev_mask = masks, num_bits = 0, i = 0; i < num_levels - 1; ++i, prev_mask += bytes_per_mask ) num_bits += create_mask_bits(prev_mask, prev_mask + bytes_per_mask, phcop->width, phcop->height, NULL); code = gx_ht_alloc_client_order(porder, phcop->width, phcop->height, num_levels, num_bits, mem); if (code < 0) return code; /* Fill in the bits and levels entries. */ for (prev_mask = masks, num_bits = 0, i = 0; i < num_levels - 1; ++i, prev_mask += bytes_per_mask ) { porder->levels[i] = num_bits; num_bits += create_mask_bits(prev_mask, prev_mask + bytes_per_mask, phcop->width, phcop->height, ((gx_ht_bit *)porder->bit_data) + num_bits); } porder->levels[num_levels - 1] = num_bits; return 0; } /* Define the client-order halftone procedure structure. */ private const gs_client_order_ht_procs_t mask_order_procs = { create_mask_order }; /* * Define a halftone by an explicit set of masks. We translate these * internally into a threshold array, since that's what the halftone * rendering machinery knows how to deal with. */ int gs_ht_set_mask_comp(gs_ht * pht, int component_index, gs_ht_separation_name sepr_name, int width, int height, int num_levels, const byte * masks, /* width x height x num_levels bits */ gs_ht_transfer_proc transfer, const void *client_data) { gs_ht_component *phtc = &(pht->params.ht_multiple.components[component_index]); if (component_index >= pht->params.ht_multiple.num_comp) return_error(gs_error_rangecheck); if (phtc->type != ht_type_none) return_error(gs_error_invalidaccess); phtc->cname = (pht->params.ht_multiple.num_comp == 1 ? gs_ht_separation_Default : sepr_name); phtc->type = ht_type_client_order; phtc->params.client_order.width = width; phtc->params.client_order.height = height; phtc->params.client_order.num_levels = num_levels; phtc->params.client_order.procs = &mask_order_procs; phtc->params.client_order.client_data = masks; phtc->params.client_order.transfer_closure.proc = (transfer == 0 ? null_closure_transfer : transfer); phtc->params.client_order.transfer_closure.data = client_data; return 0; }