/* Copyright (C) 1991, 1995-1999 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved. This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript. Aladdin Ghostscript is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. No author or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it, or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he or she says so in writing. Refer to the Aladdin Ghostscript Free Public License (the "License") for full details. Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License, normally in a plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you the right to copy, modify and redistribute Aladdin Ghostscript, but only under certain conditions described in the License. Among other things, the License requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on all copies. */ /*$Id: gdevmd2k.c,v 1.4 2002/07/12 20:46:29 tillkamppeter Exp $*/ /* ALPS MD series printer driver for Ghostscript 5.xx */ /* * 1999-04-18 Ver. 0.1 Masakazu Higaki * 1999-05-02 Ver. 0.2a */ #include "gdevprn.h" #include "gsparam.h" #include #include #define MM_PER_INCH 25.4 #define TOP_MARGIN 12. / MM_PER_INCH #define BOTTOM_MARGIN 15. / MM_PER_INCH #define LEFT_MARGIN 3.4 / MM_PER_INCH #define RIGHT_MARGIN 3.4 / MM_PER_INCH /* The device descriptor */ private dev_proc_open_device(alps_open); private dev_proc_get_params(alps_get_params); private dev_proc_put_params(alps_put_params); private dev_proc_print_page(md2k_print_page); private dev_proc_print_page(md5k_print_page); private dev_proc_map_cmyk_color(alps_map_cmyk_color); private dev_proc_map_cmyk_color(alps_map_cmy_color); private dev_proc_map_rgb_color(alps_map_rgb_color); private dev_proc_map_color_rgb(alps_map_color_rgb); struct gx_device_alps_s { gx_device_common; gx_prn_device_common; bool color; /* grayscale / color */ bool dither; bool manualFeed; bool reverseSide; bool ecoBlack; int mediaType; int cyan; /* weight for cyan */ int magenta; /* weight for magenta */ int yellow; /* weight for yellow */ int black; /* weight for black */ }; typedef struct gx_device_alps_s gx_device_alps; #define dev_alps ((gx_device_alps *) pdev) private gx_device_procs alps_procs = { alps_open, gx_default_get_initial_matrix, NULL, /* sync_output */ gdev_prn_output_page, gdev_prn_close, NULL, /* map_rgb_color,*/ alps_map_color_rgb, NULL, /* fill_rectangle */ NULL, /* tile_rectangle */ NULL, /* copy_mono */ NULL, /* copy_color */ NULL, /* draw_line */ NULL, /* get_bits */ alps_get_params, alps_put_params, alps_map_cmyk_color, NULL, /* get_xfont_procs */ NULL, /* get_xfont_device */ NULL, /* map_rgb_alpha_color */ gx_page_device_get_page_device /* get_page_device */ }; #define alps_device(dname, print_page) \ {\ prn_device_body(gx_device_alps, alps_procs, dname,\ DEFAULT_WIDTH_10THS, DEFAULT_HEIGHT_10THS,\ 600, 600,\ 0, 0, 0, 0, /* margin */\ 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, print_page),\ true, false, false, false, false, 0, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024\ } gx_device_alps far_data gs_md2k_device = alps_device("md2k", md2k_print_page); gx_device_alps far_data gs_md5k_device = alps_device("md5k", md5k_print_page); /* Printer types */ typedef enum { MD2000, MD1000, MD5000 } alps_printer_type; private int alps_open(gx_device *pdev) { int xdpi = pdev->x_pixels_per_inch; int ydpi = pdev->y_pixels_per_inch; const float margins[4] = { LEFT_MARGIN, BOTTOM_MARGIN, RIGHT_MARGIN, TOP_MARGIN }; float density; gx_device_set_margins(pdev, margins, true); /* resolution check */ if ((ydpi != 300 || xdpi != 300) && (ydpi != 600 || xdpi != 600) && (ydpi != 600 || xdpi != 1200)) return_error(gs_error_rangecheck); density = (xdpi == 300 ? 0.75 : xdpi == 600 ? 0.44 : 0.4); dev_alps->cyan *= density; dev_alps->magenta *= density; dev_alps->yellow *= density; dev_alps->black *= density; return gdev_prn_open(pdev); } private int alps_get_params(gx_device *pdev, gs_param_list *plist) { gs_param_string mediaType = { "", 1, false }; int code = gdev_prn_get_params(pdev, plist); if (code < 0 || (code = param_write_bool(plist, "Color", &dev_alps->color)) < 0 || (code = param_write_bool(plist, "Dither", &dev_alps->dither)) < 0 || (code = param_write_bool(plist, "ManualFeed", &dev_alps->manualFeed)) < 0 || (code = param_write_bool(plist, "ReverseSide", &dev_alps->reverseSide)) < 0 || (code = param_write_bool(plist, "EcoBlack", &dev_alps->ecoBlack)) < 0 || (code = param_write_int (plist, "Cyan", &dev_alps->cyan)) < 0 || (code = param_write_int (plist, "Magenta", &dev_alps->magenta)) < 0 || (code = param_write_int (plist, "Yellow", &dev_alps->yellow)) < 0 || (code = param_write_int (plist, "Black", &dev_alps->black)) < 0 || (code = param_write_string(plist, "MediaType", &mediaType)) < 0) return code; return code; } private int alps_put_param_bool(gs_param_list *plist, gs_param_name pname, int *pvalue, int ecode) { int code, value; switch (code = param_read_bool(plist, pname, &value)) { default: return code; case 1: return ecode; case 0: *pvalue = value; return (ecode < 0 ? ecode : 1); } } private int alps_put_param_int(gs_param_list *plist, gs_param_name pname, int *pvalue, int minval, int maxval, int ecode) { int code, value; switch (code = param_read_int(plist, pname, &value)) { default: return code; case 1: return ecode; case 0: if (value < minval || value > maxval) param_signal_error(plist, pname, gs_error_rangecheck); *pvalue = value; return (ecode < 0 ? ecode : 1); } } /* Put properties. */ private int alps_put_params(gx_device *pdev, gs_param_list *plist) { int code = 0; int bpp = dev_alps->color_info.depth; bool color = dev_alps->color; bool dither = dev_alps->dither; bool manualFeed = dev_alps->manualFeed; bool reverseSide = dev_alps->reverseSide; bool ecoBlack = dev_alps->ecoBlack; int cyan = dev_alps->cyan; int magenta = dev_alps->magenta; int yellow = dev_alps->yellow; int black = dev_alps->black; gs_param_string mediaType; code = alps_put_param_bool(plist, "Color", &color, code); code = alps_put_param_bool(plist, "Dither", &dither, code); code = alps_put_param_bool(plist, "ManualFeed", &manualFeed, code); code = alps_put_param_bool(plist, "ReverseSide", &reverseSide, code); code = alps_put_param_bool(plist, "EcoBlack", &ecoBlack, code); code = alps_put_param_int (plist, "BitsPerPixel", &bpp, 1, 32, code); code = alps_put_param_int (plist, "Cyan", &cyan, 0, 2048, code); code = alps_put_param_int (plist, "Magenta", &magenta, 0, 2048, code); code = alps_put_param_int (plist, "Yellow", &yellow, 0, 2048, code); code = alps_put_param_int (plist, "Black", &black, 0, 2048, code); #define mediaTypeCmp(mname) strncmp(mediaType.data, mname, mediaType.size) if (param_read_string(plist, "MediaType", &mediaType) == 0) { dev_alps->mediaType = (! mediaTypeCmp("PlainPaper" ) ? 0 : ! mediaTypeCmp("OHP_MD2000" ) ? 1 : ! mediaTypeCmp("IronSeal" ) ? 2 : ! mediaTypeCmp("RebecaFree" ) ? 3 : ! mediaTypeCmp("CardBoard" ) ? 5 : ! mediaTypeCmp("PostCard" ) ? 6 : ! mediaTypeCmp("FinePaper" ) ? 7 : ! mediaTypeCmp("CoatedFilm" ) ? 9 : ! mediaTypeCmp("GlossyPaper" ) ? 15 : ! mediaTypeCmp("TransparencyFilm") ? 0x108 : ! mediaTypeCmp("OHP" ) ? 0x108 : -1); switch (dev_alps->mediaType) { case -1: param_signal_error(plist, "MediaType", code = gs_error_rangecheck); break; case 1: /* MD-2000 transparency mode */ dev_proc(pdev, map_cmyk_color) = alps_map_cmy_color; break; case 6: /* hagaki */ pdev->MediaSize[0] = 284; pdev->MediaSize[1] = 419; default: break; } } if (code < 0) return code; dev_alps->color = color; dev_alps->dither = dither; dev_alps->manualFeed = manualFeed; dev_alps->reverseSide = reverseSide; dev_alps->ecoBlack = ecoBlack; dev_alps->cyan = cyan; dev_alps->magenta = magenta; dev_alps->yellow = yellow; dev_alps->black = black; if (bpp) /* Only valid bits-per-pixel are 1, 4, 8, 32 */ bpp = (bpp < 4 ? 1 : bpp < 8 ? 4 : bpp > 8 ? 32 : 8); else bpp = (color ? 4 : 1) * (dither ? 8 : 1); if (ecoBlack && ! strcmp(pdev->dname, "md5k")) bpp = 1; if (bpp == 1 || bpp == 8) dev_proc(pdev, map_rgb_color) = alps_map_rgb_color; pdev->color_info.depth = bpp; pdev->color_info.num_components = (bpp == 1 || bpp == 8 ? 1 : 4); pdev->color_info.max_gray = (bpp >= 8 ? 255 : 1); pdev->color_info.max_color = (bpp >= 8 ? 255 : bpp > 1 ? 1 : 0); pdev->color_info.dither_grays = (bpp >= 8 ? 5 : 2); pdev->color_info.dither_colors = (bpp >= 8 ? 5 : bpp > 1 ? 2 : 0); gdev_prn_put_params(pdev, plist); return 0; } /* * these F/S dithering macros are based on gdevcdj.c */ /* Floyd-Steinberg dithering. Often results in a dramatic improvement in * subjective image quality, but can also produce dramatic increases in * amount of printer data generated and actual printing time!! Mode 9 2D * compression is still useful for fairly flat color or blank areas but its * compression is much less effective in areas where the dithering has * effectively randomised the dot distribution. */ #define I sizeof(int) #define SHIFT ((I * 8) - 13) #define RSHIFT ((I * 8) - 16) #define RANDOM() (((rand() << RSHIFT) % (MAXVALUE / 2)) - MAXVALUE / 4); #define MINVALUE 0 #define MAXVALUE (255 << SHIFT) #define THRESHOLD (128 << SHIFT) #define C 8 #define FSdither(inP, out, errP, Err, Bit, Offset)\ oldErr = Err;\ Err = (*errP + ((Err * 7 + C) >> 4) + (*inP << SHIFT));\ inP += Offset;\ if (Err > THRESHOLD) {\ out |= Bit;\ Err -= MAXVALUE;\ }\ errP[-Offset] += ((Err * 3 + C) >> 4);\ *errP++ = ((Err * 5 + oldErr + C) >> 4); #define FSDline(i, j, len, outP, n)\ {\ byte c, bitmask;\ int Err = 0, oldErr;\ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\ bitmask = 0x80;\ for (c = j = 0; j < 8; j++) {\ FSdither(dp, c, ep, Err, bitmask, n);\ bitmask >>= 1;\ }\ *outP++ = c;\ }\ } /* END MACROS FOR DITHERING */ /* * get a component of CMYK from raster data */ private int cmyk_to_bit(byte *out, byte *in, int length, int c_comp) { byte *p_in = in, *p_out = out, *p_end; byte in_data, out_data; byte mask1, mask2; p_end = in + length; mask1 = 0x80 >> c_comp; mask2 = mask1 >> 4; while(p_in < p_end) { int i; out_data = 0; for(i = 0; i < 4; i ++) { in_data = (p_in < p_end ? *p_in++ : 0); out_data <<= 2; out_data |= (in_data & mask1) >> (6-c_comp) | (in_data & mask2) >> (3-c_comp); } *p_out ++ = out_data; } return p_out - out; } /* * run-length compression */ private int runlength(byte *out, byte *in, int length) { byte *p_in = in, *p_out = out, *p_end; int count, climit, contflag; p_end = p_in + length; while(p_in < p_end) { /* loop until 3 same data found */ count = 0; climit = min(128, p_end - p_in); for( ; count < climit; count++, p_in ++) { contflag = (*p_in == *(p_in+1) && *p_in == *(p_in+2)); if (contflag) break; } if (count > 0) { *p_out ++ = count - 1; memcpy(p_out, p_in - count, count); p_out += count; } if (contflag) { climit = min(129, p_end - p_in); p_in += 3; count = 3; for( ; count < climit && *(p_in-1) == *p_in; count++, p_in++); *p_out ++ = (byte) (0x101 - count); *p_out ++ = *(p_in-1); } } return p_out - out; } #define write_short(data, stream) { \ fputc((unsigned char) (data), stream); \ fputc((unsigned short) (data) >> 8, stream); \ } #define alps_cmd(cmd1, data, cmd2, stream) { \ fwrite(cmd1, 1, 3, stream); \ write_short(data, stream); \ fputc(cmd2, stream); \ } private void alps_init(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *prn_stream, alps_printer_type ptype) { short height; /* page height (unit: dots) */ fwrite ("\033\145" "\033\045\200\101" "\033\032\0\0\114", 1, 11, prn_stream); /* paper feed (auto=1, manual=2) */ alps_cmd("\033\046\154", (dev_alps->manualFeed ? 2 : 1), 0110, prn_stream); /* media type */ alps_cmd("\033\046\154", dev_alps->mediaType, 0115, prn_stream); /* paper size */ alps_cmd("\033\046\154", (pdev->MediaSize[0] == 612) ? 2 : /* letter */ (pdev->MediaSize[0] >= 595 && pdev->MediaSize[0] <= 598) ? 4 : /* A4 */ (pdev->MediaSize[0] == 516 || pdev->MediaSize[0] == 501) ? 5 : /* B5 */ (pdev->MediaSize[0] == 284) ? 6 : 0, /* hagaki */ 0101, prn_stream); /* monocrome=0, eco black=1, CMYK=4, CMYK(MD-5000)=8 */ fwrite("\033\052\162", 1, 3, prn_stream); fputc((dev_alps->mediaType == 1 ? 4 : pdev->color_info.num_components == 1 ? dev_alps->ecoBlack ? 1 : 0 : ptype == MD5000 ? 8 : 4), prn_stream); fputc(0125, prn_stream); /* set resolution (300dpi = 2, 600dpi = 3, 1200x600dpi = 4) */ fwrite("\033\052\164", 1, 3, prn_stream); fputc((pdev->x_pixels_per_inch == 300 ? 2 : pdev->x_pixels_per_inch == 600 ? 3 : 4), prn_stream); fputc(0122, prn_stream); height = (pdev->MediaSize[1] - pdev->HWMargins[1] - pdev->HWMargins[3]) * pdev->y_pixels_per_inch / 72.; alps_cmd("\033\046\154", height, 0120, prn_stream); /* if -dReverseSide ... */ fwrite("\033\032", 1, 2, prn_stream); fputc (dev_alps->reverseSide, prn_stream); fwrite("\0\101", 1, 2, prn_stream); if (ptype == MD5000) { if (dev_alps->ecoBlack) { fwrite("\033\032\001\0\103", 1, 5, prn_stream); fwrite("\033\046\154\001\0\103\027", 1, 7, prn_stream); } else if (pdev->color_info.num_components == 1) fwrite("\033\046\154\001\0\103\0", 1, 7, prn_stream); else fwrite("\033\046\154\004\0\103\003\002\001\0", 1, 10, prn_stream); fwrite("\033\032\0\0\125", 1, 5, prn_stream); fwrite("\033\052\162\1\101", 1, 5, prn_stream); fwrite("\033\052\142\0\0\115", 1, 6, prn_stream); } else { fwrite("\033\052\162\0\101", 1, 5, prn_stream); fwrite("\033\052\142\2\0\115", 1, 6, prn_stream); } } /* Send the page to the printer. */ private int alps_print_page(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *prn_stream, alps_printer_type ptype) { int line_size = gdev_mem_bytes_per_scan_line((gx_device *)pdev); byte *in, *out, *work, *dp, *outP; int y, y_height = pdev->height; int c_comp, num_comp = pdev->color_info.num_components; int n_comp = (dev_alps->mediaType == 1 ? 3 : num_comp); int *error, *ep; int i, j; /* allocate memory */ work = (byte *)gs_malloc(gs_lib_ctx_get_non_gc_memory_t(), 3+sizeof(int), line_size, "alps_print_page(work)"); if (work == 0) return_error(gs_error_VMerror); in = work + line_size; out = in + line_size; error = (int *)(out + line_size); /* initialize printer */ alps_init(pdev, prn_stream, ptype); for(c_comp = 0; c_comp < n_comp; c_comp ++) { int yskip = 0; int color_weight; for(i = 0; i < line_size; i ++) error[i] = RANDOM(); if (n_comp == 1) color_weight = dev_alps->black; else color_weight = (c_comp < 2 ? c_comp == 0 ? dev_alps->cyan : dev_alps->magenta : c_comp == 2 ? dev_alps->yellow : dev_alps->black); /* select color (black=0, cyan=1, magenta=2, yellow=3, gold=4, metalic red=5, metalic blue=6, silver=7, rebeca black=8, rebeca red=9, rebeca blue=10, white=11, glossy=14) */ fwrite("\033\032", 1, 2, prn_stream); fputc((n_comp == 1 ? dev_alps->ecoBlack ? 026 : 0 : (c_comp+1) % 4), prn_stream); fputc((c_comp == n_comp-1 && ptype == MD5000 ? 0200 : 0), prn_stream); fputc(0162, prn_stream); for(y = 0; y < y_height; y ++) { uint len = line_size; gdev_prn_get_bits(pdev, y, in, &dp); switch (pdev->color_info.depth) { case 4: /* get a component of CMYK from raster data */ len = cmyk_to_bit(work, dp, len, c_comp); dp = work; case 1: /* remove trailing 0s */ for( ; len > 0 && dp[len-1] == 0; len --); break; case 32: dp += c_comp; case 8: outP = work; ep = error; /* remove trailing 0s */ for( ; len > 0 && dp[len-num_comp] == 0; len -= num_comp); for(i = 0; i < len; i += num_comp) dp[i] = (dp[i] * color_weight) >> 10; len = (len / num_comp + 7) >> 3; FSDline(i, j, len, outP, num_comp); dp = work; break; } if (len == 0) yskip ++; else { if (yskip) { alps_cmd("\033\052\142", yskip, 0131, prn_stream); yskip = 0; } if (ptype == MD5000) { int xskip = 0; /* Count pre print skip octets */ for( ; len > 0 && *dp == 0; len --, dp ++, xskip ++); alps_cmd("\033\052\142", len, 0124, prn_stream); write_short(xskip, prn_stream); fwrite(dp, 1, len, prn_stream); } else { len = runlength(out, dp, len); alps_cmd("\033\052\142", len, 0127, prn_stream); fwrite(out, 1, len, prn_stream); } } } /* rewind */ if (c_comp + 1 < n_comp) fwrite("\033\032\0\0\014", 1, 5, prn_stream); } /* end of print */ fwrite("\014" "\033\052\162\103" "\033\045\0\130", 1, 9, prn_stream); gs_free(gs_lib_ctx_get_non_gc_memory_t(), (char *)work, 3+sizeof(int), line_size, "alps_print_page(work)"); return 0; } private int md2k_print_page(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *prn_stream) { return alps_print_page(pdev, prn_stream, MD2000); } private int md5k_print_page(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *prn_stream) { return alps_print_page(pdev, prn_stream, MD5000); } /* functions below are mainly based on gdevcdj.c */ /* * Map a CMYK color to a color index. We just use depth / 4 bits per color * to produce the color index. */ #define gx_color_value_to_bits(cv, b) \ ((cv) >> (gx_color_value_bits - (b))) #define gx_bits_to_color_value(cv, b) \ ((cv) << (gx_color_value_bits - (b))) #define gx_cmyk_value_bits(c, m, y, k, b) \ ((gx_color_value_to_bits((c), (b)) << (3 * (b))) | \ (gx_color_value_to_bits((m), (b)) << (2 * (b))) | \ (gx_color_value_to_bits((y), (b)) << (b)) | \ (gx_color_value_to_bits((k), (b)))) #define gx_value_cmyk_bits(v, c, m, y, k, b) \ (c) = gx_bits_to_color_value(((v) >> (3 * (b))) & ((1 << (b)) - 1), (b)), \ (m) = gx_bits_to_color_value(((v) >> (2 * (b))) & ((1 << (b)) - 1), (b)), \ (y) = gx_bits_to_color_value(((v) >> (b)) & ((1 << (b)) - 1), (b)), \ (k) = gx_bits_to_color_value((v) & ((1 << (b)) - 1), (b)) private gx_color_index alps_map_cmyk_color(gx_device* pdev, const gx_color_value cv[]) { gx_color_index color; gx_color_value c, m, y, k; c = cv[0]; m = cv[1]; y = cv[2]; k = cv[3]; switch (pdev->color_info.depth) { case 1: color = ((c | m | y | k) > gx_max_color_value / 2 ? (gx_color_index) 1 : (gx_color_index) 0); break; default: { int nbits = pdev->color_info.depth; ulong weight; ulong black = (c <= y ? c <= m ? c : m : m <= y ? m : y); weight = (black < gx_max_color_value ? (gx_max_color_value << 10) / (gx_max_color_value - black) : 0); c = ((c - black) * weight) >> 10; m = ((m - black) * weight) >> 10; y = ((y - black) * weight) >> 10; black += k; k = (gx_color_index) (black <= gx_max_color_value ? black : gx_max_color_value); color = gx_cmyk_value_bits(c, m, y, k, nbits >> 2); } } return color; } private gx_color_index alps_map_cmy_color(gx_device* pdev, const gx_color_value cv[]) { int nbits = pdev->color_info.depth; gx_color_value c = cv[0], m = cv[1], y = cv[2], k = cv[3]; ulong weight = ((gx_max_color_value - k) << 10) / gx_max_color_value; c = ((c * weight) >> 10) + k; m = ((m * weight) >> 10) + k; y = ((y * weight) >> 10) + k; if (c > gx_max_color_value) c = gx_max_color_value; if (m > gx_max_color_value) m = gx_max_color_value; if (y > gx_max_color_value) y = gx_max_color_value; return gx_cmyk_value_bits(c, m, y, 0, nbits >> 2); } /* Mapping of RGB colors to gray values. */ private gx_color_index alps_map_rgb_color(gx_device *pdev, const gx_color_value cv[]) { gx_color_value r, g, b; r = cv[0]; g = cv[1]; b = cv[2]; if (gx_color_value_to_byte(r & g & b) == 0xff) { return (gx_color_index) 0; /* White */ } else { gx_color_value c = gx_max_color_value - r; gx_color_value m = gx_max_color_value - g; gx_color_value y = gx_max_color_value - b; switch (pdev->color_info.depth) { case 1: return ((c | m | y) > gx_max_color_value / 2 ? (gx_color_index) 1 : (gx_color_index) 0); break; case 8: #define red_weight 306 #define green_weight 601 #define blue_weight 117 return ((ulong)c * red_weight + (ulong)m * green_weight + (ulong)y * blue_weight) >> (gx_color_value_bits + 2); break; } } return (gx_color_index) 0; /* This should never happen. */ } /* Mapping of CMYK colors. */ private int alps_map_color_rgb(gx_device *pdev, gx_color_index color, gx_color_value prgb[3]) { switch (pdev->color_info.depth) { case 1: prgb[0] = prgb[1] = prgb[2] = gx_max_color_value * (1 - color); break; case 8: if (pdev->color_info.num_components == 1) { gx_color_value value = (gx_color_value) color ^ 0xff; prgb[0] = prgb[1] = prgb[2] = (value << 8) + value; break; } default: { unsigned long bcyan, bmagenta, byellow, black; int nbits = pdev->color_info.depth; gx_value_cmyk_bits(color, bcyan, bmagenta, byellow, black, nbits >> 2); #ifdef USE_ADOBE_CMYK_RGB /* R = 1.0 - min(1.0, C + K), etc. */ bcyan += black, bmagenta += black, byellow += black; prgb[0] = (bcyan > gx_max_color_value ? (gx_color_value) 0 : gx_max_color_value - bcyan); prgb[1] = (bmagenta > gx_max_color_value ? (gx_color_value) 0 : gx_max_color_value - bmagenta); prgb[2] = (byellow > gx_max_color_value ? (gx_color_value) 0 : gx_max_color_value - byellow); #else /* R = (1.0 - C) * (1.0 - K), etc. */ prgb[0] = (gx_color_value) ((ulong)(gx_max_color_value - bcyan) * (gx_max_color_value - black) / gx_max_color_value); prgb[1] = (gx_color_value) ((ulong)(gx_max_color_value - bmagenta) * (gx_max_color_value - black) / gx_max_color_value); prgb[2] = (gx_color_value) ((ulong)(gx_max_color_value - byellow) * (gx_max_color_value - black) / gx_max_color_value); #endif } } return 0; }