== GhostPDL == This is an implemenation of several page description languages on top of the Ghostscript graphics library. Ghostscript PCL5e, PCL5c and PXL documentation is in doc/ghostpcl.* License is in LICENSE and COPYING. For information on support and commercial distribution please contact http://artifex.com/ === BUILD INSTRUCTIONS === If you are using GNU Make, a complete build can be generated by just typing: make in the top level source directory. This will create three different builds. In main/obj/pcl6 a build of GhostPCL with support for PCL5e, PCL5c, and PXL. In language_switch/obj/pspcl6 a build of GhostPCL with additional support for PostScript and PDF. In xps/obj/gxps a build with support for XPS. === The same executables can be built with Microsoft Visual C by running the appropriate *_mvsc.mak file through nmake. For example: cd xps nmake -f xps_msvc.mak or cd main nmake -f pcl6_msvc.mak There is also an experimental solution file which builds GhostXPS as xps\obj\gxps.exe. The makefiles default to supporting MSVC 9 (2008 edition) To use another version, append it to the nmake command line, for example: cd main nmake -f pcl6_msvc.mak MSVC_VERSION=6 === To build just the xps interpreter with GNU make and gcc, type: make xps The executable will be xps/obj/gxps. To build a shared language build with PCL/PXL and PostScript/PDF make ls-product The executable with be in language_switch/obj/pspcl6 === Note for cygwin users make CYGWIN=TRUE make install The CYGWIN variable will not include devices that depend on threads or X11, neither are supported by the default cygwin system. To build with a different font scaler use: make PL_SCALER=afs ... # build using the Artifex Font scaler also the default. make PL_SCALER=ufst ...# build with the AGFA Font Scaler. We recommend doing a clean make prior to the changing the font scaler. The default location for the fonts is /windows/fonts, but the current working directory is also searched. If the fonts are placed in another location the environment variable PCLFONTSOURCE must be set accordingly. See the documentation for more details. === REQUIRED FONTS === The PCL interpreter requires access to the base 80 font set for proper operation. Unfortunately this set isn't available under a free software license, and may only be used and distributed under the AFPL license, which forbids commercial use, or under a commercial agreement with Artifex. If your copy of GhostPDL includes these fonts, they should be available in the 'urwfonts' directory. If not, they can be downloaded separately from http://artifex.com/downloads/ just look for the newest set of 80 TrueType fonts.