# Ignore editor backup files *~ # Ignore bad merge files *.rej *.orig # Ignore Visual Studio local and binary files *.pdb *.ncb *.suo *.vcproj.*.user # RJW: I copy GhostPDL.sln to something more memorable in each checkout # so VS2005 shows me a sensible 'Recent Projects' list. Ignore the copy. win32/GhostPDLGit.sln # Ignore all the object files bin debugbin profbin membin bin64 debugbin64 profbin64 debugobj obj profobj memobj debugobj64 obj64 profobj64 cscope.* autom4te.cache # Adding the following lines would help limit the 'noise' seen in git status # due to files created during testing. Conversely, it prevents them being # removed with git clean. A compromise is to include them here commented out # so that people can copy them to their local .git/info/exclude if they want # them. # /*.pam # /*.pbm # /*.pgm # /*.pkm # /*.pnm # /*.png # /*.tif # /*.tiff # gs/*.pam # gs/*.pbm # gs/*.pgm # gs/*.pkm # gs/*.pnm # gs/*.png # gs/*.tif # gs/*.tiff