path: root/gs/src/gdevpsde.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'gs/src/gdevpsde.c')
1 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gs/src/gdevpsde.c b/gs/src/gdevpsde.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c68562a65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gs/src/gdevpsde.c
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 1998 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
+ This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript.
+ Aladdin Ghostscript is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. No author
+ or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it,
+ or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he
+ or she says so in writing. Refer to the Aladdin Ghostscript Free Public
+ License (the "License") for full details.
+ Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License,
+ normally in a plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you
+ the right to copy, modify and redistribute Aladdin Ghostscript, but only
+ under certain conditions described in the License. Among other things, the
+ License requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on
+ all copies.
+ */
+/*Id: gdevpsde.c */
+/* Embedded font writing */
+#include "memory_.h"
+#include "gx.h"
+#include "gserrors.h"
+#include "gsccode.h"
+#include "gsmatrix.h"
+#include "gxfixed.h"
+#include "gxfont.h"
+#include "gxfont1.h"
+#include "stream.h"
+#include "gdevpstr.h"
+#include "gdevpsdf.h"
+private int
+embed_table(gs_param_list * plist, const char *key, const float *values,
+ int count)
+ if (count != 0) {
+ gs_param_float_array fa;
+ fa.size = count;
+ = values;
+ return param_write_float_array(plist, key, &fa);
+ }
+ return 0;
+private void
+embed_uid(stream * s, const gs_uid * puid)
+ if (uid_is_UniqueID(puid))
+ pprintld1(s, "/UniqueID %ld def\n", puid->id);
+ else if (uid_is_XUID(puid)) {
+ uint i, n = uid_XUID_size(puid);
+ pputs(s, "/XUID [");
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ pprintld1(s, "%ld ", uid_XUID_values(puid)[i]);
+ pputs(s, "] def\n");
+ }
+/* Write an embedded Type 1 font. */
+psdf_embed_type1_font(stream * s, gs_font_type1 * pfont)
+ const gs_type1_data *const pdata = &pfont->data;
+ gs_param_list *plist;
+ param_printer_params_t ppp;
+ int code;
+ ppp = param_printer_params_default;
+ ppp.item_suffix = " def\n";
+ code = psdf_alloc_param_printer(&plist, &ppp, s,
+ print_binary_ok, s->memory);
+ if (code < 0)
+ return 0;
+ /* Write the font header. */
+ pputs(s, "%!PS-AdobeFont-1.0: ");
+ pwrite(s, pfont->font_name.chars, pfont->font_name.size);
+ pputs(s, "\n11 dict begin\n");
+ /* Write FontInfo. Currently we don't write anything there. */
+ pputs(s, "/FontInfo 1 dict dup begin\n");
+ pputs(s, "end readonly def\n");
+ /* Write the main font dictionary. */
+ pputs(s, "/FontName /");
+ pwrite(s, pfont->font_name.chars, pfont->font_name.size);
+ pputs(s, " def\n");
+ pputs(s, "/Encoding ");
+ switch (pfont->encoding_index) {
+ case 0:
+ pputs(s, "StandardEncoding");
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ pputs(s, "ISOLatin1Encoding");
+ break;
+ default:{
+ gs_char i;
+ pputs(s, "256 array\n");
+ pputs(s, "0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
+ gs_glyph glyph =
+ (*pfont->procs.encode_char) (NULL, (gs_font *) pfont, &i);
+ const char *namestr;
+ uint namelen;
+ if (glyph != gs_no_glyph &&
+ (namestr = (*pfont->procs.callbacks.glyph_name) (glyph, &namelen)) != 0 &&
+ !(namelen == 7 && !memcmp(namestr, ".notdef", 7))
+ ) {
+ pprintd1(s, "dup %d /", (int)i);
+ pwrite(s, namestr, namelen);
+ pputs(s, " put\n");
+ }
+ }
+ pputs(s, "readonly");
+ }
+ }
+ pputs(s, " def\n");
+ pprintg6(s, "/FontMatrix [%g %g %g %g %g %g] readonly def\n",
+ pfont->FontMatrix.xx, pfont->FontMatrix.xy,
+ pfont->FontMatrix.yx, pfont->FontMatrix.yy,
+ pfont->FontMatrix.tx, pfont->FontMatrix.ty);
+ embed_uid(s, &pfont->UID);
+ pprintg4(s, "/FontBBox {%g %g %g %g} readonly def\n",
+ pfont->FontBBox.p.x, pfont->FontBBox.p.y,
+ pfont->FontBBox.q.x, pfont->FontBBox.q.y);
+ {
+ private const gs_param_item_t font_items[] =
+ {
+ {"FontType", gs_param_type_int,
+ offset_of(gs_font_type1, FontType)},
+ {"PaintType", gs_param_type_int,
+ offset_of(gs_font_type1, PaintType)},
+ {"StrokeWidth", gs_param_type_float,
+ offset_of(gs_font_type1, StrokeWidth)},
+ gs_param_item_end
+ };
+ code = gs_param_write_items(plist, pfont, NULL, font_items);
+ if (code < 0)
+ return code;
+ }
+ pputs(s, "currentdict end\n");
+ /* Write the Private dictionary. */
+ pputs(s, "dup /Private 17 dict dup begin\n");
+ pputs(s, "/-|{string currentfile exch readstring pop}executeonly def\n");
+ pputs(s, "/|-{noaccess def}executeonly def\n");
+ pputs(s, "/|{noaccess put}executeonly def\n");
+ {
+ private const gs_param_item_t private_items[] =
+ {
+ {"lenIV", gs_param_type_int,
+ offset_of(gs_type1_data, lenIV)},
+ {"BlueFuzz", gs_param_type_int,
+ offset_of(gs_type1_data, BlueFuzz)},
+ {"BlueScale", gs_param_type_float,
+ offset_of(gs_type1_data, BlueScale)},
+ {"BlueShift", gs_param_type_float,
+ offset_of(gs_type1_data, BlueShift)},
+ {"ExpansionFactor", gs_param_type_float,
+ offset_of(gs_type1_data, ExpansionFactor)},
+ {"ForceBold", gs_param_type_bool,
+ offset_of(gs_type1_data, ForceBold)},
+ {"LanguageGroup", gs_param_type_int,
+ offset_of(gs_type1_data, LanguageGroup)},
+ {"RndStemUp", gs_param_type_bool,
+ offset_of(gs_type1_data, RndStemUp)},
+ gs_param_item_end
+ };
+ gs_type1_data defaults;
+ defaults.lenIV = 4;
+ defaults.BlueFuzz = 1;
+ defaults.BlueScale = 0.039625;
+ defaults.BlueShift = 7.0;
+ defaults.ExpansionFactor = 0.06;
+ defaults.ForceBold = false;
+ defaults.LanguageGroup = 0;
+ defaults.RndStemUp = true;
+ code = gs_param_write_items(plist, pdata, &defaults, private_items);
+ if (code < 0)
+ return code;
+ embed_table(plist, "BlueValues", pdata->BlueValues.values,
+ pdata->BlueValues.count);
+ embed_table(plist, "OtherBlues", pdata->OtherBlues.values,
+ pdata->OtherBlues.count);
+ embed_table(plist, "FamilyBlues", pdata->FamilyBlues.values,
+ pdata->FamilyBlues.count);
+ embed_table(plist, "FamilyOtherBlues", pdata->FamilyOtherBlues.values,
+ pdata->FamilyOtherBlues.count);
+ embed_table(plist, "StdHW", pdata->StdHW.values,
+ pdata->StdHW.count);
+ embed_table(plist, "StemSnapH", pdata->StemSnapH.values,
+ pdata->StemSnapH.count);
+ embed_table(plist, "StemSnapV", pdata->StemSnapV.values,
+ pdata->StemSnapV.count);
+ }
+ embed_uid(s, &pfont->UID);
+ pputs(s, "/MinFeature{16 16} |-\n");
+ pputs(s, "/password 5839 def\n");
+ /* Write the Subrs. */
+ {
+ int n, i;
+ gs_const_string str;
+ for (n = 0;
+ (*pdata->procs->subr_data) (pfont, n, false, &str) !=
+ gs_error_rangecheck;
+ )
+ ++n;
+ pprintd1(s, "/Subrs %d array\n", n);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ if ((*pdata->procs->subr_data) (pfont, i, false, &str) >= 0) {
+ char buf[50];
+ sprintf(buf, "dup %d %u -| ", i, str.size);
+ pputs(s, buf);
+ pwrite(s,, str.size);
+ pputs(s, " |\n");
+ }
+ pputs(s, "|-\n");
+ }
+ /* We don't write OtherSubrs -- there had better not be any! */
+ /* Write the CharStrings. */
+ {
+ int num_chars = 0;
+ gs_glyph glyph;
+ int index = 0;
+ gs_const_string gdata;
+ int code;
+ for (glyph = gs_no_glyph, index = 0;
+ code = (*pdata->procs->next_glyph) (pfont, &index, &glyph),
+ index != 0;
+ )
+ if (code == 0 && (*pdata->procs->glyph_data) (pfont, glyph, &gdata) >= 0)
+ ++num_chars;
+ pprintd1(s, "2 index /CharStrings %d dict dup begin\n", num_chars);
+ for (glyph = gs_no_glyph, index = 0;
+ code = (*pdata->procs->next_glyph) (pfont, &index, &glyph),
+ index != 0;
+ )
+ if (code == 0 && (*pdata->procs->glyph_data) (pfont, glyph, &gdata) >= 0) {
+ uint gssize;
+ const char *gstr =
+ (*pfont->procs.callbacks.glyph_name) (glyph, &gssize);
+ pputs(s, "/");
+ pwrite(s, gstr, gssize);
+ pprintd1(s, " %d -| ", gdata.size);
+ pwrite(s,, gdata.size);
+ pputs(s, " |-\n");
+ }
+ }
+ /* Wrap up. */
+ pputs(s, "end\nend\nreadonly put\nnoaccess put\n");
+ pputs(s, "dup/FontName get exch definefont pop\n");
+ psdf_free_param_printer(plist);
+ return 0;