path: root/tools
diff options
authorHenry Stiles <>2008-06-03 01:55:26 +0000
committerHenry Stiles <>2008-06-03 01:55:26 +0000
commit5fcbe3eba841079bc7b449132462c2d67b1e126a (patch)
treedd1fe00446d270725f5e39a200f23b060654acd3 /tools
parentc2a74d822c9fd492db63187d3ba8aba005ffeee5 (diff)
removing extra copy of, it is maintained here: git-svn-id: 06663e23-700e-0410-b217-a244a6096597
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 405 deletions
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b69c6a19..000000000
--- a/tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
-#/usr/bin/env python
-import os
-import time
-import sys
- from mpi4py import MPI
-except ImportError:
- class DummyMPI:
- '''A dummy MPI class for running serial jobs.'''
- size = 1
- rank = 0
- MPI = DummyMPI()
-class Conf:
- def __init__(self):
- # set defaults
- self.batch = False
- self.update = False
- self.verbose = False
- self.testpath = os.environ['HOME']
- #self.exe = './language_switch/obj/pspcl6'
- self.exe = './bin/gs -q -I$HOME/fonts'
- self.device = 'ppmraw'
- self.dpi = 600
- def parse(self, args):
- '''Parse the command line for configuration switches
- For example:
- conf = Conf()
- conf.parse(sys.argv)
- '''
- for index in xrange(1,len(args)):
- arg = args[index]
- if arg[:2] == '--':
- # support generic '--opt=val'
- sep = arg.find('=')
- if sep > 0:
- opt = arg[2:sep]
- val = arg[sep+1:]
- else:
- opt = arg[2:]
- # for select options support '--opt val'
- if opt in ('exe', 'test'):
- try:
- val = args[index+1]
- except IndexError:
- print 'Warning:', opt, 'requires a specific value.'
- val = None
- else:
- # default to postitive boolean value
- val = True
- # for select options, accumulate the values
- if opt in ('test'):
- opt += 's' # pluralize collections
- if not hasattr(self, opt):
- self.__dict__[opt] = []
- self.__dict__[opt].append(val)
- else:
- # set an attribute on ourselves with the option value
- self.__dict__[opt] = val
- # finally, set defaults for unset accumulating options
- if not hasattr(self, 'tests'):
- self.tests = []
- # guess appropriate defaults based on the executable
- basename = os.path.basename(self.exe.split()[0])
- if basename.find('pcl') >= 0:
- # public test suite
- self.tests += ['tests_public/pcl/*']
- # Quality Logic suites
- self.tests += ['tests_private/pcl/pcl5cfts/fts.*',
- 'tests_private/pcl/pcl5efts/fts.*',
- 'tests_private/pcl/pcl5ccet/*.BIN',
- 'test_private/xl/pcl6cet/*.bin',
- 'test_private/xl/pxlfts3.0/*.BIN']
- if basename.find('pspcl') >= 0 or basename.find('gs') >= 0:
- # public test suite
- self.tests += ['tests_public/ps/*', 'tests_public/pdf/*']
- # the normal comparefiles suite
- self.tests += ['tests_private/comparefiles/*.ps',
- 'tests_private/comparefiles/*.pdf',
- 'tests_private/comparfiles/*.ai']
- # Quality Logic CED suite
- self.tests += ['tests_private/ps/ps3cet/*.PS']
- if basename.find('xps') >= 0:
- # Quality Logic suites
- self.tests += ['tests_private/xps/xpsfts-a4/*.xps',
- 'tests_private/xps/atx/*.xps']
-# global configuration instance
-conf = Conf()
-# results of tests are stored as classes
-class TestResult:
- 'generic test result class'
- def __init__(self, msg=None):
- self.msg = msg
- def __str__(self):
- return 'no result'
-class OKResult(TestResult):
- 'result class for successful tests'
- def __str__(self):
- return 'ok'
-class FailResult(TestResult):
- 'result class for failed tests'
- def __str__(self):
- return 'FAIL'
-class ErrorResult(TestResult):
- 'result class for tests that did not complete'
- def __str__(self):
- return 'ERROR'
-class NewResult(TestResult):
- 'result class for tests that are new and have no expected result'
- def __str__(self):
- return 'new (%s)' % self.msg
-class SelfTest:
- 'generic class for self tests'
- def __init__(self):
- self.result = None
- def description(self):
- 'returns a short name for the test'
- return "generic self test"
- def run(self):
- 'call this to execute the test'
- self.result = OKResult()
-class SelfTestSuite:
- '''Generic class for running a collection of SelfTest instances.'''
- def __init__(self, stream=sys.stderr):
- = stream
- self.tests = []
- self.fails = []
- self.errors = []
- = []
- self.elapsed = 0.0
- def addTest(self, test):
- self.tests.append(test)
- def addResult(self, test):
- if test:
- if not conf.batch:
- print test.description() + ' ... ' + str(test.result)
- self.tests.append(test)
- if isinstance(test.result, ErrorResult):
- self.errors.append(test)
- elif isinstance(test.result, NewResult):
- elif not isinstance(test.result, OKResult):
- # treat everything else as a failure
- self.fails.append(test)
- def run(self):
- '''Run each test in sequence.'''
- starttime = time.time()
- tests = self.tests
- self.tests = []
- for test in tests:
- self.addResult(test)
- self.elapsed = time.time() - starttime
- def report(self):
- if not conf.batch:
- print '-'*72
- print 'ran %d tests in %.3f seconds on %d nodes\n' % \
- (len(self.tests), self.elapsed, MPI.size)
- if self.fails:
- print 'FAILED %d of %d tests' % \
- (len(self.fails),len(self.tests))
- if conf.batch:
- for test in self.fails:
- print ' ' + test.file
- print
- if self.errors:
- print 'ERROR running %d of %d tests' % \
- (len(self.errors),len(self.tests))
- if conf.batch:
- for test in self.errors:
- print ' ' + test.description()
- print test.result.msg
- print
- if not self.fails and not self.errors and not
- print 'PASSED all %d tests' % len(self.tests)
- if
- print '%d NEW files with no previous result' % len(
- print
-class MPITestSuite(SelfTestSuite):
- '''Use MPI to run multiple tests in parallel.'''
- def run(self):
- starttime = time.time()
- if MPI.rank > 0:
- # daughter nodes run requested tests
- test = None
- while True:
- MPI.COMM_WORLD.Send(test, dest=0)
- test = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Recv(source=0)
- if not test:
- break
- else:
- # mother node hands out work and reports
- tests = self.tests
- self.tests = []
- while tests:
- status = MPI.Status()
- test = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, status=status)
- self.addResult(test)
- MPI.COMM_WORLD.Send(tests.pop(0), dest=status.source)
- # retrieve outstanding results and tell the nodes we're finished
- for node in xrange(1, MPI.size):
- test = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE)
- self.addResult(test)
- MPI.COMM_WORLD.Send(None, dest=node)
- stoptime = time.time()
- self.elapsed = stoptime - starttime
- if MPI.rank == 0:
-# specific code for our needs
-class md5Test(SelfTest):
- '''Test class for running a file and comparing the output to an
- expected value.'''
- def __init__(self, file, md5sum, dpi=600, device="ppmraw"):
- SelfTest.__init__(self)
- self.file = file
- self.md5sum = md5sum
- self.dpi = dpi
- self.exe = conf.exe
- self.opts = "-dQUIET -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -K1000000"
- self.opts += " -dSAFER -dBATCH -dMaxBitmap=30000000"
- self.opts += " -Z:@"
- self.opts += " -sDEVICE=%s -r%d" % (device, dpi)
- self.psopts = '-dJOBSERVER'
- def description(self):
- return 'Checking ' + self.file
- def run(self):
- scratch = os.path.join('/tmp', os.path.basename(self.file) + '.md5')
- # add psopts if it's a postscript file
- if self.file[-3:].lower() == '.ps' or \
- self.file[-4:].lower() == '.eps' :
- cmd = '%s %s -sOutputFile="|md5sum>%s" %s - < %s ' % \
- (self.exe, self.opts, scratch, self.psopts, self.file)
- else:
- cmd = '%s %s -sOutputFile="|md5sum>%s" %s' % \
- (self.exe, self.opts, scratch, self.file)
- sys.stderr.write("Running: %s\n" % cmd)
- run = os.popen(cmd)
- msg = run.readlines()
- code = run.close()
- sys.stderr.write("Finished: %s\n" % cmd)
- if code:
- self.result = ErrorResult(''.join(msg))
- return
- try:
- checksum = open(scratch)
- md5sum = checksum.readline().split()[0]
- checksum.close()
- os.unlink(scratch)
- except IOError:
- self.result = ErrorResult('no output')
- return
- if not self.md5sum:
- self.result = NewResult(md5sum)
- return
- if self.md5sum == md5sum:
- self.result = OKResult(md5sum)
- else:
- self.result = FailResult(md5sum)
-class DB:
- '''class representing an md5 sum database'''
- def __init__(self):
- = None
- self.db = {}
- def load(self, store='reg_baseline.txt'):
- = store
- try:
- f = open(
- except IOError:
- print 'WARNING: could not open baseline database',
- return
- for line in f.readlines():
- if line[:1] == '#': continue
- fields = line.split()
- try:
- file = fields[0].strip()
- md5sum = fields[1].strip()
- self.db[file] = md5sum
- except IndexError:
- pass
- f.close()
- def save(self, store=None):
- if not store:
- store =
- f = open(store, 'w')
- f.write('# regression test baseline\n')
- for key in self.db.keys():
- f.write(str(key) + ' ' + str(self.db[key]) + '\n')
- f.close()
- # provide a dictionary interface
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- try:
- value = self.db[key]
- except KeyError:
- value = None
- return value
- def __setitem__(self, key, value):
- self.db[key] = value
-def run_regression():
- 'run normal set of regressions'
- from glob import glob
- if MPI.size > 1:
- suite = MPITestSuite()
- else:
- suite = SelfTestSuite()
- if MPI.rank == 0:
- db = DB()
- db.load()
- for test in conf.tests:
- for file in glob(os.path.join(conf.testpath,test)):
- suite.addTest(md5Test(file, db[file], conf.dpi, conf.device))
- if MPI.size > 1 and not conf.batch:
- print 'running tests on %d nodes...' % MPI.size
- if MPI.rank == 0:
- # update the database with new files and save
- for test in
- db[test.file] = test.result.msg
- if conf.update:
- if len(suite.fails):
- print 'Updating baselines for the failed tests.'
- for test in suite.fails:
- db[test.file] = test.result.msg
-# self test routines for the self test classes
-class RandomTest(SelfTest):
- 'test class with random results for testing'
- def description(self):
- return 'random test result'
- def run(self):
- import random
- options = ( OKResult(), FailResult(), ErrorResult(), TestResult() )
- r = random.Random()
- r.seed()
- self.result = r.choice(options)
-def test_ourselves():
- print 'testing a single test:'
- suite = SelfTestSuite()
- suite.addTest(SelfTest())
- print 'testing a set of tests:'
- suite = SelfTestSuite()
- for count in range(8):
- suite.addTest(SelfTest())
- print 'testing random results:'
- suite = SelfTestSuite()
- import random
- r = random.Random()
- r.seed()
- for count in range(4 + int(r.random()*12)):
- suite.addTest(RandomTest())
-# Do someting useful when executed directly
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- #test_ourselves()
- run_regression()