path: root/gs/src/gsimage.h
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authorRay Johnston <>2000-01-09 07:14:39 +0000
committerRay Johnston <>2000-01-09 07:14:39 +0000
commitb011ace2ba18afd96b93c1b9cea75ed07df258ac (patch)
treed739500f3dc3588c24d4b60c1a93fd4b50ffd7d7 /gs/src/gsimage.h
parentc0f0204c2a86ac4097059feeb1d001e878e1803a (diff)
Incorporate the image operator fixes -- ImageType 1 and 3 both had
problems. git-svn-id: 06663e23-700e-0410-b217-a244a6096597
Diffstat (limited to 'gs/src/gsimage.h')
1 files changed, 110 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/gs/src/gsimage.h b/gs/src/gsimage.h
index fc172031b..d9522f48b 100644
--- a/gs/src/gsimage.h
+++ b/gs/src/gsimage.h
@@ -13,6 +13,90 @@
#include "gsiparam.h"
+ The API defined in this file and implemented in gsimage.c provides a
+ layer of buffering between clients and the underlying image processing
+ interface defined in gxdevcli.h (begin_[typed_]image device procedure) and
+ gxiparam.h (image processing procedures).
+ Two of the underlying image processing procedures defined in gxiparam.h
+ define and process the actual data:
+ - The underlying planes_wanted image processing procedure indicates which
+ data planes are needed (not necessarily all of them, in the case of
+ images with differently scaled planes), and may also change the widths
+ and/or depths of the planes. It may return different results at
+ different times, if the widths, depths, or planes wanted changes in the
+ course of the image.
+ - The underlying plane_data procedure actually processes the image. Each
+ call of plane_data requires an integral number of scan lines for each
+ wanted plane. If the widths, depths, or planes wanted vary from call to
+ call, plane_data may choose to accept fewer scan lines than provided.
+ If this happens, it is the client's responsibility to call planes_wanted
+ to find out which planes are now wanted, and then call plane_data again
+ with data for (only) the wanted planes.
+ Conceptually, the gs_image_next_planes procedure defined here provides the
+ same function as the plane_data procedure, except that:
+ - The data need not consist of complete scan lines, or be aligned in any
+ way;
+ - If a single call passes multiple scan lines for a single plane, each
+ scan line is only padded to a byte boundary, not to an alignment
+ boundary;
+ - Different amounts of data (including none) may be passed for each plane,
+ independent of which planes need data or the amount of data that makes
+ up a complete scan line for a plane;
+ - The amount actually used is returned as a count of bytes used
+ (separately for each plane) rather than a count of scan lines.
+ There is one added complication. To avoid allocating large amounts of
+ storage, gs_image_next_planes may choose to copy only part of the data,
+ retaining the rest of it by reference. Clients must be informed about
+ this, since if the data is in a stream buffer, the data may move. To
+ accommodate this possibility, on subsequent calls, any data passed by the
+ client for a plane with retained data *replaces* the retained data rather
+ than (as one might expect) appending to it; if the client passes no data
+ for that plane, the retained data stays retained if needed.
+ gs_image_next_planes returns information about retained data on each call,
+ so the client need not keep track of it.
+ The gs_image_planes_wanted procedure is analogous to planes_wanted. It
+ identifies a plane as wanted if both of the following are true:
+ - The underlying planes_wanted procedure says the plane is wanted.
+ - Less than a full scan line of data is already buffered for that plane
+ (including retained data if any).
+ This is not sufficient information for the PostScript interpreter for the
+ case where the data sources are procedures, which must be called in a
+ cyclic order even if they return less than a full scan line. For this
+ case, the interpreter must keep track of a plane index itself, cycling
+ through the planes that gs_image_planes_wanted says are wanted (which may
+ vary from cycle to cycle).
+ There is an older, simpler procedure gs_image_next that simply cycles
+ through the planes in order. It does not offer the option of replacing
+ retained data, of passing data for more than one plane at a time, or of
+ passing data for planes in an arbitrary order. Consequently, it is only
+ usable with image types where all planes are always wanted. gs_image_next
+ should also only be used when all planes have the same width and depth and
+ the same amount of data is passed for each plane in a given cycle of
+ calls. This is not currently checked; however, gs_image_next will give an
+ error if an attempt is made to pass data for a plane that has any retained
+ data.
+ * The image painting interface uses an enumeration style:
+ * the client initializes an enumerator, then supplies data incrementally.
+ */
* Create an image enumerator given image parameters and a graphics state.
* This calls the device's begin_typed_image procedure with appropriate
* parameters. Note that this is an enumerator that requires entire
@@ -27,16 +111,12 @@ typedef struct gx_image_enum_common_s gx_image_enum_common_t;
int gs_image_begin_typed(P4(const gs_image_common_t * pic, gs_state * pgs,
bool uses_color, gx_image_enum_common_t ** ppie));
- * The image painting interface uses an enumeration style:
- * the client initializes an enumerator, then supplies data incrementally.
- */
typedef struct gs_image_enum_s gs_image_enum;
gs_image_enum *gs_image_enum_alloc(P2(gs_memory_t *, client_name_t));
- * image_init returns 1 for an empty image, 0 normally, <0 on error.
- * Note that image_init serves for both image and imagemask,
+ * gs_image_init returns 1 for an empty image, 0 normally, <0 on error.
+ * Note that gs_image_init serves for both image and imagemask,
* depending on the value of ImageMask in the image structure.
#ifndef gx_device_DEFINED
@@ -44,6 +124,10 @@ gs_image_enum *gs_image_enum_alloc(P2(gs_memory_t *, client_name_t));
typedef struct gx_device_s gx_device;
+/* Initialize an enumerator for an ImageType 1 image. */
+int gs_image_init(P4(gs_image_enum * penum, const gs_image_t * pim,
+ bool MultipleDataSources, gs_state * pgs));
+/* Initialize an enumerator for a general image. */
int gs_image_common_init(P5(gs_image_enum * penum,
gx_image_enum_common_t * pie,
const gs_data_image_t * pim,
@@ -51,12 +135,10 @@ int gs_image_common_init(P5(gs_image_enum * penum,
int gs_image_enum_init(P4(gs_image_enum * penum,
gx_image_enum_common_t * pie,
const gs_data_image_t * pim, gs_state *pgs));
-int gs_image_init(P4(gs_image_enum * penum, const gs_image_t * pim,
- bool MultipleDataSources, gs_state * pgs));
* Return the number of bytes of data per row
- * (per plane, if there are multiple data sources).
+ * (per plane, if there are multiple planes).
uint gs_image_bytes_per_plane_row(P2(const gs_image_enum * penum, int plane));
@@ -64,37 +146,39 @@ uint gs_image_bytes_per_plane_row(P2(const gs_image_enum * penum, int plane));
gs_image_bytes_per_plane_row(penum, 0)
- * Return a byte vector indicating which planes are wanted for the current
- * row of data.
+ * Return a byte vector indicating which planes (still) need data for the
+ * current row. See above for details.
-const byte *gs_image_planes_wanted(P1(const gs_image_enum *penum));
-/* Clean up after processing an image. */
-void gs_image_cleanup(P1(gs_image_enum * penum));
+const byte *gs_image_planes_wanted(P1(gs_image_enum *penum));
- * Pass multiple or selected planes of data for an image.
- * *plane_data is an array of size num_planes of gs_const_string type
+ * Pass multiple or selected planes of data for an image. See above for
+ * details.
+ *
+ * plane_data[] is an array of size num_planes of gs_const_string type
* which contains the pointer and the length for each.
- * *used is also of size num_planes and will be set to the number of
+ * used[] is also of size num_planes and will be set to the number of
* bytes consumed for each plane.
- * The amount of data available for planes can be 0 in order to provide
- * data for a single plane or only some of the planes.
- * Returns 1 if end of image, < 0 error code, otherwise 0.
+ * The amount of data available for a plane (i.e., the size of a
+ * plane_data[] element) can be 0 in order to provide data for a single
+ * plane or only some of the planes. Note that if data is retained,
+ * it is not "consumed": e.g., if all of the data for a given plane is
+ * returned, used[] for that plane will be set to 0.
+ * Returns 1 if end of image, < 0 error code, otherwise 0. In any case,
+ * stores pointers to the retained strings into plane_data[]. Note that
+ * used[] and plane_data[] are set even in the error or end-of-image case.
int gs_image_next_planes(P3(gs_image_enum *penum,
gs_const_string *plane_data,
uint *used));
- * Pass the next plane of data for an image. This procedure should no
- * longer be used: use gs_image_next_planes instead.
- */
+/* Pass the next plane of data for an image. See above for details. */
int gs_image_next(P4(gs_image_enum * penum, const byte * dbytes,
uint dsize, uint * pused));
+/* Clean up after processing an image. */
+void gs_image_cleanup(P1(gs_image_enum * penum));
#endif /* gsimage_INCLUDED */