{\rtf0\mac\deff21{\fonttbl{\f-15008 \fnil Adobe Jenson Pro;}{\f-3808 \fnil Adobe Jenson Pro Capt;}{\f-9920 \fnil Adobe Jenson Pro Disp;}{\f-11712 \fnil Adobe Jenson Pro Ital;}{\f-13248 \fnil Adobe Jenson Pro Ital Capt;}{\f-6464 \fnil Adobe Jenson Pro Ital Disp;}{\f-12672 \fnil Adobe Jenson Pro Ital Subh;}{\f-1792 \fnil Adobe Jenson Pro Subh;}{\f-14528 \fnil Ambrosia;}{\f-23936 \fnil AmbrosiaBold;}{\f-4256 \fnil AmbrosiaItalic;}{\f3044 \fnil American Typewriter;}{\f3045 \fnil American Typewriter Condensed;}{\f3047 \fnil American Typewriter Condensed Light;}{\f3046 \fnil American Typewriter Light;}{\f7102 \fnil Andale Mono;}{\f2311 \fnil Apple Chancery;}{\f2001 \fnil Arial;}{\f12077 \fnil Arial Black;}{\f2000 \fnil Arial Narrow;}{\f3007 \fnil Arial Rounded MT Bold;}{\f15251 \fnil Aristocrat LET;}{\f2424 \fnil Baskerville;}{\f2425 \fnil Baskerville Semibold;}{\f1686 \fnil Bertram LET;}{\f15038 \fnil Bickley Script LET;}{\f2474 \fnil Big Caslon;}{\f1551 \fnil BlairMdITC TT-Medium;}{\f2420 \fnil Bodoni Ornaments ITC TT;}{\f13616 \fnil Bodoni SvtyTwo ITC TT-Bold;}{\f2513 \fnil Bodoni SvtyTwo ITC TT-Book;}{\f1505 \fnil Bodoni SvtyTwo ITC TT-BookIta;}{\f1483 \fnil Bodoni SvtyTwo OS ITC TT-Bold;}{\f1417 \fnil Bodoni SvtyTwo OS ITC TT-Book;}{\f2487 \fnil Bodoni SvtyTwo OS ITC TT-BookIt;}{\f15112 \fnil Bordeaux Roman Bold LET;}{\f2527 \fnil Bradley Hand ITC TT-Bold;}{\f3017 \fnil Brush Script MT;}{\f2003 \fnil Capitals;}{\f-28928 \fnil Chalkboard;}{\f2002 \fnil Charcoal;}{\f16383 \fnil Chicago;}{\f14651 \fnil Cochin;}{\f4513 \fnil Comic Sans MS;}{\f2224 \fnil Copperplate;}{\f2422 \fnil Copperplate Light;}{\f22 \fmodern Courier;}{\f2005 \fnil Courier New;}{\f8916 \fnil Didot;}{\f-10592 \fnil Euphemia UCAS;}{\f-24576 \fnil Euphemia UCAS Italic;}{\f11098 \fnil FrenchScript;}{\f4060 \fnil Futura;}{\f4061 \fnil Futura Condensed;}{\f2307 \fnil Gadget;}{\f-8096 \fnil Geeza Pro;}{\f-22592 \fnil Geeza Pro Bold;}{\f3 \fswiss Geneva;}{\f12171 \fnil Georgia;}{\f4242 \fnil Gill Sans;}{\f4243 \fnil Gill Sans Light;}{\f21 \fswiss Helvetica;}{\f4684 \fnil Helvetica Neue;}{\f4889 \fnil Helvetica Neue Black Condensed;}{\f4685 \fnil Helvetica Neue Bold Condensed;}{\f4846 \fnil Helvetica Neue Light;}{\f4688 \fnil Helvetica Neue UltraLight;}{\f4224 \fnil Herculanum;}{\f2013 \fnil Hoefler Text;}{\f2018 \fnil Hoefler Text Ornaments;}{\f1260 \fnil Humana Serif ITC TT-Light;}{\f1850 \fnil Humana Serif ITC TT-LightIta;}{\f1058 \fnil Humana Serif ITC TT-MedIta;}{\f2559 \fnil Humana Serif ITC TT-Medium;}{\f2039 \fnil Impact;}{\f15345 \fnil Jokerman LET;}{\f11099 \fnil Kidprint;}{\f1024 \fnil Lucida Grande;}{\f1268 \fnil LunaITC TT-Bold;}{\f11103 \fnil Lydian MT;}{\f1887 \fnil Machine ITC TT;}{\f2020 \fnil Marker Felt;}{\f1221 \fnil Mona Lisa Solid ITC TT;}{\f4 \fmodern Monaco;}{\f2515 \fnil MT Extra;}{\f2 \froman New York;}{\f6376 \fnil Optima;}{\f4154 \fnil Optima ExtraBlack;}{\f16 \froman Palatino;}{\f5136 \fnil Papyrus;}{\f15248 \fnil Party LET;}{\f-10304 \fnil Pigiarniq Bold;}{\f-288 \fnil Plantagenet Cherokee;}{\f1506 \fnil PortagoITC TT;}{\f2004 \fnil Sand;}{\f2040 \fnil Skia;}{\f1737 \fnil Stone Sans ITC TT-Bold;}{\f2063 \fnil Stone Sans ITC TT-Semi;}{\f1769 \fnil Stone Sans ITC TT-SemiIta;}{\f1054 \fnil Stone Sans OS ITC TT-Bold;}{\f1892 \fnil Stone Sans OS ITC TT-Semi;}{\f1776 \fnil Stone Sans OS ITCTT-SemiIta;}{\f2574 \fnil Stone Sans SC ITC TT-Semi;}{\f10892 \fnil Swing;}{\f23 \ftech Symbol;}{\f2006 \fnil Techno;}{\f2305 \fnil Textile;}{\f20 \froman Times;}{\f2010 \fnil Times New Roman;}{\f1109 \fnil Trebuchet MS;}{\f1804 \fnil TremorITC TT;}{\f7203 \fnil Verdana;}{\f15318 \fnil Wanted LET;}{\f14213 \fnil Webdings;}{\f1236 \fnil Zapf Dingbats;}{\f642 \fnil Zapfino;}{\f30742 \fnil Courier CE;}{\f30723 \fnil Geneva CE;}{\f30741 \fnil Helvetica CE;}{\f-2115 \fnil Krungthep;}{\f30724 \fnil Monaco CE;}{\f-5891 \fnil Silom;}{\f30740 \fnil Times CE;}{\f-20569 \fnil Ayuthaya;}{\f19461 \fnil Charcoal CY;}{\f19459 \fnil Geneva CY;}{\f19492 \fnil Helvetica CY;}{\f19464 \fnil Lucida Grande CY;}{\f19460 \fnil Monaco CY;}{\f-1977 \fnil Sathu;}{\f-19449 \fnil Thonburi;}{\f19540 \fnil Times CY;}{\f17168 \fnil Apple LiGothic Medium;}{\f17170 \fnil Apple LiSung Light;}{\f17082 \fnil BiauKai;}{\f-22206 \fnil 淖Ш Pro;}{\f-17214 \fnil 淖堵 Pro;}{\f28932 \fnil Fang Song;}{\f-2887 \fnil GB18030 Bitmap;}{\f28930 \fnil Hei;}{\f28931 \fnil Kai;}{\f28929 \fnil Song;}{\f-4967 \fnil 华文仿宋;}{\f-935 \fnil 华文黑体;}{\f-17319 \fnil 华文楷体;}{\f-30567 \fnil 华文宋体;}{\f-27847 \fnil 华文细黑;}{\f16384 \fnil Osaka;}{\f16436 \fnil Osaka亅摍暆;}{\f-31551 \fnil 僸儔僊僲妏僑 Pro W3;}{\f-31647 \fnil 僸儔僊僲妏僑 Pro W6;}{\f-24831 \fnil 僸儔僊僲妏僑 Std W8;}{\f-29759 \fnil 僸儔僊僲娵僑 Pro W4;}{\f-28671 \fnil 僸儔僊僲柧挬 Pro W3;}{\f-28767 \fnil 僸儔僊僲柧挬 Pro W6;}{\f17590 \fnil #PC疙炼;}{\f17565 \fnil #泵辑眉;}{\f17571 \fnil #鞘扁眉;}{\f17570 \fnil #庆靛扼牢A;}{\f17410 \fnil AppleGothic;}{\f17409 \fnil AppleMyungjo;}{\f32525 \fnil VT100;}} {\colortbl\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green0\blue0;\red0\green255\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green255\blue255;\red255\green0\blue255;\red255\green255\blue0;} {\stylesheet{\sbasedon222\snext Normal;}} \paperw12240\paperh15840\margt1440\margb1440\margl1440\margr1440\widowctrl\ftnbj\ftnrestart\ftnstart1\pgnstart1\deftab720\sectd\linemod0\linex0\cols1\colsx0 \pard\plain\pard\ql{\plain\b\f3\fs24\cf1 BEFORE INSTALLATION} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 You must insure that you have the the X11 server installed on your system. This process is slightly different on OS/X 10.3 & 10.4\par } \pard\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 10.4\par } \pard\ql\tqr\tx100\tx320\li320\fi-320{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \tab \'a5 \tab I believe the X server is now part of the default install. It lives in the Utilities sub-folder of the Applications directory.\par } \pard\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 10.3\par } \pard\ql\tqr\tx100\tx320\li320\fi-320{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \tab \'a5 \tab The X server lives in a package called X11User on the third install CD.\par } \pard\ql\tqr\tx100\tx320\li320\fi-320{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 You may also want to install the } {\plain\f1024\fs24\cf1 fink package which includes many useful libraries (see the dependencies section below for more info on this)\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f1024\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\plain\f1024\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\plain\b\f3\fs38\cf1 Obtaining one of my pre-built packages\par } \pard\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\plain\b\f3\fs38\cf1 \par } \pard\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 I post a mac install package on sourceforge's file release system. There's a certain amount of pother involved in using the file release system, but you get the file eventually.\par } \pard\ql\tqr\tx100\tx320\li320\fi-320{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \tab \'a5 \tab If you follow the link above you will end up on a page showing many releases of FontForge for many systems\par } \pard\ql\tqr\tx100\tx320\li320\fi-320{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 in most cases you will want the most recent release.\par } \pard\ql\tqr\tx100\tx320\li320\fi-320{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \tab \'a5 \tab Then click on the executable package you want to download:\par } \pard\ql\tqr\tx100\tx320\li320\fi-320{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \tab \tab The mac release will be called something like "FontForge-200xxxxx.pkg.sitx\par } \pard\ql\tqr\tx100\tx320\li320\fi-320{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \tab \'a5 \tab Then you have the joy of choosing a mirror site (pick one that's on the same continent you are) and click on the little icon in the download column\par } \pard\ql\tqr\tx100\tx320\li320\fi-320{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \tab \'a5 \tab Then you wait. After a bit you get another copy of this same page. After an even longer time your browser notices that you've started a download.\par } \pard\ql\tqr\tx100\tx320\li320\fi-320{\plain\f3\fs32\cf1 \par } \pard\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\plain\b\f3\fs38\cf1 Installing\par } \pard\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\plain\b\f3\fs38\cf1 \par } \pard\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Generally your browser will decompress the package after pulling it down, and then start the install process itself.\par } \pard\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 If this doesn't happen, find the package (it's usually on the desktop) and double-click on it.\par } \pard\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 The install will request your password (to make sure you have the right to do an install on your machine, and then ask some innocuous questions, and proceed to install.\par } \pard\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\plain\f3\fs32\cf1 \par } \pard\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\plain\b\f3\fs40\cf1 Notes} {\plain\b\f3\fs38\cf1 \par } \pard\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\plain\b\f3\fs38\cf1 \par } \pard\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 FontForge does not conform to Apple's Human Interface Guidelines. FontForge never will. Don't expect it to look like a normal Mac Application. It doesn't.\par } \pard\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Before you can start FontForge you must start the X11 server. You do this by opening the Utilities sub-folder of the Applications folder and double -clicking on X11. This will bring up a new menu bar, and under the Applications menu you should find an entr} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 y for FontForge.} {\plain\f3\fs32\cf1 \par } \pard\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\b\f3\fs48\cf1 RUNNING} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Before you can start FontForge you must start X11. It resides in the\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Utilities folder of the Applications folder. Double click on it.\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 On the X11 menubar is a menu called "Applications". Click on this.\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 You should see an entry for FontForge (if you do not, see below). Click on this.\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 FontForge will start and provide you with a font-file browser, which\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 also includes the ability to create a new font.\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 If the Applications menu does not contain a "FontForge" entry, you can add one yourself:\par } \pard\ql\tqr\tx100\tx320\li320\fi-320{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \tab \'a5 \tab Select Applications->Customize Menu\par } \pard\ql\tqr\tx100\tx320\li320\fi-320{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \tab \'a5 \tab Then press the (Add) button in the dialog that appears\par } \pard\ql\tqr\tx100\tx320\li320\fi-320{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \tab \'a5 \tab Double click in the left-most section of the blank line which just appeared and then type "FontForge"\par } \pard\ql\tqr\tx100\tx320\li320\fi-320{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \tab \'a5 \tab Press the [Tab] key and type "/usr/local/bin/fontforge"\par } \pard\ql\tqr\tx100\tx320\li320\fi-320{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \tab \'a5 \tab Press the [Tab] key again and type "f"\par } \pard\ql\tqr\tx100\tx320\li320\fi-320{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \tab \'a5 \tab Then press (Done)\par } \pard\ql{\plain\b\f3\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\b\f3\fs36\cf1 RUNNING from the command line} {\plain\b\f3\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Before running FontForge you must start X11.\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 You can start fontforge either from one of the xterms it creates.} {\plain\f22\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql\fi340{\plain\f22\fs24\cf6 $} {\plain\f22\fs24\cf1 fontforge -new\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Creates a new font\par } \pard\ql\fi380{\plain\f22\fs24\cf6 $} {\plain\f22\fs24\cf1 fontforge -nosplash\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 (No splash screen in case you have a very slow X connection)\par } \pard\ql\fi360{\plain\f22\fs24\cf6 $} {\plain\f22\fs24\cf1 fontforge font.pfa font2.pfb font3.ttf font4.otf font4.sfd\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Opens those fonts (sfd files are fontforge's own spline font database files)\par } \pard\ql\fi380{\plain\f22\fs24\cf6 $} {\plain\f22\fs24\cf1 fontforge} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Brings up a file picker dlg.\par } \pard\ql\li20\fi340{\plain\f22\fs24\cf5 $} {\plain\f22\fs24\cf1 fontforge -script script-file [script arguments]\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Starts fontforge up without bringing up any windows. It will run the script-file\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 (passing it any other arguments given on the command line) and then exit.\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 The Control & Option keys must be used for invoking menu items. If you try\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 to use Cmd-Q (rather than Cntl-Q) you will quit out of X11, and not just\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 fontforge. In fact this aborts fontforge, rather than quitting cleanly.\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 FontForge was written assuming a three button mouse. X11 will simulate\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 this by assigning Option-mouse click to a virtual middle mouse button, and\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Command-mouse click to a virtual right mouse button.\par } \pard\ql{\plain\b\f3\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\b\f3\fs36\cf1 Notes on the PATH variable } {\plain\f1024\fs28\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 On most systems fontforge will install itself into /usr/local/bin (that's the standard place for optional software), and this is not always in the default search path for commands (grrrr). Which means you might have everything properly installed, but nothi} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 ng actually works. If you see messages like "fontforge: command not found." this has (probably) happened to you. \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 So what do you do? \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 You need to set the PATH environment variable so that it includes /usr/local/bin. The value of the PATH variable is a set of directories separated by colons. \par } \pard\ql\fi380{\plain\f22\fs24\cf6 $ } {\plain\f22\fs24\cf1 echo $PATH \par } \pard\ql\fi380{\plain\f22\fs24\cf1 /home/gww/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/sbin } {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Unfortunately there are two ways of doing this because there are two different conventions used by unix shells. Type: \par } \pard\ql\fi360{\plain\f22\fs24\cf6 $ } {\plain\f22\fs24\cf1 echo $SHELL \par } \pard\ql\fi360{\plain\f22\fs24\cf1 /bin/bash } {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 If the name of your shell is bash (as above), ksh or sh then you want to type \par } \pard\ql\fi360{\plain\f22\fs24\cf6 $ } {\plain\f22\fs24\cf1 PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH ; export PATH } {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 If the name of your shell is tcsh or csh then you say \par } \pard\ql\fi380{\plain\f22\fs24\cf6 $ } {\plain\f22\fs24\cf1 setenv PATH /usr/local/bin:$PATH } {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 But you'd have to do that every time you logged in. Instead you want this included in the shell's initialization. Again there are two cases, for the bash family of shells you want to edit the file ~/.profile while for the csh family you want to edit the fi} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 le ~/.login. On a bash system the following command is generally sufficient: \par } \pard\ql\fi340{\plain\f22\fs24\cf6 $ } {\plain\f22\fs24\cf1 cat >>~/.profile \par } \pard\ql\fi340{\plain\f22\fs24\cf1 PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH ; export PATH \par } \pard\ql\fi340{\plain\f22\fs24\cf1 ^D } {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 (where ^D represents control-D, obtained by holding down the control key while depressing d. \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 And for the csh family you would type: } {\plain\f1024\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql\fi380{\plain\f22\fs24\cf6 $ } {\plain\f22\fs24\cf1 cat >>~/.login \par } \pard\ql\fi380{\plain\f22\fs24\cf1 setenv PATH /usr/local/bin:$PATH \par } \pard\ql\fi380{\plain\f22\fs24\cf1 ^D \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\b\f3\fs48\cf1 BUGS} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Please report any bugs to\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 } {\plain\f22\fs24\cf1 fontforge-devel@lists.sourceforge.net} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\b\f3\fs48\cf1 DOCUMENTATION} {\plain\b\f3\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 } {\plain\f22\fs24\cf1 http://fontforge.sourceforge.net/overview.html\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\b\f3\fs36\cf1 FONTS UNDER Mac OS/X} {\plain\f21\fs36\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Macintosh fonts live in /Library/Fonts, /System/Library/Fonts or\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 ~/Library/Fonts. On Mac OS/X FontForge can edit .dfont and resource fork \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 fonts. On other systems FontForge can only edit Mac .dfonts (the concept\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 of a resource fork is Mac specific).\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 (X11 fonts on the mac are completely seperate from the mac fonts. \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 they reside somewhere in the X tree).\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \page } \pard\ql{\plain\b\f3\fs36\cf1 FONTS UNDER Mac OS/9} {\plain\f21\fs36\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Note Bene: As far as I know FontForge has not been ported to Mac OS/9 (or 8 or 7)\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Fonts live in :System Folder:Fonts: They are stored in resource forks, which\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 means that if you want to work with them you must first wrap them up with \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 either macbinary or binhex (Fetch may be used to do either conversion as you\par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 transfer the font to a different system to edit it).\par } }