/* gfxdevice_record.cc Part of the swftools package. Copyright (c) 2005 Matthias Kramm This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include "../../config.h" #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include #ifdef HAVE_IO_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include "../gfxdevice.h" #include "../gfxtools.h" #include "../gfxfont.h" #include "../types.h" #include "../bitio.h" #include "../log.h" #include "../os.h" #include "../png.h" #ifdef HAVE_FASTLZ #include "../fastlz.h" #endif #include "record.h" //#define STATS //#define COMPRESS_IMAGES //#define FILTER_IMAGES typedef struct _state { char*last_string[16]; gfxcolor_t last_color[16]; gfxmatrix_t last_matrix[16]; #ifdef STATS int size_matrices; int size_positions; int size_images; int size_lines; int size_colors; int size_fonts; int size_chars; #endif } state_t; typedef struct _internal { gfxfontlist_t* fontlist; state_t state; writer_t w; int cliplevel; char use_tempfile; char*filename; } internal_t; typedef struct _internal_result { char use_tempfile; char*filename; void*data; int length; } internal_result_t; #define OP_END 0x00 #define OP_SETPARAM 0x01 #define OP_STROKE 0x02 #define OP_STARTCLIP 0x03 #define OP_ENDCLIP 0x04 #define OP_FILL 0x05 #define OP_FILLBITMAP 0x06 #define OP_FILLGRADIENT 0x07 #define OP_ADDFONT 0x08 #define OP_DRAWCHAR 0x09 #define OP_DRAWLINK 0x0a #define OP_STARTPAGE 0x0b #define OP_ENDPAGE 0x0c #define OP_FINISH 0x0d #define FLAG_SAME_AS_LAST 0x10 #define FLAG_ZERO_FONT 0x20 #define LINE_MOVETO 0x0e #define LINE_LINETO 0x0f #define LINE_SPLINETO 0x10 /* ----------------- reading/writing of low level primitives -------------- */ static void dumpLine(writer_t*w, state_t*state, gfxline_t*line) { while(line) { if(line->type == gfx_moveTo) { writer_writeU8(w, LINE_MOVETO); writer_writeDouble(w, line->x); writer_writeDouble(w, line->y); #ifdef STATS state->size_lines += 1+8+8; #endif } else if(line->type == gfx_lineTo) { writer_writeU8(w, LINE_LINETO); writer_writeDouble(w, line->x); writer_writeDouble(w, line->y); #ifdef STATS state->size_lines += 1+8+8; #endif } else if(line->type == gfx_splineTo) { writer_writeU8(w, LINE_SPLINETO); writer_writeDouble(w, line->x); writer_writeDouble(w, line->y); writer_writeDouble(w, line->sx); writer_writeDouble(w, line->sy); #ifdef STATS state->size_lines += 1+8+8+8+8; #endif } line = line->next; } writer_writeU8(w, OP_END); #ifdef STATS state->size_lines += 1; #endif } static gfxline_t* readLine(reader_t*r, state_t*s) { gfxline_t*start = 0, *pos = 0; while(1) { unsigned char op = reader_readU8(r); if(op == OP_END) break; gfxline_t*line = (gfxline_t*)rfx_calloc(sizeof(gfxline_t)); if(!start) { start = pos = line; } else { pos->next = line; pos = line; } if(op == LINE_MOVETO) { line->type = gfx_moveTo; line->x = reader_readDouble(r); line->y = reader_readDouble(r); } else if(op == LINE_LINETO) { line->type = gfx_lineTo; line->x = reader_readDouble(r); line->y = reader_readDouble(r); } else if(op == LINE_SPLINETO) { line->type = gfx_splineTo; line->x = reader_readDouble(r); line->y = reader_readDouble(r); line->sx = reader_readDouble(r); line->sy = reader_readDouble(r); } } return start; } static void dumpImage(writer_t*w, state_t*state, gfximage_t*img) { int oldpos = w->pos; writer_writeU16(w, img->width); writer_writeU16(w, img->height); #ifdef COMPRESS_IMAGES //35.3% images (2027305 bytes) (with filter, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION) //39.9% images (2458904 bytes) (with filter, Z_BEST_SPEED) //45.2% images (3055340 bytes) (without filter) //45.9% images (3149247 bytes) (without filter, 5) //48.0% images (3480495 bytes) (with filter, fastlz) //48.0% images (3488650 bytes) (without filter, Z_BEST_SPEED) //55.3% images (4665889 bytes) (without filter, fastlz level 2) //55.6% images (4726334 bytes) (without filter, fastlz level 1) //83.0% images (18091804 bytes) (no compression) gfxcolor_t*image; #ifdef FILTER_IMAGES unsigned char*filter = malloc(img->height); int y; image = malloc(img->width*img->height*sizeof(gfxcolor_t)); for(y=0;yheight;y++) { filter[y] = png_apply_filter_32( (void*)&image[y*img->width], (void*)&img->data[y*img->width], img->width, y); } #else image = img->data; #endif int size = img->width*img->height; uLongf compressdata_size = compressBound(size*sizeof(gfxcolor_t)); void*compressdata = malloc(compressdata_size); #ifdef HAVE_FASTLZ compressdata_size = fastlz_compress_level(2, (void*)image, size*sizeof(gfxcolor_t), compressdata); #else compress2(compressdata, &compressdata_size, (void*)image, sizeof(gfxcolor_t)*size, Z_BEST_SPEED); #endif writer_writeU32(w, compressdata_size); #ifdef FILTER_IMAGES w->write(w, filter, img->height); free(filter); free(image); #endif w->write(w, compressdata, compressdata_size); free(compressdata); #else w->write(w, img->data, img->width*img->height*sizeof(gfxcolor_t)); #endif #ifdef STATS state->size_images += w->pos - oldpos; #endif } static gfximage_t readImage(reader_t*r, state_t*state) { gfximage_t img; img.width = reader_readU16(r); img.height = reader_readU16(r); uLongf size = img.width*img.height*sizeof(gfxcolor_t); img.data = malloc(size); #ifdef COMPRESS_IMAGES uLongf compressdata_size = reader_readU32(r); void*compressdata = malloc(compressdata_size); # ifdef FILTER_IMAGES unsigned char*filter = malloc(img.height); r->read(r, filter, img.height); # endif r->read(r, compressdata, compressdata_size); # ifdef HAVE_FASTLZ fastlz_decompress(compressdata, compressdata_size, (void*)img.data, size); # else uncompress((void*)img.data, &size, compressdata, compressdata_size); # endif free(compressdata); # ifdef FILTER_IMAGES int y; unsigned char*line = malloc(img.width*sizeof(gfxcolor_t)); for(y=0;yread(r, img.data, size); #endif return img; } static void dumpMatrix(writer_t*w, state_t*state, gfxmatrix_t*matrix) { writer_writeDouble(w, matrix->m00); writer_writeDouble(w, matrix->m01); writer_writeDouble(w, matrix->m10); writer_writeDouble(w, matrix->m11); writer_writeDouble(w, matrix->tx); writer_writeDouble(w, matrix->ty); #ifdef STATS state->size_matrices += 6*8; #endif } static gfxmatrix_t readMatrix(reader_t*r, state_t*state) { gfxmatrix_t matrix; matrix.m00 = reader_readDouble(r); matrix.m01 = reader_readDouble(r); matrix.m10 = reader_readDouble(r); matrix.m11 = reader_readDouble(r); matrix.tx = reader_readDouble(r); matrix.ty = reader_readDouble(r); return matrix; } static void dumpXY(writer_t*w, state_t*state, gfxmatrix_t*matrix) { writer_writeDouble(w, matrix->tx); writer_writeDouble(w, matrix->ty); #ifdef STATS state->size_positions += 2*8; #endif } static void readXY(reader_t*r, state_t*state, gfxmatrix_t*m) { m->tx = reader_readDouble(r); m->ty = reader_readDouble(r); } static void dumpColor(writer_t*w, state_t*state, gfxcolor_t*color) { writer_writeU8(w, color->r); writer_writeU8(w, color->g); writer_writeU8(w, color->b); writer_writeU8(w, color->a); #ifdef STATS state->size_colors += 4; #endif } static gfxcolor_t readColor(reader_t*r, state_t*state) { gfxcolor_t col; col.r = reader_readU8(r); col.g = reader_readU8(r); col.b = reader_readU8(r); col.a = reader_readU8(r); return col; } static void dumpGradient(writer_t*w, state_t*state, gfxgradient_t*gradient) { while(gradient) { writer_writeU8(w, 1); dumpColor(w, state, &gradient->color); writer_writeFloat(w, gradient->pos); gradient = gradient->next; } writer_writeU8(w, 0); } static gfxgradient_t* readGradient(reader_t*r, state_t*state) { gfxgradient_t*start = 0, *pos = 0; while(1) { U8 op = reader_readU8(r); if(!op) break; gfxgradient_t*g = (gfxgradient_t*)rfx_calloc(sizeof(gfxgradient_t)); if(!start) { start = pos = g; } else { pos->next = g; pos = g; } g->color = readColor(r, state); g->pos = reader_readFloat(r); } return start; } static void dumpCXForm(writer_t*w, state_t*state, gfxcxform_t*c) { if(!c) { writer_writeU8(w, 0); } else { writer_writeU8(w, 1); writer_writeFloat(w, c->rr); writer_writeFloat(w, c->rg); writer_writeFloat(w, c->rb); writer_writeFloat(w, c->ra); writer_writeFloat(w, c->gr); writer_writeFloat(w, c->gg); writer_writeFloat(w, c->gb); writer_writeFloat(w, c->ga); writer_writeFloat(w, c->br); writer_writeFloat(w, c->bg); writer_writeFloat(w, c->bb); writer_writeFloat(w, c->ba); writer_writeFloat(w, c->ar); writer_writeFloat(w, c->ag); writer_writeFloat(w, c->ab); writer_writeFloat(w, c->aa); } } static gfxcxform_t* readCXForm(reader_t*r, state_t*state) { U8 type = reader_readU8(r); if(!type) return 0; gfxcxform_t* c = (gfxcxform_t*)rfx_calloc(sizeof(gfxcxform_t)); c->rr = reader_readFloat(r); c->rg = reader_readFloat(r); c->rb = reader_readFloat(r); c->ra = reader_readFloat(r); c->gr = reader_readFloat(r); c->gg = reader_readFloat(r); c->gb = reader_readFloat(r); c->ga = reader_readFloat(r); c->br = reader_readFloat(r); c->bg = reader_readFloat(r); c->bb = reader_readFloat(r); c->ba = reader_readFloat(r); c->ar = reader_readFloat(r); c->ag = reader_readFloat(r); c->ab = reader_readFloat(r); c->aa = reader_readFloat(r); return c; } static void dumpFont(writer_t*w, state_t*state, gfxfont_t*font) { int oldpos = w->pos; #ifdef STATS int old_size_lines = state->size_lines; #endif writer_writeString(w, font->id); writer_writeU32(w, font->num_glyphs); writer_writeU32(w, font->max_unicode); writer_writeDouble(w, font->ascent); writer_writeDouble(w, font->descent); int t; for(t=0;tnum_glyphs;t++) { dumpLine(w, state, font->glyphs[t].line); writer_writeDouble(w, font->glyphs[t].advance); writer_writeU32(w, font->glyphs[t].unicode); if(font->glyphs[t].name) { writer_writeString(w,font->glyphs[t].name); } else { writer_writeU8(w,0); } } for(t=0;tmax_unicode;t++) { writer_writeU32(w, font->unicode2glyph[t]); } #ifdef STATS state->size_lines = old_size_lines; state->size_fonts += w->pos - oldpos; #endif } static gfxfont_t*readFont(reader_t*r, state_t*state) { gfxfont_t* font = (gfxfont_t*)rfx_calloc(sizeof(gfxfont_t)); font->id = reader_readString(r); font->num_glyphs = reader_readU32(r); font->max_unicode = reader_readU32(r); font->ascent = reader_readDouble(r); font->descent = reader_readDouble(r); font->glyphs = (gfxglyph_t*)rfx_calloc(sizeof(gfxglyph_t)*font->num_glyphs); font->unicode2glyph = (int*)rfx_calloc(sizeof(font->unicode2glyph[0])*font->max_unicode); int t; for(t=0;tnum_glyphs;t++) { font->glyphs[t].line = readLine(r, state); font->glyphs[t].advance = reader_readDouble(r); font->glyphs[t].unicode = reader_readU32(r); font->glyphs[t].name = reader_readString(r); if(!font->glyphs[t].name[0]) { free((void*)(font->glyphs[t].name)); font->glyphs[t].name = 0; } } for(t=0;tmax_unicode;t++) { font->unicode2glyph[t] = reader_readU32(r); } return font; } /* ----------------- reading/writing of primitives with caching -------------- */ void state_clear(state_t*state) { int t; for(t=0;tlast_string)/sizeof(state->last_string[0]);t++) { if(state->last_string[t]) { free(state->last_string[t]); state->last_string[t] = 0; } } } static char* read_string(reader_t*r, state_t*state, U8 id, U8 flags) { assert(id>=0 && id<16); if(flags&FLAG_SAME_AS_LAST) { assert(state->last_string[id]); return strdup(state->last_string[id]); } char*s = reader_readString(r); if(state->last_string[id]) { free(state->last_string[id]); } state->last_string[id] = strdup(s); return s; } static gfxcolor_t read_color(reader_t*r, state_t*state, U8 id, U8 flags) { assert(id>=0 && id<16); if(flags&FLAG_SAME_AS_LAST) return state->last_color[id]; gfxcolor_t c = readColor(r, state); state->last_color[id] = c; return c; } static gfxmatrix_t read_matrix(reader_t*r, state_t*state, U8 id, U8 flags) { assert(id>=0 && id<16); if(flags&FLAG_SAME_AS_LAST) { gfxmatrix_t m = state->last_matrix[id]; readXY(r, state, &m); return m; } gfxmatrix_t m = readMatrix(r, state); state->last_matrix[id] = m; return m; } /* --------------------------- record device operations ---------------------- */ static int record_setparameter(struct _gfxdevice*dev, const char*key, const char*value) { internal_t*i = (internal_t*)dev->internal; msg(" record: %08x SETPARAM %s %s\n", dev, key, value); writer_writeU8(&i->w, OP_SETPARAM); writer_writeString(&i->w, key); writer_writeString(&i->w, value); return 1; } static void record_stroke(struct _gfxdevice*dev, gfxline_t*line, gfxcoord_t width, gfxcolor_t*color, gfx_capType cap_style, gfx_joinType joint_style, gfxcoord_t miterLimit) { internal_t*i = (internal_t*)dev->internal; msg(" record: %08x STROKE\n", dev); writer_writeU8(&i->w, OP_STROKE); writer_writeDouble(&i->w, width); writer_writeDouble(&i->w, miterLimit); dumpColor(&i->w, &i->state, color); writer_writeU8(&i->w, cap_style); writer_writeU8(&i->w, joint_style); dumpLine(&i->w, &i->state, line); } static void record_startclip(struct _gfxdevice*dev, gfxline_t*line) { internal_t*i = (internal_t*)dev->internal; msg(" record: %08x STARTCLIP\n", dev); writer_writeU8(&i->w, OP_STARTCLIP); dumpLine(&i->w, &i->state, line); i->cliplevel++; } static void record_endclip(struct _gfxdevice*dev) { internal_t*i = (internal_t*)dev->internal; msg(" record: %08x ENDCLIP\n", dev); writer_writeU8(&i->w, OP_ENDCLIP); i->cliplevel--; if(i->cliplevel<0) { msg(" record: endclip() without startclip()"); } } static void record_fill(struct _gfxdevice*dev, gfxline_t*line, gfxcolor_t*color) { internal_t*i = (internal_t*)dev->internal; msg(" record: %08x FILL\n", dev); writer_writeU8(&i->w, OP_FILL); dumpColor(&i->w, &i->state, color); dumpLine(&i->w, &i->state, line); } static void record_fillbitmap(struct _gfxdevice*dev, gfxline_t*line, gfximage_t*img, gfxmatrix_t*matrix, gfxcxform_t*cxform) { internal_t*i = (internal_t*)dev->internal; msg(" record: %08x FILLBITMAP\n", dev); writer_writeU8(&i->w, OP_FILLBITMAP); dumpImage(&i->w, &i->state, img); dumpMatrix(&i->w, &i->state, matrix); dumpLine(&i->w, &i->state, line); dumpCXForm(&i->w, &i->state, cxform); } static void record_fillgradient(struct _gfxdevice*dev, gfxline_t*line, gfxgradient_t*gradient, gfxgradienttype_t type, gfxmatrix_t*matrix) { internal_t*i = (internal_t*)dev->internal; msg(" record: %08x FILLGRADIENT %08x\n", dev, gradient); writer_writeU8(&i->w, OP_FILLGRADIENT); writer_writeU8(&i->w, type); dumpGradient(&i->w, &i->state, gradient); dumpMatrix(&i->w, &i->state, matrix); dumpLine(&i->w, &i->state, line); } static void record_addfont(struct _gfxdevice*dev, gfxfont_t*font) { internal_t*i = (internal_t*)dev->internal; msg(" record: %08x ADDFONT %s\n", dev, font->id); if(font && !gfxfontlist_hasfont(i->fontlist, font)) { writer_writeU8(&i->w, OP_ADDFONT); dumpFont(&i->w, &i->state, font); i->fontlist = gfxfontlist_addfont(i->fontlist, font); } } static void record_drawchar(struct _gfxdevice*dev, gfxfont_t*font, int glyphnr, gfxcolor_t*color, gfxmatrix_t*matrix) { internal_t*i = (internal_t*)dev->internal; if(font && !gfxfontlist_hasfont(i->fontlist, font)) { record_addfont(dev, font); } msg(" record: %08x DRAWCHAR %d\n", glyphnr, dev); const char*font_id = (font&&font->id)?font->id:"*NULL*"; gfxmatrix_t*l = &i->state.last_matrix[OP_DRAWCHAR]; U8 flags = 0; if(!font) flags |= FLAG_ZERO_FONT; char same_font = i->state.last_string[OP_DRAWCHAR] && !strcmp(i->state.last_string[OP_DRAWCHAR], font_id); char same_matrix = (l->m00 == matrix->m00) && (l->m01 == matrix->m01) && (l->m10 == matrix->m10) && (l->m11 == matrix->m11); char same_color = !memcmp(color, &i->state.last_color[OP_DRAWCHAR], sizeof(gfxcolor_t)); /* FIXME if(same_font && same_matrix && same_color) flags |= FLAG_SAME_AS_LAST; */ writer_writeU8(&i->w, OP_DRAWCHAR|flags); writer_writeU32(&i->w, glyphnr); #ifdef STATS i->state.size_chars += 5; #endif if(!(flags&FLAG_SAME_AS_LAST)) { if(!(flags&FLAG_ZERO_FONT)) writer_writeString(&i->w, font_id); dumpColor(&i->w, &i->state, color); dumpMatrix(&i->w, &i->state, matrix); if(i->state.last_string[OP_DRAWCHAR]) free(i->state.last_string[OP_DRAWCHAR]); i->state.last_string[OP_DRAWCHAR] = strdup(font_id); i->state.last_color[OP_DRAWCHAR] = *color; i->state.last_matrix[OP_DRAWCHAR] = *matrix; } else { dumpXY(&i->w, &i->state, matrix); } } static void record_startpage(struct _gfxdevice*dev, int width, int height) { internal_t*i = (internal_t*)dev->internal; msg(" record: %08x STARTPAGE\n", dev); writer_writeU8(&i->w, OP_STARTPAGE); writer_writeU16(&i->w, width); writer_writeU16(&i->w, height); } static void record_endpage(struct _gfxdevice*dev) { internal_t*i = (internal_t*)dev->internal; msg(" record: %08x ENDPAGE\n", dev); writer_writeU8(&i->w, OP_ENDPAGE); } static void record_drawlink(struct _gfxdevice*dev, gfxline_t*line, const char*action, const char*text) { internal_t*i = (internal_t*)dev->internal; msg(" record: %08x DRAWLINK\n", dev); writer_writeU8(&i->w, OP_DRAWLINK); dumpLine(&i->w, &i->state, line); writer_writeString(&i->w, action?action:""); writer_writeString(&i->w, text?text:""); } /* ------------------------------- replaying --------------------------------- */ static void replay(struct _gfxdevice*dev, gfxdevice_t*out, reader_t*r, gfxfontlist_t**fontlist) { internal_t*i = 0; if(dev) { i = (internal_t*)dev->internal; } gfxfontlist_t*_fontlist=0; if(!fontlist) { fontlist = &_fontlist; } state_t state; memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state)); while(1) { unsigned char op; if(r->read(r, &op, 1)!=1) break; unsigned char flags = op&0xf0; op&=0x0f; switch(op) { case OP_END: goto finish; case OP_SETPARAM: { msg(" replay: SETPARAM"); char*key; char*value; key = reader_readString(r); value = reader_readString(r); out->setparameter(out, key, value); free(key); free(value); break; } case OP_STARTPAGE: { msg(" replay: STARTPAGE"); U16 width = reader_readU16(r); U16 height = reader_readU16(r); out->startpage(out, width, height); break; } case OP_ENDPAGE: { msg(" replay: ENDPAGE"); out->endpage(out); break; } case OP_FINISH: { msg(" replay: FINISH"); break; } case OP_STROKE: { msg(" replay: STROKE"); double width = reader_readDouble(r); double miterlimit = reader_readDouble(r); gfxcolor_t color = readColor(r, &state); gfx_capType captype; int v = reader_readU8(r); switch (v) { case 0: captype = gfx_capButt; break; case 1: captype = gfx_capRound; break; case 2: captype = gfx_capSquare; break; } gfx_joinType jointtype; v = reader_readU8(r); switch (v) { case 0: jointtype = gfx_joinMiter; break; case 1: jointtype = gfx_joinRound; break; case 2: jointtype = gfx_joinBevel; break; } gfxline_t* line = readLine(r, &state); out->stroke(out, line, width, &color, captype, jointtype,miterlimit); gfxline_free(line); break; } case OP_STARTCLIP: { msg(" replay: STARTCLIP"); gfxline_t* line = readLine(r, &state); out->startclip(out, line); gfxline_free(line); break; } case OP_ENDCLIP: { msg(" replay: ENDCLIP"); out->endclip(out); break; } case OP_FILL: { msg(" replay: FILL"); gfxcolor_t color = readColor(r, &state); gfxline_t* line = readLine(r, &state); out->fill(out, line, &color); gfxline_free(line); break; } case OP_FILLBITMAP: { msg(" replay: FILLBITMAP"); gfximage_t img = readImage(r, &state); gfxmatrix_t matrix = readMatrix(r, &state); gfxline_t* line = readLine(r, &state); gfxcxform_t* cxform = readCXForm(r, &state); out->fillbitmap(out, line, &img, &matrix, cxform); gfxline_free(line); if(cxform) free(cxform); free(img.data);img.data=0; break; } case OP_FILLGRADIENT: { msg(" replay: FILLGRADIENT"); gfxgradienttype_t type; int v = reader_readU8(r); switch (v) { case 0: type = gfxgradient_radial; break; case 1: type = gfxgradient_linear; break; } gfxgradient_t*gradient = readGradient(r, &state); gfxmatrix_t matrix = readMatrix(r, &state); gfxline_t* line = readLine(r, &state); out->fillgradient(out, line, gradient, type, &matrix); break; } case OP_DRAWLINK: { msg(" replay: DRAWLINK"); gfxline_t* line = readLine(r, &state); char* s = reader_readString(r); char* t = reader_readString(r); out->drawlink(out,line,s, t); gfxline_free(line); free(s); break; } case OP_ADDFONT: { msg(" replay: ADDFONT out=%08x(%s)", out, out->name); gfxfont_t*font = readFont(r, &state); if(!gfxfontlist_hasfont(*fontlist, font)) { *fontlist = gfxfontlist_addfont(*fontlist, font); out->addfont(out, font); } else { gfxfont_free(font); } break; } case OP_DRAWCHAR: { U32 glyph = reader_readU32(r); gfxmatrix_t m = {1,0,0, 0,1,0}; char* id = 0; if(!(flags&FLAG_ZERO_FONT)) id = read_string(r, &state, op, flags); gfxcolor_t color = read_color(r, &state, op, flags); gfxmatrix_t matrix = read_matrix(r, &state, op, flags); gfxfont_t*font = id?gfxfontlist_findfont(*fontlist, id):0; if(i && !font) { font = gfxfontlist_findfont(i->fontlist, id); } msg(" replay: DRAWCHAR font=%s glyph=%d (flags=%d)", id, glyph, flags); out->drawchar(out, font, glyph, &color, &matrix); if(id) free(id); break; } } } finish: state_clear(&state); r->dealloc(r); if(_fontlist) gfxfontlist_free(_fontlist, 0); } void gfxresult_record_replay(gfxresult_t*result, gfxdevice_t*device, gfxfontlist_t**fontlist) { internal_result_t*i = (internal_result_t*)result->internal; reader_t r; if(i->use_tempfile) { reader_init_filereader2(&r, i->filename); } else { reader_init_memreader(&r, i->data, i->length); } replay(0, device, &r, fontlist); } static void record_result_write(gfxresult_t*r, int filedesc) { internal_result_t*i = (internal_result_t*)r->internal; if(i->data) { write(filedesc, i->data, i->length); } } static int record_result_save(gfxresult_t*r, const char*filename) { internal_result_t*i = (internal_result_t*)r->internal; if(i->use_tempfile) { move_file(i->filename, filename); } else { FILE*fi = fopen(filename, "wb"); if(!fi) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open file %s for writing\n", filename); return -1; } fwrite(i->data, i->length, 1, fi); fclose(fi); } return 0; } static void*record_result_get(gfxresult_t*r, const char*name) { internal_result_t*i = (internal_result_t*)r->internal; if(!strcmp(name, "data")) { return i->data; } else if(!strcmp(name, "length")) { return &i->length; } return 0; } static void record_result_destroy(gfxresult_t*r) { internal_result_t*i = (internal_result_t*)r->internal; if(i->data) { free(i->data);i->data = 0; } if(i->filename) { unlink(i->filename); free(i->filename); } free(r->internal);r->internal = 0; free(r); } static unsigned char printable(unsigned char a) { if(a<32 || a==127) return '.'; else return a; } static void hexdumpMem(unsigned char*data, int len) { int t; char ascii[32]; for(t=0;tinternal; if(out) { if(!i->use_tempfile) { int len=0; void*data = writer_growmemwrite_memptr(&i->w, &len); reader_t r; reader_init_memreader(&r, data, len); replay(dev, out, &r, fontlist); writer_growmemwrite_reset(&i->w); } else { msg(" Flushing not supported for file based record device"); exit(1); } } } static gfxresult_t* record_finish(struct _gfxdevice*dev) { internal_t*i = (internal_t*)dev->internal; msg(" record: %08x END", dev); if(i->cliplevel) { msg(" Warning: unclosed cliplevels"); } state_clear(&i->state); #ifdef STATS int total = i->w.pos; if(total && i->use_tempfile) { state_t*s = &i->state; msg(" record device finished. stats:"); msg(" %4.1f%% matrices (%d bytes)", s->size_matrices*100.0/total, s->size_matrices); msg(" %4.1f%% positions (%d bytes)", s->size_positions*100.0/total, s->size_positions); msg(" %4.1f%% colors (%d bytes)", s->size_colors*100.0/total, s->size_colors); msg(" %4.1f%% lines (%d bytes)", s->size_lines*100.0/total, s->size_lines); msg(" %4.1f%% fonts (%d bytes)", s->size_fonts*100.0/total, s->size_fonts); msg(" %4.1f%% images (%d bytes)", s->size_images*100.0/total, s->size_images); msg(" %4.1f%% characters (%d bytes)", s->size_chars*100.0/total, s->size_chars); msg(" total: %d bytes", total); } #endif writer_writeU8(&i->w, OP_END); gfxfontlist_free(i->fontlist, 0); internal_result_t*ir = (internal_result_t*)rfx_calloc(sizeof(gfxresult_t)); ir->use_tempfile = i->use_tempfile; if(i->use_tempfile) { ir->filename = i->filename; } else { ir->data = writer_growmemwrite_getmem(&i->w); ir->length = i->w.pos; } i->w.finish(&i->w); gfxresult_t*result= (gfxresult_t*)rfx_calloc(sizeof(gfxresult_t)); result->save = record_result_save; result->get = record_result_get; result->destroy = record_result_destroy; result->internal = ir; free(dev->internal);memset(dev, 0, sizeof(gfxdevice_t)); return result; } void gfxdevice_record_init(gfxdevice_t*dev, char use_tempfile) { internal_t*i = (internal_t*)rfx_calloc(sizeof(internal_t)); memset(dev, 0, sizeof(gfxdevice_t)); dev->name = "record"; dev->internal = i; i->use_tempfile = use_tempfile; if(!use_tempfile) { writer_init_growingmemwriter(&i->w, 1048576); } else { char buffer[128]; i->filename = strdup(mktempname(buffer, "gfx")); writer_init_filewriter2(&i->w, i->filename); } i->fontlist = gfxfontlist_create(); i->cliplevel = 0; dev->setparameter = record_setparameter; dev->startpage = record_startpage; dev->startclip = record_startclip; dev->endclip = record_endclip; dev->stroke = record_stroke; dev->fill = record_fill; dev->fillbitmap = record_fillbitmap; dev->fillgradient = record_fillgradient; dev->addfont = record_addfont; dev->drawchar = record_drawchar; dev->drawlink = record_drawlink; dev->endpage = record_endpage; dev->finish = record_finish; }