/*** This file is part of PulseAudio. Copyright 2004-2006 Lennart Poettering Copyright 2006 Pierre Ossman for Cendio AB PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with PulseAudio; if not, see . ***/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "internal.h" #include "stream.h" /* #define STREAM_DEBUG */ #define AUTO_TIMING_INTERVAL_START_USEC (10*PA_USEC_PER_MSEC) #define AUTO_TIMING_INTERVAL_END_USEC (1500*PA_USEC_PER_MSEC) #define SMOOTHER_ADJUST_TIME (1000*PA_USEC_PER_MSEC) #define SMOOTHER_HISTORY_TIME (5000*PA_USEC_PER_MSEC) #define SMOOTHER_MIN_HISTORY (4) pa_stream *pa_stream_new(pa_context *c, const char *name, const pa_sample_spec *ss, const pa_channel_map *map) { return pa_stream_new_with_proplist(c, name, ss, map, NULL); } static void reset_callbacks(pa_stream *s) { s->read_callback = NULL; s->read_userdata = NULL; s->write_callback = NULL; s->write_userdata = NULL; s->state_callback = NULL; s->state_userdata = NULL; s->overflow_callback = NULL; s->overflow_userdata = NULL; s->underflow_callback = NULL; s->underflow_userdata = NULL; s->latency_update_callback = NULL; s->latency_update_userdata = NULL; s->moved_callback = NULL; s->moved_userdata = NULL; s->suspended_callback = NULL; s->suspended_userdata = NULL; s->started_callback = NULL; s->started_userdata = NULL; s->event_callback = NULL; s->event_userdata = NULL; s->buffer_attr_callback = NULL; s->buffer_attr_userdata = NULL; } static pa_stream *pa_stream_new_with_proplist_internal( pa_context *c, const char *name, const pa_sample_spec *ss, const pa_channel_map *map, pa_format_info * const *formats, unsigned int n_formats, pa_proplist *p) { pa_stream *s; unsigned int i; pa_assert(c); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(c) >= 1); pa_assert((ss == NULL && map == NULL) || (formats == NULL && n_formats == 0)); pa_assert(n_formats < PA_MAX_FORMATS); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(c, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(c, name || (p && pa_proplist_contains(p, PA_PROP_MEDIA_NAME)), PA_ERR_INVALID); s = pa_xnew(pa_stream, 1); PA_REFCNT_INIT(s); s->context = c; s->mainloop = c->mainloop; s->direction = PA_STREAM_NODIRECTION; s->state = PA_STREAM_UNCONNECTED; s->flags = 0; if (ss) s->sample_spec = *ss; else pa_sample_spec_init(&s->sample_spec); if (map) s->channel_map = *map; else pa_channel_map_init(&s->channel_map); s->n_formats = 0; if (formats) { s->n_formats = n_formats; for (i = 0; i < n_formats; i++) s->req_formats[i] = pa_format_info_copy(formats[i]); } /* We'll get the final negotiated format after connecting */ s->format = NULL; s->direct_on_input = PA_INVALID_INDEX; s->proplist = p ? pa_proplist_copy(p) : pa_proplist_new(); if (name) pa_proplist_sets(s->proplist, PA_PROP_MEDIA_NAME, name); s->channel = 0; s->channel_valid = false; s->syncid = c->csyncid++; s->stream_index = PA_INVALID_INDEX; s->requested_bytes = 0; memset(&s->buffer_attr, 0, sizeof(s->buffer_attr)); /* We initialize the target length here, so that if the user * passes no explicit buffering metrics the default is similar to * what older PA versions provided. */ s->buffer_attr.maxlength = (uint32_t) -1; if (ss) s->buffer_attr.tlength = (uint32_t) pa_usec_to_bytes(250*PA_USEC_PER_MSEC, ss); /* 250ms of buffering */ else { /* FIXME: We assume a worst-case compressed format corresponding to * 48000 Hz, 2 ch, S16 PCM, but this can very well be incorrect */ pa_sample_spec tmp_ss = { .format = PA_SAMPLE_S16NE, .rate = 48000, .channels = 2, }; s->buffer_attr.tlength = (uint32_t) pa_usec_to_bytes(250*PA_USEC_PER_MSEC, &tmp_ss); /* 250ms of buffering */ } s->buffer_attr.minreq = (uint32_t) -1; s->buffer_attr.prebuf = (uint32_t) -1; s->buffer_attr.fragsize = (uint32_t) -1; s->device_index = PA_INVALID_INDEX; s->device_name = NULL; s->suspended = false; s->corked = false; s->write_memblock = NULL; s->write_data = NULL; pa_memchunk_reset(&s->peek_memchunk); s->peek_data = NULL; s->record_memblockq = NULL; memset(&s->timing_info, 0, sizeof(s->timing_info)); s->timing_info_valid = false; s->previous_time = 0; s->latest_underrun_at_index = -1; s->read_index_not_before = 0; s->write_index_not_before = 0; for (i = 0; i < PA_MAX_WRITE_INDEX_CORRECTIONS; i++) s->write_index_corrections[i].valid = 0; s->current_write_index_correction = 0; s->auto_timing_update_event = NULL; s->auto_timing_update_requested = false; s->auto_timing_interval_usec = AUTO_TIMING_INTERVAL_START_USEC; reset_callbacks(s); s->smoother = NULL; /* Refcounting is strictly one-way: from the "bigger" to the "smaller" object. */ PA_LLIST_PREPEND(pa_stream, c->streams, s); pa_stream_ref(s); return s; } pa_stream *pa_stream_new_with_proplist( pa_context *c, const char *name, const pa_sample_spec *ss, const pa_channel_map *map, pa_proplist *p) { pa_channel_map tmap; PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(c, ss && pa_sample_spec_valid(ss), PA_ERR_INVALID); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(c, c->version >= 12 || (ss->format != PA_SAMPLE_S32LE && ss->format != PA_SAMPLE_S32BE), PA_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(c, c->version >= 15 || (ss->format != PA_SAMPLE_S24LE && ss->format != PA_SAMPLE_S24BE), PA_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(c, c->version >= 15 || (ss->format != PA_SAMPLE_S24_32LE && ss->format != PA_SAMPLE_S24_32BE), PA_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(c, !map || (pa_channel_map_valid(map) && map->channels == ss->channels), PA_ERR_INVALID); if (!map) PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(c, map = pa_channel_map_init_auto(&tmap, ss->channels, PA_CHANNEL_MAP_DEFAULT), PA_ERR_INVALID); return pa_stream_new_with_proplist_internal(c, name, ss, map, NULL, 0, p); } pa_stream *pa_stream_new_extended( pa_context *c, const char *name, pa_format_info * const *formats, unsigned int n_formats, pa_proplist *p) { PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(c, c->version >= 21, PA_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED); return pa_stream_new_with_proplist_internal(c, name, NULL, NULL, formats, n_formats, p); } static void stream_unlink(pa_stream *s) { pa_operation *o, *n; pa_assert(s); if (!s->context) return; /* Detach from context */ /* Unref all operation objects that point to us */ for (o = s->context->operations; o; o = n) { n = o->next; if (o->stream == s) pa_operation_cancel(o); } /* Drop all outstanding replies for this stream */ if (s->context->pdispatch) pa_pdispatch_unregister_reply(s->context->pdispatch, s); if (s->channel_valid) { pa_hashmap_remove((s->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD) ? s->context->record_streams : s->context->playback_streams, PA_UINT32_TO_PTR(s->channel)); s->channel = 0; s->channel_valid = false; } PA_LLIST_REMOVE(pa_stream, s->context->streams, s); pa_stream_unref(s); s->context = NULL; if (s->auto_timing_update_event) { pa_assert(s->mainloop); s->mainloop->time_free(s->auto_timing_update_event); } reset_callbacks(s); } static void stream_free(pa_stream *s) { unsigned int i; pa_assert(s); stream_unlink(s); if (s->write_memblock) { if (s->write_data) pa_memblock_release(s->write_memblock); pa_memblock_unref(s->write_memblock); } if (s->peek_memchunk.memblock) { if (s->peek_data) pa_memblock_release(s->peek_memchunk.memblock); pa_memblock_unref(s->peek_memchunk.memblock); } if (s->record_memblockq) pa_memblockq_free(s->record_memblockq); if (s->proplist) pa_proplist_free(s->proplist); if (s->smoother) pa_smoother_free(s->smoother); for (i = 0; i < s->n_formats; i++) pa_format_info_free(s->req_formats[i]); if (s->format) pa_format_info_free(s->format); pa_xfree(s->device_name); pa_xfree(s); } void pa_stream_unref(pa_stream *s) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); if (PA_REFCNT_DEC(s) <= 0) stream_free(s); } pa_stream* pa_stream_ref(pa_stream *s) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_REFCNT_INC(s); return s; } pa_stream_state_t pa_stream_get_state(pa_stream *s) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); return s->state; } pa_context* pa_stream_get_context(pa_stream *s) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); return s->context; } uint32_t pa_stream_get_index(pa_stream *s) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_ANY(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED, PA_INVALID_INDEX); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_ANY(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE, PA_INVALID_INDEX); return s->stream_index; } void pa_stream_set_state(pa_stream *s, pa_stream_state_t st) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); if (s->state == st) return; pa_stream_ref(s); s->state = st; if (s->state_callback) s->state_callback(s, s->state_userdata); if ((st == PA_STREAM_FAILED || st == PA_STREAM_TERMINATED)) stream_unlink(s); pa_stream_unref(s); } static void request_auto_timing_update(pa_stream *s, bool force) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); if (!(s->flags & PA_STREAM_AUTO_TIMING_UPDATE)) return; if (s->state == PA_STREAM_READY && (force || !s->auto_timing_update_requested)) { pa_operation *o; #ifdef STREAM_DEBUG pa_log_debug("Automatically requesting new timing data"); #endif if ((o = pa_stream_update_timing_info(s, NULL, NULL))) { pa_operation_unref(o); s->auto_timing_update_requested = true; } } if (s->auto_timing_update_event) { if (s->suspended && !force) { pa_assert(s->mainloop); s->mainloop->time_free(s->auto_timing_update_event); s->auto_timing_update_event = NULL; } else { if (force) s->auto_timing_interval_usec = AUTO_TIMING_INTERVAL_START_USEC; pa_context_rttime_restart(s->context, s->auto_timing_update_event, pa_rtclock_now() + s->auto_timing_interval_usec); s->auto_timing_interval_usec = PA_MIN(AUTO_TIMING_INTERVAL_END_USEC, s->auto_timing_interval_usec*2); } } } void pa_command_stream_killed(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, uint32_t tag, pa_tagstruct *t, void *userdata) { pa_context *c = userdata; pa_stream *s; uint32_t channel; pa_assert(pd); pa_assert(command == PA_COMMAND_PLAYBACK_STREAM_KILLED || command == PA_COMMAND_RECORD_STREAM_KILLED); pa_assert(t); pa_assert(c); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(c) >= 1); pa_context_ref(c); if (pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &channel) < 0 || !pa_tagstruct_eof(t)) { pa_context_fail(c, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } if (!(s = pa_hashmap_get(command == PA_COMMAND_PLAYBACK_STREAM_KILLED ? c->playback_streams : c->record_streams, PA_UINT32_TO_PTR(channel)))) goto finish; if (s->state != PA_STREAM_READY) goto finish; pa_context_set_error(c, PA_ERR_KILLED); pa_stream_set_state(s, PA_STREAM_FAILED); finish: pa_context_unref(c); } static void check_smoother_status(pa_stream *s, bool aposteriori, bool force_start, bool force_stop) { pa_usec_t x; pa_assert(s); pa_assert(!force_start || !force_stop); if (!s->smoother) return; x = pa_rtclock_now(); if (s->timing_info_valid) { if (aposteriori) x -= s->timing_info.transport_usec; else x += s->timing_info.transport_usec; } if (s->suspended || s->corked || force_stop) pa_smoother_pause(s->smoother, x); else if (force_start || s->buffer_attr.prebuf == 0) { if (!s->timing_info_valid && !aposteriori && !force_start && !force_stop && s->context->version >= 13) { /* If the server supports STARTED events we take them as * indications when audio really starts/stops playing, if * we don't have any timing info yet -- instead of trying * to be smart and guessing the server time. Otherwise the * unknown transport delay adds too much noise to our time * calculations. */ return; } pa_smoother_resume(s->smoother, x, true); } /* Please note that we have no idea if playback actually started * if prebuf is non-zero! */ } static void auto_timing_update_callback(pa_mainloop_api *m, pa_time_event *e, const struct timeval *t, void *userdata); void pa_command_stream_moved(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, uint32_t tag, pa_tagstruct *t, void *userdata) { pa_context *c = userdata; pa_stream *s; uint32_t channel; const char *dn; bool suspended; uint32_t di; pa_usec_t usec = 0; uint32_t maxlength = 0, fragsize = 0, minreq = 0, tlength = 0, prebuf = 0; pa_assert(pd); pa_assert(command == PA_COMMAND_PLAYBACK_STREAM_MOVED || command == PA_COMMAND_RECORD_STREAM_MOVED); pa_assert(t); pa_assert(c); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(c) >= 1); pa_context_ref(c); if (c->version < 12) { pa_context_fail(c, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } if (pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &channel) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &di) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_gets(t, &dn) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_get_boolean(t, &suspended) < 0) { pa_context_fail(c, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } if (c->version >= 13) { if (command == PA_COMMAND_RECORD_STREAM_MOVED) { if (pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &maxlength) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &fragsize) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_get_usec(t, &usec) < 0) { pa_context_fail(c, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } } else { if (pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &maxlength) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &tlength) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &prebuf) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &minreq) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_get_usec(t, &usec) < 0) { pa_context_fail(c, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } } } if (!pa_tagstruct_eof(t)) { pa_context_fail(c, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } if (!dn || di == PA_INVALID_INDEX) { pa_context_fail(c, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } if (!(s = pa_hashmap_get(command == PA_COMMAND_PLAYBACK_STREAM_MOVED ? c->playback_streams : c->record_streams, PA_UINT32_TO_PTR(channel)))) goto finish; if (s->state != PA_STREAM_READY) goto finish; if (c->version >= 13) { if (s->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD) s->timing_info.configured_source_usec = usec; else s->timing_info.configured_sink_usec = usec; s->buffer_attr.maxlength = maxlength; s->buffer_attr.fragsize = fragsize; s->buffer_attr.tlength = tlength; s->buffer_attr.prebuf = prebuf; s->buffer_attr.minreq = minreq; } pa_xfree(s->device_name); s->device_name = pa_xstrdup(dn); s->device_index = di; s->suspended = suspended; if ((s->flags & PA_STREAM_AUTO_TIMING_UPDATE) && !suspended && !s->auto_timing_update_event) { s->auto_timing_interval_usec = AUTO_TIMING_INTERVAL_START_USEC; s->auto_timing_update_event = pa_context_rttime_new(s->context, pa_rtclock_now() + s->auto_timing_interval_usec, &auto_timing_update_callback, s); request_auto_timing_update(s, true); } check_smoother_status(s, true, false, false); request_auto_timing_update(s, true); if (s->moved_callback) s->moved_callback(s, s->moved_userdata); finish: pa_context_unref(c); } void pa_command_stream_buffer_attr(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, uint32_t tag, pa_tagstruct *t, void *userdata) { pa_context *c = userdata; pa_stream *s; uint32_t channel; pa_usec_t usec = 0; uint32_t maxlength = 0, fragsize = 0, minreq = 0, tlength = 0, prebuf = 0; pa_assert(pd); pa_assert(command == PA_COMMAND_PLAYBACK_BUFFER_ATTR_CHANGED || command == PA_COMMAND_RECORD_BUFFER_ATTR_CHANGED); pa_assert(t); pa_assert(c); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(c) >= 1); pa_context_ref(c); if (c->version < 15) { pa_context_fail(c, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } if (pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &channel) < 0) { pa_context_fail(c, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } if (command == PA_COMMAND_RECORD_STREAM_MOVED) { if (pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &maxlength) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &fragsize) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_get_usec(t, &usec) < 0) { pa_context_fail(c, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } } else { if (pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &maxlength) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &tlength) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &prebuf) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &minreq) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_get_usec(t, &usec) < 0) { pa_context_fail(c, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } } if (!pa_tagstruct_eof(t)) { pa_context_fail(c, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } if (!(s = pa_hashmap_get(command == PA_COMMAND_PLAYBACK_BUFFER_ATTR_CHANGED ? c->playback_streams : c->record_streams, PA_UINT32_TO_PTR(channel)))) goto finish; if (s->state != PA_STREAM_READY) goto finish; if (s->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD) s->timing_info.configured_source_usec = usec; else s->timing_info.configured_sink_usec = usec; s->buffer_attr.maxlength = maxlength; s->buffer_attr.fragsize = fragsize; s->buffer_attr.tlength = tlength; s->buffer_attr.prebuf = prebuf; s->buffer_attr.minreq = minreq; request_auto_timing_update(s, true); if (s->buffer_attr_callback) s->buffer_attr_callback(s, s->buffer_attr_userdata); finish: pa_context_unref(c); } void pa_command_stream_suspended(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, uint32_t tag, pa_tagstruct *t, void *userdata) { pa_context *c = userdata; pa_stream *s; uint32_t channel; bool suspended; pa_assert(pd); pa_assert(command == PA_COMMAND_PLAYBACK_STREAM_SUSPENDED || command == PA_COMMAND_RECORD_STREAM_SUSPENDED); pa_assert(t); pa_assert(c); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(c) >= 1); pa_context_ref(c); if (c->version < 12) { pa_context_fail(c, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } if (pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &channel) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_get_boolean(t, &suspended) < 0 || !pa_tagstruct_eof(t)) { pa_context_fail(c, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } if (!(s = pa_hashmap_get(command == PA_COMMAND_PLAYBACK_STREAM_SUSPENDED ? c->playback_streams : c->record_streams, PA_UINT32_TO_PTR(channel)))) goto finish; if (s->state != PA_STREAM_READY) goto finish; s->suspended = suspended; if ((s->flags & PA_STREAM_AUTO_TIMING_UPDATE) && !suspended && !s->auto_timing_update_event) { s->auto_timing_interval_usec = AUTO_TIMING_INTERVAL_START_USEC; s->auto_timing_update_event = pa_context_rttime_new(s->context, pa_rtclock_now() + s->auto_timing_interval_usec, &auto_timing_update_callback, s); request_auto_timing_update(s, true); } check_smoother_status(s, true, false, false); request_auto_timing_update(s, true); if (s->suspended_callback) s->suspended_callback(s, s->suspended_userdata); finish: pa_context_unref(c); } void pa_command_stream_started(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, uint32_t tag, pa_tagstruct *t, void *userdata) { pa_context *c = userdata; pa_stream *s; uint32_t channel; pa_assert(pd); pa_assert(command == PA_COMMAND_STARTED); pa_assert(t); pa_assert(c); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(c) >= 1); pa_context_ref(c); if (c->version < 13) { pa_context_fail(c, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } if (pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &channel) < 0 || !pa_tagstruct_eof(t)) { pa_context_fail(c, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } if (!(s = pa_hashmap_get(c->playback_streams, PA_UINT32_TO_PTR(channel)))) goto finish; if (s->state != PA_STREAM_READY) goto finish; check_smoother_status(s, true, true, false); request_auto_timing_update(s, true); if (s->started_callback) s->started_callback(s, s->started_userdata); finish: pa_context_unref(c); } void pa_command_stream_event(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, uint32_t tag, pa_tagstruct *t, void *userdata) { pa_context *c = userdata; pa_stream *s; uint32_t channel; pa_proplist *pl = NULL; const char *event; pa_assert(pd); pa_assert(command == PA_COMMAND_PLAYBACK_STREAM_EVENT || command == PA_COMMAND_RECORD_STREAM_EVENT); pa_assert(t); pa_assert(c); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(c) >= 1); pa_context_ref(c); if (c->version < 15) { pa_context_fail(c, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } pl = pa_proplist_new(); if (pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &channel) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_gets(t, &event) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_get_proplist(t, pl) < 0 || !pa_tagstruct_eof(t) || !event) { pa_context_fail(c, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } if (!(s = pa_hashmap_get(command == PA_COMMAND_PLAYBACK_STREAM_EVENT ? c->playback_streams : c->record_streams, PA_UINT32_TO_PTR(channel)))) goto finish; if (s->state != PA_STREAM_READY) goto finish; if (pa_streq(event, PA_STREAM_EVENT_FORMAT_LOST)) { /* Let client know what the running time was when the stream had to be killed */ pa_usec_t stream_time; if (pa_stream_get_time(s, &stream_time) == 0) pa_proplist_setf(pl, "stream-time", "%llu", (unsigned long long) stream_time); } if (s->event_callback) s->event_callback(s, event, pl, s->event_userdata); finish: pa_context_unref(c); if (pl) pa_proplist_free(pl); } void pa_command_request(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, uint32_t tag, pa_tagstruct *t, void *userdata) { pa_stream *s; pa_context *c = userdata; uint32_t bytes, channel; pa_assert(pd); pa_assert(command == PA_COMMAND_REQUEST); pa_assert(t); pa_assert(c); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(c) >= 1); pa_context_ref(c); if (pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &channel) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &bytes) < 0 || !pa_tagstruct_eof(t)) { pa_context_fail(c, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } if (!(s = pa_hashmap_get(c->playback_streams, PA_UINT32_TO_PTR(channel)))) goto finish; if (s->state != PA_STREAM_READY) goto finish; s->requested_bytes += bytes; #ifdef STREAM_DEBUG pa_log_debug("got request for %lli, now at %lli", (long long) bytes, (long long) s->requested_bytes); #endif if (s->requested_bytes > 0 && s->write_callback) s->write_callback(s, (size_t) s->requested_bytes, s->write_userdata); finish: pa_context_unref(c); } int64_t pa_stream_get_underflow_index(pa_stream *p) { pa_assert(p); return p->latest_underrun_at_index; } void pa_command_overflow_or_underflow(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, uint32_t tag, pa_tagstruct *t, void *userdata) { pa_stream *s; pa_context *c = userdata; uint32_t channel; int64_t offset = -1; pa_assert(pd); pa_assert(command == PA_COMMAND_OVERFLOW || command == PA_COMMAND_UNDERFLOW); pa_assert(t); pa_assert(c); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(c) >= 1); pa_context_ref(c); if (pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &channel) < 0) { pa_context_fail(c, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } if (c->version >= 23 && command == PA_COMMAND_UNDERFLOW) { if (pa_tagstruct_gets64(t, &offset) < 0) { pa_context_fail(c, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } } if (!pa_tagstruct_eof(t)) { pa_context_fail(c, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } if (!(s = pa_hashmap_get(c->playback_streams, PA_UINT32_TO_PTR(channel)))) goto finish; if (s->state != PA_STREAM_READY) goto finish; if (offset != -1) s->latest_underrun_at_index = offset; if (s->buffer_attr.prebuf > 0) check_smoother_status(s, true, false, true); request_auto_timing_update(s, true); if (command == PA_COMMAND_OVERFLOW) { if (s->overflow_callback) s->overflow_callback(s, s->overflow_userdata); } else if (command == PA_COMMAND_UNDERFLOW) { if (s->underflow_callback) s->underflow_callback(s, s->underflow_userdata); } finish: pa_context_unref(c); } static void invalidate_indexes(pa_stream *s, bool r, bool w) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); #ifdef STREAM_DEBUG pa_log_debug("invalidate r:%u w:%u tag:%u", r, w, s->context->ctag); #endif if (s->state != PA_STREAM_READY) return; if (w) { s->write_index_not_before = s->context->ctag; if (s->timing_info_valid) s->timing_info.write_index_corrupt = true; #ifdef STREAM_DEBUG pa_log_debug("write_index invalidated"); #endif } if (r) { s->read_index_not_before = s->context->ctag; if (s->timing_info_valid) s->timing_info.read_index_corrupt = true; #ifdef STREAM_DEBUG pa_log_debug("read_index invalidated"); #endif } request_auto_timing_update(s, true); } static void auto_timing_update_callback(pa_mainloop_api *m, pa_time_event *e, const struct timeval *t, void *userdata) { pa_stream *s = userdata; pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); pa_stream_ref(s); request_auto_timing_update(s, false); pa_stream_unref(s); } static void create_stream_complete(pa_stream *s) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); pa_assert(s->state == PA_STREAM_CREATING); pa_stream_set_state(s, PA_STREAM_READY); if (s->requested_bytes > 0 && s->write_callback) s->write_callback(s, (size_t) s->requested_bytes, s->write_userdata); if (s->flags & PA_STREAM_AUTO_TIMING_UPDATE) { s->auto_timing_interval_usec = AUTO_TIMING_INTERVAL_START_USEC; pa_assert(!s->auto_timing_update_event); s->auto_timing_update_event = pa_context_rttime_new(s->context, pa_rtclock_now() + s->auto_timing_interval_usec, &auto_timing_update_callback, s); request_auto_timing_update(s, true); } check_smoother_status(s, true, false, false); } static void patch_buffer_attr(pa_stream *s, pa_buffer_attr *attr, pa_stream_flags_t *flags) { const char *e; pa_assert(s); pa_assert(attr); if ((e = getenv("PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC"))) { uint32_t ms; pa_sample_spec ss; pa_sample_spec_init(&ss); if (pa_sample_spec_valid(&s->sample_spec)) ss = s->sample_spec; else if (s->n_formats == 1) pa_format_info_to_sample_spec(s->req_formats[0], &ss, NULL); if (pa_atou(e, &ms) < 0 || ms <= 0) pa_log_debug("Failed to parse $PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC: %s", e); else if (!pa_sample_spec_valid(&s->sample_spec)) pa_log_debug("Ignoring $PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC: %s (invalid sample spec)", e); else { attr->maxlength = (uint32_t) -1; attr->tlength = pa_usec_to_bytes(ms * PA_USEC_PER_MSEC, &ss); attr->minreq = (uint32_t) -1; attr->prebuf = (uint32_t) -1; attr->fragsize = attr->tlength; if (flags) *flags |= PA_STREAM_ADJUST_LATENCY; } } if (s->context->version >= 13) return; /* Version older than 0.9.10 didn't do server side buffer_attr * selection, hence we have to fake it on the client side. */ /* We choose fairly conservative values here, to not confuse * old clients with extremely large playback buffers */ if (attr->maxlength == (uint32_t) -1) attr->maxlength = 4*1024*1024; /* 4MB is the maximum queue length PulseAudio <= 0.9.9 supported. */ if (attr->tlength == (uint32_t) -1) attr->tlength = (uint32_t) pa_usec_to_bytes(250*PA_USEC_PER_MSEC, &s->sample_spec); /* 250ms of buffering */ if (attr->minreq == (uint32_t) -1) attr->minreq = (attr->tlength)/5; /* Ask for more data when there are only 200ms left in the playback buffer */ if (attr->prebuf == (uint32_t) -1) attr->prebuf = attr->tlength; /* Start to play only when the playback is fully filled up once */ if (attr->fragsize == (uint32_t) -1) attr->fragsize = attr->tlength; /* Pass data to the app only when the buffer is filled up once */ } void pa_create_stream_callback(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, uint32_t tag, pa_tagstruct *t, void *userdata) { pa_stream *s = userdata; uint32_t requested_bytes = 0; pa_assert(pd); pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); pa_assert(s->state == PA_STREAM_CREATING); pa_stream_ref(s); if (command != PA_COMMAND_REPLY) { if (pa_context_handle_error(s->context, command, t, false) < 0) goto finish; pa_stream_set_state(s, PA_STREAM_FAILED); goto finish; } if (pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &s->channel) < 0 || s->channel == PA_INVALID_INDEX || ((s->direction != PA_STREAM_UPLOAD) && (pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &s->stream_index) < 0 || s->stream_index == PA_INVALID_INDEX)) || ((s->direction != PA_STREAM_RECORD) && pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &requested_bytes) < 0)) { pa_context_fail(s->context, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } s->requested_bytes = (int64_t) requested_bytes; if (s->context->version >= 9) { if (s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) { if (pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &s->buffer_attr.maxlength) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &s->buffer_attr.tlength) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &s->buffer_attr.prebuf) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &s->buffer_attr.minreq) < 0) { pa_context_fail(s->context, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } } else if (s->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD) { if (pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &s->buffer_attr.maxlength) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &s->buffer_attr.fragsize) < 0) { pa_context_fail(s->context, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } } } if (s->context->version >= 12 && s->direction != PA_STREAM_UPLOAD) { pa_sample_spec ss; pa_channel_map cm; const char *dn = NULL; bool suspended; if (pa_tagstruct_get_sample_spec(t, &ss) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_get_channel_map(t, &cm) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &s->device_index) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_gets(t, &dn) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_get_boolean(t, &suspended) < 0) { pa_context_fail(s->context, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } if (!dn || s->device_index == PA_INVALID_INDEX || ss.channels != cm.channels || !pa_channel_map_valid(&cm) || !pa_sample_spec_valid(&ss) || (s->n_formats == 0 && ( (!(s->flags & PA_STREAM_FIX_FORMAT) && ss.format != s->sample_spec.format) || (!(s->flags & PA_STREAM_FIX_RATE) && ss.rate != s->sample_spec.rate) || (!(s->flags & PA_STREAM_FIX_CHANNELS) && !pa_channel_map_equal(&cm, &s->channel_map))))) { pa_context_fail(s->context, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } pa_xfree(s->device_name); s->device_name = pa_xstrdup(dn); s->suspended = suspended; s->channel_map = cm; s->sample_spec = ss; } if (s->context->version >= 13 && s->direction != PA_STREAM_UPLOAD) { pa_usec_t usec; if (pa_tagstruct_get_usec(t, &usec) < 0) { pa_context_fail(s->context, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } if (s->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD) s->timing_info.configured_source_usec = usec; else s->timing_info.configured_sink_usec = usec; } if ((s->context->version >= 21 && s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) || s->context->version >= 22) { pa_format_info *f = pa_format_info_new(); pa_tagstruct_get_format_info(t, f); if (pa_format_info_valid(f)) s->format = f; else { pa_format_info_free(f); if (s->n_formats > 0) { /* We used the extended API, so we should have got back a proper format */ pa_context_fail(s->context, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } } } if (!pa_tagstruct_eof(t)) { pa_context_fail(s->context, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } if (s->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD) { pa_assert(!s->record_memblockq); s->record_memblockq = pa_memblockq_new( "client side record memblockq", 0, s->buffer_attr.maxlength, 0, &s->sample_spec, 1, 0, 0, NULL); } s->channel_valid = true; pa_hashmap_put((s->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD) ? s->context->record_streams : s->context->playback_streams, PA_UINT32_TO_PTR(s->channel), s); create_stream_complete(s); finish: pa_stream_unref(s); } static int create_stream( pa_stream_direction_t direction, pa_stream *s, const char *dev, const pa_buffer_attr *attr, pa_stream_flags_t flags, const pa_cvolume *volume, pa_stream *sync_stream) { pa_tagstruct *t; uint32_t tag; bool volume_set = !!volume; pa_cvolume cv; uint32_t i; pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); pa_assert(direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK || direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_UNCONNECTED, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->direct_on_input == PA_INVALID_INDEX || direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, !(flags & ~(PA_STREAM_START_CORKED| PA_STREAM_INTERPOLATE_TIMING| PA_STREAM_NOT_MONOTONIC| PA_STREAM_AUTO_TIMING_UPDATE| PA_STREAM_NO_REMAP_CHANNELS| PA_STREAM_NO_REMIX_CHANNELS| PA_STREAM_FIX_FORMAT| PA_STREAM_FIX_RATE| PA_STREAM_FIX_CHANNELS| PA_STREAM_DONT_MOVE| PA_STREAM_VARIABLE_RATE| PA_STREAM_PEAK_DETECT| PA_STREAM_START_MUTED| PA_STREAM_ADJUST_LATENCY| PA_STREAM_EARLY_REQUESTS| PA_STREAM_DONT_INHIBIT_AUTO_SUSPEND| PA_STREAM_START_UNMUTED| PA_STREAM_FAIL_ON_SUSPEND| PA_STREAM_RELATIVE_VOLUME| PA_STREAM_PASSTHROUGH)), PA_ERR_INVALID); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->context->version >= 12 || !(flags & PA_STREAM_VARIABLE_RATE), PA_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->context->version >= 13 || !(flags & PA_STREAM_PEAK_DETECT), PA_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->context->state == PA_CONTEXT_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); /* Although some of the other flags are not supported on older * version, we don't check for them here, because it doesn't hurt * when they are passed but actually not supported. This makes * client development easier */ PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD || !(flags & (PA_STREAM_PEAK_DETECT)), PA_ERR_INVALID); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, !sync_stream || (direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK && sync_stream->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK), PA_ERR_INVALID); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, (flags & (PA_STREAM_ADJUST_LATENCY|PA_STREAM_EARLY_REQUESTS)) != (PA_STREAM_ADJUST_LATENCY|PA_STREAM_EARLY_REQUESTS), PA_ERR_INVALID); pa_stream_ref(s); s->direction = direction; if (sync_stream) s->syncid = sync_stream->syncid; if (attr) s->buffer_attr = *attr; patch_buffer_attr(s, &s->buffer_attr, &flags); s->flags = flags; s->corked = !!(flags & PA_STREAM_START_CORKED); if (flags & PA_STREAM_INTERPOLATE_TIMING) { pa_usec_t x; x = pa_rtclock_now(); pa_assert(!s->smoother); s->smoother = pa_smoother_new( SMOOTHER_ADJUST_TIME, SMOOTHER_HISTORY_TIME, !(flags & PA_STREAM_NOT_MONOTONIC), true, SMOOTHER_MIN_HISTORY, x, true); } if (!dev) dev = s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK ? s->context->conf->default_sink : s->context->conf->default_source; t = pa_tagstruct_command( s->context, (uint32_t) (s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK ? PA_COMMAND_CREATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM : PA_COMMAND_CREATE_RECORD_STREAM), &tag); if (s->context->version < 13) pa_tagstruct_puts(t, pa_proplist_gets(s->proplist, PA_PROP_MEDIA_NAME)); pa_tagstruct_put( t, PA_TAG_SAMPLE_SPEC, &s->sample_spec, PA_TAG_CHANNEL_MAP, &s->channel_map, PA_TAG_U32, PA_INVALID_INDEX, PA_TAG_STRING, dev, PA_TAG_U32, s->buffer_attr.maxlength, PA_TAG_BOOLEAN, s->corked, PA_TAG_INVALID); if (!volume) { if (pa_sample_spec_valid(&s->sample_spec)) volume = pa_cvolume_reset(&cv, s->sample_spec.channels); else { /* This is not really relevant, since no volume was set, and * the real number of channels is embedded in the format_info * structure */ volume = pa_cvolume_reset(&cv, PA_CHANNELS_MAX); } } if (s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) { pa_tagstruct_put( t, PA_TAG_U32, s->buffer_attr.tlength, PA_TAG_U32, s->buffer_attr.prebuf, PA_TAG_U32, s->buffer_attr.minreq, PA_TAG_U32, s->syncid, PA_TAG_INVALID); pa_tagstruct_put_cvolume(t, volume); } else pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->buffer_attr.fragsize); if (s->context->version >= 12) { pa_tagstruct_put( t, PA_TAG_BOOLEAN, flags & PA_STREAM_NO_REMAP_CHANNELS, PA_TAG_BOOLEAN, flags & PA_STREAM_NO_REMIX_CHANNELS, PA_TAG_BOOLEAN, flags & PA_STREAM_FIX_FORMAT, PA_TAG_BOOLEAN, flags & PA_STREAM_FIX_RATE, PA_TAG_BOOLEAN, flags & PA_STREAM_FIX_CHANNELS, PA_TAG_BOOLEAN, flags & PA_STREAM_DONT_MOVE, PA_TAG_BOOLEAN, flags & PA_STREAM_VARIABLE_RATE, PA_TAG_INVALID); } if (s->context->version >= 13) { if (s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) pa_tagstruct_put_boolean(t, flags & PA_STREAM_START_MUTED); else pa_tagstruct_put_boolean(t, flags & PA_STREAM_PEAK_DETECT); pa_tagstruct_put( t, PA_TAG_BOOLEAN, flags & PA_STREAM_ADJUST_LATENCY, PA_TAG_PROPLIST, s->proplist, PA_TAG_INVALID); if (s->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD) pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->direct_on_input); } if (s->context->version >= 14) { if (s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) pa_tagstruct_put_boolean(t, volume_set); pa_tagstruct_put_boolean(t, flags & PA_STREAM_EARLY_REQUESTS); } if (s->context->version >= 15) { if (s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) pa_tagstruct_put_boolean(t, flags & (PA_STREAM_START_MUTED|PA_STREAM_START_UNMUTED)); pa_tagstruct_put_boolean(t, flags & PA_STREAM_DONT_INHIBIT_AUTO_SUSPEND); pa_tagstruct_put_boolean(t, flags & PA_STREAM_FAIL_ON_SUSPEND); } if (s->context->version >= 17 && s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) pa_tagstruct_put_boolean(t, flags & PA_STREAM_RELATIVE_VOLUME); if (s->context->version >= 18 && s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) pa_tagstruct_put_boolean(t, flags & (PA_STREAM_PASSTHROUGH)); if ((s->context->version >= 21 && s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) || s->context->version >= 22) { pa_tagstruct_putu8(t, s->n_formats); for (i = 0; i < s->n_formats; i++) pa_tagstruct_put_format_info(t, s->req_formats[i]); } if (s->context->version >= 22 && s->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD) { pa_tagstruct_put_cvolume(t, volume); pa_tagstruct_put_boolean(t, flags & PA_STREAM_START_MUTED); pa_tagstruct_put_boolean(t, volume_set); pa_tagstruct_put_boolean(t, flags & (PA_STREAM_START_MUTED|PA_STREAM_START_UNMUTED)); pa_tagstruct_put_boolean(t, flags & PA_STREAM_RELATIVE_VOLUME); pa_tagstruct_put_boolean(t, flags & (PA_STREAM_PASSTHROUGH)); } pa_pstream_send_tagstruct(s->context->pstream, t); pa_pdispatch_register_reply(s->context->pdispatch, tag, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, pa_create_stream_callback, s, NULL); pa_stream_set_state(s, PA_STREAM_CREATING); pa_stream_unref(s); return 0; } int pa_stream_connect_playback( pa_stream *s, const char *dev, const pa_buffer_attr *attr, pa_stream_flags_t flags, const pa_cvolume *volume, pa_stream *sync_stream) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); return create_stream(PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK, s, dev, attr, flags, volume, sync_stream); } int pa_stream_connect_record( pa_stream *s, const char *dev, const pa_buffer_attr *attr, pa_stream_flags_t flags) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); return create_stream(PA_STREAM_RECORD, s, dev, attr, flags, NULL, NULL); } int pa_stream_begin_write( pa_stream *s, void **data, size_t *nbytes) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK || s->direction == PA_STREAM_UPLOAD, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, data, PA_ERR_INVALID); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, nbytes && *nbytes != 0, PA_ERR_INVALID); if (*nbytes != (size_t) -1) { size_t m, fs; m = pa_mempool_block_size_max(s->context->mempool); fs = pa_frame_size(&s->sample_spec); m = (m / fs) * fs; if (*nbytes > m) *nbytes = m; } if (!s->write_memblock) { s->write_memblock = pa_memblock_new(s->context->mempool, *nbytes); s->write_data = pa_memblock_acquire(s->write_memblock); } *data = s->write_data; *nbytes = pa_memblock_get_length(s->write_memblock); return 0; } int pa_stream_cancel_write( pa_stream *s) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK || s->direction == PA_STREAM_UPLOAD, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->write_memblock, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); pa_assert(s->write_data); pa_memblock_release(s->write_memblock); pa_memblock_unref(s->write_memblock); s->write_memblock = NULL; s->write_data = NULL; return 0; } int pa_stream_write_ext_free( pa_stream *s, const void *data, size_t length, pa_free_cb_t free_cb, void *free_cb_data, int64_t offset, pa_seek_mode_t seek) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); pa_assert(data); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK || s->direction == PA_STREAM_UPLOAD, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, seek <= PA_SEEK_RELATIVE_END, PA_ERR_INVALID); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK || (seek == PA_SEEK_RELATIVE && offset == 0), PA_ERR_INVALID); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, !s->write_memblock || ((data >= s->write_data) && ((const char*) data + length <= (const char*) s->write_data + pa_memblock_get_length(s->write_memblock))), PA_ERR_INVALID); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, offset % pa_frame_size(&s->sample_spec) == 0, PA_ERR_INVALID); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, length % pa_frame_size(&s->sample_spec) == 0, PA_ERR_INVALID); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, !free_cb || !s->write_memblock, PA_ERR_INVALID); if (s->write_memblock) { pa_memchunk chunk; /* pa_stream_write_begin() was called before */ pa_memblock_release(s->write_memblock); chunk.memblock = s->write_memblock; chunk.index = (const char *) data - (const char *) s->write_data; chunk.length = length; s->write_memblock = NULL; s->write_data = NULL; pa_pstream_send_memblock(s->context->pstream, s->channel, offset, seek, &chunk); pa_memblock_unref(chunk.memblock); } else { pa_seek_mode_t t_seek = seek; int64_t t_offset = offset; size_t t_length = length; const void *t_data = data; /* pa_stream_write_begin() was not called before */ while (t_length > 0) { pa_memchunk chunk; chunk.index = 0; if (free_cb && !pa_pstream_get_shm(s->context->pstream)) { chunk.memblock = pa_memblock_new_user(s->context->mempool, (void*) t_data, t_length, free_cb, free_cb_data, 1); chunk.length = t_length; } else { void *d; chunk.length = PA_MIN(t_length, pa_mempool_block_size_max(s->context->mempool)); chunk.memblock = pa_memblock_new(s->context->mempool, chunk.length); d = pa_memblock_acquire(chunk.memblock); memcpy(d, t_data, chunk.length); pa_memblock_release(chunk.memblock); } pa_pstream_send_memblock(s->context->pstream, s->channel, t_offset, t_seek, &chunk); t_offset = 0; t_seek = PA_SEEK_RELATIVE; t_data = (const uint8_t*) t_data + chunk.length; t_length -= chunk.length; pa_memblock_unref(chunk.memblock); } if (free_cb && pa_pstream_get_shm(s->context->pstream)) free_cb(free_cb_data); } /* This is obviously wrong since we ignore the seeking index . But * that's OK, the server side applies the same error */ s->requested_bytes -= (seek == PA_SEEK_RELATIVE ? offset : 0) + (int64_t) length; #ifdef STREAM_DEBUG pa_log_debug("wrote %lli, now at %lli", (long long) length, (long long) s->requested_bytes); #endif if (s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) { /* Update latency request correction */ if (s->write_index_corrections[s->current_write_index_correction].valid) { if (seek == PA_SEEK_ABSOLUTE) { s->write_index_corrections[s->current_write_index_correction].corrupt = false; s->write_index_corrections[s->current_write_index_correction].absolute = true; s->write_index_corrections[s->current_write_index_correction].value = offset + (int64_t) length; } else if (seek == PA_SEEK_RELATIVE) { if (!s->write_index_corrections[s->current_write_index_correction].corrupt) s->write_index_corrections[s->current_write_index_correction].value += offset + (int64_t) length; } else s->write_index_corrections[s->current_write_index_correction].corrupt = true; } /* Update the write index in the already available latency data */ if (s->timing_info_valid) { if (seek == PA_SEEK_ABSOLUTE) { s->timing_info.write_index_corrupt = false; s->timing_info.write_index = offset + (int64_t) length; } else if (seek == PA_SEEK_RELATIVE) { if (!s->timing_info.write_index_corrupt) s->timing_info.write_index += offset + (int64_t) length; } else s->timing_info.write_index_corrupt = true; } if (!s->timing_info_valid || s->timing_info.write_index_corrupt) request_auto_timing_update(s, true); } return 0; } int pa_stream_write( pa_stream *s, const void *data, size_t length, pa_free_cb_t free_cb, int64_t offset, pa_seek_mode_t seek) { return pa_stream_write_ext_free(s, data, length, free_cb, (void*) data, offset, seek); } int pa_stream_peek(pa_stream *s, const void **data, size_t *length) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); pa_assert(data); pa_assert(length); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); if (!s->peek_memchunk.memblock) { if (pa_memblockq_peek(s->record_memblockq, &s->peek_memchunk) < 0) { /* record_memblockq is empty. */ *data = NULL; *length = 0; return 0; } else if (!s->peek_memchunk.memblock) { /* record_memblockq isn't empty, but it doesn't have any data at * the current read index. */ *data = NULL; *length = s->peek_memchunk.length; return 0; } s->peek_data = pa_memblock_acquire(s->peek_memchunk.memblock); } pa_assert(s->peek_data); *data = (uint8_t*) s->peek_data + s->peek_memchunk.index; *length = s->peek_memchunk.length; return 0; } int pa_stream_drop(pa_stream *s) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->peek_memchunk.length > 0, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); pa_memblockq_drop(s->record_memblockq, s->peek_memchunk.length); /* Fix the simulated local read index */ if (s->timing_info_valid && !s->timing_info.read_index_corrupt) s->timing_info.read_index += (int64_t) s->peek_memchunk.length; if (s->peek_memchunk.memblock) { pa_assert(s->peek_data); s->peek_data = NULL; pa_memblock_release(s->peek_memchunk.memblock); pa_memblock_unref(s->peek_memchunk.memblock); } pa_memchunk_reset(&s->peek_memchunk); return 0; } size_t pa_stream_writable_size(pa_stream *s) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_ANY(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED, (size_t) -1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_ANY(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE, (size_t) -1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_ANY(s->context, s->direction != PA_STREAM_RECORD, PA_ERR_BADSTATE, (size_t) -1); return s->requested_bytes > 0 ? (size_t) s->requested_bytes : 0; } size_t pa_stream_readable_size(pa_stream *s) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_ANY(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED, (size_t) -1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_ANY(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE, (size_t) -1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_ANY(s->context, s->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD, PA_ERR_BADSTATE, (size_t) -1); return pa_memblockq_get_length(s->record_memblockq); } pa_operation * pa_stream_drain(pa_stream *s, pa_stream_success_cb_t cb, void *userdata) { pa_operation *o; pa_tagstruct *t; uint32_t tag; pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); /* Ask for a timing update before we cork/uncork to get the best * accuracy for the transport latency suitable for the * check_smoother_status() call in the started callback */ request_auto_timing_update(s, true); o = pa_operation_new(s->context, s, (pa_operation_cb_t) cb, userdata); t = pa_tagstruct_command(s->context, PA_COMMAND_DRAIN_PLAYBACK_STREAM, &tag); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->channel); pa_pstream_send_tagstruct(s->context->pstream, t); pa_pdispatch_register_reply(s->context->pdispatch, tag, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, pa_stream_simple_ack_callback, pa_operation_ref(o), (pa_free_cb_t) pa_operation_unref); /* This might cause the read index to continue again, hence * let's request a timing update */ request_auto_timing_update(s, true); return o; } static pa_usec_t calc_time(pa_stream *s, bool ignore_transport) { pa_usec_t usec; pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); pa_assert(s->state == PA_STREAM_READY); pa_assert(s->direction != PA_STREAM_UPLOAD); pa_assert(s->timing_info_valid); pa_assert(s->direction != PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK || !s->timing_info.read_index_corrupt); pa_assert(s->direction != PA_STREAM_RECORD || !s->timing_info.write_index_corrupt); if (s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) { /* The last byte that was written into the output device * had this time value associated */ usec = pa_bytes_to_usec(s->timing_info.read_index < 0 ? 0 : (uint64_t) s->timing_info.read_index, &s->sample_spec); if (!s->corked && !s->suspended) { if (!ignore_transport) /* Because the latency info took a little time to come * to us, we assume that the real output time is actually * a little ahead */ usec += s->timing_info.transport_usec; /* However, the output device usually maintains a buffer too, hence the real sample currently played is a little back */ if (s->timing_info.sink_usec >= usec) usec = 0; else usec -= s->timing_info.sink_usec; } } else { pa_assert(s->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD); /* The last byte written into the server side queue had * this time value associated */ usec = pa_bytes_to_usec(s->timing_info.write_index < 0 ? 0 : (uint64_t) s->timing_info.write_index, &s->sample_spec); if (!s->corked && !s->suspended) { if (!ignore_transport) /* Add transport latency */ usec += s->timing_info.transport_usec; /* Add latency of data in device buffer */ usec += s->timing_info.source_usec; /* If this is a monitor source, we need to correct the * time by the playback device buffer */ if (s->timing_info.sink_usec >= usec) usec = 0; else usec -= s->timing_info.sink_usec; } } return usec; } static void stream_get_timing_info_callback(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, uint32_t tag, pa_tagstruct *t, void *userdata) { pa_operation *o = userdata; struct timeval local, remote, now; pa_timing_info *i; bool playing = false; uint64_t underrun_for = 0, playing_for = 0; pa_assert(pd); pa_assert(o); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(o) >= 1); if (!o->context || !o->stream) goto finish; i = &o->stream->timing_info; o->stream->timing_info_valid = false; i->write_index_corrupt = true; i->read_index_corrupt = true; if (command != PA_COMMAND_REPLY) { if (pa_context_handle_error(o->context, command, t, false) < 0) goto finish; } else { if (pa_tagstruct_get_usec(t, &i->sink_usec) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_get_usec(t, &i->source_usec) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_get_boolean(t, &playing) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_get_timeval(t, &local) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_get_timeval(t, &remote) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_gets64(t, &i->write_index) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_gets64(t, &i->read_index) < 0) { pa_context_fail(o->context, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } if (o->context->version >= 13 && o->stream->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) if (pa_tagstruct_getu64(t, &underrun_for) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_getu64(t, &playing_for) < 0) { pa_context_fail(o->context, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } if (!pa_tagstruct_eof(t)) { pa_context_fail(o->context, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } o->stream->timing_info_valid = true; i->write_index_corrupt = false; i->read_index_corrupt = false; i->playing = (int) playing; i->since_underrun = (int64_t) (playing ? playing_for : underrun_for); pa_gettimeofday(&now); /* Calculate timestamps */ if (pa_timeval_cmp(&local, &remote) <= 0 && pa_timeval_cmp(&remote, &now) <= 0) { /* local and remote seem to have synchronized clocks */ if (o->stream->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) i->transport_usec = pa_timeval_diff(&remote, &local); else i->transport_usec = pa_timeval_diff(&now, &remote); i->synchronized_clocks = true; i->timestamp = remote; } else { /* clocks are not synchronized, let's estimate latency then */ i->transport_usec = pa_timeval_diff(&now, &local)/2; i->synchronized_clocks = false; i->timestamp = local; pa_timeval_add(&i->timestamp, i->transport_usec); } /* Invalidate read and write indexes if necessary */ if (tag < o->stream->read_index_not_before) i->read_index_corrupt = true; if (tag < o->stream->write_index_not_before) i->write_index_corrupt = true; if (o->stream->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) { /* Write index correction */ int n, j; uint32_t ctag = tag; /* Go through the saved correction values and add up the * total correction.*/ for (n = 0, j = o->stream->current_write_index_correction+1; n < PA_MAX_WRITE_INDEX_CORRECTIONS; n++, j = (j + 1) % PA_MAX_WRITE_INDEX_CORRECTIONS) { /* Step over invalid data or out-of-date data */ if (!o->stream->write_index_corrections[j].valid || o->stream->write_index_corrections[j].tag < ctag) continue; /* Make sure that everything is in order */ ctag = o->stream->write_index_corrections[j].tag+1; /* Now fix the write index */ if (o->stream->write_index_corrections[j].corrupt) { /* A corrupting seek was made */ i->write_index_corrupt = true; } else if (o->stream->write_index_corrections[j].absolute) { /* An absolute seek was made */ i->write_index = o->stream->write_index_corrections[j].value; i->write_index_corrupt = false; } else if (!i->write_index_corrupt) { /* A relative seek was made */ i->write_index += o->stream->write_index_corrections[j].value; } } /* Clear old correction entries */ for (n = 0; n < PA_MAX_WRITE_INDEX_CORRECTIONS; n++) { if (!o->stream->write_index_corrections[n].valid) continue; if (o->stream->write_index_corrections[n].tag <= tag) o->stream->write_index_corrections[n].valid = false; } } if (o->stream->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD) { /* Read index correction */ if (!i->read_index_corrupt) i->read_index -= (int64_t) pa_memblockq_get_length(o->stream->record_memblockq); } /* Update smoother if we're not corked */ if (o->stream->smoother && !o->stream->corked) { pa_usec_t u, x; u = x = pa_rtclock_now() - i->transport_usec; if (o->stream->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK && o->context->version >= 13) { pa_usec_t su; /* If we weren't playing then it will take some time * until the audio will actually come out through the * speakers. Since we follow that timing here, we need * to try to fix this up */ su = pa_bytes_to_usec((uint64_t) i->since_underrun, &o->stream->sample_spec); if (su < i->sink_usec) x += i->sink_usec - su; } if (!i->playing) pa_smoother_pause(o->stream->smoother, x); /* Update the smoother */ if ((o->stream->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK && !i->read_index_corrupt) || (o->stream->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD && !i->write_index_corrupt)) pa_smoother_put(o->stream->smoother, u, calc_time(o->stream, true)); if (i->playing) pa_smoother_resume(o->stream->smoother, x, true); } } o->stream->auto_timing_update_requested = false; if (o->stream->latency_update_callback) o->stream->latency_update_callback(o->stream, o->stream->latency_update_userdata); if (o->callback && o->stream && o->stream->state == PA_STREAM_READY) { pa_stream_success_cb_t cb = (pa_stream_success_cb_t) o->callback; cb(o->stream, o->stream->timing_info_valid, o->userdata); } finish: pa_operation_done(o); pa_operation_unref(o); } pa_operation* pa_stream_update_timing_info(pa_stream *s, pa_stream_success_cb_t cb, void *userdata) { uint32_t tag; pa_operation *o; pa_tagstruct *t; struct timeval now; int cidx = 0; pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->direction != PA_STREAM_UPLOAD, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); if (s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) { /* Find a place to store the write_index correction data for this entry */ cidx = (s->current_write_index_correction + 1) % PA_MAX_WRITE_INDEX_CORRECTIONS; /* Check if we could allocate a correction slot. If not, there are too many outstanding queries */ PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, !s->write_index_corrections[cidx].valid, PA_ERR_INTERNAL); } o = pa_operation_new(s->context, s, (pa_operation_cb_t) cb, userdata); t = pa_tagstruct_command( s->context, (uint32_t) (s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK ? PA_COMMAND_GET_PLAYBACK_LATENCY : PA_COMMAND_GET_RECORD_LATENCY), &tag); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->channel); pa_tagstruct_put_timeval(t, pa_gettimeofday(&now)); pa_pstream_send_tagstruct(s->context->pstream, t); pa_pdispatch_register_reply(s->context->pdispatch, tag, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, stream_get_timing_info_callback, pa_operation_ref(o), (pa_free_cb_t) pa_operation_unref); if (s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) { /* Fill in initial correction data */ s->current_write_index_correction = cidx; s->write_index_corrections[cidx].valid = true; s->write_index_corrections[cidx].absolute = false; s->write_index_corrections[cidx].corrupt = false; s->write_index_corrections[cidx].tag = tag; s->write_index_corrections[cidx].value = 0; } return o; } void pa_stream_disconnect_callback(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, uint32_t tag, pa_tagstruct *t, void *userdata) { pa_stream *s = userdata; pa_assert(pd); pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); pa_stream_ref(s); if (command != PA_COMMAND_REPLY) { if (pa_context_handle_error(s->context, command, t, false) < 0) goto finish; pa_stream_set_state(s, PA_STREAM_FAILED); goto finish; } else if (!pa_tagstruct_eof(t)) { pa_context_fail(s->context, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } pa_stream_set_state(s, PA_STREAM_TERMINATED); finish: pa_stream_unref(s); } int pa_stream_disconnect(pa_stream *s) { pa_tagstruct *t; uint32_t tag; pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->channel_valid, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->context->state == PA_CONTEXT_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); pa_stream_ref(s); t = pa_tagstruct_command( s->context, (uint32_t) (s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK ? PA_COMMAND_DELETE_PLAYBACK_STREAM : (s->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD ? PA_COMMAND_DELETE_RECORD_STREAM : PA_COMMAND_DELETE_UPLOAD_STREAM)), &tag); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->channel); pa_pstream_send_tagstruct(s->context->pstream, t); pa_pdispatch_register_reply(s->context->pdispatch, tag, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, pa_stream_disconnect_callback, s, NULL); pa_stream_unref(s); return 0; } void pa_stream_set_read_callback(pa_stream *s, pa_stream_request_cb_t cb, void *userdata) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); if (pa_detect_fork()) return; if (s->state == PA_STREAM_TERMINATED || s->state == PA_STREAM_FAILED) return; s->read_callback = cb; s->read_userdata = userdata; } void pa_stream_set_write_callback(pa_stream *s, pa_stream_request_cb_t cb, void *userdata) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); if (pa_detect_fork()) return; if (s->state == PA_STREAM_TERMINATED || s->state == PA_STREAM_FAILED) return; s->write_callback = cb; s->write_userdata = userdata; } void pa_stream_set_state_callback(pa_stream *s, pa_stream_notify_cb_t cb, void *userdata) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); if (pa_detect_fork()) return; if (s->state == PA_STREAM_TERMINATED || s->state == PA_STREAM_FAILED) return; s->state_callback = cb; s->state_userdata = userdata; } void pa_stream_set_overflow_callback(pa_stream *s, pa_stream_notify_cb_t cb, void *userdata) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); if (pa_detect_fork()) return; if (s->state == PA_STREAM_TERMINATED || s->state == PA_STREAM_FAILED) return; s->overflow_callback = cb; s->overflow_userdata = userdata; } void pa_stream_set_underflow_callback(pa_stream *s, pa_stream_notify_cb_t cb, void *userdata) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); if (pa_detect_fork()) return; if (s->state == PA_STREAM_TERMINATED || s->state == PA_STREAM_FAILED) return; s->underflow_callback = cb; s->underflow_userdata = userdata; } void pa_stream_set_latency_update_callback(pa_stream *s, pa_stream_notify_cb_t cb, void *userdata) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); if (pa_detect_fork()) return; if (s->state == PA_STREAM_TERMINATED || s->state == PA_STREAM_FAILED) return; s->latency_update_callback = cb; s->latency_update_userdata = userdata; } void pa_stream_set_moved_callback(pa_stream *s, pa_stream_notify_cb_t cb, void *userdata) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); if (pa_detect_fork()) return; if (s->state == PA_STREAM_TERMINATED || s->state == PA_STREAM_FAILED) return; s->moved_callback = cb; s->moved_userdata = userdata; } void pa_stream_set_suspended_callback(pa_stream *s, pa_stream_notify_cb_t cb, void *userdata) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); if (pa_detect_fork()) return; if (s->state == PA_STREAM_TERMINATED || s->state == PA_STREAM_FAILED) return; s->suspended_callback = cb; s->suspended_userdata = userdata; } void pa_stream_set_started_callback(pa_stream *s, pa_stream_notify_cb_t cb, void *userdata) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); if (pa_detect_fork()) return; if (s->state == PA_STREAM_TERMINATED || s->state == PA_STREAM_FAILED) return; s->started_callback = cb; s->started_userdata = userdata; } void pa_stream_set_event_callback(pa_stream *s, pa_stream_event_cb_t cb, void *userdata) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); if (pa_detect_fork()) return; if (s->state == PA_STREAM_TERMINATED || s->state == PA_STREAM_FAILED) return; s->event_callback = cb; s->event_userdata = userdata; } void pa_stream_set_buffer_attr_callback(pa_stream *s, pa_stream_notify_cb_t cb, void *userdata) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); if (pa_detect_fork()) return; if (s->state == PA_STREAM_TERMINATED || s->state == PA_STREAM_FAILED) return; s->buffer_attr_callback = cb; s->buffer_attr_userdata = userdata; } void pa_stream_simple_ack_callback(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, uint32_t tag, pa_tagstruct *t, void *userdata) { pa_operation *o = userdata; int success = 1; pa_assert(pd); pa_assert(o); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(o) >= 1); if (!o->context) goto finish; if (command != PA_COMMAND_REPLY) { if (pa_context_handle_error(o->context, command, t, false) < 0) goto finish; success = 0; } else if (!pa_tagstruct_eof(t)) { pa_context_fail(o->context, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } if (o->callback) { pa_stream_success_cb_t cb = (pa_stream_success_cb_t) o->callback; cb(o->stream, success, o->userdata); } finish: pa_operation_done(o); pa_operation_unref(o); } pa_operation* pa_stream_cork(pa_stream *s, int b, pa_stream_success_cb_t cb, void *userdata) { pa_operation *o; pa_tagstruct *t; uint32_t tag; pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->direction != PA_STREAM_UPLOAD, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); /* Ask for a timing update before we cork/uncork to get the best * accuracy for the transport latency suitable for the * check_smoother_status() call in the started callback */ request_auto_timing_update(s, true); s->corked = b; o = pa_operation_new(s->context, s, (pa_operation_cb_t) cb, userdata); t = pa_tagstruct_command( s->context, (uint32_t) (s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK ? PA_COMMAND_CORK_PLAYBACK_STREAM : PA_COMMAND_CORK_RECORD_STREAM), &tag); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->channel); pa_tagstruct_put_boolean(t, !!b); pa_pstream_send_tagstruct(s->context->pstream, t); pa_pdispatch_register_reply(s->context->pdispatch, tag, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, pa_stream_simple_ack_callback, pa_operation_ref(o), (pa_free_cb_t) pa_operation_unref); check_smoother_status(s, false, false, false); /* This might cause the indexes to hang/start again, hence let's * request a timing update, after the cork/uncork, too */ request_auto_timing_update(s, true); return o; } static pa_operation* stream_send_simple_command(pa_stream *s, uint32_t command, pa_stream_success_cb_t cb, void *userdata) { pa_tagstruct *t; pa_operation *o; uint32_t tag; pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); o = pa_operation_new(s->context, s, (pa_operation_cb_t) cb, userdata); t = pa_tagstruct_command(s->context, command, &tag); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->channel); pa_pstream_send_tagstruct(s->context->pstream, t); pa_pdispatch_register_reply(s->context->pdispatch, tag, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, pa_stream_simple_ack_callback, pa_operation_ref(o), (pa_free_cb_t) pa_operation_unref); return o; } pa_operation* pa_stream_flush(pa_stream *s, pa_stream_success_cb_t cb, void *userdata) { pa_operation *o; pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->direction != PA_STREAM_UPLOAD, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); /* Ask for a timing update *before* the flush, so that the * transport usec is as up to date as possible when we get the * underflow message and update the smoother status*/ request_auto_timing_update(s, true); if (!(o = stream_send_simple_command(s, (uint32_t) (s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK ? PA_COMMAND_FLUSH_PLAYBACK_STREAM : PA_COMMAND_FLUSH_RECORD_STREAM), cb, userdata))) return NULL; if (s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) { if (s->write_index_corrections[s->current_write_index_correction].valid) s->write_index_corrections[s->current_write_index_correction].corrupt = true; if (s->buffer_attr.prebuf > 0) check_smoother_status(s, false, false, true); /* This will change the write index, but leave the * read index untouched. */ invalidate_indexes(s, false, true); } else /* For record streams this has no influence on the write * index, but the read index might jump. */ invalidate_indexes(s, true, false); /* Note that we do not update requested_bytes here. This is * because we cannot really know how data actually was dropped * from the write index due to this. This 'error' will be applied * by both client and server and hence we should be fine. */ return o; } pa_operation* pa_stream_prebuf(pa_stream *s, pa_stream_success_cb_t cb, void *userdata) { pa_operation *o; pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->buffer_attr.prebuf > 0, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); /* Ask for a timing update before we cork/uncork to get the best * accuracy for the transport latency suitable for the * check_smoother_status() call in the started callback */ request_auto_timing_update(s, true); if (!(o = stream_send_simple_command(s, PA_COMMAND_PREBUF_PLAYBACK_STREAM, cb, userdata))) return NULL; /* This might cause the read index to hang again, hence * let's request a timing update */ request_auto_timing_update(s, true); return o; } pa_operation* pa_stream_trigger(pa_stream *s, pa_stream_success_cb_t cb, void *userdata) { pa_operation *o; pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->buffer_attr.prebuf > 0, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); /* Ask for a timing update before we cork/uncork to get the best * accuracy for the transport latency suitable for the * check_smoother_status() call in the started callback */ request_auto_timing_update(s, true); if (!(o = stream_send_simple_command(s, PA_COMMAND_TRIGGER_PLAYBACK_STREAM, cb, userdata))) return NULL; /* This might cause the read index to start moving again, hence * let's request a timing update */ request_auto_timing_update(s, true); return o; } pa_operation* pa_stream_set_name(pa_stream *s, const char *name, pa_stream_success_cb_t cb, void *userdata) { pa_operation *o; pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); pa_assert(name); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->direction != PA_STREAM_UPLOAD, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); if (s->context->version >= 13) { pa_proplist *p = pa_proplist_new(); pa_proplist_sets(p, PA_PROP_MEDIA_NAME, name); o = pa_stream_proplist_update(s, PA_UPDATE_REPLACE, p, cb, userdata); pa_proplist_free(p); } else { pa_tagstruct *t; uint32_t tag; o = pa_operation_new(s->context, s, (pa_operation_cb_t) cb, userdata); t = pa_tagstruct_command( s->context, (uint32_t) (s->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD ? PA_COMMAND_SET_RECORD_STREAM_NAME : PA_COMMAND_SET_PLAYBACK_STREAM_NAME), &tag); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->channel); pa_tagstruct_puts(t, name); pa_pstream_send_tagstruct(s->context->pstream, t); pa_pdispatch_register_reply(s->context->pdispatch, tag, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, pa_stream_simple_ack_callback, pa_operation_ref(o), (pa_free_cb_t) pa_operation_unref); } return o; } int pa_stream_get_time(pa_stream *s, pa_usec_t *r_usec) { pa_usec_t usec; pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->direction != PA_STREAM_UPLOAD, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->timing_info_valid, PA_ERR_NODATA); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->direction != PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK || !s->timing_info.read_index_corrupt, PA_ERR_NODATA); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->direction != PA_STREAM_RECORD || !s->timing_info.write_index_corrupt, PA_ERR_NODATA); if (s->smoother) usec = pa_smoother_get(s->smoother, pa_rtclock_now()); else usec = calc_time(s, false); /* Make sure the time runs monotonically */ if (!(s->flags & PA_STREAM_NOT_MONOTONIC)) { if (usec < s->previous_time) usec = s->previous_time; else s->previous_time = usec; } if (r_usec) *r_usec = usec; return 0; } static pa_usec_t time_counter_diff(pa_stream *s, pa_usec_t a, pa_usec_t b, int *negative) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); if (negative) *negative = 0; if (a >= b) return a-b; else { if (negative && s->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD) { *negative = 1; return b-a; } else return 0; } } int pa_stream_get_latency(pa_stream *s, pa_usec_t *r_usec, int *negative) { pa_usec_t t, c; int r; int64_t cindex; pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); pa_assert(r_usec); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->direction != PA_STREAM_UPLOAD, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->timing_info_valid, PA_ERR_NODATA); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->direction != PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK || !s->timing_info.write_index_corrupt, PA_ERR_NODATA); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->direction != PA_STREAM_RECORD || !s->timing_info.read_index_corrupt, PA_ERR_NODATA); if ((r = pa_stream_get_time(s, &t)) < 0) return r; if (s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) cindex = s->timing_info.write_index; else cindex = s->timing_info.read_index; if (cindex < 0) cindex = 0; c = pa_bytes_to_usec((uint64_t) cindex, &s->sample_spec); if (s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) *r_usec = time_counter_diff(s, c, t, negative); else *r_usec = time_counter_diff(s, t, c, negative); return 0; } const pa_timing_info* pa_stream_get_timing_info(pa_stream *s) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->direction != PA_STREAM_UPLOAD, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->timing_info_valid, PA_ERR_NODATA); return &s->timing_info; } const pa_sample_spec* pa_stream_get_sample_spec(pa_stream *s) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); return &s->sample_spec; } const pa_channel_map* pa_stream_get_channel_map(pa_stream *s) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); return &s->channel_map; } const pa_format_info* pa_stream_get_format_info(pa_stream *s) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); /* We don't have the format till routing is done */ PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); return s->format; } const pa_buffer_attr* pa_stream_get_buffer_attr(pa_stream *s) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->direction != PA_STREAM_UPLOAD, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->context->version >= 9, PA_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED); return &s->buffer_attr; } static void stream_set_buffer_attr_callback(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, uint32_t tag, pa_tagstruct *t, void *userdata) { pa_operation *o = userdata; int success = 1; pa_assert(pd); pa_assert(o); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(o) >= 1); if (!o->context) goto finish; if (command != PA_COMMAND_REPLY) { if (pa_context_handle_error(o->context, command, t, false) < 0) goto finish; success = 0; } else { if (o->stream->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) { if (pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &o->stream->buffer_attr.maxlength) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &o->stream->buffer_attr.tlength) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &o->stream->buffer_attr.prebuf) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &o->stream->buffer_attr.minreq) < 0) { pa_context_fail(o->context, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } } else if (o->stream->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD) { if (pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &o->stream->buffer_attr.maxlength) < 0 || pa_tagstruct_getu32(t, &o->stream->buffer_attr.fragsize) < 0) { pa_context_fail(o->context, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } } if (o->stream->context->version >= 13) { pa_usec_t usec; if (pa_tagstruct_get_usec(t, &usec) < 0) { pa_context_fail(o->context, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } if (o->stream->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD) o->stream->timing_info.configured_source_usec = usec; else o->stream->timing_info.configured_sink_usec = usec; } if (!pa_tagstruct_eof(t)) { pa_context_fail(o->context, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } } if (o->callback) { pa_stream_success_cb_t cb = (pa_stream_success_cb_t) o->callback; cb(o->stream, success, o->userdata); } finish: pa_operation_done(o); pa_operation_unref(o); } pa_operation* pa_stream_set_buffer_attr(pa_stream *s, const pa_buffer_attr *attr, pa_stream_success_cb_t cb, void *userdata) { pa_operation *o; pa_tagstruct *t; uint32_t tag; pa_buffer_attr copy; pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); pa_assert(attr); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->direction != PA_STREAM_UPLOAD, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->context->version >= 12, PA_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED); /* Ask for a timing update before we cork/uncork to get the best * accuracy for the transport latency suitable for the * check_smoother_status() call in the started callback */ request_auto_timing_update(s, true); o = pa_operation_new(s->context, s, (pa_operation_cb_t) cb, userdata); t = pa_tagstruct_command( s->context, (uint32_t) (s->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD ? PA_COMMAND_SET_RECORD_STREAM_BUFFER_ATTR : PA_COMMAND_SET_PLAYBACK_STREAM_BUFFER_ATTR), &tag); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->channel); copy = *attr; patch_buffer_attr(s, ©, NULL); attr = © pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, attr->maxlength); if (s->direction == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK) pa_tagstruct_put( t, PA_TAG_U32, attr->tlength, PA_TAG_U32, attr->prebuf, PA_TAG_U32, attr->minreq, PA_TAG_INVALID); else pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, attr->fragsize); if (s->context->version >= 13) pa_tagstruct_put_boolean(t, !!(s->flags & PA_STREAM_ADJUST_LATENCY)); if (s->context->version >= 14) pa_tagstruct_put_boolean(t, !!(s->flags & PA_STREAM_EARLY_REQUESTS)); pa_pstream_send_tagstruct(s->context->pstream, t); pa_pdispatch_register_reply(s->context->pdispatch, tag, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, stream_set_buffer_attr_callback, pa_operation_ref(o), (pa_free_cb_t) pa_operation_unref); /* This might cause changes in the read/write index, hence let's * request a timing update */ request_auto_timing_update(s, true); return o; } uint32_t pa_stream_get_device_index(pa_stream *s) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_ANY(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED, PA_INVALID_INDEX); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_ANY(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE, PA_INVALID_INDEX); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_ANY(s->context, s->direction != PA_STREAM_UPLOAD, PA_ERR_BADSTATE, PA_INVALID_INDEX); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_ANY(s->context, s->context->version >= 12, PA_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED, PA_INVALID_INDEX); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_ANY(s->context, s->device_index != PA_INVALID_INDEX, PA_ERR_BADSTATE, PA_INVALID_INDEX); return s->device_index; } const char *pa_stream_get_device_name(pa_stream *s) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->direction != PA_STREAM_UPLOAD, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->context->version >= 12, PA_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->device_name, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); return s->device_name; } int pa_stream_is_suspended(pa_stream *s) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->direction != PA_STREAM_UPLOAD, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->context->version >= 12, PA_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED); return s->suspended; } int pa_stream_is_corked(pa_stream *s) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->direction != PA_STREAM_UPLOAD, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); return s->corked; } static void stream_update_sample_rate_callback(pa_pdispatch *pd, uint32_t command, uint32_t tag, pa_tagstruct *t, void *userdata) { pa_operation *o = userdata; int success = 1; pa_assert(pd); pa_assert(o); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(o) >= 1); if (!o->context) goto finish; if (command != PA_COMMAND_REPLY) { if (pa_context_handle_error(o->context, command, t, false) < 0) goto finish; success = 0; } else { if (!pa_tagstruct_eof(t)) { pa_context_fail(o->context, PA_ERR_PROTOCOL); goto finish; } } o->stream->sample_spec.rate = PA_PTR_TO_UINT(o->private); pa_assert(pa_sample_spec_valid(&o->stream->sample_spec)); if (o->callback) { pa_stream_success_cb_t cb = (pa_stream_success_cb_t) o->callback; cb(o->stream, success, o->userdata); } finish: pa_operation_done(o); pa_operation_unref(o); } pa_operation *pa_stream_update_sample_rate(pa_stream *s, uint32_t rate, pa_stream_success_cb_t cb, void *userdata) { pa_operation *o; pa_tagstruct *t; uint32_t tag; pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, pa_sample_rate_valid(rate), PA_ERR_INVALID); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->direction != PA_STREAM_UPLOAD, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->flags & PA_STREAM_VARIABLE_RATE, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->context->version >= 12, PA_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED); o = pa_operation_new(s->context, s, (pa_operation_cb_t) cb, userdata); o->private = PA_UINT_TO_PTR(rate); t = pa_tagstruct_command( s->context, (uint32_t) (s->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD ? PA_COMMAND_UPDATE_RECORD_STREAM_SAMPLE_RATE : PA_COMMAND_UPDATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM_SAMPLE_RATE), &tag); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->channel); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, rate); pa_pstream_send_tagstruct(s->context->pstream, t); pa_pdispatch_register_reply(s->context->pdispatch, tag, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, stream_update_sample_rate_callback, pa_operation_ref(o), (pa_free_cb_t) pa_operation_unref); return o; } pa_operation *pa_stream_proplist_update(pa_stream *s, pa_update_mode_t mode, pa_proplist *p, pa_stream_success_cb_t cb, void *userdata) { pa_operation *o; pa_tagstruct *t; uint32_t tag; pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, mode == PA_UPDATE_SET || mode == PA_UPDATE_MERGE || mode == PA_UPDATE_REPLACE, PA_ERR_INVALID); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->direction != PA_STREAM_UPLOAD, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->context->version >= 13, PA_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED); o = pa_operation_new(s->context, s, (pa_operation_cb_t) cb, userdata); t = pa_tagstruct_command( s->context, (uint32_t) (s->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD ? PA_COMMAND_UPDATE_RECORD_STREAM_PROPLIST : PA_COMMAND_UPDATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM_PROPLIST), &tag); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->channel); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, (uint32_t) mode); pa_tagstruct_put_proplist(t, p); pa_pstream_send_tagstruct(s->context->pstream, t); pa_pdispatch_register_reply(s->context->pdispatch, tag, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, pa_stream_simple_ack_callback, pa_operation_ref(o), (pa_free_cb_t) pa_operation_unref); /* Please note that we don't update s->proplist here, because we * don't export that field */ return o; } pa_operation *pa_stream_proplist_remove(pa_stream *s, const char *const keys[], pa_stream_success_cb_t cb, void *userdata) { pa_operation *o; pa_tagstruct *t; uint32_t tag; const char * const*k; pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, keys && keys[0], PA_ERR_INVALID); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_READY, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->direction != PA_STREAM_UPLOAD, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(s->context, s->context->version >= 13, PA_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED); o = pa_operation_new(s->context, s, (pa_operation_cb_t) cb, userdata); t = pa_tagstruct_command( s->context, (uint32_t) (s->direction == PA_STREAM_RECORD ? PA_COMMAND_REMOVE_RECORD_STREAM_PROPLIST : PA_COMMAND_REMOVE_PLAYBACK_STREAM_PROPLIST), &tag); pa_tagstruct_putu32(t, s->channel); for (k = keys; *k; k++) pa_tagstruct_puts(t, *k); pa_tagstruct_puts(t, NULL); pa_pstream_send_tagstruct(s->context->pstream, t); pa_pdispatch_register_reply(s->context->pdispatch, tag, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, pa_stream_simple_ack_callback, pa_operation_ref(o), (pa_free_cb_t) pa_operation_unref); /* Please note that we don't update s->proplist here, because we * don't export that field */ return o; } int pa_stream_set_monitor_stream(pa_stream *s, uint32_t sink_input_idx) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, sink_input_idx != PA_INVALID_INDEX, PA_ERR_INVALID); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->state == PA_STREAM_UNCONNECTED, PA_ERR_BADSTATE); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY(s->context, s->context->version >= 13, PA_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED); s->direct_on_input = sink_input_idx; return 0; } uint32_t pa_stream_get_monitor_stream(pa_stream *s) { pa_assert(s); pa_assert(PA_REFCNT_VALUE(s) >= 1); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_ANY(s->context, !pa_detect_fork(), PA_ERR_FORKED, PA_INVALID_INDEX); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_ANY(s->context, s->direct_on_input != PA_INVALID_INDEX, PA_ERR_BADSTATE, PA_INVALID_INDEX); PA_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_ANY(s->context, s->context->version >= 13, PA_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED, PA_INVALID_INDEX); return s->direct_on_input; }