#include #include #include #include /* for XDestroyImage */ #include /* for pixman blt functions */ #include "test.h" static void show_cells(char *buf, const uint32_t *real, const uint32_t *ref, int x, int y, int w, int h) { int i, j, len = 0; for (j = y - 2; j <= y + 2; j++) { if (j < 0 || j >= h) continue; for (i = x - 2; i <= x + 2; i++) { if (i < 0 || i >= w) continue; len += sprintf(buf+len, "%08x ", real[j*w+i]); } len += sprintf(buf+len, "\t"); for (i = x - 2; i <= x + 2; i++) { if (i < 0 || i >= w) continue; len += sprintf(buf+len, "%08x ", ref[j*w+i]); } len += sprintf(buf+len, "\n"); } } static void fill_rect(struct test_display *t, Drawable d, uint8_t alu, int x, int y, int w, int h, uint32_t fg) { XGCValues val; GC gc; val.function = alu; val.foreground = fg; gc = XCreateGC(t->dpy, d, GCForeground | GCFunction, &val); XFillRectangle(t->dpy, d, gc, x, y, w, h); XFreeGC(t->dpy, gc); } static void pixel_tests(struct test *t, int reps, int sets, enum target target) { struct test_target tt; XImage image; uint32_t *cells = malloc(t->real.width*t->real.height*4); struct { uint16_t x, y; } *pixels = malloc(reps*sizeof(*pixels)); int r, s; test_target_create_render(&t->real, target, &tt); printf("Testing setting of single pixels (%s): ", test_target_name(target)); fflush(stdout); for (s = 0; s < sets; s++) { for (r = 0; r < reps; r++) { int x = rand() % (tt.width - 1); int y = rand() % (tt.height - 1); uint32_t fg = rand(); fill_rect(&t->real, tt.draw, GXcopy, x, y, 1, 1, fg); pixels[r].x = x; pixels[r].y = y; cells[y*tt.width+x] = fg; } test_init_image(&image, &t->real.shm, tt.format, 1, 1); for (r = 0; r < reps; r++) { uint32_t x = pixels[r].x; uint32_t y = pixels[r].y; uint32_t result; XShmGetImage(t->real.dpy, tt.draw, &image, x, y, AllPlanes); result = *(uint32_t *)image.data; if (!pixel_equal(image.depth, result, cells[y*tt.width+x])) { uint32_t mask = depth_mask(image.depth); die("failed to set pixel (%d,%d) to %08x [%08x], found %08x [%08x] instead\n", x, y, cells[y*tt.width+x] & mask, cells[y*tt.width+x], result & mask, result); } } } printf("passed [%d iterations x %d]\n", reps, sets); test_target_destroy_render(&t->real, &tt); free(pixels); free(cells); } static void clear(struct test_display *dpy, struct test_target *tt) { XRenderColor render_color = {0}; XRenderFillRectangle(dpy->dpy, PictOpClear, tt->picture, &render_color, 0, 0, tt->width, tt->height); } static void area_tests(struct test *t, int reps, int sets, enum target target) { struct test_target tt; XImage image; uint32_t *cells = calloc(sizeof(uint32_t), t->real.width*t->real.height); int r, s, x, y; printf("Testing area sets (%s): ", test_target_name(target)); fflush(stdout); test_target_create_render(&t->real, target, &tt); clear(&t->real, &tt); test_init_image(&image, &t->real.shm, tt.format, tt.width, tt.height); for (s = 0; s < sets; s++) { for (r = 0; r < reps; r++) { int w = rand() % tt.width; int h = rand() % tt.height; uint32_t fg = rand(); x = rand() % (2*tt.width) - tt.width; y = rand() % (2*tt.height) - tt.height; fill_rect(&t->real, tt.draw, GXcopy, x, y, w, h, fg); if (x < 0) w += x, x = 0; if (y < 0) h += y, y = 0; if (x >= tt.width || y >= tt.height) continue; if (x + w > tt.width) w = tt.width - x; if (y + h > tt.height) h = tt.height - y; if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) continue; pixman_fill(cells, tt.width, 32, x, y, w, h, fg); } XShmGetImage(t->real.dpy, tt.draw, &image, 0, 0, AllPlanes); for (y = 0; y < tt.height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < tt.width; x++) { uint32_t result = *(uint32_t *) (image.data + y*image.bytes_per_line + x*image.bits_per_pixel/8); if (!pixel_equal(image.depth, result, cells[y*tt.width+x])) { char buf[600]; uint32_t mask = depth_mask(image.depth); show_cells(buf, (uint32_t*)image.data, cells, x, y, tt.width, tt.height); die("failed to set pixel (%d,%d) to %08x [%08x], found %08x [%08x] instead\n%s", x, y, cells[y*tt.width+x] & mask, cells[y*tt.width+x], result & mask, result, buf); } } } } printf("passed [%d iterations x %d]\n", reps, sets); test_target_destroy_render(&t->real, &tt); free(cells); } static void rect_tests(struct test *t, int reps, int sets, enum target target) { struct test_target real, ref; int r, s; printf("Testing area fills (%s): ", test_target_name(target)); fflush(stdout); test_target_create_render(&t->real, target, &real); clear(&t->real, &real); test_target_create_render(&t->ref, target, &ref); clear(&t->ref, &ref); for (s = 0; s < sets; s++) { for (r = 0; r < reps; r++) { int x = rand() % (2*real.width) - real.width; int y = rand() % (2*real.height) - real.height; int w = rand() % (2*real.width); int h = rand() % (2*real.height); uint8_t alu = rand() % (GXset + 1); uint32_t fg = rand(); fill_rect(&t->real, real.draw, alu, x, y, w, h, fg); fill_rect(&t->ref, ref.draw, alu, x, y, w, h, fg); } test_compare(t, real.draw, real.format, ref.draw, ref.format, 0, 0, real.width, real.height, ""); } printf("passed [%d iterations x %d]\n", reps, sets); test_target_destroy_render(&t->real, &real); test_target_destroy_render(&t->ref, &ref); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct test test; int i; test_init(&test, argc, argv); for (i = 0; i <= DEFAULT_ITERATIONS; i++) { int reps = REPS(i), sets = SETS(i); enum target t; for (t = TARGET_FIRST; t <= TARGET_LAST; t++) { pixel_tests(&test, reps, sets, t); area_tests(&test, reps, sets, t); rect_tests(&test, reps, sets, t); } } return 0; }