########################################################################## # # Copyright 2008-2009 VMware, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # ##########################################################################/ """Win32 API type description.""" from stdapi import * SHORT = Alias("SHORT", Short) USHORT = Alias("USHORT", UShort) INT = Alias("INT", Int) UINT = Alias("UINT", UInt) LONG = Alias("LONG", Long) ULONG = Alias("ULONG", ULong) LONGLONG = Alias("LONGLONG", LongLong) FLOAT = Alias("FLOAT", Float) INT32 = Literal("INT32", "UInt") UINT32 = Literal("UINT32", "UInt") BYTE = Literal("BYTE", "UInt", base=16) WORD = Literal("WORD", "UInt", base=16) DWORD = Literal("DWORD", "UInt", base=16) BOOL = Alias("BOOL", Bool) LPLONG = Pointer(LONG) LPWORD = Pointer(WORD) LPDWORD = Pointer(DWORD) LPBOOL = Pointer(BOOL) LPSTR = CString LPCSTR = Const(CString) LPWSTR = WString LPCWSTR = Const(WString) LARGE_INTEGER = Struct("LARGE_INTEGER", [ (LONGLONG, 'QuadPart'), ]) SIZE_T = Alias("SIZE_T", SizeT) HRESULT = Alias("HRESULT", Int) VOID = Void PVOID = Opaque("PVOID") LPVOID = PVOID HANDLE = Opaque("HANDLE") HWND = Opaque("HWND") HDC = Opaque("HDC") HMONITOR = Opaque("HMONITOR") GUID = Struct("GUID", [ (DWORD, "Data1"), (WORD, "Data2"), (WORD, "Data3"), (Array(BYTE, "8"), "Data4"), ]) LPGUID = Pointer(GUID) #REFGUID = Alias("REFGUID", Pointer(GUID)) REFGUID = Alias("REFGUID", GUID) IID = Alias("IID", GUID) #REFIID = Alias("REFIID", Pointer(IID)) REFIID = Alias("REFIID", IID) CLSID = Alias("CLSID", GUID) #REFCLSID = Alias("REFCLSID", Pointer(CLSID)) REFCLSID = Alias("REFCLSID", CLSID) LUID = Struct("LUID", [ (DWORD, "LowPart"), (LONG, "HighPart"), ]) POINT = Struct("POINT", ( (LONG, "x"), (LONG, "y"), )) LPPOINT = Pointer(POINT) SIZE = Struct("SIZE", ( (LONG, "cx"), (LONG, "cy"), )) LPSIZE = Pointer(SIZE) RECT = Struct("RECT", ( (LONG, "left"), (LONG, "top"), (LONG, "right"), (LONG, "bottom"), )) LPRECT = Pointer(RECT) PALETTEENTRY = Struct("PALETTEENTRY", ( (BYTE, "peRed"), (BYTE, "peGreen"), (BYTE, "peBlue"), (BYTE, "peFlags"), )) LPPALETTEENTRY = Pointer(PALETTEENTRY) RGNDATAHEADER = Struct("RGNDATAHEADER", [ (DWORD, "dwSize"), (DWORD, "iType"), (DWORD, "nCount"), (DWORD, "nRgnSize"), (RECT, "rcBound"), ]) RGNDATA = Struct("RGNDATA", [ (RGNDATAHEADER, "rdh"), #(Char, "Buffer[1]"), ]) LPRGNDATA = Pointer(RGNDATA) HMODULE = Opaque("HMODULE") IUnknown = Interface("IUnknown") HRESULT_com = FakeEnum(HRESULT, [ "S_OK", "E_NOINTERFACE", "E_POINTER", ]) IUnknown.methods = ( Method(HRESULT_com, "QueryInterface", ((REFIID, "riid"), Out(Pointer(OpaquePointer(Void)), "ppvObj"))), Method(ULONG, "AddRef", ()), Method(ULONG, "Release", ()), )