# # This file helps integrate apitrace into FirefoxOS - when apitrace # sources are put in B2GROOT/external/apitrace (including this Android.mk # file), then the B2G build system will pick apitrace automatically and # compile and install it into the system images seamlessly. # # This may work in other than FirefoxOS environments, but has not been tested. # NDK := prebuilt/ndk/android-ndk-r7 ifeq ($(shell which cmake),) $(shell echo "CMake not found, will not compile apitrace" >&2) else # cmake ifeq ($(wildcard $(NDK)),) $(shell echo "CMake present but NDK not found at $(abspath $(NDK)), will not compile apitrace" >&2) else # NDK $(shell echo "CMake and NDK ($(abspath $(NDK))) found, will compile apitrace" >&2) ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH),arm) TOOLCHAIN := arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.x endif ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH),x86) TOOLCHAIN := i686-android-linux-4.4.3 endif LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := egltrace LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := debug eng include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY) # Below we hook the process of configuring and compiling apitrace, # described in INSTALL.markdown (but we use the FirefoxOS's NDK). We override # the $(linked_module): targed, which is already defined by # $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY) - by default it would want to compile the # library out of some source files. # We also override the target $(LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE): which installs # the shared library because we want it installed in # /lib/apitrace/wrappers/egltrace.so instead of /lib/egltrace.so because # /bin/apitrace searches for the library in that directory. # The rules will end up with /lib/apitrace/wrappers/egltrace.so and # /bin/apitrace inside system.img. MY_APITRACE_ROOT := $(TOPDIR)external/apitrace MY_APITRACE_BUILD_ROOT_HOST := out/host/apitrace MY_APITRACE_BUILD_ROOT_TARGET := out/target/apitrace MY_ANDROID_CMAKE_COMMIT := 556cc14296c226f753a3778d99d8b60778b7df4f android.toolchain.cmake: curl -s -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/taka-no-me/android-cmake/$(MY_ANDROID_CMAKE_COMMIT)/android.toolchain.cmake apitrace_private_target: android.toolchain.cmake $(hide) # apitrace: run cmake for the host if it has not been run $(hide) if [ ! -e $(MY_APITRACE_BUILD_ROOT_HOST)/Makefile ] ; then \ cd $(MY_APITRACE_ROOT) && \ cmake -H. -B../../$(MY_APITRACE_BUILD_ROOT_HOST) ; \ fi $(hide) # apitrace: compile for the host $(hide) make -C $(MY_APITRACE_BUILD_ROOT_HOST) $(hide) # apitrace: run cmake for android if it has not been run $(hide) if [ ! -e $(MY_APITRACE_BUILD_ROOT_TARGET)/Makefile ] ; then \ cd $(MY_APITRACE_ROOT) && \ cmake \ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=android.toolchain.cmake \ -DANDROID_NDK=../../$(NDK) \ -DANDROID_NDK_LAYOUT=LINARO \ -DANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_NAME=$(TOOLCHAIN) \ -DANDROID_API_LEVEL=9 \ -DANDROID_NO_UNDEFINED=OFF \ -DLIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH_ROOT=../../$(MY_APITRACE_BUILD_ROOT_TARGET) \ -H. -B../../$(MY_APITRACE_BUILD_ROOT_TARGET) ; \ fi $(hide) # apitrace: compile for android $(hide) make -C $(MY_APITRACE_BUILD_ROOT_TARGET) $(linked_module): apitrace_private_target $(hide) # apitrace: copy egltrace lib to where the build system expects it $(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(hide) cp $(MY_APITRACE_BUILD_ROOT_TARGET)/libs/*/egltrace$(TARGET_SHLIB_SUFFIX) $@ $(LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE): $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE) | $(ACP) @echo "Install (overridden): $@" @mkdir -p $(dir $@)/apitrace/wrappers $(hide) $(ACP) -fp $< $(dir $@)/apitrace/wrappers/egltrace$(TARGET_SHLIB_SUFFIX) # include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := apitrace LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := debug eng include $(BUILD_EXECUTABLE) $(linked_module): apitrace_private_target $(hide) # apitrace: copy apitrace executable to where the build system expects it $(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(hide) cp $(MY_APITRACE_BUILD_ROOT_TARGET)/apitrace$(TARGET_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX) $@ endif # NDK endif # cmake