import re, os, sys, types, time, random import common from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config from autotest_lib.tko import utils class MySQLTooManyRows(Exception): pass class db_sql(object): def __init__(self, debug=False, autocommit=True, host=None, database=None, user=None, password=None): self.debug = debug self.autocommit = autocommit self._load_config(host, database, user, password) self.con = None self._init_db() # if not present, insert statuses self.status_idx = {} self.status_word = {} status_rows ='status_idx, word', 'tko_status', None) for s in status_rows: self.status_idx[s[1]] = s[0] self.status_word[s[0]] = s[1] machine_map = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'machines') if os.path.exists(machine_map): self.machine_map = machine_map else: self.machine_map = None self.machine_group = {} def _load_config(self, host, database, user, password): # grab the global config get_value = global_config.global_config.get_config_value # grab the host, database if host: = host else: = get_value("AUTOTEST_WEB", "host") if database: self.database = database else: self.database = get_value("AUTOTEST_WEB", "database") # grab the user and password if user: self.user = user else: self.user = get_value("AUTOTEST_WEB", "user") if password is not None: self.password = password else: self.password = get_value("AUTOTEST_WEB", "password") # grab the timeout configuration self.query_timeout = get_value("AUTOTEST_WEB", "query_timeout", type=int, default=3600) self.min_delay = get_value("AUTOTEST_WEB", "min_retry_delay", type=int, default=20) self.max_delay = get_value("AUTOTEST_WEB", "max_retry_delay", type=int, default=60) def _init_db(self): # make sure we clean up any existing connection if self.con: self.con.close() self.con = None # create the db connection and cursor self.con = self.connect(, self.database, self.user, self.password) self.cur = self.con.cursor() def _random_delay(self): delay = random.randint(self.min_delay, self.max_delay) time.sleep(delay) def run_with_retry(self, function, *args, **dargs): """Call function(*args, **dargs) until either it passes without an operational error, or a timeout is reached. This will re-connect to the database, so it is NOT safe to use this inside of a database transaction. It can be safely used with transactions, but the transaction start & end must be completely contained within the call to 'function'.""" OperationalError = _get_error_class("OperationalError") success = False start_time = time.time() while not success: try: result = function(*args, **dargs) except OperationalError, e: self._log_operational_error(e) stop_time = time.time() elapsed_time = stop_time - start_time if elapsed_time > self.query_timeout: raise else: try: self._random_delay() self._init_db() except OperationalError, e: self._log_operational_error(e) else: success = True return result def _log_operational_error(self, e): msg = ("%s: An operational error occured during a database " "operation: %s" % (time.strftime("%X %x"), str(e))) print >> sys.stderr, msg sys.stderr.flush() # we want these msgs to show up immediately def dprint(self, value): if self.debug: sys.stdout.write('SQL: ' + str(value) + '\n') def commit(self): self.con.commit() def get_last_autonumber_value(self): self.cur.execute('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()', []) return self.cur.fetchall()[0][0] def _quote(self, field): return '`%s`' % field def _where_clause(self, where): if not where: return '', [] if isinstance(where, dict): # key/value pairs (which should be equal, or None for null) keys, values = [], [] for field, value in where.iteritems(): quoted_field = self._quote(field) if value is None: keys.append(quoted_field + ' is null') else: keys.append(quoted_field + '=%s') values.append(value) where_clause = ' and '.join(keys) elif isinstance(where, basestring): # the exact string where_clause = where values = [] elif isinstance(where, tuple): # preformatted where clause + values where_clause, values = where assert where_clause else: raise ValueError('Invalid "where" value: %r' % where) return ' WHERE ' + where_clause, values def select(self, fields, table, where, distinct=False, group_by=None, max_rows=None): """\ This selects all the fields requested from a specific table with a particular where clause. The where clause can either be a dictionary of field=value pairs, a string, or a tuple of (string, a list of values). The last option is what you should use when accepting user input as it'll protect you against sql injection attacks (if all user data is placed in the array rather than the raw SQL). For example: where = ("a = %s AND b = %s", ['val', 'val']) is better than where = "a = 'val' AND b = 'val'" """ cmd = ['select'] if distinct: cmd.append('distinct') cmd += [fields, 'from', table] where_clause, values = self._where_clause(where) cmd.append(where_clause) if group_by: cmd.append(' GROUP BY ' + group_by) self.dprint('%s %s' % (' '.join(cmd), values)) # create a re-runable function for executing the query def exec_sql(): sql = ' '.join(cmd) numRec = self.cur.execute(sql, values) if max_rows is not None and numRec > max_rows: msg = 'Exceeded allowed number of records' raise MySQLTooManyRows(msg) return self.cur.fetchall() # run the query, re-trying after operational errors if self.autocommit: return self.run_with_retry(exec_sql) else: return exec_sql() def select_sql(self, fields, table, sql, values): """\ select fields from table "sql" """ cmd = 'select %s from %s %s' % (fields, table, sql) self.dprint(cmd) # create a -re-runable function for executing the query def exec_sql(): self.cur.execute(cmd, values) return self.cur.fetchall() # run the query, re-trying after operational errors if self.autocommit: return self.run_with_retry(exec_sql) else: return exec_sql() def _exec_sql_with_commit(self, sql, values, commit): if self.autocommit: # re-run the query until it succeeds def exec_sql(): self.cur.execute(sql, values) self.con.commit() self.run_with_retry(exec_sql) else: # take one shot at running the query self.cur.execute(sql, values) if commit: self.con.commit() def insert(self, table, data, commit=None): """\ 'insert into table (keys) values (%s ... %s)', values data: dictionary of fields and data """ fields = data.keys() refs = ['%s' for field in fields] values = [data[field] for field in fields] cmd = ('insert into %s (%s) values (%s)' % (table, ','.join(self._quote(field) for field in fields), ','.join(refs))) self.dprint('%s %s' % (cmd, values)) self._exec_sql_with_commit(cmd, values, commit) def delete(self, table, where, commit = None): cmd = ['delete from', table] if commit is None: commit = self.autocommit where_clause, values = self._where_clause(where) cmd.append(where_clause) sql = ' '.join(cmd) self.dprint('%s %s' % (sql, values)) self._exec_sql_with_commit(sql, values, commit) def update(self, table, data, where, commit = None): """\ 'update table set data values (%s ... %s) where ...' data: dictionary of fields and data """ if commit is None: commit = self.autocommit cmd = 'update %s ' % table fields = data.keys() data_refs = [self._quote(field) + '=%s' for field in fields] data_values = [data[field] for field in fields] cmd += ' set ' + ', '.join(data_refs) where_clause, where_values = self._where_clause(where) cmd += where_clause values = data_values + where_values self.dprint('%s %s' % (cmd, values)) self._exec_sql_with_commit(cmd, values, commit) def delete_job(self, tag, commit = None): job_idx = self.find_job(tag) for test_idx in self.find_tests(job_idx): where = {'test_idx' : test_idx} self.delete('tko_iteration_result', where) self.delete('tko_iteration_attributes', where) self.delete('tko_test_attributes', where) self.delete('tko_test_labels_tests', {'test_id': test_idx}) where = {'job_idx' : job_idx} self.delete('tko_tests', where) self.delete('tko_jobs', where) def insert_job(self, tag, job, commit = None): job.machine_idx = self.lookup_machine(job.machine) if not job.machine_idx: job.machine_idx = self.insert_machine(job, commit=commit) else: self.update_machine_information(job, commit=commit) afe_job_id = utils.get_afe_job_id(tag) data = {'tag':tag, 'label': job.label, 'username': job.user, 'machine_idx': job.machine_idx, 'queued_time': job.queued_time, 'started_time': job.started_time, 'finished_time': job.finished_time, 'afe_job_id': afe_job_id} is_update = hasattr(job, 'index') if is_update: self.update('tko_jobs', data, {'job_idx': job.index}, commit=commit) else: self.insert('tko_jobs', data, commit=commit) job.index = self.get_last_autonumber_value() self.update_job_keyvals(job, commit=commit) for test in job.tests: self.insert_test(job, test, commit=commit) def update_job_keyvals(self, job, commit=None): for key, value in job.keyval_dict.iteritems(): where = {'job_id': job.index, 'key': key} data = dict(where, value=value) exists ='id', 'tko_job_keyvals', where=where) if exists: self.update('tko_job_keyvals', data, where=where, commit=commit) else: self.insert('tko_job_keyvals', data, commit=commit) def insert_test(self, job, test, commit = None): kver = self.insert_kernel(test.kernel, commit=commit) data = {'job_idx':job.index, 'test':test.testname, 'subdir':test.subdir, 'kernel_idx':kver, 'status':self.status_idx[test.status], 'reason':test.reason, 'machine_idx':job.machine_idx, 'started_time': test.started_time, 'finished_time':test.finished_time} is_update = hasattr(test, "test_idx") if is_update: test_idx = test.test_idx self.update('tko_tests', data, {'test_idx': test_idx}, commit=commit) where = {'test_idx': test_idx} self.delete('tko_iteration_result', where) self.delete('tko_iteration_attributes', where) where['user_created'] = 0 self.delete('tko_test_attributes', where) else: self.insert('tko_tests', data, commit=commit) test_idx = test.test_idx = self.get_last_autonumber_value() data = {'test_idx': test_idx} for i in test.iterations: data['iteration'] = i.index for key, value in i.attr_keyval.iteritems(): data['attribute'] = key data['value'] = value self.insert('tko_iteration_attributes', data, commit=commit) for key, value in i.perf_keyval.iteritems(): data['attribute'] = key data['value'] = value self.insert('tko_iteration_result', data, commit=commit) for key, value in test.attributes.iteritems(): data = {'test_idx': test_idx, 'attribute': key, 'value': value} self.insert('tko_test_attributes', data, commit=commit) if not is_update: for label_index in test.labels: data = {'test_id': test_idx, 'testlabel_id': label_index} self.insert('tko_test_labels_tests', data, commit=commit) def read_machine_map(self): if self.machine_group or not self.machine_map: return for line in open(self.machine_map, 'r').readlines(): (machine, group) = line.split() self.machine_group[machine] = group def machine_info_dict(self, job): hostname = job.machine group = job.machine_group owner = job.machine_owner if not group: self.read_machine_map() group = self.machine_group.get(hostname, hostname) if group == hostname and owner: group = owner + '/' + hostname return {'hostname': hostname, 'machine_group': group, 'owner': owner} def insert_machine(self, job, commit = None): machine_info = self.machine_info_dict(job) self.insert('tko_machines', machine_info, commit=commit) return self.get_last_autonumber_value() def update_machine_information(self, job, commit = None): machine_info = self.machine_info_dict(job) self.update('tko_machines', machine_info, where={'hostname': machine_info['hostname']}, commit=commit) def lookup_machine(self, hostname): where = { 'hostname' : hostname } rows ='machine_idx', 'tko_machines', where) if rows: return rows[0][0] else: return None def lookup_kernel(self, kernel): rows ='kernel_idx', 'tko_kernels', {'kernel_hash':kernel.kernel_hash}) if rows: return rows[0][0] else: return None def insert_kernel(self, kernel, commit = None): kver = self.lookup_kernel(kernel) if kver: return kver # If this kernel has any significant patches, append their hash # as diferentiator. printable = kernel.base patch_count = 0 for patch in kernel.patches: match = re.match(r'.*(-mm[0-9]+|-git[0-9]+)\.(bz2|gz)$', patch.reference) if not match: patch_count += 1 self.insert('tko_kernels', {'base':kernel.base, 'kernel_hash':kernel.kernel_hash, 'printable':printable}, commit=commit) kver = self.get_last_autonumber_value() if patch_count > 0: printable += ' p%d' % (kver) self.update('tko_kernels', {'printable':printable}, {'kernel_idx':kver}) for patch in kernel.patches: self.insert_patch(kver, patch, commit=commit) return kver def insert_patch(self, kver, patch, commit = None): print patch.reference name = os.path.basename(patch.reference)[:80] self.insert('tko_patches', {'kernel_idx': kver, 'name':name, 'url':patch.reference, 'hash':patch.hash}, commit=commit) def find_test(self, job_idx, testname, subdir): where = {'job_idx': job_idx , 'test': testname, 'subdir': subdir} rows ='test_idx', 'tko_tests', where) if rows: return rows[0][0] else: return None def find_tests(self, job_idx): where = { 'job_idx':job_idx } rows ='test_idx', 'tko_tests', where) if rows: return [row[0] for row in rows] else: return [] def find_job(self, tag): rows ='job_idx', 'tko_jobs', {'tag': tag}) if rows: return rows[0][0] else: return None def _get_db_type(): """Get the database type name to use from the global config.""" get_value = global_config.global_config.get_config_value return "db_" + get_value("AUTOTEST_WEB", "db_type", default="mysql") def _get_error_class(class_name): """Retrieves the appropriate error class by name from the database module.""" db_module = __import__("autotest_lib.tko." + _get_db_type(), globals(), locals(), ["driver"]) return getattr(db_module.driver, class_name) def db(*args, **dargs): """Creates an instance of the database class with the arguments provided in args and dargs, using the database type specified by the global configuration (defaulting to mysql).""" db_type = _get_db_type() db_module = __import__("autotest_lib.tko." + db_type, globals(), locals(), [db_type]) db = getattr(db_module, db_type)(*args, **dargs) return db