path: root/src/glamor_priv.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/glamor_priv.h')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/src/glamor_priv.h b/src/glamor_priv.h
index a817f78..2172d17 100644
--- a/src/glamor_priv.h
+++ b/src/glamor_priv.h
@@ -309,19 +309,132 @@ typedef struct glamor_pixmap_fbo {
* @gl_tex: The pixmap is in a gl texture originally.
* @is_picture: The drawable is attached to a picture.
* @pict_format: the corresponding picture's format.
- * @container: The corresponding pixmap's pointer.
+ * @pixmap: The corresponding pixmap's pointer.
+ *
+ * For GLAMOR_TEXTURE_LARGE, nbox should larger than 1.
+ * And the box and fbo will both have nbox elements.
+ * and box[i] store the relatively coords in this pixmap
+ * of the fbo[i]. The reason why use boxes not region to
+ * represent this structure is we may need to use overlapped
+ * boxes for one pixmap for some special reason.
+ *
+ * pixmap
+ * ******************
+ * * fbo0 * fbo1 *
+ * * * *
+ * ******************
+ * * fbo2 * fbo3 *
+ * * * *
+ * ******************
+ *
+ * Let's assume the texture has size of 1024x1024
+ * box[0] = {0,0,1024,1024}
+ * box[1] = {1024,0,2048,2048}
+ * ...
+ *
+ * For GLAMOR_TEXTURE_ATLAS nbox should be 1. And box
+ * and fbo both has one elements, and the box store
+ * the relatively coords in the fbo of this pixmap:
+ *
+ * fbo
+ * ******************
+ * * pixmap *
+ * * ********* *
+ * * * * *
+ * * ********* *
+ * * *
+ * ******************
+ *
+ * Assume the pixmap is at the (100,100) relatively to
+ * the fbo's origin.
+ * box[0]={100, 100, 1124, 1124};
+ *
+ * Considering large pixmap is not a normal case, to keep
+ * it simple, I designe it as the following way.
+ * When deal with a large pixmap, it split the working
+ * rectangle into serval boxes, and each box fit into a
+ * corresponding fbo. And then the rendering function will
+ * loop from the left-top box to the right-bottom box,
+ * each time, we will set current box and current fbo
+ * to the box and fbo elements. Thus the inner routines
+ * can handle it as normal, only the coords calculation need
+ * to aware of it's large pixmap.
+ *
+ * Currently, we haven't implemented the atlas pixmap.
+ *
-typedef struct glamor_pixmap_private {
+typedef struct glamor_pixmap_clipped_regions{
+ int block_idx;
+ RegionPtr region;
+} glamor_pixmap_clipped_regions;
+#define SET_PIXMAP_FBO_CURRENT(priv, idx) \
+ do { \
+ if (priv->type == GLAMOR_TEXTURE_LARGE) { \
+ (priv)->large.base.fbo = priv->large.fbo_array[idx]; \
+ (priv)-> = priv->large.box_array[idx]; \
+ } \
+ } while(0)
+typedef struct glamor_pixmap_private_base {
+ glamor_pixmap_type_t type;
unsigned char gl_fbo:2;
unsigned char is_picture:1;
unsigned char gl_tex:1;
- glamor_pixmap_type_t type;
glamor_pixmap_fbo *fbo;
- PictFormatShort pict_format;
- PixmapPtr container;
+ PixmapPtr pixmap;
int drm_stride;
glamor_screen_private *glamor_priv;
-} glamor_pixmap_private;
+ PicturePtr picture;
+ * @base.fbo: current fbo.
+ * @box: current fbo's coords in the whole pixmap.
+ * @block_w: block width of this large pixmap.
+ * @block_h: block height of this large pixmap.
+ * @block_wcnt: block count in one block row.
+ * @block_hcnt: block count in one block column.
+ * @nbox: total block count.
+ * @box_array: contains each block's corresponding box.
+ * @fbo_array: contains each block's fbo pointer.
+ *
+ **/
+typedef struct glamor_pixmap_private_large {
+ union {
+ glamor_pixmap_type_t type;
+ glamor_pixmap_private_base_t base;
+ };
+ BoxRec box;
+ int block_w;
+ int block_h;
+ int block_wcnt;
+ int block_hcnt;
+ int nbox;
+ BoxPtr box_array;
+ glamor_pixmap_fbo **fbo_array;
+ * @box: the relative coords in the corresponding fbo.
+ */
+typedef struct glamor_pixmap_private_atlas {
+ union {
+ glamor_pixmap_type_t type;
+ glamor_pixmap_private_base_t base;
+ };
+ BoxRec box;
+typedef struct glamor_pixmap_private {
+ union {
+ glamor_pixmap_type_t type;
+ glamor_pixmap_private_base_t base;
+ glamor_pixmap_private_large_t large;
+ glamor_pixmap_private_atlas_t atlas;
+ };
* Pixmap dynamic status, used by dynamic upload feature.
@@ -404,6 +517,7 @@ glamor_pixmap_fbo * glamor_create_fbo_from_tex(glamor_screen_private *glamor_pri
glamor_pixmap_fbo * glamor_create_fbo(glamor_screen_private *glamor_priv,
int w, int h, GLenum format, int flag);
void glamor_destroy_fbo(glamor_pixmap_fbo *fbo);
+void glamor_pixmap_destroy_fbo(glamor_pixmap_private *priv);
void glamor_purge_fbo(glamor_pixmap_fbo *fbo);
void glamor_init_pixmap_fbo(ScreenPtr screen);
@@ -413,6 +527,11 @@ void glamor_fbo_expire(glamor_screen_private *glamor_priv);
void glamor_init_pixmap_fbo(ScreenPtr screen);
void glamor_fini_pixmap_fbo(ScreenPtr screen);
+glamor_pixmap_fbo *
+glamor_create_fbo_array(glamor_screen_private *glamor_priv,
+ int w, int h, GLenum format, int flag,
+ int block_w, int block_h, glamor_pixmap_private *);
Bool glamor_fixup_pixmap_priv(ScreenPtr screen, glamor_pixmap_private *pixmap_priv);
/* glamor_copyarea.c */
@@ -543,6 +662,19 @@ void glamor_init_putimage_shaders(ScreenPtr screen);
void glamor_fini_putimage_shaders(ScreenPtr screen);
/* glamor_render.c */
+glamor_composite_clipped_region(CARD8 op,
+ PicturePtr source,
+ PicturePtr mask,
+ PicturePtr dest,
+ RegionPtr region,
+ int x_source,
+ int y_source,
+ int x_mask,
+ int y_mask,
+ int x_dest,
+ int y_dest);
void glamor_composite(CARD8 op,
PicturePtr pSrc,
PicturePtr pMask,
@@ -552,6 +684,7 @@ void glamor_composite(CARD8 op,
INT16 xMask,
INT16 yMask,
INT16 xDst, INT16 yDst, CARD16 width, CARD16 height);
void glamor_trapezoids(CARD8 op,
PicturePtr src, PicturePtr dst,
PictFormatPtr mask_format, INT16 x_src, INT16 y_src,
@@ -654,7 +787,6 @@ Bool
glamor_upload_sub_pixmap_to_texture(PixmapPtr pixmap, int x, int y, int w, int h,
int stride, void *bits, int pbo);
glamor_get_sub_pixmap(PixmapPtr pixmap, int x, int y,
int w, int h, glamor_access_t access);
@@ -662,6 +794,44 @@ void
glamor_put_sub_pixmap(PixmapPtr sub_pixmap, PixmapPtr pixmap, int x, int y,
int w, int h, glamor_access_t access);
+glamor_pixmap_clipped_regions *
+glamor_compute_clipped_regions(glamor_pixmap_private *priv, RegionPtr region, int *clipped_nbox, int repeat_type);
+glamor_pixmap_clipped_regions *
+glamor_compute_clipped_regions_ext(glamor_pixmap_private *pixmap_priv,
+ RegionPtr region,
+ int *n_region,
+ int inner_block_w, int inner_block_h);
+glamor_pixmap_clipped_regions *
+glamor_compute_transform_clipped_regions(glamor_pixmap_private *priv, struct pixman_transform *transform,
+ RegionPtr region, int *n_region, int dx, int dy, int repeat_type);
+glamor_composite_largepixmap_region(CARD8 op,
+ PicturePtr source,
+ PicturePtr mask,
+ PicturePtr dest,
+ glamor_pixmap_private * source_pixmap_priv,
+ glamor_pixmap_private * mask_pixmap_priv,
+ glamor_pixmap_private * dest_pixmap_priv,
+ RegionPtr region, Bool force_clip,
+ INT16 x_source,
+ INT16 y_source,
+ INT16 x_mask,
+ INT16 y_mask,
+ INT16 x_dest, INT16 y_dest,
+ CARD16 width, CARD16 height);
+glamor_get_transform_block_size(struct pixman_transform *transform,
+ int block_w, int block_h,
+ int *transformed_block_w,
+ int *transformed_block_h);
+glamor_get_transform_extent_from_box(struct pixman_box32 *temp_box,
+ struct pixman_transform *transform);
* Upload a picture to gl texture. Similar to the
@@ -757,5 +927,6 @@ glamor_poly_line(DrawablePtr pDrawable, GCPtr pGC, int mode, int npt,
#ifndef GLAMOR_GLES2
#endif /* GLAMOR_PRIV_H */