path: root/xc/lib/dpstk/DPSScrollW.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'xc/lib/dpstk/DPSScrollW.c')
1 files changed, 3531 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xc/lib/dpstk/DPSScrollW.c b/xc/lib/dpstk/DPSScrollW.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2184b3bce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xc/lib/dpstk/DPSScrollW.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3531 @@
+ /*
+ * DPSScrollW.c
+ *
+ * (c) Copyright 1993-1994 Adobe Systems Incorporated.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sublicense this software
+ * and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
+ * provided that the above copyright notices appear in all copies and that
+ * both those copyright notices and this permission notice appear in
+ * supporting documentation and that the name of Adobe Systems Incorporated
+ * not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
+ * software without specific, written prior permission. No trademark license
+ * to use the Adobe trademarks is hereby granted. If the Adobe trademark
+ * "Display PostScript"(tm) is used to describe this software, its
+ * functionality or for any other purpose, such use shall be limited to a
+ * statement that this software works in conjunction with the Display
+ * PostScript system. Proper trademark attribution to reflect Adobe's
+ * ownership of the trademark shall be given whenever any such reference to
+ * the Display PostScript system is made.
+ *
+ *
+ * Adobe, PostScript, and Display PostScript are trademarks of Adobe Systems
+ * Incorporated which may be registered in certain jurisdictions
+ *
+ * Author: Adobe Systems Incorporated
+ */
+#include <X11/IntrinsicP.h>
+#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
+#include <X11/ShellP.h>
+#include <X11/Xproto.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <Xm/Xm.h>
+/* There are no words to describe how I feel about having to do this */
+#if XmVersion > 1001
+#include <Xm/ManagerP.h>
+#include <Xm/XmP.h>
+#include <Xm/DrawingA.h>
+#include <Xm/ScrolledW.h>
+#include <Xm/ScrollBar.h>
+#include "DPS/dpsXclient.h"
+#include "dpsXcommonI.h"
+#include "DPS/dpsXshare.h"
+#include "DSWwraps.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "DPS/DPSScrollWP.h"
+#undef MIN
+#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#undef MAX
+#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#undef ABS
+#define ABS(x) ((x) >= 0 ? (x) : -(x))
+#undef CEIL
+#define CEIL(x) ((int) ((float)((int)(x)) == (x) ? (x) : (x) + 1))
+/* Define macros to get rectangle entries. All rectangles are stored as
+#define LEFT(r) ((r)[0])
+#define RIGHT(r) ((r)[0] + (r)[2])
+#define BOTTOM(r) ((r)[1])
+#define TOP(r) ((r)[1] + (r)[3])
+#define WIDTH(r) ((r)[2])
+#define HEIGHT(r) ((r)[3])
+/* This is used in converting bounding boxes into user space to ensure
+ that we don't end up slopping over into another pixel */
+#define DELTA .001
+#define Offset(field) XtOffsetOf(DPSScrolledWindowRec, sw.field)
+static float initScale = 1.0;
+static XtResource resources[] = {
+ {XtNcontext, XtCContext, XtRDPSContext, sizeof(DPSContext),
+ Offset(context), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) NULL},
+ {XtNareaWidth, XtCAreaWidth, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
+ Offset(area_width), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) ((int) (8.5*72))},
+ {XtNareaHeight, XtCAreaHeight, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
+ Offset(area_height), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) (11*72)},
+ {XtNscale, XtCScale, XtRFloat, sizeof(float),
+ Offset(scale), XtRFloat, (XtPointer) &initScale},
+ {XtNctm, XtCCtm, XtRFloatArray, sizeof(float *),
+ Offset(ctm_ptr), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) NULL},
+ {XtNinvCtm, XtCInvCtm, XtRFloatArray, sizeof(float *),
+ Offset(inv_ctm_ptr), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) NULL},
+ {XtNuseBackingPixmap, XtCUseBackingPixmap, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
+ Offset(use_backing_pixmap), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) True},
+ {XtNuseFeedbackPixmap, XtCUseFeedbackPixmap, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
+ Offset(use_feedback_pixmap), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) True},
+ {XtNbackingPixmap, XtCBackingPixmap, XtRPixmap, sizeof(Pixmap),
+ Offset(backing_pixmap), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) None},
+ {XtNfeedbackPixmap, XtCFeedbackPixmap, XtRPixmap, sizeof(Pixmap),
+ Offset(feedback_pixmap), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) None},
+ {XtNdocumentSizePixmaps, XtCDocumentSizePixmaps,
+ XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
+ Offset(document_size_pixmaps), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) False},
+ {XtNwindowGState, XtCWindowGState, XtRDPSGState, sizeof(DPSGState),
+ Offset(window_gstate), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 0},
+ {XtNbackingGState, XtCBackingGState, XtRDPSGState, sizeof(DPSGState),
+ Offset(backing_gstate), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 0},
+ {XtNfeedbackGState, XtCFeedbackGState, XtRDPSGState, sizeof(DPSGState),
+ Offset(feedback_gstate), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 0},
+ {XtNdirtyAreas, XtCDirtyAreas, XtRFloatArray, sizeof(float *),
+ Offset(dirty_areas), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) NULL},
+ {XtNnumDirtyAreas, XtCNumDirtyAreas, XtRShort, sizeof(short),
+ Offset(num_dirty_areas), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 0},
+ {XtNpixmapLimit, XtCPixmapLimit, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
+ Offset(pixmap_limit), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) -1},
+ {XtNabsolutePixmapLimit, XtCAbsolutePixmapLimit, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
+ Offset(absolute_pixmap_limit), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 0},
+ {XtNwatchProgress, XtCWatchProgress, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
+ Offset(watch_progress), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) False},
+ {XtNwatchProgressDelay, XtCWatchProgressDelay, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
+ Offset(watch_progress_delay), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 1000},
+ {XtNminimalDrawing, XtCMinimalDrawing, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
+ Offset(minimal_drawing), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) False},
+ {XtNapplicationScrolling, XtCApplicationScrolling,
+ XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
+ Offset(application_scrolling), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) False},
+ {XtNsetupCallback, XtCCallback, XtRCallback, sizeof(XtCallbackList),
+ Offset(setup_callback), XtRCallback, (XtPointer) NULL},
+ {XtNexposeCallback, XtCCallback, XtRCallback, sizeof(XtCallbackList),
+ Offset(expose_callback), XtRCallback, (XtPointer) NULL},
+ {XtNbackgroundCallback, XtCCallback, XtRCallback, sizeof(XtCallbackList),
+ Offset(background_callback), XtRCallback, (XtPointer) NULL},
+ {XtNfeedbackCallback, XtCCallback, XtRCallback, sizeof(XtCallbackList),
+ Offset(feedback_callback), XtRCallback, (XtPointer) NULL},
+ {XtNresizeCallback, XtCCallback, XtRCallback, sizeof(XtCallbackList),
+ Offset(resize_callback), XtRCallback, (XtPointer) NULL},
+static void ClassPartInitialize(), Initialize(), Destroy(),
+ Realize(), Resize();
+static Boolean SetValues();
+static XtGeometryResult GeometryManager(), QueryGeometry();
+static void SetScale(), ScrollPoint(), ScrollBy(), ScrollTo(),
+ SetScaleAndScroll(), ConvertXToPS(), ConvertPSToX(),
+ AddToDirtyArea(), StartFeedbackDrawing(), EndFeedbackDrawing(),
+ SetFeedbackDirtyArea(), FinishPendingDrawing(),
+ AbortPendingDrawing(), GetDrawingInfo(), UpdateDrawing(),
+ GetScrollInfo();
+static Boolean TakeFeedbackPixmap(), GiveFeedbackPixmap();
+static void ConvertToX(), ConvertToPS(), ConvertToOrigPS(),
+ AddRectsToPending(), AddExposureToPending(),
+ AddUserSpaceRectsToPending(),
+ CopyRectsToCurrentDrawing(), CallFeedbackCallback(),
+ CopyRectsToDirtyArea(), AddRectsToDirtyArea(), FinishDrawing(),
+ CheckFeedbackPixmap(), CopyToFeedbackPixmap();
+static void DrawingAreaExpose(), DrawingAreaGraphicsExpose(), ScrollMoved(),
+ HScrollCallback(), VScrollCallback();
+DPSScrolledWindowClassRec dpsScrolledWindowClassRec = {
+ /* Core class part */
+ {
+ /* superclass */ (WidgetClass) &xmManagerClassRec,
+ /* class_name */ "DPSScrolledWindow",
+ /* widget_size */ sizeof(DPSScrolledWindowRec),
+ /* class_initialize */ NULL,
+ /* class_part_initialize */ ClassPartInitialize,
+ /* class_inited */ False,
+ /* initialize */ Initialize,
+ /* initialize_hook */ NULL,
+ /* realize */ Realize,
+ /* actions */ NULL,
+ /* num_actions */ 0,
+ /* resources */ resources,
+ /* num_resources */ XtNumber(resources),
+ /* xrm_class */ NULLQUARK,
+ /* compress_motion */ True,
+ /* compress_exposure */ XtExposeCompressMultiple,
+ /* compress_enterleave */ True,
+ /* visible_interest */ False,
+ /* destroy */ Destroy,
+ /* resize */ Resize,
+ /* expose */ NULL,
+ /* set_values */ SetValues,
+ /* set_values_hook */ NULL,
+ /* set_values_almost */ XtInheritSetValuesAlmost,
+ /* get_values_hook */ NULL,
+ /* accept_focus */ NULL,
+ /* version */ XtVersion,
+ /* callback offsets */ NULL,
+ /* tm_table */ NULL,
+ /* query_geometry */ QueryGeometry,
+ /* display_accelerator */ NULL,
+ /* extension */ NULL,
+ },
+ /* Composite class part */
+ {
+ /* geometry_manager */ GeometryManager,
+ /* change_managed */ NULL,
+ /* insert_child */ XtInheritInsertChild,
+ /* delete_child */ XtInheritDeleteChild,
+ /* extension */ NULL,
+ },
+ /* Constraint class part */
+ {
+ /* resources */ NULL,
+ /* num_resources */ 0,
+ /* constraint_size */ 0,
+ /* initialize */ NULL,
+ /* destroy */ NULL,
+ /* set_values */ NULL,
+ /* extension */ NULL,
+ },
+ /* Manager class part */
+ {
+ /* translations */ XtInheritTranslations,
+ /* syn_resources */ NULL,
+ /* num_syn_resources */ 0,
+ /* syn_constraint_resources */ NULL,
+ /* num_syn_constraint_resources */ 0,
+ /* parent_process */ XmInheritParentProcess,
+ /* extension */ NULL,
+ },
+ /* DPSScrolledWindow class part */
+ {
+ /* set_scale */ SetScale,
+ /* scroll_point */ ScrollPoint,
+ /* scroll_by */ ScrollBy,
+ /* scroll_to */ ScrollTo,
+ /* set_scale_and_scroll */ SetScaleAndScroll,
+ /* convert_x_to_ps */ ConvertXToPS,
+ /* convert_ps_to_x */ ConvertPSToX,
+ /* add_to_dirty_area */ AddToDirtyArea,
+ /* take_feedback_pixmap */ TakeFeedbackPixmap,
+ /* give_feedback_pixmap */ GiveFeedbackPixmap,
+ /* start_feedback_drawing */ StartFeedbackDrawing,
+ /* end_feedback_drawing */ EndFeedbackDrawing,
+ /* set_feedback_dirty_area */ SetFeedbackDirtyArea,
+ /* finish_pending_drawing */ FinishPendingDrawing,
+ /* abort_pending_drawing */ AbortPendingDrawing,
+ /* get_drawing_info */ GetDrawingInfo,
+ /* update_drawing */ UpdateDrawing,
+ /* get_scroll_info */ GetScrollInfo,
+ /* extension */ NULL,
+ }
+WidgetClass dpsScrolledWindowWidgetClass =
+ (WidgetClass) &dpsScrolledWindowClassRec;
+/***** UTILITY FUNCTIONS *****/
+static void PrintRectList(r, num_r)
+ float *r;
+ short num_r;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < num_r; i++) {
+ printf("Rectangle %d: ", i);
+ printf("X %g Y %g W %g H %g\n", r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3]);
+ r += 4;
+ }
+/* Make sure the list pointed to by r can hold n more rectangles. Always
+ grow by at least min_grow */
+static void GrowRectList(r, r_size, num_r, n, min_grow)
+ float **r;
+ short *r_size;
+ short num_r;
+ int n, min_grow;
+ if (*r_size < num_r + n) {
+ if (min_grow > 1 && num_r + n - *r_size < min_grow) {
+ *r_size += min_grow;
+ } else *r_size = num_r + n;
+ *r = (float *) XtRealloc((char *) *r, *r_size * 4 * sizeof(float));
+ }
+static void GrowIntRectList(r, r_size, num_r, n, min_grow)
+ int **r;
+ short *r_size;
+ short num_r;
+ int n, min_grow;
+ if (*r_size < num_r + n) {
+ if (min_grow > 1 && num_r + n - *r_size < min_grow) {
+ *r_size += min_grow;
+ } else *r_size = num_r + n;
+ *r = (int *) XtRealloc((char *) *r, *r_size * 4 * sizeof(int));
+ }
+static Boolean Intersects(r1, r2)
+ float *r1, *r2;
+ if (RIGHT(r1) <= LEFT(r2)) return False;
+ if (RIGHT(r2) <= LEFT(r1)) return False;
+ if (TOP(r1) <= BOTTOM(r2)) return False;
+ if (TOP(r2) <= BOTTOM(r1)) return False;
+ return True;
+/* Subtract sub from src, putting result into dst. Return rectangle count */
+static int Subtract(src, sub, dst)
+ float *src, *sub, *dst;
+ int n = 0;
+ /* If bottom of sub is greater than bottom of src, there's a
+ rectangle across the bottom */
+ if (BOTTOM(sub) > BOTTOM(src)) {
+ LEFT(dst) = LEFT(src);
+ BOTTOM(dst) = BOTTOM(src);
+ WIDTH(dst) = WIDTH(src);
+ HEIGHT(dst) = BOTTOM(sub) - BOTTOM(src);
+ n++;
+ dst += 4;
+ }
+ /* If left of sub is greater than left of src, there's a left rectangle. */
+ if (LEFT(sub) > LEFT(src)) {
+ LEFT(dst) = LEFT(src);
+ BOTTOM(dst) = MAX(BOTTOM(src), BOTTOM(sub));
+ WIDTH(dst) = LEFT(sub) - LEFT(src);
+ HEIGHT(dst) = MIN(TOP(src), TOP(sub)) - BOTTOM(dst);
+ n++;
+ dst += 4;
+ }
+ /* If right of sub is less than right of src, there's a right rect */
+ if (RIGHT(sub) < RIGHT(src)) {
+ LEFT(dst) = RIGHT(sub);
+ BOTTOM(dst) = MAX(BOTTOM(src), BOTTOM(sub));
+ WIDTH(dst) = RIGHT(src) - RIGHT(sub);
+ HEIGHT(dst) = MIN(TOP(src), TOP(sub)) - BOTTOM(dst);
+ n++;
+ dst += 4;
+ }
+ /* If top of sub is less than top of src, there's a top rectangle */
+ if (TOP(sub) < TOP(src)) {
+ LEFT(dst) = LEFT(src);
+ BOTTOM(dst) = TOP(sub);
+ WIDTH(dst) = WIDTH(src);
+ HEIGHT(dst) = TOP(src) - TOP(sub);
+ n++;
+ dst += 4;
+ }
+ return n;
+static void Copy(src, dst)
+ float *src, *dst;
+ LEFT(dst) = LEFT(src);
+ BOTTOM(dst) = BOTTOM(src);
+ WIDTH(dst) = WIDTH(src);
+ HEIGHT(dst) = HEIGHT(src);
+static void Intersection(r1, r2, dst)
+ float *r1, *r2, *dst;
+ LEFT(dst) = MAX(LEFT(r1), LEFT(r2));
+ BOTTOM(dst) = MAX(BOTTOM(r1), BOTTOM(r2));
+ WIDTH(dst) = MIN(RIGHT(r1), RIGHT(r2)) - LEFT(dst);
+ HEIGHT(dst) = MIN(TOP(r1), TOP(r2)) - BOTTOM(dst);
+/* These are used by the SubtractRects and IntersectRects procedures */
+static float *rbuf = NULL;
+static short rbuf_size = 0;
+#define GROW_BUF 10
+/* Replace the rectangle list in src with src minus sub */
+static void SubtractRects(src, src_size, num_src, sub, num_sub)
+ float **src;
+ short *src_size;
+ short *num_src;
+ float *sub;
+ int num_sub;
+ short num_rbuf;
+ float *r;
+ int i;
+ /* Go through, subtracting the first sub rectangle from each src
+ rectangle. Put the result in the internal buffer, then copy this
+ list to the src. Repeat for each sub rectangle. */
+ while (num_sub > 0) {
+ num_rbuf = 0;
+ for (r = *src, i = 0; i < *num_src; r += 4, i++) {
+ if (Intersects(r, sub)) {
+ /* Subtract sub from r, putting result into rbuf. First
+ make sure there are at least 4 spaces in the buffer */
+ GrowRectList(&rbuf, &rbuf_size, num_rbuf, 4, GROW_BUF);
+ /* Do the subtraction */
+ num_rbuf += Subtract(r, sub, rbuf + (num_rbuf*4));
+ } else {
+ /* Copy r into buffer */
+ GrowRectList(&rbuf, &rbuf_size, num_rbuf, 1, GROW_BUF);
+ Copy(r, rbuf + (num_rbuf*4));
+ num_rbuf++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Copy buffered rectangles back into src */
+ GrowRectList(src, src_size, 0, num_rbuf, 1);
+ for (i = 0; i < num_rbuf * 4; i++) (*src)[i] = rbuf[i];
+ *num_src = num_rbuf;
+ /* Check if we've taken everything away */
+ if (*num_src == 0) return;
+ /* Skip on to the next sub rectangle */
+ num_sub--;
+ sub += 4;
+ }
+/* Replace list r1 with the intersection of r1 and r2 */
+static void IntersectRects(r1, r1_size, num_r1, r2, num_r2)
+ float **r1;
+ short *r1_size;
+ short *num_r1;
+ float *r2;
+ int num_r2;
+ short num_rbuf = 0;
+ float *r;
+ int i;
+ /* Fairly straightforward. Intersect each rectangle in r1 with each
+ rectangle in r2, then copy the results to r1 */
+ while (num_r2 > 0) {
+ for (r = *r1, i = 0; i < *num_r1; r += 4, i++) {
+ if (Intersects(r, r2)) {
+ GrowRectList(&rbuf, &rbuf_size, num_rbuf, 1, GROW_BUF);
+ Intersection(r, r2, rbuf + (num_rbuf*4));
+ num_rbuf++;
+ }
+ }
+ num_r2--;
+ r2 += 4;
+ }
+ /* Copy intersection rectangles back into r1 */
+ GrowRectList(r1, r1_size, 0, num_rbuf, 1);
+ for (i = 0; i < num_rbuf * 4; i++) (*r1)[i] = rbuf[i];
+ *num_r1 = num_rbuf;
+static void SimplifyRects(rect, num)
+ float *rect;
+ register short *num;
+ int i, j, k;
+ float *r, *r1;
+ i = 0;
+ while (i < *num) {
+ r = rect + (i * 4);
+ if (WIDTH(r) == 0 || HEIGHT(r) == 0) {
+ for (k = 4*(i+1); k < *num * 4; k++) rect[k-4] = rect[k];
+ (*num)--;
+ goto LOOPEND;
+ }
+ j = i+1;
+ while (j < *num) {
+ r1 = rect + (j * 4);
+ if (TOP(r1) <= TOP(r) && BOTTOM(r1) >= BOTTOM(r) &&
+ LEFT(r1) >= LEFT(r) && RIGHT(r1) <= RIGHT(r)) {
+ for (k = 4*(j+1); k < *num * 4; k++) rect[k-4] = rect[k];
+ (*num)--;
+ } else if (TOP(r) <= TOP(r1) && BOTTOM(r) >= BOTTOM(r1) &&
+ LEFT(r) >= LEFT(r1) && RIGHT(r) <= RIGHT(r1)) {
+ for (k = 4*(i+1); k < *num * 4; k++) rect[k-4] = rect[k];
+ (*num)--;
+ goto LOOPEND;
+ } else j++;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+static void ComputeOffsets(dsw, dx, dy)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ int *dx, *dy;
+ if (dsw->sw.doing_feedback && dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap != None) {
+ *dx = *dy = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (dsw->sw.pixmap_width == dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width) *dx = 0;
+ else *dx = -dsw->sw.origin_x;
+ if (dsw->sw.pixmap_height == dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height) *dy = 0;
+ else *dy = CEIL(dsw->sw.drawing_height) - dsw->sw.origin_y;
+ }
+static void ClassPartInitialize(widget_class)
+ WidgetClass widget_class;
+ register DPSScrolledWindowWidgetClass wc =
+ (DPSScrolledWindowWidgetClass) widget_class;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidgetClass super =
+ (DPSScrolledWindowWidgetClass) wc->core_class.superclass;
+ if (wc->sw_class.set_scale == InheritSetScale) {
+ wc->sw_class.set_scale = super->sw_class.set_scale;
+ }
+ if (wc->sw_class.scroll_point == InheritScrollPoint) {
+ wc->sw_class.scroll_point = super->sw_class.scroll_point;
+ }
+ if (wc->sw_class.scroll_by == InheritScrollBy) {
+ wc->sw_class.scroll_by = super->sw_class.scroll_by;
+ }
+ if (wc->sw_class.scroll_to == InheritScrollTo) {
+ wc->sw_class.scroll_to = super->sw_class.scroll_to;
+ }
+ if (wc->sw_class.set_scale_and_scroll == InheritSetScaleAndScroll) {
+ wc->sw_class.set_scale_and_scroll =
+ super->sw_class.set_scale_and_scroll;
+ }
+ if (wc->sw_class.convert_x_to_ps == InheritConvertXToPS) {
+ wc->sw_class.convert_x_to_ps = super->sw_class.convert_x_to_ps;
+ }
+ if (wc->sw_class.convert_ps_to_x == InheritConvertPSToX) {
+ wc->sw_class.convert_ps_to_x = super->sw_class.convert_ps_to_x;
+ }
+ if (wc->sw_class.add_to_dirty_area == InheritAddToDirtyArea) {
+ wc->sw_class.add_to_dirty_area = super->sw_class.add_to_dirty_area;
+ }
+ if (wc->sw_class.take_feedback_pixmap == InheritTakeFeedbackPixmap) {
+ wc->sw_class.take_feedback_pixmap =
+ super->sw_class.take_feedback_pixmap;
+ }
+ if (wc->sw_class.give_feedback_pixmap == InheritGiveFeedbackPixmap) {
+ wc->sw_class.give_feedback_pixmap =
+ super->sw_class.give_feedback_pixmap;
+ }
+ if (wc->sw_class.start_feedback_drawing == InheritStartFeedbackDrawing) {
+ wc->sw_class.start_feedback_drawing =
+ super->sw_class.start_feedback_drawing;
+ }
+ if (wc->sw_class.end_feedback_drawing == InheritEndFeedbackDrawing) {
+ wc->sw_class.end_feedback_drawing =
+ super->sw_class.end_feedback_drawing;
+ }
+ if (wc->sw_class.set_feedback_dirty_area == InheritSetFeedbackDirtyArea) {
+ wc->sw_class.set_feedback_dirty_area =
+ super->sw_class.set_feedback_dirty_area;
+ }
+ if (wc->sw_class.finish_pending_drawing == InheritFinishPendingDrawing) {
+ wc->sw_class.finish_pending_drawing =
+ super->sw_class.finish_pending_drawing;
+ }
+ if (wc->sw_class.abort_pending_drawing == InheritAbortPendingDrawing) {
+ wc->sw_class.abort_pending_drawing =
+ super->sw_class.abort_pending_drawing;
+ }
+ if (wc->sw_class.get_drawing_info == InheritGetDrawingInfo) {
+ wc->sw_class.get_drawing_info = super->sw_class.get_drawing_info;
+ }
+ if (wc->sw_class.update_drawing == InheritUpdateDrawing) {
+ wc->sw_class.update_drawing = super->sw_class.update_drawing;
+ }
+ if (wc->sw_class.get_scroll_info == InheritGetScrollInfo) {
+ wc->sw_class.get_scroll_info = super->sw_class.get_scroll_info;
+ }
+static void CreateChildren(dsw)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ Widget w;
+ w = dsw->sw.scrolled_window =
+ XtVaCreateManagedWidget("scrolledWindow",
+ xmScrolledWindowWidgetClass,
+ (Widget) dsw,
+ XtNwidth, dsw->core.width,
+ XtNheight, dsw->core.height,
+ XmNscrollingPolicy, XmAPPLICATION_DEFINED,
+ NULL);
+ dsw->sw.h_scroll =
+ XtVaCreateManagedWidget("horizontalScrollBar",
+ xmScrollBarWidgetClass, w,
+ XmNorientation, XmHORIZONTAL,
+ NULL);
+ XtAddCallback(dsw->sw.h_scroll, XmNvalueChangedCallback, HScrollCallback,
+ (XtPointer) dsw);
+ XtAddCallback(dsw->sw.h_scroll, XmNdragCallback, HScrollCallback,
+ (XtPointer) dsw);
+ dsw->sw.v_scroll =
+ XtVaCreateManagedWidget("verticalScrollBar",
+ xmScrollBarWidgetClass, w,
+ XmNorientation, XmVERTICAL,
+ NULL);
+ XtAddCallback(dsw->sw.v_scroll, XmNvalueChangedCallback, VScrollCallback,
+ (XtPointer) dsw);
+ XtAddCallback(dsw->sw.v_scroll, XmNdragCallback, VScrollCallback,
+ (XtPointer) dsw);
+ dsw->sw.drawing_area =
+ XtVaCreateManagedWidget("drawingArea",
+ xmDrawingAreaWidgetClass, w, NULL);
+ XtAddCallback(dsw->sw.drawing_area, XtNexposeCallback, DrawingAreaExpose,
+ (XtPointer) dsw);
+ XtAddRawEventHandler(dsw->sw.drawing_area, 0, True,
+ DrawingAreaGraphicsExpose, (XtPointer) dsw);
+ XmScrolledWindowSetAreas(w, dsw->sw.h_scroll, dsw->sw.v_scroll,
+ dsw->sw.drawing_area);
+static void Initialize(request, new, args, num_args)
+ Widget request, new;
+ ArgList args;
+ Cardinal *num_args;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw = (DPSScrolledWindowWidget) new;
+ XGCValues gcVal;
+ Bool inited;
+ if (dsw->sw.area_width <= 0) dsw->sw.area_width = 8.5*72;
+ if (dsw->sw.area_height <= 0) dsw->sw.area_height = 11*72;
+ if (dsw->sw.scale <= 0) dsw->sw.scale = 1.0;
+ dsw->sw.ctm_ptr = dsw->sw.ctm;
+ dsw->sw.inv_ctm_ptr = dsw->sw.inv_ctm;
+ dsw->sw.backing_pixmap = None;
+ dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap = None;
+ dsw->sw.window_gstate = 0;
+ dsw->sw.backing_gstate = 0;
+ dsw->sw.feedback_gstate = 0;
+ dsw->sw.scrolling = False;
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_expose = dsw->sw.pending_expose_size = 0;
+ dsw->sw.pending_expose = NULL;
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty = dsw->sw.pending_dirty_size = 0;
+ dsw->sw.pending_dirty = NULL;
+ dsw->sw.num_current_drawing = dsw->sw.current_drawing_size = 0;
+ dsw->sw.current_drawing = NULL;
+ dsw->sw.num_prev_dirty_areas = dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas_size = 0;
+ dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas = NULL;
+ dsw->sw.drawing_stage = DSWStart;
+ dsw-> = 0;
+ dsw->sw.big_pixmap = False;
+ /* Set the initial dirty area to everything */
+ dsw->sw.dirty_areas_size = 0;
+ dsw->sw.dirty_areas = NULL;
+ GrowRectList(&dsw->sw.dirty_areas, &dsw->sw.dirty_areas_size, 0, 1, 1);
+ dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas = 1;
+ LEFT(dsw->sw.dirty_areas) = 0.0;
+ BOTTOM(dsw->sw.dirty_areas) = 0.0;
+ WIDTH(dsw->sw.dirty_areas) = dsw->sw.area_width;
+ HEIGHT(dsw->sw.dirty_areas) = dsw->sw.area_height;
+ /* Make the scratch list have at least one element */
+ dsw->sw.num_scratch = dsw->sw.scratch_size = 0;
+ dsw->sw.scratch = NULL;
+ GrowRectList(&dsw->sw.scratch, &dsw->sw.scratch_size, 0, 1, 1);
+ /* Get the context */
+ if (dsw->sw.context == NULL) {
+ dsw->sw.context = XDPSGetSharedContext(XtDisplay(dsw));
+ }
+ /* Watch progress only works with pass-through event dispatching */
+ if (dsw->sw.watch_progress &&
+ XDPSSetEventDelivery(XtDisplay(dsw), dps_event_query) !=
+ dps_event_pass_through) dsw->sw.watch_progress = False;
+ if (_XDPSTestComponentInitialized(dsw->sw.context,
+ dps_init_bit_dsw, &inited) ==
+ dps_status_unregistered_context) {
+ XDPSRegisterContext(dsw->sw.context, False);
+ }
+ dsw->sw.use_saved_scroll = False;
+ dsw->sw.context_inited = False;
+ dsw->sw.doing_feedback = False;
+ dsw->sw.feedback_displayed = False;
+ CreateChildren(dsw);
+ dsw->sw.ge_gc = XtGetGC(dsw->sw.drawing_area, 0, (XGCValues *) NULL);
+ gcVal.graphics_exposures = False;
+ dsw->sw.no_ge_gc = XtGetGC(dsw->sw.drawing_area, GCGraphicsExposures,
+ &gcVal);
+static void Destroy(widget)
+ Widget widget;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw = (DPSScrolledWindowWidget) widget;
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap != None) {
+ XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(dsw), dsw->sw.backing_pixmap);
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap != None) {
+ XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(dsw), dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap);
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.window_gstate != 0) {
+ XDPSFreeContextGState(dsw->sw.context, dsw->sw.window_gstate);
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_gstate != 0) {
+ XDPSFreeContextGState(dsw->sw.context, dsw->sw.backing_gstate);
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.feedback_gstate != 0) {
+ XDPSFreeContextGState(dsw->sw.context, dsw->sw.feedback_gstate);
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.pending_expose != NULL) {
+ XtFree((char *) dsw->sw.pending_expose);
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.current_drawing != NULL) {
+ XtFree((char *) dsw->sw.current_drawing);
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas != NULL) {
+ XtFree((char *) dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas);
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.dirty_areas != NULL) XtFree((char *) dsw->sw.dirty_areas);
+ if (dsw->sw.pending_dirty != NULL) XtFree((char *) dsw->sw.pending_dirty);
+ if (dsw->sw.scratch != NULL) XtFree((char *) dsw->sw.scratch);
+ XtReleaseGC(widget, dsw->sw.ge_gc);
+ XtReleaseGC(widget, dsw->sw.no_ge_gc);
+static void SetOriginAndGetTransform(dsw)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ float psX, psY;
+ ConvertToOrigPS(dsw, dsw->sw.origin_x, dsw->sw.origin_y, &psX, &psY);
+ _DPSSWSetMatrixAndGetTransform(dsw->sw.context, psX, psY, dsw->sw.scale,
+ dsw->sw.origin_x, dsw->sw.origin_y,
+ dsw->sw.ctm, dsw->sw.inv_ctm,
+ &dsw->sw.x_offset, &dsw->sw.y_offset);
+static void SetPixmapOrigin(dsw)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ float psX, psY;
+ ConvertToOrigPS(dsw, dsw->sw.origin_x, dsw->sw.origin_y, &psX, &psY);
+ _DPSSWSetMatrix(dsw->sw.context, psX, psY, dsw->sw.scale,
+ dsw->sw.origin_x, dsw->sw.origin_y);
+static void SetPixmapOffset(dsw)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ int ox, oy;
+ if (dsw->sw.pixmap_width <= (int) dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width) ox = 0;
+ else ox = -dsw->sw.origin_x;
+ if (dsw->sw.pixmap_height <= (int) dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height) {
+ oy = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height;
+ } else oy = dsw->sw.pixmap_height - dsw->sw.origin_y +
+ dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height;
+ DPSsetXoffset(dsw->sw.context, ox, oy);
+static Boolean pixmapError;
+static int (*oldHandler)();
+static int PixmapHandler(dpy, error)
+ Display *dpy;
+ XErrorEvent *error;
+ if (error->error_code == BadAlloc &&
+ error->request_code == X_CreatePixmap) {
+ pixmapError = True;
+ return 0;
+ } else return (*oldHandler) (dpy, error);
+static Pixmap AllocPixmap(dsw, w, h)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ unsigned int w, h;
+ Pixmap p;
+ unsigned int dBytes;
+ Widget wid = dsw->sw.drawing_area;
+ if (dsw->sw.pixmap_limit > 0) {
+ if (w * h > dsw->sw.pixmap_limit) return None;
+ } else if (dsw->sw.pixmap_limit < 0 &&
+ w * h > dsw->sw.unscaled_width * dsw->sw.unscaled_height &&
+ w * h > wid->core.width * wid->core.height) return None;
+ if (dsw->sw.absolute_pixmap_limit > 0) {
+ dBytes = (wid->core.depth + 7) / 8; /* Convert into bytes */
+ if (w * h * dBytes > dsw->sw.absolute_pixmap_limit * 1024) {
+ return None;
+ }
+ }
+ XSync(XtDisplay(dsw), False);
+ oldHandler = XSetErrorHandler(PixmapHandler);
+ pixmapError = False;
+ p = XCreatePixmap(XtDisplay(dsw), XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area), w, h,
+ wid->core.depth);
+ XSync(XtDisplay(dsw), False);
+ (void) XSetErrorHandler(oldHandler);
+ if (pixmapError) return None;
+ else return p;
+static void CreateBackingPixmap(dsw)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ Pixmap p;
+ if (dsw->sw.document_size_pixmaps) {
+ dsw->sw.pixmap_width =
+ MAX(CEIL(dsw->sw.drawing_width),
+ (int) dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width);
+ dsw->sw.pixmap_height =
+ MAX(CEIL(dsw->sw.drawing_height),
+ (int) dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height);
+ p = dsw->sw.backing_pixmap =
+ AllocPixmap(dsw, dsw->sw.pixmap_width, dsw->sw.pixmap_height);
+ if (p != None) {
+ dsw->sw.big_pixmap =
+ dsw->sw.pixmap_width >
+ (int) dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width ||
+ dsw->sw.pixmap_height >
+ (int) dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ dsw->sw.big_pixmap = False;
+ dsw->sw.pixmap_width = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width;
+ dsw->sw.pixmap_height = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height;
+ p = dsw->sw.backing_pixmap =
+ AllocPixmap(dsw, dsw->sw.pixmap_width, dsw->sw.pixmap_height);
+ if (p == None) dsw->sw.pixmap_width = dsw->sw.pixmap_height = 0;
+static void FreeBackingPixmap(dsw)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap == None) return;
+ XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(dsw), dsw->sw.backing_pixmap);
+ dsw->sw.backing_pixmap = None;
+ dsw->sw.big_pixmap = False;
+ dsw->sw.pixmap_width = dsw->sw.pixmap_height = 0;
+ XDPSFreeContextGState(dsw->sw.context, dsw->sw.backing_gstate);
+static void SetDrawingAreaPosition(dsw, ix, iy, vx, vy, setOrigin)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ float ix;
+ float iy;
+ int vx;
+ int vy;
+ Boolean setOrigin;
+ int xoff, yoff;
+ int hSize, vSize;
+ float scrollX, scrollY;
+ /* Convert ix, iy into X units */
+ ix *= dsw->sw.drawing_width / dsw->sw.area_width;
+ iy *= dsw->sw.drawing_height / dsw->sw.area_height;
+ if ((int)dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width >= CEIL(dsw->sw.drawing_width)) {
+ /* The scaled width is narrower than the view window, so
+ center the picture and set scroll bar to be unscrollable */
+ xoff = ((int) dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width -
+ CEIL(dsw->sw.drawing_width))
+ / 2.0;
+ scrollX = 0;
+ hSize = CEIL(dsw->sw.drawing_width);
+ } else {
+ /* The scaled width is larger than the view window, so
+ turn on the scroll bar, and set up its maximum and
+ slider size. Do this by converting the image offset into X
+ coordinates and subtracting the view offset */
+ scrollX = ix - vx;
+ scrollX = MAX(scrollX, 0);
+ scrollX = MIN(scrollX, CEIL(dsw->sw.drawing_width) -
+ (int) dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width);
+ hSize = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width;
+ xoff = -(int) (scrollX + 0.5);
+ }
+ /* Now do the same thing for the height. We want to compute the offset
+ relative to the lower left corner, but X coordinates are relative
+ to the upper left, so the drawing height must be added in. Also, since
+ the coordinates go in the other direction, the view offset must be
+ added, not subtracted. */
+ if ((int) dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height >=
+ CEIL(dsw->sw.drawing_height)) {
+ yoff = ((int) dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height -
+ CEIL(dsw->sw.drawing_height)) / 2.0;
+ scrollY = CEIL(dsw->sw.drawing_height) -
+ (int) dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height;
+ vSize = CEIL(dsw->sw.drawing_height);
+ } else {
+ scrollY = iy + vy - (int) dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height;
+ scrollY = MAX(scrollY, 0);
+ scrollY = MIN(scrollY, CEIL(dsw->sw.drawing_height) -
+ (int) dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height);
+ vSize = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height;
+ yoff = -(int) (scrollY + 0.5);
+ }
+ /* Update the scrollbars */
+ dsw->sw.scroll_x = (int) (scrollX + 0.5);
+ dsw->sw.scroll_y = (int) (CEIL(dsw->sw.drawing_height) -
+ (int) dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height -
+ scrollY + 0.5);
+ yoff = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height - yoff;
+ dsw->sw.scroll_h_value = dsw->sw.scroll_x;
+ dsw->sw.scroll_h_size = hSize;
+ dsw->sw.scroll_h_max = CEIL(dsw->sw.drawing_width);
+ dsw->sw.scroll_v_value = dsw->sw.scroll_y;
+ dsw->sw.scroll_v_size = vSize;
+ dsw->sw.scroll_v_max = CEIL(dsw->sw.drawing_height);
+ if (!dsw->sw.application_scrolling) {
+ XtVaSetValues(dsw->sw.h_scroll, XmNmaximum, dsw->sw.scroll_h_max,
+ XmNvalue, dsw->sw.scroll_x, XmNsliderSize, hSize, NULL);
+ XtVaSetValues(dsw->sw.v_scroll, XmNmaximum, dsw->sw.scroll_v_max,
+ XmNvalue, dsw->sw.scroll_y, XmNsliderSize, vSize, NULL);
+ }
+ if (setOrigin) {
+ /* Set the origin in the X window to reflect the new location */
+ dsw->sw.origin_x = xoff;
+ dsw->sw.origin_y = yoff;
+ }
+static void DrawBackground(dsw, which)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ DSWDrawableType which;
+ DSWExposeCallbackRec e;
+ e.type = which;
+ e.directions = DSWFinish;
+ e.results = DSWUndefined;
+ e.first = True;
+ e.background = True;
+ if (which == DSWBackingPixmap) {
+ e.drawable = dsw->sw.backing_pixmap;
+ e.gstate = dsw->sw.backing_gstate;
+ } else if (which == DSWFeedbackPixmap) {
+ e.drawable = dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap;
+ e.gstate = dsw->sw.feedback_gstate;
+ } else {
+ e.drawable = XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area);
+ e.gstate = dsw->sw.window_gstate;
+ }
+ e.context = dsw->sw.context;
+ SimplifyRects(dsw->sw.current_drawing, &dsw->sw.num_current_drawing);
+ XDPSSetContextGState(dsw->sw.context, e.gstate);
+ _DPSSWSetRectViewClip(dsw->sw.context, dsw->sw.current_drawing,
+ dsw->sw.num_current_drawing * 4);
+ e.rects = dsw->sw.current_drawing;
+ e.rect_count = dsw->sw.num_current_drawing;
+ do {
+ XtCallCallbackList((Widget) dsw, dsw->sw.background_callback,
+ (XtPointer) &e);
+ if (e.results == DSWUndefined) {
+ if (XtHasCallbacks((Widget) dsw, XtNbackgroundCallback) !=
+ XtCallbackHasNone) {
+ XtAppWarningMsg(XtWidgetToApplicationContext((Widget) dsw),
+ "returnError", "backgroundCallback",
+ "DPSScrollError",
+ "Background callback did not set result field",
+ (String *) NULL, (Cardinal *) NULL);
+ }
+ e.results = DSWFinished;
+ }
+ } while (e.results != DSWFinished);
+ DPSinitviewclip(dsw->sw.context);
+static void ClipToDrawingSize(dsw, which)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ DSWDrawableType which;
+ int i;
+ float r[4];
+ if (CEIL(dsw->sw.drawing_width) >= (int) dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width &&
+ CEIL(dsw->sw.drawing_height) >= (int) dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height) return;
+ /* Copy current drawing area to scratch */
+ GrowRectList(&dsw->sw.scratch, &dsw->sw.scratch_size, 0,
+ dsw->sw.num_current_drawing, 1);
+ dsw->sw.num_scratch = dsw->sw.num_current_drawing;
+ for (i = 0; i < dsw->sw.num_current_drawing * 4; i++) {
+ dsw->sw.scratch[i] = dsw->sw.current_drawing[i];
+ }
+ /* Construct a rectangle of the drawing area */
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, dsw->sw.origin_x + DELTA, dsw->sw.origin_y - DELTA,
+ r, r+1);
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, dsw->sw.origin_x + CEIL(dsw->sw.drawing_width) - DELTA,
+ dsw->sw.origin_y - CEIL(dsw->sw.drawing_height) + DELTA,
+ r+2, r+3);
+ r[2] -= r[0];
+ r[3] -= r[1];
+ /* Subtract the area of the drawing from the current drawing list */
+ SubtractRects(&dsw->sw.current_drawing, &dsw->sw.current_drawing_size,
+ &dsw->sw.num_current_drawing, r, 1);
+ if (dsw->sw.num_current_drawing != 0) {
+ DrawBackground(dsw, which);
+ /* Now intersect the rectangle with the current drawing area */
+ IntersectRects(&dsw->sw.scratch, &dsw->sw.scratch_size,
+ &dsw->sw.num_scratch, r, 1);
+ /* If nothing left, we won't be drawing anything more, so
+ synchronize. Otherwise wait until we're done drawing */
+ if (dsw->sw.num_scratch == 0) DPSWaitContext(dsw->sw.context);
+ }
+ /* Copy scratch back into the current drawing list */
+ GrowRectList(&dsw->sw.current_drawing, &dsw->sw.current_drawing_size, 0,
+ dsw->sw.num_scratch, 1);
+ dsw->sw.num_current_drawing = dsw->sw.num_scratch;
+ for (i = 0; i < dsw->sw.num_scratch * 4; i++) {
+ dsw->sw.current_drawing[i] = dsw->sw.scratch[i];
+ }
+static DSWResults ClipAndDraw(dsw, which, howMuch, first)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ DSWDrawableType which;
+ DSWDirections howMuch;
+ Boolean first;
+ DSWExposeCallbackRec e;
+ e.type = which;
+ e.directions = howMuch;
+ e.results = DSWUndefined;
+ e.first = first;
+ e.background = False;
+ if (which == DSWBackingPixmap) {
+ e.drawable = dsw->sw.backing_pixmap;
+ e.gstate = dsw->sw.backing_gstate;
+ } else if (which == DSWFeedbackPixmap) {
+ e.drawable = dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap;
+ e.gstate = dsw->sw.feedback_gstate;
+ } else {
+ e.drawable = XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area);
+ e.gstate = dsw->sw.window_gstate;
+ }
+ e.context = dsw->sw.context;
+ if (first) {
+ XDPSSetContextGState(dsw->sw.context, e.gstate);
+ if (howMuch != DSWAbort) {
+ ClipToDrawingSize(dsw, which);
+ SimplifyRects(dsw->sw.current_drawing,
+ &dsw->sw.num_current_drawing);
+ if (dsw->sw.num_current_drawing == 0) return DSWFinished;
+ _DPSSWSetRectViewClip(dsw->sw.context, dsw->sw.current_drawing,
+ dsw->sw.num_current_drawing * 4);
+ }
+ }
+ e.rects = dsw->sw.current_drawing;
+ e.rect_count = dsw->sw.num_current_drawing;
+ do {
+ XtCallCallbackList((Widget) dsw, dsw->sw.expose_callback,
+ (XtPointer) &e);
+ if (e.results == DSWUndefined) {
+ if (XtHasCallbacks((Widget) dsw,
+ XtNexposeCallback) != XtCallbackHasNone) {
+ XtAppWarningMsg(XtWidgetToApplicationContext((Widget) dsw),
+ "returnError", "exposeCallback",
+ "DPSScrollError",
+ "Expose callback did not set result field",
+ (String *) NULL, (Cardinal *) NULL);
+ }
+ e.results = DSWFinished;
+ }
+ } while ((e.results != DSWFinished && howMuch == DSWFinish) ||
+ (e.results != DSWFinished && e.results != DSWAborted &&
+ howMuch == DSWAbortOrFinish) ||
+ (e.results != DSWAborted && howMuch == DSWAbort));
+ if (e.results == DSWFinished) {
+ DPSinitviewclip(dsw->sw.context);
+ DPSWaitContext(dsw->sw.context);
+ }
+ return e.results;
+static void SplitExposeEvent(dsw, ev)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ XExposeEvent *ev;
+ float *r;
+ float llx, lly, urx, ury;
+ int xr[4];
+ int i;
+ int dx, dy;
+ ComputeOffsets(dsw, &dx, &dy);
+ /* Put the expose event into the scratch list */
+ dsw->sw.num_scratch = 1;
+ r = dsw->sw.scratch;
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, ev->x + DELTA, ev->y + ev->height - DELTA, &llx, &lly);
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, ev->x + ev->width - DELTA, ev->y + DELTA, &urx, &ury);
+ LEFT(r) = llx;
+ BOTTOM(r) = lly;
+ WIDTH(r) = urx - llx;
+ HEIGHT(r) = ury - lly;
+ /* Subtract the dirty area from the exposed area and copy the resulting
+ area to the window */
+ SubtractRects(&dsw->sw.scratch, &dsw->sw.scratch_size,
+ &dsw->sw.num_scratch,
+ dsw->sw.dirty_areas, dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas);
+ for (i = 0; i < dsw->sw.num_scratch; i++) {
+ r = dsw->sw.scratch + 4*i;
+ ConvertToX(dsw, LEFT(r), TOP(r), xr, xr+1);
+ ConvertToX(dsw, RIGHT(r), BOTTOM(r), xr+2, xr+3);
+ xr[2] -= xr[0];
+ xr[3] -= xr[1];
+ XCopyArea(XtDisplay(dsw), dsw->sw.backing_pixmap,
+ XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area), dsw->sw.no_ge_gc,
+ xr[0] + dx, xr[1] + dy, xr[2], xr[3], xr[0], xr[1]);
+ }
+ /* Now do it again, but intersect the exposed area with the dirty area
+ and add the intersection to the pending list */
+ dsw->sw.num_scratch = 1;
+ r = dsw->sw.scratch;
+ LEFT(r) = llx;
+ BOTTOM(r) = lly;
+ WIDTH(r) = urx - llx;
+ HEIGHT(r) = ury - lly;
+ IntersectRects(&dsw->sw.scratch, &dsw->sw.scratch_size,
+ &dsw->sw.num_scratch,
+ dsw->sw.dirty_areas, dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas);
+ AddUserSpaceRectsToPending(dsw, dsw->sw.scratch, dsw->sw.num_scratch);
+static Bool CheckWatchProgressEvent(dpy, e, arg)
+ Display *dpy;
+ XEvent *e;
+ char *arg;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw = (DPSScrolledWindowWidget) arg;
+ return (e->xany.window == dsw->sw.backing_pixmap &&
+ (e->type == GraphicsExpose || e->type == NoExpose)) ||
+ (e->xany.window == XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area) &&
+ e->type == Expose);
+static void CopyWindowToBackingPixmap(dsw)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ int llx, lly, urx, ury;
+ XEvent e;
+ XExposeEvent *ev = (XExposeEvent *) &e;
+ int i;
+ float *r;
+ int copies = 0;
+ int dx, dy;
+ ComputeOffsets(dsw, &dx, &dy);
+ for (i = 0; i < dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas; i++) {
+ r = dsw->sw.dirty_areas + i*4;
+ ConvertToX(dsw, LEFT(r), BOTTOM(r), &llx, &lly);
+ ConvertToX(dsw, RIGHT(r), TOP(r), &urx, &ury);
+ XCopyArea(XtDisplay(dsw), XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area),
+ dsw->sw.backing_pixmap, dsw->sw.ge_gc,
+ llx, ury, urx-llx, lly-ury, llx + dx, ury + dy);
+ copies++;
+ }
+ /* Unfortunately the Intrinsics won't let us get ahold of the the
+ GraphicsExpose events for the pixmap, so we have to wait and
+ get them the old fashioned way. Yuck. */
+ while (copies > 0) {
+ XIfEvent(XtDisplay(dsw), &e, CheckWatchProgressEvent,
+ (char *) dsw);
+ if (e.type == Expose) {
+ SplitExposeEvent(dsw, ev);
+ continue;
+ } else if (e.type == GraphicsExpose) {
+ ev->x -= dx;
+ ev->y -= dy;
+ AddExposureToPending(dsw, ev);
+ if (ev->count == 0) copies--;
+ } else copies--; /* NoExpose */
+ }
+ CopyRectsToCurrentDrawing(dsw, dsw->sw.pending_dirty,
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty);
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty = 0;
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_expose = 0;
+ if (dsw->sw.num_current_drawing == 0) {
+ dsw->sw.drawing_stage = DSWDone;
+ dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas = 0;
+ } else {
+ /* The dirty area is now the intersection of the old dirty area and
+ the newly-created current drawing list */
+ IntersectRects(&dsw->sw.dirty_areas, &dsw->sw.dirty_areas_size,
+ &dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas,
+ dsw->sw.current_drawing, dsw->sw.num_current_drawing);
+ }
+/* Subtract the window area from the dirty area, and make the
+ result be the new current drawing list */
+static void SetCurrentDrawingToBackground(dsw)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ int i;
+ float r[4];
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, 0 + DELTA, dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height - DELTA,
+ r, r+1);
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width - DELTA, 0 + DELTA,
+ r+2, r+3);
+ r[2] -= r[0];
+ r[3] -= r[1];
+ SubtractRects(&dsw->sw.dirty_areas, &dsw->sw.dirty_areas_size,
+ &dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas, r, 1);
+ GrowRectList(&dsw->sw.current_drawing, &dsw->sw.current_drawing_size,
+ 0, dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas, 1);
+ for (i = 0; i < 4 * dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas; i++) {
+ dsw->sw.current_drawing[i] = dsw->sw.dirty_areas[i];
+ }
+ dsw->sw.num_current_drawing = dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas;
+static void CopyPendingExpose(dsw)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ int dx, dy;
+ int i;
+ int *r;
+ ComputeOffsets(dsw, &dx, &dy);
+ for (i = 0; i < dsw->sw.num_pending_expose; i++) {
+ r = dsw->sw.pending_expose + 4*i;
+ XCopyArea(XtDisplay(dsw), dsw->sw.backing_pixmap,
+ XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area),
+ dsw->sw.no_ge_gc,
+ LEFT(r) + dx, BOTTOM(r) + dy, WIDTH(r), HEIGHT(r),
+ LEFT(r), BOTTOM(r));
+ }
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_expose = dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty = 0;
+static void UpdateWindowFromBackingPixmap(dsw, rects, n)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ float *rects;
+ int n;
+ int dx, dy;
+ int llx, lly, urx, ury;
+ int i;
+ float *r;
+ ComputeOffsets(dsw, &dx, &dy);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ r = rects + 4*i;
+ ConvertToX(dsw, LEFT(r), BOTTOM(r), &llx, &lly);
+ ConvertToX(dsw, RIGHT(r), TOP(r), &urx, &ury);
+ XCopyArea(XtDisplay(dsw), dsw->sw.backing_pixmap,
+ XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area),
+ dsw->sw.no_ge_gc,
+ llx+dx-1, ury+dy-1, urx-llx+2, lly-ury+2, llx-1, ury-1);
+ }
+static void UpdateWindowFromFeedbackPixmap(dsw, rects, n)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ float *rects;
+ int n;
+ int llx, lly, urx, ury;
+ int i;
+ float *r;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ r = rects + (i * 4);
+ ConvertToX(dsw, LEFT(r), BOTTOM(r), &llx, &lly);
+ ConvertToX(dsw, RIGHT(r), TOP(r), &urx, &ury);
+ XCopyArea(XtDisplay(dsw), dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap,
+ XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area), dsw->sw.no_ge_gc,
+ llx-1, ury-1, urx-llx+2, lly-ury+2, llx-1, ury-1);
+ }
+/* This is the heart of the drawing code; it does one piece of drawing.
+ It can be called either directly or as a work procedure */
+static Boolean DoDrawing(clientData)
+ XtPointer clientData;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw = (DPSScrolledWindowWidget) clientData;
+ DSWResults results;
+ DSWDrawableType which;
+ if (dsw->sw.drawing_stage == DSWStart && dsw->sw.watch_progress &&
+ dsw->sw.backing_pixmap != None && dsw->sw.num_current_drawing == 0) {
+ dsw->sw.drawing_stage = DSWDrewVisible;
+ CopyWindowToBackingPixmap(dsw);
+ }
+ switch (dsw->sw.drawing_stage) {
+ case DSWStart:
+ case DSWDrawingVisible:
+ if (dsw->sw.watch_progress || dsw->sw.backing_pixmap == None) {
+ which = DSWWindow;
+ } else which = DSWBackingPixmap;
+ results = ClipAndDraw(dsw, which, DSWDrawSome,
+ (dsw->sw.drawing_stage == DSWStart));
+ if (results == DSWFinished) {
+ if (dsw->sw.watch_progress && dsw->sw.backing_pixmap != None) {
+ dsw->sw.drawing_stage = DSWDrewVisible;
+ CopyWindowToBackingPixmap(dsw);
+ } else {
+ if (dsw->sw.minimal_drawing && dsw->sw.big_pixmap) {
+ dsw->sw.drawing_stage = DSWDrewVisible;
+ SetCurrentDrawingToBackground(dsw);
+ } else {
+ dsw->sw.drawing_stage = DSWDone;
+ dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas = 0;
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.num_pending_expose != 0 &&
+ dsw->sw.backing_pixmap != None) {
+ CopyPendingExpose(dsw);
+ }
+ }
+ } else dsw->sw.drawing_stage = DSWDrawingVisible;
+ break;
+ case DSWDrewVisible:
+ case DSWDrawingBackground:
+ results = ClipAndDraw(dsw, DSWBackingPixmap, DSWDrawSome,
+ (dsw->sw.drawing_stage == DSWDrewVisible));
+ if (results == DSWFinished) {
+ dsw->sw.drawing_stage = DSWDone;
+ dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas = 0;
+ }
+ else dsw->sw.drawing_stage = DSWDrawingBackground;
+ break;
+ case DSWDone:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.drawing_stage == DSWDone && dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty != 0) {
+ CopyRectsToCurrentDrawing(dsw, dsw->sw.pending_dirty,
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty);
+ CopyRectsToDirtyArea(dsw, dsw->sw.pending_dirty,
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty);
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty = 0;
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_expose = 0;
+ dsw->sw.drawing_stage = DSWStart;
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.drawing_stage == DSWDone) {
+ dsw-> = 0;
+ if (dsw->sw.watch_progress) {
+ /* Some of the background drawing may have been to areas that
+ are visible */
+ UpdateWindowFromBackingPixmap(dsw, dsw->sw.current_drawing,
+ dsw->sw.num_current_drawing);
+ }
+ dsw->sw.num_current_drawing = 0;
+ if (dsw->sw.scrolling) {
+ dsw->sw.scrolling = False;
+ ScrollMoved(dsw);
+ }
+ return True;
+ } else return False;
+static void StartDrawing(dsw)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ float r[4];
+ CopyRectsToCurrentDrawing(dsw, dsw->sw.dirty_areas,
+ dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas);
+ if (dsw->sw.watch_progress || dsw->sw.backing_pixmap == None) {
+ /* Intersect the current drawing area with the pending dirty area
+ (The pending dirty area represents the window exposures that
+ have happened so far) */
+ IntersectRects(&dsw->sw.current_drawing, &dsw->sw.current_drawing_size,
+ &dsw->sw.num_current_drawing,
+ dsw->sw.pending_dirty, dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty);
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty = dsw->sw.num_pending_expose = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (!dsw->sw.big_pixmap || dsw->sw.minimal_drawing) {
+ /* Intersect the current drawing area to the window to start */
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, 0 + DELTA,
+ dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height - DELTA, r, r+1);
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width - DELTA,
+ 0 + DELTA, r+2, r+3);
+ r[2] -= r[0];
+ r[3] -= r[1];
+ IntersectRects(&dsw->sw.current_drawing,
+ &dsw->sw.current_drawing_size,
+ &dsw->sw.num_current_drawing, r, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.num_current_drawing == 0 && !dsw->sw.watch_progress) {
+ dsw->sw.drawing_stage = DSWFinished;
+ dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ dsw->sw.drawing_stage = DSWStart;
+ if (!DoDrawing((XtPointer) dsw)) {
+ dsw-> =
+ XtAppAddWorkProc(XtWidgetToApplicationContext((Widget) dsw),
+ DoDrawing, (XtPointer) dsw);
+ }
+static void RedisplaySliver(dsw, deltaX, deltaY)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ float r[8];
+ int xr[8];
+ int n;
+ int xllx, xlly, xurx, xury;
+ float llx, lly, urx, ury;
+ /* If one of the deltas is 0, then the area to update is just a
+ single rectangle. */
+ if (deltaX == 0 || deltaY == 0) {
+ if (deltaX == 0) {
+ /* Just a single horizontal rectangle */
+ xllx = 0;
+ xurx = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width;
+ if (deltaY > 0) {
+ xlly = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height;
+ xury = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height - deltaY;
+ } else {
+ xlly = -deltaY;
+ xury = 0;
+ }
+ } else if (deltaY == 0) {
+ /* Just a single vertical rectangle */
+ xlly = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height;
+ xury = 0;
+ if (deltaX > 0) {
+ xllx = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width - deltaX;
+ xurx = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width;
+ } else {
+ xllx = 0;
+ xurx = -deltaX;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Convert the rectangle into PS coordinates */
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, xllx + DELTA, xlly - DELTA, &llx, &lly);
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, xurx - DELTA, xury + DELTA, &urx, &ury);
+ r[0] = llx;
+ r[1] = lly;
+ r[2] = urx - llx;
+ r[3] = ury - lly;
+ xr[0] = xllx;
+ xr[1] = xury;
+ xr[2] = xurx - xllx;
+ xr[3] = xlly - xury;
+ n = 1;
+ } else {
+ /* Scrolling in both directions, so there are two rectangles.
+ It's easiest to do if we let them overlap; fortunately that is
+ legal! First do the horizontal rectangle. */
+ xllx = 0;
+ xurx = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width;
+ if (deltaY > 0) {
+ xlly = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height;
+ xury = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height - deltaY;
+ } else {
+ xlly = -deltaY;
+ xury = 0;
+ }
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, xllx + DELTA, xlly - DELTA, &llx, &lly);
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, xurx - DELTA, xury + DELTA, &urx, &ury);
+ /* Store in point array */
+ r[0] = llx;
+ r[1] = lly;
+ r[2] = urx - llx;
+ r[3] = ury - lly;
+ xr[0] = xllx;
+ xr[1] = xury;
+ xr[2] = xurx - xllx;
+ xr[3] = xlly - xury;
+ /* Now do vertical rectangle and store in point array */
+ xlly = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height;
+ xury = 0;
+ if (deltaX > 0) {
+ xllx = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width - deltaX;
+ xurx = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width;
+ } else {
+ xllx = 0;
+ xurx = -deltaX;
+ }
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, xllx + DELTA, xlly - DELTA, &llx, &lly);
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, xurx - DELTA, xury + DELTA, &urx, &ury);
+ r[4] = llx;
+ r[5] = lly;
+ r[6] = urx - llx;
+ r[7] = ury - lly;
+ xr[4] = xllx;
+ xr[5] = xury;
+ xr[6] = xurx - xllx;
+ xr[7] = xlly - xury;
+ n = 2;
+ }
+ AddRectsToDirtyArea(dsw, r, n);
+ AddRectsToPending(dsw, xr, n);
+ StartDrawing(dsw);
+static void SetUpInitialPixmap(dsw)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ float *r = dsw->sw.dirty_areas;
+ int llx, lly, urx, ury;
+ CreateBackingPixmap(dsw);
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap != None) {
+ XDPSSetContextDrawable(dsw->sw.context, dsw->sw.backing_pixmap,
+ dsw->sw.pixmap_height);
+ SetPixmapOffset(dsw);
+ SetPixmapOrigin(dsw);
+ XDPSCaptureContextGState(dsw->sw.context, &dsw->sw.backing_gstate);
+ if (dsw->sw.pixmap_width != CEIL(dsw->sw.drawing_width) ||
+ dsw->sw.pixmap_height != CEIL(dsw->sw.drawing_height)) {
+ /* Make the dirty area match the window */
+ if (dsw->sw.pixmap_width > (int)dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width) {
+ llx = dsw->sw.origin_x;
+ urx = llx + CEIL(dsw->sw.drawing_width);
+ } else {
+ llx = 0;
+ urx = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width;
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.pixmap_height >
+ (int) dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height) {
+ lly = dsw->sw.origin_y;
+ ury = dsw->sw.origin_y - CEIL(dsw->sw.drawing_height);
+ } else {
+ lly = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height;
+ ury = 0;
+ }
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, llx + DELTA, lly - DELTA, r, r+1);
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, urx - DELTA, ury + DELTA, r+2, r+3);
+ r[2] -= r[0];
+ r[3] -= r[1];
+ dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas = 1;
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.doing_feedback) {
+ CopyRectsToCurrentDrawing(dsw, dsw->sw.dirty_areas,
+ dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas);
+ FinishDrawing(dsw);
+ } else if (!dsw->sw.watch_progress) StartDrawing(dsw);
+ }
+static void TimerStart(clientData, id)
+ XtPointer clientData;
+ XtIntervalId *id;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw = (DPSScrolledWindowWidget) clientData;
+ if (dsw->sw.drawing_stage == DSWStart) StartDrawing(dsw);
+static void SetUpInitialInformation(dsw)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ int i;
+ float llx, lly, urx, ury;
+ float xScale, yScale;
+ XExposeEvent ev;
+ XStandardColormap colorCube, grayRamp;
+ int match;
+ /* If the context's colormap matches the widget's colormap, assume that
+ everything is already set up right in the color cube department. This
+ allows an application to supply us with a custom color cube by
+ installing it in the context before calling us */
+ _DPSSWColormapMatch(dsw->sw.context,
+ dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.colormap, &match);
+ if (match) {
+ XDPSSetContextParameters(dsw->sw.context, XtScreen(dsw),
+ dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.depth,
+ XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area),
+ dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height, NULL, NULL,
+ XDPSContextScreenDepth | XDPSContextDrawable);
+ } else {
+ grayRamp.colormap = colorCube.colormap =
+ dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.colormap;
+ XDPSCreateStandardColormaps(XtDisplay(dsw), XtWindow(dsw),
+ (Visual *) NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ &colorCube, &grayRamp, False);
+ XDPSSetContextParameters(dsw->sw.context, XtScreen(dsw),
+ dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.depth,
+ XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area),
+ dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height,
+ (XDPSStandardColormap *) &colorCube,
+ (XDPSStandardColormap *) &grayRamp,
+ XDPSContextScreenDepth | XDPSContextDrawable |
+ XDPSContextRGBMap | XDPSContextGrayMap);
+ }
+ DPSinitgraphics(dsw->sw.context);
+ _DPSSWGetTransform(dsw->sw.context, dsw->sw.ctm, dsw->sw.orig_inv_ctm);
+ dsw->sw.x_offset = 0;
+ dsw->sw.y_offset = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height;
+ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) dsw->sw.inv_ctm[i] = dsw->sw.orig_inv_ctm[i];
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, 0.0, 100.0, &llx, &lly);
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, 100.0, 0.0, &urx, &ury);
+ xScale = ABS(100.0 / (urx - llx));
+ yScale = ABS(100.0 / (ury - lly));
+ if (dsw->sw.scale != 1.0) {
+ DPSscale(dsw->sw.context, dsw->sw.scale, dsw->sw.scale);
+ _DPSSWGetTransform(dsw->sw.context, dsw->sw.ctm, dsw->sw.inv_ctm);
+ }
+ dsw->sw.drawing_width = dsw->sw.area_width * xScale * dsw->sw.scale;
+ dsw->sw.drawing_height = dsw->sw.area_height * yScale * dsw->sw.scale;
+ dsw->sw.unscaled_width = dsw->sw.drawing_width / dsw->sw.scale + 1;
+ dsw->sw.unscaled_height = dsw->sw.drawing_height / dsw->sw.scale + 1;
+ if (!dsw->sw.use_saved_scroll) {
+ dsw->sw.scroll_pic_x = dsw->sw.area_width / 2;
+ dsw->sw.scroll_pic_y = dsw->sw.area_height / 2;
+ dsw->sw.scroll_win_x = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width / 2;
+ dsw->sw.scroll_win_y = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height / 2;
+ }
+ SetDrawingAreaPosition(dsw, dsw->sw.scroll_pic_x, dsw->sw.scroll_pic_y,
+ dsw->sw.scroll_win_x, dsw->sw.scroll_win_y, True);
+ SetOriginAndGetTransform(dsw);
+ XDPSCaptureContextGState(dsw->sw.context, &dsw->sw.window_gstate);
+ dsw->sw.drawing_stage = DSWStart;
+ if (dsw->sw.use_backing_pixmap) SetUpInitialPixmap(dsw);
+ if (dsw->sw.doing_feedback) return;
+ if (dsw->sw.watch_progress || dsw->sw.backing_pixmap == None) {
+ /* If watching progress or no pixmap, clear the window to ensure
+ that things get started */
+ XClearArea(XtDisplay(dsw), XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area),
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, True);
+ XSync(XtDisplay(dsw), False);
+ if (dsw->sw.watch_progress && dsw->sw.watch_progress_delay > 0) {
+ /* Set a timer so that we start drawing if nothing is visible */
+ (void) XtAppAddTimeOut(XtWidgetToApplicationContext((Widget) dsw),
+ dsw->sw.watch_progress_delay,
+ TimerStart, (XtPointer) dsw);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Put a synthetic expose event in the pending queue */
+ ev.x = ev.y = 0;
+ ev.width = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width;
+ ev.height = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height;
+ SplitExposeEvent(dsw, &ev);
+ }
+static void Realize(w, mask, attr)
+ Widget w;
+ XtValueMask *mask;
+ XSetWindowAttributes *attr;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw = (DPSScrolledWindowWidget) w;
+ DSWSetupCallbackRec setup;
+ /* Let my parent do all the hard work */
+ (*dpsScrolledWindowClassRec.core_class.superclass->core_class.realize)
+ (w, mask, attr);
+ /* We delay calling the setup callback so that the caller can use
+ XtAddCallback to add it */
+ setup.context = dsw->sw.context;
+ XtCallCallbackList((Widget) dsw, dsw->sw.setup_callback,
+ (XtPointer) &setup);
+ /* Now, explicitly realize my children */
+ XtRealizeWidget(dsw->sw.scrolled_window);
+ /* Et voila, now we have windows! */
+ SetUpInitialInformation(dsw);
+static void AbortOrFinish(dsw)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ DSWResults results;
+ DSWDrawableType which;
+ if (dsw-> != 0) {
+ XtRemoveWorkProc(dsw->;
+ dsw-> = 0;
+ }
+ switch (dsw->sw.drawing_stage) {
+ case DSWStart:
+ return;
+ /* break; */
+ case DSWDrawingVisible:
+ if (dsw->sw.watch_progress || dsw->sw.backing_pixmap == None) {
+ which = DSWWindow;
+ } else which = DSWBackingPixmap;
+ results = ClipAndDraw(dsw, which, DSWAbortOrFinish, False);
+ if (results == DSWAborted) {
+ dsw->sw.drawing_stage = DSWStart;
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap == None || dsw->sw.watch_progress) {
+ /* Add the current drawing area back into the pending
+ expose area */
+ AddUserSpaceRectsToPending(dsw, dsw->sw.current_drawing,
+ dsw->sw.num_current_drawing);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.watch_progress && dsw->sw.backing_pixmap != None) {
+ dsw->sw.drawing_stage = DSWDrewVisible;
+ CopyWindowToBackingPixmap(dsw);
+ if (dsw->sw.num_current_drawing != 0) {
+ results = ClipAndDraw(dsw, DSWBackingPixmap,
+ DSWAbortOrFinish, True);
+ }
+ if (results == DSWAborted) {
+ dsw->sw.drawing_stage = DSWStart;
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap != None) {
+ if (dsw->sw.num_pending_expose != 0) {
+ CopyPendingExpose(dsw);
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.minimal_drawing && dsw->sw.big_pixmap) {
+ dsw->sw.drawing_stage = DSWDrewVisible;
+ SetCurrentDrawingToBackground(dsw);
+ results = ClipAndDraw(dsw, which,
+ DSWAbortOrFinish, True);
+ if (results == DSWAborted) {
+ dsw->sw.drawing_stage = DSWStart;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case DSWDrewVisible:
+ case DSWDrawingBackground:
+ results = ClipAndDraw(dsw, DSWBackingPixmap, DSWAbortOrFinish,
+ (dsw->sw.drawing_stage == DSWDrewVisible));
+ if (results == DSWAborted) {
+ dsw->sw.drawing_stage = DSWStart;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case DSWDone:
+ break;
+ }
+ dsw->sw.drawing_stage = DSWDone;
+ dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas = 0;
+ return;
+static void AbortDrawing(dsw)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ DSWDrawableType which;
+ if (dsw-> != 0) {
+ XtRemoveWorkProc(dsw->;
+ dsw-> = 0;
+ }
+ switch (dsw->sw.drawing_stage) {
+ case DSWStart:
+ case DSWDone:
+ case DSWDrewVisible:
+ break;
+ case DSWDrawingVisible:
+ if (dsw->sw.watch_progress || dsw->sw.backing_pixmap == None) {
+ which = DSWWindow;
+ } else which = DSWBackingPixmap;
+ (void) ClipAndDraw(dsw, which, DSWAbort, False);
+ break;
+ case DSWDrawingBackground:
+ (void) ClipAndDraw(dsw, DSWBackingPixmap, DSWAbort, False);
+ break;
+ }
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_expose = dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty = 0;
+static void FinishDrawing(dsw)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ DSWDrawableType which;
+ if (dsw-> != 0) {
+ XtRemoveWorkProc(dsw->;
+ dsw-> = 0;
+ }
+ switch (dsw->sw.drawing_stage) {
+ case DSWStart:
+ case DSWDrawingVisible:
+ if (dsw->sw.watch_progress || dsw->sw.backing_pixmap == None) {
+ which = DSWWindow;
+ } else which = DSWBackingPixmap;
+ if (dsw->sw.drawing_stage == DSWStart) {
+ ClipToDrawingSize(dsw, which);
+ if (dsw->sw.num_current_drawing == 0) return;
+ }
+ (void) ClipAndDraw(dsw, which, DSWFinish,
+ dsw->sw.drawing_stage == DSWStart);
+ if (dsw->sw.watch_progress && dsw->sw.backing_pixmap != None) {
+ dsw->sw.drawing_stage = DSWDrewVisible;
+ CopyWindowToBackingPixmap(dsw);
+ if (dsw->sw.num_current_drawing != 0) {
+ (void) ClipAndDraw(dsw, DSWBackingPixmap, DSWFinish, True);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap != None) {
+ if (dsw->sw.num_pending_expose != 0) {
+ CopyPendingExpose(dsw);
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.minimal_drawing && dsw->sw.big_pixmap) {
+ dsw->sw.drawing_stage = DSWDrewVisible;
+ SetCurrentDrawingToBackground(dsw);
+ (void) ClipAndDraw(dsw, which, DSWFinish, True);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case DSWDrewVisible:
+ case DSWDrawingBackground:
+ (void) ClipAndDraw(dsw, DSWBackingPixmap, DSWFinish,
+ (dsw->sw.drawing_stage == DSWDrewVisible));
+ break;
+ case DSWDone:
+ break;
+ }
+ dsw->sw.drawing_stage = DSWDone;
+ dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas = 0;
+static void DoScroll(dsw, deltaX, deltaY)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ int deltaX, deltaY;
+ /* Set the PS origin in the X window to the new settings of
+ the scrollbars */
+ dsw->sw.origin_x -= deltaX;
+ dsw->sw.origin_y -= deltaY;
+ /* Update the graphics states for the window and backing pixmap to
+ reflect new origin */
+ (void) XDPSSetContextGState(dsw->sw.context, dsw->sw.window_gstate);
+ SetOriginAndGetTransform(dsw);
+ (void) XDPSUpdateContextGState(dsw->sw.context, dsw->sw.window_gstate);
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap != None && !dsw->sw.big_pixmap) {
+ (void) XDPSSetContextGState(dsw->sw.context, dsw->sw.backing_gstate);
+ SetPixmapOrigin(dsw);
+ (void) XDPSUpdateContextGState(dsw->sw.context,
+ dsw->sw.backing_gstate);
+ }
+ /* Update the stored position of the scroll bars */
+ dsw->sw.scroll_x += deltaX;
+ dsw->sw.scroll_y += deltaY;
+static void ShiftPendingExpose(dsw, deltaX, deltaY)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ int deltaX, deltaY;
+ int i;
+ int *r;
+ for (i = 0; i < dsw->sw.num_pending_expose; i++) {
+ r = dsw->sw.pending_expose + 4*i;
+ r[0] -= deltaX;
+ r[1] -= deltaY;
+ }
+static void HScrollCallback(w, clientData, callData)
+ Widget w;
+ XtPointer clientData, callData;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw = (DPSScrolledWindowWidget) clientData;
+ XmScrollBarCallbackStruct *sb = (XmScrollBarCallbackStruct *) callData;
+ if (!dsw->sw.application_scrolling) {
+ dsw->sw.scroll_h_value = sb->value;
+ ScrollMoved(dsw);
+ }
+static void VScrollCallback(w, clientData, callData)
+ Widget w;
+ XtPointer clientData, callData;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw = (DPSScrolledWindowWidget) clientData;
+ XmScrollBarCallbackStruct *sb = (XmScrollBarCallbackStruct *) callData;
+ if (!dsw->sw.application_scrolling) {
+ dsw->sw.scroll_v_value = sb->value;
+ ScrollMoved(dsw);
+ }
+static void ScrollMoved(dsw)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ int deltaX, deltaY;
+ /* If we haven't started drawing yet, it must be because we're waiting
+ for GraphicsExpose events. Delay scrolling until they come in */
+ if (dsw->sw.scrolling && dsw->sw.drawing_stage == DSWStart) return;
+ /* Calculate the delta in the scrolling */
+ deltaX = dsw->sw.scroll_h_value - dsw->sw.scroll_x;
+ deltaY = dsw->sw.scroll_v_value - dsw->sw.scroll_y;
+ /* If there is some scrolling to do, then scroll the pixmap and
+ copy the pixmap to the window */
+ if (deltaX == 0 && deltaY == 0) return;
+ ShiftPendingExpose(dsw, deltaX, deltaY);
+ AbortOrFinish(dsw);
+ DoScroll(dsw, deltaX, deltaY);
+ if (!dsw->sw.big_pixmap) {
+ /* Copy visible area to new location */
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap != None) {
+ XCopyArea(XtDisplay(dsw), dsw->sw.backing_pixmap,
+ dsw->sw.backing_pixmap, dsw->sw.no_ge_gc,
+ deltaX, deltaY, dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width,
+ dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height, 0, 0);
+ if (!dsw->sw.doing_feedback || dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap == None) {
+ XCopyArea(XtDisplay(dsw), dsw->sw.backing_pixmap,
+ XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area), dsw->sw.no_ge_gc,
+ 0, 0, dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width,
+ dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height, 0, 0);
+ }
+ RedisplaySliver(dsw, deltaX, deltaY);
+ } else {
+ if (!dsw->sw.doing_feedback || dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap == None) {
+ XCopyArea(XtDisplay(dsw), XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area),
+ XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area), dsw->sw.ge_gc,
+ deltaX, deltaY, dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width,
+ dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height, 0, 0);
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.doing_feedback) RedisplaySliver(dsw, deltaX, deltaY);
+ else dsw->sw.drawing_stage = DSWStart;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.doing_feedback) {
+ float *r;
+ FinishDrawing(dsw);
+ r = dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas;
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, 0 + DELTA, dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height - DELTA,
+ r, r+1);
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width - DELTA, 0 + DELTA,
+ r+2, r+3);
+ r[2] -= r[0];
+ r[3] -= r[1];
+ dsw->sw.num_prev_dirty_areas = 1;
+ if (dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap != None) {
+ XDPSSetContextDrawable(dsw->sw.context, dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap,
+ dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height);
+ SetPixmapOrigin(dsw);
+ XDPSCaptureContextGState(dsw->sw.context,
+ &dsw->sw.feedback_gstate);
+ /* Initialize the feedback pixmap with a copy of the drawing */
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap != None) {
+ CopyToFeedbackPixmap(dsw, dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas,
+ dsw->sw.num_prev_dirty_areas);
+ } else {
+ CopyRectsToCurrentDrawing(dsw, dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas,
+ dsw->sw.num_prev_dirty_areas);
+ (void) ClipAndDraw(dsw, DSWFeedbackPixmap, DSWFinish, True);
+ }
+ if (!dsw->sw.feedback_displayed) {
+ XCopyArea(XtDisplay(dsw), dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap,
+ XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area),
+ dsw->sw.no_ge_gc, 0, 0,
+ dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width,
+ dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height, 0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.feedback_displayed) {
+ CallFeedbackCallback(dsw, dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas,
+ dsw->sw.num_prev_dirty_areas);
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap != None) {
+ UpdateWindowFromFeedbackPixmap(dsw, dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas,
+ dsw->sw.num_prev_dirty_areas);
+ }
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty = dsw->sw.num_pending_expose = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap != None &&
+ dsw->sw.drawing_stage == DSWDone) {
+ ComputeOffsets(dsw, &deltaX, &deltaY);
+ if (!dsw->sw.big_pixmap) dsw->sw.scrolling = True;
+ XCopyArea(XtDisplay(dsw), dsw->sw.backing_pixmap,
+ XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area), dsw->sw.no_ge_gc,
+ deltaX, deltaY,
+ dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width,
+ dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height, 0, 0);
+ } else dsw->sw.scrolling = True;
+ }
+static void AddExposureToPending(dsw, ev)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ XExposeEvent *ev;
+ float *f;
+ int *i;
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap == None || dsw->sw.watch_progress ||
+ dsw->sw.doing_feedback) {
+ GrowRectList(&dsw->sw.pending_dirty, &dsw->sw.pending_dirty_size,
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty, 1, 1);
+ f = dsw->sw.pending_dirty + (dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty * 4);
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, ev->x + DELTA, ev->y + ev->height - DELTA, f, f+1);
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, ev->x + ev->width - DELTA, ev->y + DELTA, f+2, f+3);
+ f[2] -= f[0];
+ f[3] -= f[1];
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty++;
+ }
+ GrowIntRectList(&dsw->sw.pending_expose, &dsw->sw.pending_expose_size,
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_expose, 1, 1);
+ i = dsw->sw.pending_expose + (dsw->sw.num_pending_expose * 4);
+ i[0] = ev->x;
+ i[1] = ev->y;
+ i[2] = ev->width;
+ i[3] = ev->height;
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_expose++;
+static void AddRectsToPending(dsw, newRect, n)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ int *newRect;
+ int n;
+ int *r;
+ int i;
+ float *f;
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap == None || dsw->sw.watch_progress) {
+ GrowRectList(&dsw->sw.pending_dirty, &dsw->sw.pending_dirty_size,
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty, n, 1);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ f = dsw->sw.pending_dirty + (dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty * 4);
+ r = newRect + (i * 4);
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, r[0] + DELTA, r[1] + r[3] - DELTA, f, f+1);
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, r[0] + r[2] - DELTA, r[1] + DELTA, f+2, f+3);
+ f[2] -= f[0];
+ f[3] -= f[1];
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty++;
+ }
+ }
+ GrowIntRectList(&dsw->sw.pending_expose, &dsw->sw.pending_expose_size,
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_expose, n, 1);
+ r = dsw->sw.pending_expose + (dsw->sw.num_pending_expose * 4);
+ for (i = 0; i < 4*n; i++) r[i] = newRect[i];
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_expose += n;
+static void AddUserSpaceRectsToPending(dsw, newRect, n)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ float *newRect;
+ int n;
+ int *r;
+ int i;
+ float *f;
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap == None || dsw->sw.watch_progress) {
+ GrowRectList(&dsw->sw.pending_dirty, &dsw->sw.pending_dirty_size,
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty, n, 1);
+ f = dsw->sw.pending_dirty + (dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty * 4);
+ for (i = 0; i < 4*n; i++) f[i] = newRect[i];
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty += n;
+ }
+ GrowIntRectList(&dsw->sw.pending_expose, &dsw->sw.pending_expose_size,
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_expose, n, 1);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ r = dsw->sw.pending_expose + (dsw->sw.num_pending_expose * 4);
+ f = newRect + (i * 4);
+ ConvertToX(dsw, LEFT(f), TOP(f), r, r+1);
+ ConvertToX(dsw, RIGHT(f), BOTTOM(f), r+2, r+3);
+ r[2] -= r[0];
+ r[3] -= r[1];
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_expose++;
+ }
+static void CopyRectsToCurrentDrawing(dsw, newRect, n)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ float *newRect;
+ int n;
+ float *r;
+ int i;
+ GrowRectList(&dsw->sw.current_drawing, &dsw->sw.current_drawing_size,
+ 0, n, 1);
+ r = dsw->sw.current_drawing;
+ for (i = 0; i < 4*n; i++) r[i] = newRect[i];
+ dsw->sw.num_current_drawing = n;
+static void CopyRectsToDirtyArea(dsw, newRect, n)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ float *newRect;
+ int n;
+ float *r;
+ int i;
+ GrowRectList(&dsw->sw.dirty_areas, &dsw->sw.dirty_areas_size, 0, n, 1);
+ r = dsw->sw.dirty_areas;
+ for (i = 0; i < 4*n; i++) r[i] = newRect[i];
+ dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas = n;
+static void AddRectsToDirtyArea(dsw, newRect, n)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ float *newRect;
+ int n;
+ float *r;
+ int i;
+ GrowRectList(&dsw->sw.dirty_areas, &dsw->sw.dirty_areas_size,
+ dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas, n, 1);
+ r = dsw->sw.dirty_areas + (4 * dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas);
+ for (i = 0; i < 4*n; i++) r[i] = newRect[i];
+ dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas += n;
+static void CopyRectsToPrevDirtyArea(dsw, newRect, n)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ float *newRect;
+ int n;
+ float *r;
+ int i;
+ GrowRectList(&dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas,
+ &dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas_size, 0, n, 1);
+ r = dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas;
+ for (i = 0; i < 4*n; i++) r[i] = newRect[i];
+ dsw->sw.num_prev_dirty_areas = n;
+static void DrawingAreaGraphicsExpose(w, clientData, event, goOn)
+ Widget w;
+ XtPointer clientData;
+ XEvent *event;
+ Boolean *goOn;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw = (DPSScrolledWindowWidget) clientData;
+ XExposeEvent *ev = (XExposeEvent *) event;
+ switch (event->type) {
+ case GraphicsExpose:
+ /* GraphicsExpose occur during unbuffered scrolling */
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap == None && dsw->sw.scrolling) {
+ /* Unbuffered scrolling case */
+ AddExposureToPending(dsw, ev);
+ if (ev->count == 0) {
+ AddRectsToDirtyArea(dsw, dsw->sw.pending_dirty,
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty);
+ StartDrawing(dsw);
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty = dsw->sw.num_pending_expose = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+static Boolean MoreExposes(w)
+ Widget w;
+ XEvent event;
+ if (XPending(XtDisplay(w)) > 0) {
+ if (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w),
+ Expose, &event)) {
+ XPutBackEvent(XtDisplay(w), &event);
+ return True;;
+ }
+ }
+ return False;
+static void DrawingAreaExpose(w, clientData, callData)
+ Widget w;
+ XtPointer clientData, callData;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw = (DPSScrolledWindowWidget) clientData;
+ XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct *d = (XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct *) callData;
+ XExposeEvent *ev = (XExposeEvent *) d->event;
+ int dx, dy;
+ if (dsw->sw.doing_feedback) {
+ if (dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap != None) {
+ XCopyArea(XtDisplay(dsw), dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap,
+ XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area),
+ dsw->sw.no_ge_gc,
+ ev->x, ev->y, ev->width, ev->height, ev->x, ev->y);
+ } else {
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap != None) {
+ ComputeOffsets(dsw, &dx, &dy);
+ XCopyArea(XtDisplay(dsw), dsw->sw.backing_pixmap,
+ XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area),
+ dsw->sw.no_ge_gc, ev->x + dx, ev->y + dy,
+ ev->width, ev->height, ev->x, ev->y);
+ }
+ AddExposureToPending(dsw, ev);
+ if (ev->count != 0 || MoreExposes(w)) return;
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap == None) {
+ CopyRectsToCurrentDrawing(dsw, dsw->sw.pending_dirty,
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty);
+ dsw->sw.drawing_stage = DSWStart;
+ FinishDrawing(dsw);
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.feedback_displayed) {
+ CallFeedbackCallback(dsw, dsw->sw.pending_dirty,
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty);
+ }
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty = dsw->sw.num_pending_expose = 0;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap != None) {
+ if (dsw->sw.drawing_stage == DSWStart && dsw->sw.watch_progress) {
+ SplitExposeEvent(dsw, ev);
+ if (ev->count == 0) {
+ if (MoreExposes(w)) return;
+ StartDrawing(dsw);
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty = dsw->sw.num_pending_expose = 0;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.drawing_stage < DSWDrewVisible) {
+ SplitExposeEvent(dsw, ev);
+ return;
+ }
+ ComputeOffsets(dsw, &dx, &dy);
+ XCopyArea(XtDisplay(dsw), dsw->sw.backing_pixmap,
+ XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area),
+ dsw->sw.no_ge_gc,
+ ev->x + dx, ev->y + dy, ev->width, ev->height, ev->x, ev->y);
+ } else {
+ AddExposureToPending(dsw, ev);
+ if (ev->count == 0) {
+ if (MoreExposes(w)) return;
+ if (dsw->sw.drawing_stage == DSWDone ||
+ dsw->sw.drawing_stage == DSWStart) {
+ CopyRectsToDirtyArea(dsw, dsw->sw.pending_dirty,
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty);
+ StartDrawing(dsw);
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty = dsw->sw.num_pending_expose = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void Resize(w)
+ Widget w;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw = (DPSScrolledWindowWidget) w;
+ DSWResizeCallbackRec r;
+ float x, y;
+ if (XtIsRealized(w)) (void) AbortOrFinish(dsw);
+ r.oldw = dsw->sw.scrolled_window->core.width;
+ r.oldh = dsw->sw.scrolled_window->core.height;
+ r.neww = dsw->core.width;
+ r.newh = dsw->core.height;
+ r.x = r.y = 0;
+ XtCallCallbackList(w, dsw->sw.resize_callback, (XtPointer) &r);
+ if (XtIsRealized(w)) {
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, (float) r.x, (float) r.y, &x, &y);
+ } else if (r.x != 0 || r.y != 0) ScrollBy(w, r.x, r.y);
+ XtResizeWidget(dsw->sw.scrolled_window, w->core.width, w->core.height, 0);
+ if (!XtIsRealized(w)) return;
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap != None &&
+ dsw->sw.pixmap_width == CEIL(dsw->sw.drawing_width) &&
+ dsw->sw.pixmap_height == CEIL(dsw->sw.drawing_height) &&
+ dsw->sw.pixmap_width >= (int) dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width &&
+ dsw->sw.pixmap_height >= (int) dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width) {
+ XDPSSetContextGState(dsw->sw.context, dsw->sw.window_gstate);
+ DPSinitclip(dsw->sw.context);
+ DPSinitviewclip(dsw->sw.context);
+ SetDrawingAreaPosition(dsw, x, y, r.x, r.y, True);
+ SetOriginAndGetTransform(dsw);
+ XDPSUpdateContextGState(dsw->sw.context, dsw->sw.window_gstate);
+ XClearArea(XtDisplay(dsw), XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area),
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, True);
+ } else {
+ dsw->sw.use_saved_scroll = True;
+ dsw->sw.scroll_pic_x = x;
+ dsw->sw.scroll_pic_y = y;
+ dsw->sw.scroll_win_x = r.x;
+ dsw->sw.scroll_win_y = r.y;
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap != None) {
+ XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(dsw), dsw->sw.backing_pixmap);
+ XDPSFreeContextGState(dsw->sw.context, dsw->sw.backing_gstate);
+ }
+ dsw->sw.backing_pixmap = None;
+ dsw->sw.big_pixmap = False;
+ dsw->sw.pixmap_width = dsw->sw.pixmap_height = 0;
+ dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas = 1;
+ LEFT(dsw->sw.dirty_areas) = 0.0;
+ BOTTOM(dsw->sw.dirty_areas) = 0.0;
+ WIDTH(dsw->sw.dirty_areas) = dsw->sw.area_width;
+ HEIGHT(dsw->sw.dirty_areas) = dsw->sw.area_height;
+ SetUpInitialInformation(dsw);
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.doing_feedback) {
+ float *r;
+ int dx, dy;
+ CheckFeedbackPixmap(dsw);
+ r = dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas;
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, 0 + DELTA, dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height - DELTA,
+ r, r+1);
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width - DELTA, 0 + DELTA,
+ r+2, r+3);
+ r[2] -= r[0];
+ r[3] -= r[1];
+ dsw->sw.num_prev_dirty_areas = 1;
+ if (dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap != None) {
+ /* Initialize the feedback pixmap with a copy of the drawing */
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap != None) {
+ CopyToFeedbackPixmap(dsw, dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas,
+ dsw->sw.num_prev_dirty_areas);
+ } else {
+ CopyRectsToCurrentDrawing(dsw, dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas,
+ dsw->sw.num_prev_dirty_areas);
+ (void) ClipAndDraw(dsw, DSWFeedbackPixmap, DSWFinish, True);
+ }
+ XCopyArea(XtDisplay(dsw), dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap,
+ XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area),
+ dsw->sw.no_ge_gc, 0, 0,
+ dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width,
+ dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height, 0, 0);
+ } else {
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap != None) {
+ ComputeOffsets(dsw, &dx, &dy);
+ XCopyArea(XtDisplay(dsw), dsw->sw.backing_pixmap,
+ XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area),
+ dsw->sw.no_ge_gc, dx, dy,
+ dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width,
+ dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height, 0, 0);
+ } else {
+ CopyRectsToCurrentDrawing(dsw, dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas,
+ dsw->sw.num_prev_dirty_areas);
+ dsw->sw.drawing_stage = DSWStart;
+ FinishDrawing(dsw);
+ }
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.feedback_displayed) {
+ CallFeedbackCallback(dsw, dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas,
+ dsw->sw.num_prev_dirty_areas);
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap != None) {
+ UpdateWindowFromFeedbackPixmap(dsw, dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas,
+ dsw->sw.num_prev_dirty_areas);
+ }
+ dsw->sw.num_pending_dirty = dsw->sw.num_pending_expose = 0;
+ }
+static void CheckFeedbackPixmap(dsw)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ if (dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap != None &&
+ (dsw->sw.feedback_width < (int) dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width ||
+ dsw->sw.feedback_height < (int) dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height)) {
+ XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(dsw), dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap);
+ dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap = None;
+ dsw->sw.feedback_width = dsw->sw.feedback_height = 0;
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.use_feedback_pixmap && dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap == None) {
+ dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap =
+ AllocPixmap(dsw, dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width,
+ dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height);
+ if (dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap != None) {
+ dsw->sw.feedback_width = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width;
+ dsw->sw.feedback_height = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap != None) {
+ XDPSSetContextDrawable(dsw->sw.context, dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap,
+ dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height);
+ SetPixmapOrigin(dsw);
+ XDPSCaptureContextGState(dsw->sw.context, &dsw->sw.feedback_gstate);
+ }
+static void UpdateGStates(dsw)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ /* Create graphics states for the window and backing pixmap in
+ the new context */
+ XDPSSetContextDrawable(dsw->sw.context, XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area),
+ dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height);
+ DPSinitgraphics(dsw->sw.context);
+ if (dsw->sw.scale != 1.0) {
+ DPSscale(dsw->sw.context, dsw->sw.scale, dsw->sw.scale);
+ }
+ SetOriginAndGetTransform(dsw);
+ (void) XDPSCaptureContextGState(dsw->sw.context, &dsw->sw.window_gstate);
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap != None) {
+ XDPSSetContextDrawable(dsw->sw.context, dsw->sw.backing_pixmap,
+ dsw->sw.pixmap_height);
+ SetPixmapOffset(dsw);
+ SetPixmapOrigin(dsw);
+ XDPSCaptureContextGState(dsw->sw.context, &dsw->sw.backing_gstate);
+ }
+static void CheckPixmapSize(dsw)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ Boolean freeIt = False;
+ int w = dsw->sw.pixmap_width, h = dsw->sw.pixmap_height;
+ Widget wid = dsw->sw.drawing_area;
+ unsigned int dBytes;
+ if (dsw->sw.pixmap_limit > 0) {
+ if (w * h > dsw->sw.pixmap_limit) freeIt = True;
+ } else if (dsw->sw.pixmap_limit < 0 &&
+ w * h > dsw->sw.unscaled_width * dsw->sw.unscaled_height &&
+ w * h > (int) wid->core.width * (int) wid->core.height) {
+ freeIt = True;
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.absolute_pixmap_limit > 0) {
+ dBytes = (wid->core.depth + 7) / 8; /* Convert into bytes */
+ if (w * h * dBytes > dsw->sw.absolute_pixmap_limit * 1024) {
+ freeIt = True;
+ }
+ }
+ if (freeIt) {
+ XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(dsw), dsw->sw.backing_pixmap);
+ dsw->sw.backing_pixmap = None;
+ dsw->sw.big_pixmap = False;
+ dsw->sw.pixmap_width = dsw->sw.pixmap_height = 0;
+ XDPSFreeContextGState(dsw->sw.context, dsw->sw.backing_gstate);
+ }
+static void ResizeArea(dsw)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ AbortDrawing(dsw);
+ /* Make everything dirty */
+ dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas = 1;
+ LEFT(dsw->sw.dirty_areas) = 0.0;
+ BOTTOM(dsw->sw.dirty_areas) = 0.0;
+ WIDTH(dsw->sw.dirty_areas) = dsw->sw.area_width;
+ HEIGHT(dsw->sw.dirty_areas) = dsw->sw.area_height;
+ if (dsw->sw.big_pixmap) {
+ XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(dsw), dsw->sw.backing_pixmap);
+ dsw->sw.backing_pixmap = None;
+ dsw->sw.big_pixmap = False;
+ dsw->sw.pixmap_width = dsw->sw.pixmap_height = 0;
+ XDPSFreeContextGState(dsw->sw.context, dsw->sw.backing_gstate);
+ }
+ if (!dsw->sw.use_saved_scroll) {
+ /* Keep the upper left in the same place */
+ dsw->sw.scroll_win_x = 0;
+ dsw->sw.scroll_win_y = 0;
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, 0.0, 0.0,
+ &dsw->sw.scroll_pic_x, &dsw->sw.scroll_pic_y);
+ dsw->sw.use_saved_scroll = True;
+ }
+ SetUpInitialInformation(dsw);
+static void ClearDirtyAreas(dsw)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ int i;
+ float *r;
+ int llx, lly, urx, ury;
+ for (i = 0; i < dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas; i++) {
+ r = dsw->sw.dirty_areas + (i * 4);
+ ConvertToX(dsw, LEFT(r), BOTTOM(r), &llx, &lly);
+ ConvertToX(dsw, RIGHT(r), TOP(r), &urx, &ury);
+ XClearArea(XtDisplay(dsw), XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area),
+ llx, ury, urx-llx, lly-ury, True);
+ }
+static void HandleFeedbackPixmapChange(dsw)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ if (!dsw->sw.use_feedback_pixmap) {
+ /* Get rid of one if we have it */
+ if (dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap != None) {
+ XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(dsw), dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap);
+ dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap = None;
+ dsw->sw.feedback_width = dsw->sw.feedback_height = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (dsw->sw.doing_feedback) {
+ float *r;
+ CheckFeedbackPixmap(dsw);
+ if (dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap == None) return;
+ r = dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas;
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, 0 + DELTA,
+ dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height - DELTA, r, r+1);
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width - DELTA,
+ 0 + DELTA, r+2, r+3);
+ r[2] -= r[0];
+ r[3] -= r[1];
+ dsw->sw.num_prev_dirty_areas = 1;
+ /* Initialize the feedback pixmap with a copy of the drawing */
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap != None) {
+ CopyToFeedbackPixmap(dsw, dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas,
+ dsw->sw.num_prev_dirty_areas);
+ } else {
+ CopyRectsToCurrentDrawing(dsw, dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas,
+ dsw->sw.num_prev_dirty_areas);
+ (void) ClipAndDraw(dsw, DSWFeedbackPixmap, DSWFinish, True);
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.feedback_displayed) {
+ CallFeedbackCallback(dsw, dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas,
+ dsw->sw.num_prev_dirty_areas);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static Boolean SetValues(old, req, new, args, num_args)
+ Widget old, req, new;
+ ArgList args;
+ Cardinal *num_args;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget olddsw = (DPSScrolledWindowWidget) old;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget newdsw = (DPSScrolledWindowWidget) new;
+ Bool inited;
+#define NE(field) newdsw->sw.field != olddsw->sw.field
+#define DONT_CHANGE(field) \
+ if (NE(field)) newdsw->sw.field = olddsw->sw.field;
+ DONT_CHANGE(ctm_ptr);
+ DONT_CHANGE(inv_ctm_ptr);
+ DONT_CHANGE(backing_pixmap);
+ DONT_CHANGE(feedback_pixmap);
+ DONT_CHANGE(window_gstate);
+ DONT_CHANGE(backing_gstate);
+ DONT_CHANGE(feedback_gstate);
+ if (NE(context)) {
+ DSWSetupCallbackRec setup;
+ if (newdsw->sw.context == NULL) {
+ newdsw->sw.context = XDPSGetSharedContext(XtDisplay(newdsw));
+ }
+ if (_XDPSTestComponentInitialized(newdsw->sw.context,
+ dps_init_bit_dsw, &inited) ==
+ dps_status_unregistered_context) {
+ XDPSRegisterContext(newdsw->sw.context, False);
+ }
+ if (XtIsRealized(newdsw)) {
+ setup.context = newdsw->sw.context;
+ XtCallCallbackList((Widget) newdsw, newdsw->sw.setup_callback,
+ (XtPointer) &setup);
+ }
+ UpdateGStates(newdsw);
+ }
+ /* Watch progress only works with pass-through event dispatching */
+ if (NE(watch_progress)) {
+ if (newdsw->sw.watch_progress &&
+ XDPSSetEventDelivery(XtDisplay(newdsw), dps_event_query) !=
+ dps_event_pass_through) newdsw->sw.watch_progress = False;
+ }
+ if (NE(application_scrolling) && !newdsw->sw.application_scrolling) {
+ XtVaSetValues(newdsw->sw.h_scroll, XmNmaximum, newdsw->sw.scroll_h_max,
+ XmNvalue, newdsw->sw.scroll_h_value,
+ XmNsliderSize, newdsw->sw.scroll_h_size, NULL);
+ XtVaSetValues(newdsw->sw.v_scroll, XmNmaximum, newdsw->sw.scroll_v_max,
+ XmNvalue, newdsw->sw.scroll_v_value,
+ XmNsliderSize, newdsw->sw.scroll_v_size, NULL);
+ }
+ if (newdsw->sw.doing_feedback) {
+ DONT_CHANGE(scale);
+ DONT_CHANGE(area_width);
+ DONT_CHANGE(area_height);
+ }
+ if (NE(pixmap_limit) || NE(absolute_pixmap_limit)) CheckPixmapSize(newdsw);
+ if (NE(area_width) || NE(area_height) || NE(scale)) ResizeArea(newdsw);
+ /* It's too confusing to let any of these things change in the middle
+ of drawing */
+ if (NE(use_backing_pixmap) || NE(watch_progress) ||
+ NE(minimal_drawing) || NE(document_size_pixmaps)) {
+ Boolean freeIt = False, setUp = False;
+ AbortOrFinish(newdsw);
+ if (NE(use_backing_pixmap)) {
+ if (newdsw->sw.use_backing_pixmap) setUp = True;
+ else freeIt = True;
+ }
+ if (NE(document_size_pixmaps)) {
+ if (newdsw->sw.backing_pixmap != None) freeIt = True;
+ setUp = True;
+ }
+ if (freeIt) FreeBackingPixmap(newdsw);
+ if (setUp) SetUpInitialPixmap(newdsw);
+ }
+ if (NE(dirty_areas)) {
+ float *r = newdsw->sw.dirty_areas;
+ int n = newdsw->sw.num_dirty_areas;
+ DONT_CHANGE(dirty_areas);
+ DONT_CHANGE(num_dirty_areas);
+ AbortOrFinish(newdsw);
+ AddRectsToDirtyArea(newdsw, r, n);
+ if (newdsw->sw.watch_progress || newdsw->sw.backing_pixmap == None) {
+ ClearDirtyAreas(newdsw);
+ newdsw->sw.drawing_stage = DSWStart;
+ } else {
+ AddUserSpaceRectsToPending(newdsw, r, n);
+ StartDrawing(newdsw);
+ }
+ }
+ if (NE(use_feedback_pixmap)) HandleFeedbackPixmapChange(newdsw);
+ return False;
+static XtGeometryResult GeometryManager(w, desired, allowed)
+ Widget w;
+ XtWidgetGeometry *desired, *allowed;
+ /* Pass geometry requests up to our parent */
+ return XtMakeGeometryRequest(XtParent(w), desired, allowed);
+static XtGeometryResult QueryGeometry(w, desired, allowed)
+ Widget w;
+ XtWidgetGeometry *desired, *allowed;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw = (DPSScrolledWindowWidget) w;
+ /* Pass geometry requests down to our child */
+ return XtQueryGeometry(dsw->sw.scrolled_window, desired, allowed);
+static void CopyToFeedbackPixmap(dsw, rects, n)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ float *rects;
+ int n;
+ int llx, lly, urx, ury;
+ int dx, dy;
+ int i;
+ float *r;
+ ComputeOffsets(dsw, &dx, &dy);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ r = rects + (i * 4);
+ ConvertToX(dsw, LEFT(r), BOTTOM(r), &llx, &lly);
+ ConvertToX(dsw, RIGHT(r), TOP(r), &urx, &ury);
+ XCopyArea(XtDisplay(dsw), dsw->sw.backing_pixmap,
+ dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap, dsw->sw.no_ge_gc,
+ llx+dx-1, ury+dy-1, urx-llx+2, lly-ury+2, llx-1, ury-1);
+ }
+static void CallFeedbackCallback(dsw, r, n)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ float *r;
+ int n;
+ DSWFeedbackCallbackRec f;
+ f.start_feedback_data = dsw->sw.start_feedback_data;
+ f.continue_feedback_data = dsw->sw.continue_feedback_data;
+ if (dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap == None) {
+ f.type = DSWWindow;
+ f.drawable = XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area);
+ f.gstate = dsw->sw.window_gstate;
+ } else {
+ f.type = DSWFeedbackPixmap;
+ f.drawable = dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap;
+ f.gstate = dsw->sw.feedback_gstate;
+ }
+ f.context = dsw->sw.context;
+ f.dirty_rects = r;
+ f.dirty_count = n;
+ XDPSSetContextGState(dsw->sw.context, f.gstate);
+ _DPSSWSetRectViewClip(dsw->sw.context, r, n * 4);
+ XtCallCallbackList((Widget) dsw, dsw->sw.feedback_callback,
+ (XtPointer) &f);
+ DPSWaitContext(dsw->sw.context);
+static void SetScale(w, scale, fixedX, fixedY)
+ Widget w;
+ double scale;
+ long fixedX, fixedY;
+ float psX, psY;
+ ConvertToPS((DPSScrolledWindowWidget) w, (float) fixedX, (float) fixedY,
+ &psX, &psY);
+ SetScaleAndScroll(w, scale, psX, psY, fixedX, fixedY);
+void DSWSetScale(w, scale, fixedX, fixedY)
+ Widget w;
+ double scale;
+ long fixedX, fixedY;
+ XtCheckSubclass(w, dpsScrolledWindowWidgetClass, NULL);
+ (*((DPSScrolledWindowWidgetClass) XtClass(w))->
+ sw_class.set_scale) (w, scale, fixedX, fixedY);
+static void ScrollPoint(w, psX, psY, xX, xY)
+ Widget w;
+ double psX, psY;
+ long xX, xY;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw = (DPSScrolledWindowWidget) w;
+ if (!XtIsRealized(w)) {
+ dsw->sw.use_saved_scroll = True;
+ dsw->sw.scroll_pic_x = psX;
+ dsw->sw.scroll_pic_y = psY;
+ dsw->sw.scroll_win_x = xX;
+ dsw->sw.scroll_win_y = xY;
+ return;
+ } else {
+ SetDrawingAreaPosition(dsw, psX, psY, xX, xY, False);
+ ScrollMoved(dsw);
+ }
+void DSWScrollPoint(w, psX, psY, xX, xY)
+ Widget w;
+ double psX, psY;
+ long xX, xY;
+ XtCheckSubclass(w, dpsScrolledWindowWidgetClass, NULL);
+ (*((DPSScrolledWindowWidgetClass) XtClass(w))->
+ sw_class.scroll_point) (w, psX, psY, xX, xY);
+static void ScrollBy(w, dx, dy)
+ Widget w;
+ long dx, dy;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw = (DPSScrolledWindowWidget) w;
+ int value;
+ if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) return;
+ if (!XtIsRealized(w) && dsw->sw.use_saved_scroll) {
+ dsw->sw.scroll_win_x += dx;
+ dsw->sw.scroll_win_y += dy;
+ } else {
+ value = dsw->sw.scroll_h_value + dx;
+ if (value < 0) value = 0;
+ else if (value > dsw->sw.scroll_h_max - dsw->sw.scroll_h_size) {
+ value = dsw->sw.scroll_h_max - dsw->sw.scroll_h_size;
+ }
+ dsw->sw.scroll_h_value = value;
+ if (!dsw->sw.application_scrolling) {
+ XtVaSetValues(dsw->sw.h_scroll, XmNvalue, value, NULL);
+ }
+ value = dsw->sw.scroll_v_value + dy;
+ if (value < 0) value = 0;
+ else if (value > dsw->sw.scroll_v_max - dsw->sw.scroll_v_size) {
+ value = dsw->sw.scroll_v_max - dsw->sw.scroll_v_size;
+ }
+ dsw->sw.scroll_v_value = value;
+ if (!dsw->sw.application_scrolling) {
+ XtVaSetValues(dsw->sw.v_scroll, XmNvalue, value, NULL);
+ }
+ ScrollMoved(dsw);
+ }
+void DSWScrollBy(w, dx, dy)
+ Widget w;
+ long dx, dy;
+ XtCheckSubclass(w, dpsScrolledWindowWidgetClass, NULL);
+ (*((DPSScrolledWindowWidgetClass) XtClass(w))->
+ sw_class.scroll_by) (w, dx, dy);
+static void ScrollTo(w, x, y)
+ Widget w;
+ long x, y;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw = (DPSScrolledWindowWidget) w;
+ int max, size;
+ if (XtIsRealized(w)) {
+ if (x < 0) x = 0;
+ else if (x > dsw->sw.scroll_h_max - dsw->sw.scroll_h_size) {
+ x = dsw->sw.scroll_h_max - dsw->sw.scroll_h_size;
+ }
+ dsw->sw.scroll_h_value = x;
+ if (y < 0) y = 0;
+ else if (y > dsw->sw.scroll_v_max - dsw->sw.scroll_v_size) {
+ y = dsw->sw.scroll_v_max - dsw->sw.scroll_v_size;
+ }
+ dsw->sw.scroll_v_value = y;
+ if (!dsw->sw.application_scrolling) {
+ XtVaSetValues(dsw->sw.h_scroll, XmNvalue, x, NULL);
+ XtVaSetValues(dsw->sw.v_scroll, XmNvalue, y, NULL);
+ }
+ ScrollMoved(dsw);
+ }
+void DSWScrollTo(w, x, y)
+ Widget w;
+ long x, y;
+ XtCheckSubclass(w, dpsScrolledWindowWidgetClass, NULL);
+ (*((DPSScrolledWindowWidgetClass) XtClass(w))->
+ sw_class.scroll_to) (w, x, y);
+static void SetScaleAndScroll(w, scale, psX, psY, xX, xY)
+ Widget w;
+ double scale;
+ double psX, psY;
+ long xX, xY;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw = (DPSScrolledWindowWidget) w;
+ Arg arg;
+ union {
+ int i;
+ float f;
+ } kludge;
+ dsw->sw.use_saved_scroll = True;
+ dsw->sw.scroll_pic_x = psX;
+ dsw->sw.scroll_pic_y = psY;
+ dsw->sw.scroll_win_x = xX;
+ dsw->sw.scroll_win_y = xY;
+ kludge.f = scale;
+ = XtNscale;
+ if (sizeof(float) > sizeof(XtArgVal)) arg.value = (XtArgVal) &kludge.f;
+ else arg.value = (XtArgVal) kludge.i;
+ XtSetValues(w, &arg, 1);
+void DSWSetScaleAndScroll(w, scale, psX, psY, xX, xY)
+ Widget w;
+ double scale;
+ double psX, psY;
+ long xX, xY;
+ XtCheckSubclass(w, dpsScrolledWindowWidgetClass, NULL);
+ (*((DPSScrolledWindowWidgetClass) XtClass(w))->
+ sw_class.set_scale_and_scroll) (w, scale, psX, psY, xX, xY);
+static void ConvertXToPS(w, xX, xY, psX, psY)
+ Widget w;
+ long xX, xY;
+ float *psX, *psY;
+ ConvertToPS((DPSScrolledWindowWidget) w, (float) xX, (float) xY, psX, psY);
+void DSWConvertXToPS(w, xX, xY, psX, psY)
+ Widget w;
+ long xX, xY;
+ float *psX, *psY;
+ XtCheckSubclass(w, dpsScrolledWindowWidgetClass, NULL);
+ (*((DPSScrolledWindowWidgetClass) XtClass(w))->
+ sw_class.convert_x_to_ps) (w, xX, xY, psX, psY);
+static void ConvertPSToX(w, psX, psY, xX, xY)
+ Widget w;
+ double psX, psY;
+ int *xX, *xY;
+ ConvertToX((DPSScrolledWindowWidget) w, psX, psY, xX, xY);
+void DSWConvertPSToX(w, psX, psY, xX, xY)
+ Widget w;
+ double psX, psY;
+ int *xX, *xY;
+ XtCheckSubclass(w, dpsScrolledWindowWidgetClass, NULL);
+ (*((DPSScrolledWindowWidgetClass) XtClass(w))->
+ sw_class.convert_ps_to_x) (w, psX, psY, xX, xY);
+static void AddToDirtyArea(w, rect, n)
+ Widget w;
+ float *rect;
+ long n;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw = (DPSScrolledWindowWidget) w;
+ if (n == 1 && rect[0] == 0 && rect[1] == 0 &&
+ rect[2] == -1 && rect[2] == -1) {
+ rect[2] = dsw->sw.area_width;
+ rect[3] = dsw->sw.area_height;
+ }
+ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNdirtyAreas, rect, XtNnumDirtyAreas, n, NULL);
+void DSWAddToDirtyArea(w, rect, n)
+ Widget w;
+ float *rect;
+ long n;
+ XtCheckSubclass(w, dpsScrolledWindowWidgetClass, NULL);
+ (*((DPSScrolledWindowWidgetClass) XtClass(w))->
+ sw_class.add_to_dirty_area) (w, rect, n);
+static Boolean TakeFeedbackPixmap(w, p, width, height, depth, screen)
+ Widget w;
+ Pixmap *p;
+ int *width, *height, *depth;
+ Screen **screen;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw = (DPSScrolledWindowWidget) w;
+ if (dsw->sw.doing_feedback) return False;
+ *p = dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap;
+ if (*p == None) {
+ *width = *height = *depth;
+ *screen = NULL;
+ return True;
+ }
+ *width = dsw->sw.feedback_width;
+ *height = dsw->sw.feedback_height;
+ *depth = dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.depth;
+ *screen = dsw->core.screen;
+ dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap = None;
+ dsw->sw.feedback_width = dsw->sw.feedback_height = 0;
+ return True;
+Boolean DSWTakeFeedbackPixmap(w, p, width, height, depth, screen)
+ Widget w;
+ Pixmap *p;
+ int *width, *height, *depth;
+ Screen **screen;
+ XtCheckSubclass(w, dpsScrolledWindowWidgetClass, NULL);
+ return (*((DPSScrolledWindowWidgetClass) XtClass(w))->
+ sw_class.take_feedback_pixmap) (w, p, width, height,
+ depth, screen);
+static void StartFeedbackDrawing(w, start_feedback_data)
+ Widget w;
+ XtPointer start_feedback_data;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw = (DPSScrolledWindowWidget) w;
+ float *r;
+ FinishDrawing(dsw);
+ CheckFeedbackPixmap(dsw);
+ if (dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap != None) {
+ /* Initialize the feedback pixmap with a copy of the drawing */
+ GrowRectList(&dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas, &dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas_size,
+ 0, 1, 1);
+ r = dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas;
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, 0 + DELTA, dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.height - DELTA,
+ r, r+1);
+ ConvertToPS(dsw, dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.width - DELTA, 0 + DELTA,
+ r+2, r+3);
+ r[2] -= r[0];
+ r[3] -= r[1];
+ dsw->sw.num_prev_dirty_areas = 1;
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap != None) {
+ CopyToFeedbackPixmap(dsw, dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas,
+ dsw->sw.num_prev_dirty_areas);
+ } else {
+ CopyRectsToCurrentDrawing(dsw, dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas,
+ dsw->sw.num_prev_dirty_areas);
+ (void) ClipAndDraw(dsw, DSWFeedbackPixmap, DSWFinish, True);
+ }
+ }
+ dsw->sw.num_prev_dirty_areas = 0;
+ dsw->sw.doing_feedback = True;
+ dsw->sw.start_feedback_data = start_feedback_data;
+void DSWStartFeedbackDrawing(w, start_feedback_data)
+ Widget w;
+ XtPointer start_feedback_data;
+ XtCheckSubclass(w, dpsScrolledWindowWidgetClass, NULL);
+ (*((DPSScrolledWindowWidgetClass) XtClass(w))->
+ sw_class.start_feedback_drawing) (w, start_feedback_data);
+static void EndFeedbackDrawing(w, restore)
+ Widget w;
+ Boolean restore;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw = (DPSScrolledWindowWidget) w;
+ if (restore) {
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap != None) {
+ UpdateWindowFromBackingPixmap(dsw, dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas,
+ dsw->sw.num_prev_dirty_areas);
+ } else {
+ CopyRectsToCurrentDrawing(dsw, dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas,
+ dsw->sw.num_prev_dirty_areas);
+ (void) ClipAndDraw(dsw, DSWWindow, DSWFinish, True);
+ }
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.feedback_gstate != 0) {
+ XDPSFreeContextGState(dsw->sw.context, dsw->sw.feedback_gstate);
+ }
+ dsw->sw.doing_feedback = dsw->sw.feedback_displayed = False;
+void DSWEndFeedbackDrawing(w, restore)
+ Widget w;
+ Bool restore;
+ XtCheckSubclass(w, dpsScrolledWindowWidgetClass, NULL);
+ (*((DPSScrolledWindowWidgetClass) XtClass(w))->
+ sw_class.end_feedback_drawing) (w, restore);
+static void SetFeedbackDirtyArea(w, rects, count, continue_feedback_data)
+ Widget w;
+ float *rects;
+ int count;
+ XtPointer continue_feedback_data;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw = (DPSScrolledWindowWidget) w;
+ int i;
+ float *r;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ r = rects + (i * 4);
+ if (WIDTH(r) < 0) {
+ LEFT(r) += WIDTH(r);
+ WIDTH(r) = -WIDTH(r);
+ }
+ if (HEIGHT(r) < 0) {
+ BOTTOM(r) += HEIGHT(r);
+ HEIGHT(r) = -HEIGHT(r);
+ }
+ }
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap != None) {
+ if (dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap != None) {
+ CopyToFeedbackPixmap(dsw, dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas,
+ dsw->sw.num_prev_dirty_areas);
+ } else {
+ UpdateWindowFromBackingPixmap(dsw, dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas,
+ dsw->sw.num_prev_dirty_areas);
+ }
+ } else {
+ CopyRectsToCurrentDrawing(dsw, dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas,
+ dsw->sw.num_prev_dirty_areas);
+ (void) ClipAndDraw(dsw, (dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap == None ?
+ DSWWindow : DSWFeedbackPixmap),
+ DSWFinish, True);
+ }
+ dsw->sw.continue_feedback_data = continue_feedback_data;
+ CallFeedbackCallback(dsw, rects, count);
+ if (dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap != None) {
+ CopyRectsToDirtyArea(dsw, dsw->sw.prev_dirty_areas,
+ dsw->sw.num_prev_dirty_areas);
+ AddRectsToDirtyArea(dsw, rects, count);
+ SimplifyRects(dsw->sw.dirty_areas, &dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas);
+ UpdateWindowFromFeedbackPixmap(dsw, dsw->sw.dirty_areas,
+ dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas);
+ dsw->sw.num_dirty_areas = 0;
+ }
+ CopyRectsToPrevDirtyArea(dsw, rects, count);
+ dsw->sw.feedback_displayed = True;
+void DSWSetFeedbackDirtyArea(w, rects, count, continue_feedback_data)
+ Widget w;
+ float *rects;
+ int count;
+ XtPointer continue_feedback_data;
+ XtCheckSubclass(w, dpsScrolledWindowWidgetClass, NULL);
+ (*((DPSScrolledWindowWidgetClass) XtClass(w))->
+ sw_class.set_feedback_dirty_area) (w, rects, count,
+ continue_feedback_data);
+static void FinishPendingDrawing(w)
+ Widget w;
+ FinishDrawing((DPSScrolledWindowWidget) w);
+void DSWFinishPendingDrawing(w)
+ Widget w;
+ XtCheckSubclass(w, dpsScrolledWindowWidgetClass, NULL);
+ (*((DPSScrolledWindowWidgetClass) XtClass(w))->
+ sw_class.finish_pending_drawing) (w);
+static void AbortPendingDrawing(w)
+ Widget w;
+ AbortDrawing((DPSScrolledWindowWidget) w);
+void DSWAbortPendingDrawing(w)
+ Widget w;
+ XtCheckSubclass(w, dpsScrolledWindowWidgetClass, NULL);
+ (*((DPSScrolledWindowWidgetClass) XtClass(w))->
+ sw_class.abort_pending_drawing) (w);
+static void UpdateDrawing(w, rects, count)
+ Widget w;
+ float *rects;
+ int count;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw = (DPSScrolledWindowWidget) w;
+ int i;
+ float *r;
+ int llx, lly, urx, ury;
+ int dx, dy;
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap == None) {
+ AddToDirtyArea(w, rects, count);
+ return;
+ }
+ ComputeOffsets(dsw, &dx, &dy);
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ r = rects + (i * 4);
+ ConvertToX(dsw, LEFT(r), BOTTOM(r), &llx, &lly);
+ ConvertToX(dsw, RIGHT(r), TOP(r), &urx, &ury);
+ XCopyArea(XtDisplay(dsw), XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area),
+ dsw->sw.backing_pixmap, dsw->sw.no_ge_gc,
+ llx-1, ury-1, urx-llx+2, lly-ury+2, llx+dx-1, ury+dy-1);
+ }
+void DSWUpdateDrawing(w, rects, count)
+ Widget w;
+ float *rects;
+ int count;
+ XtCheckSubclass(w, dpsScrolledWindowWidgetClass, NULL);
+ (*((DPSScrolledWindowWidgetClass) XtClass(w))->
+ sw_class.update_drawing) (w, rects, count);
+static void GetScrollInfo(w, h_value, h_size, h_max, v_value, v_size, v_max)
+ Widget w;
+ int *h_value, *h_size, *h_max, *v_value, *v_size, *v_max;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw = (DPSScrolledWindowWidget) w;
+ if (h_value != NULL) *h_value = dsw->sw.scroll_h_value;
+ if (h_size != NULL) *h_size = dsw->sw.scroll_h_size;
+ if (h_max != NULL) *h_max = dsw->sw.scroll_h_max;
+ if (v_value != NULL) *v_value = dsw->sw.scroll_v_value;
+ if (v_size != NULL) *v_size = dsw->sw.scroll_v_size;
+ if (v_max != NULL) *v_max = dsw->sw.scroll_v_max;
+void DSWGetScrollInfo(w, h_value, h_size, h_max, v_value, v_size, v_max)
+ Widget w;
+ int *h_value, *h_size, *h_max, *v_value, *v_size, *v_max;
+ XtCheckSubclass(w, dpsScrolledWindowWidgetClass, NULL);
+ (*((DPSScrolledWindowWidgetClass) XtClass(w))->
+ sw_class.get_scroll_info) (w, h_value, h_size, h_max,
+ v_value, v_size, v_max);
+static void GetDrawingInfo(w, type, drawable, gstate, context)
+ Widget w;
+ DSWDrawableType *type;
+ Drawable *drawable;
+ DPSGState *gstate;
+ DPSContext *context;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw = (DPSScrolledWindowWidget) w;
+ if (dsw->sw.backing_pixmap != None) {
+ *type = DSWBackingPixmap;
+ *drawable = dsw->sw.backing_pixmap;
+ *gstate = dsw->sw.backing_gstate;
+ } else {
+ *type = DSWWindow;
+ *drawable = XtWindow(dsw->sw.drawing_area);
+ *gstate = dsw->sw.window_gstate;
+ }
+ *context = dsw->sw.context;
+void DSWGetDrawingInfo(w, type, drawable, gstate, context)
+ Widget w;
+ DSWDrawableType *type;
+ Drawable *drawable;
+ DPSGState *gstate;
+ DPSContext *context;
+ XtCheckSubclass(w, dpsScrolledWindowWidgetClass, NULL);
+ (*((DPSScrolledWindowWidgetClass) XtClass(w))->
+ sw_class.get_drawing_info) (w, type, drawable, gstate, context);
+static Boolean GiveFeedbackPixmap(w, p, width, height, depth, screen)
+ Widget w;
+ Pixmap p;
+ int width, height, depth;
+ Screen *screen;
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw = (DPSScrolledWindowWidget) w;
+ if (depth != dsw->sw.drawing_area->core.depth ||
+ screen != dsw->core.screen ||
+ dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap != None) return False;
+ dsw->sw.feedback_pixmap = p;
+ dsw->sw.feedback_width = width;
+ dsw->sw.feedback_height = height;
+ return True;
+Boolean DSWGiveFeedbackPixmap(w, p, width, height, depth, screen)
+ Widget w;
+ Pixmap p;
+ int width, height, depth;
+ Screen *screen;
+ XtCheckSubclass(w, dpsScrolledWindowWidgetClass, NULL);
+ return (*((DPSScrolledWindowWidgetClass) XtClass(w))->
+ sw_class.give_feedback_pixmap) (w, p, width, height,
+ depth, screen);
+static void ConvertToX(dsw, psX, psY, xX, xY)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ float psX, psY;
+ int *xX, *xY;
+ *xX = dsw->sw.ctm[0] * psX + dsw->sw.ctm[2] * psY + dsw->sw.ctm[4] +
+ dsw->sw.x_offset + 0.5;
+ *xY = dsw->sw.ctm[1] * psX + dsw->sw.ctm[3] * psY + dsw->sw.ctm[5] +
+ dsw->sw.y_offset + 0.5;
+static void ConvertToPS(dsw, xX, xY, psX, psY)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ float xX, xY;
+ float *psX, *psY;
+ xX -= dsw->sw.x_offset;
+ xY -= dsw->sw.y_offset;
+ *psX = dsw->sw.inv_ctm[0] * xX + dsw->sw.inv_ctm[2] * xY +
+ dsw->sw.inv_ctm[4];
+ *psY = dsw->sw.inv_ctm[1] * xX + dsw->sw.inv_ctm[3] * xY +
+ dsw->sw.inv_ctm[5];
+static void ConvertToOrigPS(dsw, xX, xY, psX, psY)
+ DPSScrolledWindowWidget dsw;
+ int xX, xY;
+ float *psX, *psY;
+ xX -= dsw->sw.x_offset;
+ xY -= dsw->sw.y_offset;
+ *psX = dsw->sw.orig_inv_ctm[0] * xX + dsw->sw.orig_inv_ctm[2] * xY +
+ dsw->sw.orig_inv_ctm[4];
+ *psY = dsw->sw.orig_inv_ctm[1] * xX + dsw->sw.orig_inv_ctm[3] * xY +
+ dsw->sw.orig_inv_ctm[5];