/* * Copyright (c) 2009, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "extensions.h" #include "bigreqscope.h" #include "lbxscope.h" #include "randrscope.h" #include "renderscope.h" #include "shmscope.h" #include "wcpscope.h" /* Extensions we know how to decode */ struct extension_decoders { const char *name; void (*init_func) (const unsigned char *buf); }; static const struct extension_decoders decodable_extensions[] = { {"BIG-REQUESTS", InitializeBIGREQ}, {"DAMAGE", InitializeDAMAGE}, {"LBX", InitializeLBX}, {"MIT-SHM", InitializeMITSHM}, {"NCD-WinCenterPro", InitializeWCP}, {"RANDR", InitializeRANDR}, {"RENDER", InitializeRENDER}, {"GLX", InitializeGLX}, {NULL, NULL} /* List terminator - keep last */ }; /* all extensions we know about */ struct extension_info { const char *name; unsigned char request; unsigned char event; unsigned char error; long query_seq; /* sequence id of QueryExtension request */ struct extension_info *next; }; struct extension_info *query_list; struct extension_info *ext_by_request[NUM_EXTENSIONS]; static void DefineExtNameValue(int type, unsigned char value, const char *extname) { int namelen = strlen(extname) + 1; const char *typename = NULL; char *exttypename; switch (type) { case REQUEST: typename = "-Request"; break; case REPLY: typename = "-Reply"; break; case EVENT: typename = "-Event"; break; case ERROR: typename = "-Error"; break; case EXTENSION: typename = ""; break; default: panic("Impossible argument to DefineExtNameValue"); } namelen += strlen(typename); exttypename = malloc(namelen); if (exttypename == NULL) panic("Can't allocate memory for ExtNameValue"); snprintf(exttypename, namelen, "%s%s", extname, typename); DefineEValue(&TD[type], (unsigned long) value, exttypename); } void ProcessQueryExtensionRequest(long seq, const unsigned char *buf) { int namelen = IShort(&buf[4]); char *extname = malloc(namelen + 1); struct extension_info *qe; if (extname == NULL) panic("Can't allocate memory for ExtensionRequest name"); memcpy(extname, &buf[8], namelen); extname[namelen] = '\0'; for (qe = query_list; qe != NULL; qe = qe->next) { if (strcmp(extname, qe->name) == 0) { /* already in list, no need to add */ free(extname); return; } } /* add to list */ qe = malloc(sizeof(struct extension_info)); if (qe == NULL) panic("Can't allocate memory for extension_info"); qe->name = extname; qe->request = 0; qe->event = 0; qe->error = 0; qe->query_seq = seq; qe->next = query_list; query_list = qe; } void ProcessQueryExtensionReply(long seq, const unsigned char *buf) { struct extension_info *qe; int i; if (buf[8] == 0) { /* Extension not present, nothing to record */ return; } for (qe = query_list; qe != NULL; qe = qe->next) { if (qe->query_seq == seq) { qe->request = buf[9]; qe->event = buf[10]; qe->error = buf[11]; ext_by_request[qe->request - EXTENSION_MIN_REQ] = qe; DefineExtNameValue(EXTENSION, qe->request, qe->name); for (i = 0; decodable_extensions[i].name != NULL; i++) { if (strcmp(qe->name, decodable_extensions[i].name) == 0) { decodable_extensions[i].init_func(buf); break; } } if (decodable_extensions[i].name == NULL) { /* Not found - initialize values as best we can generically */ DefineExtNameValue(REQUEST, qe->request, qe->name); DefineExtNameValue(REPLY, qe->request, qe->name); if (qe->event != 0) { DefineExtNameValue(EVENT, qe->event, qe->name); } if (qe->error != 0) { DefineExtNameValue(ERROR, qe->error, qe->name); } } return; } } } /* Decoding for specific/known extensions */ static extension_decode_req_ptr ExtensionRequestDecoder[NUM_EXTENSIONS]; static extension_decode_reply_ptr ExtensionReplyDecoder[NUM_EXTENSIONS]; static extension_decode_error_ptr ExtensionErrorDecoder[NUM_EXTENSIONS]; static extension_decode_event_ptr ExtensionEventDecoder[NUM_EXT_EVENTS]; static extension_decode_event_ptr GenericEventDecoder[NUM_EXTENSIONS]; void InitializeExtensionDecoder(int Request, extension_decode_req_ptr reqd, extension_decode_reply_ptr repd) { if ((Request > EXTENSION_MAX_REQ) || (Request < EXTENSION_MIN_REQ)) { char errmsg[128]; snprintf(errmsg, sizeof(errmsg), "Failed to register decoder" " for invalid extension request code %d.", Request); warn(errmsg); return; } ExtensionRequestDecoder[Request - EXTENSION_MIN_REQ] = reqd; ExtensionReplyDecoder[Request - EXTENSION_MIN_REQ] = repd; } void InitializeExtensionErrorDecoder(int Error, extension_decode_error_ptr errd) { if ((Error > EXTENSION_MAX_ERR) || (Error < EXTENSION_MIN_ERR)) { char errmsg[128]; snprintf(errmsg, sizeof(errmsg), "Failed to register decoder" " for invalid extension error code %d.", Error); warn(errmsg); return; } ExtensionErrorDecoder[Error - EXTENSION_MIN_ERR] = errd; } void InitializeExtensionEventDecoder(int Event, extension_decode_event_ptr evd) { if ((Event > EXTENSION_MAX_EV) || (Event < EXTENSION_MIN_EV)) { char errmsg[128]; snprintf(errmsg, sizeof(errmsg), "Failed to register decoder" " for invalid extension event code %d.", Event); warn(errmsg); return; } ExtensionEventDecoder[Event - EXTENSION_MIN_EV] = evd; } void InitializeGenericEventDecoder(int Request, extension_decode_event_ptr evd) { if ((Request > EXTENSION_MAX_REQ) || (Request < EXTENSION_MIN_REQ)) { char errmsg[128]; snprintf(errmsg, sizeof(errmsg), "Failed to register decoder" " for invalid generic extension event code %d.", Request); warn(errmsg); return; } GenericEventDecoder[Request - EXTENSION_MIN_REQ] = evd; } void ExtensionRequest(FD fd, const unsigned char *buf, short Request) { extension_decode_req_ptr decode_req = NULL; if ((Request <= EXTENSION_MAX_REQ) && (Request >= EXTENSION_MIN_REQ)) { decode_req = ExtensionRequestDecoder[Request - EXTENSION_MIN_REQ]; } if (decode_req != NULL) { decode_req(fd, buf); } else { ExtendedRequest(fd, buf); ReplyExpected(fd, Request); } } void ExtensionReply(FD fd, const unsigned char *buf, short Request, short RequestMinor) { extension_decode_reply_ptr decode_reply = NULL; if ((Request <= EXTENSION_MAX_REQ) && (Request >= EXTENSION_MIN_REQ)) { decode_reply = ExtensionReplyDecoder[Request - EXTENSION_MIN_REQ]; } if (decode_reply != NULL) { decode_reply(fd, buf, RequestMinor); } else { UnknownReply(buf); } } void ExtensionError(FD fd, const unsigned char *buf, short Error) { extension_decode_error_ptr decode_error = NULL; if ((Error <= EXTENSION_MAX_ERR) && (Error >= EXTENSION_MIN_ERR)) { decode_error = ExtensionErrorDecoder[Error - EXTENSION_MIN_ERR]; } if (decode_error != NULL) { decode_error(fd, buf); } else { UnknownError(buf); } } void ExtensionEvent(FD fd, const unsigned char *buf, short Event) { extension_decode_event_ptr decode_event = NULL; if ((Event <= EXTENSION_MAX_EV) && (Event >= EXTENSION_MIN_EV)) { decode_event = ExtensionEventDecoder[Event - EXTENSION_MIN_EV]; } else if (Event == Event_Type_Generic) { int Request = IByte(&buf[1]); if ((Request <= EXTENSION_MAX_REQ) && (Request >= EXTENSION_MIN_REQ)) { decode_event = GenericEventDecoder[Request - EXTENSION_MIN_REQ]; } } if (decode_event != NULL) { decode_event(fd, buf); } else if (Event == Event_Type_Generic) { UnknownGenericEvent(buf); } else { UnknownEvent(buf); } }