xdg-su Manual 2006 Kevin Krammer
Jeremy White
This is release 0.5 of the xdg-su Manual.
xdg-su 1 xdg-su run a GUI program as another user (typically root) after prompting for that user's password xdg-su xdg-su Description xdg-su provides a graphical dialog that prompts the user for a password to run command as user or as root if no user was specified. xdg-su is for use inside a desktop session only. xdg-su discards any stdout and stderr output from command. Options the command to run. This argument is mandatory. run command as user. The default is to run as root. Show command synopsis. Show this manual page. Show the xdg-utils version information. Exit Codes An exit code of 0 indicates success while a non-zero exit code indicates failure. The following failure codes can be returned: Error in command line syntax. One of the files passed on the command line did not exist. A required tool could not be found. The action failed. See Also su 1 Examples xdg-su -u root -c "/opt/shinythings/bin/install-GUI --install fast" Runs the /opt/shinythings/bin/install-GUI command with root permissions.