path: root/scripts/desc/xdg-menu.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/desc/xdg-menu.xml')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/desc/xdg-menu.xml b/scripts/desc/xdg-menu.xml
index 79555f5..203278c 100755
--- a/scripts/desc/xdg-menu.xml
+++ b/scripts/desc/xdg-menu.xml
@@ -192,4 +192,141 @@
+ <refsect1 id="examples">
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <para>
+ The company ShinyThings Inc. has developed an application named
+ "WebMirror" and would like to add it to the application menu.
+ The company will use "shinythings" as its vendor id.
+ In order to add the application to the menu there needs to be a
+ .desktop file with a suitable <emphasis>Categories</emphasis> entry:
+ [Desktop Entry]
+ Encoding=UTF-8
+ Type=Application
+ Exec=webmirror
+ Icon=webmirror
+ Name=WebMirror
+ Name[nl]=WebSpiegel
+ Categories=Network;WebDevelopment;
+ </para>
+ <para>Now the xdg-menu tool can be used to add the webmirror.desktop file
+ to the desktop application menu:
+xdg-menu --system --vendor shinythings --install ./webmirror.desktop
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Note that for the purpose of this example the menu items are available
+ in two languages, English and Dutch.
+ The language code for Dutch is nl.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ In the next example the company ShinyThings Inc. wants to add its own
+ submenu to the desktop application menu consisting of a
+ "WebMirror" menu item and a
+ "WebMirror Admin Tool" menu item.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ First the company needs to create two .desktop files that describe
+ the two menu items, this time no Categories item is needed:
+ [Desktop Entry]
+ Encoding=UTF-8
+ Type=Application
+ Exec=webmirror
+ Icon=webmirror
+ Name=WebMirror
+ Name[nl]=WebSpiegel
+ [Desktop Entry]
+ Encoding=UTF-8
+ Type=Application
+ Exec=webmirror-admintool
+ Icon=webmirror-admintool
+ Name=WebMirror Admin Tool
+ Name[nl]=WebSpiegel Administratie Tool
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The files can be installed with:
+xdg-menu --system --noupdate --vendor shinythings --install ./webmirror.desktop
+xdg-menu --system --noupdate --vendor shinythings --install ./webmirror-admin.desktop
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Because multiple items are added the <option>--noupdate</option>
+ option has been used.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ In addition a .directory file needs to be created to provide a title and icon
+ for the sub-menu itself:
+ [Desktop Entry]
+ Encoding=UTF-8
+ Icon=webmirror
+ Name=WebMirror
+ Name[nl]=WebSpiegel
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ This webmirror.directorty file can be installed with:
+xdg-menu --system --noupdate --vendor shinythings --install ./
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The last step is to provide a .menu file that links it all
+ togther:
+ &lt;!DOCTYPE Menu PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD Menu 0.8//EN"
+ ""&gt;
+ &lt;Menu&gt;
+ &lt;Menu&gt;
+ &lt;Name&gt;WebMirror&lt;/Name&gt;
+ &lt;Directory&gt;;/Directory&gt;
+ &lt;Include&gt;
+ &lt;Filename&gt;shinythings-webmirror.desktop&lt;/Filename&gt;
+ &lt;Filename&gt;shinythings-webmirror-admin.desktop&lt;/Filename&gt;
+ &lt;/Include&gt;
+ &lt;/Menu&gt;
+ &lt;/Menu&gt;
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The file can be installed with:
+xdg-menu --system --noupdate --vendor shinythings --install ./
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ After installing multiple files with <option>--noupdate</option> make sure
+ to force an update:
+xdg-menu --system --forceupdate
+ </para>
+ </refsect1>