Note: latest version of this file is at: A few ground rules for people interested in adding new mime-types. * Mime-types used should be IANA registered mime-types when possible * When old mime-types become registered, the new definition should include an alias for the old mime-type * New entries or modifications should include a test case (see below) * Mime-types/file formats proprietary to one application should only be added to a private .xml file and be bundled with the application itself * Magic offset must be as small as possible. For example, the worst case scenario for ISO images is 32k inside the file. This is too big for a sniff buffer, especially on remote locations. Avoid those. * No commits should be done that break the test suite, or the test suite test in question should be amended, and reason for the changes clearly documented in the commit message Translations ------------ Translations should go through, and the team: Filing bugs ----------- Bugs can be filed at: Merge requests are required for new mime-types and should include one or more test files to be added to the test suite. Test suite ---------- You need to have xdgmime [1] checked out and compiled. In the shared-mime-info git repository, getting xdgmime is taken care of by using a git submodule; run `git submodule update --init` after cloning the shared-mime-info repo. If you wish to keep the submodule automatically up to date on pull, `git config submodule.recurse true` in the shared-mime-info dir helps with that. By default, the build system will expect the xdgmime directory to be in the shared-mime-info directory. `./xdgmime/src/test-mime-data` is run against `tests/mime-detection/list`. An alternate path to xdgmime can be passed by using the `xdgmime-path` meson option such as `-Dxdgmime-path=/path/to/xdgmime`. The format of the file is: ` ` The expected failures is whether matching the file with the mime-type would fail when matched by file, data or name. "x" indicates expected failure, "o" indicates expected success. Trailing "o"s can be omitted. See the top of the `tests/mime-detection/list` file for syntax details. You can also temporarily print the results of `test-mime-data` by putting your test files in the `staging-tests/` sub-directory. [1]: Repository details at: Releasing --------- - Run `ninja shared-mime-info-pot`, `./po/` and `./po/` before release - Commit and push to shared-mime-info gitlab - Update version number in `` - Add changelog to `NEWS` git log --pretty=format:'* %s' .. - Commit, make a merge request, wait for CI to ensure `meson dist` works, then merge it. - Tag and push the tag - Go to and click "New release" - Fill in version number (3 times), paste NEWS, confirm Updating the spec on the website -------------------------------- - update