This is the planning page for the Text Layout Summit 2011 meeting to be held in conjunction with Desktop Summit (combined GUADEC and aKademy) in Berlin. **Venue and Date** The meeting will be held in conjunction with [[Desktop Summit|]] 2011 in Berlin, August 9 to 12. August 6,7,8 is the main Desktop Summit presentation days, and starting at 9th the conference is in BoF / hacking mode, so we have reserved a room for [[TextLayout|TextLayout]] during those days, but participants are welcome to arrive earlier and attend Desktop Summit. The meeting will take place in room 1.308/1. **Attendees**: Please register for the event on the [[Desktop Summit|]] website. Registration is free. [[!table header="no" class="mointable" data=""" **Attendee** | **Arrival** | **Departure** Behdad Esfahbod | Aug 7 | Aug 13 Jiang Jiang | Aug 8 | Aug 12 Lars Knoll | Aug 9 | Aug 10 Daniel Glassey | Aug 5 | Aug 13 """]] **Coding** The following people have expressed an interest in hacking on the following projects during the gathering: * **[[HarfBuzz|HarfBuzz]]**: Behdad Esfahbod, Jiang Jiang, Lars Knoll * **[[HarfBuzz|HarfBuzz]]-Indic**: Behdad Esfahbod * **Pango-[[HarfBuzz|HarfBuzz]]**: Behdad Esfahbod * **Qt-[[HarfBuzz|HarfBuzz]]**: Behdad Esfahbod, Jiang Jiang, Lars Knoll * **Chromium-[[HarfBuzz|HarfBuzz]]**: Behdad Esfahbod * **Undecided**: Daniel Glassey