path: root/src/va.h
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1 files changed, 301 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/va.h b/src/va.h
index c03f555..6bdf5a2 100755
--- a/src/va.h
+++ b/src/va.h
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
* Video Decode Acceleration API Specification
- * Rev. 0.20
+ * Rev. 0.22
* <>
* Revision History:
@@ -40,8 +40,11 @@
* and MPEG-2 motion compensation.
* rev 0.19 (08/06/2007 Jonathan Bian) - Removed extra type for bitplane data.
* rev 0.20 (08/08/2007 Jonathan Bian) - Added missing fields to VC-1 PictureParameter structure.
+ * rev 0.21 (08/20/2007 Jonathan Bian) - Added image and subpicture support.
+ * rev 0.22 (08/27/2007 Jonathan Bian) - Added support for chroma-keying and global alpha.
* Acknowledgements:
+ * Some concepts borrowed from XvMC and XvImage.
* Thanks to Waldo Bastian for many valuable feedbacks.
#ifndef _VA_H_
@@ -54,7 +57,9 @@ extern "C" {
-This is a decode only interface currently. The basic steps are:
+This is currently a decode only interface (with some rendering support).
+The basic operation steps are:
- Negotiate a mutually acceptable configuration with the server to lock
down profile, entrypoints, and other attributes that will not change on
@@ -139,7 +144,9 @@ typedef enum
VAProfileVC1Advanced = 10,
} VAProfile;
-/* Currently defined entrypoints */
+ * Currently defined entrypoints
+ */
typedef enum
VAEntrypointVLD = 1,
@@ -781,7 +788,6 @@ typedef struct _VAPictureH264
#define VA_PICTURE_H264_BOTTOM_FIELD 0x00000004
#define VA_PICTURE_H264_LONG_TERM_REFERENCE 0x00000010
-#define VA_PICTURE_H264_USED_AS_REFERENCE 0x00000020
/* H.264 Picture Parameter Buffer */
@@ -1007,8 +1013,11 @@ VAStatus vaSyncSurface (
typedef enum
- VASurfaceRendering = 0,
- VASurfaceReady = 1,
+ VASurfaceRendering = 0, /* Rendering in progress */
+ VASurfaceDisplaying = 1, /* Displaying in progress (not safe to render into it) */
+ /* this status is useful if surface is used as the source */
+ /* of an overlay */
+ VASurfaceReady = 2 /* not being rendered or displayed */
} VASurfaceStatus;
@@ -1032,6 +1041,274 @@ VAStatus vaDbgCopySurfaceToBuffer(VADisplay dpy,
unsigned int *stride /* out */
+ * Images and Subpictures
+ * VAImage is used to either get the surface data to client memory, or
+ * to copy image data in client memory to a surface.
+ * Both images, subpictures and surfaces follow the same 2D coordinate system where origin
+ * is at the upper left corner with positive X to the right and positive Y down
+ */
+#define MAKEFOURCC(ch0, ch1, ch2, ch3) \
+ ((unsigned long)(unsigned char) (ch0) | ((unsigned long)(unsigned char) (ch1) << 8) | \
+ ((unsigned long)(unsigned char) (ch2) << 16) | ((unsigned long)(unsigned char) (ch3) << 24 ))
+/* a few common FourCCs */
+#define VA_FOURCC_NV12 0x3231564E
+#define VA_FOURCC_AI44 0x34344149
+#define VA_FOURCC_RGBA 0x41424752
+typedef struct _VAImageFormat
+ unsigned int fourcc;
+ unsigned int byte_order; /* VA_LSB_FIRST, VA_MSB_FIRST */
+ unsigned int bits_per_pixel;
+ /* for RGB formats */
+ unsigned int depth; /* significant bits per pixel */
+ unsigned int red_mask;
+ unsigned int green_mask;
+ unsigned int blue_mask;
+ unsigned int alpha_mask;
+} VAImageFormat;
+typedef int VAImageID;
+typedef struct _VAImage
+ VAImageID image_id; /* uniquely identify this image */
+ VASurfaceID surface_id; /* which surface will this image be associated with */
+ VAImageFormat format;
+ unsigned char *data; /* image data pointer */
+ /* The following fields are set by the library */
+ unsigned short width;
+ unsigned short height;
+ unsigned int data_size;
+ unsigned int num_planes;
+ /*
+ * An array of size num_planes indicating the scanline pitch in bytes.
+ * Each plane may have a different pitch.
+ */
+ unsigned int *pitches;
+ /*
+ * An array of size num_planes indicating the byte offset from
+ * "data" t the start of each plane.
+ */
+ unsigned int *offsets;
+} VAImage;
+/* Get maximum number of image formats supported by the implementation */
+int vaMaxNumImageFormats (
+ VADisplay dpy
+ * Query supported image formats
+ * The caller must provide a "format_list" array that can hold at
+ * least vaMaxNumImageFormats() entries. The actual number of formats
+ * returned in "format_list" is returned in "num_formats".
+ */
+VAStatus vaQueryImageFormats (
+ VADisplay dpy,
+ VAImageFormat *format_list, /* out */
+ int *num_formats /* out */
+ * The width and height fields returned in the VAImage structure may get
+ * enlarged for some YUV formats. The size of the data buffer that needs
+ * to be allocated will be given in the "data_size" field in VAImage.
+ * Image data is not allocated by this function. The client should
+ * allocate the memory and fill in the VAImage structure's data field
+ * after looking at "data_size" returned from the library.
+ */
+VAStatus vaCreateImage (
+ VADisplay dpy,
+ VAImageFormat *format,
+ int width,
+ int height,
+ VAImage *image /* out */
+ * Should call DestroyImage before destroying the surface it is bound to
+ */
+VAStatus vaDestroyImage (
+ VADisplay dpy,
+ VAImage *image
+ * Retrive surface data into a VAImage
+ * Image must be in a format supported by the implementation
+ */
+VAStatus vaGetImage (
+ VADisplay dpy,
+ VASurface *surface,
+ int x, /* coordinates of the upper left source pixel */
+ int y,
+ unsigned int width, /* width and height of the region */
+ unsigned int height,
+ VAImage *image
+ * Copy data from a VAImage to a surface
+ * Image must be in a format supported by the implementation
+ */
+VAStatus vaPutImage (
+ VADisplay dpy,
+ VASurface *surface,
+ VAImage *image,
+ int src_x,
+ int src_y,
+ unsigned int width,
+ unsigned int height,
+ int dest_x,
+ int dest_y
+ * Subpictures
+ * Subpicture is a special type of image that can be blended
+ * with a surface during vaPutSurface(). Subpicture can be used to render
+ * DVD sub-titles or closed captioning text etc.
+ */
+typedef int VASubpictureID;
+typedef struct _VASubpicture
+ VASubpictureID subpicture_id; /* uniquely identify this subpicture */
+ VASurfaceID surface_id; /* which surface does this subpicture associate with */
+ VAImageID image_id;
+ /* The following fields are set by the library */
+ int num_palette_entries; /* paletted formats only. set to zero for image without palettes */
+ /*
+ * Each component is one byte and entry_bytes indicates the number of components in
+ * each entry (eg. 3 for YUV palette entries). set to zero for image without palettes
+ */
+ int entry_bytes;
+ /*
+ * An array of ascii characters describing teh order of the components within the bytes.
+ * Only entry_bytes characters of the string are used.
+ */
+ char component_order[4];
+ /* chromakey range */
+ unsigned int chromakey_min;
+ unsigned int chromakey_max;
+ /* global alpha */
+ unsigned int global_alpha;
+ /* flags */
+ unsigned int flags; /* see below */
+} VASubpicture;
+/* flags for subpictures */
+/* Get maximum number of subpicture formats supported by the implementation */
+int vaMaxNumSubpictureFormats (
+ VADisplay dpy
+ * Query supported subpicture formats
+ * The caller must provide a "format_list" array that can hold at
+ * least vaMaxNumSubpictureFormats() entries. The flags arrary holds the flag
+ * for each format to indicate additional capabilities for that format. The actual
+ * number of formats returned in "format_list" is returned in "num_formats".
+ */
+VAStatus vaQuerySubpictureFormats (
+ VADisplay dpy,
+ VAImageFormat *format_list, /* out */
+ unsigned int *flags, /* out */
+ unsigned int *num_formats /* out */
+ * Subpictures are created with an image associated.
+ */
+VAStatus vaCreateSubpicture (
+ VADisplay dpy,
+ VAImage *image,
+ VASubpicture *subpicture /* out */
+ * Destroy the subpicture before destroying the image it is assocated to
+ */
+VAStatus vaDestroySubpicture (
+ VADisplay dpy,
+ VASubpicture *subpicture
+VAStatus vaSetSubpicturePalette (
+ VADisplay dpy,
+ VASubpicture *subpicture,
+ /*
+ * pointer to an array holding the palette data. The size of the array is
+ * num_palette_entries * entry_bytes in size. The order of the components
+ * in the palette is described by the component_order in VASubpicture struct
+ */
+ unsigned char *palette
+ * If chromakey is enabled, then the area where the source value falls within
+ * the chromakey [min, max] range is transparent
+ */
+VAStatus vaSetSubpictureChromakey (
+ VADisplay dpy,
+ VASubpicture *subpicture,
+ unsigned int chromakey_min,
+ unsigned int chromakey_max
+ * Global alpha value is between 0 and 1. A value of 1 means fully opaque and
+ * a value of 0 means fully transparent. If per-pixel alpha is also specified then
+ * the overall alpha is per-pixel alpha multiplied by the global alpha
+ */
+VAStatus vaSetSubpictureGlobalAlpha (
+ VADisplay dpy,
+ VASubpicture *subpicture,
+ float global_alpha
+ vaAssociateSubpicture associates the subpicture with the target_surface.
+ It defines the region mapping between the subpicture and the target
+ surface through source and destination rectangles (with the same width and height).
+ Both will be displayed at the next call to vaPutSurface. Additional
+ associations before the call to vaPutSurface simply overrides the association.
+VAStatus vaAssociateSubpicture (
+ VADisplay dpy,
+ VASurface *target_surface,
+ VASubpicture *subpicture,
+ short src_x, /* upper left offset in subpicture */
+ short src_y,
+ short dest_x, /* upper left offset in surface */
+ short dest_y,
+ unsigned short width,
+ unsigned short height,
+ /*
+ * whether to enable chroma-keying or global-alpha
+ * see VA_SUBPICTURE_XXX values
+ */
+ unsigned int flags
+typedef struct _VARectangle
+ short x;
+ short y;
+ unsigned short width;
+ unsigned short height;
+} VARectangle;
#ifdef __cplusplus
@@ -1165,4 +1442,22 @@ Mostly to demonstrate program flow with no error handling ...
/* all slices have been sent, mark the end for this frame */
vaEndPicture(dpy, context);
+ /* The following code demonstrates rendering a sub-title with the target surface */
+ /* Find out supported Subpicture formats */
+ VAImageFormat sub_formats[4];
+ int num_formats;
+ vaQuerySubpictureFormats(dpy, sub_formats, &num_formats);
+ /* Assume that we find AI44 as a subpicture format in sub_formats[0] */
+ VAImage sub_image;
+ VASubpicture subpicture;
+ unsigned char sub_data[128][16];
+ /* fill sub_data with subtitle in AI44 */
+ vaCreateImage(dpy, surfaces, sub_formats, 128, 16, sub_data, &sub_image);
+ vaCreateSubpicture(dpy, &sub_image, &subpicture);
+ unsigned char palette[3][16];
+ /* fill the palette data */
+ vaSetSubpicturePalette(dpy, &subpicture, palette);
+ vaAssociateSubpicture(dpy, surfaces, &subpicture, 0, 0, 296, 400, 128, 16);
+ vaPutSurface(dpy, surfaces, win, 0, 0, 720, 480, 100, 100, 640, 480, NULL, 0, 0);