/********************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Red Hat, Inc. * * Developed by Daynix Computing LTD. * * Authors: * Dmitry Fleytman * Pavel Gurvich * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * **********************************************************************/ #pragma once #include "Alloc.h" #include "RegText.h" #include "MemoryBuffer.h" #include "Public.h" class CWdmDeviceAccess { public: CWdmDeviceAccess(PDEVICE_OBJECT WdmDevice) : m_DevObj(WdmDevice) { ObReferenceObjectWithTag(m_DevObj, 'DMHR'); } ~CWdmDeviceAccess() { ObDereferenceObjectWithTag(m_DevObj, 'DMHR'); } CWdmDeviceAccess(const CWdmDeviceAccess&) = delete; CWdmDeviceAccess& operator= (const CWdmDeviceAccess&) = delete; NTSTATUS QueryForInterface(const GUID &, __out INTERFACE &, USHORT intfSize, USHORT intfVer, __in_opt PVOID intfCtx = nullptr); enum : ULONG { NO_ADDRESS = (ULONG)-1 }; ULONG GetAddress(); CRegText *GetDeviceID() { return new CRegSz(QueryBusID(BusQueryDeviceID)); } CRegText *GetInstanceID() { return new CRegSz(QueryBusID(BusQueryInstanceID)); } protected: PDEVICE_OBJECT m_DevObj; private: PWCHAR QueryBusID(BUS_QUERY_ID_TYPE idType); NTSTATUS QueryCapabilities(DEVICE_CAPABILITIES &Capabilities); static PWCHAR MakeNonPagedDuplicate(BUS_QUERY_ID_TYPE idType, PWCHAR idData); static SIZE_T GetIdBufferLength(BUS_QUERY_ID_TYPE idType, PWCHAR idData); }; class CWdmUsbDeviceAccess : public CWdmDeviceAccess { public: CWdmUsbDeviceAccess(PDEVICE_OBJECT WdmDevice) : CWdmDeviceAccess(WdmDevice) { } NTSTATUS Reset(); NTSTATUS GetDeviceDescriptor(USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR &Descriptor); NTSTATUS GetConfigurationDescriptor(UCHAR Index, USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR &Descriptor, size_t Length); CWdmUsbDeviceAccess(const CWdmUsbDeviceAccess&) = delete; CWdmUsbDeviceAccess& operator= (const CWdmUsbDeviceAccess&) = delete; }; #if !TARGET_OS_WIN_XP class CWdmUSBD { public: CWdmUSBD(PDRIVER_OBJECT Driver, PDEVICE_OBJECT TargetDevice) : m_Driver(Driver) , m_TargetDevice(TargetDevice) {} ~CWdmUSBD(); bool Create(); bool IsSuperSpeed() const { return IsCapable(GUID_USB_CAPABILITY_DEVICE_CONNECTION_SUPER_SPEED_COMPATIBLE); } bool IsHighSpeed() const { return IsCapable(GUID_USB_CAPABILITY_DEVICE_CONNECTION_HIGH_SPEED_COMPATIBLE); } private: bool IsCapable(const GUID& CapabilityGuid) const { auto status = USBD_QueryUsbCapability(m_USBDHandle, &CapabilityGuid, 0, nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT(status != STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); return NT_SUCCESS(status); } PDRIVER_OBJECT m_Driver; PDEVICE_OBJECT m_TargetDevice; PDEVICE_OBJECT m_USBDDevice = nullptr; PDEVICE_OBJECT m_AttachmentPoint = nullptr; USBD_HANDLE m_USBDHandle = nullptr; }; #endif bool UsbDkGetWdmDeviceIdentity(const PDEVICE_OBJECT PDO, CObjHolder *DeviceID, CObjHolder *InstanceID = nullptr); USB_DK_DEVICE_SPEED UsbDkWdmUsbDeviceGetSpeed(PDEVICE_OBJECT PDO, PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject); template void UsbDkBuildDescriptorRequest(URB &Urb, UCHAR Type, UCHAR Index, TBuffer &Buffer, ULONG BufferLength = sizeof(TBuffer)) { UsbBuildGetDescriptorRequest(&Urb, sizeof(struct _URB_CONTROL_DESCRIPTOR_REQUEST), Type, Index, 0, &Buffer, nullptr, BufferLength, nullptr); } NTSTATUS UsbDkSendUrbSynchronously(PDEVICE_OBJECT Target, URB &Urb);