@echo off Rem Rem Build and copy to target based on environment variables set by WinDDK\bin\setenv. Rem if an argument is supplied the build products are copied there too under a subdirectory. Rem Rem Just use %BUILD_ALT_DIR%, it is equivalent Rem set TARGET=%DDK_TARGET_OS%_%_BUILDARCH%_%BUILD_TYPE% if not DEFINED BUILD_ALT_DIR ( echo BUILD_ALT_DIR not defined. Please run in a WinDDK Build Environment. goto exit ) set TARGET=install_%BUILD_ALT_DIR% echo TARGET=%TARGET% if not exist %TARGET% mkdir %TARGET% if not x%1 == x set DEST=%1 :build cd miniport build -cZg cd ../display build -cZg cd ../ :copy_local copy display\obj%BUILD_ALT_DIR%\i386\qxldd.dll %TARGET% copy miniport\obj%BUILD_ALT_DIR%\i386\qxl.sys %TARGET% copy miniport\qxl.inf %TARGET% copy display\obj%BUILD_ALT_DIR%\i386\qxldd.pdb %TARGET% copy miniport\obj%BUILD_ALT_DIR%\i386\qxl.pdb %TARGET% if not defined DEST goto exit if exist %DEST% ( echo copying to %DEST% if not exist %DEST%\%TARGET% ( mkdir "%DEST%\%TARGET%" ) xcopy /s /y %TARGET% %DEST%\%TARGET% ) :exit