Prototype Spice Javascript client Instructions and status as of June 1, 2012. Requirements: 1. Modern Firefox or Chrome 2. A WebSocket proxy I've used websockify: works great. 3. A spice server At this point, I've tested with qemu hosting a Fedora image, a Vista image, and with Xspice. Vista was pretty bad; I recommend either Linux or Xspice. ** Xspice has a processing issue; see this email: Optional: 1. A web server With firefox, you can just open file:///your-path-to-spice.html-here With Chrome, you have to set a secret config flag to do that, or serve the files from a web server. Steps: 1. Start the spice server 2. Start websockify; my command line looks like this: ./websockify 5959 localhost:5900 3. Fire up spice.html, set host + port + password, and click start Status: The TODO file should be a fairly comprehensive list of tasks required to make this client more fully functional. As of June 1, 2012, this client is a nifty proof of concept, but a long way from being a useful production tool.