path: root/shaders
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'shaders')
5 files changed, 2286 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/shaders/pts/paraview-1.0.3/many-spheres/15.shader_test b/shaders/pts/paraview-1.0.3/many-spheres/15.shader_test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69b741d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shaders/pts/paraview-1.0.3/many-spheres/15.shader_test
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+GLSL >= 1.50
+[vertex shader]
+#version 150
+#ifdef GL_ES
+#if __VERSION__ == 300
+#define attribute in
+#define varying out
+#endif // 300
+#else // GL_ES
+#define highp
+#define mediump
+#define lowp
+#if __VERSION__ == 150
+#define attribute in
+#define varying out
+#endif // GL_ES
+ Program: Visualization Toolkit
+ Module: vtkPolyDataVS.glsl
+ Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
+ All rights reserved.
+ See Copyright.txt or for details.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
+attribute vec4 vertexMC;
+// frag position in VC
+varying vec4 vertexVCVSOutput;
+// optional normal declaration
+// extra lighting parameters
+// Texture coordinates
+// material property values
+// clipping plane vars
+// camera and actor matrix values
+uniform mat4 MCDCMatrix;
+uniform mat4 MCVCMatrix;
+// Apple Bug
+// Value raster
+void main()
+ //VTK::Color::Impl
+ //VTK::Normal::Impl
+ //VTK::TCoord::Impl
+ //VTK::Clip::Impl
+ //VTK::PrimID::Impl
+ vertexVCVSOutput = MCVCMatrix * vertexMC;
+ gl_Position = MCDCMatrix * vertexMC;
+ //VTK::ValuePass::Impl
+ //VTK::Light::Impl
+[fragment shader]
+#version 150
+#ifdef GL_ES
+#if __VERSION__ == 300
+#define varying in
+precision highp float;
+precision highp sampler2D;
+precision highp sampler3D;
+precision mediump float;
+precision mediump sampler2D;
+precision mediump sampler3D;
+#define texelFetchBuffer texelFetch
+#define texture1D texture
+#define texture2D texture
+#define texture3D texture
+#endif // 300
+#if __VERSION__ == 100
+#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable
+precision highp float;
+precision mediump float;
+#endif // 100
+#else // GL_ES
+#define highp
+#define mediump
+#define lowp
+#if __VERSION__ == 150
+#define varying in
+#define texelFetchBuffer texelFetch
+#define texture1D texture
+#define texture2D texture
+#define texture3D texture
+#if __VERSION__ == 120
+#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : require
+#endif // GL_ES
+ Program: Visualization Toolkit
+ Module: vtkPolyDataFS.glsl
+ Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
+ All rights reserved.
+ See Copyright.txt or for details.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
+// Template for the polydata mappers fragment shader
+uniform int PrimitiveIDOffset;
+// VC position of this fragment
+varying vec4 vertexVCVSOutput;
+// optional color passed in from the vertex shader, vertexColor
+uniform float opacityUniform; // the fragment opacity
+uniform vec3 ambientColorUniform; // intensity weighted color
+uniform vec3 diffuseColorUniform; // intensity weighted color
+uniform vec3 specularColorUniform; // intensity weighted color
+uniform float specularPowerUniform;
+// optional surface normal declaration
+uniform int cameraParallel;
+// extra lighting parameters
+// Texture coordinates
+// picking support
+// Depth Peeling Support
+// clipping plane vars
+// the output of this shader
+out vec4 fragOutput0;
+// Apple Bug
+// handle coincident offsets
+uniform float coffset;
+// Value raster
+void main()
+ // VC position of this fragment. This should not branch/return/discard.
+ vec4 vertexVC = vertexVCVSOutput;
+ // Place any calls that require uniform flow (e.g. dFdx) here.
+ vec3 fdx = vec3(dFdx(vertexVC.x),dFdx(vertexVC.y),dFdx(vertexVC.z));
+ vec3 fdy = vec3(dFdy(vertexVC.x),dFdy(vertexVC.y),dFdy(vertexVC.z));
+ //VTK::UniformFlow::Impl
+ // Set gl_FragDepth here (gl_FragCoord.z by default)
+ gl_FragDepth = gl_FragCoord.z + 0.000016*coffset;
+ // Early depth peeling abort:
+ //VTK::DepthPeeling::PreColor
+ // Apple Bug
+ //VTK::PrimID::Impl
+ //VTK::Clip::Impl
+ //VTK::ValuePass::Impl
+ vec3 ambientColor;
+ vec3 diffuseColor;
+ float opacity;
+ vec3 specularColor;
+ float specularPower;
+ ambientColor = ambientColorUniform;
+ diffuseColor = diffuseColorUniform;
+ opacity = opacityUniform;
+ specularColor = specularColorUniform;
+ specularPower = specularPowerUniform;
+ // Generate the normal if we are not passed in one
+ fdx = normalize(fdx);
+ fdy = normalize(fdy);
+ vec3 normalVCVSOutput = normalize(cross(fdx,fdy));
+ if (cameraParallel == 1 && normalVCVSOutput.z < 0.0) { normalVCVSOutput = -1.0*normalVCVSOutput; }
+ if (cameraParallel == 0 && dot(normalVCVSOutput, > 0.0) { normalVCVSOutput = -1.0*normalVCVSOutput; }
+ float df = max(0.0,normalVCVSOutput.z);
+ float sf = pow(df, specularPower);
+ vec3 diffuse = df * diffuseColor;
+ vec3 specular = sf * specularColor;
+ fragOutput0 = vec4(ambientColor + diffuse + specular, opacity);
+ //VTK::Light::Impl
+ //VTK::TCoord::Impl
+ if (fragOutput0.a <= 0.0)
+ {
+ discard;
+ }
+ //VTK::DepthPeeling::Impl
+ //VTK::Picking::Impl
+ // handle coincident offsets
+ //VTK::Coincident::Impl
diff --git a/shaders/pts/paraview-1.0.3/many-spheres/6.shader_test b/shaders/pts/paraview-1.0.3/many-spheres/6.shader_test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab8c7ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shaders/pts/paraview-1.0.3/many-spheres/6.shader_test
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+GLSL >= 1.50
+[vertex shader]
+#version 150
+#ifdef GL_ES
+#if __VERSION__ == 300
+#define attribute in
+#define varying out
+#endif // 300
+#else // GL_ES
+#define highp
+#define mediump
+#define lowp
+#if __VERSION__ == 150
+#define attribute in
+#define varying out
+#endif // GL_ES
+ Program: Visualization Toolkit
+ Module: vtkPolyDataVS.glsl
+ Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
+ All rights reserved.
+ See Copyright.txt or for details.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
+attribute vec4 vertexMC;
+// frag position in VC
+varying vec4 vertexVCVSOutput;
+// optional normal declaration
+attribute vec3 normalMC;
+uniform mat3 normalMatrix;
+varying vec3 normalVCVSOutput;
+// extra lighting parameters
+// Texture coordinates
+attribute vec2 tcoordMC;
+varying vec2 tcoordVCVSOutput;
+// material property values
+// clipping plane vars
+// camera and actor matrix values
+uniform mat4 MCDCMatrix;
+uniform mat4 MCVCMatrix;
+// Apple Bug
+// Value raster
+void main()
+ //VTK::Color::Impl
+ normalVCVSOutput = normalMatrix * normalMC;
+ tcoordVCVSOutput = tcoordMC;
+ //VTK::Clip::Impl
+ //VTK::PrimID::Impl
+ vertexVCVSOutput = MCVCMatrix * vertexMC;
+ gl_Position = MCDCMatrix * vertexMC;
+ //VTK::ValuePass::Impl
+ //VTK::Light::Impl
+[fragment shader]
+#version 150
+#ifdef GL_ES
+#if __VERSION__ == 300
+#define varying in
+precision highp float;
+precision highp sampler2D;
+precision highp sampler3D;
+precision mediump float;
+precision mediump sampler2D;
+precision mediump sampler3D;
+#define texelFetchBuffer texelFetch
+#define texture1D texture
+#define texture2D texture
+#define texture3D texture
+#endif // 300
+#if __VERSION__ == 100
+#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable
+precision highp float;
+precision mediump float;
+#endif // 100
+#else // GL_ES
+#define highp
+#define mediump
+#define lowp
+#if __VERSION__ == 150
+#define varying in
+#define texelFetchBuffer texelFetch
+#define texture1D texture
+#define texture2D texture
+#define texture3D texture
+#if __VERSION__ == 120
+#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : require
+#endif // GL_ES
+ Program: Visualization Toolkit
+ Module: vtkPolyDataFS.glsl
+ Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
+ All rights reserved.
+ See Copyright.txt or for details.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
+// Template for the polydata mappers fragment shader
+uniform int PrimitiveIDOffset;
+// VC position of this fragment
+varying vec4 vertexVCVSOutput;
+// optional color passed in from the vertex shader, vertexColor
+uniform bool OverridesColor;
+uniform float opacityUniform; // the fragment opacity
+uniform vec3 ambientColorUniform; // intensity weighted color
+uniform vec3 diffuseColorUniform; // intensity weighted color
+uniform vec3 specularColorUniform; // intensity weighted color
+uniform float specularPowerUniform;
+// optional surface normal declaration
+varying vec3 normalVCVSOutput;
+// extra lighting parameters
+uniform vec3 lightColor0;
+ uniform vec3 lightDirectionVC0; // normalized
+uniform vec3 lightColor1;
+ uniform vec3 lightDirectionVC1; // normalized
+uniform vec3 lightColor2;
+ uniform vec3 lightDirectionVC2; // normalized
+uniform vec3 lightColor3;
+ uniform vec3 lightDirectionVC3; // normalized
+uniform vec3 lightColor4;
+ uniform vec3 lightDirectionVC4; // normalized
+// Texture coordinates
+varying vec2 tcoordVCVSOutput;
+uniform sampler2D texture_0;
+// picking support
+// Depth Peeling Support
+// clipping plane vars
+// the output of this shader
+out vec4 fragOutput0;
+// Apple Bug
+// handle coincident offsets
+uniform float coffset;
+// Value raster
+void main()
+ // VC position of this fragment. This should not branch/return/discard.
+ vec4 vertexVC = vertexVCVSOutput;
+ // Place any calls that require uniform flow (e.g. dFdx) here.
+ //VTK::UniformFlow::Impl
+ // Set gl_FragDepth here (gl_FragCoord.z by default)
+ gl_FragDepth = gl_FragCoord.z + 0.000016*coffset;
+ // Early depth peeling abort:
+ //VTK::DepthPeeling::PreColor
+ // Apple Bug
+ //VTK::PrimID::Impl
+ //VTK::Clip::Impl
+ //VTK::ValuePass::Impl
+ vec3 ambientColor;
+ vec3 diffuseColor;
+ float opacity;
+ vec3 specularColor;
+ float specularPower;
+ ambientColor = ambientColorUniform;
+ diffuseColor = diffuseColorUniform;
+ opacity = opacityUniform;
+ specularColor = specularColorUniform;
+ specularPower = specularPowerUniform;
+ vec4 texColor = texture2D(texture_0,;
+ diffuseColor = texColor.rgb;
+ opacity = opacity*texColor.a;
+ if (OverridesColor) {
+ ambientColor = ambientColorUniform;
+ diffuseColor = diffuseColorUniform; }
+ // Generate the normal if we are not passed in one
+ vec3 normalVCVSOutput = normalize(normalVCVSOutput);
+ if (gl_FrontFacing == false) { normalVCVSOutput = -normalVCVSOutput; }
+ vec3 diffuse = vec3(0,0,0);
+ vec3 specular = vec3(0,0,0);
+ float df;
+ float sf;
+ df = max(0.0, dot(normalVCVSOutput, -lightDirectionVC0));
+ diffuse += (df * lightColor0);
+ sf = sign(df)*pow(max(0.0, dot( reflect(lightDirectionVC0, normalVCVSOutput), normalize(, specularPower);
+ specular += (sf * lightColor0);
+ df = max(0.0, dot(normalVCVSOutput, -lightDirectionVC1));
+ diffuse += (df * lightColor1);
+ sf = sign(df)*pow(max(0.0, dot( reflect(lightDirectionVC1, normalVCVSOutput), normalize(, specularPower);
+ specular += (sf * lightColor1);
+ df = max(0.0, dot(normalVCVSOutput, -lightDirectionVC2));
+ diffuse += (df * lightColor2);
+ sf = sign(df)*pow(max(0.0, dot( reflect(lightDirectionVC2, normalVCVSOutput), normalize(, specularPower);
+ specular += (sf * lightColor2);
+ df = max(0.0, dot(normalVCVSOutput, -lightDirectionVC3));
+ diffuse += (df * lightColor3);
+ sf = sign(df)*pow(max(0.0, dot( reflect(lightDirectionVC3, normalVCVSOutput), normalize(, specularPower);
+ specular += (sf * lightColor3);
+ df = max(0.0, dot(normalVCVSOutput, -lightDirectionVC4));
+ diffuse += (df * lightColor4);
+ sf = sign(df)*pow(max(0.0, dot( reflect(lightDirectionVC4, normalVCVSOutput), normalize(, specularPower);
+ specular += (sf * lightColor4);
+ diffuse = diffuse * diffuseColor;
+ specular = specular * specularColor;
+ fragOutput0 = vec4(ambientColor + diffuse + specular, opacity); //VTK::Light::Impl
+ //VTK::TCoord::Impl
+ if (fragOutput0.a <= 0.0)
+ {
+ discard;
+ }
+ //VTK::DepthPeeling::Impl
+ //VTK::Picking::Impl
+ // handle coincident offsets
+ //VTK::Coincident::Impl
diff --git a/shaders/pts/paraview-1.0.3/many-spheres/9.shader_test b/shaders/pts/paraview-1.0.3/many-spheres/9.shader_test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98cd947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shaders/pts/paraview-1.0.3/many-spheres/9.shader_test
@@ -0,0 +1,862 @@
+GLSL >= 1.50
+[vertex shader]
+#version 150
+#ifdef GL_ES
+#if __VERSION__ == 300
+#define attribute in
+#define varying out
+#endif // 300
+#else // GL_ES
+#define highp
+#define mediump
+#define lowp
+#if __VERSION__ == 150
+#define attribute in
+#define varying out
+#endif // GL_ES
+attribute vec4 ndCoordIn;
+attribute vec2 texCoordIn;
+varying vec2 texCoord;
+void main()
+ gl_Position = ndCoordIn;
+ texCoord = texCoordIn;
+[fragment shader]
+#version 150
+#ifdef GL_ES
+#if __VERSION__ == 300
+#define varying in
+precision highp float;
+precision highp sampler2D;
+precision highp sampler3D;
+precision mediump float;
+precision mediump sampler2D;
+precision mediump sampler3D;
+#define texelFetchBuffer texelFetch
+#define texture1D texture
+#define texture2D texture
+#define texture3D texture
+#endif // 300
+#if __VERSION__ == 100
+#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable
+precision highp float;
+precision mediump float;
+#endif // 100
+#else // GL_ES
+#define highp
+#define mediump
+#define lowp
+#if __VERSION__ == 150
+#define varying in
+#define texelFetchBuffer texelFetch
+#define texture1D texture
+#define texture2D texture
+#define texture3D texture
+#if __VERSION__ == 120
+#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : require
+#endif // GL_ES
+ Program: Visualization Toolkit
+ Module: vtkFXAAFilterFS.glsl
+ Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
+ All rights reserved.
+ See Copyright.txt or for details.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
+// Fragment shader for vtkOpenGLFXAAFilter.
+// Based on the following implementation and description:
+// Whitepaper:
+// Sample implementation:
+out vec4 fragOutput0;
+//======================== Debugging Options: ==================================
+// Output a greyscale image showing the detected amount of subpixel aliasing.
+// Output vertical edges in red, and horizontal edges in blue.
+// Output (number of steps taken) / (EndpointSearchIterations). Negative steps
+// in the red channel, positive steps in the blue.
+// Output degrees of red if the edge is near the negative edge endpoint, or
+// shades of blue if near the positive edge endpoint. Pixels near an edge but
+// not eligible for edgeAA (e.g. they are on the unaliased side of an edge)
+// are shown in yellow.
+// Output the length of the edge anti-aliasing offset vector in the red channel.
+// Only apply a single form of anti-aliasing:
+// 1 - Only apply sub-pixel anti-aliasing.
+// 2 - Only apply edge anti-aliasing.
+// Other / undefined - Apply both sub-pixel and edge anti-aliasing.
+// Replacement stub for vtkShaderProgram::Substitute:
+//========================== Tuning Define: ====================================
+// Which edge search implementation to use. If defined, use VTK's endpoint
+// algorithm, otherwise use NVIDIA's.
+// NVIDIA is faster, but gives poor results on single pixel lines (e.g.
+// vtkPolyDataMapper's wireframe/edges). VTK is slower, but gives nicer results
+// on single pixel lines.
+// Replacement stub for vtkShaderProgram::Substitute:
+//========================= Input Parameters: ==================================
+// Current fragment texture coordinate:
+in vec2 texCoord;
+// Aliased color buffer (should be sRGB, ideally)
+uniform sampler2D Input;
+// 1.f/Input.width, 1.f/Input.height:
+uniform vec2 InvTexSize;
+//======================== Tuning Parameters: ==================================
+// See the vtkOpenGLFXAAFilter class documentation for details on these.
+// Minimum change in luminosity (relative to maxLum) to use FXAA:
+uniform float RelativeContrastThreshold;
+// Absolute minimum lum change required for FXAA (overrides
+// RelativeContrastThreshold value, not scaled):
+uniform float HardContrastThreshold;
+// Maximum amount of lowpass blending for subpixel anti-aliasing:
+uniform float SubpixelBlendLimit;
+// Ignore subpixel anti-aliasing that contributes less than this amount to the
+// total contrast:
+uniform float SubpixelContrastThreshold;
+// Maximum number of steps to take when searching for line edges:
+uniform int EndpointSearchIterations;
+//============================ Helper Methods ==================================
+// Converts rgb to luminosity:
+const vec3 LUMINOSITY_VEC = vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114);
+float luminosity(vec3 rgb)
+ return dot(rgb, LUMINOSITY_VEC);
+//======================= Endpoint Search Routines =============================
+// Identify the endpoints of a detected edge and compute a sampling offset to
+// correct for aliasing. The computed offset accounts for distance from edge
+// to create a gradient of antialiased values.
+// Input parameters:
+// - posC: The texture coordinate position of the current pixel.
+// - lumC: The luminosity of the current pixel.
+// - lumHC: The luminosity of the highest contrast pixel to HC that is
+// perpendicular to the detected edge.
+// - lengthSign: Single component magnitude and direction (in texture
+// coordinates) from the center of C pointing to HC.
+// - tcPixel: (Width, Height) of a single pixel in texture coordinate units.
+// - horzSpan: True if the detected edge is horizontal.
+// - posEdgeAA: Output parameter with the position to resample the input texture
+// to get an edge anti-aliased rgb value for the current pixel.
+// Implementations:
+// - nvidiaEndpointSearch: The algorithm proposed by nVidia in their whitepaper
+// and sample implementations. Faster, but poorly handles single-pixel lines.
+// - vtkEndpointSearch: Modified endpoint search that does more texture lookups,
+// but does better detection of single pixel line endpoints.
+// Return values for endpoint searches:
+const int FXAA_NO_EDGE_AA = 0; // Edge AA not required.
+const int FXAA_NEED_EDGE_AA = 1; // Edge AA required.
+const int FXAA_ABORT_EDGE_AA = 2; // Instruct to return. Used for debugging.
+//================ nVidia's Endpoint Search Implementation =====================
+int nvidiaEndpointSearch(vec2 posC, float lumC, float lumHC, float lengthSign,
+ vec2 tcPixel, bool horzSpan, out vec2 posEdgeAA)
+ /*****************************************************************************
+ * End of Edge Search *
+ *===========================================================================*
+ * Search along the direction of the detected edge to find both endpoints. *
+ * *
+ * We define HC as the Highest Contrast neighbor perpendicular to the edge *
+ * direction (i.e. the pixel on the other side of the edge). *
+ * *
+ * The luminosity of HC is lumHC, the contrast between C and HC is *
+ * contrastCHC, and the average luminosity of HC and C is lumAveCHC. *
+ * *
+ * We'll walk along the edge boundary in both direction, sampling the average*
+ * luminosity of the pixels on both sides of the edge: lumAveN for the *
+ * negative direction, lumAveP for the positive direction. We determine the *
+ * end of the edge to be where: *
+ * *
+ * abs(lumAve[NP] - lumCHC) >= contrastHC / 4. *
+ * *
+ * which indicates that the average luminosities have diverged enough to no *
+ * longer be considered part of the edge. *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ float contrastCHC = abs(lumC - lumHC);
+ // Point on the boundary of C and HC:
+ vec2 boundaryCHC = posC; // Will be shifted later.
+ // Direction of the edge
+ vec2 edgeDir = vec2(0.f); // Component is set below:
+ if (horzSpan)
+ {
+ boundaryCHC.y += lengthSign * 0.5f;
+ edgeDir.x = tcPixel.x;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ boundaryCHC.x += lengthSign * 0.5f;
+ edgeDir.y = tcPixel.y;
+ }
+ // Prepare for the search loop:
+ float contrastThreshold = contrastCHC / 4.f;
+ float lumAveCHC = 0.5f * (lumC + lumHC);
+ float lumAveN;
+ float lumAveP;
+ bool doneN = false;
+ bool doneP = false;
+ vec2 posN = boundaryCHC - edgeDir;
+ vec2 posP = boundaryCHC + edgeDir;
+ int stepsN = 0;
+ int stepsP = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < EndpointSearchIterations; ++i)
+ {
+ if (!doneN) stepsN += 1;
+ if (!doneP) stepsP += 1;
+ // Sample on the edge boundary in both directions:
+ if (!doneN) lumAveN = luminosity(texture2D(Input, posN).rgb);
+ if (!doneP) lumAveP = luminosity(texture2D(Input, posP).rgb);
+ // Edge endpoint is where the contrast changes significantly:
+ doneN = doneN || (abs(lumAveN - lumAveCHC) >= contrastThreshold);
+ doneP = doneP || (abs(lumAveP - lumAveCHC) >= contrastThreshold);
+ if (doneN && doneP) break;
+ // Step to next pixel:
+ if (!doneN) posN -= edgeDir;
+ if (!doneP) posP += edgeDir;
+ }
+ fragOutput0 = vec4(float(stepsN) / float(EndpointSearchIterations), 0.f,
+ float(stepsP) / float(EndpointSearchIterations), 1.f);
+ /*****************************************************************************
+ * Edge Search Analysis *
+ *===========================================================================*
+ * We've located the ends of the edge at this point. Next we figure out how *
+ * to interpolate the edge. *
+ * *
+ * First we need to find out which end of the edge (N or P) is changing *
+ * contrast relative to boundaryCHC. This is best explained visually: *
+ * *
+ * +------------+ *
+ * |XX E | *
+ * |NXXXHXXP | *
+ * |N C PXXXX| *
+ * | X| *
+ * +------------+ *
+ * *
+ * In the above, an X represents a dark pixel, and a blank space is a light *
+ * pixel. C is the current pixel, and H is pixel HC. The negative endpoint N*
+ * of the edge is the midpoint between the first set of blank pixels to the *
+ * left of C and H, while the positive endpoint P is the first set of dark *
+ * pixels to the right. The pixels under the "N" are light, while the pixels*
+ * under "P" are dark. The "P" side of the edge is changing contrast *
+ * relative to C. We compute this condition as: *
+ * *
+ * bool lumCLessThanAve = lumC < lumAveCHC; *
+ * bool lumNLessThanAve = lumAveN < lumAveCHC; *
+ * bool lumPLessThanAve = lumAveP < lumAveCHC; *
+ * bool shadeIfNearN = lumCLessThanAve != lumNLessThanAve; *
+ * bool shadeIfNearP = lumCLessThanAve != lumPLessThanAve; *
+ * *
+ * If shadeIfNearN is true, N is changing contrast relative to C. The same *
+ * is true for P. Thus, the change in the average contrast of the the *
+ * endpoint relative to lumAveHC must be opposite to the change in contrast *
+ * from C to lumAveHC. *
+ * *
+ * In addition to checking the change in contrast, we also identify which *
+ * endpoint is nearest to C. As the variable names suggest, we will only *
+ * apply edge anti-aliasing if we're nearest an endpoint that has the *
+ * desired contrast change. This prevents shading edge neighbors that do not*
+ * follow the direction of the line, such as point E in the diagram. *
+ * *
+ * bool CisNearN = (norm(posN - boundaryCHC) < norm(posP - boundaryCHC)); *
+ * *
+ * If both of the above conditions are met (the nearest endpoint has the *
+ * proper contrast change), then we compute the ratio of C's distance from *
+ * the desired endpoint to the total length of the edge. This ratio is the *
+ * fraction of a pixel that we shift C towards HC to resample C for *
+ * anti-aliasing. *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ // Check both endpoints for the contrast change condition:
+ bool lumCLessThanAve = lumC < lumAveCHC;
+ bool lumNLessThanAve = lumAveN < lumAveCHC;
+ bool lumPLessThanAve = lumAveP < lumAveCHC;
+ bool shadeIfNearN = lumCLessThanAve != lumNLessThanAve;
+ bool shadeIfNearP = lumCLessThanAve != lumPLessThanAve;
+ // Identify the closest point:
+ float dstN;
+ float dstP;
+ if (horzSpan)
+ {
+ dstN = boundaryCHC.x - posN.x;
+ dstP = posP.x - boundaryCHC.x;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dstN = boundaryCHC.y - posN.y;
+ dstP = posP.y - boundaryCHC.y;
+ }
+ bool nearestEndpointIsN = dstN < dstP;
+ float dst = min(dstN, dstP);
+ // Finally determine if we need shading:
+ bool needEdgeAA = nearestEndpointIsN ? shadeIfNearN : shadeIfNearP;
+ if (needEdgeAA)
+ {
+ float maxDistance = EndpointSearchIterations;
+ if (nearestEndpointIsN)
+ {
+ fragOutput0 = vec4(1.f - dstN / maxDistance, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fragOutput0 = vec4(0.f, 0.f, 1.f - dstP / maxDistance, 1.f);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fragOutput0 = vec4(1.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f);
+ }
+ // Compute the pixel offset:
+ float invNegSpanLength = -1.f / (dstN + dstP);
+ float pixelOffset = dst * invNegSpanLength + 0.5;
+ if (needEdgeAA)
+ { // x2, since the max value is 0.5:
+ fragOutput0 = vec4(-2.f * dst * invNegSpanLength, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
+ }
+ // Resample the edge anti-aliased value:
+ posEdgeAA = posC;
+ if (horzSpan)
+ {
+ posEdgeAA.y += pixelOffset * lengthSign;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ posEdgeAA.x += pixelOffset * lengthSign;
+ }
+ return needEdgeAA ? 1 : 0;
+//================== VTK's Endpoint Search Implementation ======================
+int vtkEndpointSearch(vec2 posC, float lumC, float lumHC, float lengthSign,
+ vec2 tcPixel, bool horzSpan, out vec2 posEdgeAA)
+ /*****************************************************************************
+ * End of Edge Search *
+ *===========================================================================*
+ * Search along the direction of the detected edge to find both endpoints. *
+ * +------------+ *
+ * |X | nVidia's endpoint detector handles this case poorly. If C *
+ * | XXXXXX C | is the current pixel, it will detect N as the leftmost *
+ * | XXHXX| column of pixels, since it samples the average luminosity *
+ * | X| at the border of the rows containing C and HC. The actual *
+ * +------------+ endpoint is 3 pixels to the left from C, but the average *
+ * luminosity does not change at this point. *
+ * *
+ * We adapt the algorithm to sample both rows/columns containing C and HC on *
+ * the texel centers, rather than the interpolated border. We then detect *
+ * the edge endpoints when: *
+ * *
+ * abs(lumHCN - lumHC) > abs(lumHCN - lumC) || *
+ * abs(lumCN - lumC) > abs(lumCN - lumHC) *
+ * *
+ * where lumHCN is the luminosity of the sample in HC's row in the negative *
+ * direction, lumCN is the luminosity of the sample in C's row in the *
+ * negative direction, lumHC is the luminosity of HC, and lumC is the *
+ * luminosity of C. Thus, the endpoint is where a sampled luminosity in C's *
+ * row is closer to HC, or vice-versa. The positive endpoint is determined *
+ * similarly. *
+ * *
+ * After the endpoints has been determined, we decide whether or not the *
+ * current pixel needs resampling. This is similar to nVidia's algorithm. *
+ * We determine if the luminosity of the nearest endpoint's C sample is *
+ * closer to C or HC. If it's closer to HC, it gets shaded. The resampling *
+ * offset is computed identically to nVidia's algorithm. *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ // Point on the boundary of C and HC:
+ vec2 posHC = posC; // Will be shifted later.
+ // Direction of the edge
+ vec2 edgeDir = vec2(0.f); // Component is set below:
+ if (horzSpan)
+ {
+ posHC.y += lengthSign;
+ edgeDir.x = tcPixel.x;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ posHC.x += lengthSign;
+ edgeDir.y = tcPixel.y;
+ }
+ // Prepare for the search loop:
+ float lumHCN;
+ float lumHCP;
+ float lumCN;
+ float lumCP;
+ bool doneN = false;
+ bool doneP = false;
+ vec2 posHCN = posHC - edgeDir;
+ vec2 posHCP = posHC + edgeDir;
+ vec2 posCN = posC - edgeDir;
+ vec2 posCP = posC + edgeDir;
+ int stepsN = 0;
+ int stepsP = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < EndpointSearchIterations; ++i)
+ {
+ if (!doneN) stepsN += 1;
+ if (!doneP) stepsP += 1;
+ // Sample the luminosities along the edge:
+ if (!doneN)
+ {
+ lumHCN = luminosity(texture2D(Input, posHCN).rgb);
+ lumCN = luminosity(texture2D(Input, posCN).rgb);
+ }
+ if (!doneP)
+ {
+ lumHCP = luminosity(texture2D(Input, posHCP).rgb);
+ lumCP = luminosity(texture2D(Input, posCP).rgb);
+ }
+ // Check contrast to detect endpoint:
+ doneN = doneN || abs(lumHCN - lumHC) > abs(lumHCN - lumC)
+ || abs(lumCN - lumC) > abs(lumCN - lumHC);
+ doneP = doneP || abs(lumHCP - lumHC) > abs(lumHCP - lumC)
+ || abs(lumCP - lumC) > abs(lumCP - lumHC);
+ if (doneN && doneP)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ // Take next step.
+ if (!doneN)
+ {
+ posHCN -= edgeDir;
+ posCN -= edgeDir;
+ }
+ if (!doneP)
+ {
+ posHCP += edgeDir;
+ posCP += edgeDir;
+ }
+ }
+ fragOutput0 = vec4(float(stepsN) / float(EndpointSearchIterations), 0.f,
+ float(stepsP) / float(EndpointSearchIterations), 1.f);
+ // Identify the closest point:
+ float dstN;
+ float dstP;
+ if (horzSpan)
+ {
+ dstN = posC.x - posCN.x;
+ dstP = posCP.x - posC.x;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dstN = posC.y - posCN.y;
+ dstP = posCP.y - posC.y;
+ }
+ bool nearestEndpointIsN = dstN < dstP;
+ float dst = min(dstN, dstP);
+ float lumCNear = nearestEndpointIsN ? lumCN : lumCP;
+ // Resample if the nearest endpoint sample in C's row is closer in luminosity
+ // to HC than C.
+ bool needEdgeAA = abs(lumCNear - lumHC) < abs(lumCNear - lumC);
+ if (needEdgeAA)
+ {
+ float maxDistance = EndpointSearchIterations;
+ if (nearestEndpointIsN)
+ {
+ fragOutput0 = vec4(1.f - dstN / maxDistance, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fragOutput0 = vec4(0.f, 0.f, 1.f - dstP / maxDistance, 1.f);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fragOutput0 = vec4(1.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f);
+ }
+ // Compute the pixel offset:
+ float invNegSpanLength = -1.f / (dstN + dstP);
+ float pixelOffset = dst * invNegSpanLength + 0.5f;
+ if (needEdgeAA)
+ { // x2, since the max value is 0.5:
+ fragOutput0 = vec4(-2.f * dst * invNegSpanLength, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
+ }
+ // Resample the edge anti-aliased value:
+ posEdgeAA = posC;
+ if (horzSpan)
+ {
+ posEdgeAA.y += pixelOffset * lengthSign;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ posEdgeAA.x += pixelOffset * lengthSign;
+ }
+ return needEdgeAA ? 1 : 0;
+//=============================== FXAA Body ====================================
+void main()
+ // Pixel step size in texture coordinate units:
+ vec2 tcPixel = InvTexSize;
+ /****************************************************************************
+ * Compute Local Contrast Range And Early Abort *
+ *==========================================================================*
+ * Determine the contrast range for the current pixel and its neightbors *
+ * to the North, South, West, and East. If the range is less than both of: *
+ * *
+ * a) RelativeContrastThreshold * lumMax *
+ * *
+ * and *
+ * *
+ * b) HardContrastThreshold *
+ * *
+ * then skip anti-aliasing for this pixel. *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ // First compute the texture coordinates:
+ vec2 tcC = texCoord;
+ vec2 tcN = texCoord + vec2( 0.f, -tcPixel.y);
+ vec2 tcS = texCoord + vec2( 0.f, tcPixel.y);
+ vec2 tcW = texCoord + vec2(-tcPixel.x, 0.f);
+ vec2 tcE = texCoord + vec2( tcPixel.x, 0.f);
+ // Extract the rgb values of these pixels:
+ vec3 rgbC = texture2D(Input, tcC).rgb;
+ vec3 rgbN = texture2D(Input, tcN).rgb;
+ vec3 rgbS = texture2D(Input, tcS).rgb;
+ vec3 rgbW = texture2D(Input, tcW).rgb;
+ vec3 rgbE = texture2D(Input, tcE).rgb;
+ // Convert to luminosity:
+ float lumC = luminosity(rgbC);
+ float lumN = luminosity(rgbN);
+ float lumS = luminosity(rgbS);
+ float lumW = luminosity(rgbW);
+ float lumE = luminosity(rgbE);
+ // The min, max, and range of luminosity for CNSWE:
+ float lumMin = min(lumC, min(min(lumN, lumS), min(lumW, lumE)));
+ float lumMax = max(lumC, max(max(lumN, lumS), max(lumW, lumE)));
+ float lumRange = lumMax - lumMin;
+ float lumThresh = max(HardContrastThreshold,
+ RelativeContrastThreshold * lumMax);
+ // Don't apply FXAA unless there's a significant change in luminosity around
+ // the current pixel:
+ if (lumRange < lumThresh)
+ {
+ fragOutput0 = vec4(rgbC, 1.f); // original color
+ return;
+ }
+ /****************************************************************************
+ * Fetch texels for complete 3x3 neighborhood. *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ // Fetch additional texels for edge detection / subpixel antialiasing:
+ vec2 tcNE = texCoord + vec2( tcPixel.x, -tcPixel.y);
+ vec2 tcSE = texCoord + vec2( tcPixel.x, tcPixel.y);
+ vec2 tcNW = texCoord + vec2(-tcPixel.x, -tcPixel.y);
+ vec2 tcSW = texCoord + vec2(-tcPixel.x, tcPixel.y);
+ vec3 rgbNE = texture2D(Input, tcNE).rgb;
+ vec3 rgbSE = texture2D(Input, tcSE).rgb;
+ vec3 rgbNW = texture2D(Input, tcNW).rgb;
+ vec3 rgbSW = texture2D(Input, tcSW).rgb;
+ float lumNE = luminosity(rgbNE);
+ float lumSE = luminosity(rgbSE);
+ float lumNW = luminosity(rgbNW);
+ float lumSW = luminosity(rgbSW);
+ // Precompute some combined luminosities. These are reused later.
+ float lumNS = lumN + lumS;
+ float lumWE = lumW + lumE;
+ float lumNSWE = lumNS + lumWE;
+ float lumNWNE = lumNW + lumNE;
+ float lumSWSE = lumSW + lumSE;
+ float lumNWSW = lumNW + lumSW;
+ float lumNESE = lumNE + lumSE;
+ /****************************************************************************
+ * Subpixel Anti-aliasing *
+ *==========================================================================*
+ * Check if the current pixel is very high contrast to it's neighbors (e.g. *
+ * specular aliasing, noisy shadow textures, etc). If it is, compute the *
+ * average color over the 3x3 neighborhood and a blending factor. *
+ * *
+ * The blending factor is computed as the minimum of: *
+ * *
+ * 1) max(0.f, abs([average NSWE lum] - lumC) - SubpixelContrastThreshold) *
+ * *
+ * or *
+ * *
+ * 2) SubpixelBlendLimit *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ // Check for sub-pixel aliasing (e.g. current pixel has high contrast from
+ // neighbors):
+ float lumAveNSWE = 0.25f * (lumNSWE);
+ float lumSubRange = abs(lumAveNSWE - lumC);
+ // Compute the subpixel blend amount:
+ float blendSub = max(0.f, (lumSubRange / lumRange) -
+ SubpixelContrastThreshold);
+ blendSub = min(SubpixelBlendLimit,
+ blendSub * (1.f / (1.f - SubpixelContrastThreshold)));
+ if (blendSub > 0.f)
+ {
+ fragOutput0 = vec4(vec3(blendSub / SubpixelBlendLimit), 1.f);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fragOutput0 = vec4(rgbC, 1.f);
+ }
+ return;
+ // Compute the subpixel blend color. Average the 3x3 neighborhood:
+ vec3 rgbSub = (1.f/9.f) *
+ (rgbNW + rgbN + rgbNE +
+ rgbW + rgbC + rgbE +
+ rgbSW + rgbS + rgbSE);
+ /****************************************************************************
+ * Edge Testing *
+ *==========================================================================*
+ * Apply vertical and horizontal edge detection techniques to determine the *
+ * direction of any edges in the 3x3 neighborhood. *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ // Check for vertical edge. Pixel coeffecients are:
+ // 1 -2 1
+ // 2 -4 2
+ // 1 -2 1
+ // The absolute value of each row is taken, summed, and divided by 12.
+ // Operations are decomposed here to take advantage of FMA ops.
+ float edgeVertRow1 = abs(-2.f * lumN + lumNWNE);
+ float edgeVertRow2 = abs(-2.f * lumC + lumWE);
+ float edgeVertRow3 = abs(-2.f * lumS + lumSWSE);
+ float edgeVert = ((2.f * edgeVertRow2 + edgeVertRow1) + edgeVertRow3) / 12.f;
+ // Check for horizontal edge. Pixel coeffecients are:
+ // 1 2 1
+ // -2 -4 -2
+ // 1 2 1
+ // The absolute value of each column is taken, summed, and divided by 12.
+ // Operations are decomposed here to take advantage of FMA ops.
+ float edgeHorzCol1 = abs(-2.f * lumW + lumNWSW);
+ float edgeHorzCol2 = abs(-2.f * lumC + lumNS);
+ float edgeHorzCol3 = abs(-2.f * lumE + lumNESE);
+ float edgeHorz = ((2.f * edgeHorzCol2 + edgeHorzCol1) + edgeHorzCol3) / 12.f;
+ // Indicates that the edge span is horizontal:
+ bool horzSpan = edgeHorz >= edgeVert;
+ fragOutput0 = horzSpan ? vec4(0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f)
+ : vec4(1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
+ return;
+ /****************************************************************************
+ * Endpoint Search Preparation *
+ *==========================================================================*
+ * Compute inputs for an endpoint detection algorithm. Mainly concerned *
+ * locating HC -- the Highest Contrast pixel (relative to C) that's on the *
+ * opposite side of the detected edge from C. *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ // The two neighbor pixels perpendicular to the edge:
+ float lumHC1;
+ float lumHC2;
+ // Single-pixel texture coordinate offset that points from C to HC.
+ float lengthSign;
+ if (horzSpan)
+ {
+ lumHC1 = lumN;
+ lumHC2 = lumS;
+ lengthSign = -tcPixel.y; // Assume N for now.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lumHC1 = lumW;
+ lumHC2 = lumE;
+ lengthSign = -tcPixel.x; // Assume W for now.
+ }
+ // Luminosity of the NSWE pixel perpendicular to the edge with the highest
+ // contrast to C:
+ float lumHC;
+ if (abs(lumC - lumHC1) >= abs(lumC - lumHC2))
+ {
+ lumHC = lumHC1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lumHC = lumHC2;
+ // Also reverse the offset direction in this case:
+ lengthSign = -lengthSign;
+ }
+ vec2 posEdgeAA; // Position to resample C at to get edge-antialiasing.
+ int endpointResult = vtkEndpointSearch(tcC, lumC, lumHC, lengthSign,
+ tcPixel, horzSpan, posEdgeAA);
+ int endpointResult = nvidiaEndpointSearch(tcC, lumC, lumHC, lengthSign,
+ tcPixel, horzSpan, posEdgeAA);
+ // Only sample texture if needed. Reuse rgbC otherwise.
+ vec3 rgbEdgeAA = rgbC;
+ switch (endpointResult)
+ {
+ case FXAA_ABORT_EDGE_AA: // Used for debugging (endpoint search set colors)
+ return;
+ case FXAA_NEED_EDGE_AA: // Resample the texture at the requested position.
+ rgbEdgeAA = texture2D(Input, posEdgeAA).rgb;
+ break;
+ case FXAA_NO_EDGE_AA: // Current pixel does not need edge anti-aliasing.
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ rgbEdgeAA = rgbC;
+ blendSub = 0.f;
+ // Blend the edgeAA and subpixelAA results together:
+ fragOutput0 = vec4(mix(rgbEdgeAA, rgbSub, blendSub), 1.f);
diff --git a/shaders/pts/paraview-1.0.3/wavelet-volume/6.shader_test b/shaders/pts/paraview-1.0.3/wavelet-volume/6.shader_test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55c232f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shaders/pts/paraview-1.0.3/wavelet-volume/6.shader_test
@@ -0,0 +1,627 @@
+GLSL >= 1.50
+[vertex shader]
+#version 150
+#ifdef GL_ES
+#if __VERSION__ == 300
+#define attribute in
+#define varying out
+#endif // 300
+#else // GL_ES
+#define highp
+#define mediump
+#define lowp
+#if __VERSION__ == 150
+#define attribute in
+#define varying out
+#endif // GL_ES
+ Program: Visualization Toolkit
+ Module: raycastervs.glsl
+ Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
+ All rights reserved.
+ See Copyright.txt or for details.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
+/// Needed to enable inverse function
+#extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 : enable
+/// Uniforms, attributes, and globals
+ uniform bool in_cellFlag;
+ uniform vec3 in_cellSpacing;
+ uniform mat4 in_modelViewMatrix;
+ uniform mat4 in_projectionMatrix;
+ uniform mat4 in_volumeMatrix;
+ uniform vec3 in_volumeExtentsMin;
+ uniform vec3 in_volumeExtentsMax;
+ uniform mat4 in_inverseTextureDatasetMatrix;
+ uniform mat4 in_cellToPoint;
+ uniform vec3 in_textureExtentsMax;
+ uniform vec3 in_textureExtentsMin;
+ //This variable could be 'invariant varying' but it is declared
+ //as 'varying' to avoid compiler compatibility issues.
+ varying mat4 ip_inverseTextureDataAdjusted;
+/// Inputs
+attribute vec3 in_vertexPos;
+/// Outputs
+/// 3D texture coordinates for texture lookup in the fragment shader
+varying vec3 ip_textureCoords;
+varying vec3 ip_vertexPos;
+void main()
+ /// Get clipspace position
+ vec4 pos = in_projectionMatrix * in_modelViewMatrix *
+ in_volumeMatrix * vec4(, 1.0);
+ gl_Position = pos;
+ /// Compute texture coordinates
+ // For point dataset, we offset the texture coordinate
+ // to account for OpenGL treating voxel at the center of the cell.
+ vec3 uvx = sign(in_cellSpacing) * (in_vertexPos - in_volumeExtentsMin) /
+ (in_volumeExtentsMax - in_volumeExtentsMin);
+ if (in_cellFlag)
+ {
+ ip_textureCoords = uvx;
+ ip_inverseTextureDataAdjusted = in_inverseTextureDatasetMatrix;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Transform cell tex-coordinates to point tex-coordinates
+ ip_textureCoords = (in_cellToPoint * vec4(uvx, 1.0)).xyz;
+ ip_inverseTextureDataAdjusted = in_cellToPoint * in_inverseTextureDatasetMatrix;
+ }
+ /// Copy incoming vertex position for the fragment shader
+ ip_vertexPos = in_vertexPos;
+[fragment shader]
+#version 150
+#ifdef GL_ES
+#if __VERSION__ == 300
+#define varying in
+precision highp float;
+precision highp sampler2D;
+precision highp sampler3D;
+precision mediump float;
+precision mediump sampler2D;
+precision mediump sampler3D;
+#define texelFetchBuffer texelFetch
+#define texture1D texture
+#define texture2D texture
+#define texture3D texture
+#endif // 300
+#if __VERSION__ == 100
+#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable
+precision highp float;
+precision mediump float;
+#endif // 100
+#else // GL_ES
+#define highp
+#define mediump
+#define lowp
+#if __VERSION__ == 150
+#define varying in
+#define texelFetchBuffer texelFetch
+#define texture1D texture
+#define texture2D texture
+#define texture3D texture
+#if __VERSION__ == 120
+#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : require
+#endif // GL_ES
+ Program: Visualization Toolkit
+ Module: raycasterfs.glsl
+ Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
+ All rights reserved.
+ See Copyright.txt or for details.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
+/// Inputs
+/// 3D texture coordinates form vertex shader
+varying vec3 ip_textureCoords;
+varying vec3 ip_vertexPos;
+/// Outputs
+vec4 g_fragColor = vec4(0.0);
+/// Uniforms, attributes, and globals
+vec3 g_dataPos;
+vec3 g_dirStep;
+vec4 g_srcColor;
+vec4 g_eyePosObj;
+bool g_exit;
+bool g_skip;
+float g_currentT;
+float g_terminatePointMax;
+uniform vec4 in_volume_scale;
+uniform vec4 in_volume_bias;
+out vec4 fragOutput0;
+// Volume dataset
+uniform sampler3D in_volume;
+uniform int in_noOfComponents;
+uniform int in_independentComponents;
+uniform sampler2D in_noiseSampler;
+#ifndef GL_ES
+uniform sampler2D in_depthSampler;
+// Camera position
+uniform vec3 in_cameraPos;
+// view and model matrices
+uniform mat4 in_volumeMatrix;
+uniform mat4 in_inverseVolumeMatrix;
+uniform mat4 in_projectionMatrix;
+uniform mat4 in_inverseProjectionMatrix;
+uniform mat4 in_modelViewMatrix;
+uniform mat4 in_inverseModelViewMatrix;
+uniform mat4 in_textureDatasetMatrix;
+uniform mat4 in_inverseTextureDatasetMatrix;
+varying mat4 ip_inverseTextureDataAdjusted;
+uniform vec3 in_texMin;
+uniform vec3 in_texMax;
+uniform mat4 in_textureToEye;
+// Ray step size
+uniform vec3 in_cellStep;
+uniform vec2 in_scalarsRange[4];
+uniform vec3 in_cellSpacing;
+// Sample distance
+uniform float in_sampleDistance;
+// Scales
+uniform vec3 in_cellScale;
+uniform vec2 in_windowLowerLeftCorner;
+uniform vec2 in_inverseOriginalWindowSize;
+uniform vec2 in_inverseWindowSize;
+uniform vec3 in_textureExtentsMax;
+uniform vec3 in_textureExtentsMin;
+// Material and lighting
+uniform vec3 in_diffuse[4];
+uniform vec3 in_ambient[4];
+uniform vec3 in_specular[4];
+uniform float in_shininess[4];
+// Others
+uniform bool in_cellFlag;
+uniform bool in_useJittering;
+vec3 g_rayJitter = vec3(0.0);
+uniform bool in_clampDepthToBackface;
+uniform vec2 in_averageIPRange;
+uniform vec3 in_lightAmbientColor[1];
+uniform vec3 in_lightDiffuseColor[1];
+uniform vec3 in_lightSpecularColor[1];
+vec4 g_lightPosObj;
+vec3 g_ldir;
+vec3 g_vdir;
+vec3 g_h;
+ const float g_opacityThreshold = 1.0 - 1.0 / 255.0;
+ int clippingPlanesSize;
+ vec3 objRayDir;
+ mat4 textureToObjMat;
+uniform sampler2D in_opacityTransferFunc;
+float computeOpacity(vec4 scalar)
+ {
+ return texture2D(in_opacityTransferFunc, vec2(scalar.w, 0)).r;
+ }
+vec4 computeGradient(int component)
+ {
+ return vec4(0.0);
+ }
+vec4 computeLighting(vec4 color, int component)
+ {
+ vec4 finalColor = vec4(0.0);
+ finalColor = vec4(color.rgb, 0.0);
+ finalColor.a = color.a;
+ return finalColor;
+ }
+uniform sampler2D in_colorTransferFunc;
+vec4 computeColor(vec4 scalar, float opacity)
+ {
+ return computeLighting(vec4(texture2D(in_colorTransferFunc,
+ vec2(scalar.w, 0.0)).xyz, opacity), 0);
+ }
+vec3 computeRayDirection()
+ {
+ return normalize( -;
+ }
+/// We support only 8 clipping planes for now
+/// The first value is the size of the data array for clipping
+/// planes (origin, normal)
+uniform float in_clippingPlanes[49];
+uniform float in_scale;
+uniform float in_bias;
+/// Helper functions
+ * Transform window coordinate to NDC.
+ */
+vec4 WindowToNDC(const float xCoord, const float yCoord, const float zCoord)
+ vec4 NDCCoord = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ NDCCoord.x = (xCoord - in_windowLowerLeftCorner.x) * 2.0 *
+ in_inverseWindowSize.x - 1.0;
+ NDCCoord.y = (yCoord - in_windowLowerLeftCorner.y) * 2.0 *
+ in_inverseWindowSize.y - 1.0;
+ NDCCoord.z = (2.0 * zCoord - (gl_DepthRange.near + gl_DepthRange.far)) /
+ gl_DepthRange.diff;
+ return NDCCoord;
+ * Transform NDC coordinate to window coordinates.
+ */
+vec4 NDCToWindow(const float xNDC, const float yNDC, const float zNDC)
+ vec4 WinCoord = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ WinCoord.x = (xNDC + 1.f) / (2.f * in_inverseWindowSize.x) +
+ in_windowLowerLeftCorner.x;
+ WinCoord.y = (yNDC + 1.f) / (2.f * in_inverseWindowSize.y) +
+ in_windowLowerLeftCorner.y;
+ WinCoord.z = (zNDC * gl_DepthRange.diff +
+ (gl_DepthRange.near + gl_DepthRange.far)) / 2.f;
+ return WinCoord;
+/// Ray-casting
+ * Global initialization. This method should only be called once per shader
+ * invocation regardless of whether castRay() is called several times (e.g.
+ * vtkDualDepthPeelingPass). Any castRay() specific initialization should be
+ * placed within that function.
+ */
+void initializeRayCast()
+ /// Initialize g_fragColor (output) to 0
+ g_fragColor = vec4(0.0);
+ g_dirStep = vec3(0.0);
+ g_srcColor = vec4(0.0);
+ g_exit = false;
+ bool l_adjustTextureExtents = !in_cellFlag;
+ // Get the 3D texture coordinates for lookup into the in_volume dataset
+ g_dataPos =;
+ // Eye position in dataset space
+ g_eyePosObj = (in_inverseVolumeMatrix * vec4(in_cameraPos, 1.0));
+ if (g_eyePosObj.w != 0.0)
+ {
+ g_eyePosObj.x /= g_eyePosObj.w;
+ g_eyePosObj.y /= g_eyePosObj.w;
+ g_eyePosObj.z /= g_eyePosObj.w;
+ g_eyePosObj.w = 1.0;
+ }
+ // Getting the ray marching direction (in dataset space);
+ vec3 rayDir = computeRayDirection();
+ // Multiply the raymarching direction with the step size to get the
+ // sub-step size we need to take at each raymarching step
+ g_dirStep = (ip_inverseTextureDataAdjusted *
+ vec4(rayDir, 0.0)).xyz * in_sampleDistance;
+ // 2D Texture fragment coordinates [0,1] from fragment coordinates.
+ // The frame buffer texture has the size of the plain buffer but
+ // we use a fraction of it. The texture coordinate is less than 1 if
+ // the reduction factor is less than 1.
+ // Device coordinates are between -1 and 1. We need texture
+ // coordinates between 0 and 1. The in_noiseSampler and in_depthSampler
+ // buffers have the original size buffer.
+ vec2 fragTexCoord = (gl_FragCoord.xy - in_windowLowerLeftCorner) *
+ in_inverseWindowSize;
+ if (in_useJittering)
+ {
+ float jitterValue = texture2D(in_noiseSampler, fragTexCoord).x;
+ g_rayJitter = g_dirStep * jitterValue;
+ g_dataPos += g_rayJitter;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_dataPos += g_dirStep;
+ }
+ // Flag to deternmine if voxel should be considered for the rendering
+ g_skip = false;
+ // Flag to indicate if the raymarch loop should terminate
+ bool stop = false;
+ g_terminatePointMax = 0.0;
+#ifdef GL_ES
+ vec4 l_depthValue = vec4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0);
+ vec4 l_depthValue = texture2D(in_depthSampler, fragTexCoord);
+ // Depth test
+ if(gl_FragCoord.z >= l_depthValue.x)
+ {
+ discard;
+ }
+ // color buffer or max scalar buffer have a reduced size.
+ fragTexCoord = (gl_FragCoord.xy - in_windowLowerLeftCorner) *
+ in_inverseOriginalWindowSize;
+ // Compute max number of iterations it will take before we hit
+ // the termination point
+ // Abscissa of the point on the depth buffer along the ray.
+ // point in texture coordinates
+ vec4 terminatePoint = WindowToNDC(gl_FragCoord.x, gl_FragCoord.y, l_depthValue.x);
+ // From normalized device coordinates to eye coordinates.
+ // in_projectionMatrix is inversed because of way VT
+ // From eye coordinates to texture coordinates
+ terminatePoint = ip_inverseTextureDataAdjusted *
+ in_inverseVolumeMatrix *
+ in_inverseModelViewMatrix *
+ in_inverseProjectionMatrix *
+ terminatePoint;
+ terminatePoint /= terminatePoint.w;
+ g_terminatePointMax = length( - /
+ length(g_dirStep);
+ g_currentT = 0.0;
+ //VTK::Cropping::Init
+ //VTK::Clipping::Init
+ //VTK::RenderToImage::Init
+ //VTK::DepthPass::Init
+ * March along the ray direction sampling the volume texture. This function
+ * takes a start and end point as arguments but it is up to the specific render
+ * pass implementation to use these values (e.g. vtkDualDepthPeelingPass). The
+ * mapper does not use these values by default, instead it uses the number of
+ * steps defined by g_terminatePointMax.
+ */
+vec4 castRay(const float zStart, const float zEnd)
+ //VTK::DepthPeeling::Ray::Init
+ //VTK::DepthPeeling::Ray::PathCheck
+ //VTK::Shading::Init
+ /// For all samples along the ray
+ while (!g_exit)
+ {
+ g_skip = false;
+ //VTK::Cropping::Impl
+ //VTK::Clipping::Impl
+ //VTK::BinaryMask::Impl
+ //VTK::CompositeMask::Impl
+ if (!g_skip)
+ {
+ vec4 scalar = texture3D(in_volume, g_dataPos);
+ scalar.r = scalar.r*in_volume_scale.r + in_volume_bias.r;
+ scalar = vec4(scalar.r,scalar.r,scalar.r,scalar.r);
+ g_srcColor = vec4(0.0);
+ g_srcColor.a = computeOpacity(scalar);
+ if (g_srcColor.a > 0.0)
+ {
+ g_srcColor = computeColor(scalar, g_srcColor.a);
+ // Opacity calculation using compositing:
+ // Here we use front to back compositing scheme whereby
+ // the current sample value is multiplied to the
+ // currently accumulated alpha and then this product
+ // is subtracted from the sample value to get the
+ // alpha from the previous steps. Next, this alpha is
+ // multiplied with the current sample colour
+ // and accumulated to the composited colour. The alpha
+ // value from the previous steps is then accumulated
+ // to the composited colour alpha.
+ g_srcColor.rgb *= g_srcColor.a;
+ g_fragColor = (1.0f - g_fragColor.a) * g_srcColor + g_fragColor;
+ }
+ }
+ //VTK::RenderToImage::Impl
+ //VTK::DepthPass::Impl
+ /// Advance ray
+ g_dataPos += g_dirStep;
+ if(any(greaterThan(g_dataPos, in_texMax)) ||
+ any(lessThan(g_dataPos, in_texMin)))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ // Early ray termination
+ // if the currently composited colour alpha is already fully saturated
+ // we terminated the loop or if we have hit an obstacle in the
+ // direction of they ray (using depth buffer) we terminate as well.
+ if((g_fragColor.a > g_opacityThreshold) ||
+ g_currentT >= g_terminatePointMax)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ ++g_currentT;
+ }
+ //VTK::Shading::Exit
+ return g_fragColor;
+ * Finalize specific modes and set output data.
+ */
+void finalizeRayCast()
+ //VTK::Base::Exit
+ //VTK::Terminate::Exit
+ //VTK::Cropping::Exit
+ //VTK::Clipping::Exit
+ //VTK::Picking::Exit
+ g_fragColor.r = g_fragColor.r * in_scale + in_bias * g_fragColor.a;
+ g_fragColor.g = g_fragColor.g * in_scale + in_bias * g_fragColor.a;
+ g_fragColor.b = g_fragColor.b * in_scale + in_bias * g_fragColor.a;
+ fragOutput0 = g_fragColor;
+ //VTK::RenderToImage::Exit
+ //VTK::DepthPass::Exit
+/// Main
+void main()
+ initializeRayCast();
+ castRay(-1.0, -1.0);
+ finalizeRayCast();
diff --git a/shaders/pts/paraview-1.0.3/wavelet-volume/9.shader_test b/shaders/pts/paraview-1.0.3/wavelet-volume/9.shader_test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d328dc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shaders/pts/paraview-1.0.3/wavelet-volume/9.shader_test
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+GLSL >= 1.50
+[vertex shader]
+#version 150
+#ifdef GL_ES
+#if __VERSION__ == 300
+#define attribute in
+#define varying out
+#endif // 300
+#else // GL_ES
+#define highp
+#define mediump
+#define lowp
+#if __VERSION__ == 150
+#define attribute in
+#define varying out
+#endif // GL_ES
+ Program: Visualization Toolkit
+ Module: vtkPolyDataVS.glsl
+ Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
+ All rights reserved.
+ See Copyright.txt or for details.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
+attribute vec4 vertexMC;
+// frag position in VC
+// optional normal declaration
+// extra lighting parameters
+// Texture coordinates
+// material property values
+// clipping plane vars
+// camera and actor matrix values
+uniform mat4 MCDCMatrix;
+// Apple Bug
+// Value raster
+void main()
+ //VTK::Color::Impl
+ //VTK::Normal::Impl
+ //VTK::TCoord::Impl
+ //VTK::Clip::Impl
+ //VTK::PrimID::Impl
+ gl_Position = MCDCMatrix * vertexMC;
+ //VTK::ValuePass::Impl
+ //VTK::Light::Impl
+[fragment shader]
+#version 150
+#ifdef GL_ES
+#if __VERSION__ == 300
+#define varying in
+precision highp float;
+precision highp sampler2D;
+precision highp sampler3D;
+precision mediump float;
+precision mediump sampler2D;
+precision mediump sampler3D;
+#define texelFetchBuffer texelFetch
+#define texture1D texture
+#define texture2D texture
+#define texture3D texture
+#endif // 300
+#if __VERSION__ == 100
+#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable
+precision highp float;
+precision mediump float;
+#endif // 100
+#else // GL_ES
+#define highp
+#define mediump
+#define lowp
+#if __VERSION__ == 150
+#define varying in
+#define texelFetchBuffer texelFetch
+#define texture1D texture
+#define texture2D texture
+#define texture3D texture
+#if __VERSION__ == 120
+#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : require
+#endif // GL_ES
+ Program: Visualization Toolkit
+ Module: vtkPolyDataFS.glsl
+ Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
+ All rights reserved.
+ See Copyright.txt or for details.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
+// Template for the polydata mappers fragment shader
+uniform int PrimitiveIDOffset;
+// VC position of this fragment
+// optional color passed in from the vertex shader, vertexColor
+uniform float opacityUniform; // the fragment opacity
+uniform vec3 ambientColorUniform; // intensity weighted color
+uniform vec3 diffuseColorUniform; // intensity weighted color
+// optional surface normal declaration
+// extra lighting parameters
+// Texture coordinates
+// picking support
+// Depth Peeling Support
+// clipping plane vars
+// the output of this shader
+out vec4 fragOutput0;
+// Apple Bug
+// handle coincident offsets
+// Value raster
+void main()
+ // VC position of this fragment. This should not branch/return/discard.
+ //VTK::PositionVC::Impl
+ // Place any calls that require uniform flow (e.g. dFdx) here.
+ //VTK::UniformFlow::Impl
+ // Set gl_FragDepth here (gl_FragCoord.z by default)
+ //VTK::Depth::Impl
+ // Early depth peeling abort:
+ //VTK::DepthPeeling::PreColor
+ // Apple Bug
+ //VTK::PrimID::Impl
+ //VTK::Clip::Impl
+ //VTK::ValuePass::Impl
+ vec3 ambientColor;
+ vec3 diffuseColor;
+ float opacity;
+ ambientColor = ambientColorUniform;
+ diffuseColor = diffuseColorUniform;
+ opacity = opacityUniform;
+ // Generate the normal if we are not passed in one
+ //VTK::Normal::Impl
+ fragOutput0 = vec4(ambientColor + diffuseColor, opacity);
+ //VTK::Light::Impl
+ //VTK::TCoord::Impl
+ if (fragOutput0.a <= 0.0)
+ {
+ discard;
+ }
+ //VTK::DepthPeeling::Impl
+ //VTK::Picking::Impl
+ // handle coincident offsets
+ //VTK::Coincident::Impl