libspectre 0.2.3 (18 October 2009) ================================== This is another bugfix only release in the libspectre's 0.2 series. Several fixes in the PostScript parser: - Detection of invalid or broken files has been improved. A document scanned without errors with no pages and no format is likely to be an invalid file, or not a PostScript file at all (Bug #19042) - Fix possible uninitialized use of Document media struct contents. Thanks to Alexander Myltsev (Bug #18685) - Fix documents with PJL commands before the initial DSC comments. Ghostscript is now always run with -dSAFER option A missing argument in gs command line of PDF exporter was making it always fail for any document in BSD systems. Thanks to Antoine Jacoutot who gave me remote access to an OpenBSD system to fix this (Bug #18826) Internal copy of ghostscript headers have been removed since they are already installed by ghostscript since version 8.62 (Bug #18827) libspectre 0.2.2 (25 November 2008) =================================== This is another bugfix only release in the libspectre's 0.2 series. A problem when rendering some documents where the page size is different from the Bounding Box has been fixed (Bug #18239) Parser is now locale-independent when parsing float numbers (Bug #18685) The display format has been fixed to match cairo/pixman. Thanks to Chris Wilson (Bug #18266) libspectre 0.2.1 (10 August 2008) ================================= This is a bugfix only release. There are no API changes at all. Fixes and improvements in the PostScript parser: - Support DOS EPS files (Bug #16810) - A work around for some invalid documents generated by some versions of Mozilla has been added. (Bug #14384) - PS-AdobeFont comments are not considered as begining of a nested document anymore so that the font code is not ignored. Portability fixes: - Alternative implementation of spectre_strdup_vprintf for platforms where vasprintf is not available (Bug #15127) - Implement _spectre_get_pid for win32 (Bug #16309) - Open files in binary mode for win32 compatibility (Bug #16309) - Fix endianness bug Several cleanups and improvements have been made in the code and lots of compile warnings have been fixed. libspectre 0.2.0 (03 January 2008) ================================== API additions: - Rendering unstructured documents: it's a bit confusing calling get_page for a document with no pages. The following functions has been added for rendering unstructured documents: * spectre_document_render * spectre_document_render_full * spectre_document_get_page_size - Tile rendering: spectre_page_render_slice has been added to allow rendering rectangles of the page. (Bug #13754) API changes: - spectre_render_context_set_page_size determines the size of the output image, but it doesn't affect the scale factor anymore. - spectre_render_context_[set|get]_scale now require the scale factor for both the X and Y dimensions. libspectre 0.1.0 (16 December 2007) =================================== This is the first public release of libspectre.