/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: errorhandler.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.10 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-07 18:10:32 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _IDLC_ERRORHANDLER_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _IDLC_ASTINTERFACE_HXX_ #include #endif using namespace ::rtl; static const sal_Char* errorCodeToMessage(ErrorCode eCode) { switch (eCode) { case EIDL_NONE: return "all is fine "; case EIDL_SYNTAX_ERROR: return ""; case EIDL_REDEF: return "illegal redefinition "; case EIDL_REDEF_SCOPE: return "illegal redefinition in scope "; case EIDL_DEF_USE: return "redefinition after use, "; case EIDL_MULTIPLE_BRANCH: return "union with duplicate branch label "; case EIDL_COERCION_FAILURE: return "coercion failure "; case EIDL_SCOPE_CONFLICT: return "definition scope is different than fwd declare scope, "; case EIDL_ONEWAY_CONFLICT: return "oneway operation with OUT|INOUT parameters or raises exceptions, "; case EIDL_DISC_TYPE: return "union with illegal discriminator type, "; case EIDL_LABEL_TYPE: return "label type incompatible with union discriminator type, "; case EIDL_ILLEGAL_ADD: return "illegal add operation, "; case EIDL_ILLEGAL_USE: return "illegal type used in expression, "; case EIDL_ILLEGAL_RAISES: return "non-exception type in raises(..) clause, "; case EIDL_CANT_INHERIT: return "cannot inherit "; case EIDL_LOOKUP_ERROR: return "error in lookup of symbol: "; case EIDL_INHERIT_FWD_ERROR: return ""; case EIDL_CONSTANT_EXPECTED: return "constant expected: "; case EIDL_NAME_CASE_ERROR: return "identifier used with two differing spellings: "; case EIDL_ENUM_VAL_EXPECTED: return "enumerator expected: "; case EIDL_ENUM_VAL_NOT_FOUND: return "enumerator by this name not defined: "; case EIDL_EVAL_ERROR: return "expression evaluation error: "; case EIDL_AMBIGUOUS: return "ambiguous definition: "; case EIDL_DECL_NOT_DEFINED: return "forward declared but never defined: "; case EIDL_FWD_DECL_LOOKUP: return ""; case EIDL_RECURSIVE_TYPE: return "illegal recursive use of type: "; case EIDL_NONVOID_ONEWAY: return "non-void return type in oneway operation: "; case EIDL_NOT_A_TYPE: return "specified symbol is not a type: "; case EIDL_TYPE_NOT_VALID: return "specified type is not valid in this context: "; case EIDL_INTERFACEMEMBER_LOOKUP: return "error in lookup of symbol, expected interface is not defined and no forward exists: "; case EIDL_SERVICEMEMBER_LOOKUP: return "error in lookup of symbol, expected service is not defined: "; case EIDL_TYPE_IDENT_CONFLICT: return "type and parameter/member name are equal: "; case EIDL_ONEWAY_RAISE_CONFLICT: return "oneway operation cannot raises exceptions: "; case EIDL_WRONGATTRIBUTEFLAG: return "the used flag is not valid in this context: "; case EIDL_DEFINED_ATTRIBUTEFLAG: return "flag is already set: "; case EIDL_WRONGATTRIBUTEKEYWORD: return "keyword not allowed: "; case EIDL_MISSINGATTRIBUTEKEYWORD: return "missing keyword: "; case EIDL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS: return "the 'attribute' flag is mandatory, and only the 'bound' and" " 'readonly' optional flags are accepted: "; case EIDL_OPTIONALEXPECTED: return "only the 'optional' flag is accepted: "; case EIDL_MIXED_INHERITANCE: return "interface inheritance declarations cannot appear in both an" " interface's header and its body"; case EIDL_DOUBLE_INHERITANCE: return "interface is (directly or indirectly) inherited more than once: "; case EIDL_DOUBLE_MEMBER: return "member is (directly or indirectly) declared more than once: "; case EIDL_CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMETER_NOT_IN: return "a service constructor parameter may not be an out or inout" " parameter"; case EIDL_CONSTRUCTOR_REST_PARAMETER_NOT_FIRST: return "no parameters may precede a rest parameter in a service" " constructor"; case EIDL_REST_PARAMETER_NOT_LAST: return "no parameters may follow a rest parameter"; case EIDL_REST_PARAMETER_NOT_ANY: return "a rest parameter must be of type any"; case EIDL_METHOD_HAS_REST_PARAMETER: return "a rest parameter may not be used on an interface method"; case EIDL_READONLY_ATTRIBUTE_SET_EXCEPTIONS: return "a readonly attribute may not have a setter raises clause"; case EIDL_UNSIGNED_TYPE_ARGUMENT: return "an unsigned integer type cannot be used as a type argument"; case EIDL_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_TYPE_ARGUMENTS: return "the number of given type arguments does not match the expected" " number of type parameters"; case EIDL_INSTANTIATED_STRUCT_TYPE_TYPEDEF: return "an instantiated polymorphic struct type cannot be used in a" " typedef"; case EIDL_IDENTICAL_TYPE_PARAMETERS: return "two type parameters have the same name"; case EIDL_STRUCT_TYPE_TEMPLATE_WITH_BASE: return "a polymorphic struct type template may not have a base type"; case EIDL_PUBLISHED_FORWARD: return "a published forward declaration of an interface type cannot be" " followed by an unpublished declaration of that type"; case EIDL_PUBLISHED_USES_UNPUBLISHED: return "an unpublished entity cannot be used in the declaration of a" " published entity: "; } return "unknown errror"; } static const sal_Char* warningCodeToMessage(WarningCode wCode) { switch (wCode) { case WIDL_EXPID_CONFLICT: return "exception id conflict: "; case WIDL_REQID_CONFLICT: return "request id conflict: "; case WIDL_INHERIT_IDCONFLICT: return "request id conflict in inheritance tree: "; case WIDL_TYPE_IDENT_CONFLICT: return "type and parameter|member name are equal: "; case WIDL_WRONG_NAMING_CONV: return "type or identifier doesn't fulfill the UNO naming convention: "; } return "unkown warning"; } static const sal_Char* parseStateToMessage(ParseState state) { switch (state) { case PS_NoState: return "Statement can not be parsed"; case PS_TypeDeclSeen: return "Malformed type declaration"; case PS_ConstantDeclSeen: return "Malformed const declaration"; case PS_ExceptionDeclSeen: return "Malformed exception declaration"; case PS_InterfaceDeclSeen: return "Malformed interface declaration"; case PS_ServiceDeclSeen: return "Malformed servicve declaration"; case PS_ModuleDeclSeen: return "Malformed module declaration"; case PS_AttributeDeclSeen: return "Malformed attribute declaration"; case PS_PropertyDeclSeen: return "Malformed property declaration"; case PS_OperationDeclSeen: return "Malformed operation declaration"; case PS_InterfaceInheritanceDeclSeen: return "Malformed interface inheritance declaration"; case PS_ConstantsDeclSeen: return "Malformed constants declaration"; case PS_ServiceSeen: return "Missing service identifier following SERVICE keyword"; case PS_ServiceIDSeen: return "Missing '{' or illegal syntax following service identifier"; case PS_ServiceSqSeen: return "Illegal syntax following service '{' opener"; case PS_ServiceBodySeen: return "Illegal syntax following service '}' closer"; case PS_ServiceMemberSeen: return "Illegal syntax following service member declaration"; case PS_ServiceIFHeadSeen: return "Illegal syntax following header of an interface member"; case PS_ServiceSHeadSeen: return "Illegal syntax following header of an service member"; case PS_ModuleSeen: return "Missing module identifier following MODULE keyword"; case PS_ModuleIDSeen: return "Missing '{' or illegal syntax following module identifier"; case PS_ModuleSqSeen: return "Illegal syntax following module '{' opener"; case PS_ModuleQsSeen: return "Illegal syntax following module '}' closer"; case PS_ModuleBodySeen: return "Illegal syntax following module export(s)"; case PS_ConstantsSeen: return "Missing constants identifier following CONSTANTS keyword"; case PS_ConstantsIDSeen: return "Missing '{' or illegal syntax following constants identifier"; case PS_ConstantsSqSeen: return "Illegal syntax following module '{' opener"; case PS_ConstantsQsSeen: return "Illegal syntax following module '}' closer"; case PS_ConstantsBodySeen: return "Illegal syntax following constants export(s)"; case PS_InterfaceSeen: return "Missing interface identifier following INTERFACE keyword"; case PS_InterfaceIDSeen: return "Illegal syntax following interface identifier"; case PS_InterfaceHeadSeen: return "Illegal syntax following interface head"; case PS_InheritSpecSeen: return "Missing '{' or illegal syntax following inheritance spec"; case PS_ForwardDeclSeen: return "Missing ';' following forward interface declaration"; case PS_InterfaceSqSeen: return "Illegal syntax following interface '{' opener"; case PS_InterfaceQsSeen: return "Illegal syntax following interface '}' closer"; case PS_InterfaceBodySeen: return "Illegal syntax following interface export(s)"; case PS_InheritColonSeen: return "Illegal syntax following ':' starting inheritance list"; case PS_SNListCommaSeen: return "Found illegal scoped name in scoped name list"; case PS_ScopedNameSeen: return "Missing ',' following scoped name in scoped name list"; case PS_SN_IDSeen: return "Illegal component in scoped name"; case PS_ScopeDelimSeen: return "Illegal component in scoped name following '::'"; case PS_ConstSeen: return "Missing type or illegal syntax following CONST keyword"; case PS_ConstTypeSeen: return "Missing identifier or illegal syntax following const type"; case PS_ConstIDSeen: return "Missing '=' or illegal syntax after const identifier"; case PS_ConstAssignSeen: return "Missing value expr or illegal syntax following '='"; case PS_ConstExprSeen: return "Missing ';' or illegal syntax following value expr in const"; case PS_TypedefSeen: return "Missing type or illegal syntax following TYPEDEF keyword"; case PS_TypeSpecSeen: return "Missing declarators or illegal syntax following type spec"; case PS_DeclaratorsSeen: return "Illegal syntax following declarators in TYPEDEF declaration"; case PS_StructSeen: return "Missing struct identifier following STRUCT keyword"; case PS_StructHeaderSeen: return "Missing '{' or illegal syntax following struct inheritance spec"; case PS_StructIDSeen: return "Missing '{' or illegal syntax following struct identifier"; case PS_StructSqSeen: return "Illegal syntax following struct '{' opener"; case PS_StructQsSeen: return "Illegal syntax following struct '}' closer"; case PS_StructBodySeen: return "Illegal syntax following struct member(s)"; case PS_MemberTypeSeen: return "Illegal syntax or missing identifier following member type"; case PS_MemberDeclsSeen: return "Illegal syntax following member declarator(s)"; case PS_MemberDeclsCompleted: return "Missing ',' between member decls of same type(?)"; case PS_UnionSeen: return "Missing identifier following UNION keyword"; case PS_UnionIDSeen: return "Illegal syntax following union identifier"; case PS_SwitchSeen: return "Illegal syntax following SWITCH keyword"; case PS_SwitchOpenParSeen: return "Illegal syntax following '(' in switch in union"; case PS_SwitchTypeSeen: return "Illegal syntax following type decl in switch in union"; case PS_SwitchCloseParSeen: return "Missing union '{' opener"; case PS_UnionSqSeen: return "Illegal syntax following union '{' opener"; case PS_UnionQsSeen: return "Illegal syntax following union '}' closer"; case PS_DefaultSeen: return "Illegal syntax or missing ':' following DEFAULT keyword"; case PS_UnionLabelSeen: return "Illegal syntax following branch label in union"; case PS_LabelColonSeen: return "Illegal syntax following ':' in branch label in union"; case PS_LabelExprSeen: return "Illegal syntax following label expression in union"; case PS_UnionElemSeen: case PS_UnionElemCompleted: return "Illegal syntax following union element"; case PS_CaseSeen: return "Illegal syntax following CASE keyword in union"; case PS_UnionElemTypeSeen: return "Illegal syntax following type decl in union element"; case PS_UnionElemDeclSeen: return "Illegal syntax following declarator in union element"; case PS_UnionBodySeen: return "Illegal syntax following union body statement(s)"; case PS_EnumSeen: return "Illegal syntax or missing identifier following ENUM keyword"; case PS_EnumIDSeen: return "Illegal syntax or missing '{' following enum identifier"; case PS_EnumSqSeen: return "Illegal syntax following enum '{' opener"; case PS_EnumQsSeen: return "Illegal syntax following enum '}' closer"; case PS_EnumBodySeen: return "Illegal syntax following enum enumerator(s)"; case PS_EnumCommaSeen: return "Illegal syntax or missing identifier following ',' in enum"; case PS_SequenceSeen: return "Illegal syntax or missing '<' following SEQUENCE keyword"; case PS_SequenceSqSeen: return "Illegal syntax or missing type following '<' in sequence"; case PS_SequenceQsSeen: return "Illegal syntax following '>' in sequence"; case PS_SequenceTypeSeen: return "Illegal syntax following sequence type declaration"; case PS_ArrayIDSeen: return "Illegal syntax or missing dimensions after array identifier"; case PS_ArrayCompleted: return "Illegal syntax after array declaration"; case PS_DimSqSeen: return "Illegal syntax or missing size expr after '[' in array declaration"; case PS_DimQsSeen: return "Illegal syntax after ']' in array declaration"; case PS_DimExprSeen: return "Illegal syntax or missing ']' after size expr in array declaration"; case PS_FlagHeaderSeen: return "Illegal syntax after flags"; case PS_AttrSeen: return "Illegal syntax after ATTRIBUTE keyword"; case PS_AttrTypeSeen: return "Illegal syntax after type in attribute declaration"; case PS_AttrCompleted: return "Illegal syntax after attribute declaration"; case PS_ReadOnlySeen: return "Illegal syntax after READONLY keyword"; case PS_OptionalSeen: return "Illegal syntax after OPTIONAL keyword"; case PS_MayBeVoidSeen: return "Illegal syntax after MAYBEVOID keyword"; case PS_BoundSeen: return "Illegal syntax after BOUND keyword"; case PS_ConstrainedSeen: return "Illegal syntax after CONSTRAINED keyword"; case PS_TransientSeen: return "Illegal syntax after TRANSIENT keyword"; case PS_MayBeAmbigiousSeen: return "Illegal syntax after MAYBEAMBIGIOUS keyword"; case PS_MayBeDefaultSeen: return "Illegal syntax after MAYBEDEFAULT keyword"; case PS_RemoveableSeen: return "Illegal syntax after REMOVEABLE keyword"; case PS_PropertySeen: return "Illegal syntax after PROPERTY keyword"; case PS_PropertyTypeSeen: return "Illegal syntax after type in property declaration"; case PS_PropertyCompleted: return "Illegal syntax after property declaration"; case PS_ExceptSeen: return "Illegal syntax or missing identifier after EXCEPTION keyword"; case PS_ExceptHeaderSeen: return "Missing '{' or illegal syntax following exception inheritance spec"; case PS_ExceptIDSeen: return "Illegal syntax or missing '{' after exception identifier"; case PS_ExceptSqSeen: return "Illegal syntax after exception '{' opener"; case PS_ExceptQsSeen: return "Illegal syntax after exception '}' closer"; case PS_ExceptBodySeen: return "Illegal syntax after exception member(s)"; case PS_OpHeadSeen: return "Illegasl syntax after operation header"; case PS_OpTypeSeen: return "Illegal syntax or missing identifier after operation type"; case PS_OpIDSeen: return "Illegal syntax or missing '(' after operation identifier"; case PS_OpParsCompleted: return "Illegal syntax after operation parameter list"; case PS_OpCompleted: return "Illegal syntax after operation declaration"; case PS_OpSqSeen: return "Illegal syntax after operation parameter list '(' opener"; case PS_OpQsSeen: return "Illegal syntax after operation parameter list ')' closer"; case PS_OpParCommaSeen: return "Illegal syntax or missing direction in parameter declaration"; case PS_OpParDirSeen: return "Illegal syntax or missing type in parameter declaration"; case PS_OpParTypeSeen: return "Illegal syntax or missing declarator in parameter declaration"; case PS_OpParDeclSeen: return "Illegal syntax following parameter declarator"; case PS_OpOnewaySeen: return "Illegal syntax after ONEWAY keyword"; case PS_RaiseSeen: return "Illegal syntax or missing '(' after RAISES keyword"; case PS_RaiseSqSeen: return "Illegal syntax after RAISES '(' opener"; case PS_RaiseQsSeen: return "Illegal syntax after RAISES ')' closer"; case PS_DeclsCommaSeen: return "Illegal syntax after ',' in declarators list"; case PS_DeclsDeclSeen: return "Illegal syntax after declarator in declarators list"; } return "no wider described syntax error"; } static OString flagToString(sal_uInt32 flag) { OString flagStr; if ( (flag & AF_READONLY) == AF_READONLY ) flagStr += "'readonly'"; if ( (flag & AF_OPTIONAL) == AF_OPTIONAL ) flagStr += "'optional'"; if ( (flag & AF_MAYBEVOID) == AF_MAYBEVOID ) flagStr += "'maybevoid'"; if ( (flag & AF_BOUND) == AF_BOUND ) flagStr += "'bound'"; if ( (flag & AF_CONSTRAINED) == AF_CONSTRAINED ) flagStr += "'constrained'"; if ( (flag & AF_TRANSIENT) == AF_TRANSIENT ) flagStr += "'transient'"; if ( (flag & AF_MAYBEAMBIGUOUS) == AF_MAYBEAMBIGUOUS ) flagStr += "'maybeambiguous'"; if ( (flag & AF_MAYBEDEFAULT) == AF_MAYBEDEFAULT ) flagStr += "'maybedefault'"; if ( (flag & AF_REMOVEABLE) == AF_REMOVEABLE ) flagStr += "'removeable'"; if ( (flag & AF_ATTRIBUTE) == AF_ATTRIBUTE ) flagStr += "'attribute'"; if ( (flag & AF_PROPERTY) == AF_PROPERTY ) flagStr += "'property'"; if ( !flagStr.getLength() ) flagStr += "'unknown'"; return flagStr; } static void errorHeader(ErrorCode eCode, sal_Int32 lineNumber) { OString file; if ( idlc()->getFileName() == idlc()->getRealFileName() ) file = idlc()->getMainFileName(); else file = idlc()->getFileName(); fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d) : %s", file.getStr(), lineNumber, errorCodeToMessage(eCode)); } static void errorHeader(ErrorCode eCode) { errorHeader(eCode, idlc()->getLineNumber()); } static void warningHeader(WarningCode wCode) { OString file; if ( idlc()->getFileName() == idlc()->getRealFileName() ) file = idlc()->getMainFileName(); else file = idlc()->getFileName(); fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d) : WARNING, %s", file.getStr(), idlc()->getLineNumber(), warningCodeToMessage(wCode)); } void ErrorHandler::error0(ErrorCode e) { errorHeader(e); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); idlc()->incErrorCount(); } void ErrorHandler::error1(ErrorCode e, AstDeclaration const * d) { errorHeader(e); fprintf(stderr, "'%s'\n", d->getScopedName().getStr()); idlc()->incErrorCount(); } void ErrorHandler::error2( ErrorCode e, AstDeclaration const * d1, AstDeclaration const * d2) { errorHeader(e); fprintf(stderr, "'%s', '%s'\n", d1->getScopedName().getStr(), d2->getScopedName().getStr()); idlc()->incErrorCount(); } void ErrorHandler::error3(ErrorCode e, AstDeclaration* d1, AstDeclaration* d2, AstDeclaration* d3) { errorHeader(e); fprintf(stderr, "'%s', '%s', '%s'\n", d1->getScopedName().getStr(), d2->getScopedName().getStr(), d3->getScopedName().getStr()); idlc()->incErrorCount(); } void ErrorHandler::warning0(WarningCode w, const sal_Char* warningmsg) { if ( idlc()->getOptions()->isValid("-w") || idlc()->getOptions()->isValid("-we") ) { warningHeader(w); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", warningmsg); } if ( idlc()->getOptions()->isValid("-we") ) idlc()->incErrorCount(); else idlc()->incWarningCount(); } void ErrorHandler::warning1(WarningCode w, AstDeclaration* d) { if ( idlc()->getOptions()->isValid("-w") || idlc()->getOptions()->isValid("-we") ) { warningHeader(w); fprintf(stderr, "'%s'\n", d->getScopedName().getStr()); } if ( idlc()->getOptions()->isValid("-we") ) idlc()->incErrorCount(); else idlc()->incWarningCount(); } void ErrorHandler::warning2(WarningCode w, AstDeclaration* d1, AstDeclaration* d2) { if ( idlc()->getOptions()->isValid("-w") || idlc()->getOptions()->isValid("-we") ) { warningHeader(w); fprintf(stderr, "'%s', '%s'\n", d1->getScopedName().getStr(), d2->getScopedName().getStr()); } if ( idlc()->getOptions()->isValid("-we") ) idlc()->incErrorCount(); else idlc()->incWarningCount(); } void ErrorHandler::syntaxError(ParseState ps, sal_Int32 lineNumber, const sal_Char* errmsg) { errorHeader(EIDL_SYNTAX_ERROR, lineNumber); fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", parseStateToMessage(ps), errmsg); idlc()->incErrorCount(); } void ErrorHandler::nameCaseError(sal_Char *n, sal_Char *t) { idlc()->incErrorCount(); } void ErrorHandler::coercionError(AstExpression *pExpr, ExprType et) { errorHeader(EIDL_COERCION_FAILURE); fprintf(stderr, "'%s' to '%s'\n", pExpr->toString().getStr(), exprTypeToString(et)); idlc()->incErrorCount(); } void ErrorHandler::lookupError(const ::rtl::OString& n) { errorHeader(EIDL_LOOKUP_ERROR); fprintf(stderr, "'%s'\n", n.getStr()); idlc()->incErrorCount(); } void ErrorHandler::lookupError(ErrorCode e, const ::rtl::OString& n, AstDeclaration* pScope) { errorHeader(e); fprintf(stderr, "'%s' in '%s'\n", n.getStr(), pScope->getFullName().getStr()); idlc()->incErrorCount(); } void ErrorHandler::flagError(ErrorCode e, sal_uInt32 flag) { errorHeader(e); fprintf(stderr, "'%s'\n", flagToString(flag).getStr()); idlc()->incErrorCount(); } void ErrorHandler::noTypeError(AstDeclaration const * pDecl) { errorHeader(EIDL_NOT_A_TYPE); fprintf(stderr, "'%s'\n", pDecl->getScopedName().getStr()); idlc()->incErrorCount(); } namespace { char const * nodeTypeName(NodeType nodeType) { switch (nodeType) { case NT_interface: return "interface"; case NT_exception: return "exception"; case NT_struct: return "struct"; default: return ""; } } } void ErrorHandler::inheritanceError(NodeType nodeType, const OString* name, AstDeclaration* pDecl) { if ( nodeType == NT_interface && (pDecl->getNodeType() == NT_interface) && !((AstInterface*)pDecl)->isDefined() ) { errorHeader(EIDL_INHERIT_FWD_ERROR); fprintf(stderr, "interface '%s' cannot inherit from forward declared interface '%s'\n", name->getStr(), pDecl->getScopedName().getStr()); } else { errorHeader(EIDL_CANT_INHERIT); fprintf(stderr, "%s '%s' from '%s'\n", nodeTypeName(nodeType), name->getStr(), pDecl->getScopedName().getStr()); } idlc()->incErrorCount(); } void ErrorHandler::forwardLookupError(AstDeclaration* pForward, const ::rtl::OString& name) { errorHeader(EIDL_FWD_DECL_LOOKUP); fprintf(stderr, "trying to look up '%s' in undefined forward declared interface '%s'\n", pForward->getScopedName().getStr(), name.getStr()); idlc()->incErrorCount(); } void ErrorHandler::constantExpected(AstDeclaration* pDecl, const ::rtl::OString& name) { errorHeader(EIDL_CONSTANT_EXPECTED); fprintf(stderr, "'%s' is bound to '%s'\n", name.getStr(), pDecl->getScopedName().getStr()); idlc()->incErrorCount(); } void ErrorHandler::evalError(AstExpression* pExpr) { errorHeader(EIDL_EVAL_ERROR); fprintf(stderr, "'%s'\n", pExpr->toString().getStr()); idlc()->incErrorCount(); } void ErrorHandler::enumValExpected(AstUnion* pUnion, AstUnionLabel *pLabel) { errorHeader(EIDL_ENUM_VAL_EXPECTED); fprintf(stderr, " union %s, ", pUnion->getLocalName().getStr()); // pLabel->dump(); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); idlc()->incErrorCount(); } void ErrorHandler::enumValLookupFailure(AstUnion* pUnion, AstEnum* pEnum, const ::rtl::OString& name) { errorHeader(EIDL_ENUM_VAL_NOT_FOUND); fprintf(stderr, " union %s, enum %s, enumerator %s\n", pUnion->getLocalName().getStr(), pEnum->getLocalName().getStr(), name.getStr()); idlc()->incErrorCount(); } bool ErrorHandler::checkPublished(AstDeclaration const * decl) { if (idlc()->isPublished() && !decl->isPublished()) { error1(EIDL_PUBLISHED_USES_UNPUBLISHED, decl); return false; } else { return true; } }