: eval 'exec perl -wS $0 ${1+"$@"}' if 0; #************************************************************************* # # OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite # # $RCSfile: testdefaultbootstrapping.pl,v $ # # $Revision: 1.6 $ # # last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2007-09-27 12:51:33 $ # # The Contents of this file are made available subject to # the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. # # # GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 # ============================================= # Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. # 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, # MA 02111-1307 USA # #************************************************************************* # # deliver.pl - copy from module output tree to solver # my $progname = "testdefaultbootstrapping"; my $defExeExt; if ($ENV{GUI} eq "WNT") { %services = ( 'com.sun.star.uno.NamingService' => 'namingservice.uno.dll', 'com.sun.star.reflection.CoreReflection' => 'reflection.uno.dll', 'com.sun.star.script.InvocationAdapterFactory' => 'invocadapt.uno.dll', ); $defExeExt = ".exe"; } else { %services = ( 'com.sun.star.uno.NamingService' => 'namingservice.uno.so', 'com.sun.star.reflection.CoreReflection' => 'reflection.uno.so', 'com.sun.star.script.InvocationAdapterFactory' => 'invocadapt.uno.so' ); $defExeExt = ""; } sub extendProgName($) { my $_extension = shift; my $_result; if ($ENV{GUI} eq "WNT") { $_result = $progname . $_extension; } else { $_result = $ENV{PWD} . "/" . $progname . $_extension; } return $_result; } sub rmDefRDB() { unlink $progname . "_services.rdb"; } sub unregisterService($){ my $service_name = shift; my $rdb_name = $service_name . '.rdb'; unlink $rdb_name; return 1; } sub testForServices($$$) { my $_services = shift; my $_pars = shift; my $_testexe = shift; # my $_rc = system 'echo', $_testexe, @{$_services}, $_pars; my $_rc = system $_testexe, @{$_services}, $_pars; return $_rc >> 8; } sub registerService($$){ my $service_lib = shift; my $rdb_name = shift; # system 'echo', "regcomp -register -r " . $rdb_name . " -c $service_lib"; my $rc = system "regcomp -register -r " . $rdb_name . " -c $service_lib"; return ! ( $rc >> 8 ); } my $state = 1; my @allservices; my $allservices_rdbs=""; my $rc; my $comment; my $testexe; sub registerServices() { use Cwd; # ensure that services can not be instantiated foreach $service ( keys %services ) { # ensure that the current service is not reachable unregisterService($service); $rc = !testForServices([$service], "", $testexe); if(!$rc) { $comment = $comment . "\tcouldn't unregister service " . $service . "\n"; $state = 0; } # register the service and ensure that it is reachable $rc = registerService($services{$service}, $service . '.rdb'); if(!$rc) { $comment = $comment . "\tcouldn't register service " . $service . "\n"; $state = 0; } $rc = testForServices([$service], "-env:UNO_SERVICES=" . $service . ".rdb", $testexe); if(!$rc) { $comment = $comment . "\tcouldn't reach service " . $service . "\n"; $state = 0; } # memorize all services if (length($allservices_rdbs)) { $allservices_rdbs = $allservices_rdbs . " "; } $allservices_rdbs = $allservices_rdbs . "file://" . getcwd() . "/" . $service . ".rdb"; push @allservices, $service; } } sub testIndirection() { #test indirection $rc = testForServices(['com.sun.star.uno.NamingService'], '-env:UNO_SERVICES=${testrc:Tests:TestKey1}', $testexe); if (!$rc) { $comment = $comment . "\tindirection test not passed\n"; $state = 0; } } sub testBeneathExe() { my $service = 'com.sun.star.reflection.CoreReflection'; my $_testexe; my @_exes = (extendProgName(".exe"), extendProgName(".Exe"), extendProgName(".bin"), extendProgName(".Bin")); foreach $_testexe ( @_exes ) { #test rdb found beneath executable registerService($services{$service}, $progname . "_services.rdb"); my $_rc = testForServices([$service], "", $_testexe); if (!$_rc) { $comment = $comment . "\tbeneath executable test not passed: " . $_testexe . "\n"; $state = 0; } } } sub testBeneathLib_rdb() { my $_service = 'com.sun.star.uno.NamingService'; use UNO; my $_rdb_name; if ($ENV{GUI} eq "WNT") { $_rdb_name = "UNO" . "_services.rdb"; } else { $_rdb_name = "../lib/UNO" . "_services.rdb"; } registerService($services{$_service}, $_rdb_name); my $_rc = UNO::tryService($_service); if (!$_rc) { $comment = $comment . "\tbeneath lib test not passed\n"; $state = 0; } unlink $_rdb_name; } sub testBeneathLib_rc() { my $_service = 'com.sun.star.uno.NamingService'; use UNO; my $_rc_name; if ($ENV{GUI} eq "WNT") { $_rc_name = "UNO.ini"; } else { $_rc_name = "../lib/UNOrc"; } my $_rdb_name = "../lib/test.rdb"; my $_handle; open $_handle, ">" . $_rc_name; print $_handle "UNO_SERVICES=" . $_rdb_name . "\n"; close $_handle; registerService($services{$_service}, $_rdb_name); my $_rc = UNO::tryService($_service); if (!$_rc) { $comment = $comment . "\tbeneath lib rc test not passed\n"; $state = 0; } unlink $_rdb_name; unlink $_rc_name; } sub testAllAvailable() { # test that all services are reachable through different rdbs # change the directory to ensure, that all paths become expanded chdir ".."; $rc = testForServices(\@allservices, "-env:UNO_SERVICES=" . $allservices_rdbs, $testexe); if (!$rc) { $comment = $comment . "\tmulti rdb test not passed\n"; $state = 0; } } $testexe = extendProgName($defExeExt); rmDefRDB(); registerServices(); #print "alls:", @allservices, $allservices_rdbs, "\n"; testIndirection(); testBeneathExe(); testBeneathLib_rc(); testBeneathLib_rdb(); testAllAvailable(); print "**************************\n"; if($state) { print "****** tests passed ******\n"; } else { print "**** tests NOT passed ****\n"; print "Commnent:\n", $comment, "\n"; } print "**************************\n";