/* libvisio * Copyright (C) 2011 Fridrich Strba * Copyright (C) 2011 Eilidh McAdam * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libvisio_utils.h" #include "VSD11Parser.h" #include "VSDInternalStream.h" #define DUMP_BITMAP 0 #if DUMP_BITMAP static unsigned bitmapId = 0; #include #endif #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #endif const ::WPXString libvisio::VSD11Parser::getColourString(const struct Colour &c) const { ::WPXString sColour; sColour.sprintf("#%.2x%.2x%.2x", c.r, c.g, c.b); return sColour; } const struct libvisio::VSD11Parser::StreamHandler libvisio::VSD11Parser::streamHandlers[] = { {0xa, "Name", 0}, {0xb, "Name Idx", 0}, {0x14, "Trailer, 0"}, {0x15, "Page", &libvisio::VSD11Parser::handlePage}, {0x16, "Colors", &libvisio::VSD11Parser::handleColours}, {0x17, "??? seems to have no data", 0}, {0x18, "FontFaces (ver.11)", 0}, {0x1a, "Styles", 0}, {0x1b, "??? saw 'Acrobat PDFWriter' string here", 0}, {0x1c, "??? saw 'winspool.Acrobat PDFWriter.LPT1' string here", 0}, {0x1d, "Stencils"}, {0x1e, "Stencil Page (collection of Shapes, one collection per each stencil item)", 0}, {0x20, "??? seems to have no data", 0}, {0x21, "??? seems to have no data", 0}, {0x23, "Icon (for stencil only?)", 0}, {0x24, "??? seems to have no data", 0}, {0x26, "??? some fractions, maybe PrintProps", 0}, {0x27, "Pages", &libvisio::VSD11Parser::handlePages}, {0x29, "Collection of Type 2a streams", 0}, {0x2a, "???", 0}, {0x31, "Document", 0}, {0x32, "NameList", 0}, {0x33, "Name", 0}, {0x3d, "??? found in VSS, seems to have no data", 0}, {0x3f, "List of name indexes collections", 0}, {0x40, "Name Idx + ?? group (contains 0xb type streams)", 0}, {0x44, "??? Collection of Type 0x45 streams", 0}, {0x45, "??? match number of Pages or Stencil Pages in Pages/Stencils", 0}, {0xc9, "some collection of 13 bytes structures related to 3f/40 streams", 0}, {0xd7, "FontFace (ver.11)", 0}, {0xd8, "FontFaces (ver.6)", 0}, {0, 0, 0} }; const struct libvisio::VSD11Parser::ChunkHandler libvisio::VSD11Parser::chunkHandlers[] = { {0x47, "ShapeType=\"Group\"", &libvisio::VSD11Parser::shapeChunk}, {0x48, "ShapeType=\"Shape\"", &libvisio::VSD11Parser::shapeChunk}, {0x4e, "ShapeType=\"Foreign\"", &libvisio::VSD11Parser::shapeChunk}, {0, 0, 0} }; libvisio::VSD11Parser::VSD11Parser(WPXInputStream *input) : VSDXParser(input) {} libvisio::VSD11Parser::~VSD11Parser() {} /** Parses VSD 2003 input stream content, making callbacks to functions provided by WPGPaintInterface class implementation as needed. \param iface A WPGPaintInterface implementation \return A value indicating whether parsing was successful */ bool libvisio::VSD11Parser::parse(libwpg::WPGPaintInterface *painter) { const unsigned int SHIFT = 4; if (!m_input) { return false; } // Seek to trailer stream pointer m_input->seek(0x24, WPX_SEEK_SET); m_input->seek(8, WPX_SEEK_CUR); unsigned int offset = readU32(m_input); unsigned int length = readU32(m_input); unsigned short format = readU16(m_input); bool compressed = ((format & 2) == 2); m_input->seek(offset, WPX_SEEK_SET); VSDInternalStream trailerStream(m_input, length, compressed); // Parse out pointers to other streams from trailer trailerStream.seek(SHIFT, WPX_SEEK_SET); offset = readU32(&trailerStream); trailerStream.seek(offset+SHIFT, WPX_SEEK_SET); unsigned int pointerCount = readU32(&trailerStream); trailerStream.seek(SHIFT, WPX_SEEK_CUR); unsigned int ptrType; unsigned int ptrOffset; unsigned int ptrLength; unsigned int ptrFormat; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++) { ptrType = readU32(&trailerStream); trailerStream.seek(4, WPX_SEEK_CUR); // Skip dword ptrOffset = readU32(&trailerStream); ptrLength = readU32(&trailerStream); ptrFormat = readU16(&trailerStream); int index = -1; for (int i = 0; (index < 0) && streamHandlers[i].type; i++) { if (streamHandlers[i].type == ptrType) index = i; } if (index < 0) { VSD_DEBUG_MSG(("Unknown stream pointer type 0x%02x found in trailer at %li\n", ptrType, trailerStream.tell() - 18)); } else { StreamMethod streamHandler = streamHandlers[index].handler; if (!streamHandler) VSD_DEBUG_MSG(("Stream '%s', type 0x%02x, format 0x%02x at %li ignored\n", streamHandlers[index].name, streamHandlers[index].type, ptrFormat, trailerStream.tell() - 18)); else { VSD_DEBUG_MSG(("Stream '%s', type 0x%02x, format 0x%02x at %li handled\n", streamHandlers[index].name, streamHandlers[index].type, ptrFormat, trailerStream.tell() - 18)); compressed = ((ptrFormat & 2) == 2); m_input->seek(ptrOffset, WPX_SEEK_SET); VSDInternalStream stream(m_input, ptrLength, compressed); (this->*streamHandler)(stream, painter); } } } // End page if one is started if (m_isPageStarted) painter->endGraphics(); return true; } void libvisio::VSD11Parser::handlePages(VSDInternalStream &stream, libwpg::WPGPaintInterface *painter) { unsigned int offset = readU32(&stream); stream.seek(offset, WPX_SEEK_SET); unsigned int pointerCount = readU32(&stream); stream.seek(4, WPX_SEEK_CUR); // Ignore 0x0 dword unsigned int ptrType; unsigned int ptrOffset; unsigned int ptrLength; unsigned int ptrFormat; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++) { ptrType = readU32(&stream); stream.seek(4, WPX_SEEK_CUR); // Skip dword ptrOffset = readU32(&stream); ptrLength = readU32(&stream); ptrFormat = readU16(&stream); int index = -1; for (int i = 0; (index < 0) && streamHandlers[i].type; i++) { if (streamHandlers[i].type == ptrType) index = i; } if (index < 0) { VSD_DEBUG_MSG(("Unknown stream pointer type 0x%02x found in pages at %li\n", ptrType, stream.tell() - 18)); } else { StreamMethod streamHandler = streamHandlers[index].handler; if (!streamHandler) VSD_DEBUG_MSG(("Stream '%s', type 0x%02x, format 0x%02x at %li ignored\n", streamHandlers[index].name, streamHandlers[index].type, ptrFormat, stream.tell() - 18)); else { VSD_DEBUG_MSG(("Stream '%s', type 0x%02x, format 0x%02x at %li handled\n", streamHandlers[index].name, streamHandlers[index].type, ptrFormat, stream.tell() - 18)); bool compressed = ((ptrFormat & 2) == 2); m_input->seek(ptrOffset, WPX_SEEK_SET); VSDInternalStream stream(m_input, ptrLength, compressed); (this->*streamHandler)(stream, painter); } } } } void libvisio::VSD11Parser::handlePage(VSDInternalStream &stream, libwpg::WPGPaintInterface *painter) { ChunkHeader header = {0}; m_groupXForms.clear(); while (!stream.atEOS()) { getChunkHeader(stream, header); int index = -1; for (int i = 0; (index < 0) && chunkHandlers[i].type; i++) { if (chunkHandlers[i].type == header.chunkType) index = i; } if (index >= 0) { // Skip rest of this chunk stream.seek(header.dataLength + header.trailer, WPX_SEEK_CUR); ChunkMethod chunkHandler = chunkHandlers[index].handler; if (chunkHandler) { m_currentShapeId = header.id; (this->*chunkHandler)(stream, painter); } continue; } VSD_DEBUG_MSG(("Parsing chunk type %02x with trailer (%d) and length %x\n", header.chunkType, header.trailer, header.dataLength)); if (header.chunkType == 0x92) // Page properties { // Skip bytes representing unit to *display* (value is always inches) stream.seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); m_pageWidth = readDouble(&stream); stream.seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); m_pageHeight = readDouble(&stream); stream.seek(19, WPX_SEEK_CUR); /* m_scale = */ readDouble(&stream); WPXPropertyList pageProps; pageProps.insert("svg:width", m_scale*m_pageWidth); pageProps.insert("svg:height", m_scale*m_pageHeight); if (m_isPageStarted) painter->endGraphics(); painter->startGraphics(pageProps); m_isPageStarted = true; stream.seek(header.dataLength+header.trailer-45, WPX_SEEK_CUR); } else // Skip chunk { header.dataLength += header.trailer; VSD_DEBUG_MSG(("Skipping chunk by %x (%d) bytes\n", header.dataLength, header.dataLength)); stream.seek(header.dataLength, WPX_SEEK_CUR); } } } void libvisio::VSD11Parser::handleColours(VSDInternalStream &stream, libwpg::WPGPaintInterface *painter) { stream.seek(6, WPX_SEEK_SET); unsigned int numColours = readU8(&stream); Colour tmpColour = {0}; stream.seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numColours; i++) { tmpColour.r = readU8(&stream); tmpColour.g = readU8(&stream); tmpColour.b = readU8(&stream); tmpColour.a = readU8(&stream); m_colours.push_back(tmpColour); } } void libvisio::VSD11Parser::shapeChunk(VSDInternalStream &stream, libwpg::WPGPaintInterface *painter) { WPXPropertyListVector path; WPXPropertyList styleProps; WPXPropertyListVector gradientProps; XForm xform = {0}; // Shape xform data unsigned int foreignType = 0; // Tracks current foreign data type unsigned int foreignFormat = 0; // Tracks foreign data format ChunkHeader header = {0}; unsigned long tmpBytesRead = 0; unsigned long streamPos = 0; double x = 0; double y = 0; // Geometry flags bool noLine = false; bool noFill = false; bool noShow = false; // Save line colour and pattern, fill type and pattern ::WPXString lineColour = "black"; ::WPXString fillType = "none"; unsigned int linePattern = 1; // same as "solid" unsigned int fillPattern = 1; // same as "solid" // Reset style styleProps.clear(); styleProps.insert("svg:stroke-width", m_scale*0.0138889); styleProps.insert("svg:stroke-color", lineColour); styleProps.insert("draw:fill", fillType); styleProps.insert("svg:stroke-dasharray", "solid"); while (!stream.atEOS()) { getChunkHeader(stream, header); streamPos = stream.tell(); // Break once a chunk that is not nested in the shape is found if (header.level < 2) { stream.seek(-19, WPX_SEEK_CUR); break; } // Until the next geometry chunk, don't parse if geometry is not to be shown if (header.chunkType != 0x6c && noShow) { stream.seek(header.dataLength+header.trailer, WPX_SEEK_CUR); continue; } VSD_DEBUG_MSG(("Shape: parsing chunk type %x\n", header.chunkType)); switch (header.chunkType) { case 0x9b: // XForm data xform = _transformXForm(_parseXForm(&stream)); break; case 0x83: // ShapeID m_groupXForms[readU32(&stream)] = xform; break; case 0x85: // Line properties { stream.seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); styleProps.insert("svg:stroke-width", m_scale*readDouble(&stream)); stream.seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); Colour c = {0}; c.r = readU8(&stream); c.g = readU8(&stream); c.b = readU8(&stream); c.a = readU8(&stream); lineColour = getColourString(c); styleProps.insert("svg:stroke-color", lineColour); linePattern = readU8(&stream); const char* patterns[] = { /* 0 */ "none", /* 1 */ "solid", /* 2 */ "6, 3", /* 3 */ "1, 3", /* 4 */ "6, 3, 1, 3", /* 5 */ "6, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3", /* 6 */ "6, 3, 6, 3, 1, 3", /* 7 */ "14, 2, 6, 2", /* 8 */ "14, 2, 6, 2, 6, 2", /* 9 */ "3, 1", /* 10 */ "1, 1", /* 11 */ "3, 1, 1, 1", /* 12 */ "3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1", /* 13 */ "3, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1", /* 14 */ "7, 1, 3, 1", /* 15 */ "7, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1", /* 16 */ "11, 5", /* 17 */ "1, 5", /* 18 */ "11, 5, 1, 5", /* 19 */ "11, 5, 1, 5, 1, 5", /* 20 */ "11, 5, 11, 5, 1, 5", /* 21 */ "27, 5, 11, 5", /* 22 */ "27, 5, 11, 5, 11, 5", /* 23 */ "2, 1" }; if (linePattern > 0 && linePattern < sizeof(patterns)/sizeof(patterns[0])) styleProps.insert("svg:stroke-dasharray", patterns[linePattern]); // FIXME: later it will require special treatment for custom line patterns // patt ID is 0xfe, link to stencil name is in 'Line' blocks } break; case 0x86: // Fill & Shadow properties { unsigned int colourIndexFG = readU8(&stream); stream.seek(4, WPX_SEEK_CUR); unsigned int colourIndexBG = readU8(&stream); stream.seek(4, WPX_SEEK_CUR); fillPattern = readU8(&stream); if (fillPattern == 1) { fillType = "solid"; styleProps.insert("draw:fill", "solid"); styleProps.insert("draw:fill-color", getColourString(m_colours[colourIndexFG])); } else if (fillPattern >= 25 && fillPattern <= 34) { fillType = "gradient"; styleProps.insert("draw:fill", "gradient"); WPXPropertyList startColour; startColour.insert("svg:stop-color", getColourString(m_colours[colourIndexFG])); startColour.insert("svg:offset", 0, WPX_PERCENT); startColour.insert("svg:stop-opacity", 1, WPX_PERCENT); WPXPropertyList endColour; endColour.insert("svg:stop-color", getColourString(m_colours[colourIndexBG])); endColour.insert("svg:offset", 1, WPX_PERCENT); endColour.insert("svg:stop-opacity", 1, WPX_PERCENT); switch(fillPattern) { case 25: styleProps.insert("draw:angle", -90); break; case 26: styleProps.insert("draw:angle", -90); endColour.insert("svg:offset", 0, WPX_PERCENT); gradientProps.append(endColour); endColour.insert("svg:offset", 1, WPX_PERCENT); startColour.insert("svg:offset", 0.5, WPX_PERCENT); break; case 27: styleProps.insert("draw:angle", 90); break; case 28: styleProps.insert("draw:angle", 0); break; case 29: styleProps.insert("draw:angle", 0); endColour.insert("svg:offset", 0, WPX_PERCENT); gradientProps.append(endColour); endColour.insert("svg:offset", 1, WPX_PERCENT); startColour.insert("svg:offset", 0.5, WPX_PERCENT); break; case 30: styleProps.insert("draw:angle", 180); break; case 31: styleProps.insert("draw:angle", -45); break; case 32: styleProps.insert("draw:angle", 45); break; case 33: styleProps.insert("draw:angle", 225); break; case 34: styleProps.insert("draw:angle", 135); break; } gradientProps.append(startColour); gradientProps.append(endColour); } } break; case 0x6c: // GeomList { _flushCurrentPath(painter); painter->setStyle(styleProps, gradientProps); uint32_t subHeaderLength = readU32(&stream); uint32_t childrenListLength = readU32(&stream); stream.seek(subHeaderLength, WPX_SEEK_CUR); for (unsigned i = 0; i < (childrenListLength / sizeof(uint32_t)); i++) m_currentGeometryOrder.push_back(readU32(&stream)); noShow = false; break; } case 0x89: // Geometry { unsigned int geomFlags = readU8(&stream); noFill = ((geomFlags & 1) == 1); noLine = ((geomFlags & 2) == 2); noShow = ((geomFlags & 4) == 4); if (noLine || linePattern == 0) styleProps.insert("svg:stroke-color", "none"); else styleProps.insert("svg:stroke-color", lineColour); if (noFill || fillPattern == 0) styleProps.insert("svg:fill", "none"); else styleProps.insert("svg:fill", fillType); VSD_DEBUG_MSG(("Flag: %d NoFill: %d NoLine: %d NoShow: %d\n", geomFlags, noFill, noLine, noShow)); painter->setStyle(styleProps, gradientProps); } break; case 0x8a: // MoveTo { WPXPropertyList end; stream.seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); x = readDouble(&stream) + xform.x; stream.seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); y = (xform.height - readDouble(&stream)) + xform.y; rotatePoint(x, y, xform); flipPoint(x, y, xform); end.insert("svg:x", m_scale*x); end.insert("svg:y", m_scale*y); end.insert("libwpg:path-action", "M"); m_currentGeometry[header.id] = end; } break; case 0x8b: // LineTo { WPXPropertyList end; stream.seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); x = readDouble(&stream) + xform.x; stream.seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); y = (xform.height - readDouble(&stream)) + xform.y; rotatePoint(x, y, xform); flipPoint(x, y, xform); end.insert("svg:x", m_scale*x); end.insert("svg:y", m_scale*y); end.insert("libwpg:path-action", "L"); m_currentGeometry[header.id] = end; } break; case 0x8c: // ArcTo { stream.seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); double x2 = readDouble(&stream) + xform.x; stream.seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); double y2 = (xform.height - readDouble(&stream)) + xform.y; stream.seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); double bow = readDouble(&stream); rotatePoint(x2, y2, xform); flipPoint(x2, y2, xform); if (bow == 0) { x = x2; y = y2; WPXPropertyList end; end.insert("svg:x", m_scale*x); end.insert("svg:y", m_scale*y); end.insert("libwpg:path-action", "L"); m_currentGeometry[header.id] = end; } else { WPXPropertyList arc; double chord = sqrt(pow((y2 - y),2) + pow((x2 - x),2)); double radius = (4 * bow * bow + chord * chord) / (8 * fabs(bow)); VSD_DEBUG_MSG(("ArcTo with bow %f radius %f and chord %f\n", bow, radius, chord)); int largeArc = fabs(bow) > radius ? 1 : 0; int sweep = bow < 0 ? 1 : 0; x = x2; y = y2; arc.insert("svg:rx", m_scale*radius); arc.insert("svg:ry", m_scale*radius); arc.insert("libwpg:rotate", xform.angle * (180/M_PI)); arc.insert("libwpg:large-arc", largeArc); arc.insert("libwpg:sweep", sweep); arc.insert("svg:x", m_scale*x); arc.insert("svg:y", m_scale*y); arc.insert("libwpg:path-action", "A"); m_currentGeometry[header.id] = arc; } } break; case 0x8f: // Ellipse { WPXPropertyList ellipse; stream.seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); double cx = readDouble(&stream); stream.seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); double cy = readDouble(&stream); stream.seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); double aa = readDouble(&stream); stream.seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); /* double bb = */ readDouble(&stream); stream.seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); /* double cc = */ readDouble(&stream); stream.seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); double dd = readDouble(&stream); ellipse.insert("svg:rx", m_scale*(aa-cx)); ellipse.insert("svg:ry", m_scale*(dd-cy)); ellipse.insert("svg:cx", m_scale*(xform.x+cx)); ellipse.insert("svg:cy", m_scale*(xform.y+cy)); ellipse.insert("libwpg:rotate", xform.angle * (180/M_PI)); painter->drawEllipse(ellipse); stream.seek(header.dataLength+header.trailer-54, WPX_SEEK_CUR); } break; case 0x90: // Elliptical ArcTo { stream.seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); double x3 = readDouble(&stream) + xform.x; // End x stream.seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); double y3 = (xform.height - readDouble(&stream)) + xform.y; // End y stream.seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); double x2 = readDouble(&stream) + xform.x; // Mid x stream.seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); double y2 = (xform.height - readDouble(&stream)) + xform.y; // Mid y stream.seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); double angle = readDouble(&stream); // Angle stream.seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); double ecc = readDouble(&stream); // Eccentricity rotatePoint(x2, y2, xform); rotatePoint(x3, y3, xform); flipPoint(x2, y2, xform); flipPoint(x3, y3, xform); double x1 = x; double y1 = y; double x0 = ((x1-x2)*(x1+x2)*(y2-y3) - (x2-x3)*(x2+x3)*(y1-y2) + ecc*ecc*(y1-y2)*(y2-y3)*(y1-y3)) / (2*((x1-x2)*(y2-y3) - (x2-x3)*(y1-y2))); double y0 = ((x1-x2)*(x2-x3)*(x1-x3) + ecc*ecc*(x2-x3)*(y1-y2)*(y1+y2) - ecc*ecc*(x1-x2)*(y2-y3)*(y2+y3)) / (2*ecc*ecc*((x2-x3)*(y1-y2) - (x1-x2)*(y2-y3))); VSD_DEBUG_MSG(("Centre: (%f,%f), angle %f\n", x0, y0, angle)); double rx = sqrt(pow(x1-x0, 2) + ecc*ecc*pow(y1-y0, 2)); double ry = rx / ecc; x = x3; y = y3; WPXPropertyList arc; int largeArc = 0; int sweep = 1; // Calculate side of chord that ellipse centre and control point fall on double centreSide = (x3-x1)*(y0-y1) - (y3-y1)*(x0-x1); double midSide = (x3-x1)*(y2-y1) - (y3-y1)*(x2-x1); // Large arc if centre and control point are on the same side if ((centreSide > 0 && midSide > 0) || (centreSide < 0 && midSide < 0)) largeArc = 1; // Change direction depending of side of control point if (midSide > 0) sweep = 0; arc.insert("svg:rx", m_scale*rx); arc.insert("svg:ry", m_scale*ry); arc.insert("libwpg:rotate", -(angle * (180 / M_PI) + xform.angle * (180 / M_PI))); arc.insert("libwpg:large-arc", largeArc); arc.insert("libwpg:sweep", sweep); arc.insert("svg:x", m_scale*x); arc.insert("svg:y", m_scale*y); arc.insert("libwpg:path-action", "A"); m_currentGeometry[header.id] = arc; } break; case 0x98: // Foreign stream.seek(0x24, WPX_SEEK_CUR); foreignType = readU16(&stream); stream.seek(0xb, WPX_SEEK_CUR); foreignFormat = readU32(&stream); stream.seek(header.dataLength+header.trailer-0x35, WPX_SEEK_CUR); VSD_DEBUG_MSG(("Found foreign data, type %d format %d\n", foreignType, foreignFormat)); break; case 0x0c: // Foreign data if (foreignType == 1 || foreignType == 4) // Image { const unsigned char *buffer = stream.read(header.dataLength, tmpBytesRead); // If bmp data found, reconstruct header if (foreignType == 1 && foreignFormat == 0) { m_currentForeignData.append(0x42); m_currentForeignData.append(0x4d); m_currentForeignData.append((unsigned char)((tmpBytesRead + 14) & 0x000000ff)); m_currentForeignData.append((unsigned char)(((tmpBytesRead + 14) & 0x0000ff00) >> 8)); m_currentForeignData.append((unsigned char)(((tmpBytesRead + 14) & 0x00ff0000) >> 16)); m_currentForeignData.append((unsigned char)(((tmpBytesRead + 14) & 0xff000000) >> 24)); m_currentForeignData.append(0x00); m_currentForeignData.append(0x00); m_currentForeignData.append(0x00); m_currentForeignData.append(0x00); m_currentForeignData.append(0x36); m_currentForeignData.append(0x00); m_currentForeignData.append(0x00); m_currentForeignData.append(0x00); } m_currentForeignData.append(buffer, tmpBytesRead); #if DUMP_BITMAP if (foreignType == 1 || foreignType == 4) { ::WPXString filename; switch(foreignFormat) { case 0: filename.sprintf("binarydump%i.bmp", bitmapId++); break; case 1: filename.sprintf("binarydump%i.jpeg", bitmapId++); break; case 2: filename.sprintf("binarydump%i.gif", bitmapId++); break; case 3: filename.sprintf("binarydump%i.tiff", bitmapId++); break; case 4: filename.sprintf("binarydump%i.png", bitmapId++); break; default: filename.sprintf("binarydump%i.bin", bitmapId++); break; } FILE *f = fopen(filename.cstr(), "wb"); if (f) { const unsigned char *tmpBuffer = m_currentForeignData.getDataBuffer(); for (unsigned long k = 0; k < m_currentForeignData.size(); k++) fprintf(f, "%c",tmpBuffer[k]); fclose(f); } } #endif m_currentForeignProps.insert("svg:width", m_scale*xform.width); m_currentForeignProps.insert("svg:height", m_scale*xform.height); m_currentForeignProps.insert("svg:x", m_scale*(xform.pinX - xform.pinLocX)); // Y axis starts at the bottom not top m_currentForeignProps.insert("svg:y", m_scale*(m_pageHeight - xform.pinY + xform.pinLocY - xform.height)); if (foreignType == 1) { switch(foreignFormat) { case 0: m_currentForeignProps.insert("libwpg:mime-type", "image/bmp"); break; case 1: m_currentForeignProps.insert("libwpg:mime-type", "image/jpeg"); break; case 2: m_currentForeignProps.insert("libwpg:mime-type", "image/gif"); break; case 3: m_currentForeignProps.insert("libwpg:mime-type", "image/tiff"); break; case 4: m_currentForeignProps.insert("libwpg:mime-type", "image/png"); break; } } else if (foreignType == 4) { const unsigned char *tmpBinData = m_currentForeignData.getDataBuffer(); // Check for EMF signature if (tmpBinData[0x28] == 0x20 && tmpBinData[0x29] == 0x45 && tmpBinData[0x2A] == 0x4D && tmpBinData[0x2B] == 0x46) { m_currentForeignProps.insert("libwpg:mime-type", "image/emf"); } else { m_currentForeignProps.insert("libwpg:mime-type", "image/wmf"); } } } else { stream.seek(header.dataLength+header.trailer, WPX_SEEK_CUR); } break; } stream.seek(header.dataLength+header.trailer-(stream.tell()-streamPos), WPX_SEEK_CUR); } _flushCurrentPath(painter); _flushCurrentForeignData(painter); } void libvisio::VSD11Parser::getChunkHeader(VSDInternalStream &stream, libvisio::VSD11Parser::ChunkHeader &header) { unsigned char tmpChar = 0; while (!stream.atEOS() && !tmpChar) tmpChar = readU8(&stream); if (stream.atEOS()) return; else stream.seek(-1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); header.chunkType = readU32(&stream); header.id = readU32(&stream); header.list = readU32(&stream); // Certain chunk types seem to always have a trailer header.trailer = 0; if (header.list != 0 || header.chunkType == 0x71 || header.chunkType == 0x70 || header.chunkType == 0x6b || header.chunkType == 0x6a || header.chunkType == 0x69 || header.chunkType == 0x66 || header.chunkType == 0x65 || header.chunkType == 0x2c) header.trailer += 8; // 8 byte trailer header.dataLength = readU32(&stream); header.level = readU16(&stream); header.unknown = readU8(&stream); // Add word separator under certain circumstances for v11 // Below are known conditions, may be more or a simpler pattern if (header.list != 0 || (header.level == 2 && header.unknown == 0x55) || (header.level == 2 && header.unknown == 0x54 && header.chunkType == 0xaa) || (header.level == 3 && header.unknown != 0x50 && header.unknown != 0x54) || header.chunkType == 0x69 || header.chunkType == 0x6a || header.chunkType == 0x6b || header.chunkType == 0x71 || header.chunkType == 0xb6 || header.chunkType == 0xb9 || header.chunkType == 0xa9 || header.chunkType == 0x92) { header.trailer += 4; } // 0x1f (OLE data) and 0xc9 (Name ID) never have trailer if (header.chunkType == 0x1f || header.chunkType == 0xc9) { header.trailer = 0; } } void libvisio::VSD11Parser::rotatePoint(double &x, double &y, const XForm &xform) { if (xform.angle == 0.0) return; // Calculate co-ordinates using pin position as origin double tmpX = x - xform.pinX; double tmpY = (m_pageHeight - y) - xform.pinY; // Start from bottom left // Rotate around pin and move back to bottom left as origin x = (tmpX * cos(xform.angle)) - (tmpY * sin(xform.angle)) + xform.pinX; y = (tmpX * sin(xform.angle)) + (tmpY * cos(xform.angle)) + xform.pinY; y = m_pageHeight - y; // Flip Y for screen co-ordinate } void libvisio::VSD11Parser::flipPoint(double &x, double &y, const XForm &xform) { if (!xform.flipX && !xform.flipY) return; double tmpX = x - xform.x; double tmpY = y - xform.y; if (xform.flipX) tmpX = xform.width - tmpX; if (xform.flipY) tmpY = xform.height - tmpY; x = tmpX + xform.x; y = tmpY + xform.y; } libvisio::VSDXParser::XForm libvisio::VSD11Parser::_parseXForm(WPXInputStream *input) { libvisio::VSDXParser::XForm xform; input->seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); xform.pinX = readDouble(input); input->seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); xform.pinY = readDouble(input); input->seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); xform.width = readDouble(input); input->seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); xform.height = readDouble(input); input->seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); xform.pinLocX = readDouble(input); input->seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); xform.pinLocY = readDouble(input); input->seek(1, WPX_SEEK_CUR); xform.angle = readDouble(input); xform.flipX = (readU8(input) != 0); xform.flipY = (readU8(input) != 0); xform.x = xform.pinX - xform.pinLocX; xform.y = m_pageHeight - xform.pinY + xform.pinLocY - xform.height; return xform; } libvisio::VSDXParser::XForm libvisio::VSD11Parser::_transformXForm(const libvisio::VSDXParser::XForm &xform) { libvisio::VSDXParser::XForm tmpXForm = xform; std::map::iterator iter = m_groupXForms.find(m_currentShapeId); if (iter != m_groupXForms.end()) { tmpXForm.pinX += iter->second.pinX; tmpXForm.pinY += iter->second.pinY; tmpXForm.pinLocX += iter->second.pinLocX; tmpXForm.pinLocY += iter->second.pinLocY; } tmpXForm.x = tmpXForm.pinX - tmpXForm.pinLocX; tmpXForm.y = m_pageHeight - tmpXForm.pinY + tmpXForm.pinLocY - tmpXForm.height; return tmpXForm; } void libvisio::VSD11Parser::_flushCurrentPath(libwpg::WPGPaintInterface *painter) { double startX = 0; double startY = 0; double x = 0; double y = 0; bool firstPoint = true; WPXPropertyListVector path; std::map::iterator iter; std::map::iterator itervec; if (m_currentGeometryOrder.size()) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_currentGeometryOrder.size(); i++) { iter = m_currentGeometry.find(m_currentGeometryOrder[i]); if (iter != m_currentGeometry.end()) { if (firstPoint) { x = (iter->second)["svg:x"]->getDouble(); y = (iter->second)["svg:y"]->getDouble(); startX = x; startY = y; firstPoint = false; } else if ((iter->second)["libwpg:path-action"]->getStr() == "M") { if (startX == x && startY == y) { WPXPropertyList closedPath; closedPath.insert("libwpg:path-action", "Z"); path.append(closedPath); } if (path.count()) painter->drawPath(path); path = WPXPropertyListVector(); x = (iter->second)["svg:x"]->getDouble(); y = (iter->second)["svg:y"]->getDouble(); startX = x; startY = y; } else { x = (iter->second)["svg:x"]->getDouble(); y = (iter->second)["svg:y"]->getDouble(); } path.append(iter->second); } else { itervec = m_currentComplexGeometry.find(m_currentGeometryOrder[i]); if (itervec != m_currentComplexGeometry.end()) { WPXPropertyListVector::Iter iter2(itervec->second); for (; iter2.next();) { if (firstPoint) { x = (iter2())["svg:x"]->getDouble(); y = (iter2())["svg:y"]->getDouble(); startX = x; startY = y; firstPoint = false; } else if ((iter2())["libwpg:path-action"]->getStr() == "M") { if (startX == x && startY == y) { WPXPropertyList closedPath; closedPath.insert("libwpg:path-action", "Z"); path.append(closedPath); } if (path.count()) painter->drawPath(path); path = WPXPropertyListVector(); x = (iter2())["svg:x"]->getDouble(); y = (iter2())["svg:y"]->getDouble(); startX = x; startY = y; } else { x = (iter2())["svg:x"]->getDouble(); y = (iter2())["svg:y"]->getDouble(); } path.append(iter2()); } } } } if (startX == x && startY == y && path.count()) { WPXPropertyList closedPath; closedPath.insert("libwpg:path-action", "Z"); path.append(closedPath); } if (path.count()) painter->drawPath(path); } else { for (iter=m_currentGeometry.begin(); iter != m_currentGeometry.end(); iter++) path.append(iter->second); for (itervec=m_currentComplexGeometry.begin(); itervec != m_currentComplexGeometry.end(); itervec++) { WPXPropertyListVector::Iter iter2(itervec->second); for (; iter2.next();) path.append(iter2()); } if (path.count()) painter->drawPath(path); } m_currentGeometry.clear(); m_currentComplexGeometry.clear(); m_currentGeometryOrder.clear(); } void libvisio::VSD11Parser::_flushCurrentForeignData(libwpg::WPGPaintInterface *painter) { if (m_currentForeignData.size() && m_currentForeignProps["libwpg:mime-type"]) painter->drawGraphicObject(m_currentForeignProps, m_currentForeignData); m_currentForeignData.clear(); m_currentForeignProps.clear(); }