# Language Code Generators for UNOIDL Entities Generators for language-binding--specific representations of UNOIDL entities: - `cppumaker` generates header (`.hdl` and `.hpp`) files for the C++ UNO language binding - `javamaker` generates class files for the JVM language binding - `netmaker` generates C# code files for the .NET language binding - `climaker` (the old codemaker for .NET Framework) is in module `cli_ure` Some of the code is re-used by the skeletonmakers in module `unodevtools`. Note the different terminology used by cppumaker vs. gbuild for the three variants that can be generated by cppumaker for some of the inline functions: cppumaker switch: -L; cpputype.cxx: light; gbuild: normal; cppumaker switch: none; cpputype.cxx: normal; gbuild: bootstrap; cppumaker switch: -C; cpputype.cxx: comprehensive; gbuild: comprehensive; which can be a source of confusion.