# -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
from builtins import range
from . import globals, xlsmodel
import sys
import textwrap
import zlib
import base64
from .pptrecord import shapeTypes
def indent (level):
return ' '*level
def headerLine ():
return "+ " + "-"*58 + "+"
def mm100_to_twip(value):
if value >= 0:
return (((value)*72+63)//127)
return (((value)*72-63)//127)
def emu_to_mm100(value):
return value // 360
def emu_to_twip(value):
return mm100_to_twip(emu_to_mm100(value))
def hexdump(value):
ret = []
for i in value:
ret.append("%02x" % globals.indexedbytetoint(i))
return "".join(ret)
def inflate(bytes):
return textwrap.fill(base64.b64encode(zlib.decompress(bytes)).decode(), width=160)
class RecordHeader:
size = 8
class Type:
dggContainer = 0xF000
BStoreContainer = 0xF001
dgContainer = 0xF002
spgrContainer = 0xF003
spContainer = 0xF004
solverContainer = 0xF005
FDGGBlock = 0xF006
FBSE = 0xF007
FDG = 0xF008
FSPGR = 0xF009
FSP = 0xF00A
FOPT = 0xF00B
FClientTextbox = 0xF00D
FClientAnchor = 0xF010
FClientData = 0xF011
FConnectorRule = 0xF012
BlipEMF = 0xF01A
BlipPNG = 0xF01E
FDGSL = 0xF119
SplitMenuColorContainer = 0xF11E
TertiaryFOPT = 0xF122
containerTypeNames = {
Type.dggContainer: 'OfficeArtDggContainer',
Type.BStoreContainer: 'OfficeArtBStoreContainer',
Type.dgContainer: 'OfficeArtDgContainer',
Type.spContainer: 'OfficeArtSpContainer',
Type.spgrContainer: 'OfficeArtSpgrContainer',
Type.solverContainer: 'OfficeArtSolverContainer',
Type.FDG: 'OfficeArtFDG',
Type.FDGGBlock: 'OfficeArtFDGGBlock',
Type.FBSE: 'OfficeArtFBSE',
Type.FOPT: 'OfficeArtFOPT',
Type.FClientTextbox: 'OfficeArtClientTextbox',
Type.FClientAnchor: 'OfficeArtClientAnchor',
Type.FClientData: 'OfficeArtClientData',
Type.FSP: 'OfficeArtFSP',
Type.FSPGR: 'OfficeArtFSPGR',
Type.FConnectorRule: 'OfficeArtFConnectorRule',
Type.BlipPNG: 'OfficeArtBlipPng',
Type.FDGSL: 'OfficeArtFDGSL',
Type.SplitMenuColorContainer: 'OfficeArtSplitMenuColorContainer'
def getRecTypeName (recType):
if recType in RecordHeader.containerTypeNames:
return RecordHeader.containerTypeNames[recType]
return 'unknown'
def appendHeaderLine (recHdl, line):
n = len(line)
if n < 60:
line += ' '*(60-n)
line += '|'
def __init__ (self, strm):
mixed = strm.readUnsignedInt(2)
self.recVer = (mixed & 0x000F)
self.recInstance = (mixed & 0xFFF0) // 16
self.recType = strm.readUnsignedInt(2)
self.recLen = strm.readUnsignedInt(4)
def appendLines (self, recHdl, level=0):
pre = "| "
RecordHeader.appendHeaderLine(recHdl, pre + "Record type: 0x%4.4X (%s)"%(self.recType, RecordHeader.getRecTypeName(self.recType)))
RecordHeader.appendHeaderLine(recHdl, pre + " version: 0x%1.1X instance: 0x%3.3X size: %d"%
(self.recVer, self.recInstance, self.recLen))
def dumpXml(self, recHdl):
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.recVer)
shapeType = ""
if self.recType == RecordHeader.Type.FSP:
# In this case recInstance is from the MSOSPT enumeration
shapeType = ' msospt="%s"' % shapeTypes[self.recInstance][0]
recHdl.appendLine('' % (self.recInstance, shapeType))
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.recType)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.recLen)
class ColorRef:
def __init__ (self, byte):
self.red = (byte & 0x000000FF)
self.green = (byte & 0x0000FF00) // 256
self.blue = (byte & 0x00FF0000) // 65536
self.flag = (byte & 0xFF000000) // 16777216
self.paletteIndex = (self.flag & 0x01) != 0
self.paletteRGB = (self.flag & 0x02) != 0
self.systemRGB = (self.flag & 0x04) != 0
self.schemeIndex = (self.flag & 0x08) != 0
self.sysIndex = (self.flag & 0x10) != 0
def appendLine (self, recHdl, level):
if self.paletteIndex:
# red and green and used as an unsigned index into the current color palette.
paletteId = self.green * 256 + self.red
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level) + "color index in current palette: %d"%paletteId)
if self.sysIndex:
# red and green are used as an unsigned 16-bit index into the system color table.
sysId = self.green * 256 + self.red
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level) + "system index: %d"%sysId)
elif self.schemeIndex:
# the red value is used as as a color scheme index
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level) + "color scheme index: %d"%self.red)
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level) + "color: (red=%d, green=%d, blue=%d) flag: 0x%2.2X"%
(self.red, self.green, self.blue, self.flag))
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level) + "palette index: %s"%recHdl.getTrueFalse(self.paletteIndex))
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level) + "palette RGB: %s"%recHdl.getTrueFalse(self.paletteRGB))
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level) + "system RGB: %s"%recHdl.getTrueFalse(self.systemRGB))
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level) + "system RGB: %s"%recHdl.getTrueFalse(self.systemRGB))
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level) + "scheme index: %s"%recHdl.getTrueFalse(self.schemeIndex))
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level) + "system index: %s"%recHdl.getTrueFalse(self.sysIndex))
def dumpXml(self, recHdl):
if self.paletteIndex:
# red and green and used as an unsigned index into the current color palette.
paletteId = self.green * 256 + self.red
if self.sysIndex:
# red and green are used as an unsigned 16-bit index into the system color table.
sysId = self.green * 256 + self.red
elif self.schemeIndex:
# the red value is used as as a color scheme index
(self.red, self.green, self.blue, self.flag))
class FDG:
def __init__ (self, strm):
self.shapeCount = strm.readUnsignedInt(4)
self.lastShapeID = strm.readUnsignedInt(4)
def appendLines (self, recHdl, rh):
recHdl.appendLine("FDG content (drawing data):")
recHdl.appendLine(" ID of this shape: %d"%rh.recInstance)
recHdl.appendLine(" shape count: %d"%self.shapeCount)
recHdl.appendLine(" last shape ID: %d"%self.lastShapeID)
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, model, rh):
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.shapeCount)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.lastShapeID)
class IDCL:
def __init__ (self, strm):
self.dgid = strm.readUnsignedInt(4)
self.cspidCur = strm.readUnsignedInt(4)
def appendLines (self, recHdl, rh):
recHdl.appendLine("IDCL content:")
recHdl.appendLine(" drawing ID: %d"%self.dgid)
recHdl.appendLine(" cspidCur: 0x%8.8X"%self.cspidCur)
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, rh):
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.dgid)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.cspidCur)
class FDGG:
def __init__ (self, strm):
self.spidMax = strm.readUnsignedInt(4) # current max shape ID
self.cidcl = strm.readUnsignedInt(4) # number of OfficeArtIDCL's.
self.cspSaved = strm.readUnsignedInt(4) # total number of shapes in all drawings
self.cdgSaved = strm.readUnsignedInt(4) # total number of drawings saved in the file
def appendLines (self, recHdl, rh):
recHdl.appendLine("FDGG content:")
recHdl.appendLine(" current max shape ID: %d"%self.spidMax)
recHdl.appendLine(" number of OfficeArtIDCL's: %d"%self.cidcl)
recHdl.appendLine(" total number of shapes in all drawings: %d"%self.cspSaved)
recHdl.appendLine(" total number of drawings in the file: %d"%self.cdgSaved)
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, rh):
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.spidMax)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.cidcl)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.cspSaved)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.cdgSaved)
class FDGGBlock:
def __init__ (self, strm):
self.head = FDGG(strm)
self.idcls = []
# NOTE: The spec says head.cidcl stores the number of IDCL's, but each
# FDGGBlock only contains bytes enough to store (head.cidcl - 1) of
# IDCL's.
for i in range(0, self.head.cidcl-1):
idcl = IDCL(strm)
def appendLines (self, recHdl, rh):
self.head.appendLines(recHdl, rh)
for idcl in self.idcls:
idcl.appendLines(recHdl, rh)
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, model, rh):
self.head.dumpXml(recHdl, rh)
for i, idcl in enumerate(self.idcls):
recHdl.appendLine('' % i)
idcl.dumpXml(recHdl, rh)
class FDGSL:
selectionMode = {
0x00000000: 'default state',
0x00000001: 'ready to rotate',
0x00000002: 'ready to change the curvature of line shapes',
0x00000007: 'ready to crop the picture'
def __init__ (self, strm):
self.cpsp = strm.readUnsignedInt(4) # the spec says undefined.
self.dgslk = strm.readUnsignedInt(4) # selection mode
self.shapeFocus = strm.readUnsignedInt(4) # shape ID in focus
self.shapesSelected = []
shapeCount = (strm.getSize() - 20)//4
for i in range(0, shapeCount):
spid = strm.readUnsignedInt(4)
def appendLines (self, recHdl, rh):
recHdl.appendLine("FDGSL content:")
recHdl.appendLine(" selection mode: %s"%
globals.getValueOrUnknown(FDGSL.selectionMode, self.dgslk))
recHdl.appendLine(" ID of shape in focus: %d"%self.shapeFocus)
for shape in self.shapesSelected:
recHdl.appendLine(" ID of shape selected: %d"%shape)
class MetafileHeader:
"""[MS-ODRAW] 2.2.31 The OfficeArtMetafileHeader record specifies how to process a metafile."""
def __init__(self, strm):
self.strm = strm
def parseBytes(self, rh):
self.cbSize = self.strm.readUnsignedInt(4)
self.strm.readBytes(16) # TODO rcBounds
self.strm.readBytes(8) # TODO ptSize
self.cbSave = self.strm.readUnsignedInt(4)
self.compression = self.strm.readUnsignedInt(1)
self.filter = self.strm.readUnsignedInt(1)
def appendLines(self, recHdl, rh):
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, model, rh):
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.cbSize)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.cbSave)
recHdl.appendLine('' % hex(self.compression))
recHdl.appendLine('' % hex(self.filter))
class BlipEMF:
"""[MS-ODRAW] 2.2.24 The OfficeArtBlipEMF record specifies BLIP file data for the enhanced metafile format (EMF)."""
def __init__(self, strm):
self.strm = strm
def __parseBytes(self, rh):
pos = self.strm.pos
self.rgbUid1 = self.strm.readBytes(16)
if rh.recInstance == 0x3D5:
self.rgbUid2 = self.strm.readBytes(16)
self.rgbUid2 = None
self.metafileHeader = MetafileHeader(self.strm)
self.BLIPFileData = self.strm.readBytes(self.metafileHeader.cbSave)
def appendLines(self, recHdl, rh):
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, model, rh):
recHdl.appendLine('' % hexdump(self.rgbUid1))
if self.rgbUid2:
recHdl.appendLine('' % hexdump(self.rgbUid2))
self.metafileHeader.dumpXml(recHdl, model, rh)
if self.metafileHeader.compression == 0x00:
# No idea if this is a reasonable limit.
if len(self.BLIPFileData) > pow(2, 18):
recHdl.appendLine('' % len(self.BLIPFileData))
recHdl.appendLine('' % inflate(self.BLIPFileData))
recHdl.appendLine('' % hex(self.metafileHeader.compression))
class BlipPNG:
def __init__(self, strm):
self.strm = strm
def __parseBytes(self, rh):
pos = self.strm.pos
self.rgbUid1 = self.strm.readBytes(16)
if rh.recInstance == 0x06E1:
self.rgbUid2 = self.strm.readBytes(16)
self.rgbUid2 = None
self.tag = self.strm.readUnsignedInt(1)
header = self.strm.pos - pos
data = rh.recLen - header
self.BLIPFileData = self.strm.readBytes(data)
def appendLines(self, recHdl, rh):
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, model, rh):
recHdl.appendLine('' % hexdump(self.rgbUid1))
if self.rgbUid2:
recHdl.appendLine('' % hexdump(self.rgbUid2))
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.tag)
recHdl.appendLine('' % hexdump(self.BLIPFileData))
class FOPT:
"""property table for a shape instance"""
class TextBoolean:
def __parseBytes(self, prop):
self.A = (prop.value & 0x00000001) != 0
self.B = (prop.value & 0x00000002) != 0
self.C = (prop.value & 0x00000004) != 0
self.D = (prop.value & 0x00000008) != 0
self.E = (prop.value & 0x00000010) != 0
self.F = (prop.value & 0x00010000) != 0
self.G = (prop.value & 0x00020000) != 0
self.H = (prop.value & 0x00040000) != 0
self.I = (prop.value & 0x00080000) != 0
self.J = (prop.value & 0x00100000) != 0
def appendLines (self, recHdl, prop, level):
recHdl.appendLineBoolean(indent(level) + "fit shape to text", self.B)
recHdl.appendLineBoolean(indent(level) + "auto text margin", self.D)
recHdl.appendLineBoolean(indent(level) + "select text", self.E)
recHdl.appendLineBoolean(indent(level) + "use fit shape to text", self.G)
recHdl.appendLineBoolean(indent(level) + "use auto text margin", self.I)
recHdl.appendLineBoolean(indent(level) + "use select text", self.J)
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, prop):
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.A)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.B)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.C)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.D)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.E)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.F)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.G)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.H)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.I)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.J)
class CXStyle:
style = [
'straight connector', # 0x00000000
'elbow-shaped connector', # 0x00000001
'curved connector', # 0x00000002
'no connector' # 0x00000003
def appendLines (self, recHdl, prop, level):
styleName = globals.getValueOrUnknown(FOPT.CXStyle.style, prop.value)
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level) + "connector style: %s (0x%8.8X)"%(styleName, prop.value))
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, prop):
styleName = globals.getValueOrUnknown(FOPT.CXStyle.style, prop.value)
recHdl.appendLine('' % (styleName, prop.value))
class FillColor:
def appendLines (self, recHdl, prop, level):
color = ColorRef(prop.value)
color.appendLine(recHdl, level)
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, prop):
color = ColorRef(prop.value)
class FillStyle:
def __parseBytes(self, recHdl):
flag1 = recHdl.readUnsignedInt(1)
flag2 = recHdl.readUnsignedInt(1)
self.A = (flag1 & 0x01) != 0 # fNoFillHitTest
self.B = (flag1 & 0x02) != 0 # fillUseRect
self.C = (flag1 & 0x04) != 0 # fillShape
self.D = (flag1 & 0x08) != 0 # fHitTestFill
self.E = (flag1 & 0x10) != 0 # fFilled
self.F = (flag1 & 0x20) != 0 # fUseShapeAnchor
self.G = (flag1 & 0x40) != 0 # fRecolorFillAsPicture
self.H = (flag2 & 0x01) != 0 # fUseNoFillHitTest
self.I = (flag2 & 0x02) != 0 # fUsefillUseRect
self.J = (flag2 & 0x04) != 0 # fUsefillShape
self.K = (flag2 & 0x08) != 0 # fUsefHitTestFill
self.L = (flag2 & 0x10) != 0 # fUsefFilled
self.M = (flag2 & 0x20) != 0 # fUsefUseShapeAnchor
self.N = (flag2 & 0x40) != 0 # fUsefRecolorFillAsPicture
def appendLines (self, recHdl, prop, level):
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level)+"fNoFillHitTest : %s"%recHdl.getTrueFalse(self.A))
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level)+"fillUseRect : %s"%recHdl.getTrueFalse(self.B))
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level)+"fillShape : %s"%recHdl.getTrueFalse(self.C))
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level)+"fHitTestFill : %s"%recHdl.getTrueFalse(self.D))
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level)+"fFilled : %s"%recHdl.getTrueFalse(self.E))
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level)+"fUseShapeAnchor : %s"%recHdl.getTrueFalse(self.F))
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level)+"fRecolorFillAsPicture : %s"%recHdl.getTrueFalse(self.G))
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level)+"fUseNoFillHitTest : %s"%recHdl.getTrueFalse(self.H))
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level)+"fUsefillUseRect : %s"%recHdl.getTrueFalse(self.I))
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level)+"fUsefillShape : %s"%recHdl.getTrueFalse(self.J))
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level)+"fUsefHitTestFill : %s"%recHdl.getTrueFalse(self.K))
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level)+"fUsefFilled : %s"%recHdl.getTrueFalse(self.L))
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level)+"fUsefUseShapeAnchor : %s"%recHdl.getTrueFalse(self.M))
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level)+"fUsefRecolorFillAsPicture : %s"%recHdl.getTrueFalse(self.N))
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, prop):
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.A)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.B)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.C)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.D)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.E)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.F)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.G)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.H)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.I)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.J)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.K)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.L)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.M)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.N)
class LineColor:
def appendLines (self, recHdl, prop, level):
color = ColorRef(prop.value)
color.appendLine(recHdl, level)
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, prop):
color = ColorRef(prop.value)
# Hack, can't inherit from nested class otherwise.
global UnicodeComplex
class UnicodeComplex:
"""Base class for properties that have a null-terminated Unicode string
as a complex property."""
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.todo = None
def __parseBytes(self, prop):
# A null-terminated Unicode string.
self.string = prop.extra[0:-2].decode('utf-16')
except UnicodeDecodeError as reason:
self.todo = reason
self.string = prop.extra[0:-2].decode('utf-16', errors="replace")
def appendLines(self, recHdl, prop, level):
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level)+"%s: %s"%(self.name,self.string))
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, prop):
if self.todo:
print('' % self.todo)
recHdl.appendLine('<%s value="%s"/>' % (self.name, globals.encodeName(self.string)))
class GtextUNICODE(UnicodeComplex):
def __init__(self):
UnicodeComplex.__init__(self, "gtextUNICODE")
class GtextFont(UnicodeComplex):
def __init__(self):
UnicodeComplex.__init__(self, "gtextFont")
class WzName(UnicodeComplex):
def __init__(self):
UnicodeComplex.__init__(self, "wzName")
class WzDescription(UnicodeComplex):
def __init__(self):
UnicodeComplex.__init__(self, "wzDescription")
class PibName(UnicodeComplex):
def __init__(self):
UnicodeComplex.__init__(self, "pibName")
class ShadowOffsetX:
def appendLines(self, recHdl, prop, level):
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level)+"shadowOffsetX: %s"%prop.value)
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, prop):
recHdl.appendLine('' % (prop.value, emu_to_twip(prop.value)))
class LineWidth:
def appendLines(self, recHdl, prop, level):
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level)+"lineWidth: %s"%prop.value)
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, prop):
recHdl.appendLine('' % (prop.value, emu_to_twip(prop.value)))
class MetroBlob:
"""The metroBlob property specifies alternative XML content for a
shape. This property specifies a binary serialization of an OPC
container. The package contains an OOXML DrawingML document."""
def appendLines(self, recHdl, prop, level):
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level)+"metroBlob: %s"%hexdump(prop.value))
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, prop):
recHdl.appendLine('' % hexdump(prop.extra))
class GroupShape:
flagNames = [
'fPrint', # A
'fHidden', # B
'fOneD', # C
'fIsButton', # D
'fOnDblClickNotify', # E
'fBehindDocument', # F
'fEditedWrap', # G
'fScriptAnchor', # H
'fReallyHidden', # I
'fAllowOverlap', # J
'fUserDrawn', # K
'fHorizRule', # L
'fNoshadeHR', # M
'fStandardHR', # N
'fIsBullet', # O
'fLayoutInCell', # P
'fUsefPrint', # Q
'fUsefHidden', # R
'fUsefOneD', # S
'fUsefIsButton', # T
'fUsefOnDblClickNotify', # U
'fUsefBehindDocument', # V
'fUsefEditedWrap', # W
'fUsefScriptAnchor', # X
'fUsefReallyHidden', # Y
'fUsefAllowOverlap', # Z
'fUsefUserDrawn', # a
'fUsefHorizRule', # b
'fUsefNoshadeHR', # c
'fUsefStandardHR', # d
'fUsefIsBullet', # e
'fUsefLayoutInCell' # f
def appendLines (self, recHdl, prop, level):
flag = prop.value
flagCount = len(FOPT.GroupShape.flagNames)
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level)+"flag: 0x%8.8X"%flag)
for i in range(0, flagCount):
bval = (flag & 0x00000001)
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level)+"%s: %s"%(FOPT.GroupShape.flagNames[i], recHdl.getTrueFalse(bval)))
flag //= 2
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, prop):
flag = prop.value
flagCount = len(FOPT.GroupShape.flagNames)
for i in range(0, flagCount):
bval = (flag & 0x00000001)
recHdl.appendLine('<%s value="%s"/>' % (FOPT.GroupShape.flagNames[i], bval))
flag //= 2
class ShapeBooleanProperties:
# The order of the members is in the opposite order in the spec, but
# this seems to be the reality.
memberNames = [
def __parseBytes(self, buf):
self.fBackground = buf & 0x00000001 # 1st bit
self.reserved1 = (buf & 0x00000002) >> 1 # 2nd bit
self.fInitiator = (buf & 0x00000004) >> 2 # 3rd bit
self.fLockShapeType = (buf & 0x00000008) >> 3 # 4th bit
self.fPreferRelativeResize = (buf & 0x00000010) >> 4 # 5th bit
self.fOleIcon = (buf & 0x00000020) >> 5 # 6th bit
self.fFlipVOverride = (buf & 0x00000040) >> 6 # 7th bit
self.fFlipHOverride = (buf & 0x00000080) >> 7 # 8th bit
self.fPolicyBarcode = (buf & 0x00000100) >> 8 # 9th bit
self.fPolicyLabel = (buf & 0x00000200) >> 9 # 10th bit
self.unused1 = (buf & 0x00000400) >> 10 # 11th bit
self.unused2 = (buf & 0x00000800) >> 11 # 12th bit
self.unused3 = (buf & 0x0000f000) >> 12 # 13..16th bits
self.fUsefBackground = (buf & 0x00010000) >> 16 # 17th bit
self.unused4 = (buf & 0x00020000) >> 17 # 18th bit
self.fUsefInitiator = (buf & 0x00040000) >> 18 # 19th bit
self.fUsefLockShapeType = (buf & 0x00080000) >> 19 # 20th bit
self.fusePreferrelativeResize = (buf & 0x00100000) >> 20 # 21th bit
self.fUsefOleIcon = (buf & 0x00200000) >> 21 # 22th bit
self.fUsefFlipVOverride = (buf & 0x00400000) >> 22 # 23th bit
self.fUsefFlipHOverride = (buf & 0x00800000) >> 23 # 24th bit
self.fUsefPolicyBarcode = (buf & 0x01000000) >> 24 # 25th bit
self.fUsefPolicyLabel = (buf & 0x02000000) >> 25 # 26th bit
self.unused5 = (buf & 0x04000000) >> 26 # 27th bit
self.unused6 = (buf & 0x08000000) >> 27 # 28th bit
self.unused7 = (buf & 0xf0000000) >> 28 # 29..32th bits
def appendLines (self, recHdl, prop, level):
for i in FOPT.ShapeBooleanProperties.memberNames:
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level)+"%s: %s"%(i, recHdl.getTrueFalse(getattr(self, i))))
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, prop):
for i in FOPT.ShapeBooleanProperties.memberNames:
recHdl.appendLine('<%s value="%s"/>' % (i, getattr(self, i)))
class PibFlags:
"""An MSOBLIPFLAGS enumeration value, that specifies how to interpret
the pibName property."""
def __parseBytes(self, prop):
self.pibFlags = globals.getValueOrUnknown(MSOBLIPFLAGS, prop.value, "todo")
def appendLines (self, recHdl, prop, level):
recHdl.appendLine(indent(level)+"pibFlags: %s"%prop.value)
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, prop):
recHdl.appendLine('' % (self.pibFlags, hex(prop.value)))
propTable = {
0x00BF: ['Text Boolean Properties', TextBoolean],
0x00C0: ['gtextUNICODE', GtextUNICODE],
0x00C5: ['gtextFont', GtextFont],
0x0181: ['Fill Color', FillColor],
0x01BF: ['Fill Style Boolean Properties', FillStyle],
0x01C0: ['Line Color', LineColor],
0x0303: ['Connector Shape Style (cxstyle)', CXStyle],
0x0380: ['wzName', WzName],
0x0381: ['wzDescription', WzDescription],
0x03BF: ['Group Shape Boolean Properties', GroupShape],
0x0205: ['X Shadow Offset', ShadowOffsetX],
0x01CB: ['Line Width', LineWidth],
0x0186: ['fillBlip'],
0x01C5: ['lineFillBlip'],
0x0080: ['lTxid'],
0x008A: ['hspNext'],
0x0200: ['shadowType'],
0x0201: ['shadowColor'],
0x0207: ['shadowSecondOffsetX'],
0x023F: ['Shadow Style Boolean Properties'],
0x01FF: ['Line Style Boolean Properties'],
0x0304: ['Black-and-white Display Mode'],
0x033F: ['Shape Boolean Properties', ShapeBooleanProperties],
0x0081: ['dxTextLeft'],
0x0082: ['dyTextTop'],
0x0083: ['dxTextRight'],
0x0084: ['dyTextBottom'],
0x0088: ['txflTextFlow'],
0x0183: ['fillBackColor'],
0x01C2: ['lineBackColor'],
0x01CD: ['lineStyle'],
0x01CE: ['lineDashing'],
0x0384: ['dxWrapDistLeft'],
0x0385: ['dyWrapDistTop'],
0x0386: ['dyWrapDistRight'],
0x0387: ['dyWrapDistBottom'],
0x038F: ['posh'],
0x0390: ['posrelh'],
0x0391: ['posv'],
0x0392: ['posrelv'],
0x0004: ['rotation'],
0x00C3: ['gtextSize'],
0x00FF: ['Geometry Text Boolean Properties'],
0x0182: ['fillOpacity'],
0x053F: ['Diagram Boolean Properties'],
0x03A9: ['metroBlob', MetroBlob],
0x0105: ['pibName', PibName],
0x0085: ['WrapText'],
0x0087: ['anchorText'],
0x00C2: ['gtextAlign'],
0x0147: ['adjustValue'],
0x017F: ['Geometry Boolean Properties'],
0x0180: ['fillType'],
0x01C1: ['lineOpacity'],
0x01D6: ['lineJoinStyle'],
0x01D7: ['lineEndCapStyle'],
0x0104: ['pib'],
0x018C: ['fillFocus'],
0x007F: ['Protection Boolean Properties'],
0x0106: ['pibFlags', PibFlags],
class E:
"""single property entry in a property table"""
def __init__ (self):
self.ID = None
self.flagBid = False
self.flagComplex = False
self.value = None
self.extra = None
def __init__ (self, strm, name = "shapePrimaryOptions", type = "OfficeArtFOPT"):
self.properties = []
self.strm = strm
self.name = name
self.type = type
def __parseBytes(self, rh):
complexPos = self.strm.pos + (rh.recInstance * 6)
strm = globals.ByteStream(self.strm.readBytes(rh.recLen))
for i in range(0, rh.recInstance):
entry = FOPT.E()
val = strm.readUnsignedInt(2)
entry.ID = (val & 0x3FFF)
entry.flagBid = (val & 0x4000) # if true, the value is a blip ID.
entry.flagComplex = (val & 0x8000) # if true, the value stores the size of the extra bytes.
entry.value = strm.readSignedInt(4)
if entry.flagComplex:
if self.strm.pos + entry.value > self.strm.size:
entry.extra = self.strm.bytes[complexPos:complexPos+entry.value]
complexPos += entry.value
def appendLines (self, recHdl, rh):
recHdl.appendLine("FOPT content (property table):")
recHdl.appendLine(" property count: %d"%rh.recInstance)
for i in range(0, rh.recInstance):
recHdl.appendLine(" "+"-"*57)
prop = self.properties[i]
if prop.ID in FOPT.propTable and len(FOPT.propTable[prop.ID]) > 1:
# We have a handler for this property.
# propData is expected to have two elements: name (0) and handler (1).
propHdl = FOPT.propTable[prop.ID]
recHdl.appendLine(" property name: %s (0x%4.4X)"%(propHdl[0], prop.ID))
propHdl[1]().appendLines(recHdl, prop, 2)
recHdl.appendLine(" property ID: 0x%4.4X"%prop.ID)
if prop.flagComplex:
recHdl.appendLine(" complex property: %s"%globals.getRawBytes(prop.extra, True, False))
elif prop.flagBid:
recHdl.appendLine(" blip ID: %d"%prop.value)
# regular property value
if prop.ID in FOPT.propTable:
recHdl.appendLine(" property name: %s"%FOPT.propTable[prop.ID][0])
recHdl.appendLine(" property value: 0x%8.8X"%prop.value)
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, model, rh):
recHdl.appendLine('<%s type="%s">' % (self.name, self.type))
for i in range(0, rh.recInstance):
recHdl.appendLine('' % i)
if i < len(self.properties):
prop = self.properties[i]
recHdl.appendLine('' % prop.ID)
recHdl.appendLine('' % prop.flagBid)
recHdl.appendLine('' % prop.flagComplex)
if prop.ID in FOPT.propTable and len(FOPT.propTable[prop.ID]) > 1:
# We have a handler for this property.
# propData is expected to have two elements: name (0) and handler (1).
propHdl = FOPT.propTable[prop.ID]
recHdl.appendLine('' % (propHdl[0], prop.ID))
propHdl[1]().dumpXml(recHdl, prop)
if prop.ID in FOPT.propTable:
recHdl.appendLine('' % (FOPT.propTable[prop.ID][0], prop.value))
recHdl.appendLine('' % prop.value)
if prop.flagComplex:
recHdl.appendLine('%s>' % self.name)
class TertiaryFOPT(FOPT):
def __init__ (self, strm):
FOPT.__init__(self, strm, "shapeTertiaryOptions", "OfficeArtTertiaryFOPT")
class FRIT:
def __init__ (self, strm):
self.lastGroupID = strm.readUnsignedInt(2)
self.secondLastGroupID = strm.readUnsignedInt(2)
def appendLines (self, recHdl, rh):
class FSP:
def __init__ (self, strm):
self.spid = strm.readUnsignedInt(4)
self.flag = strm.readUnsignedInt(4)
self.groupShape = (self.flag & 0x0001) != 0
self.childShape = (self.flag & 0x0002) != 0
self.topMostInGroup = (self.flag & 0x0004) != 0
self.deleted = (self.flag & 0x0008) != 0
self.oleObject = (self.flag & 0x0010) != 0
self.haveMaster = (self.flag & 0x0020) != 0
self.flipHorizontal = (self.flag & 0x0040) != 0
self.flipVertical = (self.flag & 0x0080) != 0
self.isConnector = (self.flag & 0x0100) != 0
self.haveAnchor = (self.flag & 0x0200) != 0
self.background = (self.flag & 0x0400) != 0
self.haveProperties = (self.flag & 0x0800) != 0
def appendLines (self, recHdl, rh):
recHdl.appendLine("FSP content (instance of a shape):")
recHdl.appendLine(" ID of this shape: %d"%self.spid)
recHdl.appendLineBoolean(" group shape", self.groupShape)
recHdl.appendLineBoolean(" child shape", self.childShape)
recHdl.appendLineBoolean(" topmost in group", self.topMostInGroup)
recHdl.appendLineBoolean(" deleted", self.deleted)
recHdl.appendLineBoolean(" OLE object shape", self.oleObject)
recHdl.appendLineBoolean(" have valid master", self.haveMaster)
recHdl.appendLineBoolean(" horizontally flipped", self.flipHorizontal)
recHdl.appendLineBoolean(" vertically flipped", self.flipVertical)
recHdl.appendLineBoolean(" connector shape", self.isConnector)
recHdl.appendLineBoolean(" have anchor", self.haveAnchor)
recHdl.appendLineBoolean(" background shape", self.background)
recHdl.appendLineBoolean(" have shape type property", self.haveProperties)
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, model, rh):
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.spid)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.groupShape)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.childShape)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.topMostInGroup)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.deleted)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.oleObject)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.haveMaster)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.flipHorizontal)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.flipVertical)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.isConnector)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.haveAnchor)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.background)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.haveProperties)
class FSPGR:
def __init__ (self, strm):
self.left = strm.readSignedInt(4)
self.top = strm.readSignedInt(4)
self.right = strm.readSignedInt(4)
self.bottom = strm.readSignedInt(4)
def appendLines (self, recHdl, rh):
recHdl.appendLine("FSPGR content (coordinate system of group shape):")
recHdl.appendLine(" left boundary: %d"%self.left)
recHdl.appendLine(" top boundary: %d"%self.top)
recHdl.appendLine(" right boundary: %d"%self.right)
recHdl.appendLine(" bottom boundary: %d"%self.bottom)
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, model, rh):
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.left)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.top)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.right)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.bottom)
class FConnectorRule:
def __init__ (self, strm):
self.ruleID = strm.readUnsignedInt(4)
self.spIDA = strm.readUnsignedInt(4)
self.spIDB = strm.readUnsignedInt(4)
self.spIDC = strm.readUnsignedInt(4)
self.conSiteIDA = strm.readUnsignedInt(4)
self.conSiteIDB = strm.readUnsignedInt(4)
def appendLines (self, recHdl, rh):
recHdl.appendLine("FConnectorRule content:")
recHdl.appendLine(" rule ID: %d"%self.ruleID)
recHdl.appendLine(" ID of the shape where the connector starts: %d"%self.spIDA)
recHdl.appendLine(" ID of the shape where the connector ends: %d"%self.spIDB)
recHdl.appendLine(" ID of the connector shape: %d"%self.spIDB)
recHdl.appendLine(" ID of the connection site in the begin shape: %d"%self.conSiteIDA)
recHdl.appendLine(" ID of the connection site in the end shape: %d"%self.conSiteIDB)
class MSOCR:
def __init__ (self, strm):
self.red = strm.readUnsignedInt(1)
self.green = strm.readUnsignedInt(1)
self.blue = strm.readUnsignedInt(1)
flag = strm.readUnsignedInt(1)
self.isSchemeIndex = (flag & 0x08) != 0
def appendLines (self, recHdl, rh):
recHdl.appendLine("MSOCR content (color index)")
if self.isSchemeIndex:
recHdl.appendLine(" scheme index: %d"%self.red)
recHdl.appendLine(" RGB color: (red=%d, green=%d, blue=%d)"%(self.red, self.green, self.blue))
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, rh):
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.red)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.green)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.blue)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.isSchemeIndex)
class FClientData:
def __init__ (self, strm):
self.data = strm.readUnsignedInt(4)
def appendLines (self, recHdl, rh):
recHdl.appendLine("FClientData content")
recHdl.appendLine(" data: 0x%8.8X"%self.data)
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, model, rh):
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.data)
class FClientTextbox:
def __init__ (self, strm):
self.data = strm.readUnsignedInt(4)
def appendLines (self, recHdl, rh):
recHdl.appendLine("FClientTextbox content")
recHdl.appendLine(" data: 0x%8.8X"%self.data)
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, model, rh):
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.data)
class BStoreContainerFileBlock:
def __init__(self, parent):
self.strm = parent.strm
self.parent = parent
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, model):
rh = RecordHeader(self.strm)
if rh.recType in recData:
child = recData[rh.recType](self.strm)
child.dumpXml(self.strm, model, rh)
recHdl.appendLine('' % (hex(rh.recType), rh.recLen))
self.strm.pos += rh.recLen
class BStoreContainer:
def __init__ (self, strm):
self.strm = strm
def appendLines (self, recHdl, rh):
recHdl.appendLine("BStoreContainer content")
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, model, rh):
for i in range(rh.recInstance):
bStoreContainerFileBlock = BStoreContainerFileBlock(self)
bStoreContainerFileBlock.dumpXml(recHdl, model)
class SplitMenuColorContainer:
def __init__ (self, strm):
self.smca = []
# this container contains 4 MSOCR records.
for i in range(0, 4):
msocr = MSOCR(strm)
def appendLines (self, recHdl, rh):
for msocr in self.smca:
msocr.appendLines(recHdl, rh)
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, model, rh):
for i, smca in enumerate(self.smca):
recHdl.appendLine('' % i)
smca.dumpXml(recHdl, rh)
0x00: 'msoblipERROR',
0x01: 'msoblipUNKNOWN',
0x02: 'msoblipEMF',
0x03: 'msoblipWMF',
0x04: 'msoblipPICT',
0x05: 'msoblipJPEG',
0x06: 'msoblipPNG',
0x07: 'msoblipDIB',
0x11: 'msoblipTIFF',
0x12: 'msoblipCMYKJPEG',
0x00000000: 'msoblipflagComment',
0x00000001: 'msoblipflagFile',
0x00000002: 'msoblipflagURL',
0x00000004: 'msoblipflagDoNotSave',
0x00000008: 'msoblipflagLinkToFile',
class FBSE:
"""2.2.32 The OfficeArtFBSE record specifies a File BLIP Store Entry (FBSE)
that contains information about the BLIP."""
def __init__(self, strm):
self.strm = strm
self.posOrig = strm.pos
self.btWin32 = strm.readUnsignedInt(1)
self.btMacOS = strm.readUnsignedInt(1)
self.rgbUid = strm.readBytes(16)
self.tag = strm.readUnsignedInt(2)
self.size = strm.readUnsignedInt(4)
self.cRef = strm.readUnsignedInt(4)
self.foDelay = strm.readUnsignedInt(4)
self.unused1 = strm.readUnsignedInt(1)
self.cbName = strm.readUnsignedInt(1)
self.unused2 = strm.readUnsignedInt(1)
self.unused3 = strm.readUnsignedInt(1)
def appendLines (self, recHdl, rh):
def dumpXml(self, recHdl, model, rh):
def dumpChild(strm):
rh = RecordHeader(strm)
if rh.recType in recData:
child = recData[rh.recType](strm)
child.dumpXml(strm, model, rh)
recHdl.appendLine('' % (hex(rh.recType), rh.recLen))
strm.pos += rh.recLen
recHdl.appendLine('' % (self.btWin32, globals.getValueOrUnknown(MSOBLIPTYPE, self.btWin32, "todo")))
recHdl.appendLine('' % (self.btMacOS, globals.getValueOrUnknown(MSOBLIPTYPE, self.btMacOS, "todo")))
recHdl.appendLine('' % hexdump(self.rgbUid))
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.tag)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.size)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.cRef)
recHdl.appendLine('' % hex(self.foDelay))
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.unused1)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.cbName)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.unused2)
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.unused3)
if self.cbName != 0:
if self.strm.pos < self.posOrig + rh.recLen:
elif self.foDelay != 0xffffffff and self.cRef > 0:
# Picture is in the delay stream, try to dump it.
if model.hostApp == globals.ModelBase.HostAppType.Word:
posOrig = model.delayStream.pos
model.delayStream.pos = self.foDelay
model.delayStream.pos = posOrig
class FClientAnchorSheet:
"""Excel-specific anchor data (OfficeArtClientAnchorSheet)"""
def __init__ (self, strm):
# dx is 1/1024th of the underlying cell's width.
# dy is 1/1024th of the underlying cell's height.
flag = strm.readUnsignedInt(2)
self.moveWithCells = (flag & 0x0001) != 0
self.resizeWithCells = (flag & 0x0002 != 0)
self.col1 = strm.readUnsignedInt(2)
self.dx1 = strm.readUnsignedInt(2)
self.row1 = strm.readUnsignedInt(2)
self.dy1 = strm.readUnsignedInt(2)
self.col2 = strm.readUnsignedInt(2)
self.dx2 = strm.readUnsignedInt(2)
self.row2 = strm.readUnsignedInt(2)
self.dy2 = strm.readUnsignedInt(2)
def appendLines (self, recHdl, rh):
recHdl.appendLine("Client anchor (Excel):")
recHdl.appendLine(" cols: %d-%d rows: %d-%d"%(self.col1, self.col2, self.row1, self.row2))
recHdl.appendLine(" dX1: %d dY1: %d"%(self.dx1, self.dy1))
recHdl.appendLine(" dX2: %d dY2: %d"%(self.dx2, self.dy2))
recHdl.appendLineBoolean(" move with cells", self.moveWithCells)
recHdl.appendLineBoolean(" resize with cells", self.resizeWithCells)
def fillModel (self, model, sheet):
obj = xlsmodel.Shape(self.col1, self.row1, self.dx1, self.dy1, self.col2, self.row2, self.dx2, self.dy2)
class OfficeArtClientAnchor:
"""Word-specific anchor data."""
def __init__ (self, strm):
self.clientanchor = strm.readSignedInt(4)
def dumpXml(self, recHdl):
recHdl.appendLine('' % self.clientanchor)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class MSODrawHandler(globals.ByteStream):
def __init__ (self, bytes, parent, name = None, type = None):
"""The 'parent' instance must have appendLine() method that takes one string argument.
The optional parameters are used by dumpXml() only."""
globals.ByteStream.__init__(self, bytes)
self.parent = parent
if name and type:
self.name = name
self.type = type
self.pos = parent.pos
def parseBytes (self):
while not self.isEndOfRecord():
rh = RecordHeader(self)
rh.appendLines(self.parent, 0)
# if rh.recType == Type.dgContainer:
if rh.recVer == 0xF:
# container
if rh.recType in recData:
obj = recData[rh.recType](self)
obj.appendLines(self.parent, rh)
# unknown object
bytes = self.readBytes(rh.recLen)
self.parent.appendLine(globals.getRawBytes(bytes, True, False))
def fillModel (self, model):
sheet = model.getCurrentSheet()
while not self.isEndOfRecord():
rh = RecordHeader(self)
if rh.recVer == 0xF:
# container
if rh.recType == RecordHeader.Type.FClientAnchor and \
model.hostApp == globals.ModelBase.HostAppType.Excel:
obj = FClientAnchorSheet(self)
obj.fillModel(model, sheet)
# unknown object
bytes = self.readBytes(rh.recLen)
def dumpXml (self, recHdl, model, rh = None):
recHdl.appendLine('<%s type="%s">' % (self.name, self.type))
if rh:
self.rh = rh
self.rh = RecordHeader(self)
base = self.pos
while (self.rh.recLen - (self.pos - base)) > 0:
rh = RecordHeader(self)
saved = self.pos
if rh.recType == RecordHeader.Type.FClientAnchor and model.hostApp == globals.ModelBase.HostAppType.Word:
child = OfficeArtClientAnchor(self)
elif rh.recType in recData:
child = recData[rh.recType](self)
child.dumpXml(self, model, rh)
recHdl.appendLine('' % (self.type, hex(rh.recType), rh.recLen))
self.pos = saved + rh.recLen
recHdl.appendLine('%s>' % self.name)
self.parent.pos = self.pos
def appendLine(self, line):
class DggContainer(MSODrawHandler):
"""The OfficeArtDggContainer record type specifies the container for all the OfficeArt file records that contain document-wide data."""
def __init__(self, officeArtContent, name):
MSODrawHandler.__init__(self, officeArtContent.bytes, officeArtContent, name, "OfficeArtDggContainer")
class DgContainer(MSODrawHandler):
"""The OfficeArtDgContainer record specifies the container for all the file records for the objects in a drawing."""
def __init__(self, officeArtContent, name):
MSODrawHandler.__init__(self, officeArtContent.bytes, officeArtContent, name, "OfficeArtDgContainer")
class InlineSpContainer:
"""The OfficeArtInlineSpContainer record specifies a container for inline shapes."""
def __init__(self, officeArtContent, size):
self.strm = officeArtContent
self.size = size
def dumpXml (self, recHdl, model):
pos = self.strm.pos
shape = SpContainer(self.strm)
shape.dumpXml(recHdl, model)
while self.size > self.strm.pos - pos:
bStoreContainerFileBlock = BStoreContainerFileBlock(self)
bStoreContainerFileBlock.dumpXml(recHdl, model)
class SpContainer(MSODrawHandler):
"""The OfficeArtSpContainer record specifies a shape container."""
def __init__(self, parent):
MSODrawHandler.__init__(self, parent.bytes, parent, "shape", "OfficeArtSpContainer")
class SpgrContainer(MSODrawHandler):
"""The OfficeArtSpgrContainer record specifies a container for groups of shapes."""
def __init__(self, officeArtDgContainer):
MSODrawHandler.__init__(self, officeArtDgContainer.bytes, officeArtDgContainer, "groupShape", "OfficeArtSpgrContainer")
recData = {
RecordHeader.Type.spgrContainer: SpgrContainer,
RecordHeader.Type.spContainer: SpContainer,
RecordHeader.Type.FDG: FDG,
RecordHeader.Type.FSPGR: FSPGR,
RecordHeader.Type.FSP: FSP,
RecordHeader.Type.FOPT: FOPT,
RecordHeader.Type.FDGGBlock: FDGGBlock,
RecordHeader.Type.FConnectorRule: FConnectorRule,
RecordHeader.Type.FDGSL: FDGSL,
RecordHeader.Type.BlipPNG: BlipPNG,
RecordHeader.Type.BlipEMF: BlipEMF,
RecordHeader.Type.FClientAnchor: FClientAnchorSheet,
RecordHeader.Type.FClientData: FClientData,
RecordHeader.Type.FClientTextbox: FClientTextbox,
RecordHeader.Type.SplitMenuColorContainer: SplitMenuColorContainer,
RecordHeader.Type.TertiaryFOPT: TertiaryFOPT,
RecordHeader.Type.BStoreContainer: BStoreContainer,
RecordHeader.Type.FBSE: FBSE,
# vim:set filetype=python shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: