/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: svgaction.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:16:53 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #include "svgaction.hxx" #include #include #include // ----------- // - Defines - // ----------- // #define _SVG_WRITE_TSPAN // #define _SVG_WRITE_STRIKEOUT // ----------- // - statics - // ----------- static const char aXMLElemSVG[] = "svg"; static const char aXMLElemG[] = "g"; static const char aXMLElemDefs[] = "defs"; static const char aXMLElemClipPath[] = "clipPath"; static const char aXMLElemLine[] = "line"; static const char aXMLElemRect[] = "rect"; static const char aXMLElemEllipse[] = "ellipse"; static const char aXMLElemPath[] = "path"; static const char aXMLElemPolygon[] = "polygon"; static const char aXMLElemPolyLine[] = "polyline"; static const char aXMLElemText[] = "text"; static const char aXMLElemTSpan[] = "tspan"; static const char aXMLElemImage[] = "image"; static const char aXMLAttrTransform[] = "transform"; static const char aXMLAttrStyle[] = "style"; static const char aXMLAttrId[] = "id"; static const char aXMLAttrD[] = "d"; static const char aXMLAttrX[] = "x"; static const char aXMLAttrY[] = "y"; static const char aXMLAttrX1[] = "x1"; static const char aXMLAttrY1[] = "y1"; static const char aXMLAttrX2[] = "x2"; static const char aXMLAttrY2[] = "y2"; static const char aXMLAttrCX[] = "cx"; static const char aXMLAttrCY[] = "cy"; static const char aXMLAttrRX[] = "rx"; static const char aXMLAttrRY[] = "ry"; static const char aXMLAttrWidth[] = "width"; static const char aXMLAttrHeight[] = "height"; static const char aXMLAttrPoints[] = "points"; static const char aXMLAttrXLinkHRef[] = "xlink:href"; static const sal_Unicode pBase64[] = { //0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H', // 0 'I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P', // 1 'Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X', // 2 'Y','Z','a','b','c','d','e','f', // 3 'g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n', // 4 'o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v', // 5 'w','x','y','z','0','1','2','3', // 6 '4','5','6','7','8','9','+','/' // 7 }; // -------------- // - FastString - // -------------- FastString::FastString( sal_uInt32 nInitLen, sal_uInt32 nIncrement ) : mnBufLen( nInitLen ), mnCurLen( 0 ), mnBufInc( nIncrement ), mpBuffer( new sal_Unicode[ nInitLen * sizeof( sal_Unicode ) ] ), mnPartPos( 0 ) { DBG_ASSERT( nInitLen, "invalid initial length" ); DBG_ASSERT( nIncrement, "invalid increment" ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FastString::FastString( sal_Char* pBufferForBase64Encoding, sal_uInt32 nBufLen ) : mnBufInc( 2048 ), mnPartPos( 0 ) { DBG_ASSERT( pBufferForBase64Encoding && nBufLen, "invalid arguments" ); const sal_uInt32 nQuadCount = nBufLen / 3; const sal_uInt32 nRest = nBufLen % 3; if( nQuadCount || nRest ) { mnBufLen = mnCurLen = ( ( nQuadCount + ( nRest ? 1 : 0 ) ) << 2 ); mpBuffer = new sal_Unicode[ mnBufLen * sizeof( sal_Unicode ) ]; sal_Char* pTmpSrc = pBufferForBase64Encoding; sal_Unicode* pTmpDst = mpBuffer; for( sal_uInt32 i = 0, nCharCount = 0; i < nQuadCount; i++ ) { const sal_Int32 nA = *pTmpSrc++; const sal_Int32 nB = *pTmpSrc++; const sal_Int32 nC = *pTmpSrc++; *pTmpDst++ = pBase64[ ( nA >> 2 ) & 0x3f ]; *pTmpDst++ = pBase64[ ( ( nA << 4 ) & 0x30 ) + ( ( nB >> 4 ) & 0xf ) ]; *pTmpDst++ = pBase64[ ( ( nB << 2 ) & 0x3c ) + ( ( nC >> 6 ) & 0x3 ) ]; *pTmpDst++ = pBase64[ nC & 0x3f ]; } if( 1 == nRest ) { const sal_Int32 nA = *pTmpSrc; *pTmpDst++ = pBase64[ ( nA >> 2 ) & 0x3f ]; *pTmpDst++ = pBase64[ ( nA << 4 ) & 0x30 ]; *pTmpDst++ = '='; *pTmpDst = '='; } else if( 2 == nRest ) { const sal_Int32 nA = *pTmpSrc++; const sal_Int32 nB = *pTmpSrc; *pTmpDst++ = pBase64[ ( nA >> 2 ) & 0x3f ]; *pTmpDst++ = pBase64[ ( ( nA << 4 ) & 0x30 ) + ( ( nB >> 4 ) & 0xf ) ]; *pTmpDst++ = pBase64[ ( nB << 2 ) & 0x3c ]; *pTmpDst = '='; } } else { mpBuffer = new sal_Unicode[ ( mnBufLen = 1 ) * sizeof( sal_Unicode ) ]; mnCurLen = 0; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FastString::~FastString() { delete[] mpBuffer; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FastString& FastString::operator+=( const NMSP_RTL::OUString& rStr ) { if( rStr.getLength() ) { if( ( mnCurLen + rStr.getLength() ) > mnBufLen ) { const sal_uInt32 nNewBufLen = ( mnBufLen + ( ( ( mnCurLen + rStr.getLength() ) - mnBufLen ) / mnBufInc + 1 ) * mnBufInc ); sal_Unicode* pNewBuffer = new sal_Unicode[ nNewBufLen * sizeof( sal_Unicode ) ]; HMEMCPY( pNewBuffer, mpBuffer, mnBufLen * sizeof( sal_Unicode ) ); delete[] mpBuffer; mpBuffer = pNewBuffer; mnBufLen = nNewBufLen; } HMEMCPY( mpBuffer + mnCurLen, rStr.getStr(), rStr.getLength() * sizeof( sal_Unicode ) ); mnCurLen += rStr.getLength(); if( maString.getLength() ) maString = NMSP_RTL::OUString(); } return *this; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const NMSP_RTL::OUString& FastString::GetString() const { if( !maString.getLength() && mnCurLen ) ( (FastString*) this )->maString = NMSP_RTL::OUString( mpBuffer, mnCurLen ); return maString; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool FastString::GetFirstPartString( const sal_uInt32 nPartLen, NMSP_RTL::OUString& rPartString ) { const sal_uInt32 nLength = Min( mnCurLen, nPartLen ); mnPartPos = 0; if( nLength ) { rPartString = NMSP_RTL::OUString( mpBuffer, nLength ); mnPartPos = nLength; } return( rPartString.getLength() > 0 ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool FastString::GetNextPartString( const sal_uInt32 nPartLen, NMSP_RTL::OUString& rPartString ) { if( mnPartPos < mnCurLen ) { const sal_uInt32 nLength = Min( mnCurLen - mnPartPos, nPartLen ); rPartString = NMSP_RTL::OUString( mpBuffer + mnPartPos, nLength ); mnPartPos += nLength; } else rPartString = NMSP_RTL::OUString(); return( rPartString.getLength() > 0 ); } // ---------------------- // - SVGAttributeWriter - // ---------------------- SVGAttributeWriter::SVGAttributeWriter( SVGActionWriter& rParent, SvXMLExport& rExport ) : mrParent( rParent ), mrExport( rExport ), mpElemFont( NULL ), mpElemPaint( NULL ) { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SVGAttributeWriter::~SVGAttributeWriter() { delete mpElemPaint; delete mpElemFont; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NMSP_RTL::OUString SVGAttributeWriter::GetFontStyle( const Font& rFont ) { FastString aStyle; // font family aStyle += B2UCONST( "font-family:" ); aStyle += NMSP_RTL::OUString( UniString( rFont.GetName() ) ); // font size const Size aFontSize( mrParent.GetVDev().LogicToLogic( Size( 0, rFont.GetHeight() ), mrParent.GetVDev().GetMapMode(), MAP_POINT ) ); aStyle += B2UCONST( ";" ); aStyle += B2UCONST( "font-size:" ); aStyle += NMSP_RTL::OUString::valueOf( aFontSize.Height() ); if( !mrParent.HasDoublePoints() ) aStyle += B2UCONST( "pt" ); // font style if( rFont.GetItalic() != ITALIC_NONE ) { aStyle += B2UCONST( ";" ); aStyle += B2UCONST( "font-style:" ); if( rFont.GetItalic() == ITALIC_OBLIQUE ) aStyle += B2UCONST( "oblique" ); else aStyle += B2UCONST( "italic" ); } // font weight sal_Int32 nFontWeight; switch( rFont.GetWeight() ) { case WEIGHT_THIN: nFontWeight = 100; break; case WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT: nFontWeight = 200; break; case WEIGHT_LIGHT: nFontWeight = 300; break; case WEIGHT_SEMILIGHT: nFontWeight = 400; break; case WEIGHT_NORMAL: nFontWeight = 400; break; case WEIGHT_MEDIUM: nFontWeight = 500; break; case WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD: nFontWeight = 600; break; case WEIGHT_BOLD: nFontWeight = 700; break; case WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD: nFontWeight = 800; break; case WEIGHT_BLACK: nFontWeight = 900; break; default: nFontWeight = 400; break; } aStyle += B2UCONST( ";" ); aStyle += B2UCONST( "font-weight:" ); aStyle += NMSP_RTL::OUString::valueOf( nFontWeight ); // !!! // font-variant // font-stretch // font-size-adjust #ifdef _SVG_WRITE_STRIKEOUT if( rFont.GetUnderline() != UNDERLINE_NONE || rFont.GetStrikeout() != STRIKEOUT_NONE ) { aStyle += B2UCONST( ";" ); aStyle += B2UCONST( "text-decoration:" ); if( rFont.GetUnderline() != UNDERLINE_NONE ) aStyle += B2UCONST( " underline" ); if( rFont.GetStrikeout() != STRIKEOUT_NONE ) aStyle += B2UCONST( " line-trough" ); } #else // _SVG_WRITE_STRIKEOUT if( rFont.GetUnderline() != UNDERLINE_NONE ) { aStyle += B2UCONST( ";" ); aStyle += B2UCONST( "text-decoration:" ); aStyle += B2UCONST( "underline" ); } #endif // _SVG_WRITE_STRIKEOUT return aStyle.GetString(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NMSP_RTL::OUString SVGAttributeWriter::GetPaintStyle( const Color& rLineColor, const Color& rFillColor ) { FastString aStyle; // line color aStyle += B2UCONST( "stroke:" ); if( rLineColor.GetTransparency() == 255 ) aStyle += B2UCONST( "none" ); else { // line color value in rgb aStyle += B2UCONST( "rgb(" ); aStyle += NMSP_RTL::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32) rLineColor.GetRed() ); aStyle += B2UCONST( "," ); aStyle += NMSP_RTL::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32) rLineColor.GetGreen() ); aStyle += B2UCONST( "," ); aStyle += NMSP_RTL::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32) rLineColor.GetBlue() ); aStyle += B2UCONST( ")" ); // line color opacity in percent if neccessary if( rLineColor.GetTransparency() ) { aStyle += B2UCONST( ";" ); aStyle += B2UCONST( "stroke-opacity:" ); aStyle += NMSP_RTL::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32) ( ( 255 - (double) rLineColor.GetTransparency() ) / 2.55 ) ); aStyle += B2UCONST( "%" ); } } // fill color aStyle += B2UCONST( ";" ); aStyle += B2UCONST( "fill:" ); if( rFillColor.GetTransparency() == 255 ) aStyle += B2UCONST( "none" ); else { // fill color value in rgb aStyle += B2UCONST( "rgb(" ); aStyle += NMSP_RTL::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32) rFillColor.GetRed() ); aStyle += B2UCONST( "," ); aStyle += NMSP_RTL::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32) rFillColor.GetGreen() ); aStyle += B2UCONST( "," ); aStyle += NMSP_RTL::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32) rFillColor.GetBlue() ); aStyle += B2UCONST( ")" ); // fill color opacity in percent if neccessary if( rFillColor.GetTransparency() ) { aStyle += B2UCONST( ";" ); aStyle += B2UCONST( "fill-opacity:" ); aStyle += NMSP_RTL::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32) ( ( 255 - (double) rFillColor.GetTransparency() ) / 2.55 ) ); aStyle += B2UCONST( "%" ); } } return aStyle.GetString(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SVGAttributeWriter::SetFontAttr( const Font& rFont ) { if( !mpElemFont || ( rFont != maCurFont ) ) { delete mpElemPaint, mpElemPaint = NULL; delete mpElemFont; mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrStyle, GetFontStyle( maCurFont = rFont ) ); mpElemFont = new SvXMLElementExport( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLElemG, TRUE, TRUE ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SVGAttributeWriter::SetPaintAttr( const Color& rLineColor, const Color& rFillColor ) { if( !mpElemPaint || ( rLineColor != maCurLineColor ) || ( rFillColor != maCurFillColor ) ) { delete mpElemPaint; mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrStyle, GetPaintStyle( maCurLineColor = rLineColor, maCurFillColor = rFillColor ) ); mpElemPaint = new SvXMLElementExport( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLElemG, TRUE, TRUE ); } } // ------------------- // - SVGActionWriter - // ------------------- SVGActionWriter::SVGActionWriter( SvXMLExport& rExport, const GDIMetaFile& rMtf, VirtualDevice* pParentVDev, sal_Bool bWriteDoublePoints ) : mrExport( rExport ), mrMtf( rMtf ), mpContext( NULL ), mbClipAttrChanged( sal_False ), mnCurClipId( 1 ), mbDoublePoints( bWriteDoublePoints ) { if( pParentVDev ) { mpVDev = pParentVDev; mbDestroyVDev = sal_False; maTargetMapMode = mpVDev->GetMapMode(); } else { mpVDev = new VirtualDevice; mpVDev->EnableOutput( sal_False ); mbDestroyVDev = sal_True; maTargetMapMode = MAP_100TH_MM; } mpVDev->Push(); mpVDev->SetMapMode( mrMtf.GetPrefMapMode() ); ImplWriteActions( mrMtf ); mpVDev->Pop(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SVGActionWriter::~SVGActionWriter() { DBG_ASSERT( !mpContext, "Not all contexts are closed" ); if( mbDestroyVDev ) delete mpVDev; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- long SVGActionWriter::ImplMap( sal_Int32 nVal ) const { return ImplMap( Size( nVal, nVal ) ).Width(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Point SVGActionWriter::ImplMap( const Point& rPt ) const { return mpVDev->LogicToLogic( rPt, mpVDev->GetMapMode(), maTargetMapMode ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Size SVGActionWriter::ImplMap( const Size& rSz ) const { return mpVDev->LogicToLogic( rSz, mpVDev->GetMapMode(), maTargetMapMode ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NMSP_RTL::OUString SVGActionWriter::GetValueString( sal_Int32 nVal, sal_Bool bDoublePoints ) { if( !bDoublePoints ) return NMSP_RTL::OUString::valueOf( nVal ); else { const double fPoints = nVal * 72.0 / 2540.0; const sal_Int32 nInt = (sal_Int32) fPoints; return( ( NMSP_RTL::OUString::valueOf( nInt ) += NMSP_RTL::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Unicode) '.' ) ) += NMSP_RTL::OUString::valueOf( labs( (sal_Int32) ( ( fPoints - nInt ) * 100.0 ) ) ) ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SVGActionWriter::ImplWriteLine( const Point& rPt1, const Point& rPt2, const Color* pLineColor, const NMSP_RTL::OUString* pStyle ) { const Point aPt1( ImplMap( rPt1 ) ); const Point aPt2( ImplMap( rPt2 ) ); mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrX1, GetValueString( aPt1.X(), mbDoublePoints ) ); mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrY1, GetValueString( aPt1.Y(), mbDoublePoints ) ); mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrX2, GetValueString( aPt2.X(), mbDoublePoints ) ); mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrY2, GetValueString( aPt2.Y(), mbDoublePoints ) ); // add additional style if requested if( pStyle ) mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrStyle, *pStyle ); if( pLineColor ) { // !!! mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, ... ) DBG_ERROR( "SVGActionWriter::ImplWriteLine: Line color not implemented" ); } { SvXMLElementExport aElem( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLElemLine, TRUE, TRUE ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SVGActionWriter::ImplWriteRect( const Rectangle& rRect, long nRadX, long nRadY, const NMSP_RTL::OUString* pStyle ) { const Rectangle aRect( ImplMap( rRect ) ); mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrX, GetValueString( aRect.Left(), mbDoublePoints ) ); mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrY, GetValueString( aRect.Top(), mbDoublePoints ) ); mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrWidth, GetValueString( aRect.GetWidth(), mbDoublePoints ) ); mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrHeight, GetValueString( aRect.GetHeight(), mbDoublePoints ) ); if( nRadX ) mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrRX, GetValueString( ImplMap( nRadX ), mbDoublePoints ) ); if( nRadY ) mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrRY, GetValueString( ImplMap( nRadY ), mbDoublePoints ) ); // add additional style if requested if( pStyle ) mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrStyle, *pStyle ); { SvXMLElementExport aElem( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLElemRect, TRUE, TRUE ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SVGActionWriter::ImplWriteEllipse( const Point& rCenter, long nRadX, long nRadY, const NMSP_RTL::OUString* pStyle ) { const Point aCenter( ImplMap( rCenter ) ); mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrCX, GetValueString( aCenter.X(), mbDoublePoints ) ); mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrCY, GetValueString( aCenter.Y(), mbDoublePoints ) ); mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrRX, GetValueString( ImplMap( nRadX ), mbDoublePoints ) ); mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrRY, GetValueString( ImplMap( nRadY ), mbDoublePoints ) ); // add additional style if requested if( pStyle ) mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrStyle, *pStyle ); { SvXMLElementExport aElem( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLElemEllipse, TRUE, TRUE ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SVGActionWriter::ImplWritePolygon( const Polygon& rPoly, sal_Bool bLineOnly, const NMSP_RTL::OUString* pStyle ) { if( rPoly.GetSize() ) { FastString aStyle; FastString aPoints; USHORT i = 0, nSize = rPoly.GetSize(); const NMSP_RTL::OUString aBlank( B2UCONST( " " ) ); // points while( i < nSize ) { const Point aPolyPoint( ImplMap( rPoly[ i ] ) ); aPoints += GetValueString( aPolyPoint.X(), mbDoublePoints ); aPoints += B2UCONST( "," ); aPoints += GetValueString( aPolyPoint.Y(), mbDoublePoints ); if( ++i < nSize ) aPoints += aBlank; } // style if( bLineOnly ) { aStyle += B2UCONST( "fill:none" ); if( pStyle ) { aStyle += B2UCONST( ";" ); aStyle += *pStyle; } } else if( pStyle ) aStyle += *pStyle; // add point attribute mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrPoints, aPoints.GetString() ); // add style attribute if( aStyle.GetLength() ) mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrStyle, aStyle.GetString() ); { // write polyline/polygon element SvXMLElementExport aElem( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, bLineOnly ? aXMLElemPolyLine : aXMLElemPolygon, TRUE, TRUE ); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SVGActionWriter::ImplWritePolyPolygon( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, sal_Bool bLineOnly, const NMSP_RTL::OUString* pStyle ) { if( rPolyPoly.Count() ) { if( rPolyPoly.Count() == 1 ) ImplWritePolygon( rPolyPoly[ 0 ], bLineOnly, pStyle ); else if( bLineOnly ) { for( long i = 0, nCount = rPolyPoly.Count(); i < nCount; i++ ) ImplWritePolygon( rPolyPoly[ i ], sal_False, pStyle ); } else { FastString aPathData; const NMSP_RTL::OUString aBlank( B2UCONST( " " ) ); const NMSP_RTL::OUString aComma( B2UCONST( "," ) ); Point aPolyPoint; for( long i = 0, nCount = rPolyPoly.Count(); i < nCount; i++ ) { const Polygon& rPoly = rPolyPoly[ i ]; USHORT n = 1, nSize = rPoly.GetSize(); if( nSize > 1 ) { aPathData += B2UCONST( "M " ); aPathData += GetValueString( ( aPolyPoint = ImplMap( rPoly[ 0 ] ) ).X(), mbDoublePoints ); aPathData += aComma; aPathData += GetValueString( aPolyPoint.Y(), mbDoublePoints ); aPathData += B2UCONST( " L " ); while( n < nSize ) { aPathData += GetValueString( ( aPolyPoint = ImplMap( rPoly[ n ] ) ).X(), mbDoublePoints ); aPathData += aComma; aPathData += GetValueString( aPolyPoint.Y(), mbDoublePoints ); if( ++n < nSize ) aPathData += aBlank; } aPathData += B2UCONST( " Z" ); if( i < ( nCount - 1 ) ) aPathData += aBlank; } } // add style attribute if( pStyle && pStyle->getLength() ) mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrStyle, *pStyle ); // add path data attribute mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrD, aPathData.GetString() ); { // write polyline/polygon element SvXMLElementExport aElem( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLElemPath, TRUE, TRUE ); } } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SVGActionWriter::ImplWriteGradientEx( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, const Gradient& rGradient, const NMSP_RTL::OUString* pStyle ) { if( rPolyPoly.Count() ) { SvXMLElementExport aElemG( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLElemG, TRUE, TRUE ); FastString aClipId; FastString aClipStyle; aClipId += B2UCONST( "clip" ); aClipId += NMSP_RTL::OUString::valueOf( ImplGetNextClipId() ); { SvXMLElementExport aElemDefs( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLElemDefs, TRUE, TRUE ); mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrId, aClipId.GetString() ); { SvXMLElementExport aElemClipPath( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLElemClipPath, TRUE, TRUE ); ImplWritePolyPolygon( rPolyPoly, sal_False ); } } // create new context with clippath set aClipStyle += B2UCONST( "clip-path:URL(#" ); aClipStyle += aClipId.GetString(); aClipStyle += B2UCONST( ")" ); mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrStyle, aClipStyle.GetString() ); { GDIMetaFile aTmpMtf; SvXMLElementExport aElemG( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLElemG, TRUE, TRUE ); mpVDev->AddGradientActions( rPolyPoly.GetBoundRect(), rGradient, aTmpMtf ); ImplWriteActions( aTmpMtf, pStyle ); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SVGActionWriter::ImplWriteText( const Point& rPos, const String& rText, const long* pDXArray, long nWidth, const NMSP_RTL::OUString* pStyle ) { String aText( rText ); aText.EraseLeadingChars( ' ' ); UINT32 nLen = aText.Len(), i; if( nLen ) { Size aNormSize; long* pOwnArray; long* pDX; // get text sizes if( pDXArray ) { pOwnArray = NULL; #ifdef _SVG_UNO3 aNormSize = Size( mpVDev->GetTextWidth( aText ), 0 ); #else aNormSize = mpVDev->GetTextSize( aText ); #endif pDX = (long*) pDXArray; } else { pOwnArray = new long[ nLen ]; #ifdef _SVG_UNO3 aNormSize = Size( mpVDev->GetTextArray( aText, pOwnArray ), 0 ); #else aNormSize = mpVDev->GetTextArray( aText, pOwnArray ); #endif pDX = pOwnArray; } if( nLen > 1 ) { #ifdef _SVG_UNO3 aNormSize.Width() = pDX[ nLen - 2 ] + mpVDev->GetTextWidth( aText.GetChar( nLen - 1 ) ); #else aNormSize.Width() = pDX[ nLen - 2 ] + mpVDev->GetTextSize( aText[ (USHORT) ( nLen - 1 ) ] ).Width(); #endif if( nWidth && aNormSize.Width() && ( nWidth != aNormSize.Width() ) ) { const double fFactor = (double) nWidth / aNormSize.Width(); for( i = 0; i < ( nLen - 1 ); i++ ) pDX[ i ] = FRound( pDX[ i ] * fFactor ); } } FastString aStyle; const Font& rFont = mpVDev->GetFont(); const FontMetric aMetric( mpVDev->GetFontMetric() ); Point aBaseLinePos( rPos ); // leading whitespaces erased? => adjust position if( nLen < rText.Len() ) { #ifdef _SVG_UNO3 aBaseLinePos.X() += mpVDev->GetTextWidth( ' ' ) * ( rText.Len() - nLen ); #else aBaseLinePos.X() += mpVDev->GetTextSize( ' ' ).Width() * ( rText.Len() - nLen ); #endif } // always adjust text position to match baseline alignment switch( rFont.GetAlign() ) { case( ALIGN_TOP ): aBaseLinePos.Y() += aMetric.GetAscent(); break; case( ALIGN_BOTTOM ): aBaseLinePos.Y() -= aMetric.GetDescent(); break; default: break; } // get mapped text position const Point aPt( ImplMap( aBaseLinePos ) ); // add additional style if requested if( pStyle && pStyle->getLength() ) mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrStyle, *pStyle ); // write text element #ifdef _SVG_WRITE_TSPAN if( pDXArray ) { SvXMLElementExport aElem( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLElemText, TRUE, TRUE ); FastString aTSpanX; const NMSP_RTL::OUString aSpace( ' ' ); long i, nX, nCount; aTSpanX += GetValueString( aPt.X(), mbDoublePoints ); aTSpanX += aSpace; for( i = 0, nX = aPt.X(), nCount = ( nLen - 1 ); i < nCount; ) { aTSpanX += GetValueString( aPt.X() + pDX[ i++ ], mbDoublePoints ); aTSpanX += aSpace; } mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrX, aTSpanX.GetString() ); mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrY, GetValueString( aPt.Y(), mbDoublePoints ) ); { SvXMLElementExport aElem( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLElemTSpan, TRUE, TRUE ); mrExport.GetDocHandler()->characters( NMSP_RTL::OUString( UniString( aText ) ) ); } } else #endif // _SVG_WRITE_TSPAN { mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrX, GetValueString( aPt.X(), mbDoublePoints ) ); mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrY, GetValueString( aPt.Y(), mbDoublePoints ) ); SvXMLElementExport aElem( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLElemText, TRUE, TRUE ); mrExport.GetDocHandler()->characters( NMSP_RTL::OUString( UniString( aText ) ) ); } #ifndef _SVG_WRITE_STRIKEOUT // write strikeout if neccessary if( rFont.GetStrikeout() ) { const long nYStrikeoutPos = aBaseLinePos.Y() - FRound( aMetric.GetAscent() * 0.26 ); const long nStrikeoutHeight = Max( (long) FRound( aMetric.GetLineHeight() * 0.05 ), (long) 1 ); Polygon aPoly( 4 ); aPoly[ 0 ].X() = aBaseLinePos.X(); aPoly[ 0 ].Y() = nYStrikeoutPos - ( nStrikeoutHeight >> 1 ); aPoly[ 1 ].X() = aBaseLinePos.X() + aNormSize.Width() - 1; aPoly[ 1 ].Y() = aPoly[ 0 ].Y(); aPoly[ 2 ].X() = aPoly[ 1 ].X(); aPoly[ 2 ].Y() = aPoly[ 0 ].Y() + nStrikeoutHeight - 1; aPoly[ 3 ].X() = aPoly[ 0 ].X(); aPoly[ 3 ].Y() = aPoly[ 2 ].Y(); ImplWritePolygon( aPoly, FALSE ); } #endif // _SVG_WRITE_STRIKEOUT delete[] pOwnArray; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SVGActionWriter::ImplWriteBmp( const BitmapEx& rBmpEx, const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz, const Point& rSrcPt, const Size& rSrcSz, const NMSP_RTL::OUString* pStyle ) { if( !!rBmpEx ) { BitmapEx aBmpEx( rBmpEx ); Point aPoint = Point(); const Rectangle aBmpRect( aPoint, rBmpEx.GetSizePixel() ); const Rectangle aSrcRect( rSrcPt, rSrcSz ); if( aSrcRect != aBmpRect ) aBmpEx.Crop( aSrcRect ); if( !!aBmpEx ) { SvMemoryStream aOStm( 65535, 65535 ); if( GraphicConverter::Export( aOStm, rBmpEx, CVT_PNG ) == ERRCODE_NONE ) { const Point aPt( ImplMap( rPt ) ); const Size aSz( ImplMap( rSz ) ); FastString aImageData( (sal_Char*) aOStm.GetData(), aOStm.Tell() ); #ifndef _SVG_UNO3 XExtendedDocumentHandlerRef xExtDocHandler( mrExport.GetDocHandler(), USR_QUERY ); #else REF( NMSP_SAX::XExtendedDocumentHandler ) xExtDocHandler( mrExport.GetDocHandler(), NMSP_UNO::UNO_QUERY ); #endif if( xExtDocHandler.is() ) { static const sal_uInt32 nPartLen = 64; const NMSP_RTL::OUString aSpace( ' ' ); const NMSP_RTL::OUString aLineFeed( NMSP_RTL::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Unicode) 0x0a ) ); NMSP_RTL::OUString aString; NMSP_RTL::OUString aImageString; aString = aLineFeed; aString += B2UCONST( "<" ); aString += NMSP_RTL::OUString::createFromAscii( aXMLElemImage ); aString += aSpace; aString += NMSP_RTL::OUString::createFromAscii( aXMLAttrX ); aString += B2UCONST( "=\"" ); aString += GetValueString( aPt.X(), mbDoublePoints ); aString += B2UCONST( "\" " ); aString += NMSP_RTL::OUString::createFromAscii( aXMLAttrY ); aString += B2UCONST( "=\"" ); aString += GetValueString( aPt.Y(), mbDoublePoints ); aString += B2UCONST( "\" " ); aString += NMSP_RTL::OUString::createFromAscii( aXMLAttrWidth ); aString += B2UCONST( "=\"" ); aString += GetValueString( aSz.Width(), mbDoublePoints ); aString += B2UCONST( "\" " ); aString += NMSP_RTL::OUString::createFromAscii( aXMLAttrHeight ); aString += B2UCONST( "=\"" ); aString += GetValueString( aSz.Height(), mbDoublePoints ); aString += B2UCONST( "\" " ); aString += NMSP_RTL::OUString::createFromAscii( aXMLAttrXLinkHRef ); aString += B2UCONST( "=\"data:image/png;base64," ); if( aImageData.GetFirstPartString( nPartLen, aImageString ) ) { xExtDocHandler->unknown( aString += aImageString ); while( aImageData.GetNextPartString( nPartLen, aImageString ) ) { xExtDocHandler->unknown( aLineFeed ); xExtDocHandler->unknown( aImageString ); } } xExtDocHandler->unknown( B2UCONST( "\"/>" ) ); } } } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SVGActionWriter::ImplWriteActions( const GDIMetaFile& rMtf, const NMSP_RTL::OUString* pStyle ) { ImplAcquireContext(); for( ULONG i = 0, nCount = rMtf.GetActionCount(); i < nCount; i++ ) { const MetaAction* pAction = rMtf.GetAction( i ); const USHORT nType = pAction->GetType(); switch( nType ) { case( META_PIXEL_ACTION ): { const MetaPixelAction* pA = (const MetaPixelAction*) pAction; mpContext->SetPaintAttr( pA->GetColor(), pA->GetColor() ); ImplWriteLine( pA->GetPoint(), pA->GetPoint(), &pA->GetColor(), pStyle ); } break; case( META_POINT_ACTION ): { const MetaPointAction* pA = (const MetaPointAction*) pAction; mpContext->SetPaintAttr( mpVDev->GetLineColor(), mpVDev->GetLineColor() ); ImplWriteLine( pA->GetPoint(), pA->GetPoint(), NULL, pStyle ); } break; case( META_LINE_ACTION ): { const MetaLineAction* pA = (const MetaLineAction*) pAction; mpContext->SetPaintAttr( mpVDev->GetLineColor(), mpVDev->GetLineColor() ); ImplWriteLine( pA->GetStartPoint(), pA->GetEndPoint(), NULL, pStyle ); } break; case( META_RECT_ACTION ): { mpContext->SetPaintAttr( mpVDev->GetLineColor(), mpVDev->GetFillColor() ); ImplWriteRect( ( (const MetaRectAction*) pAction )->GetRect(), 0, 0, pStyle ); } break; case( META_ROUNDRECT_ACTION ): { const MetaRoundRectAction* pA = (const MetaRoundRectAction*) pAction; mpContext->SetPaintAttr( mpVDev->GetLineColor(), mpVDev->GetFillColor() ); ImplWriteRect( pA->GetRect(), pA->GetHorzRound(), pA->GetVertRound(), pStyle ); } break; case( META_ELLIPSE_ACTION ): { const MetaEllipseAction* pA = (const MetaEllipseAction*) pAction; const Rectangle& rRect = pA->GetRect(); mpContext->SetPaintAttr( mpVDev->GetLineColor(), mpVDev->GetFillColor() ); ImplWriteEllipse( rRect.Center(), rRect.GetWidth() >> 1, rRect.GetHeight() >> 1, pStyle ); } break; case( META_ARC_ACTION ): case( META_PIE_ACTION ): case( META_CHORD_ACTION ): case( META_POLYGON_ACTION ): { Polygon aPoly; switch( nType ) { case( META_ARC_ACTION ): { const MetaArcAction* pA = (const MetaArcAction*) pAction; aPoly = Polygon( pA->GetRect(), pA->GetStartPoint(), pA->GetEndPoint(), POLY_ARC ); } break; case( META_PIE_ACTION ): { const MetaPieAction* pA = (const MetaPieAction*) pAction; aPoly = Polygon( pA->GetRect(), pA->GetStartPoint(), pA->GetEndPoint(), POLY_PIE ); } break; case( META_CHORD_ACTION ): { const MetaChordAction* pA = (const MetaChordAction*) pAction; aPoly = Polygon( pA->GetRect(), pA->GetStartPoint(), pA->GetEndPoint(), POLY_CHORD ); } break; case( META_POLYGON_ACTION ): aPoly = ( (const MetaPolygonAction*) pAction )->GetPolygon(); break; } if( aPoly.GetSize() ) { mpContext->SetPaintAttr( mpVDev->GetLineColor(), mpVDev->GetFillColor() ); ImplWritePolygon( aPoly, sal_False, pStyle ); } } break; case( META_POLYLINE_ACTION ): { const MetaPolyLineAction* pA = (const MetaPolyLineAction*) pAction; const Polygon& rPoly = pA->GetPolygon(); if( rPoly.GetSize() ) { mpContext->SetPaintAttr( mpVDev->GetLineColor(), mpVDev->GetFillColor() ); ImplWritePolygon( rPoly, sal_True, pStyle ); } } break; case( META_POLYPOLYGON_ACTION ): { const MetaPolyPolygonAction* pA = (const MetaPolyPolygonAction*) pAction; const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly = pA->GetPolyPolygon(); if( rPolyPoly.Count() ) { mpContext->SetPaintAttr( mpVDev->GetLineColor(), mpVDev->GetFillColor() ); ImplWritePolyPolygon( rPolyPoly, sal_False, pStyle ); } } break; case( META_GRADIENT_ACTION ): { const MetaGradientAction* pA = (const MetaGradientAction*) pAction; GDIMetaFile aTmpMtf; mpVDev->AddGradientActions( pA->GetRect(), pA->GetGradient(), aTmpMtf ); ImplWriteActions( aTmpMtf, pStyle ); } break; case( META_GRADIENTEX_ACTION ): { const MetaGradientExAction* pA = (const MetaGradientExAction*) pAction; ImplWriteGradientEx( pA->GetPolyPolygon(), pA->GetGradient(), pStyle ); } break; case META_HATCH_ACTION: { const MetaHatchAction* pA = (const MetaHatchAction*) pAction; GDIMetaFile aTmpMtf; mpVDev->AddHatchActions( pA->GetPolyPolygon(), pA->GetHatch(), aTmpMtf ); ImplWriteActions( aTmpMtf, pStyle ); } break; case( META_TRANSPARENT_ACTION ): { // !!! mpContext->SetPaintAttr( mpVDev->GetLineColor(), mpVDev->GetFillColor() ); DBG_ERROR( "META_TRANSPARENT_ACTION not supported" ); } break; case( META_FLOATTRANSPARENT_ACTION ): { // !!! mpContext->SetPaintAttr( mpVDev->GetLineColor(), mpVDev->GetFillColor() ); DBG_ERROR( "META_FLOATTRANSPARENT_ACTION not supported" ); } break; case( META_EPS_ACTION ): { const MetaEPSAction* pA = (const MetaEPSAction*) pAction; const GDIMetaFile aGDIMetaFile( pA->GetSubstitute() ); sal_Bool bFound = sal_False; for( ULONG i = 0, nCount = aGDIMetaFile.GetActionCount(); ( i < nCount ) && !bFound; i++ ) { const MetaAction* pSubstAct = aGDIMetaFile.GetAction( i ); if( pSubstAct->GetType() == META_BMPSCALE_ACTION ) { bFound = sal_True; const MetaBmpScaleAction* pBmpScaleAction = (const MetaBmpScaleAction*) pAction; mpContext->SetPaintAttr( mpVDev->GetLineColor(), mpVDev->GetFillColor() ); ImplWriteBmp( pBmpScaleAction->GetBitmap(), pBmpScaleAction->GetPoint(), pBmpScaleAction->GetSize(), Point(), pBmpScaleAction->GetBitmap().GetSizePixel(), pStyle ); } } } break; case( META_COMMENT_ACTION ): { const MetaCommentAction* pA = (const MetaCommentAction*) pAction; String aSkipComment; #ifndef _SVG_UNO3 if( pA->GetComment().ICompare( "XGRAD_SEQ_BEGIN" ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) #else if( pA->GetComment().CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii( "XGRAD_SEQ_BEGIN" ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) #endif { const MetaGradientExAction* pGradAction = NULL; sal_Bool bDone = sal_False; while( !bDone && ( ++i < nCount ) ) { pAction = rMtf.GetAction( i ); if( pAction->GetType() == META_GRADIENTEX_ACTION ) pGradAction = (const MetaGradientExAction*) pAction; else if( ( pAction->GetType() == META_COMMENT_ACTION ) && #ifndef _SVG_UNO3 ( ( (const MetaCommentAction*) pAction )->GetComment().ICompare( "XGRAD_SEQ_END" ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) ) #else ( ( (const MetaCommentAction*) pAction )->GetComment().CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii( "XGRAD_SEQ_END" ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) ) #endif { bDone = sal_True; } } if( pGradAction ) ImplWriteGradientEx( pGradAction->GetPolyPolygon(), pGradAction->GetGradient(), pStyle ); } } break; case( META_BMP_ACTION ): { const MetaBmpAction* pA = (const MetaBmpAction*) pAction; mpContext->SetPaintAttr( mpVDev->GetLineColor(), mpVDev->GetFillColor() ); ImplWriteBmp( pA->GetBitmap(), pA->GetPoint(), mpVDev->PixelToLogic( pA->GetBitmap().GetSizePixel() ), Point(), pA->GetBitmap().GetSizePixel(), pStyle ); } break; case( META_BMPSCALE_ACTION ): { const MetaBmpScaleAction* pA = (const MetaBmpScaleAction*) pAction; mpContext->SetPaintAttr( mpVDev->GetLineColor(), mpVDev->GetFillColor() ); ImplWriteBmp( pA->GetBitmap(), pA->GetPoint(), pA->GetSize(), Point(), pA->GetBitmap().GetSizePixel(), pStyle ); } break; case( META_BMPSCALEPART_ACTION ): { const MetaBmpScalePartAction* pA = (const MetaBmpScalePartAction*) pAction; mpContext->SetPaintAttr( mpVDev->GetLineColor(), mpVDev->GetFillColor() ); ImplWriteBmp( pA->GetBitmap(), pA->GetDestPoint(), pA->GetDestSize(), pA->GetSrcPoint(), pA->GetSrcSize(), pStyle ); } break; case( META_BMPEX_ACTION ): { const MetaBmpExAction* pA = (const MetaBmpExAction*) pAction; mpContext->SetPaintAttr( mpVDev->GetLineColor(), mpVDev->GetFillColor() ); ImplWriteBmp( pA->GetBitmapEx(), pA->GetPoint(), mpVDev->PixelToLogic( pA->GetBitmapEx().GetSizePixel() ), Point(), pA->GetBitmapEx().GetSizePixel(), pStyle ); } break; case( META_BMPEXSCALE_ACTION ): { const MetaBmpExScaleAction* pA = (const MetaBmpExScaleAction*) pAction; mpContext->SetPaintAttr( mpVDev->GetLineColor(), mpVDev->GetFillColor() ); ImplWriteBmp( pA->GetBitmapEx(), pA->GetPoint(), pA->GetSize(), Point(), pA->GetBitmapEx().GetSizePixel(), pStyle ); } break; case( META_BMPEXSCALEPART_ACTION ): { const MetaBmpExScalePartAction* pA = (const MetaBmpExScalePartAction*) pAction; mpContext->SetPaintAttr( mpVDev->GetLineColor(), mpVDev->GetFillColor() ); ImplWriteBmp( pA->GetBitmapEx(), pA->GetDestPoint(), pA->GetDestSize(), pA->GetSrcPoint(), pA->GetSrcSize(), pStyle ); } break; case( META_TEXT_ACTION ): { const MetaTextAction* pA = (const MetaTextAction*) pAction; mpContext->SetFontAttr( mpVDev->GetFont() ); mpContext->SetPaintAttr( COL_TRANSPARENT, mpVDev->GetFont().GetColor() ); ImplWriteText( pA->GetPoint(), String( pA->GetText(), pA->GetIndex(), pA->GetLen() ), NULL, 0, pStyle ); } break; case( META_TEXTRECT_ACTION ): { const MetaTextRectAction* pA = (const MetaTextRectAction*) pAction; mpContext->SetFontAttr( mpVDev->GetFont() ); mpContext->SetPaintAttr( COL_TRANSPARENT, mpVDev->GetFont().GetColor() ); ImplWriteText( pA->GetRect().TopLeft(), pA->GetText(), NULL, 0, pStyle ); } break; case( META_TEXTARRAY_ACTION ): { const MetaTextArrayAction* pA = (const MetaTextArrayAction*) pAction; const Point aPos( ImplMap( pA->GetPoint() ) ); mpContext->SetFontAttr( mpVDev->GetFont() ); mpContext->SetPaintAttr( COL_TRANSPARENT, mpVDev->GetFont().GetColor() ); ImplWriteText( pA->GetPoint(), String( pA->GetText(), pA->GetIndex(), pA->GetLen() ), pA->GetDXArray(), 0, pStyle ); } break; case( META_STRETCHTEXT_ACTION ): { const MetaStretchTextAction* pA = (const MetaStretchTextAction*) pAction; mpContext->SetFontAttr( mpVDev->GetFont() ); mpContext->SetPaintAttr( COL_TRANSPARENT, mpVDev->GetFont().GetColor() ); ImplWriteText( pA->GetPoint(), String( pA->GetText(), pA->GetIndex(), pA->GetLen() ), NULL, pA->GetWidth(), pStyle ); } break; case( META_CLIPREGION_ACTION ): case( META_ISECTRECTCLIPREGION_ACTION ): case( META_ISECTREGIONCLIPREGION_ACTION ): case( META_MOVECLIPREGION_ACTION ): { ( (MetaAction*) pAction )->Execute( mpVDev ); mbClipAttrChanged = sal_True; } break; case( META_REFPOINT_ACTION ): case( META_MAPMODE_ACTION ): case( META_LINECOLOR_ACTION ): case( META_FILLCOLOR_ACTION ): case( META_TEXTLINECOLOR_ACTION ): case( META_TEXTFILLCOLOR_ACTION ): case( META_TEXTCOLOR_ACTION ): case( META_TEXTALIGN_ACTION ): case( META_FONT_ACTION ): case( META_PUSH_ACTION ): case( META_POP_ACTION ): { ( (MetaAction*) pAction )->Execute( mpVDev ); } break; case( META_RASTEROP_ACTION ): case( META_MASK_ACTION ): case( META_MASKSCALE_ACTION ): case( META_MASKSCALEPART_ACTION ): case( META_WALLPAPER_ACTION ): case( META_TEXTLINE_ACTION ): { // !!! >>> we don't want to support these actions } break; default: DBG_ERROR( "SVGActionWriter::ImplWriteActions: unsupported MetaAction #" ); break; } } ImplReleaseContext(); }