path: root/wizards/source/gimmicks
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'wizards/source/gimmicks')
-rw-r--r--wizards/source/gimmicks/readdirs.dlgbin3180 -> 0 bytes
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 1304 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/source/gimmicks/AutoText.xba b/wizards/source/gimmicks/AutoText.xba
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d3cc18e5..000000000
--- a/wizards/source/gimmicks/AutoText.xba
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
-<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="AutoText" script:language="StarBasic">&apos; BASIC
-Option Explicit
-Dim oDocument as Object
-Dim sDocumentTitle as String
-Sub Main()
-Dim oTable as Object
-Dim oRows as Object
-Dim oDocuText as Object
-Dim oAutoTextCursor as Object
-Dim oAutoTextContainer as Object
-Dim oAutogroup as Object
-Dim oAutoText as Object
-Dim oCharStyles as Object
-Dim oContentStyle as Object
-Dim oHeaderStyle as Object
-Dim oGroupTitleStyle as Object
-Dim n, m, iAutoCount as Integer
- BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary(&quot;Tools&quot;)
- sDocumentTitle = &quot;Installed AutoTexts&quot;
- &apos; Open a new empty document
- oDocument = CreateNewDocument(&quot;swriter&quot;)
- If Not IsNull(oDocument) Then
- oDocument.DocumentProperties.Title = sDocumentTitle
- oDocuText = oDocument.Text
- &apos; Create The Character-templates
- oCharStyles = oDocument.StyleFamilies.GetByName(&quot;CharacterStyles&quot;)
- &apos; The Characterstyle for the Header that describes the Title of Autotextgroups
- oGroupTitleStyle = oDocument.createInstance(&quot;;)
- oCharStyles.InsertbyName(&quot;AutoTextGroupTitle&quot;, oGroupTitleStyle)
- oGroupTitleStyle.CharWeight =
- oGroupTitleStyle.CharHeight = 14
- &apos; The Characterstyle for the Header that describes the Title of Autotextgroups
- oHeaderStyle = oDocument.createInstance(&quot;;)
- oCharStyles.InsertbyName(&quot;AutoTextHeading&quot;, oHeaderStyle)
- oHeaderStyle.CharWeight =
- &apos; &quot;Ordinary&quot; Table Content
- oContentStyle = oDocument.createInstance(&quot;;)
- oCharStyles.InsertbyName(&quot;TableContent&quot;, oContentStyle)
- oAutoTextContainer = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
- oAutoTextCursor = oDocuText.CreateTextCursor()
- oAutoTextCursor.CharStyleName = &quot;AutoTextGroupTitle&quot;
- &apos; Link the Title with the following table
- oAutoTextCursor.ParaKeepTogether = True
- For n = 0 To oAutoTextContainer.Count - 1
- oAutoGroup = oAutoTextContainer.GetByIndex(n)
- oAutoTextCursor.SetString(oAutoGroup.Title)
- oAutoTextCursor.CollapseToEnd()
- oDocuText.insertControlCharacter(oAutoTextCursor,,False)
- oTable = oDocument.CreateInstance(&quot;;)
- &apos; Divide the table if necessary
- oTable.Split = True
-&apos; oTable.KeepTogether = False
- oTable.RepeatHeadLine = True
- oAutoTextCursor.Text.InsertTextContent(oAutoTextCursor,oTable,False)
- InsertStringToCell(&quot;AutoText Name&quot;,oTable.GetCellbyPosition(0,0), &quot;AutoTextHeading&quot;)
- InsertStringToCell(&quot;AutoText Shortcut&quot;,oTable.GetCellbyPosition(1,0), &quot;AutoTextHeading&quot;)
- &apos; Insert one row at the bottom of the table
- oRows = oTable.Rows
- iAutoCount = oAutoGroup.Count
- For m = 0 To iAutoCount-1
- &apos; Insert the name and the title of all Autotexts
- oAutoText = oAutoGroup.GetByIndex(m)
- InsertStringToCell(oAutoGroup.Titles(m), oTable.GetCellbyPosition(0, m + 1), &quot;TableContent&quot;)
- InsertStringToCell(oAutoGroup.ElementNames(m), oTable.GetCellbyPosition(1, m + 1), &quot;TableContent&quot;)
- If m &lt; iAutoCount-1 Then
- oRows.InsertbyIndex(m + 2,1)
- End If
- Next m
- oDocuText.insertControlCharacter(oAutoTextCursor,,False)
- oAutoTextCursor.CollapseToEnd()
- Next n
- End If
-End Sub
-Sub InsertStringToCell(sCellString as String, oCell as Object, sCellStyle as String)
-Dim oCellCursor as Object
- oCellCursor = oCell.CreateTextCursor()
- oCellCursor.CharStyleName = sCellStyle
- oCell.Text.insertString(oCellCursor,sCellString,False)
- oDocument.CurrentController.Select(oCellCursor)
-End Sub</script:module>
diff --git a/wizards/source/gimmicks/ChangeAllChars.xba b/wizards/source/gimmicks/ChangeAllChars.xba
deleted file mode 100644
index aa0abaa1c..000000000
--- a/wizards/source/gimmicks/ChangeAllChars.xba
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
-<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="ChangeAllChars" script:language="StarBasic">&apos; This macro replaces all characters in a writer-documet through &quot;x&quot; or &quot;X&quot; signs.
-&apos; It works on the currently activated document.
-Private const UPPERREPLACECHAR = &quot;X&quot;
-Private const LOWERREPLACECHAR = &quot;x&quot;
-Private WARNING
-Sub ChangeAllChars &apos; Change all chars in the active document
-Dim oSheets, oPages as Object
-Dim i as Integer
-Const MBYES = 6
-Const MBABORT = 2
-Const MBNO = 7
- BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary(&quot;Tools&quot;)
- MSGBOXTITLE = &quot;Change All Characters to an &apos;&quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;
- NOTSAVEDTEXT = &quot;This document has already been modified: All characters will be changed to an &quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos;. Should the document be saved now?&quot;
- WARNING = &quot;This macro changes all characters and numbers to an &apos;&quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos; in this document.&quot;
- On Local Error GoTo NODOCUMENT
- oDocument = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
- If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
- Msgbox(WARNING &amp; chr(13) &amp; &quot;First, activate a Writer document.&quot; , 16, GetProductName())
- Exit Sub
- End If
- On Local Error Goto 0
- sDocType = GetDocumentType(oDocument)
- If oDocument.IsModified And oDocument.Url &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
- Select Case Status
- Case MBYES
- oDocument.Store
- End
- End Select
- Else
- Status = MsgBox(WARNING, 3+32, MSGBOXTITLE)
- If Status = MBNO Or Status = MBABORT Then &apos; No, Abort
- End
- End If
- End If
- Select Case sDocType
- Case &quot;swriter&quot;
- ReplaceAllStrings(oDocument)
- Case Else
- Msgbox(&quot;This macro only works with Writer documents.&quot;, 16, GetProductName())
- End Select
-End Sub
-Sub ReplaceAllStrings(oContainer as Object)
- ReplaceStrings(oContainer, &quot;[a-z]&quot;, LOWERREPLACECHAR)
- ReplaceStrings(oContainer, &quot;[à-þ]&quot;, LOWERREPLACECHAR)
- ReplaceStrings(oContainer, &quot;[A-Z]&quot;, UPPERREPLACECHAR)
- ReplaceStrings(oContainer, &quot;[À-ß]&quot;, UPPERREPLACECHAR)
- ReplaceStrings(oContainer, &quot;[0-9]&quot;, UPPERREPLACECHAR)
-End Sub
-Sub ReplaceStrings(oContainer as Object, sSearchString, sReplaceString as String)
- oReplaceDesc = oContainer.createReplaceDescriptor()
- oReplaceDesc.SearchCaseSensitive = True
- oReplaceDesc.SearchRegularExpression = True
- oReplaceDesc.Searchstring = sSearchString
- oReplaceDesc.ReplaceString = sReplaceString
- oReplCount = oContainer.ReplaceAll(oReplaceDesc)
-End Sub</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/gimmicks/GetTexts.xba b/wizards/source/gimmicks/GetTexts.xba
deleted file mode 100644
index c98e7d51f..000000000
--- a/wizards/source/gimmicks/GetTexts.xba
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,522 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
-<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="GetTexts" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
-&apos; Macro-Description:
-&apos; This Macro extracts the Strings out of the currently activated document und inserts them into a logdocument
-&apos; The aim of the macro is to provide the programmer an insight into the StarOffice API
-&apos; It focusses on how document-Objects are accessed.
-&apos; Therefor not only texts of the document-body are retrieved but also Texts of general
-&apos; document Objects like, Annotations, charts and general Document Information
-Public oLogDocument, oLogText, oLogCursor, oLogHeaderStyle, oLogBodyTextStyle as Object
-Public oDocument as Object
-Public LogArray(1000) as String
-Public LogIndex as Integer
-Public oLocHeaderStyle as Object
-Sub Main
-Dim sDocType as String
-Dim oHyperCursor as Object
-Dim oCharStyles as Object
- BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary(&quot;Tools&quot;)
- On Local Error GoTo NODOCUMENT
- oDocument = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
- sDocType = GetDocumentType(oDocument)
- If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
- Msgbox(&quot;This macro extracts all data from the active Writer, Calc or Draw document.&quot; &amp; chr(13) &amp;_
- &quot;To start this macro you have to activate a document first.&quot; , 16, GetProductName)
- Exit Sub
- End If
- On Local Error Goto 0
- &apos; Open a new document where all the texts are inserted
- oLogDocument = CreateNewDocument(&quot;swriter&quot;)
- If Not IsNull(oLogDocument) Then
- oLogText = oLogDocument.Text
- &apos; create and define the character styles of the Log-document
- oCharStyles = oLogDocument.StyleFamilies.GetByName(&quot;CharacterStyles&quot;)
- oLogHeaderStyle = oLogDocument.createInstance(&quot;;)
- oCharStyles.InsertbyName(&quot;Log Header&quot;, oLogHeaderStyle)
- oLogHeaderStyle.charWeight =
- oLogBodyTextStyle = oLogDocument.createInstance(&quot;;)
- oCharStyles.InsertbyName(&quot;Log Body&quot;, oLogBodyTextStyle)
- &apos; Insert the title of the activated document as a hyperlink
- oHyperCursor = oLogText.createTextCursor()
- oHyperCursor.CharWeight =
- oHyperCursor.gotoStart(False)
- oHyperCursor.HyperLinkURL = oDocument.URL
- oHyperCursor.HyperLinkTarget = oDocument.URL
- If oDocument.DocumentProperties.Title &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
- oHyperCursor.HyperlinkName = oDocument.DocumentProperties.Title
- End If
- oLogText.insertString(oHyperCursor, oDocument.DocumentProperties.Title, False)
- oLogText.insertControlCharacter(oHyperCursor,,False)
- oLogCursor = oLogText.createTextCursor()
- oLogCursor.GotoEnd(False)
- &apos; &quot;Switch off&quot; the Hyperlink - Properties
- oLogCursor.SetPropertyToDefault(&quot;HyperLinkURL&quot;)
- oLogCursor.SetPropertyToDefault(&quot;HyperLinkTarget&quot;)
- oLogCursor.SetPropertyToDefault(&quot;HyperLinkName&quot;)
- LogIndex = 0
- &apos; Get the Properties of the document
- GetDocumentProps()
- Select Case sDocType
- Case &quot;swriter&quot;
- GetWriterStrings()
- Case &quot;scalc&quot;
- GetCalcStrings()
- Case &quot;sdraw&quot;, &quot;simpress&quot;
- GetDrawStrings()
- Case Else
- Msgbox(&quot;This macro only works with a Writer, Calc or Draw/Impress document.&quot;, 16, GetProductName())
- End Select
- End If
-End Sub
-&apos; ***********************************************Calc-Documents**************************************************
-Sub GetCalcStrings()
-Dim i, n as integer
-Dim oSheet as Object
-Dim SheetName as String
-Dim oSheets as Object
- &apos; Create a sequence of all sheets within the document
- oSheets = oDocument.Sheets
- For i = 0 to osheets.Count - 1
- oSheet = osheets.GetbyIndex(i)
- SheetName = oSheet.Name
- MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Sheet No. &quot; &amp; i &amp; &quot;(&quot; &amp; SheetName &amp; &quot;)&quot; )
- &apos; Check the &quot;body&quot; of the sheet
- GetCellTexts(oSheet)
- If oSheet.IsScenario then
- MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Scenario Comments from &quot; &amp; SheetName &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;)
- WriteStringtoLogFile(osheet.ScenarioComment)
- End if
- GetAnnotations(oSheet, &quot;Annotations from &apos;&quot; &amp; SheetName &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;)
- GetChartStrings(oSheet, &quot;Charts from &apos;&quot; &amp; SheetName &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;)
- GetControlStrings(oSheet.DrawPage, &quot;Controls from &apos;&quot; &amp; SheetName &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;)
- Next
- &apos; Pictures
- GetCalcGraphicNames()
- GetNamedRanges()
-End Sub
-Sub GetCellTexts(oSheet as Object)
-Dim BigRange, BigEnum, oCell as Object
- BigRange = oDocument.CreateInstance(&quot;;)
- BigRange.InsertbyName(&quot;&quot;,oSheet)
- BigEnum = BigRange.GetCells.CreateEnumeration
- While BigEnum.hasmoreElements
- oCell = BigEnum.NextElement
- If oCell.String &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; And Val(oCell.String) = 0then
- WriteStringtoLogFile(oCell.String)
- End If
- Wend
-End Sub
-Sub GetAnnotations(oSheet as Object, HeaderLine as String)
-Dim oNotes as Object
-Dim n as Integer
- oNotes = oSheet.getAnnotations
- If oNotes.hasElements() then
- MakeLogHeadLine(HeaderLine)
- For n = 0 to oNotes.Count-1
- WriteStringtoLogFile(oNotes.GetbyIndex(n).String)
- Next
- End if
-End Sub
-Sub GetNamedRanges()
-Dim i as integer
- MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Named Ranges&quot;)
- For i = 0 To oDocument.NamedRanges.Count - 1
- WriteStringtoLogFile(oDocument.NamedRanges.GetbyIndex(i).Name)
- Next
-End Sub
-Sub GetCalcGraphicNames()
-Dim n,m as integer
- MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Graphics&quot;)
- For n = 0 To oDocument.Drawpages.count-1
- For m = 0 To oDocument.Drawpages.GetbyIndex(n).Count - 1
- WriteStringtoLogFile(oDocument.DrawPages.GetbyIndex(n).GetbyIndex(m).Text.String)
- Next m
- Next n
-End Sub
-&apos; ***********************************************Writer-Documents**************************************************
-Sub GetParagraphTexts(oParaObject as Object, HeadLine as String)
-Dim ParaEnum as Object
-Dim oPara as Object
-Dim oTextPortEnum as Object
-Dim oTextPortion as Object
-Dim i as integer
-Dim oCellNames()
-Dim oCell as Object
- MakeLogHeadLine(HeadLine)
- ParaEnum = oParaObject.Text.CreateEnumeration
- While ParaEnum.HasMoreElements
- oPara = ParaEnum.NextElement
- &apos; Note: The Enumeration ParaEnum lists all tables and Paragraphs.
- &apos; Therefor we have to find out what kind of object &quot;oPara&quot; actually is
- If oPara.supportsService(&quot;;) Then
- &apos; &quot;oPara&quot; is a Paragraph
- oTextPortEnum = oPara.createEnumeration
- While oTextPortEnum.hasmoreElements
- oTextPortion = oTextPortEnum.nextElement()
- WriteStringToLogFile(oTextPortion.String)
- Wend
- Else
- &apos; &quot;oPara&quot; is a table
- oCellNames = oPara.CellNames
- For i = 0 To Ubound(oCellNames())
- If oCellNames(i) &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
- oCell = oPara.getCellByName(oCellNames(i))
- WriteStringToLogFile(oCell.String)
- End If
- Next
- End If
- Wend
-End Sub
-Sub GetChartStrings(oSheet as Object, HeaderLine as String)
-Dim i as Integer
-Dim aChartObject as Object
-Dim aChartDiagram as Object
- MakeLogHeadLine(HeaderLine)
- For i = 0 to oSheet.Charts.Count-1
- aChartObject = oSheet.Charts.GetByIndex(i).EmbeddedObject
- If aChartObject.HasSubTitle then
- WriteStringToLogFile(aChartObject.SubTitle.String)
- End If
- If aChartObject.HasMainTitle then
- WriteStringToLogFile(aChartObject.Title.String)
- End If
- aChartDiagram = aChartObject.Diagram
- If aChartDiagram.hasXAxisTitle Then
- WriteStringToLogFile(aChartDiagram.XAxisTitle)
- End If
- If aChartDiagram.hasYAxisTitle Then
- WriteStringToLogFile(aChartDiagram.YAxisTitle)
- End If
- If aChartDiagram.hasZAxisTitle Then
- WriteStringToLogFile(aChartDiagram.ZAxisTitle)
- End If
- Next i
-End Sub
-Sub GetFrameTexts()
-Dim i as integer
-Dim oTextFrame as object
-Dim oFrameEnum as Object
-Dim oFramePort as Object
-Dim oFrameTextEnum as Object
-Dim oFrameTextPort as Object
- MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Text Frames&quot;)
- For i = 0 to oDocument.TextFrames.Count-1
- oTextFrame = oDocument.TextFrames.GetbyIndex(i)
- WriteStringToLogFile(oTextFrame.Name)
- &apos; Is the frame bound to the Page
- If oTextFrame.AnchorType = Then
- GetParagraphTexts(oTextFrame, &quot;Text Frame Contents&quot;)
- End If
- oFrameEnum = oTextFrame.CreateEnumeration
- While oFrameEnum.HasMoreElements
- oFramePort = oFrameEnum.NextElement
- If oFramePort.supportsService(&quot;;) then
- oFrameTextEnum = oFramePort.createEnumeration
- While oFrameTextEnum.HasMoreElements
- oFrameTextPort = oFrameTextEnum.NextElement
- If oFrameTextPort.SupportsService(&quot;;) Then
- WriteStringtoLogFile(oFrameTextPort.String)
- End If
- Wend
- Else
- WriteStringtoLogFile(oFramePort.Name)
- End if
- Wend
- Next
-End Sub
-Sub GetTextFieldStrings()
-Dim aTextField as Object
-Dim i as integer
-Dim CurElement as Object
- MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Text Fields&quot;)
- aTextfield = oDocument.getTextfields.CreateEnumeration
- While aTextField.hasmoreElements
- CurElement = aTextField.NextElement
- If CurElement.PropertySetInfo.hasPropertybyName(&quot;Content&quot;) Then
- WriteStringtoLogFile(CurElement.Content)
- ElseIf CurElement.PropertySetInfo.hasPropertybyName(&quot;PlaceHolder&quot;) Then
- WriteStringtoLogFile(CurElement.PlaceHolder)
- WriteStringtoLogFile(CurElement.Hint)
- ElseIf Curelement.TextFieldMaster.PropertySetInfo.HasPropertybyName(&quot;Content&quot;) then
- WriteStringtoLogFile(CurElement.TextFieldMaster.Content)
- End If
- Wend
-End Sub
-Sub GetLinkedFileNames()
-Dim oDocSections as Object
-Dim LinkedFileName as String
-Dim i as Integer
- If Right(oDocument.URL,3) = &quot;sgl&quot; Then
- MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Sub-documents&quot;)
- oDocSections = oDocument.TextSections
- For i = 0 to oDocSections.Count - 1
- LinkedFileName = oDocSections.GetbyIndex(i).FileLink.FileURL
- If LinkedFileName &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
- WriteStringToLogFile(LinkedFileName)
- End If
- Next i
- End If
-End Sub
-Sub GetSectionNames()
-Dim i as integer
-Dim oDocSections as Object
- MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Sections&quot;)
- oDocSections = oDocument.TextSections
- For i = 0 to oDocSections.Count-1
- WriteStringtoLogFile(oDocSections.GetbyIndex(i).Name)
- Next
-End Sub
-Sub GetWriterStrings()
- GetParagraphTexts(oDocument, &quot;Document Body&quot;)
- GetGraphicNames()
- GetStyles()
- GetControlStrings(oDocument.DrawPage, &quot;Controls&quot;)
- GetTextFieldStrings()
- GetSectionNames()
- GetFrameTexts()
- GetHyperLinks
- GetLinkedFileNames()
-End Sub
-&apos; ***********************************************Draw-Documents**************************************************
-Sub GetDrawPageTitles(LocObject as Object)
-Dim n as integer
-Dim oPage as Object
- For n = 0 to LocObject.Count - 1
- oPage = LocObject.GetbyIndex(n)
- WriteStringtoLogFile(oPage.Name)
- &apos; Is the Page a DrawPage and not a MasterPage?
- If oPage.supportsService(&quot;;)then
- &apos; Get the Name of the NotesPage (only relevant for Impress-Documents)
- If oDocument.supportsService(&quot;;) then
- WriteStringtoLogFile(oPage.NotesPage.Name)
- End If
- End If
- Next
-End Sub
-Sub GetPageStrings(oPages as Object)
-Dim m, n, s as Integer
-Dim oPage, oPageElement, oShape as Object
- For n = 0 to oPages.Count-1
- oPage = oPages.GetbyIndex(n)
- If oPage.HasElements then
- For m = 0 to oPage.Count-1
- oPageElement = oPage.GetByIndex(m)
- If HasUnoInterfaces(oPageElement,&quot;;) Then
- &apos; The Object &quot;oPageElement&quot; a group of Shapes, that can be accessed by their index
- For s = 0 To oPageElement.Count - 1
- WriteStringToLogFile(oPageElement.GetByIndex(s).String)
- Next s
- ElseIf HasUnoInterfaces(oPageElement, &quot;;) Then
- WriteStringtoLogFile(oPageElement.String)
- End If
- Next
- End If
- Next
-End Sub
-Sub GetDrawStrings()
-Dim oDPages, oMPages as Object
- oDPages = oDocument.DrawPages
- oMPages = oDocument.Masterpages
- MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Titles&quot;)
- GetDrawPageTitles(oDPages)
- GetDrawPageTitles(oMPages)
- MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Document Body&quot;)
- GetPageStrings(oDPages)
- GetPageStrings(oMPages)
-End Sub
-&apos; ***********************************************Misc**************************************************
-Sub GetDocumentProps()
-Dim oDocuProps as Object
- MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Document Properties&quot;)
- oDocuProps = oDocument.DocumentProperties
- WriteStringToLogFile(oDocuProps.Title)
- WriteStringToLogFile(oDocuProps.Description)
- WriteStringToLogFile(oDocuProps.Subject)
- WriteStringToLogFile(oDocuProps.Author)
-&apos; WriteStringToLogFile(oDocuProps.UserDefinedProperties.ReplyTo)
-&apos; WriteStringToLogFile(oDocuProps.UserDefinedProperties.Recipient)
-&apos; WriteStringToLogFile(oDocuProps.UserDefinedProperties.References)
-&apos; WriteStringToLogFile(oDocuProps.Keywords)
-End Sub
-Sub GetHyperlinks()
-Dim i as integer
-Dim oCrsr as Object
-Dim oAllHyperLinks as Object
-Dim SrchAttributes(0) as new
-Dim oSearchDesc as Object
- MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Hyperlinks&quot;)
- &apos; create a Search-Descriptor
- oSearchDesc = oDocument.CreateSearchDescriptor
- oSearchDesc.Valuesearch = False
- &apos; define the Search-attributes
- srchattributes(0).Name = &quot;HyperLinkURL&quot;
- srchattributes(0).Value = &quot;&quot;
- oSearchDesc.SetSearchAttributes(SrchAttributes())
- oAllHyperLinks = oDocument.findAll(oSearchDesc())
- For i = 0 to oAllHyperLinks.Count - 1
- oFound = oAllHyperLinks(i)
- oCrsr = oFound.Text.createTextCursorByRange(oFound)
- WriteStringToLogFile(oCrs.HyperLinkURL) &apos;Url
- WriteStringToLogFile(oCrs.HyperLinkTarget) &apos;Name
- WriteStringToLogFile(oCrs.HyperLinkName) &apos;Frame
- Next i
-End Sub
-Sub GetGraphicNames()
-Dim i as integer
-Dim oDocGraphics as Object
- MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Graphics&quot;)
- oDocGraphics = oDocument.GraphicObjects
- For i = 0 to oDocGraphics.count - 1
- WriteStringtoLogFile(oDocGraphics.GetbyIndex(i).Name)
- Next
-End Sub
-Sub GetStyles()
-Dim m,n as integer
- MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;User-defined Templates&quot;)
- &apos; Check all StyleFamilies(i.e. PageStyles, ParagraphStyles, CharacterStyles, cellStyles)
- For n = 0 to oDocument.StyleFamilies.Count - 1
- For m = 0 to oDocument.StyleFamilies.getbyIndex(n).Count-1
- If oDocument.StyleFamilies.GetbyIndex(n).getbyIndex(m).IsUserDefined then
- WriteStringtoLogFile(oDocument.StyleFamilies.GetbyIndex(n).getbyIndex(m).Name)
- End If
- Next
- Next
-End Sub
-Sub GetControlStrings(oDPage as Object, HeaderLine as String)
-Dim aForm as Object
-Dim m,n as integer
- MakeLogHeadLine(HeaderLine)
- &apos;SearchFor all possible Controls
- For n = 0 to oDPage.Forms.Count - 1
- aForm = oDPage.Forms(n)
- For m = 0 to aForm.Count-1
- GetControlContent(aForm.GetbyIndex(m))
- Next
- Next
-End Sub
-Sub GetControlContent(LocControl as Object)
-Dim i as integer
- If LocControl.PropertySetInfo.HasPropertybyName(&quot;Label&quot;) then
- WriteStringtoLogFile(LocControl.Label)
- ElseIf LocControl.SupportsService(&quot;;) then
- For i = 0 to Ubound(LocControl.StringItemList())
- WriteStringtoLogFile(LocControl.StringItemList(i))
- Next
- End If
- If LocControl.PropertySetInfo.HasPropertybyName(&quot;HelpText&quot;) then
- WriteStringtoLogFile(LocControl.Helptext)
- End If
-End Sub
-&apos; ***********************************************LogDocument**************************************************
-Sub WriteStringtoLogFile( sString as String)
- If (Not FieldInArray(LogArray(),LogIndex,sString))AND (NOT ISNULL(sString)) Then
- LogArray(LogIndex) = sString
- LogIndex = LogIndex + 1
- oLogText.insertString(oLogCursor,sString,False)
- oLogText.insertControlCharacter(oLogCursor,,False)
- End If
-End Sub
-Sub MakeLogHeadLine(HeadText as String)
- oLogCursor.CharStyleName = &quot;Log Header&quot;
- oLogText.insertControlCharacter(oLogCursor,,False)
- oLogText.insertString(oLogCursor,HeadText,False)
- oLogText.insertControlCharacter(oLogCursor,,False)
- oLogCursor.CharStyleName = &quot;Log Body&quot;
-End Sub
diff --git a/wizards/source/gimmicks/ReadDir.xba b/wizards/source/gimmicks/ReadDir.xba
deleted file mode 100644
index 370f8cbc1..000000000
--- a/wizards/source/gimmicks/ReadDir.xba
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
-<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="ReadDir" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
-Public Const SBPAGEX = 800
-Public Const SBPAGEY = 800
-Public Const SBRELDIST = 1.3
-&apos; Names of the second Dimension of the Array iLevelPos
-Public Const SBBASEX = 0
-Public Const SBBASEY = 1
-Public Const SBOLDSTARTX = 2
-Public Const SBOLDSTARTY = 3
-Public Const SBOLDENDX = 4
-Public Const SBOLDENDY = 5
-Public Const SBNEWSTARTX = 6
-Public Const SBNEWSTARTY = 7
-Public Const SBNEWENDX = 8
-Public Const SBNEWENDY = 9
-Public ConnectLevel As Integer
-Public iLevelPos(1,9) As Long
-Public Source as String
-Public iCurLevel as Integer
-Public nConnectLevel as Integer
-Public nOldWidth, nOldHeight As Long
-Public nOldX, nOldY, nOldLevel As Integer
-Public oOldLeavingLine As Object
-Public oOldArrivingLine As Object
-Public DlgReadDir as Object
-Dim oProgressBar as Object
-Dim oDocument As Object
-Dim oPage As Object
-Sub Main()
-Dim oStandardTemplate as Object
- BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary(&quot;Tools&quot;)
- oDocument = CreateNewDocument(&quot;sdraw&quot;)
- If Not IsNull(oDocument) Then
- oPage = oDocument.DrawPages(0)
- oStandardTemplate = oDocument.StyleFamilies.GetByName(&quot;graphics&quot;).GetByName(&quot;standard&quot;)
- oStandardTemplate.CharHeight = 10
- oStandardTemplate.TextLeftDistance = 100
- oStandardTemplate.TextRightDistance = 100
- oStandardTemplate.TextUpperDistance = 50
- oStandardTemplate.TextLowerDistance = 50
- DlgReadDir = LoadDialog(&quot;Gimmicks&quot;,&quot;ReadFolderDlg&quot;)
- oProgressBar = DlgReadDir.Model.ProgressBar1
- DlgReadDir.Model.TextField1.Text = ConvertFromUrl(GetPathSettings(&quot;Work&quot;))
- DlgReadDir.Model.cmdGoOn.DefaultButton = True
- DlgReadDir.GetControl(&quot;TextField1&quot;).SetFocus()
- DlgReadDir.Execute
- End If
-End Sub
-Sub TreeInfo()
-Dim oCurTextShape As Object
-Dim i as Integer
-Dim bStartUpRun As Boolean
-Dim CurFilename as String
-Dim BaseLevel as Integer
-Dim oController as Object
-Dim MaxFileIndex as Integer
-Dim FileNames() as String
- ToggleDialogControls(False)
- oProgressBar.ProgressValueMin = 0
- oProgressBar.ProgressValueMax = 100
- bStartUpRun = True
- nOldHeight = 200
- nOldWidth = SBPAGEX
- oController = oDocument.GetCurrentController
- Source = ConvertToURL(DlgReadDir.Model.TextField1.Text)
- BaseLevel = CountCharsInString(Source, &quot;/&quot;, 1)
- oProgressBar.ProgressValue = 5
- DlgReadDir.Model.Label3.Enabled = True
- FileNames() = ReadSourceDirectory(Source)
- DlgReadDir.Model.Label4.Enabled = True
- DlgReadDir.Model.Label3.Enabled = False
- oProgressBar.ProgressValue = 12
- FileNames() = BubbleSortList(FileNames())
- DlgReadDir.Model.Label5.Enabled = True
- DlgReadDir.Model.Label4.Enabled = False
- oProgressBar.ProgressValue = 20
- MaxFileIndex = Ubound(FileNames(),1)
- For i = 0 To MaxFileIndex
- oProgressBar.ProgressValue = 20 + (i/MaxFileIndex * 80)
- CurFilename = FileNames(i,1)
- SetNewLevels(FileNames(i,0), BaseLevel)
- oCurTextShape = CreateTextShape(oPage, CurFilename)
- CheckPageWidth(oCurTextShape.Size.Width)
- iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBBASEY) = oCurTextShape.Position.Y
- If i = 0 Then
- AdjustPageHeight(oCurTextShape.Size.Height, MaxFileIndex + 1)
- End If
- &apos; The Current TextShape has To be connected with a TextShape one Level higher
- &apos; except for a TextShape In Level 0:
- If Not bStartUpRun Then
- &apos; A leaving Line Is only drawn when level is not 0
- If iCurLevel&lt;&gt; 0 Then
- &apos; Determine the Coordinates of the arriving Line
- iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBOLDSTARTX) = iLevelPos(nConnectLevel,SBNEWSTARTX)
- iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBOLDSTARTY) = oCurTextShape.Position.Y + 0.5 * oCurTextShape.Size.Height
- iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBOLDENDX) = iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBBASEX)
- iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBOLDENDY) = oCurTextShape.Position.Y + 0.5 * oCurTextShape.Size.Height
- &apos; Determine the End-Coordinates of the last leaving Line
- iLevelPos(nConnectLevel,SBNEWENDX) = iLevelPos(nConnectLevel,SBNEWSTARTX)
- iLevelPos(nConnectLevel,SBNEWENDY) = oCurTextShape.Position.Y + 0.5 * oCurTextShape.Size.Height
- Else
- &apos; On Level 0 the last Leaving Line&apos;s Endpoint is the upper edge of the TextShape
- iLevelPos(nConnectLevel,SBNEWENDY) = oCurTextShape.Position.Y
- iLevelPos(nConnectLevel,SBNEWENDX) = iLevelPos(nConnectLevel,SBNEWSTARTX)
- End If
- &apos; Draw the Connectors To the previous TextShapes
- oOldLeavingLine = DrawLine(nConnectLevel, SBNEWSTARTX, SBNEWSTARTY, SBNEWENDX, SBNEWENDY, oPage)
- Else
- &apos; StartingPoint of the leaving Edge
- bStartUpRun = FALSE
- End If
- &apos; Determine the beginning Coordinates of the leaving Line
- iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBNEWSTARTX) = iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBBASEX) + 0.5 * oCurTextShape.Size.Width
- iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBNEWSTARTY) = iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBBASEY) + oCurTextShape.Size.Height
- &apos; Save the values For the Next run
- nOldHeight = oCurTextShape.Size.Height
- nOldX = oCurTextShape.Position.X
- nOldWidth = oCurTextShape.Size.Width
- nOldLevel = iCurLevel
- Next i
- ToggleDialogControls(True)
- DlgReadDir.Model.cmdGoOn.Enabled = False
-End Sub
-Function CreateTextShape(oPage as Object, Filename as String)
-Dim oTextShape As Object
-Dim aPoint As New
- aPoint.X = CalculateXPoint()
- aPoint.Y = nOldY + SBRELDIST * nOldHeight
- nOldY = aPoint.Y
- oTextShape = oDocument.createInstance(&quot;;)
- oTextShape.LineStyle = 1
- oTextShape.Position = aPoint
- oPage.add(oTextShape)
- oTextShape.TextAutoGrowWidth = TRUE
- oTextShape.TextAutoGrowHeight = TRUE
- oTextShape.String = FileName
- &apos; Configure Size And Position of the TextShape according to its Scripting
- aPoint.X = iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBBASEX)
- oTextShape.Position = aPoint
- CreateTextShape() = oTextShape
-End Function
-Function CalculateXPoint()
- &apos; The current level Is lower than the Old one
- If (iCurLevel&lt; nOldLevel) And (iCurLevel&lt;&gt; 0) Then
- &apos; ClearArray(iLevelPos(),iCurLevel+1)
- Elseif iCurLevel= 0 Then
- iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBBASEX) = SBPAGEX
- &apos; The current level Is higher than the old one
- Elseif iCurLevel&gt; nOldLevel Then
- iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBBASEX) = iLevelPos(iCurLevel-1,SBBASEX) + nOldWidth + 100
- End If
- CalculateXPoint = iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBBASEX)
-End Function
-Function DrawLine(nLevel, nStartX, nStartY, nEndX, nEndY As Integer, oPage as Object)
-Dim oConnect As Object
-Dim aPoint As New
-Dim aSize As New
- aPoint.X = iLevelPos(nLevel,nStartX)
- aPoint.Y = iLevelPos(nLevel,nStartY)
- aSize.Width = iLevelPos(nLevel,nEndX) - iLevelPos(nLevel,nStartX)
- aSize.Height = iLevelPos(nLevel,nEndY) - iLevelPos(nLevel,nStartY)
- oConnect = oDocument.createInstance(&quot;;)
- oConnect.Position = aPoint
- oConnect.Size = aSize
- oPage.Add(oConnect)
- DrawLine() = oConnect
-End Function
-Sub GetSourceDirectory()
- GetFolderName(DlgReadDir.Model.TextField1)
-End Sub
-Function ReadSourceDirectory(ByVal Source As String)
-Dim i as Integer
-Dim m as Integer
-Dim n as Integer
-Dim s as integer
-Dim FileName as string
-Dim FileNameList(100,1) as String
-Dim DirList(0) as String
-Dim oUCBobject as Object
-Dim DirContent() as String
-Dim SystemPath as String
-Dim PathSeparator as String
-Dim MaxFileIndex as Integer
- PathSeparator = GetPathSeparator()
- oUcbobject = createUnoService(&quot;;)
- m = 0
- s = 0
- DirList(0) = Source
- FileNameList(n,0) = Source
- SystemPath = ConvertFromUrl(Source)
- FileNameList(n,1) = FileNameoutofPath(SystemPath, PathSeparator)
- n = 1
- Do
- Source = DirList(m)
- m = m + 1
- DirContent() = oUcbObject.GetFolderContents(Source,True)
- If Ubound(DirContent()) &lt;&gt; -1 Then
- MaxFileIndex = Ubound(DirContent())
- For i = 0 to MaxFileIndex
- FileName = DirContent(i)
- FileNameList(n,0) = FileName
- SystemPath = ConvertFromUrl(FileName)
- FileNameList(n,1) = FileNameOutofPath(SystemPath, PathSeparator)
- n = n + 1
- If n &gt; Ubound(FileNameList(),1) Then
- ReDim Preserve FileNameList(n + 10,1) as String
- End If
- If oUcbObject.IsFolder(FileName) Then
- s = s + 1
- ReDim Preserve DirList(s) as String
- DirList(s) = FileName
- End If
- Next i
- End If
- Loop Until m &gt; Ubound(DirList()
- ReDim Preserve FileNameList(n-1,1) as String
- ReadSourceDirectory() = FileNameList()
-End Function
-Sub CloseDialog
- DlgReadDir.EndExecute
-End Sub
-Sub AdjustPageHeight(lShapeHeight, FileCount)
-Dim lNecHeight as Long
-Dim lBorders as Long
- oDocument.LockControllers
- lBorders = oPage.BorderTop + oPage.BorderBottom
- lNecHeight = SBPAGEY + (FileCount * SBRELDIST * lShapeHeight)
- If lNecHeight &gt; (oPage.Height - lBorders) Then
- oPage.Height = lNecHeight + lBorders + 500
- End If
- oDocument.UnlockControllers
-End Sub
-Sub SetNewLevels(FileName as String, BaseLevel as Integer)
- iCurLevel= CountCharsInString(FileName, &quot;/&quot;, 1) - BaseLevel
- If iCurLevel &lt;&gt; 0 Then
- nConnectLevel = iCurLevel- 1
- Else
- nConnectLevel = iCurLevel
- End If
- If iCurLevel &gt; Ubound(iLevelPos(),1) Then
- ReDim Preserve iLevelPos(iCurLevel,9) as Long
- End If
-End Sub
-Sub CheckPageWidth(TextWidth as Long)
-Dim PageWidth as Long
-Dim BaseX as Long
- PageWidth = oPage.Width
- BaseX = iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBBASEX)
- If BaseX + TextWidth &gt; PageWidth - 1000 Then
- oPage.Width = 1000 + BaseX + TextWidth
- End If
-End Sub
-Sub ToggleDialogControls(bDoEnable as Boolean)
- With DlgReadDir.Model
- .cmdGoOn.Enabled = bDoEnable
- .cmdGetDir.Enabled = bDoEnable
- .Label1.Enabled = bDoEnable
- .Label2.Enabled = bDoEnable
- .TextField1.Enabled = bDoEnable
- End With
-End Sub</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/gimmicks/ReadFolderDlg.xdl b/wizards/source/gimmicks/ReadFolderDlg.xdl
deleted file mode 100644
index e49127db2..000000000
--- a/wizards/source/gimmicks/ReadFolderDlg.xdl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE dlg:window PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "dialog.dtd">
-<dlg:window xmlns:dlg="" xmlns:script="" dlg:id="ReadFolderDlg" dlg:left="161" dlg:top="81" dlg:width="180" dlg:height="136" dlg:closeable="true" dlg:moveable="true" dlg:title="Read and Design Recursively">
- <dlg:bulletinboard>
- <dlg:button dlg:id="cmdGetDir" dlg:tab-index="0" dlg:left="161" dlg:top="49" dlg:width="14" dlg:height="14" dlg:value="...">
- <script:event script:event-name="on-performaction" script:macro-name=";location=application" script:language="Script"/>
- </dlg:button>
- <dlg:textfield dlg:id="TextField1" dlg:tab-index="1" dlg:left="6" dlg:top="50" dlg:width="147" dlg:height="12"/>
- <dlg:button dlg:id="cmdCancel" dlg:tab-index="2" dlg:left="49" dlg:top="115" dlg:width="35" dlg:height="14" dlg:value="~Cancel">
- <script:event script:event-name="on-performaction" script:macro-name=";location=application" script:language="Script"/>
- </dlg:button>
- <dlg:button dlg:id="cmdGoOn" dlg:tab-index="3" dlg:left="95" dlg:top="115" dlg:width="35" dlg:height="14" dlg:value="~GoOn">
- <script:event script:event-name="on-performaction" script:macro-name=";location=application" script:language="Script"/>
- </dlg:button>
- <dlg:text dlg:id="Label1" dlg:tab-index="4" dlg:left="6" dlg:top="38" dlg:width="122" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Top level path"/>
- <dlg:text dlg:id="Label2" dlg:tab-index="5" dlg:left="6" dlg:top="4" dlg:width="168" dlg:height="26" dlg:value="This macro will create a drawing document and design a complete tree view of all subdirectories from a given path." dlg:multiline="true"/>
- <dlg:progressmeter dlg:id="ProgressBar1" dlg:tab-index="6" dlg:left="6" dlg:top="101" dlg:width="170" dlg:height="10"/>
- <dlg:text dlg:id="Label3" dlg:tab-index="7" dlg:disabled="true" dlg:left="6" dlg:top="69" dlg:width="170" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Getting the files and subdirectories..."/>
- <dlg:text dlg:id="Label4" dlg:tab-index="8" dlg:disabled="true" dlg:left="6" dlg:top="80" dlg:width="170" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Sorting the files and subdirectories..."/>
- <dlg:text dlg:id="Label5" dlg:tab-index="9" dlg:disabled="true" dlg:left="6" dlg:top="91" dlg:width="170" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Drawing the filestructure..."/>
- </dlg:bulletinboard>
-</dlg:window> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/gimmicks/UserfieldDlg.xdl b/wizards/source/gimmicks/UserfieldDlg.xdl
deleted file mode 100644
index 408f3c8be..000000000
--- a/wizards/source/gimmicks/UserfieldDlg.xdl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE dlg:window PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "dialog.dtd">
-<dlg:window xmlns:dlg="" xmlns:script="" dlg:id="UserfieldDlg" dlg:left="161" dlg:top="57" dlg:width="281" dlg:height="214" dlg:closeable="true" dlg:moveable="true" dlg:title="Modify User Data">
- <dlg:bulletinboard>
- <dlg:text dlg:id="Label1" dlg:tab-index="0" dlg:left="6" dlg:top="48" dlg:width="57" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Label1"/>
- <dlg:text dlg:id="Label2" dlg:tab-index="1" dlg:left="6" dlg:top="64" dlg:width="57" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Label2"/>
- <dlg:text dlg:id="Label3" dlg:tab-index="2" dlg:left="6" dlg:top="80" dlg:width="57" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Label3"/>
- <dlg:text dlg:id="Label4" dlg:tab-index="3" dlg:left="6" dlg:top="96" dlg:width="57" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Label4"/>
- <dlg:text dlg:id="Label5" dlg:tab-index="4" dlg:left="6" dlg:top="112" dlg:width="57" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Label5"/>
- <dlg:text dlg:id="Label6" dlg:tab-index="5" dlg:left="6" dlg:top="128" dlg:width="57" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Label6"/>
- <dlg:text dlg:id="Label7" dlg:tab-index="6" dlg:left="6" dlg:top="144" dlg:width="57" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Label7"/>
- <dlg:text dlg:id="Label8" dlg:tab-index="7" dlg:left="6" dlg:top="160" dlg:width="57" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Label8"/>
- <dlg:text dlg:id="Label9" dlg:tab-index="8" dlg:left="6" dlg:top="176" dlg:width="57" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Label9"/>
- <dlg:textfield dlg:id="TextField1" dlg:tab-index="9" dlg:left="65" dlg:top="46" dlg:width="193" dlg:height="12"/>
- <dlg:textfield dlg:id="TextField2" dlg:tab-index="10" dlg:left="65" dlg:top="62" dlg:width="193" dlg:height="12"/>
- <dlg:textfield dlg:id="TextField3" dlg:tab-index="11" dlg:left="65" dlg:top="78" dlg:width="193" dlg:height="12"/>
- <dlg:textfield dlg:id="TextField4" dlg:tab-index="12" dlg:left="65" dlg:top="94" dlg:width="193" dlg:height="12"/>
- <dlg:textfield dlg:id="TextField5" dlg:tab-index="13" dlg:left="65" dlg:top="110" dlg:width="193" dlg:height="12"/>
- <dlg:textfield dlg:id="TextField6" dlg:tab-index="14" dlg:left="65" dlg:top="126" dlg:width="193" dlg:height="12"/>
- <dlg:textfield dlg:id="TextField7" dlg:tab-index="15" dlg:left="65" dlg:top="142" dlg:width="193" dlg:height="12"/>
- <dlg:textfield dlg:id="TextField8" dlg:tab-index="16" dlg:left="65" dlg:top="158" dlg:width="193" dlg:height="12"/>
- <dlg:textfield dlg:id="TextField9" dlg:tab-index="17" dlg:left="65" dlg:top="174" dlg:width="193" dlg:height="12"/>
- <dlg:scrollbar dlg:id="ScrollBar1" dlg:tab-index="18" dlg:left="263" dlg:top="46" dlg:width="12" dlg:height="140" dlg:align="vertical">
- <script:event script:event-name="on-adjustmentvaluechange" script:macro-name=";location=application" script:language="Script"/>
- </dlg:scrollbar>
- <dlg:button dlg:id="cmdQuit" dlg:tab-index="19" dlg:left="6" dlg:top="193" dlg:width="35" dlg:height="14" dlg:help-text="Exit Macro" dlg:value="Exit">
- <script:event script:event-name="on-performaction" script:macro-name=";location=application" script:language="Script"/>
- </dlg:button>
- <dlg:button dlg:id="cmdSave" dlg:tab-index="20" dlg:left="45" dlg:top="193" dlg:width="35" dlg:height="14" dlg:help-text="Save All Data of All Users to File" dlg:value="~Save">
- <script:event script:event-name="on-performaction" script:macro-name=";location=application" script:language="Script"/>
- </dlg:button>
- <dlg:button dlg:id="cmdSelect" dlg:tab-index="21" dlg:left="84" dlg:top="193" dlg:width="35" dlg:height="14" dlg:help-text="Replace the User Data in &lt;PRODUCTNAME&gt; With the User Data Above" dlg:value="Se~lect">
- <script:event script:event-name="on-performaction" script:macro-name=";location=application" script:language="Script"/>
- </dlg:button>
- <dlg:button dlg:id="cmdNextUser" dlg:tab-index="22" dlg:left="162" dlg:top="193" dlg:width="35" dlg:height="14" dlg:tag="1" dlg:help-text="Show Data of Next User" dlg:value="Next &gt;&gt;">
- <script:event script:event-name="on-performaction" script:macro-name=";location=application" script:language="Script"/>
- </dlg:button>
- <dlg:button dlg:id="cmdPrevUser" dlg:tab-index="23" dlg:left="123" dlg:top="193" dlg:width="35" dlg:height="14" dlg:tag="-1" dlg:help-text="Show Data of Previous User" dlg:value="&lt;&lt;Previous">
- <script:event script:event-name="on-performaction" script:macro-name=";location=application" script:language="Script"/>
- </dlg:button>
- <dlg:button dlg:id="CommandButton1" dlg:tab-index="24" dlg:left="201" dlg:top="193" dlg:width="35" dlg:height="14" dlg:help-text="Add Data for New User" dlg:value="~New">
- <script:event script:event-name="on-performaction" script:macro-name=";location=application" script:language="Script"/>
- </dlg:button>
- <dlg:text dlg:id="Label10" dlg:tab-index="25" dlg:left="6" dlg:top="6" dlg:width="269" dlg:height="34" dlg:value="This macro lets you easily administrate several user profiles.&#x0a;The user data of several users may be stored in a single file in the directory &lt;ConfigDir&gt;. From there, you can select a particular user whose data is then the current user data in &lt;PRODUCTNAME&gt;." dlg:multiline="true"/>
- <dlg:button dlg:id="cmdDelete" dlg:tab-index="26" dlg:left="240" dlg:top="193" dlg:width="35" dlg:height="14" dlg:help-text="Delete Data of Current User" dlg:value="Delete">
- <script:event script:event-name="on-performaction" script:macro-name=";location=application" script:language="Script"/>
- </dlg:button>
- </dlg:bulletinboard>
-</dlg:window> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/gimmicks/Userfields.xba b/wizards/source/gimmicks/Userfields.xba
deleted file mode 100644
index 391337c6a..000000000
--- a/wizards/source/gimmicks/Userfields.xba
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
-<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Userfields" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
-&apos;Todo: Controlling Scrollbar via Keyboard
-Public Const SBMAXFIELDINDEX = 14
-Public DlgUserFields as Object
-Public oDocument as Object
-Public UserFieldDataType(SBMAXFIELDINDEX,1) as String
-Public ScrollBarValue as Integer
-Public UserFieldFamily(0, SBMAXfIELDINDEX) as String
-Public Const SBTBCOUNT = 9
-Public oUserDataAccess as Object
-Public CurFieldIndex as Integer
-Public FilePath as String
-Sub StartChangesUserfields
-Dim SystemPath as String
- BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary(&quot;Tools&quot;)
- UserFieldDatatype(0,0) = &quot;COMPANY&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(0,1) = &quot;o&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(1,0) = &quot;FIRSTNAME&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(1,1) = &quot;givenname&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(2,0) = &quot;LASTNAME&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(2,1) = &quot;sn&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(3,0) = &quot;INITIALS&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(3,1) = &quot;initials&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(4,0) = &quot;STREET&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(4,1) = &quot;street&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(5,0) = &quot;COUNTRY&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(5,1) = &quot;c&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(6,0) = &quot;ZIP&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(6,1) = &quot;postalcode&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(7,0) = &quot;CITY&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(7,1) = &quot;l&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(8,0) = &quot;TITLE&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(8,1) = &quot;title&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(9,0) = &quot;POSITION&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(9,1) = &quot;position&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(10,0) = &quot;PHONE_HOME&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(10,1) = &quot;homephone&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(11,0) = &quot;PHONE_WORK&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(11,1) = &quot;telephonenumber&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(12,0) = &quot;FAX&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(12,1) = &quot;facsimiletelephonenumber&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(13,0) = &quot;E-MAIL&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(13,1) = &quot;mail&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(14,0) = &quot;STATE&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(14,1) = &quot;st&quot;
- FilePath = GetPathSettings(&quot;Config&quot;, False) &amp; &quot;/&quot; &amp; &quot;UserData.dat&quot;
- DlgUserFields = LoadDialog(&quot;Gimmicks&quot;,&quot;UserfieldDlg&quot;)
- SystemPath = ConvertFromUrl(FilePath)
- DlgUserFields.Model.Label10.Label = ReplaceString(DlgUserFields.Model.Label10.Label, &quot;&apos;&quot; &amp; SystemPath &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;, &quot;&lt;ConfigDir&gt;&quot;)
- DlgUserFields.Model.Label10.Label = ReplaceString(DlgUserFields.Model.Label10.Label, GetProductName(), &quot;&lt;PRODUCTNAME&gt;&quot;)
- DlgUserFields.Model.cmdSelect.HelpText = ReplaceString(DlgUserFields.Model.cmdSelect.HelpText, GetProductName(), &quot;&lt;PRODUCTNAME&gt;&quot;)
- ScrollBarValue = 0
- oUserDataAccess = GetRegistryKeyContent(&quot;org.openoffice.UserProfile/Data&quot;, True)
- InitializeUserFamily()
- FillDialog()
- DlgUserFields.Execute
- DlgUserFields.Dispose()
-End Sub
-Sub FillDialog()
-Dim a as Integer
- With DlgUserFields
- For a = 1 To SBTBCount
- .GetControl(&quot;Label&quot; &amp; a).Model.Label = UserFieldDataType(a-1,0)
- .GetControl(&quot;TextField&quot; &amp; a).Model.Text = UserFieldFamily(CurFieldIndex, a-1)
- Next a
- .Model.ScrollBar1.ScrollValueMax = (SBMAXFIELDINDEX+1) - SBTBCOUNT
- .Model.ScrollBar1.BlockIncrement = SBTBCOUNT
- .Model.ScrollBar1.LineIncrement = 1
- .Model.ScrollBar1.ScrollValue = ScrollBarValue
- End With
-End Sub
-Sub ScrollControls()
- ScrollTextFieldInfo(ScrollBarValue)
- ScrollBarValue = DlgUserFields.Model.ScrollBar1.ScrollValue
- If (ScrollBarValue + SBTBCOUNT) &gt;= SBMAXFIELDINDEX + 1 Then
- End If
- FillupTextFields()
-End Sub
-Sub ScrollTextFieldInfo(ByVal iScrollValue as Integer)
-Dim a as Integer
-Dim CurIndex as Integer
- For a = 1 To SBTBCOUNT
- CurIndex = (a-1) + iScrollValue
- UserFieldFamily(CurFieldIndex,CurIndex) = DlgUserFields.GetControl(&quot;TextField&quot; &amp; a).Model.Text
- Next a
-End Sub
-Sub StopMacro()
- DlgUserFields.EndExecute
-End Sub
-Sub SaveSettings()
-Dim n as Integer
-Dim m as Integer
-Dim MaxIndex as Integer
- ScrollTextFieldInfo(DlgUserFields.Model.ScrollBar1.ScrollValue)
- MaxIndex = Ubound(UserFieldFamily(), 1)
- Dim FileStrings(MaxIndex) as String
- For n = 0 To MaxIndex
- FileStrings(n) = &quot;&quot;
- FileStrings(n) = FileStrings(n) &amp; UserFieldFamily(n,m) &amp; &quot;;&quot;
- Next m
- Next n
- SaveDataToFile(FilePath, FileStrings(), True)
-End Sub
-Sub ToggleButtons(ByVal Index as Integer)
-Dim i as Integer
- CurFieldIndex = Index
- DlgUserFields.Model.cmdNextUser.Enabled = CurFieldIndex &lt;&gt; Ubound(UserFieldFamily(), 1)
- DlgUserFields.Model.cmdPrevUser.Enabled = CurFieldIndex &lt;&gt; 0
-End Sub
-Sub InitializeUserFamily()
-Dim FirstIndex as Integer
-Dim UserFieldstrings() as String
-Dim LocStrings() as String
-Dim bFileExists as Boolean
-Dim n as Integer
-Dim m as Integer
- bFileExists = LoadDataFromFile(GetPathSettings(&quot;Config&quot;, False) &amp; &quot;/&quot; &amp; &quot;UserData.dat&quot;, UserFieldStrings())
- If bFileExists Then
- FirstIndex = Ubound(UserFieldStrings())
- ReDim Preserve UserFieldFamily(FirstIndex, SBMAXFIELDINDEX) as String
- For n = 0 To FirstIndex
- LocStrings() = ArrayOutofString(UserFieldStrings(n), &quot;;&quot;)
- UserFieldFamily(n,m) = LocStrings(m)
- Next m
- Next n
- Else
- ReDim Preserve UserFieldFamily(0,SBMAXFIELDINDEX) as String
- UserFieldFamily(0,m) = oUserDataAccess.GetByName(UserFieldDataType(m,1))
- Next m
- End If
- ToggleButtons(0)
-End Sub
-Sub AddRecord()
-Dim i as Integer
-Dim MaxIndex as Integer
- For i = 1 To SBTBCount
- DlgUserFields.GetControl(&quot;TextField&quot; &amp; i).Model.Text = &quot;&quot;
- Next i
- MaxIndex = Ubound(UserFieldFamily(),1)
- ReDim Preserve UserFieldFamily(MaxIndex + 1, SBMAXFIELDINDEX) as String
- ToggleButtons(MaxIndex + 1, 1)
-End Sub
-Sub FillupTextFields()
-Dim a as Integer
-Dim CurIndex as Integer
- For a = 1 To SBTBCOUNT
- CurIndex = (a-1) + ScrollBarValue
- DlgUserFields.GetControl(&quot;Label&quot; &amp; a).Model.Label = UserFieldDataType(CurIndex,0)
- DlgUserFields.GetControl(&quot;TextField&quot; &amp; a).Model.Text = UserFieldFamily(CurFieldIndex, CurIndex)
- Next a
-End Sub
-Sub StepToRecord(aEvent as Object)
-Dim iStep as Integer
- iStep = CInt(aEvent.Source.Model.Tag)
- ScrollTextFieldInfo(ScrollBarValue)
- ToggleButtons(CurFieldIndex + iStep)
- FillUpTextFields()
-End Sub
-Sub SelectCurrentFields()
-Dim MaxIndex as Integer
-Dim i as Integer
- ScrollTextFieldInfo(ScrollBarValue)
- MaxIndex = Ubound(UserFieldFamily(),2)
- For i = 0 To MaxIndex
- oUserDataAccess.ReplaceByName(UserFieldDataType(i,1), UserFieldFamily(CurFieldIndex, i))
- Next i
- oUserDataAccess.commitChanges()
-End Sub
-Sub DeleteCurrentSettings()
-Dim n as Integer
-Dim m as Integer
-Dim MaxIndex as Integer
- MaxIndex = Ubound(UserFieldFamily(),1)
- If CurFieldIndex &lt; MaxIndex Then
- For n = CurFieldIndex To MaxIndex - 1
- UserFieldFamily(n,m) = UserFieldFamily(n + 1,m)
- Next m
- Next n
- Else
- CurFieldIndex = MaxIndex - 1
- End If
- ReDim Preserve UserFieldFamily(MaxIndex-1, SBMAXfIELDINDEX) as String
- FillupTextFields()
- ToggleButtons(CurFieldIndex)
-End Sub</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/gimmicks/delzip b/wizards/source/gimmicks/delzip
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb..000000000
--- a/wizards/source/gimmicks/delzip
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/wizards/source/gimmicks/dialog.xlb b/wizards/source/gimmicks/dialog.xlb
deleted file mode 100644
index 22271dacb..000000000
--- a/wizards/source/gimmicks/dialog.xlb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE library:library PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "library.dtd">
-<library:library xmlns:library="" library:name="Gimmicks" library:readonly="false" library:passwordprotected="false">
- <library:element library:name="UserfieldDlg"/>
- <library:element library:name="ReadFolderDlg"/>
diff --git a/wizards/source/gimmicks/readdirs.dlg b/wizards/source/gimmicks/readdirs.dlg
deleted file mode 100644
index 20a89426d..000000000
--- a/wizards/source/gimmicks/readdirs.dlg
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/wizards/source/gimmicks/script.xlb b/wizards/source/gimmicks/script.xlb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c820ba43..000000000
--- a/wizards/source/gimmicks/script.xlb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE library:library PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "library.dtd">
-<library:library xmlns:library="" library:name="Gimmicks" library:readonly="false" library:passwordprotected="false">
- <library:element library:name="GetTexts"/>
- <library:element library:name="Userfields"/>
- <library:element library:name="ChangeAllChars"/>
- <library:element library:name="AutoText"/>
- <library:element library:name="ReadDir"/>