path: root/wizards/source/schedule/GermanHolidays.xba
diff options
authorBehrend Cornelius <>2001-11-14 17:29:33 +0000
committerBehrend Cornelius <>2001-11-14 17:29:33 +0000
commitdd8b809ba857c67efdef98990aa250f4f649ab40 (patch)
tree485148572fb5018ee5e11588fde0814c49401e0a /wizards/source/schedule/GermanHolidays.xba
parente8924b18041adfab2919bd79c2e67706bfae6c2d (diff)
#94767# macro restructured due to new asian holidays
Diffstat (limited to 'wizards/source/schedule/GermanHolidays.xba')
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/source/schedule/GermanHolidays.xba b/wizards/source/schedule/GermanHolidays.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f619144d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/schedule/GermanHolidays.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="HolidayGerman" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
+Sub Main()
+ Call CalAutopilotTable()
+End Sub
+Function CalGetGermanLandAtMousePos(byval X as single, byval Y as single) as Integer
+ CalChoosenLand = 0
+ If (X&gt;68)And(X&lt;125)And(Y&gt;116)And(Y&lt;176) Then
+ CalChoosenLand = CalBLBayern
+ ElseIf (X&gt;36)And(X&lt;84)And(Y&gt;131)And(Y&lt;178) Then
+ CalChoosenLand = CalBLBadenWuert
+ ElseIf (X&gt;9)And(X&lt;26)And(Y&gt;128)And(Y&lt;139) Then
+ CalChoosenLand = CalBLSaarland
+ ElseIf (X&gt;8)And(X&lt;37)And(Y&gt;107)And(Y&lt;141) Then
+ CalChoosenLand = CalBLRheinlandPfalz
+ ElseIf (X&gt;5)And(X&lt;53)And(Y&gt;65)And(Y&lt;107) Then
+ CalChoosenLand = CalBLNordrheinWest
+ ElseIf (X&gt;39)And(X&lt;70)And(Y&gt;87)And(Y&lt;131) Then
+ CalChoosenLand = CalBLHessen
+ ElseIf (X&gt;70)And(X&lt;105)And(Y&gt;83)And(Y&lt;116) Then
+ CalChoosenLand = CalBLThueringen
+ ElseIf (X&gt;105)And(X&lt;150)And(Y&gt;82)And(Y&lt;107) Then
+ CalChoosenLand = CalBLSachsen
+ ElseIf (X&gt;47)And(X&lt;85)And(Y&gt;6)And(Y&lt;37) Then
+ CalChoosenLand = CalBLSchlHolstein
+ ElseIf (X&gt;74)And(X&lt;85)And(Y&gt;37)And(Y&lt;43) Then
+ CalChoosenLand = CalBLHamburg
+ ElseIf (X&gt;85)And(X&lt;138)And(Y&gt;18)And(Y&lt;45) Then
+ CalChoosenLand = CalBLMeckPomm
+ ElseIf (X&gt;49)And(X&lt;55)And(Y&gt;41)And(Y&lt;47) Then
+ CalChoosenLand = CalBLBremen
+ ElseIf (X&gt;51)And(X&lt;65)And(Y&gt;53)And(Y&lt;60) Then
+ CalChoosenLand = CalBLBremen
+ ElseIf (X&gt;23)And(X&lt;85)And(Y&gt;38)And(Y&lt;67) Then
+ CalChoosenLand = CalBLNiedersachsen
+ ElseIf (X&gt;53)And(X&lt;85)And(Y&gt;67)And(Y&lt;83) Then
+ CalChoosenLand = CalBLNiedersachsen
+ ElseIf (X&gt;85)And(X&lt;105)And(Y&gt;45)And(Y&lt;83) Then
+ CalChoosenLand = CalBLSachsenAnhalt
+ ElseIf (X&gt;116)And(X&lt;130)And(Y&gt;58)And(Y&lt;68) Then
+ CalChoosenLand = CalBLBerlin
+ ElseIf (X&gt;105)And(X&lt;144)And(Y&gt;45)And(Y&lt;82) Then
+ CalChoosenLand = CalBLBrandenburg
+ End If
+&apos; If (CalChoosenLand &gt;= Lbound(BLNameList)) AND ((CalChoosenLand &lt;= Ubound(BLNameList))) Then
+&apos; Land$ = BLNameList(CalChoosenLand)
+&apos; End If
+ CalGetGermanLandAtMousePos = CalChoosenLand
+End Function
+Sub CalFindWholeYearHolidays_GERMANY(ByVal iSelYear as Integer, ByVal iCountry as Integer)
+ &apos; Ermittelt die Feiertage eines gesamten Jahres (Parameter iSelYear),
+ &apos; bezogen auf ein bestimmtes Bundesland (Parameter iCountry). Kein
+ &apos; bestimmtes Bundesland bedeutet, dass der Parameter gleich der
+ &apos; Konstante calBLHamburg ist, da Hamburg nur Standardfeiertage kennt.
+ &apos; Die Feiertage werden in das Array CalBankHolidayName$ geschrieben.
+ &apos; Der Index dieses Arrays geht bis vierhundert. Der 1. Januar hat den
+ &apos; Indexwert 1, der 2. Januar den Indexwert 2 usw. Das bedeutet, daß
+ &apos; wenn am 2. Januar kein Feiertag existiert, liefert
+ &apos; CalBankHolidayName$(DateSerial(0, 1, 2) eine leere Zeichenkette (&quot;&quot;).
+ Dim So as Integer
+ Dim OsternDate&amp;, VierterAdvent&amp;
+ If (iCountry &lt; 1) Or (iCountry &gt; 16) Then
+ iCountry = CalBLHamburg
+ End If
+ OsternDate&amp; = CalEasterTable&amp;(iSelYear)
+ So = 1
+ CalInsertBankholiday(DateSerial(iSelYear, 1, 1), &quot;Neujahr&quot;, cHolidayType_Full)
+ If (iCountry = CalBLBayern) Or (iCountry = CalBLBadenWuert) Or (iCountry = CalBLSachsenAnhalt) Then
+ CalInsertBankholiday(DateSerial(iSelYear, 1, 6), &quot;Hl. 3 Könige&quot;, cHolidayType_Full)
+ End If
+ CalInsertBankholiday(OsternDate&amp;-2, &quot;Karfreitag&quot;, cHolidayType_Full)
+ CalInsertBankholiday(OsternDate&amp;, &quot;Ostersonntag&quot;, cHolidayType_Full)
+ CalInsertBankholiday(OsternDate&amp;+1, &quot;Ostermontag&quot;, cHolidayType_Full)
+ CalInsertBankholiday(DateSerial(iSelYear, 5, 1), &quot;Maifeiertag&quot;, cHolidayType_Full)
+ CalInsertBankholiday(OsternDate&amp;+39, &quot;Christi Himmelfahrt&quot;, cHolidayType_Full)
+ CalInsertBankholiday(OsternDate&amp;+49, &quot;Pfingstsonntag&quot;, cHolidayType_Full)
+ CalInsertBankholiday(OsternDate&amp;+50, &quot;Pfingstmontag&quot;, cHolidayType_Full)
+ If (iCountry = CalBLBadenWuert) Or (iCountry = CalBLBayern) Or (iCountry = CalBLHessen) Or (iCountry = CalBLNordRheinWest) Or (iCountry = CalBLRheinlandPfalz) Or (iCountry = CalBLSaarland) Or (iCountry = CalBLSachsen) Or (iCountry = CalBLThueringen) Then
+ CalInsertBankholiday(OsternDate&amp;+60, &quot;Fronleichnam&quot;, cHolidayType_Full)
+ End If
+ If (iCountry = CalBLBayern) Or (iCountry = CalBLSaarland) Then
+ CalInsertBankholiday(DateSerial(iSelYear, 8, 15), &quot;Mariä Himmelfahrt&quot;, cHolidayType_Full)
+ End If
+ CalInsertBankholiday(DateSerial(iSelYear, 10, 3), &quot;Tag der dt. Einheit&quot;, cHolidayType_Full)
+ If (iCountry=CalBLBrandenburg) Or (iCountry=CalBLMeckPomm) Or (iCountry=CalBLSachsenAnhalt) Or (iCountry=CalBLSachsen) Or (iCountry=CalBLThueringen) Then
+ CalInsertBankholiday(DateSerial(iSelYear, 10, 31), &quot;Reformationstag&quot;, cHolidayType_Full)
+ End If
+ If (iCountry = CalBLBadenWuert) Or (iCountry = CalBLBayern) Or (iCountry = CalBLNordRheinWest) Or (iCountry = CalBLRheinlandPfalz) Or (iCountry = CalBLSaarland) Or (iCountry = CalBLSachsen) Or (iCountry = CalBLThueringen) Then
+ CalInsertBankholiday(DateSerial(iSelYear, 11, 1), &quot;Allerheiligen&quot;, cHolidayType_Full)
+ End If
+ vierterAdvent = DateSerial(iSelYear, 12, 24)
+ While WeekDay(vierterAdvent) &lt;&gt; So
+ vierterAdvent = vierterAdvent - 1
+ Wend
+ If iCountry = CalBLSachsen Then
+ CalInsertBankholiday(vierterAdvent-32, &quot;Buß- und Bettag&quot;, cHolidayType_Full)
+ Else
+ CalInsertBankholiday(vierterAdvent-32, &quot;Buß- und Bettag&quot;, cHolidayType_Half)
+ End If &apos; Dank an die EKD für die Berechnungsvorschrift des Buß- und Bettags!
+ CalInsertBankholiday(vierterAdvent-21, &quot;1. Advent&quot;, cHolidayType_Full)
+ CalInsertBankholiday(vierterAdvent-14, &quot;2. Advent&quot;, cHolidayType_Full)
+ CalInsertBankholiday(vierterAdvent-7, &quot;3. Advent&quot;, cHolidayType_Full)
+ CalInsertBankholiday(vierterAdvent, &quot;4. Advent&quot;, cHolidayType_Full)
+ CalInsertBankholiday(Dateserial(iSelYear, 12, 24), &quot;Heiligabend&quot;, cHolidayType_Half)
+ CalInsertBankholiday(Dateserial(iSelYear, 12, 25), &quot;1. Weihnachtstag&quot;, cHolidayType_Full)
+ CalInsertBankholiday(Dateserial(iSelYear, 12, 26), &quot;2. Weihnachtstag&quot;, cHolidayType_Full)
+ CalInsertBankholiday(Dateserial(iSelYear, 12, 31), &quot;Sylvester&quot;, cHolidayType_Half)
+End Sub
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file