path: root/extensions/source/dbpilots/listcombopages.src
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authorKurt Zenker <>2001-03-19 10:49:09 +0000
committerKurt Zenker <>2001-03-19 10:49:09 +0000
commit8e3f64f4ac4bcf603c439f67a0dda6195bf0694b (patch)
treebb660340b88b0b18f01980f1a4de9be108717b15 /extensions/source/dbpilots/listcombopages.src
parent215bb22cfa3b29a542af238f9f94f8bc9e626478 (diff)
Merge SRC625: 19.03.01 - 12:49:04 (NoBranch)
Diffstat (limited to 'extensions/source/dbpilots/listcombopages.src')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/source/dbpilots/listcombopages.src b/extensions/source/dbpilots/listcombopages.src
index 2673e51e4..1e7d952c8 100644
--- a/extensions/source/dbpilots/listcombopages.src
+++ b/extensions/source/dbpilots/listcombopages.src
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: listcombopages.src,v $
- * $Revision: 1.4 $
+ * $Revision: 1.5 $
- * last change: $Author: fs $ $Date: 2001-03-14 13:29:20 $
+ * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2001-03-19 11:49:09 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
Text[ polish ] = "Wyb髍 tabeli";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tabellenauswahl";
Text[ japanese ] = "冒剔賯虘I戰";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":选择表格";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选择表格";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "匡拒";
Text[ arabic ] = "释享 轻滔驷";
Text[ dutch ] = "tabel selecteren";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":选择表格";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选择表格";
Text[ greek ] = "硼殡镢 疬磲赆";
Text[ korean ] = " 钎 急琶";
Text[ turkish ] = "Tablo se鏸mi";
"W鋒len Sie bitte die Tabelle, deren Daten die Grundlage f黵 den Listeninhalt bilden sollen:";
Text [ english ]= "On the right hand side, you see all tables of the form's data source.\n\n\n"
"Please choose the table, whichs data should be the base for the list content:";
- Text [ english_us ]= "On the right hand side, you see all tables of the form's data source.\n\n\nPlease choose the table, whichs data should be the base for the list content:";
+ Text [ english_us ]= "On the right side, you see all the tables from the data source of the form.\n\n\nChoose the table from which the data should be used as basis for the list content:";
Text[ portuguese ] = "O lado direito mostra-lhe todas as tabelas da fonte de dados do formul醨io.\n\n\nSeleccione a tabela com os dados que v鉶 servir de base ao conte鷇o da lista.";
Text[ russian ] = "扬疣忄 镱赅玎睇 怦 蜞犭桷 桤 桉蝾黜桕 溧眄 纛痨箅疣.\n\n\n蔓徨痂蝈 蜞犭桷, 溧眄 觐蝾痤 漕腈睇 镱耠箧栩 铖眍忸 潆 耦溴疰桁钽 耧桉赅:";
- Text[ greek ] = "On the right hand side, you see all tables of the form's data source.\n\n\nPlease choose the table, whichs data should be the base for the list content:";
+ Text[ greek ] = "郁珥 溴铋 痣艴褴 瘃镡茈腼眙衢 镩 镩 疬磲赍 狃 麸 瘃镲耖箪 豉 溴滹燧睐 翮 鳇耢狎.\n\n\n硼殡蓊翦 麸 疬磲赆 麸 镳镞秕 翎 溴滹燧磲 栳 狃雉咫蒹秕 翮 廛箸 汩 麸 疱耖鬻屙 翮 脒篝狎:";
Text[ dutch ] = "On the right hand side, you see all tables of the form's data source.\n\n\nPlease choose the table, whichs data should be the base for the list content:";
- Text[ french ] = "On the right hand side, you see all tables of the form's data source.\n\n\nPlease choose the table, whichs data should be the base for the list content:";
+ Text[ french ] = "Toutes les tables de la source de donn閑s du formulaire sont mentionn閑s droite.\n\n\nS閘ectionnez les tables dont les donn閑s devront servir de base au contenu de la liste :";
Text[ spanish ] = "En la parte derecha puede ver todas las tablas de la base de datos del formulario.\n\n\nSeleccione la tabla de la que deban tomarse los datos para el contenido de la lista:";
- Text[ italian ] = "On the right hand side, you see all tables of the form's data source.\n\n\nPlease choose the table, whichs data should be the base for the list content:";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Al lato destro vedrete le tabelle dalla sorgente dati del formulario.\n\nSelezionate le tabelle i cui dati dovranno costituire la base del contenuto dell'elenco:";
Text[ danish ] = "On the right hand side, you see all tables of the form's data source.\n\n\nPlease choose the table, whichs data should be the base for the list content:";
Text[ swedish ] = "P den h鰃ra sidan ser du alla tabeller fr錸 datak鋖lan till formul鋜et.\n\n\nV鋖j tabellen vars data ska ligga till grund f鰎 listinneh錶let:";
Text[ polish ] = "Po prawej stronie widoczne s wszystkie tabele ze 焤骴砤 danych formularza.\n\nNale縴 wybra tabel, kt髍ej dane b阣 s硊縴硑 jako podstawa zawarto渃i listy.";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "On the right hand side, you see all tables of the form's data source.\n\n\nPlease choose the table, whichs data should be the base for the list content:";
Text[ japanese ] = "嵍懁偵太把偺棉袄堪絺﹤鐐虃穫讉膫堂疤拶偑昞\帵偝傟偰偄傑偡丅\n\n\n偙偺拞偐傜亟膿鄺e偺娃敖偲側傞冒剔賯饝I戰偟偰偔偩偝偄丅";
Text[ korean ] = "On the right hand side, you see all tables of the form's data source.\n\n\nPlease choose the table, whichs data should be the base for the list content:";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "On the right hand side, you see all tables of the form's data source.\n\n\nPlease choose the table, whichs data should be the base for the list content:";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "在右边您能够看到表单数据源的所有数据表格。\n\n\n请选择一些用于组成列单内容的基本数据的表格:";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "娩眤镑虫戈方┮Τ戈\n\n\n叫匡拒ㄇノ舱Θ睲虫ず甧膀セ戈";
Text[ turkish ] = "On the right hand side, you see all tables of the form's data source.\n\n\nPlease choose the table, whichs data should be the base for the list content:";
- Text[ arabic ] = "On the right hand side, you see all tables of the form's data source.\n\n\nPlease choose the table, whichs data should be the base for the list content:";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "蓓 轻蛰蜕 轻磴潇 渔 恃 咔萆 滔擎 阏涎 软卿鞘 轻怯抒茄.\n\n\n轻烟橇 俏薯茄 轻滔驷 轻许 渔 试哚 软卿鞘 轻耷谙 徙褪骓鞘 轻耷沏:";
Text[ polish ] = "Wyb髍 pola";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Feldauswahl";
Text[ japanese ] = "台百霓偺慖戰";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":选择字段";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选择字段";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "匡拒逆";
Text[ arabic ] = "释享 轻娃";
Text[ dutch ] = "veld selecteren";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":选择字段";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选择字段";
Text[ greek ] = "硼殡镢 疱溥秕";
Text[ korean ] = "鞘靛 急琶";
Text[ turkish ] = "Alan se鏸mi";
Text [ portuguese ] = "Campos ~dispon韛eis";
Text [ russian ] = "褥妣羼 镱";
Text [ dutch ] = "~Voorhanden velden";
- Text [ french ] = "~Champs existants";
+ Text [ french ] = "Champs ~existants";
Text [ spanish ] = "~Campos existentes";
Text [ italian ] = "~Campi disponibili";
Text [ danish ] = "~Eksisterende felter";
Text [ polish ] = "Istniej筩e pola";
Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Should one option button be the default choice?";
Text [ japanese ] = "巊梡偱偒傞台百霓";
- Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "现有的字段(~V)";
+ Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "现有的字段";
Text [ chinese_traditional ] = "瞷逆";
Text [ arabic ] = "~轻娃驷 轻沔替仙";
Text [ dutch ] = "~Voorhanden velden";
- Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "现有的字段(~V)";
- Text [ greek ] = "拈醻栎箝灬 疱溥";
+ Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "现有的字段";
+ Text [ greek ] = "震荞黠眙 疱溥";
Text [ korean ] = "粮犁窍绰 鞘靛";
Text [ turkish ] = "~Mevcut alanlar";
Text [ portuguese ] = "~Campo de visualiza玢o";
Text [ russian ] = "项脲 镱赅玎";
Text [ dutch ] = "~Weergaveveld";
- Text [ french ] = "~Champ d'affichage";
+ Text [ french ] = "Champ d'~affichage";
Text [ spanish ] = "~Campo de visualizaci髇";
Text [ italian ] = "~Campo di visualizzazione";
Text [ danish ] = "Vi~sningsfelt";
Text [ polish ] = "Pole-wy渨ietlacz";
Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Yes, the default choice is:";
Text [ japanese ] = "昞\帵台百霓";
- Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "显示栏(~A)";
+ Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "显示字段";
Text [ chinese_traditional ] = "陪ボ逆";
Text [ arabic ] = "~娃 轻谘";
Text [ dutch ] = "~Weergaveveld";
- Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "显示栏(~A)";
- Text [ greek ] = "绣溥 屐鲕黹箸";
+ Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "显示字段";
+ Text [ greek ] = "绣溥 瘃镡镫掾";
Text [ korean ] = "唱鸥郴绰 鞘靛";
Text [ turkish ] = "~G鰎黱t alan";
Text = "Der Inhalt des ausgew鋒lten Feldes wird in der Liste des Kombinationsfeldes angezeigt.";
Text [ english ] = "The contents of the field selected will be shown in the combo box field list.";
- Text [ english_us ] = "The contents of the field selected will be shown in the combo box field list.";
+ Text [ english_us ] = "The contents of the field selected will be shown in the combo box list.";
Text [ portuguese ] = "O conte鷇o do campo seleccionado ser mostrado na lista da caixa de combina玢o.";
Text [ russian ] = "杨溴疰桁铄 恹狃囗眍泐 镱 狍溴 镱赅玎眍 镱脲 耦 耧桉觐.";
Text [ dutch ] = "De inhoud van het geselecteerde veld wordt in de lijst onder het combinatieveld weergegeven..";
Text [ polish ] = "Zawarto滄 wybranego pola wy渨ietlona zostanie na li渃ie pola kombi.";
Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No, no I don't want an option to be the default.";
Text [ japanese ] = "慖戰偟偨台百霓偺撪梕偼丄狠无无絺特侥偵昞\帵偝傟傑偡丅";
- Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "选择的字段会显示在组合栏的列单内。";
+ Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "已经选择的字段会显示在组合栏的列单内。";
Text [ chinese_traditional ] = "匡拒逆ず甧穦陪ボ舱逆睲虫ぇい";
Text [ arabic ] = "渔 硎 刨迩 阃舒砬 轻娃 轻沲拖 蓓 耷沏 阊融 轻释秧 媲嵊严.";
Text [ dutch ] = "De inhoud van het geselecteerde veld wordt in de lijst onder het combinatieveld weergegeven..";
- Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "选择的字段会显示在组合栏的列单内。";
- Text [ greek ] = "燥 疱耖鬻屙 麸 屦殡邈燧盹 疱溥秕 屐鲠磉驽翎 篝 脒篝 麸 疱溥秕 篚礓踽箪稞.";
+ Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "已经选择的字段会显示在组合栏的列单内。";
+ Text [ greek ] = "燥 疱耖鬻屙 麸 屦殡邈燧盹 疱溥秕 屐鲠磉驽翎 篝珥 脒篝 麸 疱溥秕 篚礓踽箪稞.";
Text [ korean ] = "急琶等 鞘靛狼 郴侩捞 霓焊冠胶狼 格废俊 钎矫邓聪促.";
Text [ turkish ] = "Se鏸len alan齨 i鏴ri餴, kombinasyon alan listesinde g鰎黱t黮enecek.";
Text [ english_us ] = "The contents of the selected field will be shown in the list box if the linked fields are identical.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "O conte鷇o do campo seleccionado ser mostrado na lista se os campos ligados coincidirem.";
Text[ russian ] = "杨溴疰桁铄 恹狃囗眍泐 镱 狍溴 镱赅玎眍 耧桉赍, 羼腓 疋玎眄 镱 耦怙噤帼.";
- Text[ greek ] = "The contents of the selected field will be shown in the list box if the linked fields are identical.";
+ Text[ greek ] = "燥 疱耖鬻屙 麸 屦殡邈燧盹 疱溥秕 屐鲠磉驽翎 篝 疱溥 脒篝狎 犴 篚祓唣麸蹴 翎 篚礓邃屐蓓 疱溥.";
Text[ dutch ] = "The contents of the selected field will be shown in the list box if the linked fields are identical.";
- Text[ french ] = "The contents of the selected field will be shown in the list box if the linked fields are identical.";
+ Text[ french ] = "Le contenu du champ s閘ectionn sera affich dans la zone de liste condition que les champs li閟 concordent bien.";
Text[ spanish ] = "El contenido del campo seleccionado se mostrar en el listado si coinciden los campos vinculados.";
- Text[ italian ] = "The contents of the selected field will be shown in the list box if the linked fields are identical.";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Il contenuto del campo selezionato verr mostrato nella casella di riepilogo quando i campi collegati coincidono.";
Text[ danish ] = "The contents of the selected field will be shown in the list box if the linked fields are identical.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Inneh錶let i det utvalda f鋖tet visas i listrutan om de l鋘kade f鋖ten st鋗mer 鰒erens.";
Text[ polish ] = "Je渓i po彻czone pola si zgadzaj, zawarto滄 wybranego pola wy渨ietlona zostanie w polu listy.";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "The contents of the selected field will be shown in the list box if the linked fields are identical.";
Text[ japanese ] = "剌競穫樘ò倌迋獡瘓陚緜苼A慖戰偟偨台百霓偺撪梕偑亟奈薤附偵昞\帵偝傟傑偡丅";
Text[ korean ] = "The contents of the selected field will be shown in the list box if the linked fields are identical.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "The contents of the selected field will be shown in the list box if the linked fields are identical.";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "如果相连结的字段一致,列单内会显示出选择的字段内容。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "狦硈挡逆才┮匡拒逆ず甧碞穦陪ボ睲虫よ遏ぇい";
Text[ turkish ] = "The contents of the selected field will be shown in the list box if the linked fields are identical.";
Text[ arabic ] = "渔 寿逖 阃舒砬 轻娃 轻沲拖 蓓 阊融 轻耷沏 蓓 颓嵘 守侨 轻娃驷 轻阊嗜厣";
@@ -322,11 +322,11 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_LCW_FIELDLINK
Text [ polish ] = "Po彻czenie pola";
Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Database Field";
Text [ japanese ] = "台百霓偺剌";
- Text [ chinese_simplified ] = ":链接字段";
+ Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "连结字段";
Text [ chinese_traditional ] = "逆倍畖";
Text [ arabic ] = "茄嗜秦 轻娃";
Text [ dutch ] = "velden koppelen";
- Text [ chinese_simplified ] = ":链接字段";
+ Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "连结字段";
Text [ greek ] = "育礓弩 疱溥秕";
Text [ korean ] = "鞘靛 楷搬";
Text [ turkish ] = "Alan ba餷ant齭";
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_LCW_FIELDLINK
Group = TRUE;
Text = "Feld aus der ~Wertetabelle";
Text [ english ] = "Field from the Value Table";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Field from the Value Table";
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Field from the ~Value Table";
Text [ portuguese ] = "Campo da ~tabela de valores";
Text [ russian ] = "项脲 桤 蜞犭桷 珥圜屙栝";
Text [ dutch ] = "Veld uit de ~waardentabel";
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_LCW_FIELDLINK
Text [ arabic ] = "娃 沅 滔驷 ~轻揄";
Text [ dutch ] = "Veld uit de ~waardentabel";
Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "从数值表格生成字段";
- Text [ greek ] = "绣溥 狃 麸 ~羞磲赆 糸忐";
+ Text [ greek ] = "绣溥 狃 麸 疬磲赆 糸忐";
Text [ korean ] = "蔼钎肺 何磐狼 鞘靛";
Text [ turkish ] = "De餰r tablosu alan";
@@ -381,24 +381,24 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_LCW_FIELDLINK
Group = TRUE;
Text = "Feld aus der ~Listentabelle";
Text [ english ] = "Field from the List Table";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Field from the List Table";
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Campo da ~tabela de listagem";
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Field from the ~List Table";
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Campo da tabela de listagem";
Text [ russian ] = "项脲 桤 蜞犭桷 耧桉赅";
- Text [ dutch ] = "Veld uit de ~lijsttabel";
- Text [ french ] = "Champ de la table de liste";
- Text [ spanish ] = "Campo del list~ado";
- Text [ italian ] = "Campo dalla tabella di ~elenco";
- Text [ danish ] = "Felt fra ~listetabellen";
- Text [ swedish ] = "F鋖t fr錸 ~listtabellen";
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Veld uit de &lijsttabel";
+ Text [ french ] = "Champ de la table de ~liste";
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Campo del list&ado";
+ Text [ italian ] = "Campo dalla tabella di &elenco";
+ Text [ danish ] = "Felt fra &listetabellen";
+ Text [ swedish ] = "F鋖t fr錸 listtabellen";
Text [ polish ] = "Pole z tabeli listy";
Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Do you want to save the value in a database field?";
Text [ japanese ] = "亟拿疤拶偐傜偺台百霓";
Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "从列单表格生成字段";
Text [ chinese_traditional ] = "眖睲虫舱Θ逆";
- Text [ arabic ] = "娃 沅 滔驷 ~轻耷沏";
- Text [ dutch ] = "Veld uit de ~lijsttabel";
+ Text [ arabic ] = "娃 沅 滔驷 轻耷沏";
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Veld uit de &lijsttabel";
Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "从列单表格生成字段";
- Text [ greek ] = "绣溥 狃 麸 ~羞磲赆 脒篝狎";
+ Text [ greek ] = "绣溥 狃 麸 疬磲赆 ~脒篝狎";
Text [ korean ] = "格废 钎肺何磐狼 鞘靛";
Text [ turkish ] = "Liste tablosu alan";
@@ -418,9 +418,9 @@ String RID_STR_COMBOWIZ_DBFIELD
Text = "Sie k鰊nen den Wert des Kombinationsfeldes entweder in einem Datenbankfeld speichern oder ihn nur zum Anzeigen verwenden.";
Text [ english ] = "You can either save the value of the combo box field in a database field or use it for display purposes.";
- Text [ english_us ] = "You can either save the value of the combo box field in a database field or use it for display purposes.";
+ Text [ english_us ] = "You can either save the value of the combo box in a database field or use it for display purposes.";
Text [ portuguese ] = "Poder guardar o valor da caixa de combina玢o num campo da base de dados ou utiliz-lo apenas para visualiza玢o.";
- Text [ russian ] = "琼圜屙桢 镱 耦 耧桉觐 祛骓 桦 耦躔囗栩 镱脲 徉琨 溧眄 桦 桉镱朦珙忄螯 邈 潆 镱赅玎.";
+ Text [ russian ] = "琼圜屙桢 镱 耦 耧桉觐 祛骓 耦躔囗栩 镱脲 徉琨 溧眄 桦 桉镱朦珙忄螯 邈 蝾朦觐 潆 镱赅玎.";
Text [ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van het combinatieveld in een databaseveld opslaan of deze alleen laten weergeven.";
Text [ french ] = "Vous pouvez soit enregistrer la valeur de la zone combin閑 dans un champ de base de donn閑s, soit l'utiliser seulement pour l'affichage.";
Text [ spanish ] = "Puede guardar el valor del campo combinado en un campo de base de datos o usarlo solo para mostrarlo.";
@@ -429,13 +429,13 @@ String RID_STR_COMBOWIZ_DBFIELD
Text [ swedish ] = "Du kan antingen spara kombinationsf鋖tets v鋜de i ett databasf鋖t eller bara anv鋘da det f鰎 visning.";
Text [ polish ] = "Warto滄 pola kombi mo縩a zapisa w polu bazy danych lub u縴 jej tylko do wy渨ietlenia.";
Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Yes, in the following database:";
- Text [ japanese ] = "狠无无絺虙l偼棉袄娃敖台百霓偵曐懚丄偁傞偄偼昞\帵偡傞偨傔偩偗偵巊梡偱偒傑偡丅";
- Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "您能够将组合栏中的数值存入数据库栏内或用于显示。";
- Text [ chinese_traditional ] = "眤镑盢舱逆计戈畐ず┪陪ボ硂ㄇ计沮";
+ Text [ japanese ] = "狠无无絺虙l偼丄棉袄娃敖台百霓偵曐懚偡傞偐丄偁傞偄偼昞\帵梡偩偗偵巊梡偡傞偙偲偑偱偒傑偡丅";
+ Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "您能够将组合栏中的数值存入数据库字段内或用于显示。";
+ Text [ chinese_traditional ] = "眤镑盢舱逆计戈畐逆┪ノ陪ボ";
Text [ arabic ] = "磴咪 洼 揄闵 阊融 轻释秧 媲嵊严 蓓 娃 耷谙 软卿鞘 面 怯饰锨沐 後谘 蒉.";
Text [ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van het combinatieveld in een databaseveld opslaan of deze alleen laten weergeven.";
- Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "您能够将组合栏中的数值存入数据库栏内或用于显示。";
- Text [ greek ] = "甜锺暹翦 磲 狃镨珀妪箦翦 翮 糸燹 麸 疱溥秕 篚礓踽箪稞 箦 蓓 疱溥 廛箸 溴滹燧睐 磲 麸 黢珞殪镳镩摅弭 禳盹 汩 屐鲕黹箸.";
+ Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "您能够将组合栏中的数值存入数据库字段内或用于显示。";
+ Text [ greek ] = "甜锺暹翦 磲 狃镨珀妪箦翦 翮 糸燹 麸 疱溥秕 篚礓踽箪稞 箦 蓓 疱溥 翮 廛箸 溴滹燧睐 磲 麸 黢珞殪镳镩摅弭 禳盹 汩 翮 屐鲕黹筠 麸.";
Text [ korean ] = "霓焊冠胶狼 蔼阑 单捞磐海捞胶 鞘靛俊 历厘窍芭唱 唱鸥郴扁俊父 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促.";
Text [ turkish ] = "Kombinasyon alan齨齨 de餰rini bir veritaban alan齨da kaydedebilir ya da yaln齴ca g鰎黱t黮eme i鏸n kullanabilirsiniz.";
@@ -443,6 +443,9 @@ String RID_STR_COMBOWIZ_DBFIELD
* history:
* $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
+ * Revision 1.4 2001/03/14 13:29:20 fs
+ * & -> ~
+ *
* Revision 1.3 2001/03/09 20:50:09 kz
* Merge SRC624: 09.03.01 - 21:50:15 (NoBranch)