path: root/extensions/source/dbpilots/listcombopages.src
diff options
authorKurt Zenker <>2001-05-10 05:11:39 +0000
committerKurt Zenker <>2001-05-10 05:11:39 +0000
commit82b7946a149469e5663e872b74ed64e6bb6f043f (patch)
treebee4ef48f638973d6aa6e7932dd8d157bd159e37 /extensions/source/dbpilots/listcombopages.src
parent64f6d540b1a26883ef7585ef7632bd2de5f5ff2b (diff)
Merge SRC631: 05/10/01 - 08:11:52 (NoBranch)
Diffstat (limited to 'extensions/source/dbpilots/listcombopages.src')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/source/dbpilots/listcombopages.src b/extensions/source/dbpilots/listcombopages.src
index c03d80b5d..c684e1f3c 100644
--- a/extensions/source/dbpilots/listcombopages.src
+++ b/extensions/source/dbpilots/listcombopages.src
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: listcombopages.src,v $
- * $Revision: 1.9 $
+ * $Revision: 1.10 $
- * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2001-05-04 20:17:58 $
+ * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2001-05-10 06:11:39 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
Text[ turkish ] = "On the right hand side, you see all tables of the form's data source.\n\n\nPlease choose the table, whichs data should be the base for the list content:";
Text[ arabic ] = " .\n\n\n :";
Text[ catalan ] = "En la parte derecha puede ver todas las tablas de la base de datos del formulario.\n\n\nSeleccione la tabla de la que deban tomarse los datos para el contenido de la lista:";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Auf der rechten Seite sehen Sie alle Tabellen aus der Datenquelle des Formulars.\n\n\nWhlen Sie bitte die Tabelle, deren Daten die Grundlage fr den Listeninhalt bilden sollen:";
DropDown = FALSE;
Text[ catalan ] = "Seleccin de tabla";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Tabellenauswahl";
Text [ korean ] = "ϴ ʵ";
Text [ turkish ] = "~Mevcut alanlar";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Campos existentes";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "~Vorhandene Felder";
Text [ polish ] = "Pole-wywietlacz";
Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Yes, the default choice is:";
Text [ japanese ] = "\\̨";
- Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "ʾֶ";
+ Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "ʾ";
Text [ chinese_traditional ] = "";
Text [ arabic ] = "~ ";
Text [ dutch ] = "~Weergaveveld";
- Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "ʾֶ";
+ Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "ʾ";
Text [ greek ] = " ";
Text [ korean ] = "Ÿ¡ʵ";
Text [ turkish ] = "~Grnt alan";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Campo de visualizacin";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "~Anzeigefeld";
Text [ korean ] = "õ ʵ ޺ڽ Ͽ ǥõ˴ϴ.";
Text [ turkish ] = "Seilen alann ierii, kombinasyon alan listesinde grntlenecek.";
Text[ catalan ] = "El contenido del campo seleccionado se mostrar en la lista del campo combinado.";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Der Inhalt des ausgewhlten Feldes wird in der Liste des Kombinationsfeldes angezeigt.";
Text[ turkish ] = "The contents of the selected field will be shown in the list box if the linked fields are identical.";
Text[ arabic ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "El contenido del campo seleccionado se mostrar en el listado si coinciden los campos vinculados.";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Der Inhalt des ausgewhlten Feldes wird in dem Listenfeld angezeigt, wenn die ver- knpften Felder berein- stimmen";
Text[ catalan ] = "Seleccin de campo";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Feldauswahl";
@@ -345,7 +352,7 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_LCW_FIELDLINK
Text = "Whlen Sie hier die Felder aus, deren Inhalt bereinstimmen muss, damit der Wert aus dem Anzeigefeld angezeigt wird.";
Text [ english ] = "Here, choose the fields which's contents must equal to show the value in the display field.";
Text [ english_us ] = "This is where you select fields with matching contents so that the value from the display field will be shown.";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Os contedos dos campos que seleccionar aqui tero que coincidir de forma a poder ver os respectivos valores no campo de visualizao.";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Os contedos dos campos que seleccionar aqui tero que coincidir, de forma a poder ver os respectivos valores no campo de visualizao.";
Text[ russian ] = " , , , .";
Text[ greek ] = "Here, choose the fields which's contents must equal to show the value in the display field.";
Text[ dutch ] = "Kies hier de velden waarvan de inhoud overeen moet stemmen, zodat de waarde uit het weergaveveld kan worden weergegeven.";
@@ -356,13 +363,14 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_LCW_FIELDLINK
Text[ swedish ] = "Markera flten vars innehll mste stmma verens fr att vrdet frn visningsfltet ska visas.";
Text[ polish ] = "Aby wywietlona zostaa warto z pola wywietlania, naley w tym miejscu wybra pola o tej samej zawartoci.";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Here, choose the fields which's contents must equal to show the value in the display field.";
- Text[ japanese ] = "ŁA\\̨ނ\\鐔lƈvęނI܂B";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "\\̨ނl\\悤ɁAƈvęނőI܂B";
Text[ korean ] = "Here, choose the fields which's contents must equal to show the value in the display field.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Here, choose the fields which's contents must equal to show the value in the display field.";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Here, choose the fields which's contents must equal to show the value in the display field.";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡݱֶͬΣԱʾʾصֵ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "boܤeۦPAΩ줧ƭȡC";
Text[ turkish ] = "Here, choose the fields which's contents must equal to show the value in the display field.";
Text[ arabic ] = "Here, choose the fields which's contents must equal to show the value in the display field.";
Text[ catalan ] = "Here, choose the fields which's contents must equal to show the value in the display field.";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Whlen Sie hier die Felder aus, deren Inhalt bereinstimmen muss, damit der Wert aus dem Anzeigefeld angezeigt wird.";
FixedLine FL_FRAME
@@ -397,6 +405,7 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_LCW_FIELDLINK
Text [ korean ] = "ǥ ʵ(~V)";
Text [ turkish ] = "Deer tablosu alan";
Text[ catalan ] = "Campo de la tabla de ~valores";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Feld aus der ~Wertetabelle";
@@ -436,6 +445,7 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_LCW_FIELDLINK
Text [ korean ] = " ǥκ ʵ(~L)";
Text [ turkish ] = "Liste tablosu alan";
Text[ catalan ] = "Campo del list&ado";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Feld aus der ~Listentabelle";
@@ -448,6 +458,7 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_LCW_FIELDLINK
AutoHScroll = TRUE;
Text[ catalan ] = "Vnculo de campo";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Feldverknpfung";
@@ -475,11 +486,15 @@ String RID_STR_COMBOWIZ_DBFIELD
Text [ korean ] = "޺ڽ ͺ̽ ʵ忡 ϰų Ÿ⿡ ֽϴ.";
Text [ turkish ] = "Kombinasyon alannn deerini bir veritaban alannda kaydedebilir ya da yalnzca grntleme iin kullanabilirsiniz.";
Text[ catalan ] = "Puede guardar el valor del campo combinado en un campo de base de datos o usarlo solo para mostrarlo.";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Sie knnen den Wert des Kombinationsfeldes entweder in einem Datenbankfeld speichern oder ihn nur zum Anzeigen verwenden.";
* history:
* $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
+ * Revision 1.9 2001/05/04 20:17:58 kz
+ * Merge SRC630: 05/04/01 - 22:17:57 (NoBranch)
+ *
* Revision 1.8 2001/04/26 19:54:16 kz
* Merge SRC630: 26.04.01 - 21:53:44 (NoBranch)