/* * Simple UEFI boot loader which executes configured EFI images, where the * default entry is selected by a configured pattern (glob) or an on-screen * menu. * * All gummiboot code is LGPL not GPL, to stay out of politics and to give * the freedom of copying code from programs to possible future libraries. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Kay Sievers * Copyright (C) 2012 Harald Hoyer * * "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent." * -- Albert Einstein */ #include "efi.h" #include "efilib.h" #define _stringify(s) #s #define stringify(s) _stringify(s) #ifndef EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION #define EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION EFIERR(26) #endif /* magic string to find in the binary image */ static const char __attribute__((used)) magic[] = "#### gummiboot " stringify(VERSION) " ####"; /* * Allocated random UUID, intended to be shared across tools that implement * the (ESP)\loader\entries\-.conf convention and the * associated EFI variables. */ static const EFI_GUID loader_guid = { 0x4a67b082, 0x0a4c, 0x41cf, {0xb6, 0xc7, 0x44, 0x0b, 0x29, 0xbb, 0x8c, 0x4f} }; enum loader_type { LOADER_UNDEFINED, LOADER_EFI, LOADER_LINUX }; typedef struct { CHAR16 *file; CHAR16 *title_show; CHAR16 *title; CHAR16 *version; CHAR16 *machine_id; EFI_HANDLE *device; enum loader_type type; CHAR16 *loader; CHAR16 *options; BOOLEAN no_autoselect; BOOLEAN non_unique; } ConfigEntry; typedef struct { ConfigEntry **entries; UINTN entry_count; UINTN idx_default; INTN idx_default_efivar; UINTN timeout_sec; UINTN timeout_sec_config; INTN timeout_sec_efivar; CHAR16 *entry_default_pattern; CHAR16 *options_edit; CHAR16 *entries_auto; } Config; static CHAR16 *stra_to_str(CHAR8 *stra); #ifdef __x86_64__ static UINT64 ticks_read(void) { UINT64 a, d; __asm__ volatile ("rdtsc" : "=a" (a), "=d" (d)); return (d << 32) | a; } static void cpuid_read(UINT32 info, UINT32 *eax, UINT32 *ebx, UINT32 *ecx, UINT32 *edx) { *eax = info; __asm__ volatile ( "mov %%ebx, %%edi;" "cpuid;" "mov %%ebx, %%esi;" "mov %%edi, %%ebx;" :"+a" (*eax), "=S" (*ebx), "=c" (*ecx), "=d" (*edx) : :"edi" ); } static UINT64 cpufreq_read(void) { UINT32 eax, ebx, ecx, edx; union { UINT32 i[3][4]; CHAR8 s[4 * 4 * 3 + 1]; } brand; UINTN i; CHAR8 *s; UINT64 scale; CHAR16 *str; static UINT64 usec; if (usec > 0) return usec; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { cpuid_read(0x80000002 + i, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx); brand.i[i][0] = eax; brand.i[i][1] = ebx; brand.i[i][2] = ecx; brand.i[i][3] = edx; } brand.s[4 * 4 * 3] = '\0'; /* * Extract: * “x.xxyHz” or “xxxxyHz”, where y=M,G,T * from CPUID brand string: * Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2540M CPU @ 2.60GHz * * http://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/ * application-notes/processor-identification-cpuid-instruction-note.pdf */ s = NULL; for (i = 4; i < (4 * 4 * 3) - 2; i++) { if (brand.s[i+1] == 'H' && brand.s[i+2] == 'z') { s = brand.s + i; break; } } if (!s) return 0; scale = 1000; switch(*s){ case 'T': scale *= 1000; case 'G': scale *= 1000; case 'M': scale *= 1000; break; default: return 0; } s -= 4; s[4] = '\0'; if (s[1] == '.') { s[1] = s[0]; s++; scale /= 100; } str = stra_to_str(s); usec = Atoi(str) * scale; FreePool(str); return usec; } static UINT64 time_usec(void) { UINT64 ticks; UINT64 cpufreq; ticks = ticks_read(); if (ticks == 0) return 0; cpufreq = cpufreq_read(); if (cpufreq == 0) return 0; return 1000 * 1000 * ticks / cpufreq; } #else static UINT64 time_usec(void) { return 0; } #endif static EFI_STATUS efivar_set(CHAR16 *name, CHAR16 *value, BOOLEAN persistent) { UINT32 flags; flags = EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS|EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS; if (persistent) flags |= EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE; return uefi_call_wrapper(RT->SetVariable, 5, name, &loader_guid, flags, value ? (StrLen(value)+1) * sizeof(CHAR16) : 0, value); } static EFI_STATUS efivar_get(CHAR16 *name, CHAR16 **value) { CHAR16 *val; UINTN size; EFI_STATUS err; size = sizeof(CHAR16 *) * EFI_MAXIMUM_VARIABLE_SIZE; val = AllocatePool(size); if (!val) return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; err = uefi_call_wrapper(RT->GetVariable, 5, name, &loader_guid, NULL, &size, val); if (EFI_ERROR(err) == EFI_SUCCESS) *value = val; else FreePool(val); return err; } static EFI_STATUS efivar_set_int(CHAR16 *name, UINTN i, BOOLEAN persistent) { CHAR16 str[32]; SPrint(str, 32, L"%d", i); return efivar_set(name, str, persistent); } static EFI_STATUS efivar_get_int(CHAR16 *name, UINTN *i) { CHAR16 *val; EFI_STATUS err; err = efivar_get(name, &val); if (EFI_ERROR(err) == EFI_SUCCESS) { *i = Atoi(val); FreePool(val); } return err; } static VOID efivar_set_time_usec(CHAR16 *name, UINT64 usec) { CHAR16 str[32]; if (usec == 0) usec = time_usec(); if (usec == 0) return; SPrint(str, 32, L"%ld", usec); efivar_set(name, str, FALSE); } static void cursor_left(UINTN *cursor, UINTN *first) { if ((*cursor) > 0) (*cursor)--; else if ((*first) > 0) (*first)--; } static void cursor_right(UINTN *cursor, UINTN *first, UINTN x_max, UINTN len) { if ((*cursor)+1 < x_max) (*cursor)++; else if ((*first) + (*cursor) < len) (*first)++; } static BOOLEAN line_edit(CHAR16 *line_in, CHAR16 **line_out, UINTN x_max, UINTN y_pos) { CHAR16 *line; UINTN size; UINTN len; UINTN first; CHAR16 *print; UINTN cursor; BOOLEAN exit; BOOLEAN enter; if (!line_in) line_in = L""; size = StrLen(line_in) + 1024; line = AllocatePool(size * sizeof(CHAR16)); StrCpy(line, line_in); len = StrLen(line); print = AllocatePool((x_max+1) * sizeof(CHAR16)); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->EnableCursor, 2, ST->ConOut, TRUE); first = 0; cursor = 0; enter = FALSE; exit = FALSE; while (!exit) { UINTN index; EFI_STATUS err; EFI_INPUT_KEY key; UINTN i; i = len - first; if (i >= x_max-1) i = x_max-1; CopyMem(print, line + first, i * sizeof(CHAR16)); print[i++] = ' '; print[i] = '\0'; uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition, 3, ST->ConOut, 0, y_pos); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->OutputString, 2, ST->ConOut, print); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition, 3, ST->ConOut, cursor, y_pos); uefi_call_wrapper(BS->WaitForEvent, 3, 1, &ST->ConIn->WaitForKey, &index); err = uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke, 2, ST->ConIn, &key); if (EFI_ERROR(err)) continue; switch (key.ScanCode) { case SCAN_ESC: exit = TRUE; break; case SCAN_HOME: cursor = 0; first = 0; continue; case SCAN_END: cursor = len; if (cursor+1 >= x_max) { cursor = x_max-1; first = len - (x_max-1); } continue; case SCAN_UP: while((first + cursor) && line[first + cursor] == ' ') cursor_left(&cursor, &first); while((first + cursor) && line[first + cursor] != ' ') cursor_left(&cursor, &first); while((first + cursor) && line[first + cursor] == ' ') cursor_left(&cursor, &first); if (first + cursor != len && first + cursor) cursor_right(&cursor, &first, x_max, len); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition, 3, ST->ConOut, cursor, y_pos); continue; case SCAN_DOWN: while(line[first + cursor] && line[first + cursor] == ' ') cursor_right(&cursor, &first, x_max, len); while(line[first + cursor] && line[first + cursor] != ' ') cursor_right(&cursor, &first, x_max, len); while(line[first + cursor] && line[first + cursor] == ' ') cursor_right(&cursor, &first, x_max, len); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition, 3, ST->ConOut, cursor, y_pos); continue; case SCAN_RIGHT: if (first + cursor == len) continue; cursor_right(&cursor, &first, x_max, len); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition, 3, ST->ConOut, cursor, y_pos); continue; case SCAN_LEFT: cursor_left(&cursor, &first); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition, 3, ST->ConOut, cursor, y_pos); continue; case SCAN_DELETE: if (len == 0) continue; if (first + cursor == len) continue; for (i = first + cursor; i < len; i++) line[i] = line[i+1]; line[len-1] = ' '; len--; continue; } switch (key.UnicodeChar) { case CHAR_LINEFEED: case CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN: if (StrCmp(line, line_in) != 0) { *line_out = line; line = NULL; } enter = TRUE; exit = TRUE; break; case CHAR_BACKSPACE: if (len == 0) continue; if (first == 0 && cursor == 0) continue; for (i = first + cursor-1; i < len; i++) line[i] = line[i+1]; len--; if (cursor > 0) cursor--; if (cursor > 0 || first == 0) continue; /* show full line if it fits */ if (len < x_max) { cursor = first; first = 0; continue; } /* jump left to see what we delete */ if (first > 10) { first -= 10; cursor = 10; } else { cursor = first; first = 0; } continue; case '\t': case ' ' ... '~': case 0x80 ... 0xffff: if (len+1 == size) continue; for (i = len; i > first + cursor; i--) line[i] = line[i-1]; line[first + cursor] = key.UnicodeChar; len++; line[len] = '\0'; if (cursor+1 < x_max) cursor++; else if (first + cursor < len) first++; continue; } } uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->EnableCursor, 2, ST->ConOut, FALSE); FreePool(print); FreePool(line); return enter; } static VOID dump_status(Config *config, CHAR16 *loaded_image_path) { UINTN index; UINTN i; CHAR16 *s; uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetAttribute, 2, ST->ConOut, EFI_LIGHTGRAY|EFI_BACKGROUND_BLACK); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->ClearScreen, 1, ST->ConOut); Print(L"gummiboot version: " stringify(VERSION) "\n"); Print(L"loaded image: %s\n", loaded_image_path); Print(L"UEFI version: %d.%02d\n", ST->Hdr.Revision >> 16, ST->Hdr.Revision & 0xffff); Print(L"firmware vendor: %s\n", ST->FirmwareVendor); Print(L"firmware version: %d.%02d\n", ST->FirmwareRevision >> 16, ST->FirmwareRevision & 0xffff); Print(L"\n"); Print(L"timeout: %d\n", config->timeout_sec); if (config->timeout_sec_efivar >= 0) Print(L"timeout (EFI var): %d\n", config->timeout_sec_efivar); Print(L"timeout (config): %d\n", config->timeout_sec_config); if (config->entry_default_pattern) Print(L"default pattern: '%s'\n", config->entry_default_pattern); Print(L"\n"); Print(L"config entry count: %d\n", config->entry_count); Print(L"entry selected idx: %d\n", config->idx_default); if (config->idx_default_efivar >= 0) Print(L"entry EFI var idx: %d\n", config->idx_default_efivar); Print(L"\n"); if (efivar_get_int(L"LoaderConfigTimeout", &i) == EFI_SUCCESS) Print(L"LoaderConfigTimeout: %d\n", i); if (efivar_get(L"LoaderEntryOneShot", &s) == EFI_SUCCESS) { Print(L"LoaderEntryOneShot: %s\n", s); FreePool(s); } if (efivar_get(L"LoaderDeviceIdentifier", &s) == EFI_SUCCESS) { Print(L"LoaderDeviceIdentifier: %s\n", s); FreePool(s); } if (efivar_get(L"LoaderDevicePartUUID", &s) == EFI_SUCCESS) { Print(L"LoaderDevicePartUUID: %s\n", s); FreePool(s); } if (efivar_get(L"LoaderEntryDefault", &s) == EFI_SUCCESS) { Print(L"LoaderEntryDefault: %s\n", s); FreePool(s); } Print(L"\n--- press key ---\n\n"); uefi_call_wrapper(BS->WaitForEvent, 3, 1, &ST->ConIn->WaitForKey, &index); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConIn->Reset, 2, ST->ConIn, FALSE); for (i = 0; i < config->entry_count; i++) { ConfigEntry *entry; EFI_DEVICE_PATH *device_path; CHAR16 *str; entry = config->entries[i]; Print(L"config entry: %d/%d\n", i+1, config->entry_count); Print(L"file '%s'\n", entry->file); Print(L"title show '%s'\n", entry->title_show); if (entry->title) Print(L"title '%s'\n", entry->title); if (entry->version) Print(L"version '%s'\n", entry->version); if (entry->machine_id) Print(L"machine-id '%s'\n", entry->machine_id); device_path = DevicePathFromHandle(entry->device); if (device_path) { str = DevicePathToStr(device_path); Print(L"device handle '%s'\n", DevicePathToStr(device_path)); FreePool(str); } Print(L"loader '%s'\n", entry->loader); if (entry->options) Print(L"options '%s'\n", entry->options); Print(L"auto-select %s\n", entry->no_autoselect ? L"no" : L"yes"); Print(L"\n--- press key ---\n\n"); uefi_call_wrapper(BS->WaitForEvent, 3, 1, &ST->ConIn->WaitForKey, &index); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConIn->Reset, 2, ST->ConIn, FALSE); } uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->ClearScreen, 1, ST->ConOut); } static EFI_STATUS console_text_mode(VOID) { #define EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_PROTOCOL_GUID \ { 0xf42f7782, 0x12e, 0x4c12, { 0x99, 0x56, 0x49, 0xf9, 0x43, 0x4, 0xf7, 0x21 }}; struct _EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_PROTOCOL; typedef enum { EfiConsoleControlScreenText, EfiConsoleControlScreenGraphics, EfiConsoleControlScreenMaxValue, } EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_SCREEN_MODE; typedef EFI_STATUS (*EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_PROTOCOL_GET_MODE)( struct _EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_PROTOCOL *This, EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_SCREEN_MODE *Mode, BOOLEAN *UgaExists, BOOLEAN *StdInLocked ); typedef EFI_STATUS (*EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_PROTOCOL_SET_MODE)( struct _EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_PROTOCOL *This, EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_SCREEN_MODE Mode ); typedef EFI_STATUS (*EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_PROTOCOL_LOCK_STD_IN)( struct _EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_PROTOCOL *This, CHAR16 *Password ); typedef struct _EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_PROTOCOL { EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_PROTOCOL_GET_MODE GetMode; EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_PROTOCOL_SET_MODE SetMode; EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_PROTOCOL_LOCK_STD_IN LockStdIn; } EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_PROTOCOL; EFI_GUID ConsoleControlProtocolGuid = EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_PROTOCOL_GUID; EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_PROTOCOL *ConsoleControl = NULL; EFI_STATUS err; err = LibLocateProtocol(&ConsoleControlProtocolGuid, (VOID **)&ConsoleControl); if (EFI_ERROR(err)) return err; return uefi_call_wrapper(ConsoleControl->SetMode, 2, ConsoleControl, EfiConsoleControlScreenText); } static BOOLEAN menu_run(Config *config, ConfigEntry **chosen_entry, CHAR16 *loaded_image_path) { EFI_STATUS err; UINTN visible_max; UINTN idx_highlight; UINTN idx_highlight_prev; UINTN idx_first; UINTN idx_last; BOOLEAN refresh; BOOLEAN highlight; UINTN i; UINTN line_width; CHAR16 **lines; UINTN x_start; UINTN y_start; UINTN x_max; UINTN y_max; CHAR16 *status; CHAR16 *clearline; INTN timeout_remain; BOOLEAN exit = FALSE; BOOLEAN run = TRUE; const CHAR16 *TRIANGLE = L"\x25ba"; console_text_mode(); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConIn->Reset, 2, ST->ConIn, FALSE); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->EnableCursor, 2, ST->ConOut, FALSE); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetAttribute, 2, ST->ConOut, EFI_LIGHTGRAY|EFI_BACKGROUND_BLACK); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->ClearScreen, 1, ST->ConOut); err = uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->QueryMode, 4, ST->ConOut, ST->ConOut->Mode->Mode, &x_max, &y_max); if (EFI_ERROR(err)) { x_max = 80; y_max = 25; } /* we check 10 times per second for a keystroke */ if (config->timeout_sec > 0) timeout_remain = config->timeout_sec * 10; else timeout_remain = -1; idx_highlight = config->idx_default; idx_highlight_prev = 0; visible_max = y_max - 2; if (config->idx_default >= visible_max) idx_first = config->idx_default-1; else idx_first = 0; idx_last = idx_first + visible_max-1; refresh = TRUE; highlight = FALSE; /* length of the longest entry */ line_width = 5; for (i = 0; i < config->entry_count; i++) { UINTN entry_len; entry_len = StrLen(config->entries[i]->title_show); if (line_width < entry_len) line_width = entry_len; } if (line_width > x_max-4) line_width = x_max-4; /* offsets to center the entries on the screen */ x_start = (x_max - (line_width)) / 2; if (config->entry_count < visible_max) y_start = ((visible_max - config->entry_count) / 2) + 1; else y_start = 0; /* menu entries title lines */ lines = AllocatePool(sizeof(CHAR16 *) * config->entry_count); for (i = 0; i < config->entry_count; i++) { UINTN j, k; lines[i] = AllocatePool(((x_max+1) * sizeof(CHAR16))); for (j = 0; j < x_start; j++) lines[i][j] = ' '; for (k = 0; config->entries[i]->title_show[k] != '\0' && j < x_max; j++, k++) lines[i][j] = config->entries[i]->title_show[k]; for (; j < x_max; j++) lines[i][j] = ' '; lines[i][x_max] = '\0'; } status = NULL; clearline = AllocatePool((x_max+1) * sizeof(CHAR16)); for (i = 0; i < x_max; i++) clearline[i] = ' '; clearline[i] = 0; while (!exit) { EFI_INPUT_KEY key; if (refresh) { for (i = 0; i < config->entry_count; i++) { if (i < idx_first || i > idx_last) continue; uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition, 3, ST->ConOut, 0, y_start + i - idx_first); if (i == idx_highlight) uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetAttribute, 2, ST->ConOut, EFI_BLACK|EFI_BACKGROUND_LIGHTGRAY); else uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetAttribute, 2, ST->ConOut, EFI_LIGHTGRAY|EFI_BACKGROUND_BLACK); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->OutputString, 2, ST->ConOut, lines[i]); if ((INTN)i == config->idx_default_efivar) { uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition, 3, ST->ConOut, x_start - 2, y_start + i - idx_first); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->OutputString, 2, ST->ConOut, TRIANGLE); } } refresh = FALSE; } else if (highlight) { uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition, 3, ST->ConOut, 0, y_start + idx_highlight_prev - idx_first); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetAttribute, 2, ST->ConOut, EFI_LIGHTGRAY|EFI_BACKGROUND_BLACK); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->OutputString, 2, ST->ConOut, lines[idx_highlight_prev]); if ((INTN)idx_highlight_prev == config->idx_default_efivar) { uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition, 3, ST->ConOut, x_start - 2, y_start + idx_highlight_prev - idx_first); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->OutputString, 2, ST->ConOut, TRIANGLE); } uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition, 3, ST->ConOut, 0, y_start + idx_highlight - idx_first); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetAttribute, 2, ST->ConOut, EFI_BLACK|EFI_BACKGROUND_LIGHTGRAY); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->OutputString, 2, ST->ConOut, lines[idx_highlight]); if ((INTN)idx_highlight == config->idx_default_efivar) { uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition, 3, ST->ConOut, x_start - 2, y_start + idx_highlight - idx_first); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->OutputString, 2, ST->ConOut, TRIANGLE); } highlight = FALSE; } if (timeout_remain > 0) { FreePool(status); status = PoolPrint(L"Boot in %d sec.", (timeout_remain + 5) / 10); } /* print status at last line of screen */ if (status) { UINTN len; UINTN x; /* center line */ len = StrLen(status); if (len < x_max) x = (x_max - len) / 2; else x = 0; uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetAttribute, 2, ST->ConOut, EFI_LIGHTGRAY|EFI_BACKGROUND_BLACK); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition, 3, ST->ConOut, 0, y_max-1); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->OutputString, 2, ST->ConOut, clearline + (x_max - x)); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->OutputString, 2, ST->ConOut, status); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->OutputString, 2, ST->ConOut, clearline+1 + x + len); } err = uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke, 2, ST->ConIn, &key); if (err == EFI_NOT_READY) { UINTN index; if (timeout_remain == 0) { exit = TRUE; break; } if (timeout_remain > 0) { uefi_call_wrapper(BS->Stall, 1, 100 * 1000); timeout_remain--; continue; } uefi_call_wrapper(BS->WaitForEvent, 3, 1, &ST->ConIn->WaitForKey, &index); continue; } timeout_remain = -1; /* clear status after keystroke */ if (status) { FreePool(status); status = NULL; uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetAttribute, 2, ST->ConOut, EFI_LIGHTGRAY|EFI_BACKGROUND_BLACK); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition, 3, ST->ConOut, 0, y_max-1); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->OutputString, 2, ST->ConOut, clearline+1); } idx_highlight_prev = idx_highlight; switch (key.ScanCode) { case SCAN_UP: if (idx_highlight > 0) idx_highlight--; break; case SCAN_DOWN: if (idx_highlight < config->entry_count-1) idx_highlight++; break; case SCAN_HOME: if (idx_highlight > 0) { refresh = TRUE; idx_highlight = 0; } break; case SCAN_END: if (idx_highlight < config->entry_count-1) { refresh = TRUE; idx_highlight = config->entry_count-1; } break; case SCAN_PAGE_UP: if (idx_highlight > visible_max) idx_highlight -= visible_max; else idx_highlight = 0; break; case SCAN_PAGE_DOWN: idx_highlight += visible_max; if (idx_highlight > config->entry_count-1) idx_highlight = config->entry_count-1; break; case SCAN_F1: status = StrDuplicate(L"(d)efault, (+/-)timeout, (e)dit, (v)ersion (q)uit (*)dump"); break; } if (idx_highlight > idx_last) { idx_last = idx_highlight; idx_first = 1 + idx_highlight - visible_max; refresh = TRUE; } if (idx_highlight < idx_first) { idx_first = idx_highlight; idx_last = idx_highlight + visible_max-1; refresh = TRUE; } idx_last = idx_first + visible_max-1; switch (key.UnicodeChar) { case CHAR_LINEFEED: case CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN: exit = TRUE; break; case 'j': if (idx_highlight < config->entry_count-1) idx_highlight++; break; case 'k': if (idx_highlight > 0) idx_highlight--; break; case 'q': exit = TRUE; run = FALSE; break; case 'd': if (config->idx_default_efivar != (INTN)idx_highlight) { /* store the selected entry in a persistent EFI variable */ efivar_set(L"LoaderEntryDefault", config->entries[idx_highlight]->file, TRUE); config->idx_default_efivar = idx_highlight; status = StrDuplicate(L"Default boot entry selected."); } else { /* clear the default entry EFI variable */ efivar_set(L"LoaderEntryDefault", NULL, TRUE); config->idx_default_efivar = -1; status = StrDuplicate(L"Default boot entry cleared."); } refresh = TRUE; break; case '-': if (config->timeout_sec_efivar > 0) { config->timeout_sec_efivar--; efivar_set_int(L"LoaderConfigTimeout", config->timeout_sec_efivar, TRUE); if (config->timeout_sec_efivar > 0) status = PoolPrint(L"Menu timeout set to %d sec.", config->timeout_sec_efivar); else status = StrDuplicate(L"Menu disabled. Hold down key at bootup to show menu."); } else if (config->timeout_sec_efivar <= 0){ config->timeout_sec_efivar = -1; efivar_set(L"LoaderConfigTimeout", NULL, TRUE); if (config->timeout_sec_config > 0) status = PoolPrint(L"Menu timeout of %d sec is defined by configuration file.", config->timeout_sec_config); else status = StrDuplicate(L"Menu disabled. Hold down key at bootup to show menu."); } break; case '+': if (config->timeout_sec_efivar == -1 && config->timeout_sec_config == 0) config->timeout_sec_efivar++; config->timeout_sec_efivar++; efivar_set_int(L"LoaderConfigTimeout", config->timeout_sec_efivar, TRUE); if (config->timeout_sec_efivar > 0) status = PoolPrint(L"Menu timeout set to %d sec.", config->timeout_sec_efivar); else status = StrDuplicate(L"Menu disabled. Hold down key at bootup to show menu."); break; case 'e': uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetAttribute, 2, ST->ConOut, EFI_LIGHTGRAY|EFI_BACKGROUND_BLACK); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition, 3, ST->ConOut, 0, y_max-1); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->OutputString, 2, ST->ConOut, clearline+1); if (line_edit(config->entries[idx_highlight]->options, &config->options_edit, x_max-1, y_max-1)) exit = TRUE; uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition, 3, ST->ConOut, 0, y_max-1); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->OutputString, 2, ST->ConOut, clearline+1); break; case 'v': status = PoolPrint(L"gummiboot " stringify(VERSION) ", UEFI %d.%02d, %s %d.%02d", ST->Hdr.Revision >> 16, ST->Hdr.Revision & 0xffff, ST->FirmwareVendor, ST->FirmwareRevision >> 16, ST->FirmwareRevision & 0xffff); break; case '*': dump_status(config, loaded_image_path); refresh = TRUE; break; } if (!refresh && idx_highlight != idx_highlight_prev) highlight = TRUE; } *chosen_entry = config->entries[idx_highlight]; for (i = 0; i < config->entry_count; i++) FreePool(lines[i]); FreePool(lines); FreePool(clearline); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->SetAttribute, 2, ST->ConOut, EFI_WHITE|EFI_BACKGROUND_BLACK); uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConOut->ClearScreen, 1, ST->ConOut); return run; } static VOID config_add_entry(Config *config, ConfigEntry *entry) { if ((config->entry_count & 15) == 0) { UINTN i; i = config->entry_count + 16; if (config->entry_count == 0) config->entries = AllocatePool(sizeof(VOID *) * i); else config->entries = ReallocatePool(config->entries, sizeof(VOID *) * config->entry_count, sizeof(VOID *) * i); } config->entries[config->entry_count++] = entry; } static VOID config_entry_free(ConfigEntry *entry) { FreePool(entry->title_show); FreePool(entry->title); FreePool(entry->machine_id); FreePool(entry->loader); FreePool(entry->options); } static BOOLEAN is_digit(CHAR16 c) { return (c >= '0') && (c <= '9'); } static UINTN c_order(CHAR16 c) { if (c == '\0') return 0; if (is_digit(c)) return 0; else if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')) return c; else return c + 0x10000; } static INTN str_verscmp(CHAR16 *s1, CHAR16 *s2) { CHAR16 *os1 = s1; CHAR16 *os2 = s2; while (*s1 || *s2) { INTN first; while ((*s1 && !is_digit(*s1)) || (*s2 && !is_digit(*s2))) { INTN order; order = c_order(*s1) - c_order(*s2); if (order) return order; s1++; s2++; } while (*s1 == '0') s1++; while (*s2 == '0') s2++; first = 0; while (is_digit(*s1) && is_digit(*s2)) { if (first == 0) first = *s1 - *s2; s1++; s2++; } if (is_digit(*s1)) return 1; if (is_digit(*s2)) return -1; if (first) return first; } return StrCmp(os1, os2); } static INTN utf8_to_16(CHAR8 *stra, CHAR16 *c) { CHAR16 unichar; UINTN len; UINTN i; if (stra[0] < 0x80) len = 1; else if ((stra[0] & 0xe0) == 0xc0) len = 2; else if ((stra[0] & 0xf0) == 0xe0) len = 3; else if ((stra[0] & 0xf8) == 0xf0) len = 4; else if ((stra[0] & 0xfc) == 0xf8) len = 5; else if ((stra[0] & 0xfe) == 0xfc) len = 6; else return -1; switch (len) { case 1: unichar = stra[0]; break; case 2: unichar = stra[0] & 0x1f; break; case 3: unichar = stra[0] & 0x0f; break; case 4: unichar = stra[0] & 0x07; break; case 5: unichar = stra[0] & 0x03; break; case 6: unichar = stra[0] & 0x01; break; } for (i = 1; i < len; i++) { if ((stra[i] & 0xc0) != 0x80) return -1; unichar <<= 6; unichar |= stra[i] & 0x3f; } *c = unichar; return len; } static CHAR16 *stra_to_str(CHAR8 *stra) { UINTN strlen; UINTN len; UINTN i; CHAR16 *str; len = strlena(stra); str = AllocatePool((len + 1) * sizeof(CHAR16)); strlen = 0; i = 0; while (i < len) { INTN utf8len; utf8len = utf8_to_16(stra + i, str + strlen); if (utf8len <= 0) { /* invalid utf8 sequence, skip the garbage */ i++; continue; } strlen++; i += utf8len; } str[strlen] = '\0'; return str; } static CHAR16 *stra_to_path(CHAR8 *stra) { CHAR16 *str; UINTN strlen; UINTN len; UINTN i; len = strlena(stra); str = AllocatePool((len + 2) * sizeof(CHAR16)); str[0] = '\\'; strlen = 1; i = 0; while (i < len) { INTN utf8len; utf8len = utf8_to_16(stra + i, str + strlen); if (utf8len <= 0) { /* invalid utf8 sequence, skip the garbage */ i++; continue; } if (str[strlen] == '/') str[strlen] = '\\'; if (str[strlen] == '\\' && str[strlen-1] == '\\') { /* skip double slashes */ i += utf8len; continue; } strlen++; i += utf8len; } str[strlen] = '\0'; return str; } static CHAR8 *strchra(CHAR8 *s, CHAR8 c) { do { if (*s == c) return s; } while (*s++); return NULL; } static CHAR8 *line_get_key_value(CHAR8 *content, UINTN *pos, CHAR8 **key_ret, CHAR8 **value_ret) { CHAR8 *line; UINTN linelen; CHAR8 *value; skip: line = content + *pos; if (*line == '\0') return NULL; linelen = 0; while (line[linelen] && !strchra((CHAR8 *)"\n\r", line[linelen])) linelen++; /* move pos to next line */ *pos += linelen; if (content[*pos]) (*pos)++; /* empty line */ if (linelen == 0) goto skip; /* terminate line */ line[linelen] = '\0'; /* remove leading whitespace */ while (strchra((CHAR8 *)" \t", *line)) { line++; linelen--; } /* remove trailing whitespace */ while (linelen > 0 && strchra((CHAR8 *)" \t", line[linelen-1])) linelen--; line[linelen] = '\0'; if (*line == '#') goto skip; /* split key/value */ value = line; while (*value && !strchra((CHAR8 *)" \t", *value)) value++; if (*value == '\0') goto skip; *value = '\0'; value++; while (*value && strchra((CHAR8 *)" \t", *value)) value++; *key_ret = line; *value_ret = value; return line; } static VOID config_defaults_load_from_file(Config *config, CHAR8 *content) { CHAR8 *line; UINTN pos = 0; CHAR8 *key, *value; line = content; while ((line = line_get_key_value(content, &pos, &key, &value))) { if (strcmpa((CHAR8 *)"timeout", key) == 0) { CHAR16 *s; s = stra_to_str(value); config->timeout_sec_config = Atoi(s); config->timeout_sec = config->timeout_sec_config; FreePool(s); continue; } if (strcmpa((CHAR8 *)"default", key) == 0) { config->entry_default_pattern = stra_to_str(value); StrLwr(config->entry_default_pattern); continue; } } } static VOID config_entry_add_from_file(Config *config, EFI_HANDLE *device, CHAR16 *file, CHAR8 *content, CHAR16 *loaded_image_path) { ConfigEntry *entry; CHAR8 *line; UINTN pos = 0; CHAR8 *key, *value; UINTN len; CHAR16 *initrd = NULL; entry = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(ConfigEntry)); line = content; while ((line = line_get_key_value(content, &pos, &key, &value))) { if (strcmpa((CHAR8 *)"title", key) == 0) { FreePool(entry->title); entry->title = stra_to_str(value); continue; } if (strcmpa((CHAR8 *)"version", key) == 0) { FreePool(entry->version); entry->version = stra_to_str(value); continue; } if (strcmpa((CHAR8 *)"machine-id", key) == 0) { FreePool(entry->machine_id); entry->machine_id = stra_to_str(value); continue; } if (strcmpa((CHAR8 *)"linux", key) == 0) { FreePool(entry->loader); entry->type = LOADER_LINUX; entry->loader = stra_to_path(value); continue; } if (strcmpa((CHAR8 *)"efi", key) == 0) { entry->type = LOADER_EFI; FreePool(entry->loader); entry->loader = stra_to_path(value); /* do not add an entry for ourselves */ if (StriCmp(entry->loader, loaded_image_path) == 0) { entry->type = LOADER_UNDEFINED; break; } continue; } if (strcmpa((CHAR8 *)"initrd", key) == 0) { CHAR16 *new; new = stra_to_path(value); if (initrd) { CHAR16 *s; s = PoolPrint(L"%s initrd=%s", initrd, new); FreePool(initrd); initrd = s; } else initrd = PoolPrint(L"initrd=%s", new); FreePool(new); continue; } if (strcmpa((CHAR8 *)"options", key) == 0) { CHAR16 *new; new = stra_to_str(value); if (entry->options) { CHAR16 *s; s = PoolPrint(L"%s %s", entry->options, new); FreePool(entry->options); entry->options = s; } else { entry->options = new; new = NULL; } FreePool(new); continue; } } if (entry->type == LOADER_UNDEFINED) { config_entry_free(entry); FreePool(initrd); FreePool(entry); return; } /* add initrd= to options */ if (entry->type == LOADER_LINUX && initrd) { if (entry->options) { CHAR16 *s; s = PoolPrint(L"%s %s", initrd, entry->options); FreePool(entry->options); entry->options = s; } else { entry->options = initrd; initrd = NULL; } } FreePool(initrd); if (entry->machine_id) { CHAR16 *var; /* append additional options from EFI variables for this machine-id */ var = PoolPrint(L"LoaderEntryOptions-%s", entry->machine_id); if (var) { CHAR16 *s; if (efivar_get(var, &s) == EFI_SUCCESS) { if (entry->options) { CHAR16 *s2; s2 = PoolPrint(L"%s %s", entry->options, s); FreePool(entry->options); entry->options = s2; } else entry->options = s; } FreePool(var); } var = PoolPrint(L"LoaderEntryOptionsOneShot-%s", entry->machine_id); if (var) { CHAR16 *s; if (efivar_get(var, &s) == EFI_SUCCESS) { if (entry->options) { CHAR16 *s2; s2 = PoolPrint(L"%s %s", entry->options, s); FreePool(entry->options); entry->options = s2; } else entry->options = s; efivar_set(var, NULL, TRUE); } FreePool(var); } } entry->device = device; entry->file = StrDuplicate(file); len = StrLen(entry->file); /* remove ".conf" */ if (len > 5) entry->file[len - 5] = '\0'; StrLwr(entry->file); config_add_entry(config, entry); } static UINTN file_read(EFI_FILE_HANDLE dir, const CHAR16 *name, CHAR8 **content) { EFI_FILE_HANDLE handle; EFI_FILE_INFO *info; CHAR8 *buf; UINTN buflen; EFI_STATUS err; UINTN len = 0; err = uefi_call_wrapper(dir->Open, 5, dir, &handle, name, EFI_FILE_MODE_READ, 0); if (EFI_ERROR(err)) goto out; info = LibFileInfo(handle); buflen = info->FileSize+1; buf = AllocatePool(buflen); err = uefi_call_wrapper(handle->Read, 3, handle, &buflen, buf); if (EFI_ERROR(err) == EFI_SUCCESS) { buf[buflen] = '\0'; *content = buf; len = buflen; } else FreePool(buf); FreePool(info); uefi_call_wrapper(handle->Close, 1, handle); out: return len; } static VOID config_load(Config *config, EFI_HANDLE *device, EFI_FILE *root_dir, CHAR16 *loaded_image_path) { EFI_FILE_HANDLE entries_dir; EFI_STATUS err; CHAR8 *content = NULL; UINTN sec; UINTN len; UINTN i; len = file_read(root_dir, L"\\loader\\loader.conf", &content); if (len > 0) config_defaults_load_from_file(config, content); FreePool(content); err = efivar_get_int(L"LoaderConfigTimeout", &sec); if (EFI_ERROR(err) == EFI_SUCCESS) { config->timeout_sec_efivar = sec; config->timeout_sec = sec; } else config->timeout_sec_efivar = -1; err = uefi_call_wrapper(root_dir->Open, 5, root_dir, &entries_dir, L"\\loader\\entries", EFI_FILE_MODE_READ, 0); if (EFI_ERROR(err) == EFI_SUCCESS) { for (;;) { CHAR16 buf[256]; UINTN bufsize; EFI_FILE_INFO *f; CHAR8 *content = NULL; UINTN len; bufsize = sizeof(buf); err = uefi_call_wrapper(entries_dir->Read, 3, entries_dir, &bufsize, buf); if (bufsize == 0 || EFI_ERROR(err)) break; f = (EFI_FILE_INFO *) buf; if (f->FileName[0] == '.') continue; if (f->Attribute & EFI_FILE_DIRECTORY) continue; len = StrLen(f->FileName); if (len < 6) continue; if (StriCmp(f->FileName + len - 5, L".conf") != 0) continue; len = file_read(entries_dir, f->FileName, &content); if (len > 0) config_entry_add_from_file(config, device, f->FileName, content, loaded_image_path); FreePool(content); } uefi_call_wrapper(entries_dir->Close, 1, entries_dir); } /* sort entries after version number */ for (i = 1; i < config->entry_count; i++) { BOOLEAN more; UINTN k; more = FALSE; for (k = 0; k < config->entry_count - i; k++) { ConfigEntry *entry; if (str_verscmp(config->entries[k]->file, config->entries[k+1]->file) <= 0) continue; entry = config->entries[k]; config->entries[k] = config->entries[k+1]; config->entries[k+1] = entry; more = TRUE; } if (!more) break; } } static VOID config_default_entry_select(Config *config) { CHAR16 *var; EFI_STATUS err; UINTN i; /* * The EFI variable to specify a boot entry for the next, and only the * next reboot. The variable is always cleared directly after it is read. */ err = efivar_get(L"LoaderEntryOneShot", &var); if (EFI_ERROR(err) == EFI_SUCCESS) { BOOLEAN found = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < config->entry_count; i++) { if (StrCmp(config->entries[i]->file, var) == 0) { config->idx_default = i; found = TRUE; break; } } efivar_set(L"LoaderEntryOneShot", NULL, TRUE); FreePool(var); if (found) return; } /* * The EFI variable to select the default boot entry overrides the * configured pattern. The variable can be set and cleared by pressing * the 'd' key in the loader selection menu, the entry is marked with * an '*'. */ err = efivar_get(L"LoaderEntryDefault", &var); if (EFI_ERROR(err) == EFI_SUCCESS) { BOOLEAN found = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < config->entry_count; i++) { if (StrCmp(config->entries[i]->file, var) == 0) { config->idx_default = i; config->idx_default_efivar = i; found = TRUE; break; } } FreePool(var); if (found) return; } config->idx_default_efivar = -1; if (config->entry_count == 0) return; /* * Match the pattern from the end of the list to the start, find last * entry (largest number) matching the given pattern. */ if (config->entry_default_pattern) { i = config->entry_count; while (i--) { if (config->entries[i]->no_autoselect) continue; if (MetaiMatch(config->entries[i]->file, config->entry_default_pattern)) { config->idx_default = i; return; } } } /* select the last entry */ i = config->entry_count; while (i--) { if (config->entries[i]->no_autoselect) continue; config->idx_default = i; return; } config->idx_default = config->entry_count-1; } /* generate a unique title, avoiding non-distinguishable menu entries */ static VOID config_title_generate(Config *config) { UINTN i, k; BOOLEAN unique; /* set title */ for (i = 0; i < config->entry_count; i++) { CHAR16 *title; FreePool(config->entries[i]->title_show); title = config->entries[i]->title; if (!title) title = config->entries[i]->file; config->entries[i]->title_show = StrDuplicate(title); } unique = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < config->entry_count; i++) { for (k = 0; k < config->entry_count; k++) { if (i == k) continue; if (StrCmp(config->entries[i]->title_show, config->entries[k]->title_show) != 0) continue; unique = FALSE; config->entries[i]->non_unique = TRUE; config->entries[k]->non_unique = TRUE; } } if (unique) return; /* add version to non-unique titles */ for (i = 0; i < config->entry_count; i++) { CHAR16 *s; if (!config->entries[i]->non_unique) continue; if (!config->entries[i]->version) continue; s = PoolPrint(L"%s (%s)", config->entries[i]->title_show, config->entries[i]->version); FreePool(config->entries[i]->title_show); config->entries[i]->title_show = s; config->entries[i]->non_unique = FALSE; } unique = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < config->entry_count; i++) { for (k = 0; k < config->entry_count; k++) { if (i == k) continue; if (StrCmp(config->entries[i]->title_show, config->entries[k]->title_show) != 0) continue; unique = FALSE; config->entries[i]->non_unique = TRUE; config->entries[k]->non_unique = TRUE; } } if (unique) return; /* add machine-id to non-unique titles */ for (i = 0; i < config->entry_count; i++) { CHAR16 *s; CHAR16 *m; if (!config->entries[i]->non_unique) continue; if (!config->entries[i]->machine_id) continue; m = StrDuplicate(config->entries[i]->machine_id); m[8] = '\0'; s = PoolPrint(L"%s (%s)", config->entries[i]->title_show, m); FreePool(config->entries[i]->title_show); config->entries[i]->title_show = s; config->entries[i]->non_unique = FALSE; FreePool(m); } unique = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < config->entry_count; i++) { for (k = 0; k < config->entry_count; k++) { if (i == k) continue; if (StrCmp(config->entries[i]->title_show, config->entries[k]->title_show) != 0) continue; unique = FALSE; config->entries[i]->non_unique = TRUE; config->entries[k]->non_unique = TRUE; } } if (unique) return; /* add file name to non-unique titles */ for (i = 0; i < config->entry_count; i++) { CHAR16 *s; if (!config->entries[i]->non_unique) continue; s = PoolPrint(L"%s (%s)", config->entries[i]->title_show, config->entries[i]->file); FreePool(config->entries[i]->title_show); config->entries[i]->title_show = s; config->entries[i]->non_unique = FALSE; } } static BOOLEAN config_entry_add_loader(Config *config, EFI_HANDLE *device, EFI_FILE *root_dir, CHAR16 *loaded_image_path, CHAR16 *file, CHAR16 *title, CHAR16 *loader) { EFI_FILE_HANDLE handle; EFI_STATUS err; ConfigEntry *entry; /* do not add an entry for ourselves */ if (loaded_image_path && StriCmp(loader, loaded_image_path) == 0) return FALSE; /* check existence */ err = uefi_call_wrapper(root_dir->Open, 5, root_dir, &handle, loader, EFI_FILE_MODE_READ, 0); if (EFI_ERROR(err)) return FALSE; uefi_call_wrapper(handle->Close, 1, handle); entry = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(ConfigEntry)); entry->title = StrDuplicate(title); entry->device = device; entry->loader = StrDuplicate(loader); entry->file = StrDuplicate(file); StrLwr(entry->file); entry->no_autoselect = TRUE; config_add_entry(config, entry); return TRUE; } static VOID config_entry_add_loader_auto(Config *config, EFI_HANDLE *device, EFI_FILE *root_dir, CHAR16 *loaded_image_path, CHAR16 *file, CHAR16 *title, CHAR16 *loader) { if (!config_entry_add_loader(config, device, root_dir, loaded_image_path, file, title, loader)) return; /* export identifiers of automatically added entries */ if (config->entries_auto) { CHAR16 *s; s = PoolPrint(L"%s %s", config->entries_auto, file); FreePool(config->entries_auto); config->entries_auto = s; } else config->entries_auto = StrDuplicate(file); } static VOID config_entry_add_osx(Config *config) { EFI_STATUS err; UINTN handle_count = 0; EFI_HANDLE *handles = NULL; err = LibLocateHandle(ByProtocol, &FileSystemProtocol, NULL, &handle_count, &handles); if (EFI_ERROR(err) == EFI_SUCCESS) { UINTN i; for (i = 0; i < handle_count; i++) { EFI_FILE *root; root = LibOpenRoot(handles[i]); if (!root) continue; config_entry_add_loader_auto(config, handles[i], root, NULL, L"auto-osx", L"OS X", L"\\System\\Library\\CoreServices\\boot.efi"); uefi_call_wrapper(root->Close, 1, root); } FreePool(handles); } } static EFI_STATUS image_start(EFI_HANDLE parent_image, const Config *config, const ConfigEntry *entry) { EFI_STATUS err; EFI_HANDLE image; EFI_DEVICE_PATH *path; CHAR16 *options; path = FileDevicePath(entry->device, entry->loader); if (!path) { Print(L"Error getting device path."); uefi_call_wrapper(BS->Stall, 1, 3 * 1000 * 1000); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } err = uefi_call_wrapper(BS->LoadImage, 6, FALSE, parent_image, path, NULL, 0, &image); if (EFI_ERROR(err)) { Print(L"Error loading %s: %r", entry->loader, err); uefi_call_wrapper(BS->Stall, 1, 3 * 1000 * 1000); goto out; } if (config->options_edit) options = config->options_edit; else if (entry->options) options = entry->options; else options = NULL; if (options) { EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *loaded_image; err = uefi_call_wrapper(BS->OpenProtocol, 6, image, &LoadedImageProtocol, &loaded_image, parent_image, NULL, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_GET_PROTOCOL); if (EFI_ERROR(err)) { Print(L"Error getting LoadedImageProtocol handle: %r", err); uefi_call_wrapper(BS->Stall, 1, 3 * 1000 * 1000); goto out_unload; } loaded_image->LoadOptions = options; loaded_image->LoadOptionsSize = (StrLen(loaded_image->LoadOptions)+1) * sizeof(CHAR16); } efivar_set_time_usec(L"LoaderTimeExecUSec", 0); err = uefi_call_wrapper(BS->StartImage, 3, image, NULL, NULL); out_unload: uefi_call_wrapper(BS->UnloadImage, 1, image); out: FreePool(path); return err; } static VOID config_free(Config *config) { UINTN i; for (i = 0; i < config->entry_count; i++) config_entry_free(config->entries[i]); FreePool(config->entries); FreePool(config->entry_default_pattern); FreePool(config->options_edit); FreePool(config->entries_auto); } EFI_STATUS EFIAPI efi_main(EFI_HANDLE image, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *sys_table) { EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *loaded_image; EFI_FILE *root_dir; CHAR16 *loaded_image_path; EFI_DEVICE_PATH *device_path; EFI_STATUS err; Config config; UINT64 init_usec; BOOLEAN menu = FALSE; InitializeLib(image, sys_table); init_usec = time_usec(); efivar_set(L"LoaderVersion", L"gummiboot " stringify(VERSION), FALSE); efivar_set_time_usec(L"LoaderTimeInitUSec", init_usec); err = uefi_call_wrapper(BS->OpenProtocol, 6, image, &LoadedImageProtocol, &loaded_image, image, NULL, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_GET_PROTOCOL); if (EFI_ERROR(err)) { Print(L"Error getting a LoadedImageProtocol handle: %r ", err); uefi_call_wrapper(BS->Stall, 1, 3 * 1000 * 1000); return err; } /* export the device path this image is started from */ device_path = DevicePathFromHandle(loaded_image->DeviceHandle); if (device_path) { CHAR16 *str; EFI_DEVICE_PATH *path, *paths; str = DevicePathToStr(device_path); efivar_set(L"LoaderDeviceIdentifier", str, FALSE); FreePool(str); paths = UnpackDevicePath(device_path); for (path = paths; !IsDevicePathEnd(path); path = NextDevicePathNode(path)) { HARDDRIVE_DEVICE_PATH *drive; CHAR16 uuid[37]; if (DevicePathType(path) != MEDIA_DEVICE_PATH) continue; if (DevicePathSubType(path) != MEDIA_HARDDRIVE_DP) continue; drive = (HARDDRIVE_DEVICE_PATH *)path; if (drive->SignatureType != SIGNATURE_TYPE_GUID) continue; GuidToString(uuid, (EFI_GUID *)&drive->Signature); efivar_set(L"LoaderDevicePartUUID", uuid, FALSE); break; } FreePool(paths); } root_dir = LibOpenRoot(loaded_image->DeviceHandle); if (!root_dir) { Print(L"Unable to open root directory: %r ", err); uefi_call_wrapper(BS->Stall, 1, 3 * 1000 * 1000); return EFI_LOAD_ERROR; } /* the filesystem path to this image, to prevent adding ourselves to the menu */ loaded_image_path = DevicePathToStr(loaded_image->FilePath); /* scan "\loader\entries\*.conf" files */ ZeroMem(&config, sizeof(Config)); config_load(&config, loaded_image->DeviceHandle, root_dir, loaded_image_path); /* if we find some well-known loaders, add them to the end of the list */ config_entry_add_loader_auto(&config, loaded_image->DeviceHandle, root_dir, loaded_image_path, L"auto-windows", L"Windows Boot Manager", L"\\EFI\\Microsoft\\Boot\\bootmgfw.efi"); config_entry_add_loader_auto(&config, loaded_image->DeviceHandle, root_dir, loaded_image_path, L"auto-efi-shell", L"EFI Shell", L"\\shellx64.efi"); config_entry_add_loader_auto(&config, loaded_image->DeviceHandle, root_dir, loaded_image_path, L"auto-efi-default", L"EFI Default Loader", L"\\EFI\\BOOT\\BOOTX64.EFI"); config_entry_add_osx(&config); efivar_set(L"LoaderEntriesAuto", config.entries_auto, FALSE); config_title_generate(&config); /* select entry by configured pattern or EFI LoaderDefaultEntry= variable*/ config_default_entry_select(&config); if (config.entry_count == 0) { Print(L"No loader found. Configuration files in \\loader\\entries\\*.conf are needed."); uefi_call_wrapper(BS->Stall, 1, 3 * 1000 * 1000); goto out; } /* show menu when key is pressed or timeout is set */ if (config.timeout_sec == 0) { EFI_INPUT_KEY key; err = uefi_call_wrapper(ST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke, 2, ST->ConIn, &key); menu = err != EFI_NOT_READY; } else menu = TRUE; for (;;) { ConfigEntry *entry; entry = config.entries[config.idx_default]; if (menu) { efivar_set_time_usec(L"LoaderTimeMenuUSec", 0); if (!menu_run(&config, &entry, loaded_image_path)) break; } /* export the selected boot entry to the system */ efivar_set(L"LoaderEntrySelected", entry->file, FALSE); err = image_start(image, &config, entry); if (err == EFI_ACCESS_DENIED || err == EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION) { /* Platform is secure boot and requested image isn't * trusted. Need to go back to prior boot system and * install more keys or hashes. Signal failure by * returning the error */ Print(L"\nImage %s gives a security error\n", entry->title); Print(L"Please enrol the hash or signature of %s\n", entry->loader); uefi_call_wrapper(BS->Stall, 1, 3 * 1000 * 1000); goto out; } menu = TRUE; config.timeout_sec = 0; } err = EFI_SUCCESS; out: FreePool(loaded_image_path); config_free(&config); uefi_call_wrapper(root_dir->Close, 1, root_dir); uefi_call_wrapper(BS->CloseProtocol, 4, image, &LoadedImageProtocol, image, NULL); return err; }