# -*- Mode: Python -*- vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4:syntax=python class Recipe(custom.GStreamerStatic): name = 'gstreamer-1.0-static' version = '1.6' gstreamer_version = '1.0' licenses = [License.LGPLv2_1Plus] extra_configure_options = '--enable-static' remotes = {'origin': 'git://anongit.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/gstreamer'} commit = 'origin/1.6' deps = ['glib', 'gtk-doc-lite'] # Static build will always fail on make check make_check = None files_plugins_core_devel = ['libgstcoreelements'] def prepare(self): self.append_env['CFLAGS'] = " -Wno-error " self.append_env['CXXFLAGS'] = " -Wno-error " self.append_env['CPPFLAGS'] = " -Wno-error " if self.config.target_platform != Platform.LINUX: self.configure_options += ' --disable-gtk-doc --disable-docbook' if self.config.target_platform == Platform.IOS: # iOS only supports static builds so plugins must be linked # and registered statically. self.configure_options += ' --disable-registry ' if self.config.variants.nodebug: self.append_env['CFLAGS'] += ' -DGST_LEVEL_MAX=GST_LEVEL_FIXME' custom.GStreamerStatic.prepare(self)