diff options
12 files changed, 265 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/cerbero/bootstrap/ b/cerbero/bootstrap/
index ac77423b..3586b01d 100644
--- a/cerbero/bootstrap/
+++ b/cerbero/bootstrap/
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ class BootstrapperBase (object):
'Fetch build-tools recipes; only called by fetch-bootstrap'
- def extract(self):
+ async def extract(self):
for (url, unpack, unpack_dir) in self.extract_steps:
if unpack:
- self.sources[url].extract_tarball(unpack_dir)
+ await self.sources[url].extract_tarball(unpack_dir)
# Just copy the file as-is
fname = os.path.basename(url)
diff --git a/cerbero/bootstrap/ b/cerbero/bootstrap/
index 6875b2ad..e003f8fc 100644
--- a/cerbero/bootstrap/
+++ b/cerbero/bootstrap/
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class AndroidBootstrapper (BootstrapperBase):
self.fetch_urls.append((url, NDK_CHECKSUMS[os.path.basename(url)]))
self.extract_steps.append((url, True, self.prefix))
- def start(self):
+ def start(self, jobs=0):
if not os.path.exists(self.prefix):
ndkdir = os.path.join(self.prefix, 'android-ndk-' + NDK_VERSION)
diff --git a/cerbero/bootstrap/ b/cerbero/bootstrap/
index 5d105acf..219518d5 100644
--- a/cerbero/bootstrap/
+++ b/cerbero/bootstrap/
@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ class BuildTools (BootstrapperBase, Fetch): = self.BUILD_TOOLS += self.PLAT_BUILD_TOOLS.get(self.config.platform, [])
- def start(self):
- oven = Oven(, self.cookbook)
+ def start(self, jobs=0):
+ oven = Oven(, self.cookbook, jobs=jobs)
def fetch_recipes(self, jobs):
diff --git a/cerbero/bootstrap/ b/cerbero/bootstrap/
index 8db9c240..1870852a 100644
--- a/cerbero/bootstrap/
+++ b/cerbero/bootstrap/
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class IOSBootstrapper (BootstrapperBase):
def __init__(self, config, offline, assume_yes):
super().__init__(config, offline)
- def start(self):
+ def start(self, jobs=0):
# FIXME: enable it when buildbots are properly configured
diff --git a/cerbero/bootstrap/ b/cerbero/bootstrap/
index e2149e11..74028fcc 100644
--- a/cerbero/bootstrap/
+++ b/cerbero/bootstrap/
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class UnixBootstrapper (BootstrapperBase):
BootstrapperBase.__init__(self, config, offline)
self.assume_yes = assume_yes
- def start(self):
+ def start(self, jobs=0):
for c in self.checks:
diff --git a/cerbero/bootstrap/ b/cerbero/bootstrap/
index 4bcf5cd6..f839a01c 100644
--- a/cerbero/bootstrap/
+++ b/cerbero/bootstrap/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class OSXBootstrapper (BootstrapperBase):
self.fetch_urls.append((url, CPANM_CHECKSUM))
- def start(self):
+ def start(self, jobs=0):
# skip system package install if not needed
if not self.config.distro_packages_install:
diff --git a/cerbero/bootstrap/ b/cerbero/bootstrap/
index 2d372164..d432d22f 100644
--- a/cerbero/bootstrap/
+++ b/cerbero/bootstrap/
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class WindowsBootstrapper(BootstrapperBase):
self.fetch_urls.append((url, checksum))
self.extract_steps.append((url, True, self.prefix))
- def start(self):
+ def start(self, jobs=0):
if not git.check_line_endings(self.config.platform):
raise ConfigurationError("git is configured to use automatic line "
"endings conversion. You can fix it running:\n"
diff --git a/cerbero/build/ b/cerbero/build/
index a6e6c386..26e48969 100644
--- a/cerbero/build/
+++ b/cerbero/build/
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ from subprocess import CalledProcessError
from cerbero.enums import Architecture, Platform, LibraryType
from cerbero.errors import BuildStepError, FatalError, AbortedError
from import Recipe, BuildSteps
-from cerbero.utils import _, N_, shell, run_until_complete
+from cerbero.utils import _, N_, shell, run_until_complete, determine_num_of_cpus
from cerbero.utils import messages as m
import inspect
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class Oven (object):
def __init__(self, recipes, cookbook, force=False, no_deps=False,
- missing_files=False, dry_run=False, deps_only=False):
+ missing_files=False, dry_run=False, deps_only=False, jobs=None):
if isinstance(recipes, Recipe):
recipes = [recipes] = recipes
@@ -81,6 +81,11 @@ class Oven (object):
self.interactive = self.config.interactive
self.deps_only = deps_only
shell.DRY_RUN = dry_run
+ self._build_lock = asyncio.Semaphore(2)
+ self._install_lock = asyncio.Lock()
+ = jobs
+ if not
+ = determine_num_of_cpus()
def start_cooking(self):
@@ -104,40 +109,183 @@ class Oven (object):
m.message(_("Building the following recipes: %s") %
' '.join([ for x in ordered_recipes]))
- i = 1
self._static_libraries_built = []
- for recipe in ordered_recipes:
- try:
- self._cook_recipe(recipe, i, len(ordered_recipes))
- except BuildStepError as be:
- if not self.interactive:
- raise be
- msg = be.msg
- msg += _("Select an action to proceed:")
- action = shell.prompt_multiple(msg, RecoveryActions())
- if action == RecoveryActions.SHELL:
- shell.enter_build_environment(self.config.target_platform,
- be.arch, recipe.get_for_arch (be.arch, 'build_dir'), env=recipe.config.env)
- raise be
- elif action == RecoveryActions.RETRY_ALL:
- shutil.rmtree(recipe.get_for_arch (be.arch, 'build_dir'))
- self.cookbook.reset_recipe_status(
- self._cook_recipe(recipe, i, len(ordered_recipes))
- elif action == RecoveryActions.RETRY_STEP:
- self._cook_recipe(recipe, i, len(ordered_recipes))
- elif action == RecoveryActions.SKIP:
- i += 1
+ run_until_complete(self._cook_recipes(ordered_recipes))
+ async def _cook_recipes(self, recipes):
+ recipes = set(recipes)
+ built_recipes = set() # recipes we have successfully built
+ building_recipes = set() # recipes that are queued or are in progress
+ def all_deps_without_recipe(recipe_name):
+ return set(( for dep in self.cookbook.list_recipe_deps(recipe_name) if recipe_name !=
+ all_deps = set()
+ for recipe in recipes:
+ [all_deps.add(dep) for dep in all_deps_without_recipe(]
+ # handle the 'buildone' case by adding all the recipe deps to the built
+ # list if they are not in the recipe list
+ if self.no_deps:
+ [built_recipes.add(dep) for dep in (all_deps - set(( for r in recipes)))]
+ else:
+ [recipes.add(self.cookbook.get_recipe(dep)) for dep in all_deps]
+ # final targets. The set of recipes with no reverse dependencies
+ recipe_targets = set(( for r in recipes)) - all_deps
+ # precompute the deps for each recipe
+ recipe_deps = {}
+ for r in set(set(( for r in recipes)) | all_deps):
+ deps = all_deps_without_recipe(r)
+ recipe_deps[r] = deps
+ def find_recipe_dep_path(from_name, to_name):
+ # returns a list of recipe names in reverse order that describes
+ # the path for building @from_name
+ # None if there is no path
+ if from_name == to_name:
+ return [to_name]
+ for dep in recipe_deps[from_name]:
+ val = find_recipe_dep_path(dep, to_name)
+ if val:
+ return [from_name] + val
+ def find_longest_path(to_recipes):
+ # return the longest path from the targets to one of @to_recipes
+ def yield_path_lengths():
+ for f in recipe_targets:
+ for t in to_recipes:
+ path = find_recipe_dep_path(f, t)
+ if path:
+ yield len(path)
+ return max((l for l in yield_path_lengths()))
+ def find_buildable_recipes():
+ # This is a dumb algorithm that only looks for all available
+ # recipes that can be built. We use a priority queue for
+ # the smarts.
+ for recipe in recipes:
+ if in built_recipes:
+ continue
+ if in building_recipes:
- elif action == RecoveryActions.ABORT:
- raise AbortedError()
- i += 1
- def _cook_recipe(self, recipe, count, total):
+ if len(all_deps_without_recipe( == 0:
+ yield recipe
+ continue
+ built_deps = set((dep for dep in all_deps_without_recipe( if dep in built_recipes))
+ if len(built_deps) > 0 and built_deps == set(all_deps_without_recipe(
+ # we have a new dep buildable
+ yield recipe
+ class MutableInt:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.i = 0
+ counter = MutableInt()
+ tasks = []
+ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
+ queue = asyncio.PriorityQueue(loop=loop)
+ class RecipePriority:
+ # can't use a tuple as Recipe doens't implement __lt__() as
+ # required by PriorityQueue
+ def __init__(self, recipe):
+ self.recipe = recipe
+ self.path_length = find_longest_path((,))
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ # return lower for larger path lengths
+ return self.path_length > other.path_length
+ main_task = asyncio.current_task()
+ async def shutdown(loop):
+ # a little heavy handed but we need to do this otherwise some
+ # tasks will continue even after an exception is thrown
+ kill_tasks = [t for t in asyncio.all_tasks() if t not in (main_task, asyncio.current_task())]
+ [task.cancel() for task in kill_tasks]
+ await asyncio.gather(*kill_tasks, return_exceptions=True)
+ async def cook_recipe_worker(queue):
+ # the main worker task
+ while True:
+ recipe_d = await queue.get()
+ recipe = recipe_d.recipe
+ counter.i += 1
+ await self._cook_recipe_with_prompt(recipe, counter.i, len(recipes))
+ built_recipes.add(
+ building_recipes.remove(
+ for buildable in find_buildable_recipes ():
+ building_recipes.add(
+ queue.put_nowait(RecipePriority(buildable))
+ queue.task_done()
+ # push the initial set of recipes that have no dependencies to start
+ # building
+ for recipe in find_buildable_recipes ():
+ building_recipes.add(
+ queue.put_nowait(RecipePriority(recipe))
+ for i in range(
+ task = asyncio.create_task(cook_recipe_worker(queue))
+ tasks.append(task)
+ class QueueDone(Exception):
+ pass
+ async def queue_done(queue):
+ # This is how we exit the asyncio.wait once everything is done
+ # as otherwise asyncio.wait will wait for our tasks to complete
+ while built_recipes & recipe_targets != recipe_targets:
+ await queue.join()
+ raise QueueDone()
+ task = asyncio.create_task (queue_done(queue))
+ tasks.append(task)
+ try:
+ await asyncio.gather(*tasks, return_exceptions=False)
+ except asyncio.CancelledError:
+ pass
+ except QueueDone:
+ await shutdown(loop)
+ except Exception:
+ await shutdown(loop)
+ raise
+ async def _cook_recipe_with_prompt(self, recipe, count, total):
+ try:
+ await self._cook_recipe(recipe, count, total)
+ except BuildStepError as be:
+ if not self.interactive:
+ raise be
+ msg = be.msg
+ msg += _("Select an action to proceed:")
+ action = shell.prompt_multiple(msg, RecoveryActions())
+ if action == RecoveryActions.SHELL:
+ shell.enter_build_environment(self.config.target_platform,
+ be.arch, recipe.get_for_arch (be.arch, 'build_dir'), env=recipe.config.env)
+ raise be
+ elif action == RecoveryActions.RETRY_ALL:
+ shutil.rmtree(recipe.get_for_arch (be.arch, 'build_dir'))
+ self.cookbook.reset_recipe_status(
+ await self._cook_recipe(recipe, count, total)
+ elif action == RecoveryActions.RETRY_STEP:
+ await self._cook_recipe(recipe, count, total)
+ elif action == RecoveryActions.SKIP:
+ pass
+ elif action == RecoveryActions.ABORT:
+ raise AbortedError()
+ async def _cook_recipe(self, recipe, count, total):
# A Recipe depending on a static library that has been rebuilt
# also needs to be rebuilt to pick up the latest build.
if recipe.library_type != LibraryType.STATIC:
if len(set(self._static_libraries_built) & set(recipe.deps)) != 0:
if not self.cookbook.recipe_needs_build( and \
not self.force:
m.build_step(count, total,, _("already built"))
@@ -149,22 +297,45 @@ class Oven (object):
recipe.force = self.force
for desc, step in recipe.steps:
- m.build_step(count, total,, step)
# check if the current step needs to be done
if self.cookbook.step_done(, step) and not self.force:
+ m.build_step(count, total,, step)
m.action(_("Step done"))
# call step function
stepfunc = getattr(recipe, step)
if not stepfunc:
+ m.build_step(count, total,, step)
raise FatalError(_('Step %s not found') % step)
- if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(stepfunc):
- run_until_complete(stepfunc())
+ lock = None
+ if step == BuildSteps.COMPILE[1] \
+ and hasattr(recipe, "allow_parallel_build") \
+ and recipe.allow_parallel_build:
+ # only allow a limited number of recipes that can fill all
+ # CPU cores to execute concurrently. Any recipe that does
+ # not support parallel builds will always be executed
+ lock = self._build_lock
+ if step in (BuildSteps.INSTALL[1], BuildSteps.POST_INSTALL[1]):
+ # only allow a single install to occur
+ lock = self._install_lock
+ if lock:
+ async with lock:
+ m.build_step(count, total,, step)
+ ret = stepfunc()
+ if asyncio.iscoroutine(ret):
+ await ret
- stepfunc()
+ m.build_step(count, total,, step)
+ ret = stepfunc()
+ if asyncio.iscoroutine(ret):
+ await ret
# update status successfully
self.cookbook.update_step_status(, step)
+ except asyncio.CancelledError:
+ raise
except FatalError as e:
exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()[2]
trace = ''
diff --git a/cerbero/build/ b/cerbero/build/
index 79435229..4ca3e019 100644
--- a/cerbero/build/
+++ b/cerbero/build/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ from cerbero.ide.vs.genlib import GenLib, GenGnuLib
from import OSXUniversalGenerator
from import OSXRelocator
from cerbero.utils import N_, _
-from cerbero.utils import shell, add_system_libs, run_until_complete
+from cerbero.utils import shell, add_system_libs
from cerbero.utils import messages as m
from import LibtoolLibrary
@@ -740,7 +740,11 @@ class MetaUniversalRecipe(type):
def __init__(cls, name, bases, ns):
step_func = ns.get('_do_step')
for _, step in BuildSteps():
- setattr(cls, step, lambda self, name=step: step_func(self, name))
+ async def doit(recipe, step_name=step):
+ ret = step_func(recipe, step_name)
+ if asyncio.iscoroutine(ret):
+ await ret
+ setattr(cls, step, doit)
class BaseUniversalRecipe(object, metaclass=MetaUniversalRecipe):
@@ -830,18 +834,35 @@ class UniversalRecipe(BaseUniversalRecipe, UniversalFilesProvider):
return []
return self._proxy_recipe.steps[:]
- def _do_step(self, step):
- if step in BuildSteps.FETCH:
+ async def _do_step(self, step):
+ if step == BuildSteps.FETCH[1]:
arch, recipe = list(self._recipes.items())[0]
- run_until_complete(self._async_run_step(recipe, step, arch))
+ await self._async_run_step(recipe, step, arch)
+ tasks = []
for arch, recipe in self._recipes.items():
stepfunc = getattr(recipe, step)
if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(stepfunc):
- run_until_complete(self._async_run_step(recipe, step, arch))
+ if step in (BuildSteps.CONFIGURE[1], BuildSteps.EXTRACT[1]):
+ tasks.append(asyncio.create_task(self._async_run_step(recipe, step, arch)))
+ else:
+ await self._async_run_step(recipe, step, arch)
self._run_step(recipe, step, arch)
+ if tasks:
+ try:
+ await asyncio.gather(*tasks, return_exceptions=False)
+ except Exception as e:
+ [task.cancel() for task in tasks]
+ ret = await asyncio.gather(*tasks, return_exceptions=True)
+ # we want to find the actuall exception rather than one
+ # that may be returned from task.cancel()
+ if not isinstance(e, asyncio.CancelledError):
+ raise e
+ for e in ret:
+ if not isinstance(e, asyncio.CancelledError):
+ raise e
class UniversalFlatRecipe(BaseUniversalRecipe, UniversalFlatFilesProvider):
@@ -888,11 +909,11 @@ class UniversalFlatRecipe(BaseUniversalRecipe, UniversalFlatFilesProvider):
for f, archs in arch_files.items():
generator.merge_files([f], [os.path.join(self._config.prefix, arch) for arch in archs])
- def _do_step(self, step):
+ async def _do_step(self, step):
if step in BuildSteps.FETCH:
arch, recipe = list(self._recipes.items())[0]
# No, really, let's not download a million times...
- run_until_complete(self._async_run_step(recipe, step, arch))
+ await self._async_run_step(recipe, step, arch)
# For the universal build we need to configure both architectures with
@@ -905,7 +926,7 @@ class UniversalFlatRecipe(BaseUniversalRecipe, UniversalFlatFilesProvider):
# Create a stamp file to list installed files based on the
# modification time of this file
if step in [BuildSteps.INSTALL[1], BuildSteps.POST_INSTALL[1]]:
- time.sleep(2) #wait 2 seconds to make sure new files get the
+ await asyncio.sleep(2) #wait 2 seconds to make sure new files get the
#proper time difference, this fixes an issue of
#the next recipe to be built listing the previous
#recipe files as their own
@@ -918,7 +939,7 @@ class UniversalFlatRecipe(BaseUniversalRecipe, UniversalFlatFilesProvider):
# Call the step function
stepfunc = getattr(recipe, step)
if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(stepfunc):
- run_until_complete(self._async_run_step(recipe, step, arch))
+ await self._async_run_step(recipe, step, arch)
self._run_step(recipe, step, arch)
diff --git a/cerbero/commands/ b/cerbero/commands/
index 551b35a2..6e1b2f7d 100644
--- a/cerbero/commands/
+++ b/cerbero/commands/
@@ -39,20 +39,25 @@ class Bootstrap(Command):
ArgparseArgument('--offline', action='store_true',
default=False, help=_('Use only the source cache, no network')),
ArgparseArgument('-y', '--assume-yes', action='store_true',
- default=False, help=('Automatically say yes to prompts and run non-interactively'))]
+ default=False, help=('Automatically say yes to prompts and run non-interactively')),
+ ArgparseArgument('--jobs', '-j', action='store', type=int,
+ default=0, help=_('How many recipes to build concurrently. '
+ '0 = number of CPUs.'))]
Command.__init__(self, args)
def run(self, config, args):
bootstrappers = Bootstrapper(config, args.build_tools_only,
args.offline, args.assume_yes, args.system_only)
tasks = []
+ async def bootstrap_fetch_extract(bs):
+ await bs.fetch()
+ await bs.extract()
for bootstrapper in bootstrappers:
- tasks.append(bootstrapper.fetch())
+ tasks.append(bootstrap_fetch_extract(bootstrapper))
for bootstrapper in bootstrappers:
- bootstrapper.extract()
- bootstrapper.start()
+ bootstrapper.start(
class FetchBootstrap(Command):
diff --git a/cerbero/commands/ b/cerbero/commands/
index 3ee16aec..c0d2a4c0 100644
--- a/cerbero/commands/
+++ b/cerbero/commands/
@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ class Build(Command):
help=_('only print commands instead of running them ')),
ArgparseArgument('--offline', action='store_true',
default=False, help=_('Use only the source cache, no network')),
+ ArgparseArgument('--jobs', '-j', action='store', type=int,
+ default=0, help=_('How many recipes to build concurrently. '
+ '0 = number of CPUs.')),
if force is None:
@@ -66,17 +69,17 @@ class Build(Command):
self.no_deps = args.no_deps
self.runargs(config, args.recipe, args.missing_files, self.force,
self.no_deps, dry_run=args.dry_run, offline=args.offline,
- deps_only=self.deps_only)
+ deps_only=self.deps_only,
def runargs(self, config, recipes, missing_files=False, force=False,
no_deps=False, cookbook=None, dry_run=False, offline=False,
- deps_only=False):
+ deps_only=False, jobs=None):
if cookbook is None:
cookbook = CookBook(config, offline=offline)
oven = Oven(recipes, cookbook, force=self.force,
no_deps=self.no_deps, missing_files=missing_files,
- dry_run=dry_run, deps_only=deps_only)
+ dry_run=dry_run, deps_only=deps_only, jobs=jobs)
diff --git a/cerbero/commands/ b/cerbero/commands/
index 40f14483..0afd15f0 100644
--- a/cerbero/commands/
+++ b/cerbero/commands/
@@ -66,6 +66,9 @@ class Package(Command):
ArgparseArgument('--xz', action='store_true',
default=False, help=_('Use xz instead of bzip2 for compression if '
'creating a tarball')),
+ ArgparseArgument('--jobs', '-j', action='store', type=int,
+ default=0, help=_('How many recipes to build concurrently. '
+ '0 = number of CPUs.')),
def run(self, config, args):
@@ -77,7 +80,7 @@ class Package(Command):
if not args.skip_deps_build:
- self._build_deps(config, p, args.no_devel, args.offline, args.dry_run)
+ self._build_deps(config, p, args.no_devel, args.offline, args.dry_run,
if args.only_build_deps or args.dry_run:
@@ -111,10 +114,11 @@ class Package(Command):
m.action(_("Package successfully created in %s") %
' '.join([os.path.abspath(x) for x in paths]))
- def _build_deps(self, config, package, has_devel, offline, dry_run):
+ def _build_deps(self, config, package, has_devel, offline, dry_run, jobs):
build_command = build.Build()
build_command.runargs(config, package.recipes_dependencies(has_devel),
-, dry_run=dry_run, offline=offline)
+, dry_run=dry_run, offline=offline,
+ jobs=jobs)