path: root/recipes/ffmpeg.recipe
diff options
authorNirbheek Chauhan <>2018-09-24 19:50:54 +0530
committerNirbheek Chauhan <>2018-09-26 10:58:58 +0530
commit3121278bb72ed3f2899a110b7c755c0e7033722e (patch)
tree10d343f4a431d9ad0e9fc97178d250d8f0e000d2 /recipes/ffmpeg.recipe
parent5272585893536d37c40a0b654f0444881ec1ca2b (diff)
Split out ffmpeg from gst-libav-1.0 to its own recipe
This allows people to more easily replace the recipe with their own ffmpeg, or change the configuration. Also allows us to move gst-libav-1.0 to Meson.
Diffstat (limited to 'recipes/ffmpeg.recipe')
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/recipes/ffmpeg.recipe b/recipes/ffmpeg.recipe
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..abac4920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes/ffmpeg.recipe
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# -*- Mode: Python -*- vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4:syntax=python
+from import LibtoolLibrary
+class Recipe(recipe.Recipe):
+ name = 'ffmpeg'
+ version = '4.0.2'
+ licenses = [License.LGPLv2Plus]
+ stype = SourceType.TARBALL
+ url = ''
+ tarball_checksum = '346c51735f42c37e0712e0b3d2f6476c86ac15863e4445d9e823fe396420d056'
+ btype = BuildType.MAKEFILE
+ configure_tpl = "./configure --prefix=%(prefix)s --libdir=%(libdir)s \
+ --enable-static --enable-pic --disable-shared \
+ --disable-avdevice --disable-postproc --disable-swscale \
+ --disable-programs --disable-ffplay --disable-ffprobe --disable-ffmpeg \
+ --disable-encoder=flac --disable-protocols --disable-devices \
+ --disable-network --disable-hwaccels --disable-dxva2 --disable-vdpau \
+ --disable-filters --enable-filter=yadif --disable-doc --disable-d3d11va \
+ --disable-audiotoolbox --disable-videotoolbox --disable-vaapi --disable-crystalhd \
+ --disable-mediacodec --disable-nvenc --disable-mmal --disable-omx \
+ --disable-omx-rpi --disable-cuda --disable-cuvid --disable-libmfx \
+ --disable-libnpp --disable-iconv --disable-jni --disable-v4l2_m2m \
+ --enable-optimizations --disable-nonfree --disable-version3 %(options)s"
+ deps = ['bzip2', 'zlib']
+ files_devel = [
+ 'lib/libavcodec.a', 'lib/',
+ 'lib/libavformat.a', 'lib/',
+ 'lib/libavutil.a', 'lib/',
+ 'lib/libswresample.a', 'lib/',
+ 'lib/libavfilter.a', 'lib/',
+ ]
+ def prepare(self):
+ # Default AS is $CC, except iOS (set below)
+ if Architecture.is_arm(self.config.target_arch):
+ if self.config.target_platform == Platform.IOS:
+ if 'GAS' in os.environ:
+ self.set_env('AS', os.environ['GAS'])
+ else:
+ self.set_env('AS', os.environ['CC'])
+ # Explicitly disable nonfree code and [l]gplv3 in case upstream changes
+ # the default
+ libavextraconf = ""
+ # Arch-specific flags
+ if self.config.target_platform == Platform.DARWIN:
+ if self.config.target_arch == Architecture.X86_64:
+ asflags = ' -arch x86_64 -m64'
+ elif self.config.target_arch == Architecture.X86:
+ asflags = ' -arch i386 -m32'
+ self.configure_options += ' ASFLAGS="%s"' % asflags
+ elif self.config.target_platform == Platform.ANDROID:
+ if self.config.target_arch == Architecture.X86:
+ # libav internally aligns stacks, while Android doesn't
+ libavextraconf += " --extra-cflags='-mincoming-stack-boundary=4'"
+ elif self.config.target_arch in [Architecture.ARM, Architecture.ARMv7]:
+ # Fails to link into an android App
+ #
+ libavextraconf += " --disable-neon"
+ if self.config.target_arch in [Architecture.X86]:
+ # Fails to link into an android app with relocation warnings
+ # in the custom assembly
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ libavextraconf += " --disable-asm"
+ elif self.config.target_platform == Platform.IOS:
+ # Some optimisations that were previously silently disabled
+ # cause warnings now. Ignore them
+ libavextraconf += " --extra-cflags='-Wno-ignored-optimization-argument' "
+ self.configure_options += libavextraconf
+ def configure(self):
+ super(recipe.Recipe, self).configure()
+ libav_path = self.build_dir
+ if self.config.target_platform == Platform.WINDOWS:
+ replacements = {'RANLIB=ranlib': 'RANLIB=%s' % os.environ['RANLIB'],
+ 'RANLIB=%s-ranlib' % 'RANLIB=%s' % os.environ['RANLIB']}
+ shell.replace(os.path.join(libav_path, 'ffbuild', 'config.mak'), replacements)
+ elif self.config.target_platform in [Platform.DARWIN, Platform.IOS]:
+ if self.config.target_arch == Architecture.X86:
+ replacements = {'HAVE_EBX_AVAILABLE=yes': 'HAVE_EBX_AVAILABLE=no',
+ shell.replace(os.path.join(libav_path, 'ffbuild', 'config.mak'), replacements)
+ shell.replace(os.path.join(libav_path, 'config.h'), replacements)
+ if self.config.target_platform == Platform.IOS:
+ replacements = {'RANLIB=ranlib': 'RANLIB=%s' % os.environ['RANLIB'],
+ 'RANLIB=%s-ranlib' % 'RANLIB=%s' % os.environ['RANLIB']}
+ shell.replace(os.path.join(libav_path, 'ffbuild', 'config.mak'), replacements)
+ # log2 and log2f are not provided by bionic, but they are not checked
+ # properly
+ elif self.config.target_platform == Platform.ANDROID:
+ replacements = {'HAVE_LOG2 1': 'HAVE_LOG2 0',
+ 'HAVE_LOG2F 1': 'HAVE_LOG2F 0',}
+ shell.replace(os.path.join(libav_path, 'config.h'), replacements)
+ v = DistroVersion.get_android_api_version(self.config.target_distro_version)
+ if self.config.target_arch in [Architecture.ARM, Architecture.ARMv7, Architecture.X86] and v < 21:
+ replacements = {'-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64': '',}
+ shell.replace(os.path.join(libav_path, 'ffbuild', 'config.mak'), replacements)
+ def post_install(self):
+ LibtoolLibrary('avutil', None, None, None,
+ self.config.libdir, self.config.target_platform).save()
+ LibtoolLibrary('swresample', None, None, None,
+ self.config.libdir, self.config.target_platform,
+ deps=['avutil']).save()
+ LibtoolLibrary('avcodec', None, None, None,
+ self.config.libdir, self.config.target_platform,
+ deps=['swresample', 'avutil', 'z']).save()
+ LibtoolLibrary('avformat', None, None, None,
+ self.config.libdir, self.config.target_platform,
+ deps=['avcodec', 'swresample', 'avutil', 'bz2', 'z']).save()
+ LibtoolLibrary('avfilter', None, None, None,
+ self.config.libdir, self.config.target_platform,
+ deps=['avformat', 'avcodec', 'swresample', 'avutil']).save()