/* * Copyright © 2004 David Reveman * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without * fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies * and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice * appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of * David Reveman not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to * distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. * David Reveman makes no representations about the suitability of this * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or * implied warranty. * * DAVID REVEMAN DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN * NO EVENT SHALL DAVID REVEMAN BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS * OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Author: David Reveman */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "../config.h" #endif #include "glitzint.h" #include #include glitz_surface_t * glitz_surface_create (glitz_drawable_t *drawable, glitz_format_t *format, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned long mask, glitz_surface_attributes_t *attributes) { glitz_surface_t *surface; glitz_bool_t unnormalized = 0; unsigned long feature_mask = drawable->backend->feature_mask; if (!width || !height) return NULL; if (mask & GLITZ_SURFACE_UNNORMALIZED_MASK) { if (attributes->unnormalized) { if (!(feature_mask & GLITZ_FEATURE_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_MASK)) return NULL; unnormalized = 1; } } surface = (glitz_surface_t *) calloc (1, sizeof (glitz_surface_t)); if (surface == NULL) return NULL; surface->drawable = drawable; glitz_drawable_reference (drawable); surface->ref_count = 1; surface->filter = GLITZ_FILTER_NEAREST; surface->format = format; surface->box.x2 = (short) width; surface->box.y2 = (short) height; surface->clip = &surface->box; surface->n_clip = 1; surface->buffer = GLITZ_GL_FRONT; if (width == 1 && height == 1) { surface->flags |= GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_SOLID_MASK; surface->solid.alpha = 0xffff; GLITZ_REGION_INIT (&surface->texture_damage, &surface->box); GLITZ_REGION_INIT (&surface->drawable_damage, &surface->box); } else { GLITZ_REGION_INIT (&surface->texture_damage, GLITZ_NULL_BOX); GLITZ_REGION_INIT (&surface->drawable_damage, GLITZ_NULL_BOX); } glitz_texture_init (&surface->texture, width, height, drawable->backend->texture_formats[format->id], surface->format->color.fourcc, feature_mask, unnormalized); glitz_surface_set_filter (surface, GLITZ_FILTER_NEAREST, NULL, 0); if (width > 64 || height > 64) { glitz_surface_push_current (surface, GLITZ_CONTEXT_CURRENT); glitz_texture_size_check (drawable->backend->gl, &surface->texture, drawable->backend->max_texture_2d_size, drawable->backend->max_texture_rect_size); glitz_surface_pop_current (surface); if (TEXTURE_INVALID_SIZE (&surface->texture)) { glitz_surface_destroy (surface); return NULL; } } return surface; } void glitz_surface_destroy (glitz_surface_t *surface) { if (!surface) return; surface->ref_count--; if (surface->ref_count) return; if (surface->attached) { surface->attached->backend->detach_notify (surface->attached, surface); if (surface->attached->front == surface) surface->attached->front = NULL; else if (surface->attached->back == surface) surface->attached->back = NULL; glitz_drawable_destroy (surface->attached); surface->attached = NULL; } if (surface->texture.name) { glitz_surface_push_current (surface, GLITZ_ANY_CONTEXT_CURRENT); glitz_texture_fini (surface->drawable->backend->gl, &surface->texture); glitz_surface_pop_current (surface); } GLITZ_REGION_UNINIT (&surface->texture_damage); GLITZ_REGION_UNINIT (&surface->drawable_damage); if (surface->geometry.buffer) glitz_buffer_destroy (surface->geometry.buffer); if (surface->geometry.array) glitz_multi_array_destroy (surface->geometry.array); if (surface->transform) free (surface->transform); if (surface->filter_params) free (surface->filter_params); glitz_drawable_destroy (surface->drawable); free (surface); } void glitz_surface_reference (glitz_surface_t *surface) { if (surface == NULL) return; surface->ref_count++; } void _glitz_surface_sync_texture (glitz_surface_t *surface) { if (GLITZ_REGION_NOTEMPTY (&surface->texture_damage)) { glitz_box_t *box; int n_box; GLITZ_GL_SURFACE (surface); if (!(TEXTURE_ALLOCATED (&surface->texture))) glitz_texture_allocate (gl, &surface->texture); if (SURFACE_SOLID (surface) && (!SURFACE_SOLID_DAMAGE (surface))) { glitz_gl_float_t color[4]; if (TEXTURE_ALLOCATED (&surface->texture)) { color[0] = surface->solid.red / 65535.0f; color[1] = surface->solid.green / 65535.0f; color[2] = surface->solid.blue / 65535.0f; color[3] = surface->solid.alpha / 65535.0f; glitz_texture_bind (gl, &surface->texture); gl->tex_sub_image_2d (surface->texture.target, 0, surface->texture.box.x1, surface->texture.box.y1, 1, 1, GLITZ_GL_RGBA, GLITZ_GL_FLOAT, color); glitz_texture_unbind (gl, &surface->texture); } GLITZ_REGION_EMPTY (&surface->texture_damage); return; } glitz_surface_push_current (surface, GLITZ_DRAWABLE_CURRENT); surface->drawable->backend->read_buffer (surface->drawable, surface->buffer); gl->disable (GLITZ_GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glitz_texture_bind (gl, &surface->texture); box = GLITZ_REGION_RECTS (&surface->texture_damage); n_box = GLITZ_REGION_NUM_RECTS (&surface->texture_damage); while (n_box--) { glitz_texture_copy_drawable (gl, &surface->texture, surface->attached, box->x1 + surface->x, box->y1 + surface->y, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1, box->x1, box->y1); box++; } GLITZ_REGION_EMPTY (&surface->texture_damage); glitz_texture_unbind (gl, &surface->texture); gl->enable (GLITZ_GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glitz_surface_pop_current (surface); } } void glitz_surface_sync_drawable (glitz_surface_t *surface) { if (GLITZ_REGION_NOTEMPTY (&surface->drawable_damage)) { glitz_texture_t *texture; glitz_texture_parameters_t param; glitz_box_t *box, *ext; int n_box; GLITZ_GL_SURFACE (surface); texture = glitz_surface_get_texture (surface, 0); if (!texture) return; box = GLITZ_REGION_RECTS (&surface->drawable_damage); ext = GLITZ_REGION_EXTENTS (&surface->drawable_damage); n_box = GLITZ_REGION_NUM_RECTS (&surface->drawable_damage); glitz_texture_bind (gl, texture); glitz_texture_set_tex_gen (gl, texture, NULL, 0, 0, GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAGS_GEN_COORDS_MASK, NULL); gl->tex_env_f (GLITZ_GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GLITZ_GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GLITZ_GL_REPLACE); gl->color_4us (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xffff); param.filter[0] = param.filter[1] = GLITZ_GL_NEAREST; param.wrap[0] = param.wrap[1] = GLITZ_GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE; glitz_texture_ensure_parameters (gl, texture, ¶m); glitz_set_operator (gl, GLITZ_OPERATOR_SRC); gl->scissor (surface->x + ext->x1, surface->attached->height - surface->y - ext->y2, ext->x2 - ext->x1, ext->y2 - ext->y1); if (n_box > 1) { glitz_float_t *data; void *ptr; int vertices; ptr = malloc (n_box * 8 * sizeof (glitz_float_t)); if (!ptr) { glitz_surface_status_add (surface, GLITZ_STATUS_NO_MEMORY_MASK); return; } data = (glitz_float_t *) ptr; vertices = n_box << 2; while (n_box--) { *data++ = (glitz_float_t) box->x1; *data++ = (glitz_float_t) box->y1; *data++ = (glitz_float_t) box->x2; *data++ = (glitz_float_t) box->y1; *data++ = (glitz_float_t) box->x2; *data++ = (glitz_float_t) box->y2; *data++ = (glitz_float_t) box->x1; *data++ = (glitz_float_t) box->y2; box++; } gl->vertex_pointer (2, GLITZ_GL_FLOAT, 0, ptr); gl->draw_arrays (GLITZ_GL_QUADS, 0, vertices); free (ptr); } else { glitz_geometry_enable_none (gl, surface, ext); gl->draw_arrays (GLITZ_GL_QUADS, 0, 4); } glitz_texture_unbind (gl, texture); GLITZ_REGION_EMPTY (&surface->drawable_damage); } } void glitz_surface_sync_solid (glitz_surface_t *surface) { if (SURFACE_SOLID_DAMAGE (surface)) { glitz_gl_float_t *c, color[64]; glitz_texture_t *texture; GLITZ_GL_SURFACE (surface); texture = glitz_surface_get_texture (surface, 0); c = &color[(texture->box.y1 * texture->width + texture->box.x1) * 4]; if (texture) { glitz_texture_bind (gl, texture); gl->get_tex_image (texture->target, 0, GLITZ_GL_RGBA, GLITZ_GL_FLOAT, color); glitz_texture_unbind (gl, texture); } else { c[0] = c[1] = c[2] = 0.0f; c[3] = 1.0f; } surface->solid.red = c[0] * 65535.0f; surface->solid.green = c[1] * 65535.0f; surface->solid.blue = c[2] * 65535.0f; surface->solid.alpha = c[3] * 65535.0f; surface->flags &= ~GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_SOLID_DAMAGE_MASK; } } glitz_texture_t * glitz_surface_get_texture (glitz_surface_t *surface, glitz_bool_t allocate) { GLITZ_GL_SURFACE (surface); if (GLITZ_REGION_NOTEMPTY (&surface->texture_damage)) { _glitz_surface_sync_texture (surface); } else if (allocate) { if (!(TEXTURE_ALLOCATED (&surface->texture))) glitz_texture_allocate (gl, &surface->texture); } if (TEXTURE_ALLOCATED (&surface->texture)) return &surface->texture; return NULL; } void glitz_surface_damage (glitz_surface_t *surface, glitz_box_t *box, int what) { if (surface->attached && !DRAWABLE_IS_FBO (surface->attached)) { if (box) { if (what & GLITZ_DAMAGE_DRAWABLE_MASK) GLITZ_REGION_UNION (&surface->drawable_damage, box); if (surface->attached && (what & GLITZ_DAMAGE_TEXTURE_MASK)) GLITZ_REGION_UNION (&surface->texture_damage, box); } else { if (what & GLITZ_DAMAGE_DRAWABLE_MASK) { GLITZ_REGION_EMPTY (&surface->drawable_damage); GLITZ_REGION_INIT (&surface->drawable_damage, &surface->box); } if (surface->attached && (what & GLITZ_DAMAGE_TEXTURE_MASK)) { GLITZ_REGION_EMPTY (&surface->texture_damage); GLITZ_REGION_INIT (&surface->texture_damage, &surface->box); } } } if (what & GLITZ_DAMAGE_SOLID_MASK) surface->flags |= GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_SOLID_DAMAGE_MASK; } void glitz_surface_status_add (glitz_surface_t *surface, int flags) { surface->status_mask |= flags; } static void _glitz_surface_update_state (glitz_surface_t *surface) { glitz_drawable_t *drawable; int width, height; GLITZ_GL_SURFACE (surface); drawable = surface->attached; width = drawable->width; height = drawable->height; if (drawable->update_all || drawable->viewport.x != surface->x || drawable->viewport.y != surface->y || drawable->viewport.width != surface->box.x2 || drawable->viewport.height != surface->box.y2) { gl->viewport (surface->x, height - surface->y - surface->box.y2, surface->box.x2, surface->box.y2); gl->matrix_mode (GLITZ_GL_PROJECTION); gl->load_identity (); gl->ortho (0.0, surface->box.x2, height - surface->box.y2, height, -1.0, 1.0); gl->matrix_mode (GLITZ_GL_MODELVIEW); gl->load_identity (); gl->scale_f (1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f); gl->translate_f (0.0f, -height, 0.0f); drawable->viewport.x = surface->x; drawable->viewport.y = surface->y; drawable->viewport.width = surface->box.x2; drawable->viewport.height = surface->box.y2; drawable->update_all = 0; } drawable->backend->draw_buffer (drawable, surface->buffer); if (SURFACE_DITHER (surface)) gl->enable (GLITZ_GL_DITHER); else gl->disable (GLITZ_GL_DITHER); } void glitz_surface_attach (glitz_surface_t *surface, glitz_drawable_t *drawable, glitz_drawable_buffer_t buffer) { if (drawable) { if (buffer == GLITZ_DRAWABLE_BUFFER_FRONT_COLOR) { if (surface == drawable->front) return; if (surface->format->color.fourcc != GLITZ_FOURCC_RGB) drawable = NULL; if (drawable) { glitz_drawable_reference (drawable); if (drawable->front) glitz_surface_detach (drawable->front); drawable->front = surface; } surface->buffer = GLITZ_GL_FRONT; } else if ((buffer == GLITZ_DRAWABLE_BUFFER_BACK_COLOR) && drawable->format->d.doublebuffer) { if (surface == drawable->back) return; if (surface->format->color.fourcc != GLITZ_FOURCC_RGB) drawable = NULL; if (drawable) { glitz_drawable_reference (drawable); if (drawable->back) glitz_surface_detach (drawable->back); drawable->back = surface; } surface->buffer = GLITZ_GL_BACK; } else drawable = NULL; } if (surface->attached) glitz_surface_detach (surface); surface->attached = drawable; if (drawable) { surface->attached->backend->attach_notify (drawable, surface); if (TEXTURE_ALLOCATED (&surface->texture)) glitz_surface_damage (surface, NULL, GLITZ_DAMAGE_DRAWABLE_MASK); if ((!SURFACE_SOLID (surface)) || SURFACE_SOLID_DAMAGE (surface)) GLITZ_REGION_EMPTY (&surface->texture_damage); } } void glitz_surface_detach (glitz_surface_t *surface) { if (!surface->attached) return; if (GLITZ_REGION_NOTEMPTY (&surface->texture_damage)) { glitz_surface_push_current (surface, GLITZ_DRAWABLE_CURRENT); _glitz_surface_sync_texture (surface); glitz_surface_pop_current (surface); } surface->attached->backend->detach_notify (surface->attached, surface); if (surface == surface->attached->front) surface->attached->front = NULL; if (surface == surface->attached->back) surface->attached->back = NULL; glitz_drawable_destroy (surface->attached); surface->attached = NULL; GLITZ_REGION_EMPTY (&surface->drawable_damage); GLITZ_REGION_INIT (&surface->drawable_damage, &surface->box); } glitz_drawable_t * glitz_surface_get_drawable (glitz_surface_t *surface) { return surface->drawable; } slim_hidden_def(glitz_surface_get_drawable); glitz_drawable_t * glitz_surface_get_attached_drawable (glitz_surface_t *surface) { return surface->attached; } slim_hidden_def(glitz_surface_get_attached_drawable); glitz_bool_t glitz_surface_push_current (glitz_surface_t *surface, glitz_constraint_t constraint) { glitz_drawable_t *drawable; if (surface->attached) { drawable = surface->attached; if (drawable->backend->push_current (drawable, surface, constraint, NULL)) { if (constraint == GLITZ_DRAWABLE_CURRENT) { if (drawable->backend->feature_mask & GLITZ_FEATURE_FRAMEBUFFER_OBJECT_MASK) { if (!surface->fb) { GLITZ_GL_DRAWABLE (drawable); gl->bind_framebuffer (GLITZ_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0); _glitz_surface_update_state (surface); glitz_surface_sync_drawable (surface); } else { _glitz_surface_update_state (surface); } } else { _glitz_surface_update_state (surface); glitz_surface_sync_drawable (surface); } } return 1; } return 0; } else { drawable = surface->drawable; if (constraint == GLITZ_DRAWABLE_CURRENT) { drawable->backend->push_current (drawable, surface, GLITZ_ANY_CONTEXT_CURRENT, NULL); } else { return drawable->backend->push_current (drawable, surface, constraint, NULL); } } return 0; } void glitz_surface_pop_current (glitz_surface_t *surface) { glitz_drawable_t *drawable; glitz_surface_t *other; drawable = (surface->attached) ? surface->attached : surface->drawable; other = drawable->backend->pop_current (drawable); if (other) { if (other->fb) drawable->backend->gl->bind_framebuffer (GLITZ_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, other->fb); _glitz_surface_update_state (other); } } void glitz_surface_set_transform (glitz_surface_t *surface, glitz_transform_t *transform) { static glitz_transform_t identity = { { { FIXED1, 0x00000, 0x00000 }, { 0x00000, FIXED1, 0x00000 }, { 0x00000, 0x00000, FIXED1 } } }; if (transform && memcmp (transform, &identity, sizeof (glitz_transform_t)) == 0) transform = NULL; if (transform) { glitz_gl_float_t height, *m, *t; if (!surface->transform) { surface->transform = malloc (sizeof (glitz_matrix_t)); if (surface->transform == NULL) { glitz_surface_status_add (surface, GLITZ_STATUS_NO_MEMORY_MASK); return; } } m = surface->transform->m; t = surface->transform->t; m[0] = FIXED_TO_FLOAT (transform->matrix[0][0]); m[4] = FIXED_TO_FLOAT (transform->matrix[0][1]); m[8] = 0.0f; m[12] = FIXED_TO_FLOAT (transform->matrix[0][2]); m[1] = FIXED_TO_FLOAT (transform->matrix[1][0]); m[5] = FIXED_TO_FLOAT (transform->matrix[1][1]); m[9] = 0.0f; m[13] = FIXED_TO_FLOAT (transform->matrix[1][2]); m[2] = 0.0f; m[6] = 0.0f; m[10] = 1.0f; m[14] = 0.0f; m[3] = FIXED_TO_FLOAT (transform->matrix[2][0]); m[7] = FIXED_TO_FLOAT (transform->matrix[2][1]); m[11] = 0.0f; m[15] = FIXED_TO_FLOAT (transform->matrix[2][2]); /* Projective transformation matrix conversion to normalized texture coordinates seems to be working fine. However, it would be good if someone could verify that this is actually a correct way for doing this. We need to do this: scale (IDENTITY, 0, -1) translate (IDENTITY, 0, -texture_height) multiply (TEXTURE_MATRIX, IDENTITY, MATRIX) scale (TEXTURE_MATRIX, 0, -1) translate (TEXTURE_MATRIX, 0, -texture_height) the following code does it pretty efficiently. */ height = surface->texture.texcoord_height_unit * (surface->texture.box.y2 - surface->texture.box.y1); t[0] = m[0]; t[4] = m[4]; t[8] = 0.0f; t[12] = surface->texture.texcoord_width_unit * m[12]; t[3] = m[3] / surface->texture.texcoord_width_unit; t[7] = m[7] / surface->texture.texcoord_height_unit; t[11] = 0.0f; t[15] = m[15]; t[1] = height * t[3] - m[1]; t[5] = height * t[7] - m[5]; t[9] = 0.0f; t[13] = height * t[15] - surface->texture.texcoord_height_unit * m[13]; t[2] = 0.0f; t[6] = 0.0f; t[10] = 1.0f; t[14] = 0.0f; /* scale y = -1 */ t[4] = -t[4]; t[5] = -t[5]; t[7] = -t[7]; /* translate y = -texture_height */ t[12] -= t[4] * height; t[13] -= t[5] * height; t[15] -= t[7] * height; /* Translate coordinates into texture. This only makes a difference when GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp is missing as box.x1 and box.y1 are otherwise always zero. This breaks projective transformations so those wont work without GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp. */ t[12] += surface->texture.texcoord_width_unit * surface->texture.box.x1; t[13] += surface->texture.texcoord_height_unit * surface->texture.box.y1; surface->flags |= GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_TRANSFORM_MASK; if (m[3] != 0.0f || m[7] != 0.0f || (m[15] != 1.0f && m[15] != -1.0f)) surface->flags |= GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_PROJECTIVE_TRANSFORM_MASK; } else { if (surface->transform) free (surface->transform); surface->transform = NULL; surface->flags &= ~GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_TRANSFORM_MASK; surface->flags &= ~GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_PROJECTIVE_TRANSFORM_MASK; } } slim_hidden_def(glitz_surface_set_transform); void glitz_surface_set_fill (glitz_surface_t *surface, glitz_fill_t fill) { switch (fill) { case GLITZ_FILL_TRANSPARENT: surface->flags &= ~GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_REPEAT_MASK; surface->flags &= ~GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_MIRRORED_MASK; surface->flags &= ~GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_PAD_MASK; break; case GLITZ_FILL_NEAREST: surface->flags &= ~GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_REPEAT_MASK; surface->flags &= ~GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_MIRRORED_MASK; surface->flags |= GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_PAD_MASK; break; case GLITZ_FILL_REPEAT: surface->flags |= GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_REPEAT_MASK; surface->flags &= ~GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_MIRRORED_MASK; surface->flags &= ~GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_PAD_MASK; break; case GLITZ_FILL_REFLECT: surface->flags |= GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_REPEAT_MASK; surface->flags |= GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_MIRRORED_MASK; surface->flags &= ~GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_PAD_MASK; break; } glitz_filter_set_type (surface, surface->filter); } slim_hidden_def(glitz_surface_set_fill); void glitz_surface_set_component_alpha (glitz_surface_t *surface, glitz_bool_t component_alpha) { if (component_alpha && surface->format->color.red_size) surface->flags |= GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_COMPONENT_ALPHA_MASK; else surface->flags &= ~GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_COMPONENT_ALPHA_MASK; } slim_hidden_def(glitz_surface_set_component_alpha); void glitz_surface_set_filter (glitz_surface_t *surface, glitz_filter_t filter, glitz_fixed16_16_t *params, int n_params) { glitz_status_t status; status = glitz_filter_set_params (surface, filter, params, n_params); if (status) { glitz_surface_status_add (surface, glitz_status_to_status_mask (status)); } else { switch (filter) { case GLITZ_FILTER_NEAREST: switch (surface->format->color.fourcc) { case GLITZ_FOURCC_YV12: surface->flags |= GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_FRAGMENT_FILTER_MASK; break; default: surface->flags &= ~GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_FRAGMENT_FILTER_MASK; } surface->flags &= ~GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_LINEAR_TRANSFORM_FILTER_MASK; surface->flags &= ~GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_IGNORE_WRAP_MASK; surface->flags &= ~GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_EYE_COORDS_MASK; break; case GLITZ_FILTER_BILINEAR: switch (surface->format->color.fourcc) { case GLITZ_FOURCC_YV12: surface->flags |= GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_FRAGMENT_FILTER_MASK; break; default: surface->flags &= ~GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_FRAGMENT_FILTER_MASK; } surface->flags |= GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_LINEAR_TRANSFORM_FILTER_MASK; surface->flags &= ~GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_IGNORE_WRAP_MASK; surface->flags &= ~GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_EYE_COORDS_MASK; break; case GLITZ_FILTER_CONVOLUTION: case GLITZ_FILTER_GAUSSIAN: surface->flags |= GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_FRAGMENT_FILTER_MASK; surface->flags |= GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_LINEAR_TRANSFORM_FILTER_MASK; surface->flags &= ~GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_IGNORE_WRAP_MASK; surface->flags &= ~GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_EYE_COORDS_MASK; break; case GLITZ_FILTER_LINEAR_GRADIENT: case GLITZ_FILTER_RADIAL_GRADIENT: surface->flags |= GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_FRAGMENT_FILTER_MASK; surface->flags &= ~GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_LINEAR_TRANSFORM_FILTER_MASK; surface->flags |= GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_IGNORE_WRAP_MASK; surface->flags |= GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_EYE_COORDS_MASK; break; } surface->filter = filter; } } slim_hidden_def(glitz_surface_set_filter); void glitz_surface_set_dither (glitz_surface_t *surface, glitz_bool_t dither) { if (dither) surface->flags |= GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_DITHER_MASK; else surface->flags &= ~GLITZ_SURFACE_FLAG_DITHER_MASK; } slim_hidden_def(glitz_surface_set_dither); void glitz_surface_flush (glitz_surface_t *surface) { if (!surface->attached) return; if (!DRAWABLE_IS_FBO (surface->attached)) { if (GLITZ_REGION_NOTEMPTY (&surface->drawable_damage)) { glitz_surface_push_current (surface, GLITZ_DRAWABLE_CURRENT); glitz_surface_pop_current (surface); } } } slim_hidden_def(glitz_surface_flush); unsigned int glitz_surface_get_width (glitz_surface_t *surface) { return (unsigned int) surface->box.x2; } slim_hidden_def(glitz_surface_get_width); unsigned int glitz_surface_get_height (glitz_surface_t *surface) { return (unsigned int) surface->box.y2; } slim_hidden_def(glitz_surface_get_height); glitz_status_t glitz_surface_get_status (glitz_surface_t *surface) { return glitz_status_pop_from_mask (&surface->status_mask); } slim_hidden_def(glitz_surface_get_status); glitz_format_t * glitz_surface_get_format (glitz_surface_t *surface) { return surface->format; } slim_hidden_def(glitz_surface_get_format); void glitz_surface_translate_point (glitz_surface_t *surface, glitz_point_fixed_t *src, glitz_point_fixed_t *dst) { if (surface->texture.target == GLITZ_GL_TEXTURE_2D) { dst->x = (INT_TO_FIXED (surface->texture.box.x1) + src->x) / surface->texture.width; dst->y = (INT_TO_FIXED (surface->texture.box.y2) - src->y) / surface->texture.height; } else { dst->x = INT_TO_FIXED (surface->texture.box.x1) + src->x; dst->y = INT_TO_FIXED (surface->texture.box.y2) - src->y; } } slim_hidden_def(glitz_surface_translate_point); void glitz_surface_set_clip_region (glitz_surface_t *surface, int x_origin, int y_origin, glitz_box_t *box, int n_box) { if (n_box) { surface->clip = box; surface->n_clip = n_box; surface->x_clip = x_origin; surface->y_clip = y_origin; } else { surface->clip = &surface->box; surface->n_clip = 1; surface->x_clip = surface->y_clip = 0; } } slim_hidden_def(glitz_surface_set_clip_region);