INSTALL ======= ``` $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt ``` Optionaly generate and copy or symlink manpage into your $MANPATH ``` $ a2x --doctype manpage --format manpage git-phab.txt $ ln -s $PWD/git-phab.1 ~/.local/share/man/man1/ ``` Optionaly enable bash completion: ``` $ sudo activate-global-python-argcomplete3 ``` And add this in your ~/.bash_completion: ``` function _git_phab() { COMP_WORDS=(git-phab ${COMP_WORDS[@]:2}) COMP_CWORD=$((COMP_CWORD - 1)) COMP_LINE=${COMP_LINE/git phab/git-phab} _python_argcomplete_global git-phab } ``` REQUIREMENTS ============ See requirements.txt DESCRIPTION =========== Git subcommand to integrate with phabricator. WORKFLOW EXAMPLE ================ First, specify a personal remote repository where to push WIP branches: ``` $ git config phab.remote xclaesse ``` Make sure the fetch URL of the repository can be accessed by the reviewers. For example if your remote is called `github`: ``` $ git remote show github | grep URL Fetch URL: Push URL: $ git remote set-url github $ git remote set-url --push github $ git remote show github | grep URL Fetch URL: Push URL: ``` Before starting your work, create a branch: ``` $ git checkout -b fix-bugs origin/master Branch fix-bugs set up to track remote branch master from origin. Switched to a new branch 'fix-bugs' ``` Note that is it important to set the tracking remote branch, git-phab will use it to set the default commit range to attach. Now fix your bugs... When the branch is ready for review, attach it (requesting the creation of a new task): ``` $ git phab attach --task Using revision range 'origin/master..' a3beba9 — Not attached — Truncate all_commits when filtering already proposed commits Attach above commits and create a new task? [yn] y (...) Push HEAD to xclaesse/wip/phab/T3436-fix-bugs? [yn] y Create and checkout a new branch called: T3436-fix-bugs? [yn] y Summary: New: task T3436 New: 66b48b9 — D483 — Truncate all_commits when filtering already proposed commits Branch pushed to xclaesse/wip/phab/T3436-fix-bugs Branch T3436-fix-bugs created and checked out ``` Note that the current branch name wasn't starting with a task ID, so it proposed to create a new one. If you already had a task for it, just pass `--task` option. But it created a new branch prefixed with the task ID so future git-phab commands will know which task this branch refers to: ``` $ git branch * T3436-fix-bugs fix-bugs master ``` When your commits have been accepted, merge them: ``` $ git checkout master $ git merge T3436-fix-bugs $ git phab land 66b48b9 — D483 Accepted — Truncate all_commits when filtering already proposed commits Do you want to push above commits? [yn] y Do you want to close 'T3436'? [yn] y ``` You can now cleanup your branches: ``` $ git phab clean Task 'T3436' has been closed, do you want to delete branch 'T3436-fix-bugs'? [yn] y -> Branch T3436-fix-bugs was deleted Task 'T3436' has been closed, do you want to delete branch 'xclaesse/wip/phab/T3436-fix-a-bug'? [yn] y -> Branch xclaesse/wip/phab/T3436-fix-a-bug was deleted ```